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February 8th, 2018, 11:42 AM
Ivypaw's heart rate quickened as she saw her mentor, mentally trying to calm herself so she didn't look too eager. "Hi Eagleflower! I'm ready for training today! Could we start with battle training?" she asked eagerly, not hiding her excitement. Ivypaw couldn't wait to use her muscles so that they ripple under her pelt like the warriors' muscles did. She flexed her claws out and dug them into the ground in a poor attempt to hide her excitement.
Bump Lefty the bear(:

February 8th, 2018, 11:44 AM
Another purr rattled Emberwing's chest as she swept her fluffy tail across the ground behind her. It was truly a pleasure to watch Brightkit coming up with idea after idea, and certainly a young kit like that would be a great addition to the already training apprentices ThunderClan had. "Yes, I can't wait to tell all of my stories to my future apprentice. There are definitely some good ones!" The thought alone made the warrior happy, and she envisioned the day Snowstar would finally entrust her with the training of a future ThunderClan warrior. Oh, how exciting that will be! she thought, getting lost for a bit in her own mind. I'll make sure they're the best warrior even StarClan has ever seen!

Bringing her attention back to Brightkit, who danced eagerly on tiny paws before her, Emberwing chuckled. "I would love to play. We can do whichever game you want!" she offered the kit, crouching down so she was at eye level with the younger feline. "We can always do them all! Though, I'm not sure if we'll have time." She wasn't sure of Snowstar or Passionblaze would want her for an evening patrol later, but she figured whatever games they didn't get to today, could be saved for another slow morning. "But we can try to play as many as we can!" She lifted her plume off the ground and waved it energetically overhead, ears pricked and alert for Brightkit's answer.

The truth be told, Emberwing had been relatively lonely the past few moons. Sure, she had friends, and was well known among the Clan, but she didn't have one thing that all her friends seemed to have; an apprentice. So when they were all resting in the warriors' den after a long day of group training, and were exchanging stories of teaching battle moves or hunting crouches, the russet warrior couldn't chime in. Still, she listened intently, if only to improve her chances of being a great mentor when her time finally did come.
A bright smile lit up the kit’s face at Emberwing telling her that they could play as many games as possible before they ran out of time. ”We can? YAY! How about we start with moss-ball… if you remember how to play moss-ball, I mean, it’s pretty easy to learn! Martenkit and I play it all the time and we’re really good at it! So you have a really good teacher! And… ooh, ooh, after we’re done with that, if we still have time, then you can show me your warrior moves! I would love to learn them!” The patched kit squealed, her tail twitching back and forth eagerly as she went through a mental list of all the games they could play - this was going to be FUN! Brightkit wasn’t often lonely - she was always finding someone to play with, and it was nice to have an older friend that seemed to like her.

Warriors could find the younger kit annoying most of the time, because she was a distraction - constantly asking questions, constantly wanting to to play, and forever in their business. It was a strange day indeed when the young kit was quiet or calm, and today was no exception to that rule. As usual, she had been bouncing around - getting a few scornful or disgusted looks, but none of them ever stuck to her - and it was just her luck that she should bump into Emberwing! Wow! Today’s going to be even better than yesterday, which was an amazing day, so that makes this… the BEST of BEST DAYS!

The young feline mentally squealed, her tail twitching back and forth, that smile still on her maw as she thought about what this “best of best days” was going to look like. They would, of course, play as many games as possible - and then, perhaps, tomorrow morning she would find Emberwing again and the two of them could play even more games! The young kit mentally squealed again at the thought of this, her blue eye sparkling and her green one - though cloudy and unfocused - seeming to be almost sparkling as well, even through the darkness of it.

February 8th, 2018, 12:06 PM
His eyes flickered somewhere else, staying rather quiet. Snowpaw looked back at her. He was half hoping she wouldn't notice him. However she did, it was too late to just leave. Not without Caliapaw yowling at him. "I guess?" The tom replied, it was quieter than usual. He couldn't help but try to see if she was injured. It was hard not to think about it. With Wheatfur's death, he didn't want that to happen to Caliapaw. No one, really. However Snowpaw tried to not make it that obvious which only made it more obvious. His eyes seem rather dull, worn out from the war. He didn't bother with much small talk. Snowpaw sucked in his teeth when she placed the cobwebs on his wounds. The pain stung, something he would never get use to. "Ow.." He muttered under his breath, almost inaudibly. He didn't think much about his shoulder or wounds. He didn't exactly care about much as he should. Snowpaw was careless with his wounds, no doubt. "Are you injured?" He soon blurted out, Snowpaw didn't find any wounds. Not any that he could see anyway. Even if it wasn't his job he still wanted to know. The sentence slipped out, he didn't actually want her to know. His mind went straight to that she would think that he saw her as defenseless. Even if he kind of did.
Caliapaw’s ears flicked backwards at the muttered “ow,” but she should have expected it. The scratches were going to hurt - they weren’t severe enough to be a major concern, but they were pretty bad. Painful enough that no cat would want them. Except, it seemed, for Snowpaw. Had he even thought about what he was doing? Caliapaw cared about her Clan as much as anyone, but this battle seemed silly and immature. Blazingstar and Snowstar were squabbling like kits, and there had to be a better way to deal with this. Not that Caliapaw knew what it was. She could assume it was talking, but since she wasn’t the leader, perhaps she was wrong. Snowpaw’s question caught her by surprise. She had been heading back to check on Doepaw when he had asked her about it, and her eyes widened a little. ”Am I injured? Do I look hurt to you?” The feline half-snapped, her expression frustrated as she glared at her brother. There were so many who were injured, and she hadn’t even been a part of the battle, so why was he worrying about her? She hoped her other family members were okay - despite the fact that she wasn’t close to all of them, she cared about all of them. She cared about her mom, her sisters, her dad… her brothers, both of whom were in here now… and she cared about her friends. Hopefully they were staying out of any major fights right now, so that she would be able to put her personal life aside for a little while and treat everyone like they were just patients. Everybody in here was supposed to be equal - no matter whether Caliapaw hated them, or loved them. As far as healing went, they all needed to be treated right. Of course, that didn't mean that Caliapaw wouldn't say what she thought of them... just, it would have to be once they were out of danger.

February 8th, 2018, 01:08 PM
A bright smile lit up the kit’s face at Emberwing telling her that they could play as many games as possible before they ran out of time. ”We can? YAY! How about we start with moss-ball… if you remember how to play moss-ball, I mean, it’s pretty easy to learn! Martenkit and I play it all the time and we’re really good at it! So you have a really good teacher! And… ooh, ooh, after we’re done with that, if we still have time, then you can show me your warrior moves! I would love to learn them!” The patched kit squealed, her tail twitching back and forth eagerly as she went through a mental list of all the games they could play - this was going to be FUN! Brightkit wasn’t often lonely - she was always finding someone to play with, and it was nice to have an older friend that seemed to like her.

Warriors could find the younger kit annoying most of the time, because she was a distraction - constantly asking questions, constantly wanting to to play, and forever in their business. It was a strange day indeed when the young kit was quiet or calm, and today was no exception to that rule. As usual, she had been bouncing around - getting a few scornful or disgusted looks, but none of them ever stuck to her - and it was just her luck that she should bump into Emberwing! Wow! Today’s going to be even better than yesterday, which was an amazing day, so that makes this… the BEST of BEST DAYS!

The young feline mentally squealed, her tail twitching back and forth, that smile still on her maw as she thought about what this “best of best days” was going to look like. They would, of course, play as many games as possible - and then, perhaps, tomorrow morning she would find Emberwing again and the two of them could play even more games! The young kit mentally squealed again at the thought of this, her blue eye sparkling and her green one - though cloudy and unfocused - seeming to be almost sparkling as well, even through the darkness of it.

"Alright," Emberwing purred, her green eyes flashing in excitement at the thought of the tables being turned, with Brightkit teaching her, "moss-ball it is. I remember some of it, but why don't you show me how it's played among today's kits." She hadn't been a kit for many moons it seemed, her careless days playing in the nursery a distant memory in her clouded head. She didn't have a necessarily interesting kithood - well, aside from the fact that her littermate had been kitnapped from the nursery. Those three moons without her brother Flareheart had been hard on her, she she had been glad when he returned to be able to play. Though, he didn't do much of anything aside from blame us for stealing him back, she thought, sadness creeping up into her heart at the cold moment from her past. She hadn't talked to Flareheart in awhile, and made a mental note after her game with Brightkit to go seek him out to see how he was doing. If he'll even talk to me...

Forcing the painful memories to subside and focus on the present with Brightkit, Emberwing grinned, waiting patiently for the kit's instructions. She was sure the game hadn't changed that much, however she wanted to allow the young feline a chance to give some direction, or be in control. The warrior knew it was a true honor to a kit when a warrior much older than them allowed them to decide what it is they did, show them, and eventually execute the game. With Brightkit's spunky personality, she knew this concept was probably not lost on her.

February 8th, 2018, 02:55 PM

Creampaw, a multi colored molly, starched in the week leaf-bare sun. She ruffled her fur as a cold breeze swept though the trees of ThunderClan. This was her home, she was born and raised her and she would, did, fight for it. She had the scratches to prove it to. Well they were more like scars know and they weren't that bad but still. The molly ran her yellowish green eyes over the clearing looking for one cat, Featherspeckle, her mentor. She'd like to do some training or just hang out with the older molly. Creampaw looked up to the white and brown molly and respected her. Sadly she didn't see her at the moment. She might still be in her nest. Or out on patrol. She thought sitting down with a thump. Creampaw probably just didn't spot her mentor, she didn't look for long, just glanced around. Nothing more.

(Oh my I've got writer's block again.)

It was easy for Featherspeckle to remain unseen if she wanted to. Hiding was not necessarily out of fear for her, it was more to do with the fact that she wanted to be unbothered. Currently, she had been staking out in the upper trees of the forest. The higher branches made her clan mates appear like little ants. Since dawn, she had sought out this old tree, climbed to the highest branch until she was well hidden by the greenery of the leaves. She had to admit...this was her favorite place to be. Featherspeckle had laid down for a quick cat nap with her tail dangling down, swishing slowly while her head placed contently on her paws. If she could stay like that forever, she would. But, then Speckletail might question her life choices. For Featherspeckle, as depressed as she was, she didn’t want anyone else to see an upside down smile. Her bright yellow orbs blinked open, no help from the sun to make them shine. Her yellow hues had their own sparkling shine that others could not decipher whether it was tears or an envied highlight that marveled the sun. Whatever it may be, many will never know. Featherspeckle has slowly gathered herself into a sitting position, and she groomed herself with a rough tongue, not really caring for a pristine or desired look. She wanted to look presentable with few hairs sticking places they shouldn’t be. As long as others didn’t notice. The molly jumped down from the branches with an elegant, gentle motive that her paws hardly caused any noise. When she reached the bottom, her eyes blinked at a familiar apprentice...her apprentice. Right! How could she forget that she had another apprentice? Her mind was scrambled enough, and her depression was always a thought flicking through her mind. Just like when she trained Kiwituft, Featherspeckle liked Creampaw. The Molly would be a promising apprentice once Featherspeckle got her mind together. Nonetheless, she gave a bright, gentle smile to the multi colored Molly. “Hello, Creampaw! How are you doing this sun high?”

February 9th, 2018, 01:19 AM
Thrushwing nodded. He padded to a random spot and sat down, glancing at his surroundings a couple times before fully settling. "I have some scratches on my chest." He started. The large brown tabby hadn't felt the pain in the battle, only a little but it wasn't as much as now. He had a high tolerance for pain, which could be an advantage at battle but threatening to himself outside of a scuffle. That was why he was here, because of his tolerance, his body didn't know when to chill until the last minute. If these wounds were worse then he thought/felt (which he doubted anyway), then he'd be lucky to come here instead of ignore the wounds and have something much worse happening later. "There's a cut here too, the claws got deeper then I expected." He meowed, looking down at his left flank as if he were pointing at it with his nose.

February 9th, 2018, 09:27 AM
"Alright," Emberwing purred, her green eyes flashing in excitement at the thought of the tables being turned, with Brightkit teaching her, "moss-ball it is. I remember some of it, but why don't you show me how it's played among today's kits." She hadn't been a kit for many moons it seemed, her careless days playing in the nursery a distant memory in her clouded head. She didn't have a necessarily interesting kithood - well, aside from the fact that her littermate had been kitnapped from the nursery. Those three moons without her brother Flareheart had been hard on her, she she had been glad when he returned to be able to play. Though, he didn't do much of anything aside from blame us for stealing him back, she thought, sadness creeping up into her heart at the cold moment from her past. She hadn't talked to Flareheart in awhile, and made a mental note after her game with Brightkit to go seek him out to see how he was doing. If he'll even talk to me...

Forcing the painful memories to subside and focus on the present with Brightkit, Emberwing grinned, waiting patiently for the kit's instructions. She was sure the game hadn't changed that much, however she wanted to allow the young feline a chance to give some direction, or be in control. The warrior knew it was a true honor to a kit when a warrior much older than them allowed them to decide what it is they did, show them, and eventually execute the game. With Brightkit's spunky personality, she knew this concept was probably not lost on her.
The she cat grinned at the invitation to show Emberwing how the game was played. And it wasn’t hard, so it would be easy enough to teach! ”Okay! Well, first we’ll have to get a moss-ball - I’ll go do that real quick, be right back!” And then the multicolored kit was off, bouncing towards the nursery as quickly as ever, her limited sight never slowing her down. She had a few close scrapes with some other cats sitting in the clearing, but as usual, a shouted “sorry!” was all that was heard as Brightkit continued on her way away, hoping to make it to the nursery and back in the shortest time possible.

Grabbing a rather large looking piece of moss from the entrance of the nursery, Brightkit rolled it into a ball (and looked to be having quite a good time with it) before darting back to Emberwing, her tail held high as the now considerably smaller, rolled up piece from moss dangled from her maw. Her blue eye was sparkling excitedly, her tail still held up in a pleased manner as she dropped the moss at Emberwing’s feet.

”Okay! So this might be more fun with more cats, but since you haven’t played in a long time, just the two of us is good too! Some kits play a little differently, but the way I play, there’s only one rule; you can’t pick up the moss-ball! Well, technically two, because I don’t want anyone to get hurt either - but only one big rule! And, and… you’re just going to nudge it over to me, and then I’ll push it back to you, and if you want we can play keep-away with it too!” Brightkit mewed, speaking quickly and without taking a breath, though surprisingly every word was distinctable enough so that Emberwing might have been able to hear it.

February 9th, 2018, 10:37 AM
2018 Okapi(just a small check on Redpaw)
Boulderdust peaked into the apprentice's den with a mouse in his jaws. The elder looked around for Redpaw.

February 9th, 2018, 10:39 AM
2018 Okapi(just a small check on Redpaw)
Boulderdust peaked into the apprentice's den with a mouse in his jaws. The elder looked around for Redpaw.
Redpaw had been lounging the apprentice den and spotted Boulderdust he nervously glanced around for any peers, and was relieved not to find any,” What is up?” He asked casually fear pricked in his paws at the idea that a peer might enter the den.

February 9th, 2018, 10:53 AM
Redpaw had been lounging the apprentice den and spotted Boulderdust he nervously glanced around for any peers, and was relieved not to find any,” What is up?” He asked casually fear pricked in his paws at the idea that a peer might enter the den.

Boulderdust set down the mouse gently on the ground in front of Redpaw. "I thought that you might be hungry, so I bought you this mouse." replied the elder in a hushed voice. Boukderdust was trying his best not to attract attention. If someone was in with them he woukd leave.

February 9th, 2018, 10:55 AM
Monarchstep never knew why she-cats actually flirted with him, he’d be happy to let them get pregnant so long as he didn’t hate them. He flicked his tail,” Hello.” He replied casually.

Heatherdream looked at Monarchstep, sitting beside him. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here." meowed the she-cat, trying to act like a normal Thunderclan warrior.

February 9th, 2018, 11:49 AM
Boba Fett (Here's the post.)

The small white bundle called Icekit by her family moved away from her mother's nest. He mother was a molly named Rosefern, she was a beautiful molly and Icekit was glade she was her mother. But sometimes she doubted her mother was telling the truth. Such as when she told her that her father was a tom named Lightningflash. How was Icekit going to believe her father was a ThunderClan warrior who had been there her whole life if she didn't meet him till she was 3 moons old. "But mum wouldn't lie, right?" She mumbled as she sat by the entrance of the nursery her snow white tail rapped over her little paws. She wanted to believe Lightningflash was her father but she needed proof. Even though she had a emerald colored eye like his eyes and snow white fur like him she wanted him to prove he was her father. Yes, this normally quiet molly was stubborn and always wanted proof before believing things. Witch could be a good thing, sometimes. But not at the moment. Quiet know Icekit sat still with her duel colored eyes looking out, watching her Clanmates.

Lightningflash looked around and decided to visit his one daughter, Icekit, who was staring from the nursery. He padded in and smiled at her,"hi Icekit!" He mewed happily to his kit. He looked at her affectionately. She really did look like him.

February 9th, 2018, 12:32 PM
Caliapaw’s ears flicked backwards at the muttered “ow,” but she should have expected it. The scratches were going to hurt - they weren’t severe enough to be a major concern, but they were pretty bad. Painful enough that no cat would want them. Except, it seemed, for Snowpaw. Had he even thought about what he was doing? Caliapaw cared about her Clan as much as anyone, but this battle seemed silly and immature. Blazingstar and Snowstar were squabbling like kits, and there had to be a better way to deal with this. Not that Caliapaw knew what it was. She could assume it was talking, but since she wasn’t the leader, perhaps she was wrong. Snowpaw’s question caught her by surprise. She had been heading back to check on Doepaw when he had asked her about it, and her eyes widened a little. ”Am I injured? Do I look hurt to you?” The feline half-snapped, her expression frustrated as she glared at her brother. There were so many who were injured, and she hadn’t even been a part of the battle, so why was he worrying about her? She hoped her other family members were okay - despite the fact that she wasn’t close to all of them, she cared about all of them. She cared about her mom, her sisters, her dad… her brothers, both of whom were in here now… and she cared about her friends. Hopefully they were staying out of any major fights right now, so that she would be able to put her personal life aside for a little while and treat everyone like they were just patients. Everybody in here was supposed to be equal - no matter whether Caliapaw hated them, or loved them. As far as healing went, they all needed to be treated right. Of course, that didn't mean that Caliapaw wouldn't say what she thought of them... just, it would have to be once they were out of danger.

"No." Snowpaw learned he did have a short fuse when he felt like this. His ears flattened to his skull, biting back a reply. He was just worried about her, unable to see where she was coming from. His pink nose twitched, trying to look at his side. One thing he didn't get was how Medince cats did it. How they save almost everybody, always trying, like a leader of a clan. "Sorry for asking." He muttered under his breath. Snowpaw said `sorry` too often for it to have much of a meaning, it was just natural to say it. When someone seem mad at you. The tom didn't try to take it as offensive, rather knowing if she meant it as to be rude or if it was just the stress. He shrugged it off. Snowpaw didn't mention Doepaw, now noticing his brother was in here. It made him feel a bit guilty, he looked worst than him. His stomach was in a knot in the den. It wasn't like he didn't like crowds- he loved them. Yet in here it was always different. Always having a slight guilty mind, his stomach twisting and turning in a way that he swear wasn't normal. Snowpaw felt anxious and nervous, which was rare. It wasn't the type when your around your crush or if something bad was gonna happen. It was when you just wanted to get out of the place. Snowpaw didn't ask about his wounds, figuring his sister would tell him if it was something urgent. "Stupid.. Windclan cats." He muttered, out loud. He didn't hate them. He didn't believe in grudges. He just wish they could see it was for the both of their clans, get over it. It was in the past.

February 9th, 2018, 12:44 PM
Aspenpaw cocked her head at the unusual mood of her friend. He was usually very peppy and mischievous. He was acting that way, but something was different. She couldn't help but notice a rather melancholic air about him. She opened her mouth to comment on it but than closed her mouth again. Over the time that she had known Flashpaw she had learned that he did not particularly like it when cats pestered him about what was wrong. So instead she decided that she could ask him in a way that seemed as if she hadn't noticed. A casual greeting. Aspenpaw had learned how to sneak what she meant into not hurtful words while listening to the conversations of older cats. She didn't call it eavesdropping, but with the mischief that she got up to it very well could have been. "How are you today?" She asked pleasantly, acting as if she hadn't noticed that he didn't seem normal.

"Fine," Flashpaw answered Aspenpaw with a shrug of his shoulders. He wasn't making his poor mood obvious, as Flashpaw was more of a guarded kind of cat. Onlookers could have mistaken him for simply being tired. He was tired...In a way. The Bengal apprentice pulled himself up to a sitting position and looked at Aspenpaw expectantly. His eyes flicked around the clearing for another tortoiseshell. Aspenpaw's sister Jasminepaw was usually easy to identify. She looked exactly like Aspenpaw, after all. The two were pretty close, so if he didn't know where Aspenpaw was he usually just assumed she was with her sister. Perhaps if Jasminepaw were around she could join the conversation and take Aspenpaw's attention away from his mood. The only familiar tortoiseshell coat he saw, though, was the one in front of him. It made sense, he supposed. Jasminepaw was pretty popular. She was probably surrounded by followers. His yellow eyes returned to Aspenpaw and he flicked an ear as he awaited his friend's words. He figured she wanted something, not thinking about the fact that they were friends and she probably just wanted to hang out.

February 9th, 2018, 01:04 PM
Boulderdust set down the mouse gently on the ground in front of Redpaw. "I thought that you might be hungry, so I bought you this mouse." replied the elder in a hushed voice. Boukderdust was trying his best not to attract attention. If someone was in with them he woukd leave.
He flicked his tail,” Aren’t I suppose to be bringing you prey?” He laughed

February 9th, 2018, 01:05 PM
Heatherdream looked at Monarchstep, sitting beside him. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here." meowed the she-cat, trying to act like a normal Thunderclan warrior.
Monarchstep gave a blink of acnolagement,” Not going to kill you, you are a clamate afterall.” He muttered sarcastically rather amused by her

February 9th, 2018, 01:19 PM
He flicked his tail,” Aren’t I suppose to be bringing you prey?” He laughed
"I wanted yo change it up." replied Boulderdust.

February 9th, 2018, 01:39 PM
"I wanted yo change it up." replied Boulderdust.
Redpaw smirked,” About time I get treated. So I probably don’t have any ticks and fleas, but you can check if you want.” He joked lightly.

February 9th, 2018, 01:43 PM
Redpaw smirked,” About time I get treated. So I probably don’t have any ticks and fleas, but you can check if you want.” He joked lightly.

Boulderdust let out a silent chuckle. "I won't even check my mate for flea's and ticks." replied the elder with a smile.

February 9th, 2018, 01:53 PM
Boulderdust let out a silent chuckle. "I won't even check my mate for flea's and ticks." replied the elder with a smile.
Redpaw purred,” And yet she some how puts up with you when you don’t even do that?” He laughed lightly.

February 9th, 2018, 03:05 PM
Lemon stiffened as she saw a badger up ahead of her. She had heard from cats that she had met on the street that some of the most dangerous creatures in the forest were foxes and badgers. So standing there frozen, she knew that she had three choices. One, run away like a kittypet, two, fight it and possibly die or win, or three, just let it kill her. She knew she was too young to die, she was only four moons after all. So she ran into a shrub and hid until the sent of badger left.

February 9th, 2018, 04:53 PM
The she cat grinned at the invitation to show Emberwing how the game was played. And it wasn’t hard, so it would be easy enough to teach! ”Okay! Well, first we’ll have to get a moss-ball - I’ll go do that real quick, be right back!” And then the multicolored kit was off, bouncing towards the nursery as quickly as ever, her limited sight never slowing her down. She had a few close scrapes with some other cats sitting in the clearing, but as usual, a shouted “sorry!” was all that was heard as Brightkit continued on her way away, hoping to make it to the nursery and back in the shortest time possible.

Grabbing a rather large looking piece of moss from the entrance of the nursery, Brightkit rolled it into a ball (and looked to be having quite a good time with it) before darting back to Emberwing, her tail held high as the now considerably smaller, rolled up piece from moss dangled from her maw. Her blue eye was sparkling excitedly, her tail still held up in a pleased manner as she dropped the moss at Emberwing’s feet.

”Okay! So this might be more fun with more cats, but since you haven’t played in a long time, just the two of us is good too! Some kits play a little differently, but the way I play, there’s only one rule; you can’t pick up the moss-ball! Well, technically two, because I don’t want anyone to get hurt either - but only one big rule! And, and… you’re just going to nudge it over to me, and then I’ll push it back to you, and if you want we can play keep-away with it too!” Brightkit mewed, speaking quickly and without taking a breath, though surprisingly every word was distinctable enough so that Emberwing might have been able to hear it.

A warm feeling spread through Emberwing's veins as she watched the young Brightkit explain the game. She was correct in that it might be more fun with other cats, but she was sure that the two of them would make it work - and have twice as much fun doing so! A purr rumbled in her chest and she nodded, the tip of her fluffy red tail flickering like a loose branch in the wind. "Alright, that sounds manageable. Let's get started, shall we?"

Emberwing looked from Brightkit to the ball, then back again as she slid one slender paw out. She kept her eyes on Brightkit the entire time, watching the young kitten as she scooped up the moss-ball in her hooked claw. "Let's start with a little bit of a jump," she told her, excitement rising the pitch of her voice as she lifted her claw up - only a little for her, but to a kit like Brightkit it may have appeared to be higher - and released the ball in the air. Emberwing tilted her head back then, her eyes following the ball as it soared into the sky above them, before turning on itself and heading over to Brightkit, right above her.

"Catch it!" the warrior squealed, letting her excitement get the best of her and momentarily forgetting that she was a warrior. For any onlookers, she might've appeared to be a rather overgrown kit with how much she was enjoying this. But Emberwing would take what she could get when it came to spending time with the younger members of ThunderClan. She certainly wasn't ready to have kits of her own any time soon, but this was fun - this kept her smiling, and that was good enough for now.

February 9th, 2018, 05:26 PM
Witnessing the outburst of emotion from her brother practically made her heart melt. It was fairly rare to witness him in such a state, and when he did, you could tell he was being genuine. The she-cat nuzzled him, feeling ever-so sorry for Morningblue. He's lost everything he ever loved. The least I can do is accept that he wants to be protective of me. "It's okay. You've lost everything. I can't fathom the pain you feel." No, she still wouldn't apologize, but that didn't mean she wasn't moved by his emotion. As far as she was concerned, she still had a right to be mad at him for crushing her pride and dignity.

Morningblue stayed in place as his sister nuzzled him, not moving from where he sat. Lost everything? What had he really had in the first place. Only his sister. But as far as he was concerned, it was better that way. He couldn't feel the pain of losing another cat if he never had one to start with. What had happened to him lately anyway? He used to live for battle. The Windclan attack would have made him feel alive before, but instead it had sent him spinning in a river of worry. For Jaystorm. For her kits. For Thrushwing. For Rosebelly... This wasn't like him. Where was the cat he had been? He turned away from his sister. "I'm fine. Enjoy the vole," he meowed coldly as he padded forward to leave the den.

February 9th, 2018, 06:28 PM

Lightningflash looked around and decided to visit his one daughter, Icekit, who was staring from the nursery. He padded in and smiled at her,"hi Icekit!" He mewed happily to his kit. He looked at her affectionately. She really did look like him.

Icekit looked over at her father, or who Rosefern said was her father. I still he proof. She thought. Though the love in his eyes and maw was almost undeniable. How could a cat show that much affection to a random kit? They couldn't. Lightningflash was her biological father, even if she didn't meet him till she was 3 moons old. She'd have to understand that. Feeling sure that he was her father, for once, because of the affection in the white tom's eyes the white kit stood to her paws and cane to stand under her father. He's gotta be my father. She told herself. "Hi." She meowed staring up at him with her duel blue and green eyes.

February 9th, 2018, 06:42 PM
Icekit looked over at her father, or who Rosefern said was her father. I still he proof. She thought. Though the love in his eyes and maw was almost undeniable. How could a cat show that much affection to a random kit? They couldn't. Lightningflash was her biological father, even if she didn't meet him till she was 3 moons old. She'd have to understand that. Feeling sure that he was her father, for once, because of the affection in the white tom's eyes the white kit stood to her paws and cane to stand under her father. He's gotta be my father. She told herself. "Hi." She meowed staring up at him with her duel blue and green eyes.
(Hey fuzzy would you check the other rps out you have some notes)

February 10th, 2018, 08:49 AM
Thrushwing nodded. He padded to a random spot and sat down, glancing at his surroundings a couple times before fully settling. "I have some scratches on my chest." He started. The large brown tabby hadn't felt the pain in the battle, only a little but it wasn't as much as now. He had a high tolerance for pain, which could be an advantage at battle but threatening to himself outside of a scuffle. That was why he was here, because of his tolerance, his body didn't know when to chill until the last minute. If these wounds were worse then he thought/felt (which he doubted anyway), then he'd be lucky to come here instead of ignore the wounds and have something much worse happening later. "There's a cut here too, the claws got deeper then I expected." He meowed, looking down at his left flank as if he were pointing at it with his nose.
The medicine cat sighed, grabbing a few more cobwebs and placing them on the bloody scratches. They weren’t too bad - the only one that bothered her a little bit was the one on his flank. He had walked in here, which meant that he was probably going to be okay - as long as he didn’t lose too much blood (which Caliapaw wasn’t going to let happen anyways) he would be fine. The she cat eyed the deeper scratch and sighed, putting cobwebs on that too. When the bleeding stopped, or at least slowed, she would have to put marigold in the wounds - or some other thing to block it from infection - and she would have to do so to all the other cats as well. They were going to run out. And the worst thing was, Wheatfur hadn’t told her just where to go and look for it. She knew where to find some things - but marigold? She was going to have to rely on her senses for that. ”You can go now - I think you’ll be okay. Take it easy for a few days. Also, make sure you come back tomorrow - I want to put some marigold in those scratches so they don’t get infected. The bleeding will have stopped by then and hopefully I’ll be less busy.” This last part was spoken under her breath as the young medicine cat gave the tom a semi-smile. It irritated her, the fact that so many cats could get hurt in a battle and yet leaders just let it go on. She couldn’t do anything about it. What a shame.
"No." Snowpaw learned he did have a short fuse when he felt like this. His ears flattened to his skull, biting back a reply. He was just worried about her, unable to see where she was coming from. His pink nose twitched, trying to look at his side. One thing he didn't get was how Medince cats did it. How they save almost everybody, always trying, like a leader of a clan. "Sorry for asking." He muttered under his breath. Snowpaw said `sorry` too often for it to have much of a meaning, it was just natural to say it. When someone seem mad at you. The tom didn't try to take it as offensive, rather knowing if she meant it as to be rude or if it was just the stress. He shrugged it off. Snowpaw didn't mention Doepaw, now noticing his brother was in here. It made him feel a bit guilty, he looked worst than him. His stomach was in a knot in the den. It wasn't like he didn't like crowds- he loved them. Yet in here it was always different. Always having a slight guilty mind, his stomach twisting and turning in a way that he swear wasn't normal. Snowpaw felt anxious and nervous, which was rare. It wasn't the type when your around your crush or if something bad was gonna happen. It was when you just wanted to get out of the place. Snowpaw didn't ask about his wounds, figuring his sister would tell him if it was something urgent. "Stupid.. Windclan cats." He muttered, out loud. He didn't hate them. He didn't believe in grudges. He just wish they could see it was for the both of their clans, get over it. It was in the past.
After telling Thrushwing he could go, the feline closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. It was much less crowded in here now - or would soon be - and eventually, it would just be her and Doepaw again. She would fix things with him and it would all be okay. Caliapaw didn’t like feeling cornered, or vulnerable, and it was hard not to stress out with all the work she was doing right now. This was what she hated about battles… all the bloodshed that came with it. Perhaps she hadn’t fully understood how hard it was going to be. So far, Caliapaw had only lost one patient, and she wasn’t planning on losing any more. She couldn’t stand the cats who acted as though they were so badly hurt when others were dying - she couldn’t stand the cats who wouldn’t do as they were told, even though she knew what was best for them - and thankfully, not many of her patients had been “that type” today.

Caliapaw wasn’t sure how many more cats she could handle coming in here acting like they were better then her somehow. Like they knew more then her. She’d only had a patient or two like that, but it was difficult for her anyways. Why did cats insist on acting like they were so tough? They really weren’t. If this had taught Caliapaw anything, it was that most cats weren’t as tough as they looked. Most were more fragile then they let on, too. Caliapaw hated the fact that she couldn’t just make them stronger and send them off so they wouldn’t have to worry about it again. Taking a glance over Snowpaw’s scratches, the she cat eventually sighed and settled down a little bit.

”You’ll live. You can go ahead and go, just be careful. Take it easy for a few days, and come back to see me tomorrow so I can put marigold on those scratches to prevent infection.” The words sounded almost rehearsed as she said them, trying to keep from yawning (though she was tired) as she padded away from Snowpaw, guessing that at any moment there could be another patient who would walk through the entrance to the medicine cat den… and she would have to fix up yet another cat who had been injured by this battle.

February 10th, 2018, 09:15 AM
Icekit looked over at her father, or who Rosefern said was her father. I still he proof. She thought. Though the love in his eyes and maw was almost undeniable. How could a cat show that much affection to a random kit? They couldn't. Lightningflash was her biological father, even if she didn't meet him till she was 3 moons old. She'd have to understand that. Feeling sure that he was her father, for once, because of the affection in the white tom's eyes the white kit stood to her paws and cane to stand under her father. He's gotta be my father. She told herself. "Hi." She meowed staring up at him with her duel blue and green eyes.
Lightningflash purred and crouched down to her level. He tilted his head,"what have you been doing in here?" He nodded towards the nursery and all the other kits and queens. He looked lovingly into her eyes, awaiting an answer.

February 10th, 2018, 10:03 AM
A warm feeling spread through Emberwing's veins as she watched the young Brightkit explain the game. She was correct in that it might be more fun with other cats, but she was sure that the two of them would make it work - and have twice as much fun doing so! A purr rumbled in her chest and she nodded, the tip of her fluffy red tail flickering like a loose branch in the wind. "Alright, that sounds manageable. Let's get started, shall we?"

Emberwing looked from Brightkit to the ball, then back again as she slid one slender paw out. She kept her eyes on Brightkit the entire time, watching the young kitten as she scooped up the moss-ball in her hooked claw. "Let's start with a little bit of a jump," she told her, excitement rising the pitch of her voice as she lifted her claw up - only a little for her, but to a kit like Brightkit it may have appeared to be higher - and released the ball in the air. Emberwing tilted her head back then, her eyes following the ball as it soared into the sky above them, before turning on itself and heading over to Brightkit, right above her.

"Catch it!" the warrior squealed, letting her excitement get the best of her and momentarily forgetting that she was a warrior. For any onlookers, she might've appeared to be a rather overgrown kit with how much she was enjoying this. But Emberwing would take what she could get when it came to spending time with the younger members of ThunderClan. She certainly wasn't ready to have kits of her own any time soon, but this was fun - this kept her smiling, and that was good enough for now.
The calico kit squealed in excitement as the ball soared in the air. Her bad eye didn’t allow her to track it very well - it was blurry out of the corner of her good eye, and in the past, it would have been easier to see, but it didn’t matter to her - it was all just a game. Leaping into the air and laughing as she did so, Brightkit’s paw brushed against the moss-ball and she did her best to slam it back towards Emberwing. Her paws were considerably smaller then the warrior’s, but when it came to games - the calico was an expert on every one of them. She squealed in delight again as the ball changed direction, the spongy object going back towards Emberwing. ”Your turn! Get it, get it!” She squealed, at a pitch that sounded like it would have hurt her throat from how loud it was.

But Brightkit didn’t care - she was much, much too excited to care very much about this kind of thing. Her green eye seemed to have a little bit of a sparkle in it now, and her blue one was definitely sparkling with pleasure as she bounced around in place, her soft white paws looking like they were practically going to burn up with how excited the smaller cat was. Her expression was one of pure joy, looking like it had been built out of light as she danced from paw to paw in anticipation of Emberwing’s return of the ball. Brightkit couldn’t remember the last time she had had so much fun with a warrior.

Most warriors seemed a little too busy to play with her - she’d had a couple of warrior friends, but not many, and the last grown cat to treat her in such a playful manner had been Pumpkinflight. She missed her adoptive mother, of course, and she would never understand why the sweet queen had been taken from her, but she would always have her younger kithood, when Pumpkinflight had still been there and when things had been so much more carefree and innocent.

February 10th, 2018, 11:30 AM
Lightningflash purred and crouched down to her level. He tilted his head,"what have you been doing in here?" He nodded towards the nursery and all the other kits and queens. He looked lovingly into her eyes, awaiting an answer.

Icekit thought for a second. She hadn't done much, that she could think of. "Just sitting around, maybe play with Owlkit, Ashkit, Dewkit or Witheredki." The white molly answered looking right into his eyes. Icekit had the sane pelt color as her father and the same emerald green eye. Her other being a sapphire blue. The kit didn't lie, she didn't do much here. She just wanted to be an apprentice, she getting closer and closer everyday.

February 10th, 2018, 11:36 AM
Icekit thought for a second. She hadn't done much, that she could think of. "Just sitting around, maybe play with Owlkit, Ashkit, Dewkit or Witheredki." The white molly answered looking right into his eyes. Icekit had the sane pelt color as her father and the same emerald green eye. Her other being a sapphire blue. The kit didn't lie, she didn't do much here. She just wanted to be an apprentice, she getting closer and closer everyday.
Lightningflash smiled,"you're getting bored," it was less of a question and more of a statement,"don't worry, you're halfway to being an apprentice. And while you're at this growing thing I can teach you the hunters' crouch and you can be the best warrior you can be!" He winked at his daughter.

February 10th, 2018, 01:26 PM

Lynxpaw had been an apprentice for moons now, but the giddy excitement in her chest hadn't gone away yet. She felt so useful! She could hunt, fight, and help her Clan! And her mentor Morningblue was fun to train with. He wasn't the most..smiley cat, but he was nice! And she was making new friends, other 'paws. Not many friends, but a few. She liked to spend a bit of time by herself, hunt a bit, maybe sleep after training. She didn't get as much sleep now, but she was still able to keep up in training, if not being a tiny bit sluggish in the mornings.

She pricked her ears, noticing a familiar pelt, a grin stretched across her maw as she trotted over confidently. "Hi, Leafpaw!" She mewed, hoping he remembered her. Otherwise this would be creepy..was this creepy? She hoped it wasn't. But they'd met before, and she didn't look that different. Same white and gray fur, same eyes, same nub tail. So he could possibly remember her. Worth a shot, anyways.

February 10th, 2018, 01:56 PM

Lynxpaw had been an apprentice for moons now, but the giddy excitement in her chest hadn't gone away yet. She felt so useful! She could hunt, fight, and help her Clan! And her mentor Morningblue was fun to train with. He wasn't the most..smiley cat, but he was nice! And she was making new friends, other 'paws. Not many friends, but a few. She liked to spend a bit of time by herself, hunt a bit, maybe sleep after training. She didn't get as much sleep now, but she was still able to keep up in training, if not being a tiny bit sluggish in the mornings.

She pricked her ears, noticing a familiar pelt, a grin stretched across her maw as she trotted over confidently. "Hi, Leafpaw!" She mewed, hoping he remembered her. Otherwise this would be creepy..was this creepy? She hoped it wasn't. But they'd met before, and she didn't look that different. Same white and gray fur, same eyes, same nub tail. So he could possibly remember her. Worth a shot, anyways.

The Siamese tom was lying down in the clearing, he felt as if he deserved to be lazy for a while. He was twelve moons old and felt like he spent too much time training, and not enough time actually becoming friends with all kinds of different cats. He wasn't saying that he didn't like to train because he wanted to be a great warrior, but he still wanted to have lots of friends. Leafpaw looked around when he heard a cat say his name. His gaze caught on a cat who looked exactly like Lynxpaw. Actually, she was Lynxpaw! He jumped to his paws and padded over closer to her. "Lynxpaw, how're you?"

February 10th, 2018, 04:07 PM

Sheepcloud paced the expanse of the ThunderClan camp, teal-green eyes trained to the ground in concentration. Her thoughts were on one thing: what the patrols had been reporting recently, a threat to her beloved Clan’s safety. A fox had been scented in the territory -- some days, the scenter was said to be dull, but others it was as strong as ever, leading the she-cat to believe it had taken refuge in the wrong forest. Not a surprise considering they were situated in a wooded area, but an unwelcome visitor. What if a patrol of mentors and apprentices stumbled upon it? The younger cats would be in definite danger, perhaps even killed in an attempt to escape or fight the beast. Although she wasn’t a very worrisome cat in general, preferring to live a more relaxed life, she wasn’t going to take things of this nature lightly. After the WindClan and ShadowClan raid, they weren’t in a position where it would be feasible for their survival as an already-weakened Clan to lose any more warriors. A touch of bitterness swept through her at the thought of the raid, even though it was decidedly a ThunderClan (and perhaps RiverClan, to an extent) victory. It’d been uncalled for--not to mention unfair--in her opinion, but there was no changing the past. They would continue to show WindClan that ThunderClan could hold its own against all of their opponents. Even worse, she remembered ShadowClan’s part in the attack; how could they have betrayed ThunderClan like that? Goldenstar and Halfgaze ought to be ashamed for their role in it, teaming up against them in a brutal raid on their camp. It was dishonorable, and Sheepcloud wondered if Snowstar would confront either Clan about their actions at the gathering.

So lost in her combination of concerned and resentful thoughts, Sheepcloud didn’t realize she was approaching another feline until the top of her head gently collided with their figure. Upon impact, she jolted back and felt heat burn under her pelt, embarrassed by her clumsiness. “I’m sorry,” she blurted immediately, her tone absolutely mortified, “I didn’t see you there.” Despite the collision being a rather light one, the ThunderClan she-cat wanted to cover her face in shame when she noticed the cat she bumped into was none other than Passionblaze, the deputy. From what she’d seen of him, he boasted a wonderful temperament and was an overall extremely admirable cat, a great deputy, but that didn’t stop her from envising the worst - what if he hated her forever because of this incident? “I’m.. a bit clumsy,” Sheepcloud admitted, a hint of laughter spilling from her. After a pause, she added, “I hope I didn’t hurt you or anything.” It was kind of silly; Passionblaze was a sturdy cat, and she doubted she could actually injure him like that. However, her caring nature made her unable to go without asking since she truly wanted to ensure he was alright.

Suddenly, an expression of thoughtfulness replaced the previous embarrassment etched across her face. “As the deputy, I’m sure you’ve heard about the patrols lately?” It was a partial question, and Sheepcloud tilted her head in curiosity as she awaited his reply. “It’s not really the best news for ThunderClan, but nothing that can’t be handled.” Especially after the attack.. “Preferably before it becomes a tangible problem, I mean.” Kits and young apprentices going missing, warriors being maimed - all of those were genuine possibilities with a fox inhabiting the territory.

February 10th, 2018, 08:06 PM

Sheepcloud paced the expanse of the ThunderClan camp, teal-green eyes trained to the ground in concentration. Her thoughts were on one thing: what the patrols had been reporting recently, a threat to her beloved Clan’s safety. A fox had been scented in the territory -- some days, the scenter was said to be dull, but others it was as strong as ever, leading the she-cat to believe it had taken refuge in the wrong forest. Not a surprise considering they were situated in a wooded area, but an unwelcome visitor. What if a patrol of mentors and apprentices stumbled upon it? The younger cats would be in definite danger, perhaps even killed in an attempt to escape or fight the beast. Although she wasn’t a very worrisome cat in general, preferring to live a more relaxed life, she wasn’t going to take things of this nature lightly. After the WindClan and ShadowClan raid, they weren’t in a position where it would be feasible for their survival as an already-weakened Clan to lose any more warriors. A touch of bitterness swept through her at the thought of the raid, even though it was decidedly a ThunderClan (and perhaps RiverClan, to an extent) victory. It’d been uncalled for--not to mention unfair--in her opinion, but there was no changing the past. They would continue to show WindClan that ThunderClan could hold its own against all of their opponents. Even worse, she remembered ShadowClan’s part in the attack; how could they have betrayed ThunderClan like that? Goldenstar and Halfgaze ought to be ashamed for their role in it, teaming up against them in a brutal raid on their camp. It was dishonorable, and Sheepcloud wondered if Snowstar would confront either Clan about their actions at the gathering.

So lost in her combination of concerned and resentful thoughts, Sheepcloud didn’t realize she was approaching another feline until the top of her head gently collided with their figure. Upon impact, she jolted back and felt heat burn under her pelt, embarrassed by her clumsiness. “I’m sorry,” she blurted immediately, her tone absolutely mortified, “I didn’t see you there.” Despite the collision being a rather light one, the ThunderClan she-cat wanted to cover her face in shame when she noticed the cat she bumped into was none other than Passionblaze, the deputy. From what she’d seen of him, he boasted a wonderful temperament and was an overall extremely admirable cat, a great deputy, but that didn’t stop her from envising the worst - what if he hated her forever because of this incident? “I’m.. a bit clumsy,” Sheepcloud admitted, a hint of laughter spilling from her. After a pause, she added, “I hope I didn’t hurt you or anything.” It was kind of silly; Passionblaze was a sturdy cat, and she doubted she could actually injure him like that. However, her caring nature made her unable to go without asking since she truly wanted to ensure he was alright.

Suddenly, an expression of thoughtfulness replaced the previous embarrassment etched across her face. “As the deputy, I’m sure you’ve heard about the patrols lately?” It was a partial question, and Sheepcloud tilted her head in curiosity as she awaited his reply. “It’s not really the best news for ThunderClan, but nothing that can’t be handled.” Especially after the attack.. “Preferably before it becomes a tangible problem, I mean.” Kits and young apprentices going missing, warriors being maimed - all of those were genuine possibilities with a fox inhabiting the territory.

When the battle had concluded, Passionblaze taken his time to ask cautious questions to his clan mates. Were they okay? Were they scarred, far worse than by physical means? Then he would compliment them greatly, boasting about how brave they were out there. A little surprised attack, and they still managed to beat their opponents. In that treasuring moment, Passionblaze was proud to be a Thunderclan cat. The scars that were earned, they were far from being sore. The scratch along his flank was pink flesh, covered by the thickness of his ginger pelt. Occasionally, he found himself a little limped, butnafter numerous times of putting tough pressure to feel that irritation, following the expression that he hated the soreness which contradicted that he actually liked the pain. All was good, in his opinion. After the battle, he managed to bounce right back up with much eager versatile, that of much that came from the resilience of a kit. It was a battle that would be remembered greatly. Especially, upon the discretion of Shadowclan. At first, Passionblaze didn’t think Goldenstar would want to be involved in a conflict that did not concern him. The battle alone was supposed to be between Thunderclan and Windclan. To this day the flamed tom feel that Windclan was too debilitated to handle their own battle. If they needed extra help, then the warriors should had stayed back and trained frequently instead of recruiting more members to sabotage another clan. Thunderclan had won, forever grateful to the warriors of Riverclan for their help. Yet, Passionblaze still felt a little bitter and an unquenched desire for a fight again. That was only his reckless side buttering up his thoughts, hoping to force him to commit a heinous crime. Passionblaze was not at all a violent cat. He may have thought on impulsiveness, but that was only when another life needed protection.

On top of that, after the battle, there had been warriors reporting the scent of a fox. Concerned, Passionblaze had thought frequently whether to check out the borders himself because maybe these warriors were being immature and just wanted something to do. Then again, why would a Thunderclanner lie about scenting trouble? Knowing that he was the type of cat to rush into the fray, Passionblaze had taken his time to breathe and talk to Snowstar about it. Maybe she would have a plan about how to handle such, but the leader of thunderclan had been busy with recovering, so that left Passionblaze to tend to the marks. For the last few days, he had been brushing it aside, hoping that whatever the warriors that ‘called wolf’ would realize that foxes had more important things to do instead torment clan cats. In his mind, he hoped at least. Per usual, whenever lost in his thoughts, he used a claw to draw aimlessly in the dirt. They didn’t make any type of finely thin shaped two dimensional objects. They were simply long, zig-zaggy lines caused by the uniqueness and clarity of a cat’s claws. Too caught up in a daydream, Passionblaze didn’t see the outline of another cat. Instead, he was met by the soft impact (more like a brush) under his chin. Passionblaze was startled himself, the hairs on his neck on end from his skittish trait. Quickly, he regained a smooth recovery. It would had been embarrassed to know that he had been startled as well when he was supposed to be observant. Maybe the Molly didn’t notice since she seemed to be heated at her own clumsiness. Passionblaze gave a respective bow of his head to her, “Ah, no need to be sorry.” Maybe she was wandering in her thoughts as much as he was. A bit clumsy, eh? Passionblaze felt his whiskers wiggling at the humorous thought. The tom himself usually tripped over his own paws, being quite the clownish clumsy feline he was. He gave her a softened smile, and vigorously shook his head at her question. “Nope! Pretty sure I’m all in one piece.” He flicked his tail comically behind him. “Don’t beat yourself up about it.” He replied, coolly, courteous as the tom he was.

Following afterwards, the sheepishness that was etched on her face dissipated into one of a thoughtful one. That’s when Passionblaze imitated her expression, knowing fully well that she may had questions for him. The supposed fox sightings...of course. His broad shoulders rolled to comfort them from becoming too stiff. Instead, cool and collected, Passionblaze nodded. “Just to be sure we're on the same level, you are inferring to the scent of fox?” Passionblaze questioned. That was the only problem Thunderclan currently had, besides the tension between Windclan and Shadowclan. Oh, boy! Couldn’t he wait for the next gathering? Passionblaze felt s confident smile glowing on his features because he knew the molly was right. Thunderclan can handle absolutely anything and everything! Suddenly, the smile was replaced by a scrunch of his nose. He had lifted himself to his paws. “Yeah...I know what you mean. I’ve been meaning to talk it over with Snowstar, but uh - yeah...” Passionblaze knew that it couldn’t be held off any longer. The longer they waited, the worst the problem would become. Clearing his throat, he blinked curiously at her. “I’m interested to know what you think we should do to go about this?” Hearing the input of his clan mates was always a big deal to him. Each cat had their own opinions that were wild and sane to believe. The deputy may not always agree in matters, but he was an open cat that catered to the mindful emotions that many possessed.

February 10th, 2018, 09:06 PM
When the battle had concluded, Passionblaze taken his time to ask cautious questions to his clan mates. Were they okay? Were they scarred, far worse than by physical means? Then he would compliment them greatly, boasting about how brave they were out there. A little surprised attack, and they still managed to beat their opponents. In that treasuring moment, Passionblaze was proud to be a Thunderclan cat. The scars that were earned, they were far from being sore. The scratch along his flank was pink flesh, covered by the thickness of his ginger pelt. Occasionally, he found himself a little limped, butnafter numerous times of putting tough pressure to feel that irritation, following the expression that he hated the soreness which contradicted that he actually liked the pain. All was good, in his opinion. After the battle, he managed to bounce right back up with much eager versatile, that of much that came from the resilience of a kit. It was a battle that would be remembered greatly. Especially, upon the discretion of Shadowclan. At first, Passionblaze didn’t think Goldenstar would want to be involved in a conflict that did not concern him. The battle alone was supposed to be between Thunderclan and Windclan. To this day the flamed tom feel that Windclan was too debilitated to handle their own battle. If they needed extra help, then the warriors should had stayed back and trained frequently instead of recruiting more members to sabotage another clan. Thunderclan had won, forever grateful to the warriors of Riverclan for their help. Yet, Passionblaze still felt a little bitter and an unquenched desire for a fight again. That was only his reckless side buttering up his thoughts, hoping to force him to commit a heinous crime. Passionblaze was not at all a violent cat. He may have thought on impulsiveness, but that was only when another life needed protection.

On top of that, after the battle, there had been warriors reporting the scent of a fox. Concerned, Passionblaze had thought frequently whether to check out the borders himself because maybe these warriors were being immature and just wanted something to do. Then again, why would a Thunderclanner lie about scenting trouble? Knowing that he was the type of cat to rush into the fray, Passionblaze had taken his time to breathe and talk to Snowstar about it. Maybe she would have a plan about how to handle such, but the leader of thunderclan had been busy with recovering, so that left Passionblaze to tend to the marks. For the last few days, he had been brushing it aside, hoping that whatever the warriors that ‘called wolf’ would realize that foxes had more important things to do instead torment clan cats. In his mind, he hoped at least. Per usual, whenever lost in his thoughts, he used a claw to draw aimlessly in the dirt. They didn’t make any type of finely thin shaped two dimensional objects. They were simply long, zig-zaggy lines caused by the uniqueness and clarity of a cat’s claws. Too caught up in a daydream, Passionblaze didn’t see the outline of another cat. Instead, he was met by the soft impact (more like a brush) under his chin. Passionblaze was startled himself, the hairs on his neck on end from his skittish trait. Quickly, he regained a smooth recovery. It would had been embarrassed to know that he had been startled as well when he was supposed to be observant. Maybe the Molly didn’t notice since she seemed to be heated at her own clumsiness. Passionblaze gave a respective bow of his head to her, “Ah, no need to be sorry.” Maybe she was wandering in her thoughts as much as he was. A bit clumsy, eh? Passionblaze felt his whiskers wiggling at the humorous thought. The tom himself usually tripped over his own paws, being quite the clownish clumsy feline he was. He gave her a softened smile, and vigorously shook his head at her question. “Nope! Pretty sure I’m all in one piece.” He flicked his tail comically behind him. “Don’t beat yourself up about it.” He replied, coolly, courteous as the tom he was.

Following afterwards, the sheepishness that was etched on her face dissipated into one of a thoughtful one. That’s when Passionblaze imitated her expression, knowing fully well that she may had questions for him. The supposed fox sightings...of course. His broad shoulders rolled to comfort them from becoming too stiff. Instead, cool and collected, Passionblaze nodded. “Just to be sure we're on the same level, you are inferring to the scent of fox?” Passionblaze questioned. That was the only problem Thunderclan currently had, besides the tension between Windclan and Shadowclan. Oh, boy! Couldn’t he wait for the next gathering? Passionblaze felt s confident smile glowing on his features because he knew the molly was right. Thunderclan can handle absolutely anything and everything! Suddenly, the smile was replaced by a scrunch of his nose. He had lifted himself to his paws. “Yeah...I know what you mean. I’ve been meaning to talk it over with Snowstar, but uh - yeah...” Passionblaze knew that it couldn’t be held off any longer. The longer they waited, the worst the problem would become. Clearing his throat, he blinked curiously at her. “I’m interested to know what you think we should do to go about this?” Hearing the input of his clan mates was always a big deal to him. Each cat had their own opinions that were wild and sane to believe. The deputy may not always agree in matters, but he was an open cat that catered to the mindful emotions that many possessed.

Blinking at him, Sheepcloud was stunned for a second or two as she stared at him, trying to measure if he was upset while hoping he was not. He didn’t seem injured, thank StarClan. That would have been terrible; she had no intention of harming her own clanmates, though it seemed her clumsiness sometimes had alternative motives. “Are you sure?” she questioned, looking a tad skeptical. “I’m still sorry,” Sheepcloud wanted to smack her paw into her own head since Passionblaze had just told her there was no need to be sorry a moment ago. “I mean--” she fumbled to correct her error, “I’m.. not sorry?” Way to make things worse. The heat under her pelt only seemed to be getting hotter, and she averted her gaze. A frustrated huff of air escaped her at her own verbal incompetence, Sheepcloud gave up on fixing the blunder. “I guess my paws aren't the only thing I'm clumsy with. I’m kind of clumsy with my words too, huh?” She wasn’t known for having a way with smooth talking nor a golden tongue, but she did have a heart of gold. The softened smile that Passionblaze flashed at her was relaxing, and she could feel the embarrassed heat of her pelt melting away, allowing her to return the smile.

“I don’t think ThunderClan would be very happy with me if you weren’t in one piece,” Sheepcloud commented, her whiskers twitching in amusement, “and I don’t suppose that’d make me a great warrior, either. Bringing down the deputy in one swoop.” Despite her upbeat tone, she was genuinely glad he was okay and expressed this with a sigh of relief and soft smile on her muzzle. Even more reassuring, Passionblaze didn’t seem to be upset about the incident. “You know, for a moment I was afraid I was about to be sentenced to become a ‘paw once again,” her eyes widened in mock terror, “or worst case scenario, be exiled and probably have to join the ranks of WindClan.” Sheepcloud joked, but she knew she’d never join them; she saw WindClan as a bunch of traitors and cowards for attacking their camp. If they wanted a battle, they could have asked for one, but surprising them had been dishonorable. “So thank you,” she finished, gratefully touching the tip of her tail to his shoulder briefly. The fact that he’d been so calm and polite about it had helped her feel more at ease. “To be honest, I really didn’t want to live the rest of my days as one of those rabbit-chasers.”

When the conversation moved on to the patrol’s reporting the scent of fox in the territory, she nodded in confirmation to his question. “Right,” Sheepcloud meowed, “the fox scents.” A shudder of horror passed through her at the mere idea of one stalking around the territory, making itself at home and hoping for a kit-snack to fill its belly. The fox--or foxes, but she hoped not--definitely had to go before any ThunderClanner fell victim to it. Although it was concerning that the leader and deputy hadn’t been given an opportunity to discuss this threat to ThunderClan’s safety, Sheepcloud understood why it may not have been possible and didn’t blame Passionblaze or Snowstar. When he trailed off, she tried to offer a reassuring, “I’m sure you and Snowstar have been too busy with WindClan and ShadowClan to get a chance to talk in-depth about anything.” The state of the tensions between them were not a mystery or secret, after all -- those two Clans were probably their most pressing and serious problem after the attack that’d been launched.

A pinch of alarm flooded her as she realized Passionblaze was specifically asking for her opinion on the issue, and her face showed her surprise. She'd been unprepared for that, but didn't mind him asking. “You’d be interested in what I think?” Sheepcloud inquired, too shocked to feel flattered. “That’s kind of you to ask, but I can’t say I’m too wonderful at ..you know, making plans or giving advice. I usually end up winging it.” Her impatience and recklessness sometimes combined to create a terrible storm of impulsive behavior, whether that turned out making things better or worse was dependent, and she tended to find herself veering off track often. Plans weren’t her strong suit. “But I’ll try,” she resolved, determined to do her best since Passionblaze was generous enough to at least ask for her thoughts. “If I had to choose a course of action, I think I’d want a patrol of a couple warriors to scout out where the scents have appeared. Maybe they’ll be able to pinpoint how many foxes ThunderClan is dealing with, though it’s probably one. It’s mostly just a precaution, since sending warriors into battle could easily go awry if they’re ambushed by multiple.” Taking another moment to collect her ideas, Sheepcloud continued, “And then after the scouting patrol comes back with information, a battle patrol could be sent to eradicate the issue by driving the fox off.” Once she was done detailing her makeshift plan, her teal eyes settled onto Passionblaze’s yellow-green ones, “..What would you propose?” She’d been given the spotlight long enough, she was curious if Passionblaze had formulated something different.

February 11th, 2018, 02:22 AM
Blinking at him, Sheepcloud was stunned for a second or two as she stared at him, trying to measure if he was upset while hoping he was not. He didn’t seem injured, thank StarClan. That would have been terrible; she had no intention of harming her own clanmates, though it seemed her clumsiness sometimes had alternative motives. “Are you sure?” she questioned, looking a tad skeptical. “I’m still sorry,” Sheepcloud wanted to smack her paw into her own head since Passionblaze had just told her there was no need to be sorry a moment ago. “I mean--” she fumbled to correct her error, “I’m.. not sorry?” Way to make things worse. The heat under her pelt only seemed to be getting hotter, and she averted her gaze. A frustrated huff of air escaped her at her own verbal incompetence, Sheepcloud gave up on fixing the blunder. “I guess my paws aren't the only thing I'm clumsy with. I’m kind of clumsy with my words too, huh?” She wasn’t known for having a way with smooth talking nor a golden tongue, but she did have a heart of gold. The softened smile that Passionblaze flashed at her was relaxing, and she could feel the embarrassed heat of her pelt melting away, allowing her to return the smile.

“I don’t think ThunderClan would be very happy with me if you weren’t in one piece,” Sheepcloud commented, her whiskers twitching in amusement, “and I don’t suppose that’d make me a great warrior, either. Bringing down the deputy in one swoop.” Despite her upbeat tone, she was genuinely glad he was okay and expressed this with a sigh of relief and soft smile on her muzzle. Even more reassuring, Passionblaze didn’t seem to be upset about the incident. “You know, for a moment I was afraid I was about to be sentenced to become a ‘paw once again,” her eyes widened in mock terror, “or worst case scenario, be exiled and probably have to join the ranks of WindClan.” Sheepcloud joked, but she knew she’d never join them; she saw WindClan as a bunch of traitors and cowards for attacking their camp. If they wanted a battle, they could have asked for one, but surprising them had been dishonorable. “So thank you,” she finished, gratefully touching the tip of her tail to his shoulder briefly. The fact that he’d been so calm and polite about it had helped her feel more at ease. “To be honest, I really didn’t want to live the rest of my days as one of those rabbit-chasers.”

When the conversation moved on to the patrol’s reporting the scent of fox in the territory, she nodded in confirmation to his question. “Right,” Sheepcloud meowed, “the fox scents.” A shudder of horror passed through her at the mere idea of one stalking around the territory, making itself at home and hoping for a kit-snack to fill its belly. The fox--or foxes, but she hoped not--definitely had to go before any ThunderClanner fell victim to it. Although it was concerning that the leader and deputy hadn’t been given an opportunity to discuss this threat to ThunderClan’s safety, Sheepcloud understood why it may not have been possible and didn’t blame Passionblaze or Snowstar. When he trailed off, she tried to offer a reassuring, “I’m sure you and Snowstar have been too busy with WindClan and ShadowClan to get a chance to talk in-depth about anything.” The state of the tensions between them were not a mystery or secret, after all -- those two Clans were probably their most pressing and serious problem after the attack that’d been launched.

A pinch of alarm flooded her as she realized Passionblaze was specifically asking for her opinion on the issue, and her face showed her surprise. She'd been unprepared for that, but didn't mind him asking. “You’d be interested in what I think?” Sheepcloud inquired, too shocked to feel flattered. “That’s kind of you to ask, but I can’t say I’m too wonderful at ..you know, making plans or giving advice. I usually end up winging it.” Her impatience and recklessness sometimes combined to create a terrible storm of impulsive behavior, whether that turned out making things better or worse was dependent, and she tended to find herself veering off track often. Plans weren’t her strong suit. “But I’ll try,” she resolved, determined to do her best since Passionblaze was generous enough to at least ask for her thoughts. “If I had to choose a course of action, I think I’d want a patrol of a couple warriors to scout out where the scents have appeared. Maybe they’ll be able to pinpoint how many foxes ThunderClan is dealing with, though it’s probably one. It’s mostly just a precaution, since sending warriors into battle could easily go awry if they’re ambushed by multiple.” Taking another moment to collect her ideas, Sheepcloud continued, “And then after the scouting patrol comes back with information, a battle patrol could be sent to eradicate the issue by driving the fox off.” Once she was done detailing her makeshift plan, her teal eyes settled onto Passionblaze’s yellow-green ones, “..What would you propose?” She’d been given the spotlight long enough, she was curious if Passionblaze had formulated something different.

That look again...was she okay? Passionblaze didn’t know whether or not to ask her because all she did was stare at him; shocked. So, slowly he reciprocated her expression, blinking at her with a feigned shocked expression of his own. It was quite immature but surely she was making a big deal out of nothing! So, he played along, making sure to touch his nose to areas that made it appear like he was giving himself a check up for any signs of pain. She asked him once more if he was alright, but she continued to talk before he got a word in. Passionblaze may had stared stoically at Sheepcloud, but inwardly, if anyone looked closed upon they could see amusement dancing on his features. Passionblaze allowed her to continue, his eyes growing wide with interest until her following words erupted a booming laughter from him. “You’re confusing me! Are you sorry or are you not sorry?” Passionblaze didn’t think it was a big deal. Such things happened all the time, and just like what Sheepcloud did, the former would apologize. It’s not like she meant to do it on purpose anyway, but Passionblaze had appreciated the fact that she genuinely was concerned whether she hurt him or not. He didn’t want her to be tough on herself for a little mishap. A part of him understood, but he didn’t see her discomfort, but she looked embarrassed slightly for the moment. Passionblaze had flicked his ears back, but the softened smile stayed planted on his face. His laughter punctured after a moment upon noticing that his clan mate was truly bothered by this. “Listen, Listen — it’s alright. I promise.” He reassured her with a confident grin. “You’d have to throw more than that — a lot more than that if you want to bring me down.” He joked, mocking the absolute confidence of a conceited feline who thought they were invincible. Being playful, at least to cease the concern of his clan mate was the goal of the deputy. “To tell you a little secret, I’m not very graceful on my own paws. So, you’re not alone there, Friend.” When he saw her smile, it made his widen because in a way he managed to get her to relax.

The tom imagined himself in different pieces. Literally ripped apart limb to limb yet still alive and thriving. It was a confusing thought, but it made him laugh as he imagined omen paw hopping about on one side of Thunderclan’s territory then his other paw on another end. “Not only does it sound bad, but it also sounds painful. Good thing you’re feather weight, eh?” He joked. Little jokes here and there to clear the tension. Passionblaze threw his head back laughing once again. Another thing to imagine which had been hilarious in his opinion. “But, Hey, at least you could tell all your friends that you almost had brought me down in one swoop. You’d go down in history.” The tom responded, lightly using a paw to nudge her. Passionblaze didn’t question her fighting techniques because if she could heat him, then so be it. The ginger tom was too much of a gentlemen to lack the acknowledgement that females were as powerful in the battle field as males were — if not, then much stronger. Passionblaze never questioned the strength of the opposite gender. Besides, he detected a lighthearted, upbeat tone coming from Sheepcloud that he didn’t hesitate to laugh and play along with her. “No, no, of course not. That punishment would only come if it was Snowstar who you bumped into.” He corrected. His tone a gentle deepness of mirth. Passionblaze recoiled at her next words, his expression copying one of mock disgust. “Out all clans, you’d join Windclan first?” He stuck out his tongue, knowing that it was rather immature tovact in such a way. Passionblaze still held a minimum amount of respect for the neighboring clans. It was in his nature to be courteous in any moment he part takes in. Biting teeth and claws would not resolve an issue, he learned long ago. You do not have to like someone but you must tolerate them. Those type of lessons were hard to learn, but in the end, after yelling at yourself so many times to get it right; in the end, it was worth it. “I’d advise you to be a kittypet before you join them rabbit-chasers.” He purred humorously. A smile and a nod was thrown her way once Passionblaze felt that he succeeded in helping her to calm down her frightful state. He appreciated that she cared, but personally Passionblaze didn’t like anyone caring about him because he felt it was his job to care about others. On the other hand, it was nice to know that his clan mates did care. It was always nice to know someone cared.

If it was one thing Passionblaze hated, it would be foxes. And, badgers. And, snakes. Any predator known to the feline world. The forest was dominated by felines, so couldn’t the other animals allow them to live in peace? Passionblaze knew many were worried about the scent of a fox roaming through the territory. Mothers were fearing for their little ones lives. Elders were fearing for their own lives. Each and every heart that voiced their concerns, Passionblaze tried to calm the waters by saying he would do the best he could. He couldn’t eliminate their worries, nor could he promise them something won’t happen, but he knew that he would be dead first before he allowed a fox to hurt any of the young or the old. “You can’t turn your back on them. Windclan, yeah we knew. We’ve been having issues with them. But, shadowclan?” Passionblaze spoke, his voice leaning more into one of disbelief that Shadowclan would partner up with Windclan to defeat Thunderclan. Passionblaze sighed, no need to be angry at such. In the end, Thunderclan won anyway. “I don’t want Snowstar to worry more than she should. So much is happening, and she deserves relaxation and to spend time with her family.” The discovery had been weighing heavily on him because Passionblaze had thought plenty of simply confronting the predator on his own. Couldn’t be too bad, right?

Passionblaze had tilted his head at Sheepcloud’s aghast expression. Again, he thought he ended up doing something wrong, so internally he panicked at what he could say to make it up to her but the question rolling out her muzzle made him straighten his head. “Um, yeah, I do.” Why was that so surprising? “You have a voice in the clan. You might as well use it, am I right?” His smile, this time, a little cautious. He remembered one quote that it took a clan to raise a kit. It was the same as knowing it took a clan to nurture each other. All opinions shouldn’t be only of the authorities but rather the cats that serve under them. Passionblaze loved the conversations with his clan mates. He liked to get to know them, and the way to do that was to hear their opinions on specific troubles involving the clan. Everyone had a voice. They all wanted to be heard. If one plan didn’t go according, then there were plenty of other plans to follow suite. “It’s alright. I don’t expect you to make a Golden plan that’ll work for certain. You have a concern and an opinion. I’m all ears to listen to whatever you need to say.” There was no use of coming up to him and telling him about the fox’s scent. This was something Passionblaze took notice to already. He expected cats to come up to him and give them a piece of their mind about how they believe this or that will work. So, he had listened to Sheepcloud, nodding along a few times for her to know that he was listening. It wasn’t a bad plan...actually that might work. Passionblaze hummed for a moment, a deep thoughtful expression glued to his face. “And, I thought you weren’t good at making plans?” He accused her with a knowing tone. Pushing back to become more serious, Passionblaze quickly wiped the smile off his face, successfully becoming stern once more. After all, this depended on the safety of the clan. “That’s pretty smart! Actually, it wouldn’t be too bad with two patrols. Once the scouting patrol track the scent, we’ll be able to drive the fox out.” Kill it, if we’re lucky. Then, it’ll be gone for good. Not long afterwards did Sheepcloud flip the question back onto him. Passionblaze’s eyes had jumped around the area, clearly written with a type of discomfort that was hard to read. “What did I have in mind?” The problem was that he didn’t have anything in mind. He was the go-getter. He didn’t make plans. He just threw himself into the chaos with no collection of consequences that he would suffer. Passionblaze had the worst behavior when it came to his impulsiveness. With no fear, he’d jump in and continue to thrash around until he couldn’t move anymore. Pain was blank. It didn’t exist when he fought. Until the battle was over was when he actually felt the sting in the wounded areas. Other than that, everything was a blind point to him. Passionblaze evenly met her gaze and meowed, “Frankly, I don’t think.” That’s something I need to work on...The honest truth. More cats than his mother often told him that. “I’d say we go scout right now and handle this situation ourselves.” It was reckless and devious to do, but Passionblaze put the clan’s safety above all else. He wasn’t afraid to go out — even by himself — to put this fox six paws under. Realizing before what he had uttered, Passionblaze didn’t want to force the Molly to follow along because he was thinking on impulsion. “By we I meant I. I don’t mind the company, however. Who knows? Maybe the fox isn’t around any longer, but still...just to make sure.” Passionblaze rephrased himself. Snowstar wouldn’t handle it anytime soon, so that was where he stepped in. “But, you could come along if you’d like. The company wouldn’t be a bad thing.” He adds in, one paw taking a step forward,
Followed by another one. He stopped for a moment to look at her curiously, wondering if she wanted to flank him on this ‘mission’.

February 11th, 2018, 10:26 AM
That look again...was she okay? Passionblaze didn’t know whether or not to ask her because all she did was stare at him; shocked. So, slowly he reciprocated her expression, blinking at her with a feigned shocked expression of his own. It was quite immature but surely she was making a big deal out of nothing! So, he played along, making sure to touch his nose to areas that made it appear like he was giving himself a check up for any signs of pain. She asked him once more if he was alright, but she continued to talk before he got a word in. Passionblaze may had stared stoically at Sheepcloud, but inwardly, if anyone looked closed upon they could see amusement dancing on his features. Passionblaze allowed her to continue, his eyes growing wide with interest until her following words erupted a booming laughter from him. “You’re confusing me! Are you sorry or are you not sorry?” Passionblaze didn’t think it was a big deal. Such things happened all the time, and just like what Sheepcloud did, the former would apologize. It’s not like she meant to do it on purpose anyway, but Passionblaze had appreciated the fact that she genuinely was concerned whether she hurt him or not. He didn’t want her to be tough on herself for a little mishap. A part of him understood, but he didn’t see her discomfort, but she looked embarrassed slightly for the moment. Passionblaze had flicked his ears back, but the softened smile stayed planted on his face. His laughter punctured after a moment upon noticing that his clan mate was truly bothered by this. “Listen, Listen — it’s alright. I promise.” He reassured her with a confident grin. “You’d have to throw more than that — a lot more than that if you want to bring me down.” He joked, mocking the absolute confidence of a conceited feline who thought they were invincible. Being playful, at least to cease the concern of his clan mate was the goal of the deputy. “To tell you a little secret, I’m not very graceful on my own paws. So, you’re not alone there, Friend.” When he saw her smile, it made his widen because in a way he managed to get her to relax.

The tom imagined himself in different pieces. Literally ripped apart limb to limb yet still alive and thriving. It was a confusing thought, but it made him laugh as he imagined omen paw hopping about on one side of Thunderclan’s territory then his other paw on another end. “Not only does it sound bad, but it also sounds painful. Good thing you’re feather weight, eh?” He joked. Little jokes here and there to clear the tension. Passionblaze threw his head back laughing once again. Another thing to imagine which had been hilarious in his opinion. “But, Hey, at least you could tell all your friends that you almost had brought me down in one swoop. You’d go down in history.” The tom responded, lightly using a paw to nudge her. Passionblaze didn’t question her fighting techniques because if she could heat him, then so be it. The ginger tom was too much of a gentlemen to lack the acknowledgement that females were as powerful in the battle field as males were — if not, then much stronger. Passionblaze never questioned the strength of the opposite gender. Besides, he detected a lighthearted, upbeat tone coming from Sheepcloud that he didn’t hesitate to laugh and play along with her. “No, no, of course not. That punishment would only come if it was Snowstar who you bumped into.” He corrected. His tone a gentle deepness of mirth. Passionblaze recoiled at her next words, his expression copying one of mock disgust. “Out all clans, you’d join Windclan first?” He stuck out his tongue, knowing that it was rather immature tovact in such a way. Passionblaze still held a minimum amount of respect for the neighboring clans. It was in his nature to be courteous in any moment he part takes in. Biting teeth and claws would not resolve an issue, he learned long ago. You do not have to like someone but you must tolerate them. Those type of lessons were hard to learn, but in the end, after yelling at yourself so many times to get it right; in the end, it was worth it. “I’d advise you to be a kittypet before you join them rabbit-chasers.” He purred humorously. A smile and a nod was thrown her way once Passionblaze felt that he succeeded in helping her to calm down her frightful state. He appreciated that she cared, but personally Passionblaze didn’t like anyone caring about him because he felt it was his job to care about others. On the other hand, it was nice to know that his clan mates did care. It was always nice to know someone cared.

If it was one thing Passionblaze hated, it would be foxes. And, badgers. And, snakes. Any predator known to the feline world. The forest was dominated by felines, so couldn’t the other animals allow them to live in peace? Passionblaze knew many were worried about the scent of a fox roaming through the territory. Mothers were fearing for their little ones lives. Elders were fearing for their own lives. Each and every heart that voiced their concerns, Passionblaze tried to calm the waters by saying he would do the best he could. He couldn’t eliminate their worries, nor could he promise them something won’t happen, but he knew that he would be dead first before he allowed a fox to hurt any of the young or the old. “You can’t turn your back on them. Windclan, yeah we knew. We’ve been having issues with them. But, shadowclan?” Passionblaze spoke, his voice leaning more into one of disbelief that Shadowclan would partner up with Windclan to defeat Thunderclan. Passionblaze sighed, no need to be angry at such. In the end, Thunderclan won anyway. “I don’t want Snowstar to worry more than she should. So much is happening, and she deserves relaxation and to spend time with her family.” The discovery had been weighing heavily on him because Passionblaze had thought plenty of simply confronting the predator on his own. Couldn’t be too bad, right?

Passionblaze had tilted his head at Sheepcloud’s aghast expression. Again, he thought he ended up doing something wrong, so internally he panicked at what he could say to make it up to her but the question rolling out her muzzle made him straighten his head. “Um, yeah, I do.” Why was that so surprising? “You have a voice in the clan. You might as well use it, am I right?” His smile, this time, a little cautious. He remembered one quote that it took a clan to raise a kit. It was the same as knowing it took a clan to nurture each other. All opinions shouldn’t be only of the authorities but rather the cats that serve under them. Passionblaze loved the conversations with his clan mates. He liked to get to know them, and the way to do that was to hear their opinions on specific troubles involving the clan. Everyone had a voice. They all wanted to be heard. If one plan didn’t go according, then there were plenty of other plans to follow suite. “It’s alright. I don’t expect you to make a Golden plan that’ll work for certain. You have a concern and an opinion. I’m all ears to listen to whatever you need to say.” There was no use of coming up to him and telling him about the fox’s scent. This was something Passionblaze took notice to already. He expected cats to come up to him and give them a piece of their mind about how they believe this or that will work. So, he had listened to Sheepcloud, nodding along a few times for her to know that he was listening. It wasn’t a bad plan...actually that might work. Passionblaze hummed for a moment, a deep thoughtful expression glued to his face. “And, I thought you weren’t good at making plans?” He accused her with a knowing tone. Pushing back to become more serious, Passionblaze quickly wiped the smile off his face, successfully becoming stern once more. After all, this depended on the safety of the clan. “That’s pretty smart! Actually, it wouldn’t be too bad with two patrols. Once the scouting patrol track the scent, we’ll be able to drive the fox out.” Kill it, if we’re lucky. Then, it’ll be gone for good. Not long afterwards did Sheepcloud flip the question back onto him. Passionblaze’s eyes had jumped around the area, clearly written with a type of discomfort that was hard to read. “What did I have in mind?” The problem was that he didn’t have anything in mind. He was the go-getter. He didn’t make plans. He just threw himself into the chaos with no collection of consequences that he would suffer. Passionblaze had the worst behavior when it came to his impulsiveness. With no fear, he’d jump in and continue to thrash around until he couldn’t move anymore. Pain was blank. It didn’t exist when he fought. Until the battle was over was when he actually felt the sting in the wounded areas. Other than that, everything was a blind point to him. Passionblaze evenly met her gaze and meowed, “Frankly, I don’t think.” That’s something I need to work on...The honest truth. More cats than his mother often told him that. “I’d say we go scout right now and handle this situation ourselves.” It was reckless and devious to do, but Passionblaze put the clan’s safety above all else. He wasn’t afraid to go out — even by himself — to put this fox six paws under. Realizing before what he had uttered, Passionblaze didn’t want to force the Molly to follow along because he was thinking on impulsion. “By we I meant I. I don’t mind the company, however. Who knows? Maybe the fox isn’t around any longer, but still...just to make sure.” Passionblaze rephrased himself. Snowstar wouldn’t handle it anytime soon, so that was where he stepped in. “But, you could come along if you’d like. The company wouldn’t be a bad thing.” He adds in, one paw taking a step forward,
Followed by another one. He stopped for a moment to look at her curiously, wondering if she wanted to flank him on this ‘mission’.

[[would you like to start us off in the territory?]]

When she was bluntly asked whether or not she was sorry, Sheepcloud held her tongue and actually thought about it - was she? Yes, definitely, and she would have felt immensely guilty if she had hurt him. But she didn’t want to completely go against everything he’d just said to her either, since he’d mentioned there’d been no reason to apologize. When she noticed the small hints of amusement etched into his face, she returned them, realizing this was a bit excessive and silly. Maybe she was sorry for making a bigger deal of it than it had to be, but that happened to her quite often. “Trust me, I have no intentions of bringing you down now or in the future,” Sheepcloud promised with a soft mrrow of laughter in her voice, unable to help but feel reassured at his confident smile. He was charming, for sure, and seemed to have a quality that made him extremely personable. At least to her, but she had a feeling he was like that everywhere he went, an admirable trait to possess and one she wished she had herself. Making friends probably came easily to him, one of those cats that managed to look comfortable in any setting. “You?” she questioned, appearing skeptical when Passionblaze told her that he wasn’t the most graceful warrior. If he was as clumsy as he claimed (which she figured he was, she didn’t think he’d lie), then she wondered if he could recover from those instances as quickly as he did a few minutes ago. The mere idea of it was intriguing to her, considering he was so adept at putting his thoughts into words, weaving them into sentences as if it were nothing. A smooth-talking feline, a very kind one at that. It certainly would be a sharp contrast to pair his skill of navigating social situations with a clumsiness on his paws. “You’ll have to forgive my surprise,” she giggled. “It’s just hard to imagine you--Passionblaze, the wonderfully competent deputy of ThunderClan--inadvertently headbutting your unsuspecting clanmates.” It was essentially what she had done to him, though it hadn’t been particularly forceful.

Sheepcloud was visibly more relaxed with him now. “I think if I started telling everyone that I almost brought you down in one swoop, the best I’d get is a bunch of curious gazes. The worst.. Maybe being called a traitor.” She didn’t have any friends outside of ThunderClan, so her audience would be fellow warriors who probably wouldn’t respond well to that. Everybody liked Passionblaze as far as she knew, nobody wanted him gone as ThunderClan’s faithful deputy. “What I’ve always wanted,” she purred sarcastically, “to be known not for being a good hunter or excellent fighter or the most loyal warrior, but instead to be the one that almost took down Passionblaze. My kin will be proud of me for generations to come.”

After he corrected that it was Snowstar that’d banish her for the clumsy mistake, she emitted a genuine laugh at his little joke, relieved he wasn’t uptight like some of the other cats in the Clan. He knew how to carry and deliver light-hearted amusement, making the atmosphere more comfortable for everyone. Honestly, Passionblaze was throwing her for a loop in how humorous he was, and she could say with confidence she was enjoying his company. It felt refreshing, like she hadn’t had a meaningful interaction in moons; sure, this part of the conversation was centered around less-than-serious affairs, but it nevertheless succeeded in bringing her joy. She hoped he was similarly liking their time together. Grinning, Sheepcloud shook her head when Passionblaze wondered if she’d join WindClan first, “No, I said that because they’re the only one that’d take me.” It was a harsh jab at how desperate WindClan had become for warriors--she still had a minimal respect for the other Clans, however ShadowClan was pushing it after their involvement in the raid.

As Passionblaze expanded on why he’d been unable to go to Snowstar about the fox situation, she nodded understandingly, grasping the importance of attempting to keep the leader’s stress levels at a minimum and allowing her to spend time with family. “But what about you?” she inquired. Passionblaze should be able to enjoy the same peacefulness for a while, even if that wasn’t what reality had in mind. “I know you’re not leader, but being a deputy is probably exhausting as well..” It was juggling the current state of the Clan and its inhabitants, leading and directing them, conjuring diplomatic and battle strategies… it was a job she didn’t think she could do. Although she hadn’t outright stated it, she did care about the well-being of her clanmates, including Passionblaze. As the deputy, perhaps he felt the need to impulsively take care of others before himself, but she hoped he knew he had as much right of any cat to be tended to. He was important too and despite being only a bit more than acquaintances, Sheepcloud internally promised she would try to help in any way she could.

Once she was finished giving her plan and had received his feedback, she blushed lightly, her pelt getting warmer again. In all her days, she couldn’t quite remember a time that anyone had complimented her for her planning skills (or lack thereof, more appropriately.) Besides, she believed that if Passionblaze had made a plan on his own, his would be many times better. More thorough, more safe for those involved. Sheepcloud didn’t think she was good at planning, much less making something feasible enough to do but perhaps this had actually been decent? She was simply worried it wouldn’t work, or would result in cats getting hurt… but then again, that was always a risk they were taking when they were dealing with foxes or other predatory wildlife. Even the best of plans could fall through unexpectedly. “Thank you,” she meowed appreciatively, “but I’m usually terrible at making them. I’m even worse at sticking to them.” The latter was one of the major flaws she saw in herself, the impulsivity that bred danger. After Passionblaze reacted to her previous question by darting his eyes around the clearing, she was unsure if she’d said something wrong but wouldn’t have the slightest clue what it would be. Did he lose family or friends to a poorly-constructed plan in the past? A far-fetched deduction, but the sole one she had to work with. She had no idea what could be bothering him but didn’t want to push it further in fear of making the situation worse when the last thing she wished to do was increase his discomfort. He’d worked hard to make her comfortable, it wouldn’t exactly be courteous to immediately to the opposite for him. “Oh, please,” she scoffed, “I don’t believe that for a second. You definitely think, how else would you have become deputy?” Or a warrior at all. Just because he was impulsive didn’t mean he didn’t think. With a shrug, she clarified, “Maybe you just put thinking after acting. I struggle with that too when I’m in a high-pressure situation. It’s like I abandon every scrap of a plan I had, then do my own thing.”

Her eyes widened at the thought, but she wasn’t afraid. It was an expression of excitement, craving the thrill of what he proposed they do. “Right now?” she perked up, ears tilting forward in instant interest. Sheepcloud hadn’t expected Passionblaze to be ready but couldn’t say she was displeased -- she would prefer to act on this sooner rather than later. It hit her that they might want to tell another cat what they were doing in case things went horribly south, but that was pushed away quickly. Her mind for safety disappeared when there was an adventure to be had, one that aided in keeping her Clan safe. That was of utmost importance to her, all else tossed aside. It was ironic, somehow, but that was lost on Sheepcloud. They’d finished talking about the problematic impulsive behavior but were happy to embark on a potentially-threatening journey to find a fox, and she could think of nothing but serving her Clan. Keeping them safe above everything, especially the ones that couldn’t fight for themselves but could be victims of a hungry, vicious fox. When he corrected his statement to explain that he meant he wouldn’t mind company, Sheepcloud appeared amused and quizzical. “So you don’t want me along?” she clarified, but flashed a subtle smile at him to make sure he knew she was joking, being intentionally obtuse. Her features taking on something more serious, she nodded, “We should do it.” She couldn’t think of a single reason to procrastinate on this. Absentmindedly putting a bounce in her step, she bounded toward him, falling into a trot beside Passionblaze as they headed out of camp to see what the territory would hold.

February 11th, 2018, 08:11 PM
Monarchstep gave a blink of acnolagement,” Not going to kill you, you are a clamate afterall.” He muttered sarcastically rather amused by her

Heatherdream let out a small chuckle, starring at Monarchstep. "I wouldn't say that there were some cats that had actually killed their clanmates you know." replied Heatherdream.

February 11th, 2018, 08:36 PM
Redpaw purred,” And yet she some how puts up with you when you don’t even do that?” He laughed lightly.

Boulderdust laid down slowly, placing his front paws underneath him. "Want to go for a walk with me?" asked the elder, giving his chest fur a quick lick.

February 12th, 2018, 11:20 AM


Was what the tom felt, it wasn't like he wanted to be bored. More or less he had to take it easy because of his shoulder. Which right now, he was starting to dislike. Usually after a battle you should be happy to just calm down a bit. However, Snowpaw didn't feel like that. He was on edge, anxious. When was Snowstar going to make a move? He was growing restless among the camp, snapping at unlucky cats and saying sorry after. Snowpaw buried his face in his white paws, a loud groan sounding from his mouth. His tail swayed back and forth in a quick motion. His side felt better from visiting Caliapaw, yet that only put him in a worst mood. His ear flattened to his head, he had to worry about Owlstorm. Them was always a problem but not at the same time. Snowpaw learned that every cat shard the clan's problems. Even kits. "Starclan, why must you do this to me?" He said, lifting his head a little. He was making a fool out of himself. Snowpaw was used to doing that, already being the clan's clown. A joke. His shoulders slump once again. With a huff he rest his head on his paws, staring ahead of him. Trying to force his body to relax. Yet his paws itched to run but that had a chance of reopening his shoulder wound. Now, he didn't really care about that but he didn't want to return to that dreadful Medince cat den. Snowpaw still felt sick to his stomach from recently visiting it. Someone had to save him from this boredom or he was going to die. He was sure of it.


February 12th, 2018, 01:08 PM
The calico kit squealed in excitement as the ball soared in the air. Her bad eye didn’t allow her to track it very well - it was blurry out of the corner of her good eye, and in the past, it would have been easier to see, but it didn’t matter to her - it was all just a game. Leaping into the air and laughing as she did so, Brightkit’s paw brushed against the moss-ball and she did her best to slam it back towards Emberwing. Her paws were considerably smaller then the warrior’s, but when it came to games - the calico was an expert on every one of them. She squealed in delight again as the ball changed direction, the spongy object going back towards Emberwing. ”Your turn! Get it, get it!” She squealed, at a pitch that sounded like it would have hurt her throat from how loud it was.

But Brightkit didn’t care - she was much, much too excited to care very much about this kind of thing. Her green eye seemed to have a little bit of a sparkle in it now, and her blue one was definitely sparkling with pleasure as she bounced around in place, her soft white paws looking like they were practically going to burn up with how excited the smaller cat was. Her expression was one of pure joy, looking like it had been built out of light as she danced from paw to paw in anticipation of Emberwing’s return of the ball. Brightkit couldn’t remember the last time she had had so much fun with a warrior.

Most warriors seemed a little too busy to play with her - she’d had a couple of warrior friends, but not many, and the last grown cat to treat her in such a playful manner had been Pumpkinflight. She missed her adoptive mother, of course, and she would never understand why the sweet queen had been taken from her, but she would always have her younger kithood, when Pumpkinflight had still been there and when things had been so much more carefree and innocent.

Emberwing watched the younger kit with a joyful expression covering her face, ears perked and tail still held high in the air. Her eyes followed the moss ball with no problem or difficulty, but it occurred to her that Brightkit might have some trouble watching it. Her heart began to sink a little as she realized this, however it wasn't too long after that a smile overtook her maw. She felt proud as the calico kitten was able to leap high into the air and bat the moss ball back towards her. I have no doubt that her blindness won't get in the way of her training, she thought to herself, a warm feeling of pride erupting in her veins.

"I got it!" she yelped back, the russet colored warrior scooting back on her haunches and lifting her chest off the ground, one forepaw already extended and ready to catch the moss ball. Her paw was hooked - a perfect u-shape for the ball - and it connected perfectly with her paw. Using the momentum it had carried, Emberwing moved her forepaw through the air, sending the moss ball sailing back over to Brightkit. "You might have to run a bit for this one!" she warned in a playful tone, but was sure Brightkit would be able to catch it.

It had been awhile since Emberwing had been this carefree. Not since her apprentice days it seemed. Outside of her training, and once her daily duties were completed, she remembered lounging around camp with her friends, then apprentices as well, and discussing menial tasks such as the grumpy elders who always insisted they still had ticks in their fur, or the cocky warriors who always believed that they would be the best, and no one else would compare. Now, during her warrior days, things were a lot busier. It was nice to have some time to be a 'paw again - even a kit.

February 12th, 2018, 02:25 PM


Was what the tom felt, it wasn't like he wanted to be bored. More or less he had to take it easy because of his shoulder. Which right now, he was starting to dislike. Usually after a battle you should be happy to just calm down a bit. However, Snowpaw didn't feel like that. He was on edge, anxious. When was Snowstar going to make a move? He was growing restless among the camp, snapping at unlucky cats and saying sorry after. Snowpaw buried his face in his white paws, a loud groan sounding from his mouth. His tail swayed back and forth in a quick motion. His side felt better from visiting Caliapaw, yet that only put him in a worst mood. His ear flattened to his head, he had to worry about Owlstorm. Them was always a problem but not at the same time. Snowpaw learned that every cat shard the clan's problems. Even kits. "Starclan, why must you do this to me?" He said, lifting his head a little. He was making a fool out of himself. Snowpaw was used to doing that, already being the clan's clown. A joke. His shoulders slump once again. With a huff he rest his head on his paws, staring ahead of him. Trying to force his body to relax. Yet his paws itched to run but that had a chance of reopening his shoulder wound. Now, he didn't really care about that but he didn't want to return to that dreadful Medince cat den. Snowpaw still felt sick to his stomach from recently visiting it. Someone had to save him from this boredom or he was going to die. He was sure of it.

Morningscar padded over to snowpaw. “Hi snowpaw.” He meowed. (Sorry it’s short, but I also need to tell you that if i can I want to change snowpaw’s mentor because I just relised that I made a mistake, I accidentally signed goldenstream on as fernpaw’s mentor. And goldenstream just got hurt while training fernpaw, I will make one of my older ocs in thunderclan, be snowpaws mentor if you want.)

February 12th, 2018, 02:37 PM
Morningscar padded over to snowpaw. “Hi snowpaw.” He meowed. (Sorry it’s short, but I also need to tell you that if i can I want to change snowpaw’s mentor because I just relised that I made a mistake, I accidentally signed goldenstream on as fernpaw’s mentor. And goldenstream just got hurt while training fernpaw, I will make one of my older ocs in thunderclan, be snowpaws mentor if you want.)

[ okay, that's fine ]

Snowpaw lift his head, looking at the warrior. "Hiiii!" He dragged out the word `hi`, the edge of his voice had the tiniest of a groan. "Aren't you bored? I feel like I'm dying!" He complained, a bit happier that he had someone to complain to. Well, if they stayed. He would just rant to himself, anyway.

February 12th, 2018, 04:47 PM
Lightningflash smiled,"you're getting bored," it was less of a question and more of a statement,"don't worry, you're halfway to being an apprentice. And while you're at this growing thing I can teach you the hunters' crouch and you can be the best warrior you can be!" He winked at his daughter.
(Sorry this is late!)

Icekit nodded her snow white head. "Yeah, its boring here." She told her father starting to feel comfortable around him. Why had she doubted that her father was really her father? Well when your bullied about not knowing your father and not meeting him till your three moons of age it makes you sceptical to trust every thing you hear. At least for little Icekit. She wasn't the most trusting cat and that could be a good or bad thing only time will tell.

February 12th, 2018, 04:56 PM
Heatherdream let out a small chuckle, starring at Monarchstep. "I wouldn't say that there were some cats that had actually killed their clanmates you know." replied Heatherdream.
Monarchstep with a glint of amusement in his eyes unsheathed his claws and sheathed them back, as if Heatherdream were his prey before straightening up and shaking out his fur,” very true, never can be too trusting.”

February 12th, 2018, 04:58 PM
Boulderdust laid down slowly, placing his front paws underneath him. "Want to go for a walk with me?" asked the elder, giving his chest fur a quick lick.
Redpaw flicked his tail calmly,” Why not.” He replied calmly I wish he were younger, he’d be a good mentor for me...

February 12th, 2018, 06:57 PM
The medicine cat sighed, grabbing a few more cobwebs and placing them on the bloody scratches. They weren’t too bad - the only one that bothered her a little bit was the one on his flank. He had walked in here, which meant that he was probably going to be okay - as long as he didn’t lose too much blood (which Caliapaw wasn’t going to let happen anyways) he would be fine. The she cat eyed the deeper scratch and sighed, putting cobwebs on that too. When the bleeding stopped, or at least slowed, she would have to put marigold in the wounds - or some other thing to block it from infection - and she would have to do so to all the other cats as well. They were going to run out. And the worst thing was, Wheatfur hadn’t told her just where to go and look for it. She knew where to find some things - but marigold? She was going to have to rely on her senses for that. ”You can go now - I think you’ll be okay. Take it easy for a few days. Also, make sure you come back tomorrow - I want to put some marigold in those scratches so they don’t get infected. The bleeding will have stopped by then and hopefully I’ll be less busy.” This last part was spoken under her breath as the young medicine cat gave the tom a semi-smile. It irritated her, the fact that so many cats could get hurt in a battle and yet leaders just let it go on. She couldn’t do anything about it. What a shame.

After telling Thrushwing he could go, the feline closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. It was much less crowded in here now - or would soon be - and eventually, it would just be her and Doepaw again. She would fix things with him and it would all be okay. Caliapaw didn’t like feeling cornered, or vulnerable, and it was hard not to stress out with all the work she was doing right now. This was what she hated about battles… all the bloodshed that came with it. Perhaps she hadn’t fully understood how hard it was going to be. So far, Caliapaw had only lost one patient, and she wasn’t planning on losing any more. She couldn’t stand the cats who acted as though they were so badly hurt when others were dying - she couldn’t stand the cats who wouldn’t do as they were told, even though she knew what was best for them - and thankfully, not many of her patients had been “that type” today.

Caliapaw wasn’t sure how many more cats she could handle coming in here acting like they were better then her somehow. Like they knew more then her. She’d only had a patient or two like that, but it was difficult for her anyways. Why did cats insist on acting like they were so tough? They really weren’t. If this had taught Caliapaw anything, it was that most cats weren’t as tough as they looked. Most were more fragile then they let on, too. Caliapaw hated the fact that she couldn’t just make them stronger and send them off so they wouldn’t have to worry about it again. Taking a glance over Snowpaw’s scratches, the she cat eventually sighed and settled down a little bit.

”You’ll live. You can go ahead and go, just be careful. Take it easy for a few days, and come back to see me tomorrow so I can put marigold on those scratches to prevent infection.” The words sounded almost rehearsed as she said them, trying to keep from yawning (though she was tired) as she padded away from Snowpaw, guessing that at any moment there could be another patient who would walk through the entrance to the medicine cat den… and she would have to fix up yet another cat who had been injured by this battle.

Snowpaw let his thoughts wonder a little, still feeling at least a bit frustrated with himself. He unsheathed his claws and sheathed again, shaking his head. He blinked, barely hearing his sister. "Huh? Okay." Without another world he turned away, walking or well more like limping out of the den. He was cursing cats, random things in his head. Feeling like it was the only way to calm himself down. Snowpaw still could smell the fresh scent of blood and everything when he was a decent length away from the Medince cat den. He didn't want to complain about the smell, their was nothing you could do. He just wished it, hope to Starclan that his stomach would calm down itself. Snowpaw paused before looking back at the Medince cat den, hoping she would hear him. "Eat something if you haven't!" He still didn't know if she actually did eat something the first time when he told her to. Snowpaw could only trust her that she would. The Brightside of things was that he could go around and check up on his family- which would probably ending up annoying them.

February 12th, 2018, 07:33 PM
(Sorry this is late!)

Icekit nodded her snow white head. "Yeah, its boring here." She told her father starting to feel comfortable around him. Why had she doubted that her father was really her father? Well when your bullied about not knowing your father and not meeting him till your three moons of age it makes you sceptical to trust every thing you hear. At least for little Icekit. She wasn't the most trusting cat and that could be a good or bad thing only time will tell.
Nah, it's fine!)

Lightningflash got up and flicked his tail, signaling Icekit to follow. He padded a little ways away from the nursery and got into a basic hunting crouch,"here, try doing this!" He mewed happily at his daughter.

February 12th, 2018, 11:42 PM
Uh, since Tiger is down... I’mma just... Get Sky here
Skyfeather bounded into camp. He had just returned from a walk through the forest. The tom looked around for Cherrydawn. He opened his jaws in a yawn and sat down. His gaze scanned the clearing again, searching for his mate. When Skyfeather spotted her crouching beside Tigerdawn he rushed over. “What happened? Who did this?”

February 13th, 2018, 06:29 AM
As Mistwing entered the Thunderclan camp, she couldn't help but let a small sigh escape her. A thin layer of snow clung to her already pale fur and her paws were wet from the melted slush which had once been the pathway out of camp. She hadn't slept well the night before, preferring a night time stroll through the forest rather than resting in the cramped warriors den. Mistwing found herself never staying in the same place for too long, she long-haired she-cat always needed constant simulation, something new to occupy her. And though the earlier patrol had been a welcome reason to get out of camp, she would be lying if she said it wasn't boring. Mistwing shook the white dust from her fur and dragged her blank gaze around the camp. Unsatisfied, she padded towards the fresh-kill pile, her head hanging low and her broad shoulders sloping. She snagged a thin starling with her claw to look it over, before picking it up and settling down a few fox-lengths away, deciding to compensate for her early meal by going hunting after.

February 13th, 2018, 10:02 AM
[ okay, that's fine ]

Snowpaw lift his head, looking at the warrior. "Hiiii!" He dragged out the word `hi`, the edge of his voice had the tiniest of a groan. "Aren't you bored? I feel like I'm dying!" He complained, a bit happier that he had someone to complain to. Well, if they stayed. He would just rant to himself, anyway.
“Well hopefully you will be all healed soon!” Morningscar said exasperated. “Since goldenstream has been training fernpaw all the time, and my apprentice is aways tired, I haven’t been able to talk to many cats that I’m friends with!”

February 13th, 2018, 12:35 PM
“Well hopefully you will be all healed soon!” Morningscar said exasperated. “Since goldenstream has been training fernpaw all the time, and my apprentice is aways tired, I haven’t been able to talk to many cats that I’m friends with!”

Snowpaw flipped onto his back, his paws facing the sky as he stared up at it. "Well, I mean I'm always up for talking. I just wish my body would heal sooner. " He meowed, not bothering to ask why her apprentice didn't go to sleep earlier. I mean, they needed to be prepared for anything right now. His tail flickered back and forth, "How have you been anyway?" His voice was louder than needed.

February 13th, 2018, 01:32 PM
Snowpaw flipped onto his back, his paws facing the sky as he stared up at it. "Well, I mean I'm always up for talking. I just wish my body would heal sooner. " He meowed, not bothering to ask why her apprentice didn't go to sleep earlier. I mean, they needed to be prepared for anything right now. His tail flickered back and forth, "How have you been anyway?" His voice was louder than needed.
“I’ve been tired lately. I’ve had bad dreams.” Morningscar said distractedly

February 13th, 2018, 07:11 PM
Leaftail yawned as she stepped out of the warriors' den. No matter how early she slept, she never seemed to wake up refreshed. Her eyes skimmed the clearing and landed on the fresh-kill pile--almost empty. Hunting would wake me up, she thought to herself. But with who? She swept her gaze across the clearing and found a young apprentice sitting near the apprentice den. She could have sworn she'd seen him somewhere, but she wasn't sure what his name was--Squirrelpaw, maybe? She shrugged and headed towards him.
(@Boba Fett)

February 13th, 2018, 07:20 PM
“I’ve been tired lately. I’ve had bad dreams.” Morningscar said distractedly

Snowpaw blinked, he didn't know if their were anything for bad dreams but Caliapaw could maybe help her fall asleep. "Oh, well maybe my sister, Caliapaw could do something? I mean, the dreams I dunno know bout. Though maybe somethin to make you fall asleep better? I don't really know. I'm not a Medince cat." He replied to her.

February 13th, 2018, 07:52 PM
Leaftail yawned as she stepped out of the warriors' den. No matter how early she slept, she never seemed to wake up refreshed. Her eyes skimmed the clearing and landed on the fresh-kill pile--almost empty. Hunting would wake me up, she thought to herself. But with who? She swept her gaze across the clearing and found a young apprentice sitting near the apprentice den. She could have sworn she'd seen him somewhere, but she wasn't sure what his name was--Squirrelpaw, maybe? She shrugged and headed towards him.
(@Boba Fett)
Sorrelpaw was sitting in the shade of the apprentices' den, grooming himself and hoping he wasn't spotted. He was never really good with conversations, he had a small amount of... What do you call it? Oh, yeah! Social awkwardness. When he saw a she-cat, probably around newish but not quite new warrior age, padding towards him he tried to look small as if she would just walk right past him and not see him. Though he knew that this wouldn't actually happen, of course.

February 14th, 2018, 12:06 AM
A good sized mass laid curled up beside the warriors den. The russet fur that seemed to line this felines pelt, ruffled in the light breeze. It wasn't as cold as it had been and the sun wasn't covered. It was still relatively early for the felines ears picked up the soft snoring of many of his clan mates. Only those who went on the dawn patrol we're awake and even then, they were spotted curled up at different places in camp, not daring to go back to their nest where they could wake another up. That is exactly while Rowanblaze himself refused to go back. He knew sleepy, grumpy cat meant duties not being preformed properly.

Rowanblaze had been the last to return from the dawn patrol, telling the others he was going to do some hunting before heading back. Of course, that's not all he had wanted to do. He enjoyed the crisp cool feeling on his pelt as he padded through ThunderClan's territory, looking up and down and all around. Birds began emerging from their nest, giving the walking tom a confused yet cautious look with their black beady eyes. He wasn't in the mood for hunting birds, so he had left them alone. The tom's ears had pricked up at the sound of a mouse nearby. The mouse had been a bit more scrawny than he would have liked but he had went after it anyway catching it with ease. He did the same thing with another mouse and brought them both back to camp.

Rowanblaze had always enjoyed a nice stroll around the territory. Now, the tom was enjoying the sun on his back. He was waiting for his friends to wake up. Either Mistwing or Wolfheart. He had recently gotten acquainted with Mistwing. The beautiful she-cat had started hanging out with him and Wolfheart, more so him, but the tom had really enjoyed her presence. He had only really shared some prey with her and went on mandatory patrols. Though she also saw her with Breezefeather. He knew they had been friends since they were young. Rowanblaze wondered if Wolfheart would be up first, if so he'd ask her what she thought about the other ThunderClan Molly. Knowing Wolfheart, who didn't have a mean bone in her body, would probably only say good things. Rowanblaze flicked his hears and lifted his head from his curled form looking towards the warriors den, nothing. Shrugging the tom laid his head back down and dozed off.


This is so everyone can see how the plot is forming c:

Galaxy Of Wisdom
February 14th, 2018, 12:23 AM
A good sized mass laid curled up beside the warriors den. The russet fur that seemed to line this felines pelt, ruffled in the light breeze. It wasn't as cold as it had been and the sun wasn't covered. It was still relatively early for the felines ears picked up the soft snoring of many of his clan mates. Only those who went on the dawn patrol we're awake and even then, they were spotted curled up at different places in camp, not daring to go back to their nest where they could wake another up. That is exactly while Rowanblaze himself refused to go back. He knew sleepy, grumpy cat meant duties not being preformed properly.

Rowanblaze had been the last to return from the dawn patrol, telling the others he was going to do some hunting before heading back. Of course, that's not all he had wanted to do. He enjoyed the crisp cool feeling on his pelt as he padded through ThunderClan's territory, looking up and down and all around. Birds began emerging from their nest, giving the walking tom a confused yet cautious look with their black beady eyes. He wasn't in the mood for hunting birds, so he had left them alone. The tom's ears had pricked up at the sound of a mouse nearby. The mouse had been a bit more scrawny than he would have liked but he had went after it anyway catching it with ease. He did the same thing with another mouse and brought them both back to camp.

Rowanblaze had always enjoyed a nice stroll around the territory. Now, the tom was enjoying the sun on his back. He was waiting for his friends to wake up. Either Mistwing or Wolfheart. He had recently gotten acquainted with Mistwing. The beautiful she-cat had started hanging out with him and Wolfheart, more so him, but the tom had really enjoyed her presence. He had only really shared some prey with her and went on mandatory patrols. Though she also saw her with Breezefeather. He knew they had been friends since they were young. Rowanblaze wondered if Wolfheart would be up first, if so he'd ask her what she thought about the other ThunderClan Molly. Knowing Wolfheart, who didn't have a mean bone in her body, would probably only say good things. Rowanblaze flicked his hears and lifted his head from his curled form looking towards the warriors den, nothing. Shrugging the tom laid his head back down and dozed off.


This is so everyone can see how the plot is forming c:
A paw bats the toms head as a soft voice like soothing rain or even a running lake was heard saying in a playful little tone.
“ What’s this? I thought you were a warrior not some lazy kittypet.” the Molly’s voice Says playfully. This molly was none other than wolfheart herself who just got back from a patrol, her tiger like plet beautiful and proud with hints of snow on her chest, stomach and legs was almost like a real tiger only brown and almost like she just rain though snow. Her ice blue eyes warm and comforting not a hint of any bad emotions just pure kindness and happiness for the tom before him. In front of her was a little bluejay, something she probably caught for the sake of sharing with her dear friend. But she never liked him as a friend no... she loved him dearly. But she knew she wasn’t worthy of him and besides he’s already got his eye on a other molly who was kind and beautiful... unlike her with her scars here and there and her rather tom like looks. She held back a sigh thinking about it as she only focused her attention on him and him alone. She sits down purring softly “ Wake up Little warrior~ I caught a blue jay but since you’re tried I might as well eat it myself. “ she teases with a playful purr as she pulls the bird closer to her. Her tail wrapped around her paws and the bird but still she smiled and patted his face again. “ Come on you lazy bum! I ain’t eating it till you get up and watch me do it!” She mews playfully and happily. She was happy. They were alone and she just caught her favorite prey, what could go wrong? Besides this may be the only time they get to stay together like this.. she sees the looks he gave Mistwing and as much as it pains her ... she knows he’s going to ask her about him. Rouge life taught her many things... sometimes you need to accept it and move on but still... how can she? He was the only one that caught her eye everyday and the only one she thought about at night but.. if he’s happy than she’s happy.

February 14th, 2018, 12:44 AM
A paw bats the toms head as a soft voice like soothing rain or even a running lake was heard saying in a playful little tone.
“ What’s this? I thought you were a warrior not some lazy kittypet.” the Molly’s voice Says playfully. This molly was none other than wolfheart herself who just got back from a patrol, her tiger like plet beautiful and proud with hints of snow on her chest, stomach and legs was almost like a real tiger only brown and almost like she just rain though snow. Her ice blue eyes warm and comforting not a hint of any bad emotions just pure kindness and happiness for the tom before him. In front of her was a little bluejay, something she probably caught for the sake of sharing with her dear friend. But she never liked him as a friend no... she loved him dearly. But she knew she wasn’t worthy of him and besides he’s already got his eye on a other molly who was kind and beautiful... unlike her with her scars here and there and her rather tom like looks. She held back a sigh thinking about it as she only focused her attention on him and him alone. She sits down purring softly “ Wake up Little warrior~ I caught a blue jay but since you’re tried I might as well eat it myself. “ she teases with a playful purr as she pulls the bird closer to her. Her tail wrapped around her paws and the bird but still she smiled and patted his face again. “ Come on you lazy bum! I ain’t eating it till you get up and watch me do it!” She mews playfully and happily. She was happy. They were alone and she just caught her favorite prey, what could go wrong? Besides this may be the only time they get to stay together like this.. she sees the looks he gave Mistwing and as much as it pains her ... she knows he’s going to ask her about him. Rouge life taught her many things... sometimes you need to accept it and move on but still... how can she? He was the only one that caught her eye everyday and the only one she thought about at night but.. if he’s happy than she’s happy.

Rowanblaze grumbled as he was prodded and poked. The russet too had some how fallen asleep when he merely meant to doze off. He had dreamed a bit about Mistwing getting with Breezefeather and his pelt burned with jealousy. However, thankfully it was just a dream and he could hear his friend's soft voice grow more urgent. He grinned internally at Wolfheart's impatient nature. He goes didn't know the she can had gone on a patrol.

The tom lifted his head squinty green eyes glared playfully at the Molly. He too shared a liking for bluejays. They weren't easy to hunt bring so quick and often stay just it of reach. He had failed many a times trying to catch them. He nearly fell out of one of the trees and Wolfheart had saw and teased him for it for nearly a moon afterwards. Quickly he snatched the blue jay away and took a small bite if it. "Mmmmmmm!" He made the sound of satisfaction as the bird was still warm. "Fresh fresh kill is the best!" He purred looking over at Wolfheart. "Would be nice if Mistwing had woken lazy tail up." He shrugged and purged the blue jay back at her unaware that the she cat in front of him was secretly enjoying this alone time with him. "About Mistwing..." The Tom grew a bit shy and shuffled to sit up. "What do you think about her?" Rowanblaze was still feeling jealous about his dream concerning Mistwing and Breezefeather.


Galaxy Of Wisdom
February 14th, 2018, 12:54 AM
Rowanblaze grumbled as he was prodded and poked. The russet too had some how fallen asleep when he merely meant to doze off. He had dreamed a bit about Mistwing getting with Breezefeather and his pelt burned with jealousy. However, thankfully it was just a dream and he could hear his friend's soft voice grow more urgent. He grinned internally at Wolfheart's impatient nature. He goes didn't know the she can had gone on a patrol.

The tom lifted his head squinty green eyes glared playfully at the Molly. He too shared a liking for bluejays. They weren't easy to hunt bring so quick and often stay just it of reach. He had failed many a times trying to catch them. He nearly fell out of one of the trees and Wolfheart had saw and teased him for it for nearly a moon afterwards. Quickly he snatched the blue jay away and took a small bite if it. "Mmmmmmm!" He made the sound of satisfaction as the bird was still warm. "Fresh fresh kill is the best!" He purred looking over at Wolfheart. "Would be nice if Mistwing had woken lazy tail up." He shrugged and purged the blue jay back at her unaware that the she cat in front of him was secretly enjoying this alone time with him. "About Mistwing..." The Tom grew a bit shy and shuffled to sit up. "What do you think about her?" Rowanblaze was still feeling jealous about his dream concerning Mistwing and Breezefeather.

She laughs softly batting his head when he gave the bird back “ You lazy fat cat!” She purrs playfully as she leans down and begins to eat the bird a bit than... she felt it... that burning jealousy and the painful crack of her heart when he spoke... about Her. Her eyes glowed with sadness a bit but quickly was replaced with a forced happiness for him. She smiles though it was a bit forced thankfully...she was good at acting.
“ She’s a nice molly, beautiful and smart as Well. I see her as someone I would love to fight aside in battle however... her emotions may be ..” she purrs softly “ never mind knowing you’re stubborn butt you’ll probably cheer her up before she even feels sadness!” She jokes though once again it was forced. Of course she was happy for him, he was in love while she.. was left behind as a friend well at least she could stay by his side.. even if she can’t be closer to him. She’s happy.. right?. She begins to stand up and toss the rest of the bird at him, “ eat up my friend. I know mollies love their toms big and strong so far I win~” she purrs playfully as she crouches in front of him, her beautiful tail wagging a bit with the wind as she purrs happily. “ Hurry up! Before I go wake her up myself! I do have looks of a tom maybe she’ll fall for me~” she teases playfully as she stands again and begins to turn around but as soon as she was sure he wasn’t looking... her eyes dimmed a bit as she sadly smiles “ .. lucky girl..” she says softly to herself as she begins to walk away of course slowly so lazy butt can catch up.

February 14th, 2018, 03:53 AM
Mistwing did not stir from her place in the clearing even as the clan became more lively. She leaned against a smooth rock in the clearing, soaking up any warmth she could get from it. The leaf-bare sun was by no means hot, but Mstwing was content enough with it. She lay with her head resting on her paws and while it may not have been a comfortable place to sleep, it was an excellent place to nap after a sleepless night. But as the sun began to creep across the sky and the familiar bustle aroudn her grew, she felt her drowsiness slip away. The silver she-cat twitched her nose and flicked her ears, before finally forcing herself fully awake, blinking her steel blue eyes open. She gazed lazily around the camp, not moving from her spot against the rock in the outskirts of the clearing.

Owl - Broken Madness

February 14th, 2018, 06:19 AM
Snowpaw blinked, he didn't know if their were anything for bad dreams but Caliapaw could maybe help her fall asleep. "Oh, well maybe my sister, Caliapaw could do something? I mean, the dreams I dunno know bout. Though maybe somethin to make you fall asleep better? I don't really know. I'm not a Medince cat." He replied to her.
well im just waiting for goldenstream to get back from training her apprentice. and then im going hunting.

February 14th, 2018, 08:12 AM
"Fine," Flashpaw answered Aspenpaw with a shrug of his shoulders. He wasn't making his poor mood obvious, as Flashpaw was more of a guarded kind of cat. Onlookers could have mistaken him for simply being tired. He was tired...In a way. The Bengal apprentice pulled himself up to a sitting position and looked at Aspenpaw expectantly. His eyes flicked around the clearing for another tortoiseshell. Aspenpaw's sister Jasminepaw was usually easy to identify. She looked exactly like Aspenpaw, after all. The two were pretty close, so if he didn't know where Aspenpaw was he usually just assumed she was with her sister. Perhaps if Jasminepaw were around she could join the conversation and take Aspenpaw's attention away from his mood. The only familiar tortoiseshell coat he saw, though, was the one in front of him. It made sense, he supposed. Jasminepaw was pretty popular. She was probably surrounded by followers. His yellow eyes returned to Aspenpaw and he flicked an ear as he awaited his friend's words. He figured she wanted something, not thinking about the fact that they were friends and she probably just wanted to hang out.

Aspenpaw stared at him suspiciously for a while, before settling down near him. Whether he said it or not he was not fine. Over the time that she had known him, which was a while she knew when he was fine and when he wasn't. And he wasn't. "Okay," She said, not quick to believe he was telling the truth. He must have just been stressed. And not normal stressed. Too stressed. It was hard for her to understand because she had never felt the way he seemed to be feeling. She knew he probably didn't want her prying at his business but she really felt like doing it, and finally she just blurted out. "You don't seem fine." Aspenpaw averted her eyes quickly, hoping she hadn't upset him too much. "Are you sure there's wrong?" She asked, turning her gaze back to the tom as she spoke. She knew he didn't like cats asking about his business, but it was only one cat, not the mob of cats that surrounded the tortoiseshell's sister. She felt slightly uncomfortable talking to him, even though he was her friend. She was afraid she had annoyed him.

February 14th, 2018, 12:49 PM
Mistwing did not stir from her place in the clearing even as the clan became more lively. She leaned against a smooth rock in the clearing, soaking up any warmth she could get from it. The leaf-bare sun was by no means hot, but Mstwing was content enough with it. She lay with her head resting on her paws and while it may not have been a comfortable place to sleep, it was an excellent place to nap after a sleepless night. But as the sun began to creep across the sky and the familiar bustle aroudn her grew, she felt her drowsiness slip away. The silver she-cat twitched her nose and flicked her ears, before finally forcing herself fully awake, blinking her steel blue eyes open. She gazed lazily around the camp, not moving from her spot against the rock in the outskirts of the clearing.

Owl - Broken Madness

Broken Madness

Rowanblaze gazed over at Wolfheart and nodded to all of the nice things she said about Mistwing. Mistwing was certainly all of those things. Rowanblaze was fully aware. Grinning with satisfaction, the goofball quickly ate the rest of the blue jay. "I am not fat by the way!" He growled with a huff as his friend teased him. He leaped in front of her stopping her in her tracks. He flexed his frame, his muscles rippling beneath his russet pelt. "See! All muscle!" He huffed. "And lets not wake her up. I don't know about how you are, but most mollies do not enjoy being woken up." He shivered at the thought of when he had to wake up Jaystorm. Jaystorm had nearly clawed his ears off his head when he prodded her awake for a patrol. Of course, he had no idea that the molly had been expecting kits and was due to move to the queens den. He flicked his tail thoughtfully. I should visit her and the kits again soon. He thought to himself as he remembered how nice it was to play with the kits, acting like a ShadowClan intruder. He enjoyed kits and couldn't wait to have his own. Blinking back to reality, the tom then nosed his friends shoulder. "You absolutely do not look like a tom, stop always saying that about yourself." He gave her a dissatisfied look at her feelings about herself. "You're absolutely beautiful and soon enough you'll find yourself a mate worthy of you." He grinned as he then took his eyes off his friend to scan the clearing.

"Where are we going anyway?" He asked as his eyes finally settled on a beautiful molly. Mistwing was lazily sprawled on the smooth rock that was off towards the side of the clearing. His forest green eyes softened as his pupil widened. "You don't even have to worry about waking her up, shes over there! Don't mind me Wolfheart, I'm gonna have a chat with her!" Before giving Wolfheart a moment to tell him where she was leading him or what they were going to do, Rowanblaze bounded off towards where Mistwing was lounging. "Good morning, Mistwing!" He purred.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
February 14th, 2018, 01:05 PM
Broken Madness

Rowanblaze gazed over at Wolfheart and nodded to all of the nice things she said about Mistwing. Mistwing was certainly all of those things. Rowanblaze was fully aware. Grinning with satisfaction, the goofball quickly ate the rest of the blue jay. "I am not fat by the way!" He growled with a huff as his friend teased him. He leaped in front of her stopping her in her tracks. He flexed his frame, his muscles rippling beneath his russet pelt. "See! All muscle!" He huffed. "And lets not wake her up. I don't know about how you are, but most mollies do not enjoy being woken up." He shivered at the thought of when he had to wake up Jaystorm. Jaystorm had nearly clawed his ears off his head when he prodded her awake for a patrol. Of course, he had no idea that the molly had been expecting kits and was due to move to the queens den. He flicked his tail thoughtfully. I should visit her and the kits again soon. He thought to himself as he remembered how nice it was to play with the kits, acting like a ShadowClan intruder. He enjoyed kits and couldn't wait to have his own. Blinking back to reality, the tom then nosed his friends shoulder. "You absolutely do not look like a tom, stop always saying that about yourself." He gave her a dissatisfied look at her feelings about herself. "You're absolutely beautiful and soon enough you'll find yourself a mate worthy of you." He grinned as he then took his eyes off his friend to scan the clearing.

"Where are we going anyway?" He asked as his eyes finally settled on a beautiful molly. Mistwing was lazily sprawled on the smooth rock that was off towards the side of the clearing. His forest green eyes softened as his pupil widened. "You don't even have to worry about waking her up, shes over there! Don't mind me Wolfheart, I'm gonna have a chat with her!" Before giving Wolfheart a moment to tell him where she was leading him or what they were going to do, Rowanblaze bounded off towards where Mistwing was lounging. "Good morning, Mistwing!" He purred.

She laughs softly “ have you not seen me?” She says as she pokes his nose with her tail. “ .... but thanks but... you’re such a fool.” She says playfully however it has a deep meaning as well but it wasn’t for long especially when he saw Mistwing, it broke her a bit more when she saw that look in his eyes. Like a lovesick fool, and she was one too whenever she looked at him but he never noticed already she can feel her chances of confessing. Of telling Him each feeling she had for the tom. Something she’s never felt yet it hurts so bad but he’s happy.
And she will forever be unsatisfied with life but hi at least they can still Be friends while she gets confessed ( sadly) by every kittypet or rouge molly she meets, sometime a tom confesses but she never accepts them, she only thought about Rowanblaze and that’s all she ever wanted. She was about to say something but before she could even speak he was already going to her. She sits down wrapping her tail around her paws as she watches them a bit. However she was watching mostly him, his beautiful smile, and bright personality... that was only for the beautiful molly with no scars, no ugliness at all unlike her. A former rouge with a bloody past and scars to prove the things she has done, She wasn’t beautiful she was a rouge, dangerous often seen as handsome but... only around him did she truly feel beautiful. She looks away eyes now hurt as she begins to stand up and walk off.
I’m such a fool.
She thinks as she walks off now looking for someone or anything to distract her from the aching pain in her heart. Owl should she start speaking to eucalyptuspaw and sliverpaw? :3)

February 14th, 2018, 02:43 PM
well im just waiting for goldenstream to get back from training her apprentice. and then im going hunting.

Snowpaw ear flickered, he seem to be thinking. He could still go out into the territory right- of course, he didn't just want to leave her alone. [ his own self excuse ]. "I'll come with you! I mean, I am really good at scenting prey! I could help! I promise, please take me with you!" he meowed, pleading for the warrior to take him with her. Snowpaw raise from his paws, standing down. His eyes twinkled with excitement. Something. Something to do! This was the moment he was waiting for no, it was his destiny!"Don't leave me to die here from boredom. Remember, my death will be on your paws!!" He played the guilt card now.

February 14th, 2018, 02:53 PM
Snowpaw ear flickered, he seem to be thinking. He could still go out into the territory right- of course, he didn't just want to leave her alone. [ his own self excuse ]. "I'll come with you! I mean, I am really good at scenting prey! I could help! I promise, please take me with you!" he meowed, pleading for the warrior to take him with her. Snowpaw raise from his paws, standing down. His eyes twinkled with excitement. Something. Something to do! This was the moment he was waiting for no, it was his destiny!"Don't leave me to die here from boredom. Remember, my death will be on your paws!!" He played the guilt card now.
“Calm down! I was just about to ask if you were up to coming with me. I don’t need you to try to guilt me into it. I know what it’s like to be bored.” Moringscar said. “Come on lets check on goldenstream and then we can hunt!” He meowed slowly heading towards the camp entrance. Then he stopped to see if snowpaw was coming.

February 14th, 2018, 03:01 PM
“Calm down! I was just about to ask if you were up to coming with me. I don’t need you to try to guilt me into it. I know what it’s like to be bored.” Moringscar said. “Come on lets check on goldenstream and then we can hunt!” He meowed slowly heading towards the camp entrance. Then he stopped to see if snowpaw was coming.

There was no doubt about it that Snowpaw was behide her, he seem to be bouncing where he stood. "Lets go!" He meowed, loudly with excitement. Rolling his shoulders, stretching his body. He look ahead into the territory, he didn't have time to wait. He couldn't wait. The urge to run was so strong now, he didn't want to risk reopening his wounds. It was tempting. Snowpaw back look at her, a small whimpering noise from him that he wanted to go like a dog. "Where is Goldenstream?" He asked, maybe he could just run to her. Just get the urge out of his paws. Wait, didn't Morningscar say that Goldenstream was training with Fernpaw? Snowpaw had no idea of who the apprentice was. It couldn't be that hard to spot them, correct? He met Goldenstream before.

February 14th, 2018, 03:05 PM
There was no doubt about it that Snowpaw was behide her, he seem to be bouncing where he stood. "Lets go!" He meowed, loudly with excitement. Rolling his shoulders, stretching his body. He look ahead into the territory, he didn't have time to wait. He couldn't wait. The urge to run was so strong now, he didn't want to risk reopening his wounds. It was tempting. Snowpaw back look at her, a small whimpering noise from him that he wanted to go like a dog. "Where is Goldenstream?" He asked, maybe he could just run to her. Just get the urge out of his paws. Wait, didn't Morningscar say that Goldenstream was training with Fernpaw? Snowpaw had no idea of who the apprentice was. It couldn't be that hard to spot them, correct? He met Goldenstream before.
(Btw Morningscar is male... he is goldenstream’s mate after all)
“She is probably in the training hollow with fernpaw.” Morningscar looked at snowpaw. “You can probably run there without reopening your wound. Come on!” Morningscar meowed exitedly. (shall we go to the training hollow thread?)

February 14th, 2018, 03:46 PM
Sorrelpaw was sitting in the shade of the apprentices' den, grooming himself and hoping he wasn't spotted. He was never really good with conversations, he had a small amount of... What do you call it? Oh, yeah! Social awkwardness. When he saw a she-cat, probably around newish but not quite new warrior age, padding towards him he tried to look small as if she would just walk right past him and not see him. Though he knew that this wouldn't actually happen, of course.
Leaftail sat down next to him as his awkwardness radiated off of him in waves. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea. Too late now. "Hey there," she meowed pleasantly. "Would you mind joining me for some hunting? I promise I won't scare anything away." And maybe I'll find out his name somewhere along the way, she thought to herself.

February 14th, 2018, 06:51 PM
Aspenpaw stared at him suspiciously for a while, before settling down near him. Whether he said it or not he was not fine. Over the time that she had known him, which was a while she knew when he was fine and when he wasn't. And he wasn't. "Okay," She said, not quick to believe he was telling the truth. He must have just been stressed. And not normal stressed. Too stressed. It was hard for her to understand because she had never felt the way he seemed to be feeling. She knew he probably didn't want her prying at his business but she really felt like doing it, and finally she just blurted out. "You don't seem fine." Aspenpaw averted her eyes quickly, hoping she hadn't upset him too much. "Are you sure there's wrong?" She asked, turning her gaze back to the tom as she spoke. She knew he didn't like cats asking about his business, but it was only one cat, not the mob of cats that surrounded the tortoiseshell's sister. She felt slightly uncomfortable talking to him, even though he was her friend. She was afraid she had annoyed him.

Flashpaw could see the suspicion in her eyes, but he really wasn’t up to describing how he felt. He didn’t want to share, so he remained quiet as she said ok. Finally, Aspenpaw actually voiced her suspicion and Flashpaw let out a sigh. The noise wasn’t overly annoyed, just tired. “I don’t know, Aspenpaw. I’m just tired.” He answered, feeling slightly guilty about being so uncommunicative. He truly was tired, though, and not up to pretending. Flashpaw only hoped that, as his friend, Aspenpaw wouldn’t mind.

February 14th, 2018, 06:56 PM

A she cat padded in, her silver fur gleaming. She looked around hoping to find Blackkit. She called, “blackkit,” She meowed “you still here?” Truth is, she had become half blind and she hasn’t told the kit yet. “I need to speak with you.” She hoped that the kit didn’t cone up on her blind side because she wasn’t used to it. She had become blind while training. A fellow apprentice clawed her eye with her claws absolutely damaged her eyes forever. Jaypaw sighed and continued to look for the little kitten.

February 14th, 2018, 07:20 PM
Leaftail sat down next to him as his awkwardness radiated off of him in waves. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea. Too late now. "Hey there," she meowed pleasantly. "Would you mind joining me for some hunting? I promise I won't scare anything away." And maybe I'll find out his name somewhere along the way, she thought to herself.
Sorrelpaw jumped slightly,"Oh uh, m-me? S-sure..." He shifted his paws, trying to act like he hadn't been trying to look small and that he hadn't almost jumped out of his skin.

February 14th, 2018, 09:52 PM
Sorrelpaw jumped slightly,"Oh uh, m-me? S-sure..." He shifted his paws, trying to act like he hadn't been trying to look small and that he hadn't almost jumped out of his skin.
"Great!" she purred. She trotted towards the clearing's border, her thick tail swishing back and forth. Maybe this won't be so bad, she thought to herself. If only she knew his name.
(I didn't think this through... should we move the RP to the ThunderClan Territory thread?)

February 14th, 2018, 09:58 PM
"Great!" she purred. She trotted towards the clearing's border, her thick tail swishing back and forth. Maybe this won't be so bad, she thought to herself. If only she knew his name.
(I didn't think this through... should we move the RP to the ThunderClan Territory thread?)
Sorrelpaw hesitantly trailed after her.
(Yeah, who posts there first?)

February 14th, 2018, 10:30 PM
Sorrelpaw hesitantly trailed after her.
(Yeah, who posts there first?)
She looked behind her and found herself in front of him. "Come on!" she said playfully, speeding up.
(I'll post a starter! I should finish it in a few minutes.)

February 14th, 2018, 11:20 PM
Broken Madness
"Where are we going anyway?" He asked as his eyes finally settled on a beautiful molly. Mistwing was lazily sprawled on the smooth rock that was off towards the side of the clearing. His forest green eyes softened as his pupil widened. "You don't even have to worry about waking her up, shes over there! Don't mind me Wolfheart, I'm gonna have a chat with her!" Before giving Wolfheart a moment to tell him where she was leading him or what they were going to do, Rowanblaze bounded off towards where Mistwing was lounging. "Good morning, Mistwing!" He purred.

She was about to say something but before she could even speak he was already going to her. She sits down wrapping her tail around her paws as she watches them a bit. However she was watching mostly him, his beautiful smile, and bright personality... that was only for the beautiful molly with no scars, no ugliness at all unlike her. A former rouge with a bloody past and scars to prove the things she has done, She wasn’t beautiful she was a rouge, dangerous often seen as handsome but... only around him did she truly feel beautiful. She looks away eyes now hurt as she begins to stand up and walk off.
I’m such a fool.

Broken Madness Owl

Mistwing blinked as Rowanblaze bounded towards her, and rose to her paws to sit neatly before him. A touch of humor entered her tone as she responded to the russet tom's eager greeting, "Good morning to you too, Rowanblaze." Her eyes drifted over him, spotting his shadow Wolfheart behind him. Mistwing dipped her head slightly in greeting to the fierce looking she-cat, and her cold eyes flared for a moment. She justified her response in her mind by denying it as jealousy, but rather because she felt like she was putting a lot on the line befriending Rowanblaze for such surreptitious purposes, and she would likely need his full attention in the coming moons. Mistwing glanced back at Rowanblaze and continued, "I thought you went on the dawn patrol, why are you back so soon?" It was only after the words left her mouth that she noticed the suns position in the sky and added on an absentminded, "Oh."

February 14th, 2018, 11:24 PM
She looked behind her and found herself in front of him. "Come on!" she said playfully, speeding up.
(I'll post a starter! I should finish it in a few minutes.)
Sorrelpaw followed her out of camp.

February 15th, 2018, 01:11 PM
Emberwing watched the younger kit with a joyful expression covering her face, ears perked and tail still held high in the air. Her eyes followed the moss ball with no problem or difficulty, but it occurred to her that Brightkit might have some trouble watching it. Her heart began to sink a little as she realized this, however it wasn't too long after that a smile overtook her maw. She felt proud as the calico kitten was able to leap high into the air and bat the moss ball back towards her. I have no doubt that her blindness won't get in the way of her training, she thought to herself, a warm feeling of pride erupting in her veins.

"I got it!" she yelped back, the russet colored warrior scooting back on her haunches and lifting her chest off the ground, one forepaw already extended and ready to catch the moss ball. Her paw was hooked - a perfect u-shape for the ball - and it connected perfectly with her paw. Using the momentum it had carried, Emberwing moved her forepaw through the air, sending the moss ball sailing back over to Brightkit. "You might have to run a bit for this one!" she warned in a playful tone, but was sure Brightkit would be able to catch it.

It had been awhile since Emberwing had been this carefree. Not since her apprentice days it seemed. Outside of her training, and once her daily duties were completed, she remembered lounging around camp with her friends, then apprentices as well, and discussing menial tasks such as the grumpy elders who always insisted they still had ticks in their fur, or the cocky warriors who always believed that they would be the best, and no one else would compare. Now, during her warrior days, things were a lot busier. It was nice to have some time to be a 'paw again - even a kit.
With a pleased expression, and a yelp of giddiness, Brightkit scrambled after the moss-ball, squealing as she was able to catch sight of the moving object with her good eye. Again, it was a little fuzzy and she was having some trouble, but for the most part, she was proud of herself for being able to keep up. Brightkit was doing great! The calico kitten stumbled a little - tripping over something in her path, and her balance was suddenly thrown off as the world tumbled around, the small cat tumbling over on the ground, mewling helplessly for a minute before she was able to regain her bearings and see what had happened. Oops! Silly me, the tiny kit thought with a laugh before she leapt to her paws, her tail held high in the air and her head doing the same as she smiled at Emberwing.

”I’m okay!” She called over to the warrior, causing a few other cats to give her exasperated glances, but she ignored them all as she scrambled towards the now fallen moss-ball and cheerfully nudged it with her paws all the way back to a good starting point, where she batted it up into the air with her head, then hit it towards Emberwing with her paw. It wasn’t a good hit - but Brightkit had developed the strategy herself over time, and often used it in a good game. ”Get it, get it, get it!” She squealed happily, watching Emberwing, and - with more difficulty - the mossy ball hurtling towards her. Her tail lashed back and forth with excitement as she eagerly examined both figures.

This was, by far, one of the she cat’s favorite games. She would be an apprentice soon, and she might have more duties - but she would never lose her interest in a good game of moss-ball. It was one of the best games to play, after all! Brightkit had never understood how anyone could lose their interest in kithood fantasies and games. Those were the best kind, weren’t they? After all, the she cat knew when you got older, you were forced to let those things go for a little while so you could focus on more “realistic” situations. But, when you were allowed to have them again, why wouldn’t you grab ahold of them and make sure they never got away again?

February 15th, 2018, 02:26 PM
@Derahged Llama))

Bingo sat down and looked around for his mentor. But he couldn't seem to find her. He was till a little worried about her because of her injuries, but there was nothing he could do to stop her from leaving the camp. He sighed and looked around for something he could practice on or someone he could practice with.

February 15th, 2018, 06:13 PM
Redpaw flicked his tail calmly,” Why not.” He replied calmly I wish he were younger, he’d be a good mentor for me...

Boulderdust dipped his, glancing down at the mouse that he had gotten for Redpaw. "You might want to eat your mouse before we go. I don't want to hear your stomach growl the whole time." the elder meowed.

February 15th, 2018, 06:57 PM
@Deranged Llama))

Bingo sat down and looked around for his mentor. But he couldn't seem to find her. He was till a little worried about her because of her injuries, but there was nothing he could do to stop her from leaving the camp. He sighed and looked around for something he could practice on or someone he could practice with.
Honeykit padded out into the clearing from between the brambles that marked the entrance of the nursery. She cleared her throat, fighting back a cough that threatens to make an appearance. She strained to peer around with her cloudy gaze, but the odd haze infront of her hadn't cleared one bit. Shrugging off what she knew to be true, Honeykit bounced forward....and nearly fell head over tail. Giving a small sniff of dissatisfaction, the she-kit righted herself and strode forward once more. Before the Shape of a cat infront of her could register with her thoughts, she had nearly run the other over; in fact, she had stepped on his tail. Oops! "S-sorry..." she stammered, finishing her stumbling with a small cough. Honeykit looked up to where she assumed his face was. He was nothing but a hazy shape in her sights.

February 15th, 2018, 08:04 PM
Honeykit padded out into the clearing from between the brambles that marked the entrance of the nursery. She cleared her throat, fighting back a cough that threatens to make an appearance. She strained to peer around with her cloudy gaze, but the odd haze infront of her hadn't cleared one bit. Shrugging off what she knew to be true, Honeykit bounced forward....and nearly fell head over tail. Giving a small sniff of dissatisfaction, the she-kit righted herself and strode forward once more. Before the Shape of a cat infront of her could register with her thoughts, she had nearly run the other over; in fact, she had stepped on his tail. Oops! "S-sorry..." she stammered, finishing her stumbling with a small cough. Honeykit looked up to where she assumed his face was. He was nothing but a hazy shape in her sights.
Bingo flinched and turned around to see a she-kit,"It's all right," then he jumped as she coughed,"Are you ok?" He tilted his head worriedly. He looked straight into her eyes, trying to hold her gaze, but she didn't seem to be focusing on anything.

February 16th, 2018, 09:49 AM
Boulderdust dipped his, glancing down at the mouse that he had gotten for Redpaw. "You might want to eat your mouse before we go. I don't want to hear your stomach growl the whole time." the elder meowed.
Redpaw flicked his ear in understanding,” Alright.” He took a bite of it calmly. Realizing his error.

February 16th, 2018, 10:37 AM
Redpaw flicked his ear in understanding,” Alright.” He took a bite of it calmly. Realizing his error.

Boulderdust sat down, giving his neck a quick scratch as he waited for Redpaw to finiah eating his mouse.

February 16th, 2018, 01:57 PM
Boulderdust sat down, giving his neck a quick scratch as he waited for Redpaw to finiah eating his mouse.
Redpaw gulped up his mouse faster feeling as if he was forcing Boulderdust to wait.

February 16th, 2018, 02:51 PM
Redpaw gulped up his mouse faster feeling as if he was forcing Boulderdust to wait.

Boulderdust rolled his eyes. "You should learn to savour your food. What are you a wild badger?" meowed the elder.

February 16th, 2018, 03:05 PM
Lemon made a sigh of relief when she saw the last bits of black and white fur slip away from her vision. She jumped out of the bushes happily and took a second to catch her breath. She then started walking towards the forest once more.

February 16th, 2018, 04:58 PM
Broken Madness Owl

Mistwing blinked as Rowanblaze bounded towards her, and rose to her paws to sit neatly before him. A touch of humor entered her tone as she responded to the russet tom's eager greeting, "Good morning to you too, Rowanblaze." Her eyes drifted over him, spotting his shadow Wolfheart behind him. Mistwing dipped her head slightly in greeting to the fierce looking she-cat, and her cold eyes flared for a moment. She justified her response in her mind by denying it as jealousy, but rather because she felt like she was putting a lot on the line befriending Rowanblaze for such surreptitious purposes, and she would likely need his full attention in the coming moons. Mistwing glanced back at Rowanblaze and continued, "I thought you went on the dawn patrol, why are you back so soon?" It was only after the words left her mouth that she noticed the suns position in the sky and added on an absentminded, "Oh."

Rowanblaze grinned at Mistwing. "Someone must be awfully sleepy to be so out of it and not realize where the sun is in the sky." He flicked his tail side to side in a playful manner, an amused expression plastered on his face. He looked at the beautiful molly's sleepy, absentminded expression. He thought back to the times he had hung out with her. He remembered the day they went on a patrol and Rowanblaze had tripped and falling into mud, causing the molly to look amused and with Rowanblaze being a playful tom, he had tackled her, getting her all muddy as well. Then he remembered how the two went on a hunting patrol, Rowanblaze had taught Mistwing to imagine life as a mouse, how small you'd be, and all the little crevices in the forest you could get in between. He told her to imagine being a squirrel, having the ability to jump from one tree to the next and swing weightlessly on a thin branch, not being afraid of falling or the branch breaking. Rowanblaze was quite the imaginative tom, one who sought the joys in life. He had hoped that Mistfall had enjoyed those times just as much as he did.

"Are you ready for the gathering tonight?" He asked her as he gazed up at the sun slowly making it's way for the moon to replace it. He hadn't been to a gathering recently. His paws tingled with slight excitement. He wasn't sure how well it would go with lingering tension between some of the clans but he was excited to reconnect with some of the warriors in the other clans.

(Since the battle is so close, I added some times they had "shared" if you wanna add your own please do so!)

February 16th, 2018, 05:06 PM
Rowanblaze grinned at Mistwing. "Someone must be awfully sleepy to be so out of it and not realize where the sun is in the sky." He flicked his tail side to side in a playful manner, an amused expression plastered on his face. He looked at the beautiful molly's sleepy, absentminded expression. He thought back to the times he had hung out with her. He remembered the day they went on a patrol and Rowanblaze had tripped and falling into mud, causing the molly to look amused and with Rowanblaze being a playful tom, he had tackled her, getting her all muddy as well. Then he remembered how the two went on a hunting patrol, Rowanblaze had taught Mistwing to imagine life as a mouse, how small you'd be, and all the little crevices in the forest you could get in between. He told her to imagine being a squirrel, having the ability to jump from one tree to the next and swing weightlessly on a thin branch, not being afraid of falling or the branch breaking. Rowanblaze was quite the imaginative tom, one who sought the joys in life. He had hoped that Mistfall had enjoyed those times just as much as he did.

"Are you ready for the gathering tonight?" He asked her as he gazed up at the sun slowly making it's way for the moon to replace it. He hadn't been to a gathering recently. His paws tingled with slight excitement. He wasn't sure how well it would go with lingering tension between some of the clans but he was excited to reconnect with some of the warriors in the other clans.

(Since the battle is so close, I added some times they had "shared" if you wanna add your own please do so!)

Mistwing glanced back at the auburn pelted tom and watched as a wistful expression washed over his face. "Definately," Mistwing responded with a slight purr in her voice, "I've been looking forward to getting out of the territory, even if it is for just one night." Mistwing gave her chest a quick lick and she rose to her paws to briefly shake out her pelt in an attempt to wake herself up more.

February 16th, 2018, 06:08 PM

Lightpaw looked around, Tigerdawn's brown fur pressing up to him as he loafed there by the fresh kill pile, discussing battle tactics with Tigerdawn.
"So, how do you do the triple claw-bite?" he mewed, looking up at Tigerdawn, his yellow eyes blazing with excitement.

February 16th, 2018, 06:14 PM
Tigerdawn opened her eyes. “Wait until I recover, Lightpaw.” She rasped. “Then I will continue teaching you.” The warrior flicked an ear and looked at her paws. I messed up...
[writers block]

February 16th, 2018, 06:16 PM
Tigerdawn opened her eyes. “Wait until I recover, Lightpaw.” She rasped. “Then I will continue teaching you.” The warrior flicked an ear and looked at her paws. I messed up...
[writers block]

Lightpaw looked at her. "Are you going to the Gathering tonight?" he asked.

February 16th, 2018, 06:19 PM
Tigerdawn shook her head. “No. You will not go either.” She gasped. “Cherrydawn will probably stay as well, unless Skyfeather is going.”

February 16th, 2018, 06:39 PM
Tigerdawn shook her head. “No. You will not go either.” She gasped. “Cherrydawn will probably stay as well, unless Skyfeather is going.”

Cherrydawn had decided against going to the gathering tonight. Not only was she feeling a little squeezy, but she wanted to stay by her old mentor's side. Tigerdawn had been wounded when Windclan and Shadowclan attacked. It hadn't seemed to stop the warrior from getting around. She found Tigerdawn in the clearing, an apprentice sat nearby who she recognized as Tigerdawn's new apprentice. She nodded at the younger cat kindly. "Lightpaw, right? I'm Cherrydawn. I was Tigerdawn's apprentice before you. You have a great mentor." Though she meant it, there was a hint of pleading in her voice. Tigerdawn had not been pleased with Cherrydawn's choice in a mate, least of all now. And she was uncertain how the warrior felt about her mate now that he'd spent some time in the clan.

February 16th, 2018, 06:57 PM
Cherrydawn had decided against going to the gathering tonight. Not only was she feeling a little squeezy, but she wanted to stay by her old mentor's side. Tigerdawn had been wounded when Windclan and Shadowclan attacked. It hadn't seemed to stop the warrior from getting around. She found Tigerdawn in the clearing, an apprentice sat nearby who she recognized as Tigerdawn's new apprentice. She nodded at the younger cat kindly. "Lightpaw, right? I'm Cherrydawn. I was Tigerdawn's apprentice before you. You have a great mentor." Though she meant it, there was a hint of pleading in her voice. Tigerdawn had not been pleased with Cherrydawn's choice in a mate, least of all now. And she was uncertain how the warrior felt about her mate now that he'd spent some time in the clan.

Lightpaw looked up. "Is that really you? I've heard so many good stories about you!" he purred, but his happiness was soon clouded with remembrance of the battle. "Wanna hear a story?" mewed Lightpaw, desperate to let someone else other than Tigerdawn and Bumblebreeze know about the ferocious battle that took place that day.

February 16th, 2018, 07:22 PM
Tigerdawn glared at Cherrydawn with her good eye. “I can’t believe you acually are glad that Skyfeather joined the clan.” She blinked. “He was a WindClan warrior. You know what WindClan has done before. Now you two are mates.” She wrinkled her nose. “I thought you would do a bit better, Cherrydawn.”

February 16th, 2018, 07:28 PM
Lightpaw looked up. "Is that really you? I've heard so many good stories about you!" he purred, but his happiness was soon clouded with remembrance of the battle. "Wanna hear a story?" mewed Lightpaw, desperate to let someone else other than Tigerdawn and Bumblebreeze know about the ferocious battle that took place that day.
Tigerdawn glared at Cherrydawn with her good eye. “I can’t believe you acually are glad that Skyfeather joined the clan.” She blinked. “He was a WindClan warrior. You know what WindClan has done before. Now you two are mates.” She wrinkled her nose. “I thought you would do a bit better, Cherrydawn.”

The ginger and white shecat smiled at Lightpaw and sat on her haunches, "Sure," she replied, her tail waving gently with polite interest. Once Tigerdawn spoke up, it stilled. Her face fell. It wasn't unexpected but she was still sad to hear the disapproval in Tigerdawn's voice... and glad Skyfeather wasn't here to hear it. What was there to say now? She was sorry? That would be a lie. She loved Skyfeather. About the kits? Tigerdawn would have a fit. All she could do was lower her head respectfully as she glanced at Lightpaw, hoping the younger cat would save her from this discomfort with her story.

February 16th, 2018, 10:52 PM
It was easy for Featherspeckle to remain unseen if she wanted to. Hiding was not necessarily out of fear for her, it was more to do with the fact that she wanted to be unbothered. Currently, she had been staking out in the upper trees of the forest. The higher branches made her clan mates appear like little ants. Since dawn, she had sought out this old tree, climbed to the highest branch until she was well hidden by the greenery of the leaves. She had to admit...this was her favorite place to be. Featherspeckle had laid down for a quick cat nap with her tail dangling down, swishing slowly while her head placed contently on her paws. If she could stay like that forever, she would. But, then Speckletail might question her life choices. For Featherspeckle, as depressed as she was, she didn’t want anyone else to see an upside down smile. Her bright yellow orbs blinked open, no help from the sun to make them shine. Her yellow hues had their own sparkling shine that others could not decipher whether it was tears or an envied highlight that marveled the sun. Whatever it may be, many will never know. Featherspeckle has slowly gathered herself into a sitting position, and she groomed herself with a rough tongue, not really caring for a pristine or desired look. She wanted to look presentable with few hairs sticking places they shouldn’t be. As long as others didn’t notice. The molly jumped down from the branches with an elegant, gentle motive that her paws hardly caused any noise. When she reached the bottom, her eyes blinked at a familiar apprentice...her apprentice. Right! How could she forget that she had another apprentice? Her mind was scrambled enough, and her depression was always a thought flicking through her mind. Just like when she trained Kiwituft, Featherspeckle liked Creampaw. The Molly would be a promising apprentice once Featherspeckle got her mind together. Nonetheless, she gave a bright, gentle smile to the multi colored Molly. “Hello, Creampaw! How are you doing this sun high?”
(I apologize that this is so late and short.)

The cream swirled apprentice had settled down to giver herself a cleaning. Even though it was leaf-bear the sunlight felt good on her swirled pelt. Creampaw's was lucky, she had thick long fur and a winter coat at the moment, some cats didn't have that. They had to be freezing! This molly even got cold with her pelt, what would it be like if she had shorter fur? Or just a thinner coat? She'd freeze! Well,
she thought she would, really she wouldn't. Pushing the random thought away she began to clean her forepaw with a long strokes. Every once in awhile she'd pull her paw over her ear to get behind her ear. She didn't want to be dirty and she was waiting on Featherspeckle. If her mentor didn't show up Creampaw could just go find one of her friends or her mother Eagleflower either worked for her. As she laid there silently grooming herself a shadow cast over her. Glancing up she saw it was the well known shape of Featherspeckle. Pushing herself to a sitting position."Hi Featherspeckle! I'm doing good, you?" She asked flicking her damp ear. Standing up and shacking herself she gave a smile back to her mentor. "Do you have anything planned for this sun rise? She asked curiously. The molly wanted to know what she'd be doing to day,
if anything. That was normal for an apprentice though wanting to know things. Bit this molly may be more then a normal apprentice but she was herself at lest.

February 18th, 2018, 07:22 AM
Tigerdawn shook her head. “No. You will not go either.” She gasped. “Cherrydawn will probably stay as well, unless Skyfeather is going.”

Lightpaw's voice rose to a wail. "Why not? Why can't I go?"
Lightpaw had a sudden flash in his mind. "Oh, is it about 'What if Bumblebreeze is there?'? Okay, now I see why you're not letting me go."

February 18th, 2018, 07:35 AM
The ginger and white shecat smiled at Lightpaw and sat on her haunches, "Sure," she replied, her tail waving gently with polite interest. Once Tigerdawn spoke up, it stilled. Her face fell. It wasn't unexpected but she was still sad to hear the disapproval in Tigerdawn's voice... and glad Skyfeather wasn't here to hear it. What was there to say now? She was sorry? That would be a lie. She loved Skyfeather. About the kits? Tigerdawn would have a fit. All she could do was lower her head respectfully as she glanced at Lightpaw, hoping the younger cat would save her from this discomfort with her story.


"So yesterday, me and Tigerdawn were out training. Then we bumped into some stupid WindClan furbags that were trespassing on our territory! There was Bumblebreeze,", he spat the name out in disgust. "and.... and... F-f-flowerp-paw..." he flattened his ears and looked down at Cherrydawn, but his face showed no guilt. He had an expression of love. "So Bumblebreeze pinned me down like that!" he continued, acting out Bumblebreeze's pounce.
"And then Tigerdawn came up and saved the day by... you wouldn't guess... blinding Bumblebreeze! But then Bumblebreeze made Flower... paw pin me down. And then Tigerdawn and BUmblebreeze battled for a little bit, until Bumblebreeze..." he had to choke these words out. "tried to KILL me... I was so scared... And then he called over to Flowerpaw for her to learn the... death bite... I was practically already dead from the fear! I squealed and squealed, and Tigerdawn managed to stop Bumblebreeze from killing me. Then Bumblebreeze went completely savage, and even though Flowerpaw was his own kit, he tried to kill her. Tigerdawn made me go back to camp with Flowerpaw, and then Flowerpaw caused a ruckus in the camp, and then she put me in the medicine cat's den and raced off to battle more! I think Tigerdawn could finish the story, as she was there the whole time. Well, go on, Tigerdawn! Finish the story."

February 18th, 2018, 11:33 AM
Bingo flinched and turned around to see a she-kit,"It's all right," then he jumped as she coughed,"Are you ok?" He tilted his head worriedly. He looked straight into her eyes, trying to hold her gaze, but she didn't seem to be focusing on anything.
Honeykit flicked her tail, looking up to where the voice was coming from. "Thanks!" She said, a small smile curling the side of her maw. As he meowed his question, the she-kit dipped her head slightly. "Y-yeah...I'm fine." She blinked a few times, wondering what to say next. "Umm, what's your name?"

February 18th, 2018, 11:43 AM
Honeykit flicked her tail, looking up to where the voice was coming from. "Thanks!" She said, a small smile curling the side of her maw. As he meowed his question, the she-kit dipped her head slightly. "Y-yeah...I'm fine." She blinked a few times, wondering what to say next. "Umm, what's your name?"
Bingo was still a little worried about the kit but shrugged it off, figuring if something was that bad he could go to Caliapaw,"I'm Bingo! Who're you?"

February 18th, 2018, 02:13 PM
Tigerdawn glared at Cherrydawn for a while longer.
She let out a sigh and reluctantly continued the story. Bumblebreeze and I continued to fight, he gave me three large scratches along my back, not to mention the wound on my side from when we first began to battle. At that point, I just kept fighting, then... He blinded me. I realized that I probably should've backed down." She let out a long sigh. "And now... Well... Bumblebreeze has no one who cares about him I think. Flowerpaw ran off, and... His mate... I'm mot sure where she is now." Tigerdawn glanced at Lightpaw for a brief moment before looking down at the ground.

February 18th, 2018, 03:32 PM
Boulderdust rolled his eyes. "You should learn to savour your food. What are you a wild badger?" meowed the elder.
Redpaw shrugged,” Perhaps. More wild than my kittypet parents to say the least or my sister Pinkpaw to say the least.” She teased.

February 18th, 2018, 08:12 PM

"So yesterday, me and Tigerdawn were out training. Then we bumped into some stupid WindClan furbags that were trespassing on our territory! There was Bumblebreeze,", he spat the name out in disgust. "and.... and... F-f-flowerp-paw..." he flattened his ears and looked down at Cherrydawn, but his face showed no guilt. He had an expression of love. "So Bumblebreeze pinned me down like that!" he continued, acting out Bumblebreeze's pounce.
"And then Tigerdawn came up and saved the day by... you wouldn't guess... blinding Bumblebreeze! But then Bumblebreeze made Flower... paw pin me down. And then Tigerdawn and BUmblebreeze battled for a little bit, until Bumblebreeze..." he had to choke these words out. "tried to KILL me... I was so scared... And then he called over to Flowerpaw for her to learn the... death bite... I was practically already dead from the fear! I squealed and squealed, and Tigerdawn managed to stop Bumblebreeze from killing me. Then Bumblebreeze went completely savage, and even though Flowerpaw was his own kit, he tried to kill her. Tigerdawn made me go back to camp with Flowerpaw, and then Flowerpaw caused a ruckus in the camp, and then she put me in the medicine cat's den and raced off to battle more! I think Tigerdawn could finish the story, as she was there the whole time. Well, go on, Tigerdawn! Finish the story."
Tigerdawn glared at Cherrydawn for a while longer.
She let out a sigh and reluctantly continued the story. Bumblebreeze and I continued to fight, he gave me three large scratches along my back, not to mention the wound on my side from when we first began to battle. At that point, I just kept fighting, then... He blinded me. I realized that I probably should've backed down." She let out a long sigh. "And now... Well... Bumblebreeze has no one who cares about him I think. Flowerpaw ran off, and... His mate... I'm mot sure where she is now." Tigerdawn glanced at Lightpaw for a brief moment before looking down at the ground.

This had not been the distraction for the matter of Cherrydawn's formerly Windclan mate that she had hoped for. Frowning, she glanced nervously at Tigerdawn and listened to Lightpaw tell her part of the story, then Tigerdawn as she finished the tale, all while trying not to be sick. This battle had been brutal and she couldn't help but feel anger toward Windclan. Shadowclan too. But she shuddered to think what sort of prejudice this would bring down on Skyfeather's head inspite of his loyalty to Thunderclan. To her. "That must have been so scary," she said, unsure what else to add. Her tail gave a nervous twitch as she looked at Tigerdawn. "You must be hungry," she put it, looking for any excuse to momentarily distance herself and gather her thoughts. "Maybe I could get you some freshkill? What about you, Lightpaw? Have you eaten?"

February 19th, 2018, 07:25 AM
This had not been the distraction for the matter of Cherrydawn's formerly Windclan mate that she had hoped for. Frowning, she glanced nervously at Tigerdawn and listened to Lightpaw tell her part of the story, then Tigerdawn as she finished the tale, all while trying not to be sick. This battle had been brutal and she couldn't help but feel anger toward Windclan. Shadowclan too. But she shuddered to think what sort of prejudice this would bring down on Skyfeather's head inspite of his loyalty to Thunderclan. To her. "That must have been so scary," she said, unsure what else to add. Her tail gave a nervous twitch as she looked at Tigerdawn. "You must be hungry," she put it, looking for any excuse to momentarily distance herself and gather her thoughts. "Maybe I could get you some freshkill? What about you, Lightpaw? Have you eaten?"

Lightpaw looked up, and realized that he really hadn't ate yet. "Sure! I could do with a mouse!" he squeaked.
(Lightpaw is a male, btw)

February 19th, 2018, 03:51 PM
Leaftail stepped from the warriors' den, yawning. She stretched her bad leg out behind her and blinked the sleepiness from her eyes. All she wanted to do was sleep, but last night had been interrupted by nightmares from the war. It still haunted her, more so because she'd done nothing to help. I just need some practice. Maybe some tips from an elder, or a practice session with an old mentor--

Her thoughts were interrupted when she collided with another figure. She hadn't realized how far she'd walked while in thought. "Sorry!" she yelped. She looked up and winced. If that weren't awkward enough.... "Hi, Risingdream," she said sheepishly.
Lefty the bear

February 19th, 2018, 03:57 PM
Leaftail stepped from the warriors' den, yawning. She stretched her bad leg out behind her and blinked the sleepiness from her eyes. All she wanted to do was sleep, but last night had been interrupted by nightmares from the war. It still haunted her, more so because she'd done nothing to help. I just need some practice. Maybe some tips from an elder, or a practice session with an old mentor--

Her thoughts were interrupted when she collided with another figure. She hadn't realized how far she'd walked while in thought. "Sorry!" she yelped. She looked up and winced. If that weren't awkward enough.... "Hi, Risingdream," she said sheepishly.
Lefty the bear

Risingdream was lost in thought when Leaftail collided with him, knocking him down. All the tom could do was let out a slight chuckle. "Hi Leaftail. It was nice to have you drop by." he taeased with a light purr. This hadn't been the first time that somebody had ran into him and he was sure that it wouldn't be the last. Risingdream made himself get back up as lightly as he could to try and not open his wounds. "So what made you run into me like that." meowed the warrior.

February 19th, 2018, 04:17 PM
Risingdream was lost in thought when Leaftail collided with him, knocking him down. All the tom could do was let out a slight chuckle. "Hi Leaftail. It was nice to have you drop by." he taeased with a light purr. This hadn't been the first time that somebody had ran into him and he was sure that it wouldn't be the last. Risingdream made himself get back up as lightly as he could to try and not open his wounds. "So what made you run into me like that." meowed the warrior.
Leaftail shifted her weight nervously. "Uh... I was just thinking." Out of all the cats I could have knocked over...

She glanced around the clearing, desperate for a topic for conversation. "Are you... are your injuries healing?" she offered guiltily. Wow, Leaftail. What a conversation. She wished she could just go back to her normal chatty self, but now she felt tongue-tied and awkward. She winced at her own embarrassment. Please let this be over soon...!

February 19th, 2018, 07:50 PM

Emberwing had finally decided to go get her pelt checked over. It had been put off long enough, and she knew that her friends in the Clan would've been furious with her if she'd put it off any longer. She couldn't shake the frightened feeling she got, however, when thinking of putting her care in the hands of an apprentice. An untrained apprentice. She missed the old days, where ThunderClan's medicine cats had experience, and knowledge, and knew how to take care of wounds other than thorns in pads, or brambles caught in pelts. Nonetheless, in she padded into the medicine cat's den, letting out a soft sigh as she attempted to push those thoughts to the back of her mind. After all, Caliapaw was her Clanmate, and she would always love each member of her beloved Clan. Perhaps it was time to give her a chance. Maybe...

"Caliapaw?" Emberwing called shortly after clearing her throat. She sincerely hoped she would be able to help - after all, it was a rather large gash on her side, and had been a couple days since the battle. Already the wound was starting to scab, and StarClan only knew if it had become infected in the time between the end of the battle and now. Not that Emberwing would've noticed. She was trained in the art of being a warrior, not a medicine cat. "Hopefully Caliapaw will have already been taught about infection. I'd hate for it to go unnoticed, if it is there," Emberwing murmured under her breath as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the den. She couldn't quite tell if others of her Clanmates were present, but she wouldn't be surprised - after all, the aftermath of a battle was usually displayed best in the Clan's medicine cat's den.

February 21st, 2018, 10:36 AM
Bingo was still a little worried about the kit but shrugged it off, figuring if something was that bad he could go to Caliapaw,"I'm Bingo! Who're you?"
Honeykit slicked her tail, settling down beside him. She cast her cloudy gaze off to the distant trees at the far side of the camp, merely blurred shapes in the distance. "I'm Honeykit. Are you a warrior?" She couldn't tell whether he was, but the deeper sound of his voice made her quite positive that he was. Nonetheless, one could never assume such a thing as age; it could be deceiving.

February 21st, 2018, 01:25 PM
Honeykit slicked her tail, settling down beside him. She cast her cloudy gaze off to the distant trees at the far side of the camp, merely blurred shapes in the distance. "I'm Honeykit. Are you a warrior?" She couldn't tell whether he was, but the deeper sound of his voice made her quite positive that he was. Nonetheless, one could never assume such a thing as age; it could be deceiving.
Bingo nodded,"That's a nice name," but then he laughed as she asked if he was a warrior,"Do I really seem that much older than I am?! I'm only a newly appointed apprentice," he twitched his whiskers, amused.

February 21st, 2018, 07:09 PM

Emberwing had finally decided to go get her pelt checked over. It had been put off long enough, and she knew that her friends in the Clan would've been furious with her if she'd put it off any longer. She couldn't shake the frightened feeling she got, however, when thinking of putting her care in the hands of an apprentice. An untrained apprentice. She missed the old days, where ThunderClan's medicine cats had experience, and knowledge, and knew how to take care of wounds other than thorns in pads, or brambles caught in pelts. Nonetheless, in she padded into the medicine cat's den, letting out a soft sigh as she attempted to push those thoughts to the back of her mind. After all, Caliapaw was her Clanmate, and she would always love each member of her beloved Clan. Perhaps it was time to give her a chance. Maybe...

"Caliapaw?" Emberwing called shortly after clearing her throat. She sincerely hoped she would be able to help - after all, it was a rather large gash on her side, and had been a couple days since the battle. Already the wound was starting to scab, and StarClan only knew if it had become infected in the time between the end of the battle and now. Not that Emberwing would've noticed. She was trained in the art of being a warrior, not a medicine cat. "Hopefully Caliapaw will have already been taught about infection. I'd hate for it to go unnoticed, if it is there," Emberwing murmured under her breath as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the den. She couldn't quite tell if others of her Clanmates were present, but she wouldn't be surprised - after all, the aftermath of a battle was usually displayed best in the Clan's medicine cat's den.
The young medicine cat padded out of the corner of the medicine cat’s den, sighing as she heard her name being called. Another patient from the battle… the seemingly never-ending stream had slowed, and almost stopped, thankfully - Caliapaw was glad that this was over now. This stupid feud with WindClan would be no more eventually, and the she cat couldn’t wait for that day. ”Battle injury?” She guessed, taking a look at the gash on Emberwing’s side. The she cat hadn’t come originally - or perhaps she had, it was hard for the feline to remember all the names and the faces they belonged to, some cats she hadn’t even bothered asking the names of - her brothers had come in, both of them, with reckless injuries - she wished there was something she could do to make these cats understand that what they were doing was stupid. But… she understood.

Sometimes fighting was necessary and she definitely wasn’t against it herself - if only she had been trained more. Caliapaw had only had about a moon of warrior training, so her battle skills were sloppy and her hunting skills were even worse. What a shame. ”I’m just going to treat it for infection real quick. To be on the safe side.” She couldn’t sense anything wrong at the moment, but it was better safe than sorry with infections - besides, it would just sting for a minute, rather than risking a lot more. Caliapaw wished she was shown more trust and respect within the Clan, but she knew both had to be earned - and as she already knew, she definitely hadn’t earned them yet.

She was nothing more than a semi-experienced apprentice in age, about ten moons old now, and it was strange for her to be in charge of the healing of the whole Clan. She wanted to talk to Snowstar - but the leader had not returned, and Caliapaw felt a little sorry. She’d liked the Siamese well enough, and now she was going to have to get used to the new leader and deputy… neither of which she really wanted to “get used to.” This wasn’t even to mention she hadn’t met any of the other medicine cats yet. She was the newbie, the inexperienced one, and of course she wouldn’t fit in with them… she already knew she wouldn’t. Caliapaw grabbed some marigold and began to chew, going through the familiar motions for the treatment.

At least this was one thing that wouldn’t change.

February 24th, 2018, 09:16 AM
Bingo nodded,"That's a nice name," but then he laughed as she asked if he was a warrior,"Do I really seem that much older than I am?! I'm only a newly appointed apprentice," he twitched his whiskers, amused.
Honeykit smiled at his compliment. That was nice of him! As he laughed and replied to her question, a bud of embarrassment prickled into existence. How was she to know? "Oh..." she trailed off, unsure of what to say next. "Umm, do you, ya know, like training and stuff?"

February 24th, 2018, 11:19 AM
Honeykit smiled at his compliment. That was nice of him! As he laughed and replied to her question, a bud of embarrassment prickled into existence. How was she to know? "Oh..." she trailed off, unsure of what to say next. "Umm, do you, ya know, like training and stuff?"
Bingo tilted his head,"Well, I mean, who doesn't?" He smiled at her,"Are you excited to train Honeykit?" He asked the tiny she-kit politely, nodding his head.

February 24th, 2018, 05:32 PM
Redpaw shrugged,” Perhaps. More wild than my kittypet parents to say the least or my sister Pinkpaw to say the least.” She teased.

Boulderdust glanced up at the roof of the den, starting to get lost in thought as he waited for Redpaw to finish up. "Kittypet's can definetly become warriors. You have totally shown me that." purred the elderly tom.

February 24th, 2018, 05:36 PM
Mayflower(we haven't really rp'd Boulderdust and Bumbleleap)
Boulderdust walked into the Thunderclan elders den, carrying a mouse in his jaws. He made his way over to his mate, setting down the freshly killed mouse in front of Bumbleleap. "I thought you might be hungry." meowed the elderly tom with a deep purr.

February 25th, 2018, 01:18 AM
Strolling through the clearing made it seem like a day's job. Like when mentors wake up their apprentices for a "thrill" day of learning. Passionblaze would figure that he needed to deal with...Jaggedpaw sooner or later. But, currently the only thing that mattered was throwing a smile in each cat's direction as he passed them. The smile was more subtle, but it was plastered on his maw, his golden eyes half lidded for a moment as he scoped the area. As he got farther, his pawsteps become much slower. And, the smile was replaced by a frown. For his eyes had met a...depressing sight, it seemed. A ginger and white tom was in a corner, his head down, but even though Passionblaze couldn't see his expression, the dark flames tom knew exactly what could be wrong. Well, he didn't know what the Tom was sulking about, but he knew a face like that, must be having a hard time. So, Passionblaze gingerly padded over, hoping that the noise of his heavy paws didn't disturb him. Albeit it must had! For...who was this..? Passionblaze squinted his eyes, getting a good look at his peer. He didn't know every name, like they knew his. Some, he seen around, many he knew from his own apprentices moons, so those name stuck in his name. "Harmony...blade," Passionblaze mutters softly, slowly to make sure he said the name right. Once he was confident enough, he offered a small smile to the Tom. "I'm doing fine, thank you for the courtesy." Passionblaze dipped his head. "Though, nevermind about me - what about you? You look more...sullen, like someone took the last of your favorite prey from the food pile," He joked, his ears flicked back, and he let out a short awkward laugh. Just s little to lighten the mood. "Is something bothering you?" To Passionblaze, there was more to being a deputy than carrying out orders. Though Passionblaze didn't want his new 'title' or 'rank' to make his clan mates feel belittled. As far as he knew, he was a regular cat within the clan, that also wanted to be a friend to all.
HarmonyBlade smiled awkwardly for a few moments. He stared at the dusty ground, rolling a stone between his paws as he tried to compose himself and gather his thoughts. "PassionBlaze, I want to ask for your advice, and honestly, some reassurance." The Tom began. "Do you have kits? Or family that you love?"
Oh no, will he think I'm being too personal? Am I making him uncomfortable?

February 25th, 2018, 11:34 AM
Boulderdust glanced up at the roof of the den, starting to get lost in thought as he waited for Redpaw to finish up. "Kittypet's can definetly become warriors. You have totally shown me that." purred the elderly tom.
He smirked,” Yeah. My family is pretty spread out...parents idling around the twoleg place, my older littermates are in Shadowclan and two of my littermates in Windclan, and then Pinkpaw and Purplepaw are here...only two clans my kin isn’t in Skyclan and Riverclan.” He replied kinda suprised he admitted he was a former kittypet.

February 25th, 2018, 11:17 PM
Raven & Co

Creampaw laid strached out in the week leaf bear sun. It felt good on the molly's tried color pelt, the nice wormth of it just soaked into her. Letting out a slight sigh she placed her head between her paws. To be honest she was a bit bord her mentor was busy or something and Snowpaw seamed to be out hunting or something.
So, she was just going to lay in the sun hoping something would happen. The molly's fluffy tail flicked back and fourth, which seamed to happen a lot.

(Oh my that is so short.)

February 25th, 2018, 11:47 PM
Raven & Co

Creampaw laid strached out in the week leaf bear sun. It felt good on the molly's tried color pelt, the nice wormth of it just soaked into her. Letting out a slight sigh she placed her head between her paws. To be honest she was a bit bord her mentor was busy or something and Snowpaw seamed to be out hunting or something.
So, she was just going to lay in the sun hoping something would happen. The molly's fluffy tail flicked back and fourth, which seamed to happen a lot.

(Oh my that is so short.)
Adderpaw was walking out of the apprentice's den, yawning and stretching himself out, the young tom was definitively tall for his age, he looked 13 moons when he was actually 8 moons old, his green hues scanned the clearing before landing on Creampaw, he smiled and slowly made his way over to the she-cat, he dipped his head respectfully as he made it over to her. "Hello, Creampaw." He mewed softly, settling down close to her and licking his white paw before running it over his ear. "Dear StarClan, I rarely sleep this much, normally I'm awake before sun-high, but I guess all that hunting really did a lot on me yesterday." He said "So, how are you?" The tabby asked as he tunred his gaze towards the other apprentice.

((Sorry if it's short, I'm pretty tired.))

February 26th, 2018, 02:03 PM
The young medicine cat padded out of the corner of the medicine cat’s den, sighing as she heard her name being called. Another patient from the battle… the seemingly never-ending stream had slowed, and almost stopped, thankfully - Caliapaw was glad that this was over now. This stupid feud with WindClan would be no more eventually, and the she cat couldn’t wait for that day. ”Battle injury?” She guessed, taking a look at the gash on Emberwing’s side. The she cat hadn’t come originally - or perhaps she had, it was hard for the feline to remember all the names and the faces they belonged to, some cats she hadn’t even bothered asking the names of - her brothers had come in, both of them, with reckless injuries - she wished there was something she could do to make these cats understand that what they were doing was stupid. But… she understood.

Sometimes fighting was necessary and she definitely wasn’t against it herself - if only she had been trained more. Caliapaw had only had about a moon of warrior training, so her battle skills were sloppy and her hunting skills were even worse. What a shame. ”I’m just going to treat it for infection real quick. To be on the safe side.” She couldn’t sense anything wrong at the moment, but it was better safe than sorry with infections - besides, it would just sting for a minute, rather than risking a lot more. Caliapaw wished she was shown more trust and respect within the Clan, but she knew both had to be earned - and as she already knew, she definitely hadn’t earned them yet.

She was nothing more than a semi-experienced apprentice in age, about ten moons old now, and it was strange for her to be in charge of the healing of the whole Clan. She wanted to talk to Snowstar - but the leader had not returned, and Caliapaw felt a little sorry. She’d liked the Siamese well enough, and now she was going to have to get used to the new leader and deputy… neither of which she really wanted to “get used to.” This wasn’t even to mention she hadn’t met any of the other medicine cats yet. She was the newbie, the inexperienced one, and of course she wouldn’t fit in with them… she already knew she wouldn’t. Caliapaw grabbed some marigold and began to chew, going through the familiar motions for the treatment.

At least this was one thing that wouldn’t change.

A little bit of surprise flickered across the warriors expression as Caliapaw mentioned checking the injury for infection. Emberwing hadn't expected the young medicine cat to pick up on it. Straightening herself up just a bit and lifting her head, almost as if to hide this fact. "Well, it's certainly good that Wheatfur taught you about infections before his untimely death," she purred, obviously relieved that her flank scratch would be treated with attention. It still scared her a little bit to put the fate of her first battle wound in the hands of a mere apprentice, but Emberwing didn't exactly see any other choice.

It had been quite a while since Wheatfur's death at the Gathering, and it was something those who knew him in the Clan still mourned. Emberwing simply grieved for the lost of a knowledgeable medicine cat - despite the tom's warrior background. She'd feel safer if it were him treating her injuries, and not some young she-cat who probably had other things on her mind. "So..." the ThunderClan warrior started, glancing around at the slightly unkept den. She figured it was because of the stream of battle wounded clients that had come into the den that it wasn't in spick-and-span shape, and she winced slightly at the sight. "You must travel frequently to WindClan, or ShadowClan, in order to learn about herbs right? Since you're still young?" She didn't mention 'inexperienced', but with the tone she'd used she might as well have. Her question wasn't meant to be hurtful, but that tone suggested all of the cautiousness she had in getting treated by Caliapaw - without her really realizing it.

Her eyes leveled back onto Caliapaw, studying the younger she-cat with a curious expression. "What made you want to not want to train as a warrior, anyways?" she questioned, honestly wanting to know. Emberwing knew nothing about the herbs Caliapaw was chewing, and it stunned her as to why others sometimes chose this lifestyle. Didn't every cat want to learn the art of battle, so they could defend their Clan? Didn't ever cat want to be able to run free throughout the territory and not be bogged down by sick patients? Especially with a young feline like Caliapaw, she had so much potential. She could be a great warrior, free of any kind of disability - but instead, she chose to spend her days in the medicine den. Emberwing didn't quite understand, but she fought hard to at least settle her disappointment in the young feline. This is a job for some cat who's unfit to train as a warrior, some cat with an injury or something, Emberwing thought in dismay as she continued to study the medicine cat, not a young, shining she-cat who could be a great addition to ThunderClan as a warrior...

February 26th, 2018, 06:41 PM
Bingo tilted his head,"Well, I mean, who doesn't?" He smiled at her,"Are you excited to train Honeykit?" He asked the tiny she-kit politely, nodding his head.
Honeykit found herself nodding again. "Yes," she meowed, her voice quiet. "Who is your mentor?" ((Writer's block)

February 26th, 2018, 07:35 PM
Honeykit found herself nodding again. "Yes," she meowed, her voice quiet. "Who is your mentor?" ((Writer's block)
Bingo smiled kindly,"Chameleonvine. Who do you wish your mentor to be?"

Me too))

February 28th, 2018, 05:16 AM
HarmonyBlade smiled awkwardly for a few moments. He stared at the dusty ground, rolling a stone between his paws as he tried to compose himself and gather his thoughts. "PassionBlaze, I want to ask for your advice, and honestly, some reassurance." The Tom began. "Do you have kits? Or family that you love?"
Oh no, will he think I'm being too personal? Am I making him uncomfortable?

Passionblaze kept a steady smile on his ginger features as he awaited for the other tom to continue. Passionblaze wasn’t great at comforting others, but he also didn’t like to see a sad expression. Passionblaze wars flicked back for a moment watching the tom with an unmoving gaze. His eyes blinked a couple times until Harmonyblade began to talk. This made Passionblaze keep an open mind and listening ears to his clan mate. The questions that rolled off the sullen tom’s maw made Passionblaze’s fur stand on end. What an odd question! Well, not really odd. More so, it wasn’t in his mind that anyone would ever ask him such questions. “Ah, no, Friend. I do not have any kits.” Passionblaze answered, his voice soft and deep to maintain a calmness as his posture revealed. Passionblaze believed that it was his beother’s job who produced more nieces and nephews for him than he asked for. Passionblaze loved his brother dearly, but the tom was entirely reckless. To Passionblaze, kits were seeds of love, gifted to two flowers who equally shared the strong emotion. It wasn’t supposed to be for cats who’d love one moment and leave the next. Cats like his brother who didn’t deserve the many kits he produced. On the plus side, Passionblaze lacked his own offspring, but he was more than ecstatic to be the best Uncle. Besides, he did love being a father figure to kits who didn’t have their father doing the job for them. Other than that, Foxpaw, his niece, she was like his daughter. He practically raised her! “I love my family as much as I love my clan. This clan is my family. This clan is my love.” Passionblaze spoke, heartedly. Whether biological or not, every cat in this clan, Passionblaze saw as his family member because he cared about everyone with a fierce ferocity that usually made him tempered quick in the mind when any outsider challenged them. But, why would Harmonyblade ask him that? It must have been for a reason. Passionblaze had tilted his head, trying to collect any data that Harmonyblade may be showing. Some cats were open books. The way Harmonyblade was acting, Passionblaze dubbed him as being mopey. “Are you having...family troubles?” Passionblaze guessed, squinting his eyes to show his state of baffled.

February 28th, 2018, 08:15 AM
Passionblaze kept a steady smile on his ginger features as he awaited for the other tom to continue. Passionblaze wasn’t great at comforting others, but he also didn’t like to see a sad expression. Passionblaze wars flicked back for a moment watching the tom with an unmoving gaze. His eyes blinked a couple times until Harmonyblade began to talk. This made Passionblaze keep an open mind and listening ears to his clan mate. The questions that rolled off the sullen tom’s maw made Passionblaze’s fur stand on end. What an odd question! Well, not really odd. More so, it wasn’t in his mind that anyone would ever ask him such questions. “Ah, no, Friend. I do not have any kits.” Passionblaze answered, his voice soft and deep to maintain a calmness as his posture revealed. Passionblaze believed that it was his beother’s job who produced more nieces and nephews for him than he asked for. Passionblaze loved his brother dearly, but the tom was entirely reckless. To Passionblaze, kits were seeds of love, gifted to two flowers who equally shared the strong emotion. It wasn’t supposed to be for cats who’d love one moment and leave the next. Cats like his brother who didn’t deserve the many kits he produced. On the plus side, Passionblaze lacked his own offspring, but he was more than ecstatic to be the best Uncle. Besides, he did love being a father figure to kits who didn’t have their father doing the job for them. Other than that, Foxpaw, his niece, she was like his daughter. He practically raised her! “I love my family as much as I love my clan. This clan is my family. This clan is my love.” Passionblaze spoke, heartedly. Whether biological or not, every cat in this clan, Passionblaze saw as his family member because he cared about everyone with a fierce ferocity that usually made him tempered quick in the mind when any outsider challenged them. But, why would Harmonyblade ask him that? It must have been for a reason. Passionblaze had tilted his head, trying to collect any data that Harmonyblade may be showing. Some cats were open books. The way Harmonyblade was acting, Passionblaze dubbed him as being mopey. “Are you having...family troubles?” Passionblaze guessed, squinting his eyes to show his state of baffled.
HarmonyBlade slowly nodded. "Okay, what if your family was in another clan? Especially if ThunderClan was worst enemies with that clan...and then there were lots of battles. And you were forced to fight your kin. Would you fight them?" He paused for a moment, desperation in his yellow eyes as well as tears. "Or would you purposefully avoid them? But then what if you were called unloyal? What then? If you're completely torn between two sides..." The ginger warrior trailed off."Becase that's exactly how I feel. I have 3 kits in WindClan and I have to fight them because Snowstar and Blazingstar had a falling out. They've done nothing wrong and I'm sure neither has any other cat so why do we deserve this? It's the leaders you want not the Warriors. Do you understand?" HarmonyBlade was becoming agitated and started lashing out at the deputy. "If I fought them I'd be betraying myself. But it's my duty to serve my clan right? And if I run away...well, then I'd be a coward wouldn't I? And that would make me unloyal...right?" He snarled.

February 28th, 2018, 12:19 PM
Bingo smiled kindly,"Chameleonvine. Who do you wish your mentor to be?"

Me too))
Honeykit shrugged. Honestly, there were so many cats in the Clans that she had a hard time keeping up. "I don't know..." she meowed, stalling. "Maybe someday who will take me hunting a lot."

February 28th, 2018, 12:52 PM
Honeykit shrugged. Honestly, there were so many cats in the Clans that she had a hard time keeping up. "I don't know..." she meowed, stalling. "Maybe someday who will take me hunting a lot."
Bingo nodded,"Hunting is my favorite thing about being an apprentice and it'll be my favorite thing about being a warrior when I become one," he smiled,"Has anyone ever taught you the hunters' crouch?"

February 28th, 2018, 12:56 PM
Bingo nodded,"Hunting is my favorite thing about being an apprentice and it'll be my favorite thing about being a warrior when I become one," he smiled,"Has anyone ever taught you the hunters' crouch?"
Honeykit nodded. "Cool! Have you caught a mole before?" Shewasnt sure why, but they interested her. Their cloudy gaze, so likeher own, fascinated her. How did they dig underground when they couldn't see? Her mother had told her stories of what she knew them to be like, describing everything from their chubby, fuzzy bodies to their deny weeny tails. It was the bond of mother and daughter that she didn't laugh at her daughter for being interested in such creatures.

February 28th, 2018, 01:01 PM
Honeykit nodded. "Cool! Have you caught a mole before?" Shewasnt sure why, but they interested her. Their cloudy gaze, so likeher own, fascinated her. How did they dig underground when they couldn't see? Her mother had told her stories of what she knew them to be like, describing everything from their chubby, fuzzy bodies to their deny weeny tails. It was the bond of mother and daughter that she didn't laugh at her daughter for being interested in such creatures.
Bingo tilted his head. He was confused as to why she would want to know about the prey that the cats eat. Again, Bingo just shrugged it of and thought for a moment,"Well... They dig because of their weird whisker things... Should I even call them whiskers?" He laughed,"I honestly have no idea what to call them."

(Did you get my reply in the SkyClan clearing?)

February 28th, 2018, 05:51 PM
Birdsong stretched as he walked out of the warriors' den. The air was fresh and cold because of Leaf-bare. He tried to smell something like fresh-kill or flowers but the air was too cool and too crisp to smell anything else. Birdsong sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to hunt because of this.

Birdsong walked over to the fresh-kill pile just as his stomach growled. He grabbed a vole and trotted over to a small sunny spot that could probably only fit one or two cats.

He took a bite of the vole and tried to relish all the flavor he could, but to no avail. Leaf-bare was just too cold for the prey and it was already becoming tasteless and slightly crunchy. He sighed again and forced himself to swallow the mouthful and bite into the vole once more.

Lefty the bear

March 1st, 2018, 11:21 AM
. 2018 Okapi
Echobird walked out of the warriors den, her fur sticking up from sleep. The molly made her way over to the fresh kill pile, taking a sparrow out of the pile. Echobird took her food, sitting down where she was at. She hadn't slept at all last night, since she was out hunting. She loved to hunt at night. It made her feel normal. The molly began to groom her fur until it was all smoothed out before taking a bite out of the sparrow.

March 1st, 2018, 11:26 AM
. 2018 Okapi
Echobird walked out of the warriors den, her fur sticking up from sleep. The molly made her way over to the fresh kill pile, taking a sparrow out of the pile. Echobird took her food, sitting down where she was at. She hadn't slept at all last night, since she was out hunting. She loved to hunt at night. It made her feel normal. The molly began to groom her fur until it was all smoothed out before taking a bite out of the sparrow.
Leopardstripe was a molly who has a light furred pelt with black marks, she stalked over to Echobird, she always seemed in a bad mood, today it was because Echobird took the only sparrow in the fresh kill pile,” Why’d you take the last sparrow in the fresh kill pile?” She acused,” I deserve thet last sparrow. Hmph.” She asked accusingly, she wasn’t much for unsheathing claws or snarling, just complaining and acusing over everything, truthfully- she didn’t care that much for sparrow, but she still would acct upset about Echobird taking it...What, was Echobird named after a Mockingjay for being a copy cat?

March 1st, 2018, 02:56 PM
Lemon was walking with her eyes closed into the forest. But as she blindly walked into the clearing, she bumped into something. But as she bumped into it
it felt furry. She had not bumped into something, she had bumped into someone.

March 1st, 2018, 04:45 PM
Lemon was walking with her eyes closed into the forest. But as she blindly walked into the clearing, she bumped into something. But as she bumped into it
it felt furry. She had not bumped into something, she had bumped into someone.

Lightpaw looked at her. "Hello!"
he mewed. "Why'd ya bump into me?"

March 1st, 2018, 09:33 PM
WolfFang was sitting outside the warriors den grooming herself,
copper eyes scanning the clearing. The she-cat was hoping to see Shadestep around so the two could maybe hangout together Mystic

March 1st, 2018, 09:35 PM
WolfFang was sitting outside the warriors den grooming herself,
copper eyes scanning the clearing. The she-cat was hoping to see Shadestep around so the two could maybe hangout together Mystic

Shadestep was by the prey-pile, she had just finished a nice thrush. She licked her muzzle and saw her friend, Wolffang just by the warriors den, she padded over to her friend with a smile, ``Hi Wolffang? How are you?`` She dipped her head in greeting and sat down.

March 1st, 2018, 09:37 PM
Shadestep was by the prey-pile, she had just finished a nice thrush. She licked her muzzle and saw her friend, Wolffang just by the warriors den, she padded over to her friend with a smile, ``Hi Wolffang? How are you?`` She dipped her head in greeting and sat down.

"ShadeStep, I'm alright I guess how are you?" Wolffang playfully cuffed the she-cats ear as she sat down.

March 2nd, 2018, 12:56 PM
The Siamese tom was lying down in the clearing, he felt as if he deserved to be lazy for a while. He was twelve moons old and felt like he spent too much time training, and not enough time actually becoming friends with all kinds of different cats. He wasn't saying that he didn't like to train because he wanted to be a great warrior, but he still wanted to have lots of friends. Leafpaw looked around when he heard a cat say his name. His gaze caught on a cat who looked exactly like Lynxpaw. Actually, she was Lynxpaw! He jumped to his paws and padded over closer to her. "Lynxpaw, how're you?"

"I'm good!" The young bobtail chirped happily, her eyes bright and shiny with excitement. She hadn't seen Leafpaw in awhile, actually, so it was nice that she got to catch him in the clearing. Now they could talk for a little bit, perhaps. She wanted to catch up with cats she'd met as a kit, a couple moons ago seemed like ages ago, to the young apprentice. She sat, pricking her ears and smiling. "How've you been, with all the apprentice stuff and all?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. Okay, now she just needed to not ruin this conversation.

March 2nd, 2018, 03:46 PM
"I'm good!" The young bobtail chirped happily, her eyes bright and shiny with excitement. She hadn't seen Leafpaw in awhile, actually, so it was nice that she got to catch him in the clearing. Now they could talk for a little bit, perhaps. She wanted to catch up with cats she'd met as a kit, a couple moons ago seemed like ages ago, to the young apprentice. She sat, pricking her ears and smiling. "How've you been, with all the apprentice stuff and all?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. Okay, now she just needed to not ruin this conversation.

The apprentice half closed his eyes lazily, partly ignoring what she was saying. She was a very positive, and loud apprentice. She was eager to learn and a good cat, but Leafpaw sometimes wanted peace and quiet. Sometimes ignoring her was a good idea. She was a good friend and a kind cat, he could give her that. Suddenly he opened his eyes, to look at her, just thinking about her question. It had been good, well really acceptable but he couldn't ruin her day, and he didn't want to be pestered by questions. "Good." He said lazily, doing his best to make his voice a purr.

March 2nd, 2018, 05:56 PM
It's ok.)
He smiled."Same here." He purred.'I can't belive Pinekit actually hooked us up.' he through, but he wasn't complaining.It had made it easier for both him and Naomi to confess after all.

The small kit let out a squeal as she watched the two, she did her job. "Yayz!!! You too are a cuuuuute!!" She paused for a moment "Don't hurt my mom at all if you break her heart I will claw yours out!!!"

March 2nd, 2018, 06:07 PM
The small kit let out a squeal as she watched the two, she did her job. "Yayz!!! You too are a cuuuuute!!" She paused for a moment "Don't hurt my mom at all if you break her heart I will claw yours out!!!"
" I would never do that!" Burningforest said defiantly.He wasn't sure if she was joking on the last part or being serious,but either way,he knew he wouldn't do that.Naomi was the only cat he had ever loved this much after all.

March 2nd, 2018, 06:17 PM
" I would never do that!" Burningforest said defiantly.He wasn't sure if she was joking on the last part or being serious,but either way,he knew he wouldn't do that.Naomi was the only cat he had ever loved this much after all.

A thick furred Lilac molly padded over to the two warriors and the small kit, "Naomi, and you must be her little crush burningforest" The she-cat rested her gaze on the Tom "I'm WispHeart"

March 2nd, 2018, 06:21 PM
A thick furred Lilac molly padded over to the two warriors and the small kit, "Naomi, and you must be her little crush burningforest" The she-cat rested her gaze on the Tom "I'm WispHeart"
" Nice to meet you WispHeart.I'm Burningforest." He greeted her casually.'Was she evesdropping,or just happen to walk by?' he thought,but didn't say anything,not wanting to make a wrong accusation or start a fight.

March 2nd, 2018, 06:25 PM
" Nice to meet you WispHeart.I'm Burningforest." He greeted her casually.'Was she evesdropping,or just happen to walk by?' he thought,but didn't say anything,not wanting to make a wrong accusation or start a fight.

WispHeart padded up to Naomi and licked her cheek playfully, the she-cat loved messing with her clanmtes and...was a huge flirt at times "Aww I can't mess with ya now since you got a mate Kitten~!" Naomi batted at WispHearts muzzle "W-WispHeart stop it!!"

March 2nd, 2018, 06:31 PM
WispHeart padded up to Naomi and licked her cheek playfully, the she-cat loved messing with her clanmtes and...was a huge flirt at times "Aww I can't mess with ya now since you got a mate Kitten~!" Naomi batted at WispHearts muzzle "W-WispHeart stop it!!"
"She said stop it in case you didn't hear." BurningForest said with a slight hint of coldness in his voice.His tail was flicking rather quickly,but besides that and the coldness in his eyes,He didn't appear to be angry,But inside,he was fuming.Wispheart was beginning to get on his bad side very quickly,and he didn't have many cats he didn't like,but he was absolutely starting to HATE WispHeart.

March 2nd, 2018, 06:35 PM
"She said stop it in case you didn't hear." BurningForest said with a slight hint of coldness in his voice.His tail was flicking rather quickly,but besides that and the coldness in his eyes,He didn't appear to be angry,But inside,he was fuming.Wispheart was beginning to get on his bad side very quickly,and he didn't have many cats he didn't like,but he was absolutely starting to HATE WispHeart.

WispHeart cuffed Burning Forests ear "Aww calm down, I know you are mates I know she's yours..She's not into She-cats anyways only Toms Like you"

March 2nd, 2018, 06:45 PM
WispHeart cuffed Burning Forests ear "Aww calm down, I know you are mates I know she's yours..She's not into She-cats anyways only Toms Like you"
"Fine.Just stop when she says stop next time." He said,ignoring the cuff and glancing at Pinekit.

March 2nd, 2018, 06:55 PM
"Fine.Just stop when she says stop next time." He said,ignoring the cuff and glancing at Pinekit.

Pinekit stared at the she-cat before she shook out her fur and hissed at WishHeart

March 2nd, 2018, 07:04 PM
Pinekit stared at the she-cat before she shook out her fur and hissed at WishHeart
"So you teo friends?" BurningForest asked,knowing WispHeart probably wasn't going to leave yet until they had talked.

March 2nd, 2018, 09:51 PM
A little bit of surprise flickered across the warriors expression as Caliapaw mentioned checking the injury for infection. Emberwing hadn't expected the young medicine cat to pick up on it. Straightening herself up just a bit and lifting her head, almost as if to hide this fact. "Well, it's certainly good that Wheatfur taught you about infections before his untimely death," she purred, obviously relieved that her flank scratch would be treated with attention. It still scared her a little bit to put the fate of her first battle wound in the hands of a mere apprentice, but Emberwing didn't exactly see any other choice.

It had been quite a while since Wheatfur's death at the Gathering, and it was something those who knew him in the Clan still mourned. Emberwing simply grieved for the lost of a knowledgeable medicine cat - despite the tom's warrior background. She'd feel safer if it were him treating her injuries, and not some young she-cat who probably had other things on her mind. "So..." the ThunderClan warrior started, glancing around at the slightly unkept den. She figured it was because of the stream of battle wounded clients that had come into the den that it wasn't in spick-and-span shape, and she winced slightly at the sight. "You must travel frequently to WindClan, or ShadowClan, in order to learn about herbs right? Since you're still young?" She didn't mention 'inexperienced', but with the tone she'd used she might as well have. Her question wasn't meant to be hurtful, but that tone suggested all of the cautiousness she had in getting treated by Caliapaw - without her really realizing it.

Her eyes leveled back onto Caliapaw, studying the younger she-cat with a curious expression. "What made you want to not want to train as a warrior, anyways?" she questioned, honestly wanting to know. Emberwing knew nothing about the herbs Caliapaw was chewing, and it stunned her as to why others sometimes chose this lifestyle. Didn't every cat want to learn the art of battle, so they could defend their Clan? Didn't ever cat want to be able to run free throughout the territory and not be bogged down by sick patients? Especially with a young feline like Caliapaw, she had so much potential. She could be a great warrior, free of any kind of disability - but instead, she chose to spend her days in the medicine den. Emberwing didn't quite understand, but she fought hard to at least settle her disappointment in the young feline. This is a job for some cat who's unfit to train as a warrior, some cat with an injury or something, Emberwing thought in dismay as she continued to study the medicine cat, not a young, shining she-cat who could be a great addition to ThunderClan as a warrior...
Caliapaw didn’t respond to Emberwing’s first statement, instead continuing to chew the herbs and keeping one eye on the other cat. She was a little bitter at the remark - how inexperienced did the warrior think she was? Did she think Wheatfur had taught Caliapaw nothing? That only frustrated the feline more, as she struggled to keep her emotions under control - the logic of the situation was that it was natural to be concerned about who was treating you, how inexperienced they were, and it was natural to be glad that they were more experienced than you thought. However, just the relief in Emberwing’s voice was enough to make the young feline angry. Furious, even. Her thoughts were jumbled - she couldn’t even remember if she had given her usual “this is going to sting” comment as she dripped the juices into the wound.

Once she’d used enough, she dropped the now-chewed leaves onto the ground of the medicine cat’s den and gave Emberwing an uncertain look. ”I haven’t been to any of the other Clans yet. Zerosight came in once, and taught me a couple of things. Wheatfur taught me everything else I need to know right now. If you don’t like it, that’s your problem, not mine.” Perhaps it was the second comment, suggesting that she should go to the other Clans, that pushed the she cat over the edge to make the last remark. She hadn’t needed to add it, and it had been a mistake - but one that she could no longer take back. Not that she was sorry about it at all, oh no. She acknowledged that it had been a mistake, but it was not a mistake that she was sorry for. It was just one of “those things.”

”Good question. Now let me ask you one - if Wheatfur had approached you, saying that he wanted you to be his apprentice, would you have said yes or no when you were my age?” Before the warrior could have had much time to answer, Caliapaw continued speaking. ”I considered it an honor. And I was able to appreciate the things medicine cats do. It’s not that I don’t want to train as a warrior, it’s that I want this more.” Maybe that was true in the beginning. But now? Now Caliapaw felt like she was sort of stuck with this. There was no one else ready to jump into the position - she would let everyone down, something bad would happen if she were to leave it.

That wasn’t even to mention that she was already pretty old to be going back to warrior training - it would just be too much to try and get back into it now. Giving the injury another look, Caliapaw grabbed a couple of cobwebs and placed them on the wound, her golden eyes narrowed as she did so. Her tail was twitching furiously, in an attempt to calm herself. Emberwing had rubbed her the wrong way, even with just a few innocent questions - whether she’d known it or not. Caliapaw was already having not the best day, and the more cats who came in injured, the more she seemed to be having trouble.

March 3rd, 2018, 11:21 AM
Two kits padded out of the nursery, sniffing everything curiously. They jumped back as a leg appeared in front of them. Shaking, they slowly looked up with their large shiny eyes but the face that they saw wasn't hostile at all. It was actually rather friendly. "Hey! You're in our way Flea-brain!" a grey Tom kit mewed angrily while the other kit, a tuxedo she-kit, was more gentle. "S-sorry! We were just exploring...we're going to be apprenticed very soon so our mother said we can go outside..." She explained nervously, ears flattened against her head with guilt.

March 3rd, 2018, 08:46 PM
Robinsong stared blankly at the Highpeak. “More apprentices And Warriors, that’s pretty good for the clan.”

March 4th, 2018, 01:18 PM
Lambpaw sat in the clearing fidgeting having just got back from training (which had been awful) she had no idea what she should be doing and as such was stressed out of her mind. Should she get a piece of prey? No, it was too early. Should she hunt? No, she didn't know how! With an anxious sigh, she decided the best thing to do was just sit down and clean her fur until one of her friends or littermates were available to talk.

[Lambpaw in a nutshell :boo:]

Lefty the bear

March 4th, 2018, 01:24 PM
Lambpaw sat in the clearing fidgeting having just got back from training (which had been awful) she had no idea what she should be doing and as such was stressed out of her mind. Should she get a piece of prey? No, it was too early. Should she hunt? No, she didn't know how! With an anxious sigh, she decided the best thing to do was just sit down and clean her fur until one of her friends or littermates were available to talk.

[Lambpaw in a nutshell :boo:]

Lefty the bear

Berrypaw made his way out of the apprentices den with a yawn, since he had just woken up. He stretched out before he walked over to Lambpaw. "Hi! How has your morning been?" asked Berrypaw, plopping himself down right beside his friend. Berrypaw began to smoothe down the fur on his back to make sure that it didn't stick up.

March 4th, 2018, 01:34 PM
Berrypaw made his way out of the apprentices den with a yawn, since he had just woken up. He stretched out before he walked over to Lambpaw. "Hi! How has your morning been?" asked Berrypaw, plopping himself down right beside his friend. Berrypaw began to smoothe down the fur on his back to make sure that it didn't stick up.

"Gah!" Lambpaw yelped surprised by the voice and sudden sensation of someone touching her fur upon seeing who it was through her attitude changed, "O-oh, Berrypaw h-hello my m-m-morning's been--Argh! N-nice thank y-ou for a-asking." She started giving her friend a gentle lick on the cheek.

March 4th, 2018, 02:22 PM
"Gah!" Lambpaw yelped surprised by the voice and sudden sensation of someone touching her fur upon seeing who it was through her attitude changed, "O-oh, Berrypaw h-hello my m-m-morning's been--Argh! N-nice thank y-ou for a-asking." She started giving her friend a gentle lick on the cheek.

Berrypaw watched as she gave him a look of surprise, feeling a little guilty that he had frightened her. "I nearly just woke up, so I don't know how my morning is going." teased the light ginger tom with a light purr towards his friend. Berrypaw looked at the camp entrance then back at Lambpaw.

March 4th, 2018, 02:38 PM
Berrypaw watched as she gave him a look of surprise, feeling a little guilty that he had frightened her. "I nearly just woke up, so I don't know how my morning is going." teased the light ginger tom with a light purr towards his friend. Berrypaw looked at the camp entrance then back at Lambpaw.

Lambpaw let out a giggle giving the tom a friendly nuzzle, "Y-you're pretty-- Gah! F-funny Berrypaw and-" She stopped herself as she was about to say handsome but decided against for fear he would take it to mean that she liked him, "N-nice you're v-v-very ni-nice." She cooed happy that he was there to take her mind off training, "W-whose you're m-m-mentor Berrypaw?" She inquired suddenly, curious about who was training him.

March 5th, 2018, 10:22 AM
Lambpaw let out a giggle giving the tom a friendly nuzzle, "Y-you're pretty-- Gah! F-funny Berrypaw and-" She stopped herself as she was about to say handsome but decided against for fear he would take it to mean that she liked him, "N-nice you're v-v-very ni-nice." She cooed happy that he was there to take her mind off training, "W-whose you're m-m-mentor Berrypaw?" She inquired suddenly, curious about who was training him.

Berrypaw shrugged, "I don't have one yet." replied the tom with embarrassment. The tom was never assigned a mentor, since the leader didn't know quite who should mentor him. "Who's yours?" wondered the tom.
(Writers block)

March 5th, 2018, 01:35 PM
Berrypaw shrugged, "I don't have one yet." replied the tom with embarrassment. The tom was never assigned a mentor, since the leader didn't know quite who should mentor him. "Who's yours?" wondered the tom.
(Writers block)

"C-coldheart she's--Gah! P-pretty nice b-but, she a-always seems t-o be g-g-glaring a-at me. E-even when s-she's happy." Lambpaw squeaked, rather stressed by the idea of her mentor not liking her, "I-it m-must be a b-b-bummer that y-you don't--Arrgh! H-have a m-mentor yet." She stated giving her friend a soft lick on the cheek.

March 5th, 2018, 01:43 PM
"C-coldheart she's--Gah! P-pretty nice b-but, she a-always seems t-o be g-g-glaring a-at me. E-even when s-she's happy." Lambpaw squeaked, rather stressed by the idea of her mentor not liking her, "I-it m-must be a b-b-bummer that y-you don't--Arrgh! H-have a m-mentor yet." She stated giving her friend a soft lick on the cheek.

Berrypaw let out a purr, brushing his fur against her's without meaning to. "I don't think I'll ever get a mentor. Nobody seems to like me," replied the tom, letting out a light sigh "You're lucky to have a mentor. Even if she don't like you at least you have one." Berrypaw stood up after his legs had fallen asleep.

March 5th, 2018, 02:09 PM
Berrypaw let out a purr, brushing his fur against her's without meaning to. "I don't think I'll ever get a mentor. Nobody seems to like me," replied the tom, letting out a light sigh "You're lucky to have a mentor. Even if she don't like you at least you have one." Berrypaw stood up after his legs had fallen asleep.

"That's--Arrgh! N-not true! I-I like y-y-you! I l-like you alot! I'm-- Gah! S-sure that y-you're going to g-get a m-mentor! You h-have too!" Lambpaw shrilled, trembling slightly as she spoke, "O-otherwise I'll b-b-become a warrior and--Arrgh! Y-you won't!" She stressed anxious by the thought.

March 5th, 2018, 02:47 PM
It was near time for New Leaf, and the atmosphere was warm and sunny, birdsong filling the air. The camp was full of hustle and bustle, and in the midst of it all was a black and white tom, padding across the clearing, a squirrel in his jaws. He had just returned from hunting, and he gazed around, his tail tip flicking, his posture restless. He dropped the rodent in the steadily growing Fresh Kill pile and stretched his long body, then went over to a corner of the clearing, settling back on his haunches, his tail sweeping the ground unconsciously from side to side, bringing up dust and causing him to sneeze, a light, quiet sneeze. His blue gaze flickered around, unable to look at a certain thing for more than a few moments. He was known for his inability to stay still, and he was always moving, always doing something. But he was friendly, gentle, and caring. Yet, he had no friends, probably due to the fact that his restless demeanor made many cats uneasy.

The tom, known as Ferretpelt, swept his blue gaze around the clearing again, his paws kneading the dirt beneath him. He sighed and began to groom a paw before his gaze landed on Lambpaw. He had always wondered what the she-cat was like, what it would be like to hang out with her. He usually liked to observe her, and he knew she was really restless, like him. He also had noticed her fur was curly and unkempt, but he thought it was nice on her. Ferretpelt gazed at her a moment before continuing to groom himself, his pink tongue making soft rasping sounds as it ran over his fur.


March 5th, 2018, 03:38 PM
It was near time for New Leaf, and the atmosphere was warm and sunny, birdsong filling the air. The camp was full of hustle and bustle, and in the midst of it all was a black and white tom, padding across the clearing, a squirrel in his jaws. He had just returned from hunting, and he gazed around, his tail tip flicking, his posture restless. He dropped the rodent in the steadily growing Fresh Kill pile and stretched his long body, then went over to a corner of the clearing, settling back on his haunches, his tail sweeping the ground unconsciously from side to side, bringing up dust and causing him to sneeze, a light, quiet sneeze. His blue gaze flickered around, unable to look at a certain thing for more than a few moments. He was known for his inability to stay still, and he was always moving, always doing something. But he was friendly, gentle, and caring. Yet, he had no friends, probably due to the fact that his restless demeanor made many cats uneasy.

The tom, known as Ferretpelt, swept his blue gaze around the clearing again, his paws kneading the dirt beneath him. He sighed and began to groom a paw before his gaze landed on Lambpaw. He had always wondered what the she-cat was like, what it would be like to hang out with her. He usually liked to observe her, and he knew she was really restless, like him. He also had noticed her fur was curly and unkempt, but he thought it was nice on her. Ferretpelt gazed at her a moment before continuing to groom himself, his pink tongue making soft rasping sounds as it ran over his fur.


Lambpaw had been in the middle of a routine grooming session and was afterward planning to get a piece of prey and obviously eat it. That was until her eyes happened upon a black-and-white tom-cat I]staring[/I] at her. Lambpaw gulped softly was she doing something wrong? No that couldn't be! All she was doing was grooming herself, as was he so in her option it would be rather hypocritical for him to be glaring at her when he was doing the same thing! Maybe she was just overanalyzing the situation. Well, she supposed the only true way find out was to ask.

As she trotted up to Ferretpelt she couldn't help but feel anxious. What if she said something stupid and he hated her! Or she had just misunderstood and overthought the whole situation and she was about to come off a totally paranoid! Well , she thought I guess I'm just going to have to find out! "U-uh--Gah! H-hello there uhh..." Had she forgotten his name? DEAR STARCLAN SHE FORGOT HIS NAME! "W-w-weaselfur," She guessed, "I was just-- Arrgh! wondering h-h-how you're d-d-doing today?" Lambpaw inquired trying to hide the fact that she was stressed out of her mind and quite frankly failing miserably.

March 5th, 2018, 04:04 PM
Lambpaw had been in the middle of a routine grooming session and was afterward planning to get a piece of prey and obviously eat it. That was until her eyes happened upon a black-and-white tom-cat I]staring[/I] at her. Lambpaw gulped softly was she doing something wrong? No that couldn't be! All she was doing was grooming herself, as was he so in her option it would be rather hypocritical for him to be glaring at her when he was doing the same thing! Maybe she was just overanalyzing the situation. Well, she supposed the only true way find out was to ask.

As she trotted up to Ferretpelt she couldn't help but feel anxious. What if she said something stupid and he hated her! Or she had just misunderstood and overthought the whole situation and she was about to come off a totally paranoid! Well , she thought I guess I'm just going to have to find out! "U-uh--Gah! H-hello there uhh..." Had she forgotten his name? DEAR STARCLAN SHE FORGOT HIS NAME! "W-w-weaselfur," She guessed, "I was just-- Arrgh! wondering h-h-how you're d-d-doing today?" Lambpaw inquired trying to hide the fact that she was stressed out of her mind and quite frankly failing miserably.

((lmao when you said "Dear StarClan she forgot his name" in all caps, I burst out laughing xDDD and Weaselfur? Oml I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt lmao xD))

Ferretpelt looked up, startled at the she-cat's sudden appearance.
He swallowed, feeling nervous. As she spoke, though, he chuckled, amused. "Weaselfur... you called me Weaselfur... heheh, cute. Now that would be an embarrassing name for me..." He turned his face to the side and lowered his head a bit, gazing at her out of the corner of his eye a moment, his gaze amused. He then raised his head and smiled at her, his tail sweeping the ground again. "It's Ferretpelt. And I am doing alright, I guess. I'm lonely, as usual, but that's normal for me..." He sighed and groomed a paw before drawing it over his face and ears. Then he set his paw down and gently flicked her shoulder with his tail, a gesture of kindness. He wanted her comfortable around him. He smiled at her. Honestly, her stammering was kinda adorable, in his opinion.

"So how are you today... Lambpaw?" He asked, his blue gaze kind.

March 5th, 2018, 04:23 PM
Caliapaw didn’t respond to Emberwing’s first statement, instead continuing to chew the herbs and keeping one eye on the other cat. She was a little bitter at the remark - how inexperienced did the warrior think she was? Did she think Wheatfur had taught Caliapaw nothing? That only frustrated the feline more, as she struggled to keep her emotions under control - the logic of the situation was that it was natural to be concerned about who was treating you, how inexperienced they were, and it was natural to be glad that they were more experienced than you thought. However, just the relief in Emberwing’s voice was enough to make the young feline angry. Furious, even. Her thoughts were jumbled - she couldn’t even remember if she had given her usual “this is going to sting” comment as she dripped the juices into the wound.

Once she’d used enough, she dropped the now-chewed leaves onto the ground of the medicine cat’s den and gave Emberwing an uncertain look. ”I haven’t been to any of the other Clans yet. Zerosight came in once, and taught me a couple of things. Wheatfur taught me everything else I need to know right now. If you don’t like it, that’s your problem, not mine.” Perhaps it was the second comment, suggesting that she should go to the other Clans, that pushed the she cat over the edge to make the last remark. She hadn’t needed to add it, and it had been a mistake - but one that she could no longer take back. Not that she was sorry about it at all, oh no. She acknowledged that it had been a mistake, but it was not a mistake that she was sorry for. It was just one of “those things.”

”Good question. Now let me ask you one - if Wheatfur had approached you, saying that he wanted you to be his apprentice, would you have said yes or no when you were my age?” Before the warrior could have had much time to answer, Caliapaw continued speaking. ”I considered it an honor. And I was able to appreciate the things medicine cats do. It’s not that I don’t want to train as a warrior, it’s that I want this more.” Maybe that was true in the beginning. But now? Now Caliapaw felt like she was sort of stuck with this. There was no one else ready to jump into the position - she would let everyone down, something bad would happen if she were to leave it.

That wasn’t even to mention that she was already pretty old to be going back to warrior training - it would just be too much to try and get back into it now. Giving the injury another look, Caliapaw grabbed a couple of cobwebs and placed them on the wound, her golden eyes narrowed as she did so. Her tail was twitching furiously, in an attempt to calm herself. Emberwing had rubbed her the wrong way, even with just a few innocent questions - whether she’d known it or not. Caliapaw was already having not the best day, and the more cats who came in injured, the more she seemed to be having trouble.

The ThunderClan warrior's eyes widened in surprise at Caliapaw's reaction, the fur on the back of her neck beginning to bristle in defense. She parted her jaws - the words not yet coming to her though - when she felt a sharp pain pierce through her side. "Ouch!" she yelped, pain flashing through the depths of her eyes as the juices from the herbs drained into her slow healing scratch. Normally, it wouldn't have even affected her, but with her already cautious mind and her shock at the young she-cats response, Emberwing was caught off guard with how this first meeting was going. It didn't do anything to solidify the fact that Caliapaw might know what she was doing, and just slightly her eyes narrowed, tail tip twitching in annoyance. It wasn't often that Emberwing got unnerved by her Clanmates - she cared for them too much - but something about Caliapaw struck her the wrong way.

"I never said I had a problem with it," she stated, a little edge to the polite tone she had to force out through her teeth. The pain from the sting was subsiding, but not the tiny thorns that seemed to have lodged themselves in her fur from the medicine cat's harsh words. Those stung almost as bad her side flank, though her scratch was now the last thing on her mind. "I just thought that since you're still young that you might want to consider learning as much as you can." Emberwing was well aware that Caliapaw had been training under Wheatfur for a few moons before his death, however that didn't register in her mind with how much could be passed down. She was still a 'paw, after all, and hadn't earned her full medicine cat name. Until then, it would bee seen by Emberwing as a downfall - not quite knowing as much as she should with the responsibility she now had in caring for the whole of ThunderClan.

At her second question, Emberwing truly didn't have a good answer. What if Wheatfur had come to her and asked her to be his apprentice? She was already half way through her warrior training when he had decided to take on Caliapaw; at that time, she would've said absolutely not. However, when she had just turned six moons? Sure, her loyalty was to her Clan, but above even that she valued StarClan, and having faith in her warrior ancestors. Being given a chance to become closer to them? It was hard to determine if she would've accepted or not. "Even if I had taken the life of a medicine cat, I would've made it a point to learn everything I could, as fast as I could. So that I could be the best, and serve ThunderClan in the way they needed," she mewed, giving a shrug of her shoulders and craning her neck to get a better look at the cobwebs she had plastered on her side. They seemed to stick well enough, and Emberwing let out a sigh; at least she was good at the most tedious medicinal tasks.

All she had wanted to do when coming in was to get fixed up and potentially have her doubts drowned by Caliapaw's actions. She felt foolish not having faith in her Clan's medicine cat - after all, StarClan had to have accepted her for her to be in this position, and her belief in them was strong. Why couldn't she show Caliapaw the same respect? Emberwing let out another soft sigh and shook her head ever so slightly, but made no attempt to take back anything she had said. She was valid in her feelings, and if Caliapaw didn't like it, then that was her problem.

March 5th, 2018, 04:33 PM
((lmao when you said "Dear StarClan she forgot his name" in all caps, I burst out laughing xDDD and Weaselfur? Oml I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt lmao xD))

Ferretpelt looked up, startled at the she-cat's sudden appearance.
He swallowed, feeling nervous. As she spoke, though, he chuckled, amused. "Weaselfur... you called me Weaselfur... heheh, cute. Now that would be an embarrassing name for me..." He turned his face to the side and lowered his head a bit, gazing at her out of the corner of his eye a moment, his gaze amused. He then raised his head and smiled at her, his tail sweeping the ground again. "It's Ferretpelt. And I am doing alright, I guess. I'm lonely, as usual, but that's normal for me..." He sighed and groomed a paw before drawing it over his face and ears. Then he set his paw down and gently flicked her shoulder with his tail, a gesture of kindness. He wanted her comfortable around him. He smiled at her. Honestly, her stammering was kinda adorable, in his opinion.

"So how are you today... Lambpaw?" He asked, his blue gaze kind.

(Hehe yeah, Lambpaw can really turn into a poor forgetful anxious bean sometimes XD)

"I-I'm well t-thanks for asking F-f-ferretpelt." She mumbled, glad the tom hadn't treated her condensingly because good fluff did she hate that. Just because she stuttered didn't me she had the mental capacity of a mouse! If anything Ferretpelt had treated her kindly a trait that she hadn't seen yet in many ThunderClan cats as a late most not have time for a stupid stuttering kit. Lambpaw took a tiny sniff of the toms scent and just ended up just blurting out, "Y-your pelt--Arrgh! Smells l-l-like flowers I-I love f-flowers. D-d-don't you?"

March 5th, 2018, 11:29 PM
Tigerdawn was still weak from the battle between WindClan and ThunderClan. “Stupid rabbitchasers.” She growled to herself. The she-cat let out a sigh and walked to the kill pile. Her gaze scanned the pile for a few moments, she then leaned forward and pulled a thrush free of the pile of prey. Tigerdawn padded over to the edge of camp, staggering a few times. She sat down and began eating the prey. She watched the clearing, the patrol for the gathering had returned already, but where was that stupid WindClan scum. Tigerdawn shrugged, she didn’t care if he had died, it wouldn’t affect her, only Cherrydawn. It was her fault for falling for him anyway, Tigerdawn knew that the warrior- no, queen knew better. Just the thought that she was expecting kits made her furious. She dug her claws into the ground. Tigerdawn suddenly wanted to kill Skyfeather for even coming here. The injured warrior kept her gaze locked on the entrance and muscles tensed, preparing herself for the moment he’d enter the camp so she could attack. Yes, she would attack, he didn’t deserve to be here.

March 6th, 2018, 06:23 AM
:surprisehug: Charmer
Tigerdawn was still weak from the battle between WindClan and ThunderClan. “Stupid rabbitchasers.” She growled to herself. The she-cat let out a sigh and walked to the kill pile. Her gaze scanned the pile for a few moments, she then leaned forward and pulled a thrush free of the pile of prey. Tigerdawn padded over to the edge of camp, staggering a few times. She sat down and began eating the prey. She watched the clearing, the patrol for the gathering had returned already, but where was that stupid WindClan scum. Tigerdawn shrugged, she didn’t care if he had died, it wouldn’t affect her, only Cherrydawn. It was her fault for falling for him anyway, Tigerdawn knew that the warrior- no, queen knew better. Just the thought that she was expecting kits made her furious. She dug her claws into the ground. Tigerdawn suddenly wanted to kill Skyfeather for even coming here. The injured warrior kept her gaze locked on the entrance and muscles tensed, preparing herself for the moment he’d enter the camp so she could attack. Yes, she would attack, he didn’t deserve to be here.

Cherrydawn slipped into the clearing from the camp entrance. She had guarded the camp last night in the hopes that she would see Skyfeather come home. Her mate Gad not come back after the battle and in all the chaos and confusion, no one seemed to know what had become of him. She had heard with grisly horror that some cats had been swept away by the rising river, and she could only pray to Starclan that he wasn’t among them. But why had he not come back to her then? Miserablely, she made her way to the pile to have a morsel before going to rest in the warrior’s Den. Tigerdawn was there already, looking murderously angry. To say that her mentor disapproved of her mate would be an understatement. Meekly, Cherrydawn clawed at a mouse and looked sadly at her mentor. “No one else came back last night,” she reported evenly.

March 6th, 2018, 11:34 AM
"That's--Arrgh! N-not true! I-I like y-y-you! I l-like you alot! I'm-- Gah! S-sure that y-you're going to g-get a m-mentor! You h-have too!" Lambpaw shrilled, trembling slightly as she spoke, "O-otherwise I'll b-b-become a warrior and--Arrgh! Y-you won't!" She stressed anxious by the thought.

Berrypaw sat back down, settling right down beside Lambpaw once again. "Ill just have to look for a mentor myself if Passionblaze doesn't do it." meowed Berrypaw.
(Sorry it's short. In class right now)

March 6th, 2018, 03:56 PM
Tigerdawn blinked and forced herself to relax. “Cherrydawn...” She exhaled. “No one came back last night? Well, maybe Skyfeather won’t come back. You know what happened at the battle. Maybe he didn’t make it, who knows.” Tigerdawn flicked her tail and shrugged. She wanted to convince Cherrydawn that Skyfeather was dead so she would stop talking about him. She still hated WindClan for what they did. The warrior rolled her eyes and sat up. She threw her muzzle into Cherrydawn face, so close that their noses almost touched. “I don’t know how or why you love that WindClan scum, but you should be careful. He could betray you one day, then what will you do?”

March 6th, 2018, 05:48 PM
Blackpaw sat on the edge of the clearing. “I want to train...” He mumbled, shifting his paws. He was a little bigger, his shoulders slightly broader then two moons ago, but he still was young kitty. “Where is Darkrose? Ugh...” Muttering, he walked over to the warriors den and stuck his head inside. “Darkrose...Darkrose come out here.” The tom meowed calmly, and slightly annoyed. He then sat himself outside the den to wait for his mentor.

March 6th, 2018, 05:55 PM
“Another day without any sunlight..” The tall warrior murmured to himself as he walked out into the spacious clearing, “Not the most perfect day to start training an apprentice, but what more can you do?” Flintheart was never one that truly liked cold, dreary weather like this, but in all honestly, what cat did like weather like this and was telling the absolute truth in the end? He was unsure, but refused to let the small things get him down - especially on a day such as this. Thunderclan had once again gifted him with a youth to train several moons after his last apprentice, Ebonystrike, had been named a warrior. A small part of him did not really wish to have another apprentice, due to the fact that he was just starting to make a stable friendship with that shy, kindhearted tomcat, Firefall - but it wasn’t the end of the world. He just hoped that this youth wouldn’t cause him too much trouble from the start. With that, the Burmilla stalked over to the freshkill pile and picked out a small, but plump thrush to start off his morning with a light breakfast before beginning his training with his new and young student - Sparrowpaw. He believed that was the female’s name. All he had to do for now was to wait for her to show herself and not sleep-in too late on her first day.

March 6th, 2018, 06:06 PM
“Another day without any sunlight..” The tall warrior murmured to himself as he walked out into the spacious clearing, “Not the most perfect day to start training an apprentice, but what more can you do?” Flintheart was never one that truly liked cold, dreary weather like this, but in all honestly, what cat did like weather like this and was telling the absolute truth in the end? He was unsure, but refused to let the small things get him down - especially on a day such as this. Thunderclan had once again gifted him with a youth to train several moons after his last apprentice, Ebonystrike, had been named a warrior. A small part of him did not really wish to have another apprentice, due to the fact that he was just starting to make a stable friendship with that shy, kindhearted tomcat, Firefall - but it wasn’t the end of the world. He just hoped that this youth wouldn’t cause him too much trouble from the start. With that, the Burmilla stalked over to the freshkill pile and picked out a small, but plump thrush to start off his morning with a light breakfast before beginning his training with his new and young student - Sparrowpaw. He believed that was the female’s name. All he had to do for now was to wait for her to show herself and not sleep-in too late on her first day.

It was a dreary day, for sure, the ground was wet and mucky. A young brown and white she-cat with hazel eyes appeared from the warrior's den, her fur shining on her long forme. She shyly joined her new mentor at the Fresh Kill pile, what was his name... ah, Flintheart. She took a crow from the pile, her favourite. She settled down and took a couple of bites before glancing up at the gray tom who was to be her teacher. "Hello... Uh... sir... what will you be teaching me today...?", she meowed, wrapping her tail neatly around herself. She finished up her crow and tucked her forepaws neatly under her chest, her hazel eyes round with new excitement for what she may be learning today. Where would they go? Would they practice battle moves? What about learning how to hunt? So many exciting things, and she wanted to do them all, but she wasn't mouse brained. She knew they couldn't learn everything today. She blinked her hazel eyes at him.

March 6th, 2018, 06:24 PM
It was a dreary day, for sure, the ground was wet and mucky. A young brown and white she-cat with hazel eyes appeared from the warrior's den, her fur shining on her long forme. She shyly joined her new mentor at the Fresh Kill pile, what was his name... ah, Flintheart. She took a crow from the pile, her favourite. She settled down and took a couple of bites before glancing up at the gray tom who was to be her teacher. "Hello... Uh... sir... what will you be teaching me today...?", she meowed, wrapping her tail neatly around herself. She finished up her crow and tucked her forepaws neatly under her chest, her hazel eyes round with new excitement for what she may be learning today. Where would they go? Would they practice battle moves? What about learning how to hunt? So many exciting things, and she wanted to do them all, but she wasn't mouse brained. She knew they couldn't learn everything today. She blinked her hazel eyes at him.
Since it was still early in the morning, the older tomcat had to take a moment or so to wake up and actually realize his surroundings, which was why he was late to realize that the young female was already joined at his side with her own morning meal - a simple crow from the looks of it. Flintheart blinked down at the smaller cat with slight surprise, used to waiting for lazy apprentices that were always a tad too late with waking up early for training sessions. “Good morning, young Sparrowpaw.” He mewed, dipping his head to the youth in silence before continuing. Normally, he would advise for his apprentices to get something to eat before they began, but it seemed like she was already one step ahead of him. Flintheart was slightly impressed and was curious to see her future potential. He gently heaved himself into a sitting position, stretching out his aching limbs for a moment before clearing his throat. “Since it is your first day of training, I will let you choose what you would like to train in today - may it be hunting, fighting, patroling or just simple rules and regulations. I will let you choose your lesson for today - and only today.” On the first day, the older warrior was always kind and reasonable on his students, slowly easing them into his training sessions and seeing how much they could handle from the beginning. He stared at her with his greenish blue-hued eyes, curious.

March 6th, 2018, 06:32 PM
Since it was still early in the morning, the older tomcat had to take a moment or so to wake up and actually realize his surroundings, which was why he was late to realize that the young female was already joined at his side with her own morning meal - a simple crow from the looks of it. Flintheart blinked down at the smaller cat with slight surprise, used to waiting for lazy apprentices that were always a tad too late with waking up early for training sessions. “Good morning, young Sparrowpaw.” He mewed, dipping his head to the youth in silence before continuing. Normally, he would advise for his apprentices to get something to eat before they began, but it seemed like she was already one step ahead of him. Flintheart was slightly impressed and was curious to see her future potential. He gently heaved himself into a sitting position, stretching out his aching limbs for a moment before clearing his throat. “Since it is your first day of training, I will let you choose what you would like to train in today - may it be hunting, fighting, patroling or just simple rules and regulations. I will let you choose your lesson for today - and only today.” On the first day, the older warrior was always kind and reasonable on his students, slowly easing them into his training sessions and seeing how much they could handle from the beginning. He stared at her with his greenish blue-hued eyes, curious.

Sparrowpaw gazed down at her paws, her tail tip flicking thoughtfully. She wanted to patrol the territory more than anything else, but she knew what was most important. She looked up at Flintheart, her hazel eyes serious. "Um...
Rules and regulations, please. I want to know where I stand...," she meowed, her whiskers quivering slightly.

March 6th, 2018, 06:38 PM
Sparrowpaw gazed down at her paws, her tail tip flicking thoughtfully. She wanted to patrol the territory more than anything else, but she knew what was most important. She looked up at Flintheart, her hazel eyes serious. "Um...
Rules and regulations, please. I want to know where I stand...," she meowed, her whiskers quivering slightly.
That surprised the older warrior, seeing a youth such as her ask to know the rules of clan life before jumping into physical training. Flintheart had to admit that he was slightly impressed and somewhat intrigued with how this would go for him and Sparrowpaw in the future of the moons that they would be spending together, but he had to focus on the task at paw now. His ears twitched ever so gently to the breeze that swept through the trees around them before finally replying. “Alright then.” The Burmilla remarked, rising to his paws, “Follow me.” His order was short and simple, to the point as he always liked it. He would go to a secluded spot in the woods to teach her the ways of the clans, like he did when he trained Ebonystrike many moons ago. Flintheart waved his tail as a silent gesture for Sparrowpaw to follow his lead as he began to head off into the undergrowth of the forest that loomed behind them from where they had eaten their morning prey only moments prior.

March 6th, 2018, 06:50 PM
That surprised the older warrior, seeing a youth such as her ask to know the rules of clan life before jumping into physical training. Flintheart had to admit that he was slightly impressed and somewhat intrigued with how this would go for him and Sparrowpaw in the future of the moons that they would be spending together, but he had to focus on the task at paw now. His ears twitched ever so gently to the breeze that swept through the trees around them before finally replying. “Alright then.” The Burmilla remarked, rising to his paws, “Follow me.” His order was short and simple, to the point as he always liked it. He would go to a secluded spot in the woods to teach her the ways of the clans, like he did when he trained Ebonystrike many moons ago. Flintheart waved his tail as a silent gesture for Sparrowpaw to follow his lead as he began to head off into the undergrowth of the forest that loomed behind them from where they had eaten their morning prey only moments prior.

The tabby she cat followed her mentor, her light pawsteps making slight sucking sounds as her paws sank into the mud. Sparrowpaw shook a paw in disgust, realizing she couldn't do anything about it before bounding to catch up to Flintheart.
As they left the camp, she felt the chill in the air and shivered, running her tail over herself to try and stay warm. She continued following her mentor.

((Shouldn't we be role-playing in the ThunderClan Territory now?))

March 6th, 2018, 07:00 PM
(Hehe yeah, Lambpaw can really turn into a poor forgetful anxious bean sometimes XD)

"I-I'm well t-thanks for asking F-f-ferretpelt." She mumbled, glad the tom hadn't treated her condensingly because good fluff did she hate that. Just because she stuttered didn't me she had the mental capacity of a mouse! If anything Ferretpelt had treated her kindly a trait that she hadn't seen yet in many ThunderClan cats as a late most not have time for a stupid stuttering kit. Lambpaw took a tiny sniff of the toms scent and just ended up just blurting out, "Y-your pelt--Arrgh! Smells l-l-like flowers I-I love f-flowers. D-d-don't you?"

Ferretpelt smiled and nodded. "Flowers are pretty, especially roses..." He gave her a quick lick in between the ears. "How would you like to go hunting with me...? I am itching to do something, I don't want to just sit here..." He got to his paws and padded over to the Fresh Kill pile, sniffing it. Yes, it needed more prey. It was dwindling pretty quickly. He blinked at Lambpaw, his gaze friendly. "Well, how about it? Want to go hunting?"

March 6th, 2018, 07:43 PM
Berrypaw sat back down, settling right down beside Lambpaw once again. "Ill just have to look for a mentor myself if Passionblaze doesn't do it." meowed Berrypaw.
(Sorry it's short. In class right now)

(It's fine)

"O-okay I'm g-g-glad you're n-not giving u-up so s-soon... y-y-yay for you!" She mused softly wrapping her tail around him, "I-I hope w-we'll be m-m-made--Gah! W-warriors at the same time.

March 6th, 2018, 09:20 PM
Tigerdawn blinked and forced herself to relax. “Cherrydawn...” She exhaled. “No one came back last night? Well, maybe Skyfeather won’t come back. You know what happened at the battle. Maybe he didn’t make it, who knows.” Tigerdawn flicked her tail and shrugged. She wanted to convince Cherrydawn that Skyfeather was dead so she would stop talking about him. She still hated WindClan for what they did. The warrior rolled her eyes and sat up. She threw her muzzle into Cherrydawn face, so close that their noses almost touched. “I don’t know how or why you love that WindClan scum, but you should be careful. He could betray you one day, then what will you do?”

Cherrydawn sagged under the weight of resentment in Tigerdawn’s words about Skyfeather. The way she mentioned his absence and, Starclan forbid, the possiblity that something had happened to him in the battle... something terrible, takes her deeper than if her mentor had just used her claws. When she stuck her face into hers and practically snarled her prediction of her mate’s betrayal, she couldn’t stop herself from baring her teeth. Still she kept her voice low. “You don’t know him like I do, Tigerdawn. We love each other.” She forced her shoulders to relax and took a deep breath. “We’re going to have a family together.”

March 7th, 2018, 12:16 AM
(It's fine)

"O-okay I'm g-g-glad you're n-not giving u-up so s-soon... y-y-yay for you!" She mused softly wrapping her tail around him, "I-I hope w-we'll be m-m-made--Gah! W-warriors at the same time.

Berrypaw let out a smile, feeling good that at least one decent cat believes in him. "Me too! Once I get a mentor me and you can sometimes train together. Well that is if you want to." meowed the apprentice, his voice cracking at the last sentence.

March 7th, 2018, 02:55 AM
Leopardpaw paced the fringes of the Thunderclan clearing, her long tail twitching slightly behind her. She had been on edge since the battle on the night of the gathering, because of how quickly she had become something she never knew she could be. And while she could confidently say that she had fared better in her fight with the ashy Shadowclan warrior, Leopardpaw had mixed feelings about it. She originally fought with the intent to avenge her mentor, but seeing Ashnose's reluctance to anger Starclan had made her question some of her own choices a bit, specifically, her uncharacteristic bloodthirst.

March 7th, 2018, 07:32 AM
Blackpaw sat on the edge of the clearing. “I want to train...” He mumbled, shifting his paws. He was a little bigger, his shoulders slightly broader then two moons ago, but he still was young kitty. “Where is Darkrose? Ugh...” Muttering, he walked over to the warriors den and stuck his head inside. “Darkrose...Darkrose come out here.” The tom meowed calmly, and slightly annoyed. He then sat himself outside the den to wait for his mentor.
Darkrose's ears perked up as she heard Blackpaw's voice. She sighed and stepped out of the warriors den, squinting in the bright sun. "Yes, Blackpaw?" she asked. She assumed he wanted to train or even do apprentice duties to get him closer to becoming a warrior. She looked at Blackpaw, her face not showing any emotion as she waited for an answer from her apprentice and adopted son.

March 7th, 2018, 09:33 AM
Sweetfawn's tail twitched back and forth as she looked around at her Clan from her place under a willow tree. Her gaze was bright, and her ears were perked, a sign of alertness. The female still bore wounds of the fight on the way to the gathering with ShdaowClan, and the wounds on her belly were only just beginning to heal. Sweetfawn swiped her tongue over her jaw and shifted her paws beneath her. The sun shone off her frosty white pelt that covered her slender frame. Dipping her head down, she began to groom her chest fur with smooth strokes.
Lefty the bear

March 7th, 2018, 03:49 PM
This is the longest roleplay I have ever done.
Tigerdawn reeled back in shock. A what?” The older warrior unsheathed her claws in fury. “You’re expecting his kits!” She lashed her tail. “I don’t believe it! You really are crazy. I thought I thought you better.” Tigerdawn shook her head. “Guess not.” At this point she just wanted to claw some sense into Cherrydawn. She hated how they loved eachother so much, how she... Wait a minute! Tigerdawn suddenly remembered how Cherrydawn was usually tired during training. She flattened her ears. “You two met as apprentices didn’t you! Is that why you were so tired when I took you out to train?” She scratched the ground. “If I had known this before I wouldn’t have let you become a warrior!” Tigerdawn flicked her tail. “Shameful! If Snowstar wasn’t so kind you might’ve been exiled! Then where would you be?”

March 7th, 2018, 05:54 PM
The ThunderClan warrior's eyes widened in surprise at Caliapaw's reaction, the fur on the back of her neck beginning to bristle in defense. She parted her jaws - the words not yet coming to her though - when she felt a sharp pain pierce through her side. "Ouch!" she yelped, pain flashing through the depths of her eyes as the juices from the herbs drained into her slow healing scratch. Normally, it wouldn't have even affected her, but with her already cautious mind and her shock at the young she-cats response, Emberwing was caught off guard with how this first meeting was going. It didn't do anything to solidify the fact that Caliapaw might know what she was doing, and just slightly her eyes narrowed, tail tip twitching in annoyance. It wasn't often that Emberwing got unnerved by her Clanmates - she cared for them too much - but something about Caliapaw struck her the wrong way.

"I never said I had a problem with it," she stated, a little edge to the polite tone she had to force out through her teeth. The pain from the sting was subsiding, but not the tiny thorns that seemed to have lodged themselves in her fur from the medicine cat's harsh words. Those stung almost as bad her side flank, though her scratch was now the last thing on her mind. "I just thought that since you're still young that you might want to consider learning as much as you can." Emberwing was well aware that Caliapaw had been training under Wheatfur for a few moons before his death, however that didn't register in her mind with how much could be passed down. She was still a 'paw, after all, and hadn't earned her full medicine cat name. Until then, it would bee seen by Emberwing as a downfall - not quite knowing as much as she should with the responsibility she now had in caring for the whole of ThunderClan.

At her second question, Emberwing truly didn't have a good answer. What if Wheatfur had come to her and asked her to be his apprentice? She was already half way through her warrior training when he had decided to take on Caliapaw; at that time, she would've said absolutely not. However, when she had just turned six moons? Sure, her loyalty was to her Clan, but above even that she valued StarClan, and having faith in her warrior ancestors. Being given a chance to become closer to them? It was hard to determine if she would've accepted or not. "Even if I had taken the life of a medicine cat, I would've made it a point to learn everything I could, as fast as I could. So that I could be the best, and serve ThunderClan in the way they needed," she mewed, giving a shrug of her shoulders and craning her neck to get a better look at the cobwebs she had plastered on her side. They seemed to stick well enough, and Emberwing let out a sigh; at least she was good at the most tedious medicinal tasks.

All she had wanted to do when coming in was to get fixed up and potentially have her doubts drowned by Caliapaw's actions. She felt foolish not having faith in her Clan's medicine cat - after all, StarClan had to have accepted her for her to be in this position, and her belief in them was strong. Why couldn't she show Caliapaw the same respect? Emberwing let out another soft sigh and shook her head ever so slightly, but made no attempt to take back anything she had said. She was valid in her feelings, and if Caliapaw didn't like it, then that was her problem.
The medicine cat’s tail began twitching faster as her defensive walls grew higher - the walls she had built around herself when she was younger, and anyone who doubted her tended to send the alarm bells off in a hurry - right now, Emberwing was an enemy to her. Someone who wasn’t treating her in a respectful manner. Now, Caliapaw wouldn’t normally have a problem with that - but she had lately been thinking more, and maybe she deserved a little bit more respect… at the very least, her motives and work habits shouldn’t be questioned. That was all she really cared about. It felt like a personal attack, and that was one thing the medicine cat disliked. Her confidence was already low - and as hard as she tried with the defensive walls, they couldn’t keep out the doubting, nagging thoughts that were injected into her mind.

”Whatever.” She muttered, as she finished up. Emberwing would live, and be fine - that was the important thing. As long as another life wasn’t lost. ”You can go. Just don’t do anything stupid or strenuous for a few days. Either come back in half a moon or so and I’ll check up on you or I’ll hunt you down and check up on you. Your choice.” The last part wasn’t a joke, no matter how much it might have sounded like one - Caliapaw really would hunt her down if she felt it was needed. Perhaps it shouldn’t have come out so threatening, but she really couldn’t help it - right now she was angrier than she had been in a while. Just talking about subjects like these with a stranger felt like Emberwing was trying to get in her head, and she couldn’t have that, now could she? She needed to have her head cleared.

Her instincts were on point, however… she had told Emberwing off pretty well earlier, at least. It wasn’t that Caliapaw necessarily wanted to dislike Emberwing. It wasn’t even that she was trying to right now. But it was hard, when she was angry and her defensive walls were up and alarm bells were blaring in her mind, to LIKE someone. Even a close friend who touched a nerve could be the object of Caliapaw’s frustration. Well… at least be shunned by her, as hard as she had been trying to open up. Doepaw was her closest sibling, but when he told her how special she was, sometimes she wanted to shout at him that she wasn’t - she wasn’t that good. She wasn’t that important. She was just at the right - or wrong - place at the right/wrong time. It all depended on someone’s point of view. Caliapaw’s was mixed, she wasn’t sure if she had been in the right or wrong place at the wrong or right time, but either way, this was who she was now. The medicine cat. For better or for worse, she supposed.

”Don’t worry about infection, either. I took care of all of that.” On a somewhat nicer note, the she cat tried to put her patient’s mind at ease at least a little bit… after all, this wasn’t supposed to be personal. She’d had a hard time putting it aside, but she was doing her best now. She turned away from Emberwing, doing her very best not to let the other she cat see the anger she had pushed aside for now. If she was provoked again - there was a likely chance it would go overboard. But, for right now, Caliapaw was safe - Emberwing was leaving. Another patient would come in. And it would continue just like that.

March 7th, 2018, 07:37 PM
"So you teo friends?" BurningForest asked,knowing WispHeart probably wasn't going to leave yet until they had talked.

"Well of course we are, If we were not friends I wouldn't tease her so much"

March 7th, 2018, 08:39 PM
Darkrose's ears perked up as she heard Blackpaw's voice. She sighed and stepped out of the warriors den, squinting in the bright sun. "Yes, Blackpaw?" she asked. She assumed he wanted to train or even do apprentice duties to get him closer to becoming a warrior. She looked at Blackpaw, her face not showing any emotion as she waited for an answer from her apprentice and adopted son.

The young tom looked at his mother. “I want to train.” He stated flatly, his eyes not showing any emotion, though he secretly hoped to spend time with her. He like Darkrose, she didn’t chit chat unnecessarily around him. The black tom was here to...well he didn’t really know, but he was serious about his duties.

March 8th, 2018, 05:19 AM
Mistwing padded weakly into the medicine cat den, the blood now sluggishly dripping from her eye. The pain was sharp in her face but the dull ache of her bones weighed her down, as well as the realisation of what had happened in the battle. The silver furred she-cat was now stained with dried blood and mud, but had lacked the resolve to tidy herself up. Seeking out Caliapaw seemed like the best option, and the panic that she couldn't see out of her left eye was overwhelming the feelings of regret towards Rowanblaze. Hesitating just inside the entrance, Mistwing called out weakly conscious of the uncharacteristic emotion of panic colouring her feeble voice, "Ca-Caliapaw, I think I need... your h-help."


March 8th, 2018, 08:01 AM
(( Err.. I'm new here. Can I get some help? T.T

March 8th, 2018, 11:18 AM
Bingo tilted his head. He was confused as to why she would want to know about the prey that the cats eat. Again, Bingo just shrugged it of and thought for a moment,"Well... They dig because of their weird whisker things... Should I even call them whiskers?" He laughed,"I honestly have no idea what to call them."

(Did you get my reply in the SkyClan clearing?)
Honeykit frowned, pondering his answer. Becuase of their weird whisker things? She didn't think that was why they digger, she thought it was to help them dig. For what goal, though, she wasn't sure. The female, deciding not to question his answer, gave a small, almost unsure chuckle along with him. "They do make them look sorta weird." She meowed, a smile on her lips. "What do you like to hunt?" She asked, simple curiosity driving the question.

March 8th, 2018, 02:23 PM
Honeykit frowned, pondering his answer. Becuase of their weird whisker things? She didn't think that was why they digger, she thought it was to help them dig. For what goal, though, she wasn't sure. The female, deciding not to question his answer, gave a small, almost unsure chuckle along with him. "They do make them look sorta weird." She meowed, a smile on her lips. "What do you like to hunt?" She asked, simple curiosity driving the question.
Bingo nodded,"It does," then he mumbled to himself,"although another reason might be because of what fuzzy eyesight they have," but then he shrugged again and angered her other question," I honestly like to hunt moles! They make for quite a challenge when next to one of their little holes and are very easy when their not. I like that because, you know, sometimes I'm up for a challenge, and sometimes I just wanna go back to sleep," he laughed.

March 8th, 2018, 04:01 PM
The young tom looked at his mother. “I want to train.” He stated flatly, his eyes not showing any emotion, though he secretly hoped to spend time with her. He like Darkrose, she didn’t chit chat unnecessarily around him. The black tom was here to...well he didn’t really know, but he was serious about his duties.
Darkrose tilted her head, choosing her next words carefully. "Train. Yes... I suppose we should train. Battle train, I assume?" she replied, looking at Blackpaw seriously. She felt like they both had similar personalities... maybe too similar. They were both serious and to the point, but also showed too little heart. She knew her son well enough to realize he was serious about everything that he did, so she knew he was looking forward to his apprentice training.

March 8th, 2018, 11:53 PM
Darkrose tilted her head, choosing her next words carefully. "Train. Yes... I suppose we should train. Battle train, I assume?" she replied, looking at Blackpaw seriously. She felt like they both had similar personalities... maybe too similar. They were both serious and to the point, but also showed too little heart. She knew her son well enough to realize he was serious about everything that he did, so she knew he was looking forward to his apprentice training.
“If That is what I need to work on. “ Blackpaw meowed, rising to his feet. He looked at his mentor for what’s next.

March 9th, 2018, 12:39 AM
Caliapaw hadn't even begun to learn everything she needed to. If she had, she would have been able to stop the bleeding quicker... all she knew about, however, was putting the cobwebs on to keep it from bleeding more. She hadn't learned about many of the herbs that were in there, and she was thankful that there hadn't been too many major things. StarClan help me... The she cat could see the bleeding was beginning to slow, the cobwebs were blocking it, maybe she was doing this... she could do this... but just hearing Doepaw's cry of pain was enough to make her doubt herself again. "That's right, you promised... you wouldn't want to go back on your promise, would you?" She asked, half-laughing and half-choked up with a lump in her throat, placed there from unshed tears, as she scanned the herb storage, looking desperately for anything that would ease her brother's pain. Deathberries. The round, red berries taunted her from their place, almost enough for her to wonder if she couldn't save him - was it going to be worth it?

Stop. No. I can't DO that, I've got to have help... do something... anything... he can't go to sleep yet, he can't, what if he doesn't wake up... There were some herbs that would ease the pain, but they'd make him sleepier. So Caliapaw continued looking until her gaze fell on some more seeds. Moving quickly, she grabbed a couple and pushed them in front of Doepaw, her eyes fixed desperately on him. "This is going to help, I promise. But you have to stay awake after you take them, okay? They shouldn't make you tired... I don't think... just keep talking to me, Doepaw. Tell me... what your mentor's like." She mewed, her brain racing for other topics of conversation just in case that one couldn't keep him occupied for long. This was happening. And it was happening quicker then she thought it would, which was what scared her. Everything about this scared her. But if she could save him, then all of the stress and doubt she was feeling right now would be worth it in the end - and she knew Wheatfur was watching out for her from StarClan. Surely, surely they wouldn't take Doepaw yet... would they?

[riipp I need to stop being a lazy but and have these two interact more ;v; ]

Everything was screaming at him. It hurt to breathe, it felt as though his lungs were singed, but, at the same time, it felt as though he was drowning in water. Every gulp of air was like water invading his lungs, preventing him from inhaling. It hurt. A gurgle of pain came from his throat and his face twisted up. He wanted to curl himself into the tightest ball he could muster, wanting to run away from the searing pain that blossomed on his chest, his legs. He wanted it to stop. He could barely hear his sisters sob, only the roaring sound of his blood in his ears, he couldn't tell if it was a good thing. He shifted his head and slightly opened his maw, as if to answer Caliapaw, but a wave of pain raged though him, and instead of words, it was shrieks and howls of pain. Every inch of his body was on fire, it hurt to breathe, it hurt to thing, it hurt to exist. He dug his claws into the ground, his white pawtips stained with blood and mud, but so was the rest of him. His fur was caked to his frame, his usual fluffiness was gone, and instead there was ugliness, fur sticking up, defying gravity, and fur clumped together with a scarlet tint to it. Doepaw was a mess. He couldn't answer his sister, for the first time, he left her question without an answer. He had always showered his sister in his attention, giving her the love she deserved, and always tried to be the most reliable brother she could always count on. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Doepaw looked up at his sister, green hues glassed over with unshed tears, unshed fears. He was supposed to keep her from crying, scaring away the sadness, keeping a smile on her face, she deserved that much and much more. Yet. Here he was, unable to do anything as his sister as she worried, as she choked back her tears, just as he himself was doing. As seeds were pushed toward him, he shifted his head to try and lick them up, but every millimeter he moved brought nothing but burning pain that made him want to scream. The chestnut feline shuddered, biting the inside of his cheek as his chest flared with pain, almost as if it was dipped in flames, trying his hardest to swallow the scream. Within a few seconds the apprentice lapped up the seeds sucsessfully, swallowing each seed individually as not to choke. They made sure their trip down his throat wasn't easy, scratching the walls of his throat the whole ride down. "Darkwhisper." he gurgled out, using every ounce of his being to even spit out the name, trying his hardest to let his sister know that he was still here. He tried to dig up memories of his former mentor, the happy ones, the fun ones, the adventurous ones, but every time nothing but a red blob blocked them, splattered acrost his precious memory, until it was nothing but a lake of red. Only one thing was untouched by the red liquid. "Dead." he choked out, tears pricking the sides of his eyes. Maybe...maybe he wasn't supposed to support his sister the way he though he ought to, maybe he was doing it wrong, maybe he wasn't supposed to be alive to protect her. Starclan could be showing him something, telling him something, but was it for the grater good? Doepaw had only brought his sister pain, suffering, he made her choke back tears of sadness instead of tears of joy. He was just a bad brother.

At that point, the toms eyes began to flutter closed, and his body grew limp, he had given up, what was the point in living if he did nothing but hurt Caliapaw?

March 9th, 2018, 12:02 PM
Lightpaw looked at her. "Hello!"
he mewed. "Why'd ya bump into me?"

"Ahhhh a forest cat!" Lemon screamed. Many loners that she had met told her to run away from forest cats, but Lemon was unfamiliar with this territory so she could not hide. But this forest cat seemed nice.

March 9th, 2018, 05:28 PM
“If That is what I need to work on. “ Blackpaw meowed, rising to his feet. He looked at his mentor for what’s next.
Darkrose nodded, almost uneasy about how serious Blackpaw was. "We can start with battle training, and then we can do hunting," she replied, looking around to make sure they wouldn't bother anyone with their training. "We'll start with the basics. The Front Paw Blow. Keep your claws sheathed when you do this, and you'll bring your paw down hard on your opponent's head, and you'll do this from the front. Go ahead and try on this rock," Darkrose grabbed a large stone and put it in front of Blackpaw.

March 9th, 2018, 06:45 PM
Ferretpelt smiled and nodded. "Flowers are pretty, especially roses..." He gave her a quick lick in between the ears. "How would you like to go hunting with me...? I am itching to do something, I don't want to just sit here..." He got to his paws and padded over to the Fresh Kill pile, sniffing it. Yes, it needed more prey. It was dwindling pretty quickly. He blinked at Lambpaw, his gaze friendly. "Well, how about it? Want to go hunting?"

"I-I don't k-k-know h-how to h-hunt...yet I'm s-s-sorry." Lambpaw mumbled looking at her paws, "I-I can t-t-try if y-y-you want t-though I'll p-p-probably s-stink, to b-be h-h-honest." She stuttered, as she subconsciously started to softly tug at her fur as her whiskers twitched embarrassed by the thought that she had yet learned to hunt.

Empress Of Evil
March 10th, 2018, 05:19 AM
Flashpaw yawned as he trotted out of the apprentice's den. He had enjoyed a brief nap after hunting and catching a rather plump squirrel. Now, however, his stomach grumbled with hunger. It must have been what woke him up. Taking a moment to stretch, the bengal apprentice searched the clearing for one of his many friends. His eyes landed on Featherpaw grooming herself and he smiled. Flashpaw skipped over to the freshkill pile and cast a picky gaze over it before carefully selecting a nicely-sized mouse (for leaf-fall at least) and heading over to his friend. "Hey, Feth." He called in a muffled voice, shortening her name lazily. The tom finally reached Featherpaw and dropped his mouse beside her, flopping ungracefully onto his stomach and tearing a large bite out of the creature before him.

[Sorry this is so late!]

The she-cat's eyes were half closed by the time Flashpaw had reached her. She had been cloud watching. Or at least tried to. There weren't many clouds in the sky at this particular time, so it was more of a cloud-spotting game. It was relaxing after a morning spent hunting. Her muscles were sore and they would probably be like that tomorrow as well. She frowned at the thought of it but quickly pushed the thought away. She could deal with it tomorrow when it happened.
A familiar voice made her eyelids open fully and she turned her head to the side. "Oh hey," she greeted quietly. Usually the she-cat was a lot more enthusiastic and cheerful when it came to saying hello to her friends, but today she was too relaxed for such a change of mood. "I feel like I'm a cloud," she remarked randomly to Flashpaw. She might've been feeling too lazy to change her tone of voice, but that didn't mean she was too tired to talk. It especially didn't mean that she was too tired to talk about silly things.

March 10th, 2018, 08:16 AM
Berrypaw let out a smile, feeling good that at least one decent cat believes in him. "Me too! Once I get a mentor me and you can sometimes train together. Well that is if you want to." meowed the apprentice, his voice cracking at the last sentence.

"B-but- Gah! I-I-I don't w-wanna hurt y-you!" Lambpaw sniffled not wanting injury one of her only friends or vise versa see as in her mind it would be hard to like a cat who just made her bleed, "I-I don't w-want to I-I-I never w-want to! D-d-don't make m-me!" She wailed as a few tears started to rain down her cheeks anxiety getting the best of her

March 10th, 2018, 12:09 PM
Darkrose nodded, almost uneasy about how serious Blackpaw was. "We can start with battle training, and then we can do hunting," she replied, looking around to make sure they wouldn't bother anyone with their training. "We'll start with the basics. The Front Paw Blow. Keep your claws sheathed when you do this, and you'll bring your paw down hard on your opponent's head, and you'll do this from the front. Go ahead and try on this rock," Darkrose grabbed a large stone and put it in front of Blackpaw.
Blackpaw nodded his head, then proceeded to lift his paw quickly and swipe downwards. His paw landed in the rock, making the rock fall over. Blackpaw hit it with his other front paw just for the fun of it. He then looked up at Darkrose to see if he had her approval.

March 10th, 2018, 02:29 PM
Blackpaw nodded his head, then proceeded to lift his paw quickly and swipe downwards. His paw landed in the rock, making the rock fall over. Blackpaw hit it with his other front paw just for the fun of it. He then looked up at Darkrose to see if he had her approval.
Darkrose nodded, satisfied with his strikes. "Now for something slightly more complicated. The Back Kick. Pretend your opponent is behind you, so turn away from the rock. Put all of your weight onto your front paws and kick one of your back legs back, hitting your opponent. You need to judge the distance carefully, though, so that you are the perfect distance away," she said quickly. She turned around and demonstrated, kicking her leg back and kicking the rock, rolling it back. Darkrose walked back to the rock and nudged it back into place. "Now you try," she said, stepping back.

March 10th, 2018, 02:59 PM
curled up in a mass of pale fur, a tom lay within the den, fast asleep. his tail flicked steadily as his chest rose and fell with a sense of peace. ears raised, fur flat, breath soft, he was certainly asleep. as always.
the tom, his name was powdernose. and he was rather lazy, to say the least. powdernose remained lost in a dream, sleeping even as the clan bustled about in the midday. those who tried to wake him up would simply be shrugged off, told to go away unless they wanted to spend the entire day there. with quiet snores released from him, powdernose was finally relaxed after doing absolutely nothing the whole time he had been awake. of course, he had eaten and searched for someone to speak to, such as stonegazer, but otherwise he had nothing he really wanted to do.
and that was how he liked it.


March 10th, 2018, 11:36 PM
curled up in a mass of pale fur, a tom lay within the den, fast asleep. his tail flicked steadily as his chest rose and fell with a sense of peace. ears raised, fur flat, breath soft, he was certainly asleep. as always.
the tom, his name was powdernose. and he was rather lazy, to say the least. powdernose remained lost in a dream, sleeping even as the clan bustled about in the midday. those who tried to wake him up would simply be shrugged off, told to go away unless they wanted to spend the entire day there. with quiet snores released from him, powdernose was finally relaxed after doing absolutely nothing the whole time he had been awake. of course, he had eaten and searched for someone to speak to, such as stonegazer, but otherwise he had nothing he really wanted to do.
and that was how he liked it.


After becoming leader, was it possible that the world became a little bright? A lot brighter? It was like...everything was in color. Like with every life given to him, a blinding brightness attached to it. Passionstar was a little nervous about the position still, but he parades himself around with the brilliant faith in confidence of his clan. Thunderclan was what gave him the ability to move forward. This was his life now. He wasn’t planning on looking back. It’s wasnt like anything drastically changed. Just added new lives, a new name, and new...opportunities. He was still the same cat. He expected his clan mates to treat him as such. Yet with a new rank, he had new responsibilities. A lot more responsibilities. Especially with the next deputy which he still didn’t know how to go about such. The tom was pretty sure there were an abundance of ideal cats for deputy...he just didn’t know what he was looking for in one. He wondered if Snowstar had the same problems...only she went through two other deputies before she chose him. Was she observing him from afar and liking what she saw for a potential deputy? Passionstar shook his head, ridding those stressful thoughts from his mind. He was walking aimlessly with no direction until he passed the entrance of the warriors’ den. Most of the warriors were out tending to business, that’s what he liked to see. The sound of light snoring entered his ears. He flicked them back, throwing his head towards the warriors’ den. Who could be sleeping at this time of day? Passionstar was not the type of cat to sit around. His active traits gave him the ignorance to never remain stationary. You’d never find Passionstar in one place for far too long.
The dark ginger tom padded into the den, trying to make his thick paws quiet among the gravel flooring. Luminescent Golden-green hues flashed around, spotting one body...all too familiar. Passionstar lifted himself up, chuckling softly when he spotted Powdernose. Of course! Who else sleeps more than that tom? Instead of being casual and waking Powdernose up, or being irrational and shouting at his friend to wake up, Passionstar crept forward, trying to be silent as possible. Few pebbles made nose, brushed by his paws. When he reached a good point, Passionstar leaped up, jumping onto his sleeping friend. After catching hold, he began to tug roughly on the tom’s ears. “If you don’t wake up from your hibernation, you lump of fur!” Passionstar quickly jumped back, assuming he woke up his dear friend (who shouldn’t have been sleeping at all, but Passionstar wasn’t surprised that he was found sleeping.). He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “I swear, I almost forgot that you were even a warrior of Thunderclan!” Passionstar scoffed, albeit filled with affection towards the other tom.

March 10th, 2018, 11:55 PM
After becoming leader, was it possible that the world became a little bright? A lot brighter? It was like...everything was in color. Like with every life given to him, a blinding brightness attached to it. Passionstar was a little nervous about the position still, but he parades himself around with the brilliant faith in confidence of his clan. Thunderclan was what gave him the ability to move forward. This was his life now. He wasn’t planning on looking back. It’s wasnt like anything drastically changed. Just added new lives, a new name, and new...opportunities. He was still the same cat. He expected his clan mates to treat him as such. Yet with a new rank, he had new responsibilities. A lot more responsibilities. Especially with the next deputy which he still didn’t know how to go about such. The tom was pretty sure there were an abundance of ideal cats for deputy...he just didn’t know what he was looking for in one. He wondered if Snowstar had the same problems...only she went through two other deputies before she chose him. Was she observing him from afar and liking what she saw for a potential deputy? Passionstar shook his head, ridding those stressful thoughts from his mind. He was walking aimlessly with no direction until he passed the entrance of the warriors’ den. Most of the warriors were out tending to business, that’s what he liked to see. The sound of light snoring entered his ears. He flicked them back, throwing his head towards the warriors’ den. Who could be sleeping at this time of day? Passionstar was not the type of cat to sit around. His active traits gave him the ignorance to never remain stationary. You’d never find Passionstar in one place for far too long.
The dark ginger tom padded into the den, trying to make his thick paws quiet among the gravel flooring. Luminescent Golden-green hues flashed around, spotting one body...all too familiar. Passionstar lifted himself up, chuckling softly when he spotted Powdernose. Of course! Who else sleeps more than that tom? Instead of being casual and waking Powdernose up, or being irrational and shouting at his friend to wake up, Passionstar crept forward, trying to be silent as possible. Few pebbles made nose, brushed by his paws. When he reached a good point, Passionstar leaped up, jumping onto his sleeping friend. After catching hold, he began to tug roughly on the tom’s ears. “If you don’t wake up from your hibernation, you lump of fur!” Passionstar quickly jumped back, assuming he woke up his dear friend (who shouldn’t have been sleeping at all, but Passionstar wasn’t surprised that he was found sleeping.). He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “I swear, I almost forgot that you were even a warrior of Thunderclan!” Passionstar scoffed, albeit filled with affection towards the other tom.

with a yelp, the tom was jolted from his sleep in a panic. sky blue eyes flew open and he scrabbled to maintain a hold on his nest, his tail fluffed out with surprise. once he had managed to get, powdernose pouted at who he saw. passionbl- wait, no, passionstar. he's the leader now. powdernose felt a surge of pride for his dear friend, as they had beem close for quite a while. yin and yamg, the two were. passionstar was more actively contributive to the clan, while powdernose happened to be the laziest tom ever to exist, it seemed. pelt heated with embarrassment, he flattened his ears.
"you didn't have to wake me up that way, y'know." the tom shook his head, paws kneading the ground. "anyways, passionstar, how are you feeling? are you excited to be the leader?" powdernose's head tilted to the side, aware that he mustn't ask of the ceremony. no, he had never had his own special meeting with starclan, but common sense would make clan cat know of that fact. "do you have anyone in mind for deputy?"
the question was a simple one, just to know who he may want to congratulate later on in case he slipped from the clan at the naming. his tail flicked twice, flinging dust from the soft fur. nose twitching, powdernose looked over his friend, examining for any differences. however, the newest leader didn't seem much different than how he was before receiving his nine lives. or am i just missing something? he shrugged off the thought with a sigh, settling into a crouch as he gazed towards passionstar.

March 11th, 2018, 12:42 AM
with a yelp, the tom was jolted from his sleep in a panic. sky blue eyes flew open and he scrabbled to maintain a hold on his nest, his tail fluffed out with surprise. once he had managed to get, powdernose pouted at who he saw. passionbl- wait, no, passionstar. he's the leader now. powdernose felt a surge of pride for his dear friend, as they had beem close for quite a while. yin and yamg, the two were. passionstar was more actively contributive to the clan, while powdernose happened to be the laziest tom ever to exist, it seemed. pelt heated with embarrassment, he flattened his ears.
"you didn't have to wake me up that way, y'know." the tom shook his head, paws kneading the ground. "anyways, passionstar, how are you feeling? are you excited to be the leader?" powdernose's head tilted to the side, aware that he mustn't ask of the ceremony. no, he had never had his own special meeting with starclan, but common sense would make clan cat know of that fact. "do you have anyone in mind for deputy?"
the question was a simple one, just to know who he may want to congratulate later on in case he slipped from the clan at the naming. his tail flicked twice, flinging dust from the soft fur. nose twitching, powdernose looked over his friend, examining for any differences. however, the newest leader didn't seem much different than how he was before receiving his nine lives. or am i just missing something? he shrugged off the thought with a sigh, settling into a crouch as he gazed towards passionstar.

Passionstar waited for Powdernose to recuperate after Passionstar’s stunt. His whiskers had twitched in a humorous, sly manner. Passionstar was known for his hardworking nature, but he always had a sense of kittish hijinks. When he was around close friends, like Powdernose, the kit-like side always managed to come out first. Unless in dire or serious situations. Then Passionstar was less than ideal company to be around with how much of a control freak he tended to be. Bowing the front half of his body down, and allowing his rump to wag in the air, Passionstar snickered, “Well, I think that was the friendliest way I woke you up. I could had shouted at you to wake up - which we both know you wouldn’t enjoy. Or, I could had put some friendly fire ants into your nest. Take your pick.” Passionstar lifted himself up, thinking about his recent leader ceremony. The travel to Starclan was the most wondrous. He couldn’t explain to Powdernose how epic, followed along with the pain of receiving lives, but it was such an extraordinary adventure and experience, Passionstar wished he could travel back whenever he pleased. Starclan wasn’t an open town for cats to explore whenever they wanted, but Passionstar thought it would be fantastic to travel to the stars and back whenever he wanted. “Hm, well I don’t feel any different from when I was a normal warrior and became deputy. Still don’t feel any different from being a deputy to a leader.” The tom let off a shrug. Was he supposed to feel different? Passionstar didn’t think so, but after his journey to the starcave and his acceptance into Starclan...it was like a fresh of breath air. The question about deputy rolled around in his head, causing him to become stress once again. Choosing a deputy was not an easy feat. The clan needed someone strong and that could help them prosper. Someone brave. Intelligent. Loyal. Passionstar knew there were plenty warriors that was excellent for the role, but the main concern was trusting them. “It’s a constant thought.” Passionstar muttered. He flicked his ears to rid the thought before he became too stressed about it once more. He just wanted to unwind and catch up with Powdernose, one of the cats he knew he trusted because they’ve always been great friends. The leader sat down, wrapping his tail around his paws. “Since I’ve been gone, how have things been running?” He asked, curiously. Powdernose may have slept a lot but the tom wasn’t completely clueless on the events of the clans. He was a remarkable tom, an intelligent one to talk to and Passionstar always had appreciated that about him.

March 11th, 2018, 01:05 AM
Passionstar waited for Powdernose to recuperate after Passionstar’s stunt. His whiskers had twitched in a humorous, sly manner. Passionstar was known for his hardworking nature, but he always had a sense of kittish hijinks. When he was around close friends, like Powdernose, the kit-like side always managed to come out first. Unless in dire or serious situations. Then Passionstar was less than ideal company to be around with how much of a control freak he tended to be. Bowing the front half of his body down, and allowing his rump to wag in the air, Passionstar snickered, “Well, I think that was the friendliest way I woke you up. I could had shouted at you to wake up - which we both know you wouldn’t enjoy. Or, I could had put some friendly fire ants into your nest. Take your pick.” Passionstar lifted himself up, thinking about his recent leader ceremony. The travel to Starclan was the most wondrous. He couldn’t explain to Powdernose how epic, followed along with the pain of receiving lives, but it was such an extraordinary adventure and experience, Passionstar wished he could travel back whenever he pleased. Starclan wasn’t an open town for cats to explore whenever they wanted, but Passionstar thought it would be fantastic to travel to the stars and back whenever he wanted. “Hm, well I don’t feel any different from when I was a normal warrior and became deputy. Still don’t feel any different from being a deputy to a leader.” The tom let off a shrug. Was he supposed to feel different? Passionstar didn’t think so, but after his journey to the starcave and his acceptance into Starclan...it was like a fresh of breath air. The question about deputy rolled around in his head, causing him to become stress once again. Choosing a deputy was not an easy feat. The clan needed someone strong and that could help them prosper. Someone brave. Intelligent. Loyal. Passionstar knew there were plenty warriors that was excellent for the role, but the main concern was trusting them. “It’s a constant thought.” Passionstar muttered. He flicked his ears to rid the thought before he became too stressed about it once more. He just wanted to unwind and catch up with Powdernose, one of the cats he knew he trusted because they’ve always been great friends. The leader sat down, wrapping his tail around his paws. “Since I’ve been gone, how have things been running?” He asked, curiously. Powdernose may have slept a lot but the tom wasn’t completely clueless on the events of the clans. He was a remarkable tom, an intelligent one to talk to and Passionstar always had appreciated that about him.

powdernose nodded with understanding, sensing the tom's stress. "not much, as you may guess. at least, not that i certainly know much of." he shrugged. "i haven't spoken to many cats since snowstar's resigning. it's an unecessary activity, really. i would hear the same thing over and over again. can you believe it? or do you think passionblaze will be a great leader? so i prefer to keep my sanity." his long, grey-striped tail flicked. even as he switched the topic of his speech, powdernose couldn't help but to think about the possible candidates for deputy. of course, the thought would never cross to him, as he was far to lazy and inactive to be a contributing deputy. but, what was passionstar looking for? who did he have in mind? he shrugged off the thought with a sigh. stop being such a self-deprecating mouse-brain!
powdernose moved closer to his friend, brushing their fur together affectionately. passionstar had always felt like an elder brother to him. even through their differences, he couldn't imagine not being so close with the tom. his right ear twitched. "otherwise, i'm doing swell, besides being woken up by my energetic best friend," powdernose teased, his eyes bright with playfulness. "would you enjoy a walk, passionstar?"
he blinked and smiled, his paws soft against the gravel flooring of the warrior's den. "it's been quite a while since we have last spoken. how about we catch up in one of my infamous hiding places?"

March 11th, 2018, 01:33 AM
powdernose nodded with understanding, sensing the tom's stress. "not much, as you may guess. at least, not that i certainly know much of." he shrugged. "i haven't spoken to many cats since snowstar's resigning. it's an unecessary activity, really. i would hear the same thing over and over again. can you believe it? or do you think passionblaze will be a great leader? so i prefer to keep my sanity." his long, grey-striped tail flicked. even as he switched the topic of his speech, powdernose couldn't help but to think about the possible candidates for deputy. of course, the thought would never cross to him, as he was far to lazy and inactive to be a contributing deputy. but, what was passionstar looking for? who did he have in mind? he shrugged off the thought with a sigh. stop being such a self-deprecating mouse-brain!
powdernose moved closer to his friend, brushing their fur together affectionately. passionstar had always felt like an elder brother to him. even through their differences, he couldn't imagine not being so close with the tom. his right ear twitched. "otherwise, i'm doing swell, besides being woken up by my energetic best friend," powdernose teased, his eyes bright with playfulness. "would you enjoy a walk, passionstar?"
he blinked and smiled, his paws soft against the gravel flooring of the warrior's den. "it's been quite a while since we have last spoken. how about we catch up in one of my infamous hiding places?"

Passionstar wasn’t surprised by his answer. Powdernose never have been the one for gossip, as much as Passionstar knew. It must had been the talk everywhere. With Snowstar’s surprised resigning and whether or not Passionstar would do success as leader, or would he befall them and strand them? Passionstar didn’t like that type of talk. He was a challenging tom. Though, he felt not ready to run a clan, life was spontaneous. Now, he was leader. This was his clan. He depended on his warriors as they depended on them. He’d be darn if he left them stranded. Passionstar had chuckled at his friend’s response. “That sounds exactly like you.” Passionstar wasn’t into gossip either. Sometimes he was the last one to hear current events. The only true news he liked to hear was about battles or concerning the other clans. Upon Powdernose’s touch, Passionstar turned to his friend with a bright smile. Powdernose wasn’t only lazy, but he was a small tom, and had such a faint voice that Passionstar often had to strain his ears of lean down to hear him. Hearing the jab thrown his way, Passionstar puffed out his chest proudly, “Someone has to do it. If I didn’t, you’d be sleeping an entire century!” The leader let out an exasperated sigh, then gave a dramatic roll of his eyes. Where Powdernose was lazy, Passionstar made up in energy. One of Passionstar’s favorite activity was jumping from tree to tree. An activity less than appreciated by his other half. Supposed it was an opposites attract. Passionstar admitted, even with a lazy best friend, he wouldn’t change him for anyone in the world. “Ah, a walk does sound like something you need.” Passionstar purred, joking. He lifted himself up, shaking each limb to pump them up as if he was going running instead. “Tell me about it! I feel quite special, Friend - you’re taking me to one of your infamous place. Lucky me!” Powdernose was right. They did need to catch up. Passionstar knew they had a lot of things to talk about. Spending time with Powdernose was always a plus in his agenda. Affectionately, he cuffed his tail over the ears of the Siamese. “Lead the way, why don’tcha?”

March 11th, 2018, 04:30 PM
"I-I don't k-k-know h-how to h-hunt...yet I'm s-s-sorry." Lambpaw mumbled looking at her paws, "I-I can t-t-try if y-y-you want t-though I'll p-p-probably s-stink, to b-be h-h-honest." She stuttered, as she subconsciously started to softly tug at her fur as her whiskers twitched embarrassed by the thought that she had yet learned to hunt.

Ferretpelt blinked slowly at her, then smiled. She was pretty adorable, stuttering and avoiding his gaze. But, alas, she would never like him. He has never been successful in anything, really, much less a romance. He sighed and padded over to her.
"I understand perfectly. I didn't learn to hunt for two moons when I became an apprentice," he meowed, nodding his head as he spoke, out of habit. He always moved his head when talking, and even he didn't understand why. He rested his tail on her shoulder a moment before withdrawing it. "Is there something else you would like to do? Like, say, explore the territory a bit...? Or, I guess, we could always help the elders somehow..." He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever you want to do, I'm willing to do it. I need someone to hang out with, anyways."

March 11th, 2018, 06:02 PM
The air was warm and comfortable today, and birds sang songs of mourning and happiness as New Leaf slowly but surely came upon the Clans. The ThunderClan camp was full of busy hustle and bustle, bringing a busy atmosphere to the camp. Warriors and apprentices were busy doing their duties, as usual.
The elders were cranky and sleepy as always, and the kits rolled around as they played their games.

In the midst of all this activity was a slender, black tom who went by the name of Darkfur. He lay in a corner of the clearing, silently grooming his back, making quiet rasping sounds as he ran his tongue over the short, glossy fur of his pelt. He shifted his position so he could run his pink tongue over his right paw pad, which ached from having moved around much of the day. He hated when his lame leg bothered him like this, but he had learned to live with it.

He assumed he was finished with his grooming and sat up, his twisted leg sticking out the side a bit as he wrapped his tail neatly around his paws.
His belly suddenly gurgled. He hadn't eaten all day, he realized. He sighed and limpedd over to the Fresh Kill pile, where he saw Saplingpetal was eating. He didn't know anything about the she-cat. But, he didn't know know anything about anyone in his Clan, not really. He glanced at the she-cat a second before taking a rabbit from the dwindling pile and settling a few tail lengths away from her, digging into his meal.


March 11th, 2018, 06:18 PM
Ferretpelt blinked slowly at her, then smiled. She was pretty adorable, stuttering and avoiding his gaze. But, alas, she would never like him. He has never been successful in anything, really, much less a romance. He sighed and padded over to her.
"I understand perfectly. I didn't learn to hunt for two moons when I became an apprentice," he meowed, nodding his head as he spoke, out of habit. He always moved his head when talking, and even he didn't understand why. He rested his tail on her shoulder a moment before withdrawing it. "Is there something else you would like to do? Like, say, explore the territory a bit...? Or, I guess, we could always help the elders somehow..." He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever you want to do, I'm willing to do it. I need someone to hang out with, anyways."

"E-exploring the t-t-territory could b-be fun I-I guess thou-gh I don't k-k-know if C-c-c-coldheart would be o-okay with b-but me a-and Berrypaw h-have snuck o-off before a-and nobody noticed s-so may-be this t-time would g-go well t-t-to~" Lambpaw chirped, happy that Ferretpelt seemed interested in her and not standoffish like half the warriors she met.

March 11th, 2018, 07:09 PM
The air was warm and comfortable today, and birds sang songs of mourning and happiness as New Leaf slowly but surely came upon the Clans. The ThunderClan camp was full of busy hustle and bustle, bringing a busy atmosphere to the camp. Warriors and apprentices were busy doing their duties, as usual.
The elders were cranky and sleepy as always, and the kits rolled around as they played their games.

In the midst of all this activity was a slender, black tom who went by the name of Darkfur. He lay in a corner of the clearing, silently grooming his back, making quiet rasping sounds as he ran his tongue over the short, glossy fur of his pelt. He shifted his position so he could run his pink tongue over his right paw pad, which ached from having moved around much of the day. He hated when his lame leg bothered him like this, but he had learned to live with it.

He assumed he was finished with his grooming and sat up, his twisted leg sticking out the side a bit as he wrapped his tail neatly around his paws.
His belly suddenly gurgled. He hadn't eaten all day, he realized. He sighed and limpedd over to the Fresh Kill pile, where he saw Saplingpetal was eating. He didn't know anything about the she-cat. But, he didn't know know anything about anyone in his Clan, not really. He glanced at the she-cat a second before taking a rabbit from the dwindling pile and settling a few tail lengths away from her, digging into his meal.


Ever since Jagged became an apprentice, Saplingpetal has to contribute to the clan by being a dutiful warrior. By all means, she didn’t know much about fighting. She didn’t like to be a confrontational cat, nor a violent one. She preferred the life of a queen where she was around the small ones most of her time. She would sing her son lullabies and her lyrics would seep into the ears of the nearby commoner. Occasionally, Saplingpetal would sing unconsciously. Usually when she was bored or relaxed.

The former queen had been laying under a tree, crouched low, paws crossed in a delicate manner. Her eyes didn’t find any of her clan mates interesting. Instead they laid on the blades of grass as they tickled her nose. Soft giggles emitted from her, inhaling deeply to admire the smell of nature. It was as pleasant as any other day. Especially with new leaf, and the flowers were blooming... Saplingpetal loved flowers. The petals of the flowers brought her into a state of delight of how soft they could be. She imagined sleeping on a nest entirely made of petals. Now that she moved out the nursery and back into the warriors’ den, she kept note to herself that possibly she could use that idea. If so, she’d never leave her nest. After all, who would leave an intricately woven soft nest dazzled by flower petals?

When her stomach rumbled, Saplingpetal let out a huff of annoyance. She was pretty relaxed and the food pile...was so far away. The Molly had a gluttonous Nature. She loved eating - absolutely loved it. If it was an activity, it would be her most favorite. The thought of food made her lick her jaws and think about a mouthwatering squirrel. Delicately, as elegant as she allowed herself to be, Saplingpetal stood up. Her sleek pelt pristine, and her crystal blue eyes excitedly staring at the food pile ahead. She trotted towards it with her head held high, her eyes closed (confident in her steps) and her mouth humming, as it was a habit hard to break. When she approached the pile, she used her muzzle to nose through the food. Any prey she didn’t want, she nosed it aside until she found the squirrel she was craving for. Her blue eyes shot open, and she was met by the eyes of one of her clan mates. Being a natural ebullient and friendly she cat, Saplingpetal offered the tom a brightened smile, and she ceased her humming out of embarrassment if he had heard it. The she cat didn’t know his name, as she was still primarily new to Thunderclan. She only known a couple of the queens, and the apprentices who helped out in the nursery. “Hello there.” Her voice was soft. Faint. She never had strong vocal cords so whenever she talked, others had to strain their ears in order to hear her. Saplingpetal was satisfied with the squirrel she placed in her jaws. The tom across from her had chosen a rabbit. But, he hadn’t uttered a word to her. Saplingpetal would had found this rude, but she gave him the benefit of doubt; maybe he just didn’t hear her. He had turned to limp away causing Saplingpetal to watch his movements. It was...rude to stare. She used to scold Jaggedpaw about pointing out the disabilities in other cats. Now, she was the one staring and it made her pelt heat up in embarrassment.

Saplingpetal tugged in the squirrel hanging from her jaws and after a moment of long thinking and mustering up her confidence, she turned to pad after the tom who longed sat down in his spot to began eating. Saplingpetal dropped the squirrel in front of him, hopefully to alert him of her presence. “I don’t want to bother you or anything but you look like you could use some company.” The small feline offered a softened smile. “Do you mind?” She asked, throwing her head to a spot next to him. “Maybe we could share tongues - is that what you clan cats do? Share tongues, right?” Formally a loner while pregnant until she knew best to live in the clans to raise her kits. The best clan she knew and remembersd was Thunderclan because Jaggedpaw’s father was a Thunderclan cat who always spoke exquisitely of this place. Saplingpetal decided to join, change her name, and looked for a new start. Now that Jaggedpaw was an apprentice and making friends of his own, Saplingpetal knew she should be doing the same thing. She just hoped it wouldn’t be so hard.

March 11th, 2018, 08:16 PM

If he had to pick a word to describe him all together, he would pick wolf. The word monster didn't fit him as much anymore. The newly made warrior finally would admit he wasn't a monster. Everyone killed, right? So, maybe wolf did fit him. It fit him too much to his preference. Yet, a wolf was strong, wild, a fighter. There was one trait he did not carry, a trait he wasn't proud of. Yet he was. Wolfcall wasn't loyal. He would choose his mother over his clan, the outskirts over his clan, yet never his enemy over his clan. However he still was here. Less alive but here.

Wolfcall was a newly made warrior, not able to really understand what he should do. He always had a tough time making descions on his own so, being a apprentice was kind of a sweet time to him. It was quite simple. Train. Train. Sleep. Eat. Maybe a quick trip outside the clans, now? Wolfcall had no idea. He didn't train with his horrible mentor anymore, thank goodness but now he was left with a lot of time. All he could do was wait for someone to give him a job and he would do it. His love life and social life was pretty much dead, not that he mind, anyway. Wolfcall would admit sometimes he would feel a sharp tug at his heart seeing cats laugh together. Then again, he still had his friends. Distant but there. Just like him.

Wolfcall laid in the clearing, his paws covering his eyes to shield him from the light. His tail curled up at his side. The tom had just woken up from his sleep[ nightmare to him ]. He was quite a horrible morning waker. Which was pretty much normal. He was still getting prepared for the day and everything. He felt more emotionless these days. Cats were starting to notice more and more. Which wasn't what he wanted. A rumor was going around about his sneaking out; that he was a traitor. Wolfcall didn't deny it but didn't agree with it.

"I can't be a traitor.. can I? I mean- is exploring that bad?" He mumbled out loud, heaving a long sigh. He slowly uncovered his paws, rolling over. He gaze up at the sky. Wolfcall decided to give something a try. Ever so slowly his face seem to twist into a smile but it was obviously force. His teeth show and it look like he was snarling at the sky. Finally, the expression fell. He furrow his eyebrows in frustration. He disliked smiling- he look so strange! Which, Wolfcall already did in his view. He was basically a cat-wolf. Why be named with the prefix Wolf, huh? Hmph. Maybe I can get it my name change? I never thought of that. It would be nice. Quite nice. He shook the thought away, what else could he be named that would fit him? Blackcall- no! That just sounded straight up stupid.

March 11th, 2018, 10:04 PM
Passionstar stared at the high rock. As a warrior - even as a deputy he didn’t think he would be the one to stand on it. It looked so majestic back when he was a clan cat in the crowd. It looked mighty when the leaders hopped on top of it. He wondered if they could see the world before them. All of the forest. Passionstar had ceremonies to complete so he couldn’t study the highpeak for too long. It would be his first time of many. This brilliant rock would be nothing more than a required responsibility in his clan.

Passionstar stepped forward, head high, tail flicking as he swiftly hopped onto the rock. The new leader looked around, noting every small detail of his clan. From the breeds of the trees to the warriors, apprentices, and queens. They were all mingled around each other, talking aimlessly or sharing prey. He inhaled deeply, the crisp scents of different nature substances before he boomed, “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather around the highpeak for a clan meeting.”

First, he had to do kit ceremonies. There were three kits that were ready to step forward to become apprentices. “It has been brought to my attention that we will have new apprentices among us,” the leader’s eyes glittered. Kits becoming apprentices was a treasuring thing, no doubt. “Aspenkit, Adderkit, And Ashkit please step forward.” He called to them below. “You all have reached your sixth moon, so this means you are ready to start training as apprentices. Aspenkit,” Passionblaze pauses, looking the newly named apprentice over, “You will be known as Aspenpaw until you receive your warrior name.” Among the throng of cats, a specifically white she cat caught his eyes. “Blizzardhail will be your mentor. I know Blizzardhail will teach you everything you need to know.” He bowed his head at Blizzardhail, a ghost of a smirk on his face as he knew Blizzardhail would he quite the busy bee having an apprentice of her own. Then, he turned to Adderkit. “Adderkit, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Adderpaw. Your mentor shall be Sundapple.” Passionstar appointed. “Sundapple, I know and expect you to teach everything you know to your own apprentice.” Now, his gaze landed on Ashkit. “Ashkit, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ashpaw. Your mentor will be Flamingrose. Flamingrose, I know you will teach your new apprentice everything you know and nothing less.” Passionstar let out a heavy sigh, smiling afterwards now that the former kits were given their new ranks, names, and mentors. They’ll make astounding warriors, he thought proudly.

Mystical | Empress Of Evil | Silentshade | Liekki | Fuzzyfeline

Passionstar felt a little guilty for a delayed warrior ceremony for the apprentices that trained long and hard for this moment. He was glad to appoint them as new warriors for Thunderclan as becoming a warrior was a new freedom and experience to enjoy. It held a lot of responsibilities but that was the entire reason why they trained for this moment to come. “Orchidpaw, Leopardpaw, Treepaw, Badgerpaw, Wolfpaw, Leopardpaw, and Vireopaw. Step forward please,” Passionstar called loudly. “Firstly I would like to apologize for a delay in your ceremony,” he told each of them, his eyes flicking from one cat to the other. Then, he smiled, “You each had reached the milestone in your life where you are ready to become warriors. So, by the warrior code, do you promise to uphold it even at the cost of your own lives?”

“I do.”

“From then on and forward, by the power vested in me with the help of Starclan, I now appoint you as new warriors of Thunderclan.” Passionstar purred, loudly and deeply for all to hear.

“Orchidpaw, you will be now known as Orchidpounce. The clan honors your excelling hunting skills and your kindness.”

“Leopardpaw, you will be known as Leopardfrost. The clan honors your hardworking nature and the patience you have.”

“Treepaw, you will be known as Treetiger. The clan honors your duty to protect and your hardworking motives.”

“Badgerpaw, you will be known as Badgernose. The clan honors your curious nature and your utmost loyalty.”

“Wolfpaw, you will be known as Wolfcall. The clan honors your strength and hardworking brilliance.”

“Leopardpaw, you will be known as Leopardstrike. The clan honors your resourcefulness and prowess in battle.”

“Vireopaw, you will be known as Vireowing. The clan honors your loyalty and honesty.”

Passionstar beamed brightly at the newest named warriors of Thunderclan.

Mystical | cherry | Suspiciousmindz | Dust | Spiral Whirl | Radler | Reverie

Now that the long waited warrior ceremonies were completed, no other ceremonies needed to be done involving new ranks or changes. There was still one important ceremony to be had -

The deputy.

Passionstar puffed out his chest, his eyes rummaging through the crowd of cats for his choice. Once he saw the small Siamese, Passionstar flicked his tail upward. “As we all know that I became the new leader, we need a new deputy,” he started, slowly. “I have made the choice of choosing Powdernose as my right-paw cat.” Passionstar announced. He beckoned his dear friend to step forward.

“Powdernose,” Passionstar started. “Do you accept the position of becoming Thunderclan’s newest deputy? There is a hefty amount of responsibility,” he eyed the tom with that knowing look that both of them exactly knew what that meant. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, to help Thunderclan prosper, and be someone that all can find trustworthy?” Passionstar spoke deeply. Which was embedded in him as his voice always had a deep note to it. No one else could see it or hear it, but his heart was beating. Fast. Mixed emotions of happiness, anxiousness, excitement settling into him.


March 11th, 2018, 10:22 PM
Now that the long waited warrior ceremonies were completed, no other ceremonies needed to be done involving new ranks or changes. There was still one important ceremony to be had -

The deputy.

Passionstar puffed out his chest, his eyes rummaging through the crowd of cats for his choice. Once he saw the small Siamese, Passionstar flicked his tail upward. “As we all know that I became the new leader, we need a new deputy,” he started, slowly. “I have made the choice of choosing Powdernose as my right-paw cat.” Passionstar announced. He beckoned his dear friend to step forward.

“Powdernose,” Passionstar started. “Do you accept the position of becoming Thunderclan’s newest deputy? There is a hefty amount of responsibility,” he eyed the tom with that knowing look that both of them exactly knew what that meant. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, to help Thunderclan prosper, and be someone that all can find trustworthy?” Passionstar spoke deeply. Which was embedded in him as his voice always had a deep note to it. No one else could see it or hear it, but his heart was beating. Fast. Mixed emotions of happiness, anxiousness, excitement settling into him.


taking a deep,
grounding breath, powdernose stepped forward. his pelt was soft and freshly-groomed, as he had been fretting about the ceremony ever since passionstar had chosen him for deputy. it seems much more terrifying now that it's actually happening, not just passionstar telling me his choice. oh, starclan give me strength! the siamese tom sat and stared up at the leader with many emotions swarming his gaze. calm down, powdernose. you cam do this. sky blue eyes closed as he dipped his head respectively,
raising it up once again after a few heartbeats.
powdernose had gone from a small, abandoned kit given away by his parents at the mere age of one moon. he holds no memory of them besides the stories in which his foster mother told him, and although that saddens him, he knew that if they could see him now, they would be proud. from a lost and lazy warrior to deputy. i hope this is the right choice. shaking himself from his thoughts, powdernose nodded, a gleeful glint in his gaze. and with that, he answered.
"i do."

March 11th, 2018, 10:32 PM
taking a deep,
grounding breath, powdernose stepped forward. his pelt was soft and freshly-groomed, as he had been fretting about the ceremony ever since passionstar had chosen him for deputy. it seems much more terrifying now that it's actually happening, not just passionstar telling me his choice. oh, starclan give me strength! the siamese tom sat and stared up at the leader with many emotions swarming his gaze. calm down, powdernose. you cam do this. sky blue eyes closed as he dipped his head respectively,
raising it up once again after a few heartbeats.
powdernose had gone from a small, abandoned kit given away by his parents at the mere age of one moon. he holds no memory of them besides the stories in which his foster mother told him, and although that saddens him, he knew that if they could see him now, they would be proud. from a lost and lazy warrior to deputy. i hope this is the right choice. shaking himself from his thoughts, powdernose nodded, a gleeful glint in his gaze. and with that, he answered.
"i do."

Passionstar had dipped his head. He jumped down from the high peak to touch Powdernose’s shoulder with his nose. For a moment he lingered there, inhaling the tom’s scent. In a way, he was hoping to comfort his friend in his choice. Powdernose may have been having doubtful thoughts. The deal was still present. “If you think you can’t handle it, let me know. Just try it out for the first few moons.” Passionstar whispered before pulling back and smiling broadly at his friend. “You are now the newest deputy of Thunderclan, Powdernose.” Passionstar used a paw to jab at the feline before turning to the crowd of cats to chant the newest deputy’s name. “Powdernose! Powdernose!”

March 11th, 2018, 10:41 PM
Passionstar had dipped his head. He jumped down from the high peak to touch Powdernose’s shoulder with his nose. For a moment he lingered there, inhaling the tom’s scent. In a way, he was hoping to comfort his friend in his choice. Powdernose may have been having doubtful thoughts. The deal was still present. “If you think you can’t handle it, let me know. Just try it out for the first few moons.” Passionstar whispered before pulling back and smiling broadly at his friend. “You are now the newest deputy of Thunderclan, Powdernose.” Passionstar used a paw to jab at the feline before turning to the crowd of cats to chant the newest deputy’s name. “Powdernose! Powdernose!”

he nodded, smiling softly at his friend. "i'll try my best, your majesty." powdernose chuckled and gave a quick lick to passionstar's cheek before ducking down at the shouts of his name. his fur heated up with both embarrassment and pride, his eyes looking over the clan with a fondness that had never been there before. you can do this, powdernose. if not for you, or the clan, then do it for passionstar. and for your parents. finally, he felt the most calm with the decision. just have a little confidence in yourself.

March 12th, 2018, 09:02 AM
The apprentice half closed his eyes lazily, partly ignoring what she was saying. She was a very positive, and loud apprentice. She was eager to learn and a good cat, but Leafpaw sometimes wanted peace and quiet. Sometimes ignoring her was a good idea. She was a good friend and a kind cat, he could give her that. Suddenly he opened his eyes, to look at her, just thinking about her question. It had been good, well really acceptable but he couldn't ruin her day, and he didn't want to be pestered by questions. "Good." He said lazily, doing his best to make his voice a purr.

Lynxpaw grinned as he answered. "That's..good," she replied, and noticing he seemed to want silence, she sat and curled her tail around her paws, trying to think of something to make the conversation less..awkward. Maybe they could just be quiet for a bit before she could say her mentor was calling her, or something. She knew she was a bit of a loudmouth, so she didn't trust herself not to ramble on and on, so she bit her lip and sat quietly, gazing around the clearing.

March 12th, 2018, 11:40 AM
Lynxpaw grinned as he answered. "That's..good," she replied, and noticing he seemed to want silence, she sat and curled her tail around her paws, trying to think of something to make the conversation less..awkward. Maybe they could just be quiet for a bit before she could say her mentor was calling her, or something. She knew she was a bit of a loudmouth, so she didn't trust herself not to ramble on and on, so she bit her lip and sat quietly, gazing around the clearing.

Although the Siamese tom had wanted silence now that he had it it it seemed unnatural. He lay down and laid his head down on his paws and sighed. After a few seconds he looked up at her. "Why aren't you talking? You always seem to have something to say." He said, wondering if his friend was feeling bad or something. She always seemed to ramble on and on and on about random things and he had to admit that he rather liked it no matter how annoying it could become. She was just that type of molly and seeing her not babbling on and on made him a little concerned. Maybe she was just maturing, but somehow he knew that wasn't the case.


Quietpaw sat in a shady spot, rasping his tongue over his long brown fur. He was quiet, as always. That was how he got his name. His quiet nature. Every single day he lived up to that title. Being quiet and having a very, very bad social life. The word quiet wasn't associated with having a bad social life, but he definitely had a bad social life. His whole life he had been afraid of cats judging him for his family and what clan his father was from. So he had never been the cat who went up to other cats and said "Hi my names Quietpaw what's yours?", that just wasn't his thing. His sister did it, but he didn't. He was not a social butterfly. He had very few friends and the friends he did have had other friends they hung out with more. Those other friends were social, fun and were bound to be good warriors one day. Quietpaw? Not so much. His mentor didn't like him, his mother neglected him, his siblings had friends and he was quiet Quietpaw. The misfit. The outcast. He had to admit that he liked quiet. He liked not being disturbed, but if being quiet meant that he had no friends that what good was it?

As his tongue rasped gently over his fur he felt a calming sensation, soothing him, and making his negative thoughts flee. Feeling the chilly leaf-fall air on his back, he stood up and padded over to a sunnier spot near the apprentices den and laid down contently. It was one of his favorite spots to hang out, other than the shady spots. But as the weather grew colder the shady spots got unbearable and so he moved to warmer spots to nap.

March 12th, 2018, 12:38 PM
Ever since Jagged became an apprentice, Saplingpetal has to contribute to the clan by being a dutiful warrior. By all means, she didn’t know much about fighting. She didn’t like to be a confrontational cat, nor a violent one. She preferred the life of a queen where she was around the small ones most of her time. She would sing her son lullabies and her lyrics would seep into the ears of the nearby commoner. Occasionally, Saplingpetal would sing unconsciously. Usually when she was bored or relaxed.

The former queen had been laying under a tree, crouched low, paws crossed in a delicate manner. Her eyes didn’t find any of her clan mates interesting. Instead they laid on the blades of grass as they tickled her nose. Soft giggles emitted from her, inhaling deeply to admire the smell of nature. It was as pleasant as any other day. Especially with new leaf, and the flowers were blooming... Saplingpetal loved flowers. The petals of the flowers brought her into a state of delight of how soft they could be. She imagined sleeping on a nest entirely made of petals. Now that she moved out the nursery and back into the warriors’ den, she kept note to herself that possibly she could use that idea. If so, she’d never leave her nest. After all, who would leave an intricately woven soft nest dazzled by flower petals?

When her stomach rumbled, Saplingpetal let out a huff of annoyance. She was pretty relaxed and the food pile...was so far away. The Molly had a gluttonous Nature. She loved eating - absolutely loved it. If it was an activity, it would be her most favorite. The thought of food made her lick her jaws and think about a mouthwatering squirrel. Delicately, as elegant as she allowed herself to be, Saplingpetal stood up. Her sleek pelt pristine, and her crystal blue eyes excitedly staring at the food pile ahead. She trotted towards it with her head held high, her eyes closed (confident in her steps) and her mouth humming, as it was a habit hard to break. When she approached the pile, she used her muzzle to nose through the food. Any prey she didn’t want, she nosed it aside until she found the squirrel she was craving for. Her blue eyes shot open, and she was met by the eyes of one of her clan mates. Being a natural ebullient and friendly she cat, Saplingpetal offered the tom a brightened smile, and she ceased her humming out of embarrassment if he had heard it. The she cat didn’t know his name, as she was still primarily new to Thunderclan. She only known a couple of the queens, and the apprentices who helped out in the nursery. “Hello there.” Her voice was soft. Faint. She never had strong vocal cords so whenever she talked, others had to strain their ears in order to hear her. Saplingpetal was satisfied with the squirrel she placed in her jaws. The tom across from her had chosen a rabbit. But, he hadn’t uttered a word to her. Saplingpetal would had found this rude, but she gave him the benefit of doubt; maybe he just didn’t hear her. He had turned to limp away causing Saplingpetal to watch his movements. It was...rude to stare. She used to scold Jaggedpaw about pointing out the disabilities in other cats. Now, she was the one staring and it made her pelt heat up in embarrassment.

Saplingpetal tugged in the squirrel hanging from her jaws and after a moment of long thinking and mustering up her confidence, she turned to pad after the tom who longed sat down in his spot to began eating. Saplingpetal dropped the squirrel in front of him, hopefully to alert him of her presence. “I don’t want to bother you or anything but you look like you could use some company.” The small feline offered a softened smile. “Do you mind?” She asked, throwing her head to a spot next to him. “Maybe we could share tongues - is that what you clan cats do? Share tongues, right?” Formally a loner while pregnant until she knew best to live in the clans to raise her kits. The best clan she knew and remembersd was Thunderclan because Jaggedpaw’s father was a Thunderclan cat who always spoke exquisitely of this place. Saplingpetal decided to join, change her name, and looked for a new start. Now that Jaggedpaw was an apprentice and making friends of his own, Saplingpetal knew she should be doing the same thing. She just hoped it wouldn’t be so hard.

Darkfur perked his ears slightly as the breeze swirled through the camp, feeling pleasant on his fur. He closed his eyes and purred in content, enjoying the wind and the warmth that it brought. He opened his eyes to take another bite of his meal, purring as the meat melted exquisitely on his tongue. He listened to the noise around him, cats talking and birds chirping, kits mewling and elders snoring as they slept. It was all pleasant to him; he enjoyed spending his time listening to the going ons around him and just watching what was happening. He felt a smile pull at his maw. It was a beautiful day, honestly, and perfect for taking a walk later, once his bad leg felt better. He sighed and took another mouthful of rabbit into his jaws, tail tip flicking contentedly, his paws kneading into the ground. He was particularly hungry today, to be honest; he considered getting another piece of prey, after all, the kits and elders have already eaten, so he could do it, but he didn't want to eat what the other warriors could have, not when prey was still a bit scarce. He shrugged and decided to just finish up the prey he already took. Taking more mouthfuls, he sighed. He wished he had someone to talk to, a friend. But his shy demeanor made it hard for him to talk to others. He never mustered up the courage to speak to someone, because he was afraid they would scorn or insult him. It's happened plenty of times before, sadly. So he stayed by himself most if not all the time.

The black tom suddenly glanced up in surprise as a squirrel was dropped in front of him, his hackles raising slightly in instinctive defense before relaxing when he saw that it was just Saplingpetal, the she-cat from earlier. He slowly blinked up at her, wondering why she was speaking to him, of all cats. He wasn't interesting or capable of doing much, so why a feline as pretty as her would want to speak to him, he would for the life of him never figure out. Maybe because she was kind...? Either way, he was glad for the company. He knew a little bit about her. He knew she had been a kittypet before she and her unborn son had joined ThunderClan.
Her son was Jaggedpaw, a fine, capable apprentice. Darkfur wanted to raise an apprentice, but he could never be a mentor with his disability. He certainly couldn't be a leader, or a deputy, not that that was what he wanted. He chuckled to himself. He shouldn't dream about things that would never come true. He sighed and then realized that the she-cat was still standing before him. He smiled up at her and shook his head.
"Uh, no... I wouldn't mind some company...." He scooted a bit to the side so she could sit by him before taking the last couple of bites of his meal. He swiveled his ears in her direction as she spoke again, and felt his pelt heat up in embarrassment. He gazed down at his paws. "Um... I have never shared tongues, especially with a she-cat...," he mumbled. "I groom myself... Uh.... unless you really want to..." He glanced at her and sighed. The only way to be friends with this kind she-cat was to do something together with her, and sharing tongues was a way to start.
He smiled a little. "It's just... I don't have friends, but yeah, uh... Clan cats share tongues .. it's a way of bonding..." He cleared his throat. "Um... don't you want to eat first?," he meowed, nodding at the squirrel in front of him. "Unless, you wish to share...?" He tilted his head to the side, gazing at her. This would be the perfect chance for more food, as his belly was still a bit hungry.

March 12th, 2018, 01:20 PM
Flamingrose was sitting in the crowd not really expecting anything unusual. But at the end of the apprentice ceremonies she heard hername, she would be a mentor! Heart beating fast, so fast it was pounding on her chest. I'm a mentor. A mentor! The young warrior thought excitement welding inside. Eyes shining the ginger molly slipped though the crowd till we was in front of Ashkit. Claiming herself she padded up to touch noses with Ashpaw. Bending her head she tried to touch her nose her her new apprentice.


Honeyflower had been in the crowed of ThunderClan cats, like normal. She knew one ceremony she couldn't wait to see. Leopoldpaw's warrior ceremony. The molly had spoken with Passionstar about making her a warrior and he had agreed. That made her day. As the newly made apprentices got their names and mentors Honeyflower searched for her apprentice, but she didn't see her till her leader called her up. Her heart swelled with pride. Leopoldstrike. Honeyflower thought as Passionstar gave her apprentice her warrior. Wonderful name. She added to herself. When all the apprentices were made into warriors and Powdernose was made into Deputy she lifted to her paws. And cheered the new names, like she was beliveved to. Weaving though the crowd she came up to Leopoldstrike."Congregations, Leopardstrike." She purred giving a smile.


March 12th, 2018, 03:14 PM
Darkfur perked his ears slightly as the breeze swirled through the camp, feeling pleasant on his fur. He closed his eyes and purred in content, enjoying the wind and the warmth that it brought. He opened his eyes to take another bite of his meal, purring as the meat melted exquisitely on his tongue. He listened to the noise around him, cats talking and birds chirping, kits mewling and elders snoring as they slept. It was all pleasant to him; he enjoyed spending his time listening to the going ons around him and just watching what was happening. He felt a smile pull at his maw. It was a beautiful day, honestly, and perfect for taking a walk later, once his bad leg felt better. He sighed and took another mouthful of rabbit into his jaws, tail tip flicking contentedly, his paws kneading into the ground. He was particularly hungry today, to be honest; he considered getting another piece of prey, after all, the kits and elders have already eaten, so he could do it, but he didn't want to eat what the other warriors could have, not when prey was still a bit scarce. He shrugged and decided to just finish up the prey he already took. Taking more mouthfuls, he sighed. He wished he had someone to talk to, a friend. But his shy demeanor made it hard for him to talk to others. He never mustered up the courage to speak to someone, because he was afraid they would scorn or insult him. It's happened plenty of times before, sadly. So he stayed by himself most if not all the time.

The black tom suddenly glanced up in surprise as a squirrel was dropped in front of him, his hackles raising slightly in instinctive defense before relaxing when he saw that it was just Saplingpetal, the she-cat from earlier. He slowly blinked up at her, wondering why she was speaking to him, of all cats. He wasn't interesting or capable of doing much, so why a feline as pretty as her would want to speak to him, he would for the life of him never figure out. Maybe because she was kind...? Either way, he was glad for the company. He knew a little bit about her. He knew she had been a kittypet before she and her unborn son had joined ThunderClan.
Her son was Jaggedpaw, a fine, capable apprentice. Darkfur wanted to raise an apprentice, but he could never be a mentor with his disability. He certainly couldn't be a leader, or a deputy, not that that was what he wanted. He chuckled to himself. He shouldn't dream about things that would never come true. He sighed and then realized that the she-cat was still standing before him. He smiled up at her and shook his head.
"Uh, no... I wouldn't mind some company...." He scooted a bit to the side so she could sit by him before taking the last couple of bites of his meal. He swiveled his ears in her direction as she spoke again, and felt his pelt heat up in embarrassment. He gazed down at his paws. "Um... I have never shared tongues, especially with a she-cat...," he mumbled. "I groom myself... Uh.... unless you really want to..." He glanced at her and sighed. The only way to be friends with this kind she-cat was to do something together with her, and sharing tongues was a way to start.
He smiled a little. "It's just... I don't have friends, but yeah, uh... Clan cats share tongues .. it's a way of bonding..." He cleared his throat. "Um... don't you want to eat first?," he meowed, nodding at the squirrel in front of him. "Unless, you wish to share...?" He tilted his head to the side, gazing at her. This would be the perfect chance for more food, as his belly was still a bit hungry.

Saplingpetal waited patiently for the tom’s consent. She didn’t want to invade his space if he didn’t want the company. He was quiet for a while, so she only stared a little while longer. She almost had bent down her muzzle to pick up her squirrel in dejectedly walk away. Looks like making warrior friends would be tougher than expected, she thought sourly. Back in the nursery, the queens always talked so haughtily about the warriors. They were filled with pride, and acted like they deserved the respect than earned in. Saplingpetal didn’t know much about being a warrior. Her only will to contribute to the clan was by hunting, as she always excelled at doing such. Fighting just wasn’t her cup of tea as she considered herself to be elegant in everything she did. The way she walked, the way she talked, the way she slept - everything was always elegant when it came to her. She done it a precise manner, always took her sweet time. Like she was doing now as she waited for the tom to answer her. When he finally did, her paw pads felt like they were sweating a mess! She hated being anxious this way because she heard how many clan cats disregard former non-clan cats. They weren’t considered “clan blood”. Her son was half-clan-blood as his father was a Thunderclan warrior, but she haven’t seen him around in a while. Not that she wanted to. She was young and reckless when she had Jaggedpaw, thought to be in love, but it was simple lust - and she wasn’t planning on traveling down that road again any time soon.

“Oh, goodie!” The she cat piped, immediately scurrying beside him once he scooted over to allow herself to sit with her squirrel between her paws. She was positive that he was gonna snap at her since she felt that she wasn’t worthy to be in the presence of a warrior. As she was about to bend down and tear at her food, her ears perked when the tom began talking again. Her head turned to look at him, featuring a soft smile. She detected a small amount of nervousness from him when she asked about sharing tongues. She didn’t know much about the tradition, but she had seen more than a couple cats eating prey together and grooming and gossiping among each other. A while ago, she asked another queen why they do such. The queen had told her it was called ‘Sharing tongues’ and is usually done among clan mates. It was a friendly exchange for many, a romantic one for lovers. The silver and cream feline had dipped her head, taking a small bite of her meat, holding the dead creature between her paws so it would be easier to assess. His mumbling made her ears twitch, and after swallowing her piece, she chorused a soft giggle. “Oh? You never shared tongues with a she cat before?” She teased. Saplingpetal had loved and enjoyed the process of sharing tongues. As a queen, she shared tongues with her fellow queen mates. Gossip was another activity she enjoyed. She was quite the nosy feline. Though she loved gossip, she didn’t like to instigate. “I’m assuming...you don’t have a mate?” She asked, curiously. He was so embarrassed when she approached thebidea of Sharing tongues. Maybe the opposite gender made him more...nervous to be around? Saplingpetal never minded who she shared tongues with as she was more concerned with juicy events when it came to the clans. Yet, she did like a little affection every now and then - but what cat didn’t?
“You sound so shy,” Saplingpetal cooed playfully towards the tom. She was more of the easygoing cat, able to approach a feline in a talkative manner. She was a social butterfly at heart. Tilting her head, she added, “I’m Saplingpetal, by the way. What’s your name?” Saplingpetal didn’t know if he already knew her name, so she sweetly introduced herself as comforting as possible.
Then, she leaned down once more to take another diligent bite of her prey, licking her jaws to savor the meat. His suggestion to share, she didn’t mind. Scooting closer to him, she used a paw to bring the piece of squirrel between them. Saplingpetal was a moralistic cat. She believed being kind to others would allow them to be kind back. She had her flaws, as many others. Apart of her didn’t want to share her prey because she was a gluttonous feline, but her moral beliefs always surpassed her discontent. “I don’t mind sharing.” She cheerfully answered, once again dipping her head down to snatch another bite as gently as she could.

March 12th, 2018, 04:06 PM
Flamingrose was sitting in the crowd not really expecting anything unusual. But at the end of the apprentice ceremonies she heard hername, she would be a mentor! Heart beating fast, so fast it was pounding on her chest. I'm a mentor. A mentor! The young warrior thought excitement welding inside. Eyes shining the ginger molly slipped though the crowd till we was in front of Ashkit. Claiming herself she padded up to touch noses with Ashpaw. Bending her head she tried to touch her nose her her new apprentice.


Ashpaw let out a screech of excitement, knowing that as a kit she had thought that this day would have never came. "Flamingrose," she whispered out loud, searching for her new mentor in the crowd. The new apprentice tred to reach her head above the other cats, but was too short to be able to do so. Her nose twitched, she was annoyed at not being able to find her mentor. Usually, she enjoyed crowds and loud noises, as they gave her more energy, but this time she wished it was just her and her mentor here. Ashpaw sat down, figuring they would eventually find each other. And that they did, so as Flamingrose dipped her head down, Ashpaw reached up and touched her mentor's nose with her down. She then bounced away yelling, "Imma apprentice!" She looked back at her mentor. "So! When I become a warrior?" She tilted her head, looking at Flamingrose expectantly.

March 12th, 2018, 04:26 PM
Saplingpetal waited patiently for the tom’s consent. She didn’t want to invade his space if he didn’t want the company. He was quiet for a while, so she only stared a little while longer. She almost had bent down her muzzle to pick up her squirrel in dejectedly walk away. Looks like making warrior friends would be tougher than expected, she thought sourly. Back in the nursery, the queens always talked so haughtily about the warriors. They were filled with pride, and acted like they deserved the respect than earned in. Saplingpetal didn’t know much about being a warrior. Her only will to contribute to the clan was by hunting, as she always excelled at doing such. Fighting just wasn’t her cup of tea as she considered herself to be elegant in everything she did. The way she walked, the way she talked, the way she slept - everything was always elegant when it came to her. She done it a precise manner, always took her sweet time. Like she was doing now as she waited for the tom to answer her. When he finally did, her paw pads felt like they were sweating a mess! She hated being anxious this way because she heard how many clan cats disregard former non-clan cats. They weren’t considered “clan blood”. Her son was half-clan-blood as his father was a Thunderclan warrior, but she haven’t seen him around in a while. Not that she wanted to. She was young and reckless when she had Jaggedpaw, thought to be in love, but it was simple lust - and she wasn’t planning on traveling down that road again any time soon.

“Oh, goodie!” The she cat piped, immediately scurrying beside him once he scooted over to allow herself to sit with her squirrel between her paws. She was positive that he was gonna snap at her since she felt that she wasn’t worthy to be in the presence of a warrior. As she was about to bend down and tear at her food, her ears perked when the tom began talking again. Her head turned to look at him, featuring a soft smile. She detected a small amount of nervousness from him when she asked about sharing tongues. She didn’t know much about the tradition, but she had seen more than a couple cats eating prey together and grooming and gossiping among each other. A while ago, she asked another queen why they do such. The queen had told her it was called ‘Sharing tongues’ and is usually done among clan mates. It was a friendly exchange for many, a romantic one for lovers. The silver and cream feline had dipped her head, taking a small bite of her meat, holding the dead creature between her paws so it would be easier to assess. His mumbling made her ears twitch, and after swallowing her piece, she chorused a soft giggle. “Oh? You never shared tongues with a she cat before?” She teased. Saplingpetal had loved and enjoyed the process of sharing tongues. As a queen, she shared tongues with her fellow queen mates. Gossip was another activity she enjoyed. She was quite the nosy feline. Though she loved gossip, she didn’t like to instigate. “I’m assuming...you don’t have a mate?” She asked, curiously. He was so embarrassed when she approached thebidea of Sharing tongues. Maybe the opposite gender made him more...nervous to be around? Saplingpetal never minded who she shared tongues with as she was more concerned with juicy events when it came to the clans. Yet, she did like a little affection every now and then - but what cat didn’t?
“You sound so shy,” Saplingpetal cooed playfully towards the tom. She was more of the easygoing cat, able to approach a feline in a talkative manner. She was a social butterfly at heart. Tilting her head, she added, “I’m Saplingpetal, by the way. What’s your name?” Saplingpetal didn’t know if he already knew her name, so she sweetly introduced herself as comforting as possible.
Then, she leaned down once more to take another diligent bite of her prey, licking her jaws to savor the meat. His suggestion to share, she didn’t mind. Scooting closer to him, she used a paw to bring the piece of squirrel between them. Saplingpetal was a moralistic cat. She believed being kind to others would allow them to be kind back. She had her flaws, as many others. Apart of her didn’t want to share her prey because she was a gluttonous feline, but her moral beliefs always surpassed her discontent. “I don’t mind sharing.” She cheerfully answered, once again dipping her head down to snatch another bite as gently as she could.

Darkfur smiled a little as she settled down beside him. He tucked his forepaws neatly underneath his chest, sensing her fear of being rejected since he was a warrior, but she was different, like him. While she had no disability, she wasn't Clan-borne, so she was different than the other warriors, in a way. He understood her fear, actually. He was rejected or turned away all the time, so the fact that a Clan mate finally seemed to accept him, it made him happy. And he wanted her to know he accepted her, as well, so he gently laid his tail on her shoulders a moment before withdrawing it, his way of being friendly. He hoped she hadn't taken it the wrong way, but he tries to be friends with someone in his own way. He wasn't like other cats, and he wasn't very sociable, so he did things the way he preferred. He blinked at her as she spoke, his tail tip flicking as he turned his gaze to the ground in front of him. "No... Uh... I have not... shared tongues with anyone..." He cleared his throat. "Nobody wants to be around me..." He sighed and kept his gaze fixated on the ground, seemingly interested in an ant scurrying past him as he listened to her next words. "No... I don't have a mate, because I am considered unlovable by most she-cat's... I don't think I would be very ideal as a mate..." He felt his fur heat up again, expecting more questions on his love life, but when she changed the subject, he sighed in relief.

"Um, I'm... my name is Darkfur..." He glanced at her, knowing he had to be more talkative to be this she-cat's friend, though he wasn't really sure what to do. He smiled softly at her. "Uh... pleased to make your acquaintance, Saplingpetal..." He put a paw over hers as he spoke, another way of him trying to be friendly with her. He then withdrew his paw and began grooming it before he drew it over his face and ears, then setting his paw down, flicking his whiskers. When the she-cat pushed the squirrel between him and her, he slowly blinked at her, his expression grateful as he nodded. He allowed her to take a bite before dipping his head and taking a mouthful of the meat, which was more stringy and less tough than rabbit, but it was just as juicy as it melted pleasantly on his tongue. He purred in contentment, taking a couple more bites before allowing her another turn. He swiped his tongue over his maw, removing morsels of meat from his whiskers. He waited for her to finish up her turn so he could take another bite of his own. He probably should start up a conversation, he thought, but he wasn't sure what to talk about, so he shrugged to himself, deciding to let her continue the conversation, silently watching her eat.

March 12th, 2018, 05:48 PM
Darkfur smiled a little as she settled down beside him. He tucked his forepaws neatly underneath his chest, sensing her fear of being rejected since he was a warrior, but she was different, like him. While she had no disability, she wasn't Clan-borne, so she was different than the other warriors, in a way. He understood her fear, actually. He was rejected or turned away all the time, so the fact that a Clan mate finally seemed to accept him, it made him happy. And he wanted her to know he accepted her, as well, so he gently laid his tail on her shoulders a moment before withdrawing it, his way of being friendly. He hoped she hadn't taken it the wrong way, but he tries to be friends with someone in his own way. He wasn't like other cats, and he wasn't very sociable, so he did things the way he preferred. He blinked at her as she spoke, his tail tip flicking as he turned his gaze to the ground in front of him. "No... Uh... I have not... shared tongues with anyone..." He cleared his throat. "Nobody wants to be around me..." He sighed and kept his gaze fixated on the ground, seemingly interested in an ant scurrying past him as he listened to her next words. "No... I don't have a mate, because I am considered unlovable by most she-cat's... I don't think I would be very ideal as a mate..." He felt his fur heat up again, expecting more questions on his love life, but when she changed the subject, he sighed in relief.

"Um, I'm... my name is Darkfur..." He glanced at her, knowing he had to be more talkative to be this she-cat's friend, though he wasn't really sure what to do. He smiled softly at her. "Uh... pleased to make your acquaintance, Saplingpetal..." He put a paw over hers as he spoke, another way of him trying to be friendly with her. He then withdrew his paw and began grooming it before he drew it over his face and ears, then setting his paw down, flicking his whiskers. When the she-cat pushed the squirrel between him and her, he slowly blinked at her, his expression grateful as he nodded. He allowed her to take a bite before dipping his head and taking a mouthful of the meat, which was more stringy and less tough than rabbit, but it was just as juicy as it melted pleasantly on his tongue. He purred in contentment, taking a couple more bites before allowing her another turn. He swiped his tongue over his maw, removing morsels of meat from his whiskers. He waited for her to finish up her turn so he could take another bite of his own. He probably should start up a conversation, he thought, but he wasn't sure what to talk about, so he shrugged to himself, deciding to let her continue the conversation, silently watching her eat.

Saplingpetal listened to the tom intently, her whiskers twitching slightly when he answered her nosy questions wondering about his love life. Saplingpetal should had known better than to ever ask a cat about something so...delicate. She wouldn’t want anyone asking her about her past love affairs. His earlier comment had made her curious. The fact that he never shared tongues with a she cat, or with anyone for that matter. He went on to say that he was unlovable, and she didn’t understand why. “Why would you say you’re unlovable?” She questioned, lifting her muzzle in the air. Then, she rolled her shoulders. “At most, I would say that you’re withdrawn. You can’t find love if you don’t communicate with it, ya know.” She nodded, dutifully. She silently wondered if he considered himself a stranger to love because of his disabilithe’s. Saplingpetal didn’t like to stare, but it was hard not to. This worried her a little because she didn’t like to judge other cats based on their appearances. Possibly, he felt unwanted because of his features. Most she cats liked a good-looking, Strong tom cat. It ensured the future of their kits. They would be born strong. With strength, obviously comes beauty. As a young she cat, Saplingpetal found these traits irresistible. The main reason she found Jaggedpaw’s father appealing because he was strong and brave. Her own son inherited his father’s traits and physique more than hers, so she had no doubt that her boy would be a brave and handsome warrior of Thunderclan. “Why wouldn’t anyone want to be around you?” She questioned, once again curious and intrigued. She got to thinking that this Tom was darker than he let on. Maybe his clan mates didn’t trust him? Or, he was considered a traitor among them? So far, Saplingpetal didn’t pick up any negative qualities that her new potential friend had.

She had smiled when he introduced himself as Darkfur. It made sense as she checked him over. His fur was the color of a black shadow, so he wasn’t named in vain. When he put his paw over hers, Saplingpetal was baffled upon the gesture. He was the first cat that had done such. Saplingpetal had looked up at him, pinning her ears back, “Heh, nice to meet you as well.” A little sheepish still from their contact. The Molly happily complied with sharing a meal with him, taking a bite, then watching him take one as well. At first, it was silent between them. The chatter of the other cats around them. Silence never suited Saplingpetal well as she was a talkative feline. Every now and then, she glancedntowards Darkfur as he knelt down to tear another bite from the squirrel. Saplingpetal had moved her tail to cover her paws as she looked up ahead of them, smiling softly. “So, Darkfur,” Saplingpetal began, drawing a paw up to give it tiny licks. “You ever leave camp once in a while?” She didn’t want to judge his whereabouts, but it appeared that he ‘lived under a rock’. “I know before I joined Thunderclan, I was traveling an entire heap of places!” She purred, putting her paw down, and using it to push the squirrel further into his reach. “You can have the rest of it, if you’d like.” She offered. Then, she moved herself closer to him to began the process of sharing tongues. The way that she saw plenty felines do it before. While he chose to finish the squirrel, Saplingpetal kindly began licking his shoulder, all the while talking in-between. “As I was saying before, you’d think that the forest is a large place to explore - but if you seen the world out there, you’d be star struck!” She paused to giggle before working her way up towards his neck. “Unfortunately, adventuring has to stop for me because my mousebrained-self had to go and get pregnant. I love my son and all, and I never would regret him - he’s my pride and joy. It would had just been much harsher living as a rogue with a kit following behind.” Saplingpetal scoffed. Then she added, “I think I like living in Thunderclan though. The trees have cool shades, and it’s very pretty here.” She shyly says, “Were you born in Thunderclan?” She wondered, keeping her ears opened to hear him talk while she continued to groom him as diligently and thoroughly as possible.

March 12th, 2018, 07:18 PM
Mistwing padded weakly into the medicine cat den, the blood now sluggishly dripping from her eye. The pain was sharp in her face but the dull ache of her bones weighed her down, as well as the realisation of what had happened in the battle. The silver furred she-cat was now stained with dried blood and mud, but had lacked the resolve to tidy herself up. Seeking out Caliapaw seemed like the best option, and the panic that she couldn't see out of her left eye was overwhelming the feelings of regret towards Rowanblaze. Hesitating just inside the entrance, Mistwing called out weakly conscious of the uncharacteristic emotion of panic colouring her feeble voice, "Ca-Caliapaw, I think I need... your h-help."


This was a nightmare. Caliapaw had never, ever been afraid of blood before - she hadn’t been afraid of tending to anyone either, but now, she had never been more scared. Torn between loyalty to her family and her duty to the Clan, she didn’t answer Mistwing for a second - until that second grew too long, and she knew she was doing the wrong thing. Tearing her gaze away from Doepaw, the young medicine cat wearily fixed it on the other warrior. ”Come in, sit down, let me take a look at you.” The words sounded strained and came out in a quick manner, even though it felt like she’d said them a million times already - perhaps this wouldn’t take this long. There was a lot of blood, but most of it appeared to be dried by now - the she cat would have to take a look at all of her minor cuts in a moment, but the thing that worried her most was the gash on her eye. ”How are all of you still alive?” Caliapaw questioned under her breath, turning to glance at the herb storage - it would last, but not for long. Thank goodness new-leaf was here, soon it would be time to go out and get new herbs. She would have to travel to other Clans for some… just the thought of that sent a shudder down her spine. Wheatfur hadn’t taught her anything about what the “proper” way to do this was, and with tensions already high, the last thing she needed was to make the wrong remark to the wrong cat. Sometimes the medicine cat wished she was able to control her emotions better. She knew what to do with her mind - but when it came to the heart, she was still figuring everything out.

[riipp I need to stop being a lazy but and have these two interact more ;v; ]

Everything was screaming at him. It hurt to breathe, it felt as though his lungs were singed, but, at the same time, it felt as though he was drowning in water. Every gulp of air was like water invading his lungs, preventing him from inhaling. It hurt. A gurgle of pain came from his throat and his face twisted up. He wanted to curl himself into the tightest ball he could muster, wanting to run away from the searing pain that blossomed on his chest, his legs. He wanted it to stop. He could barely hear his sisters sob, only the roaring sound of his blood in his ears, he couldn't tell if it was a good thing. He shifted his head and slightly opened his maw, as if to answer Caliapaw, but a wave of pain raged though him, and instead of words, it was shrieks and howls of pain. Every inch of his body was on fire, it hurt to breathe, it hurt to thing, it hurt to exist. He dug his claws into the ground, his white pawtips stained with blood and mud, but so was the rest of him. His fur was caked to his frame, his usual fluffiness was gone, and instead there was ugliness, fur sticking up, defying gravity, and fur clumped together with a scarlet tint to it. Doepaw was a mess. He couldn't answer his sister, for the first time, he left her question without an answer. He had always showered his sister in his attention, giving her the love she deserved, and always tried to be the most reliable brother she could always count on. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Doepaw looked up at his sister, green hues glassed over with unshed tears, unshed fears. He was supposed to keep her from crying, scaring away the sadness, keeping a smile on her face, she deserved that much and much more. Yet. Here he was, unable to do anything as his sister as she worried, as she choked back her tears, just as he himself was doing. As seeds were pushed toward him, he shifted his head to try and lick them up, but every millimeter he moved brought nothing but burning pain that made him want to scream. The chestnut feline shuddered, biting the inside of his cheek as his chest flared with pain, almost as if it was dipped in flames, trying his hardest to swallow the scream. Within a few seconds the apprentice lapped up the seeds sucsessfully, swallowing each seed individually as not to choke. They made sure their trip down his throat wasn't easy, scratching the walls of his throat the whole ride down. "Darkwhisper." he gurgled out, using every ounce of his being to even spit out the name, trying his hardest to let his sister know that he was still here. He tried to dig up memories of his former mentor, the happy ones, the fun ones, the adventurous ones, but every time nothing but a red blob blocked them, splattered acrost his precious memory, until it was nothing but a lake of red. Only one thing was untouched by the red liquid. "Dead." he choked out, tears pricking the sides of his eyes. Maybe...maybe he wasn't supposed to support his sister the way he though he ought to, maybe he was doing it wrong, maybe he wasn't supposed to be alive to protect her. Starclan could be showing him something, telling him something, but was it for the grater good? Doepaw had only brought his sister pain, suffering, he made her choke back tears of sadness instead of tears of joy. He was just a bad brother.

At that point, the toms eyes began to flutter closed, and his body grew limp, he had given up, what was the point in living if he did nothing but hurt Caliapaw?

Just hearing Doepaw speak was a good sign. If he could talk, maybe he was going to be okay… maybe everything was going to work out. With one last glance towards Mistwing, and pushing a few seeds in her direction with a brief “eat these,” she headed back over towards her brother. There wasn’t much more she could do. Caliapaw didn’t know what else to do. It was a waiting game now, waiting for the bleeding to stop - putting more cobwebs on the injuries wasn’t going to do anything, and she’d already given him some seeds to help with the pain - it was up to him now. ”Darkwhisper? That’s a pretty name, tell me more about Darkwhisper… is it fun, training with her - or him? What’s your favorite thing about your mentor?” Caliapaw spoke as calmly as possible, hoping that if she were calmer - maybe, just maybe, he would remain calm too. Everything was going to be fine. She mistook his comment “dead” for him saying he was going to be dead, and shook her head violently.

”Absolutely not, Doepaw. You’re going to be fine. I’m going to get you out of this, and we’re going to have a long talk about the mess you just got yourself into, and then I’m going to yell at you for being an idiot and scaring me.” The medicine cat tried to push as much confidence as she could into her voice, but really… she wasn’t so sure. Doepaw’s injuries were severe. No amount of cobwebs could fix anything that was damaged inside. She was angry… angry at Wheatfur, for getting himself killed, angry at herself for not knowing better, and angry at StarClan for letting this happen. For letting her become this in the first place. Why would they do that if Doepaw was just going to die under her care? Now that would completely break her. Snowpaw was alright, Morningpaw and Shellpaw were alright as far as she knew… her Mother and Father were alright, they hadn’t come in either… so it was just Doepaw who was in danger now. But Doepaw had always been there for her. What was she supposed to do without her brother?

”You have to be okay, Doepaw. You have to stay awake. Please… that’s all I’m asking of you. Do it for me.” The she cat gently touched her nose to his ear before she turned back to take care of Mistwing again. Because she had a duty to everyone, not just him… she had to make sure everybody was okay. All of her clanmates. Even if it was her worst enemy’s life hanging in the balance, she would have to save it - she might not have to speak as gently, and as kindly to them, but she would have to make sure they were okay. No matter what it took. That was what a medicine cat did, and maybe that was part of the reason Caliapaw was drawn to the job. Because she could make a difference and save lives. Even if lately… she had been feeling a lot more like a loser than a lifesaver. Even with all the cats who cared about her, the medicine cat felt alone. Maybe she didn’t want anyone to care about her. Maybe it was better if she was… alone.

March 12th, 2018, 07:28 PM
Although the Siamese tom had wanted silence now that he had it it it seemed unnatural. He lay down and laid his head down on his paws and sighed. After a few seconds he looked up at her. "Why aren't you talking? You always seem to have something to say." He said, wondering if his friend was feeling bad or something. She always seemed to ramble on and on and on about random things and he had to admit that he rather liked it no matter how annoying it could become. She was just that type of molly and seeing her not babbling on and on made him a little concerned. Maybe she was just maturing, but somehow he knew that wasn't the case.


Quietpaw sat in a shady spot, rasping his tongue over his long brown fur. He was quiet, as always. That was how he got his name. His quiet nature. Every single day he lived up to that title. Being quiet and having a very, very bad social life. The word quiet wasn't associated with having a bad social life, but he definitely had a bad social life. His whole life he had been afraid of cats judging him for his family and what clan his father was from. So he had never been the cat who went up to other cats and said "Hi my names Quietpaw what's yours?", that just wasn't his thing. His sister did it, but he didn't. He was not a social butterfly. He had very few friends and the friends he did have had other friends they hung out with more. Those other friends were social, fun and were bound to be good warriors one day. Quietpaw? Not so much. His mentor didn't like him, his mother neglected him, his siblings had friends and he was quiet Quietpaw. The misfit. The outcast. He had to admit that he liked quiet. He liked not being disturbed, but if being quiet meant that he had no friends that what good was it?

As his tongue rasped gently over his fur he felt a calming sensation, soothing him, and making his negative thoughts flee. Feeling the chilly leaf-fall air on his back, he stood up and padded over to a sunnier spot near the apprentices den and laid down contently. It was one of his favorite spots to hang out, other than the shady spots. But as the weather grew colder the shady spots got unbearable and so he moved to warmer spots to nap.

Vixenpaw had loved being an apprentice so far. Everything about it was great - the freedom, the social opportunities, and yes - especially the new exploration opportunities. The young apprentice glanced around the clearing, her eyes eventually landing on Quietpaw - she knew the tom a little bit, but she’d lied to him so much it was hard to keep track of what all she had told him. Still, Vixenpaw headed over in his direction, her tail swaying back and forth as she approached, a fox-like smile on her maw. ”Well, if it isn’t ThunderClan’s own social outcast. And how is our quiet apprentice doing this morning?” Vixenpaw wasn’t afraid of bringing up touchy topics. She could tell he was more of an outcast - she wasn’t blind, nor stupid, despite how much she may have acted like the latter. She was crafty, and she liked bending perceptions - she could change the way she was viewed, or how someone else was viewed, through a few simple words or interactions. She could change someone’s entire life - or her entire life - depending on which she was feeling like that day. Vixenpaw didn’t really like herself, because if you were to peel away every single layer and overly-friendly word, you would find a small little she-kit who just wanted to be loved. Not just liked, but really loved. Vixenpaw was like this for the fun of it, definitely, but she was also like this because… this was what other cats liked. Whoever she was that day, they liked that. She researched her targets sometimes, other times she would ad-lib it. Some didn’t even know her real name - as Quietpaw hadn’t, when they had first met. She’d introduced herself as her sibling. It was an easy mistake to make… but he’d found out, and soon it would be impossible to carry on with this charade.

March 12th, 2018, 08:20 PM
Rileyflower sighed as she walked into the clearing she looked at her shoulder which a few months ago had a bite wound from an enemy warrior but was now all healed and well thanks to the medicine cat caliapaw she smiled as she remembered walking in the den seeing the medicine cat the first time she felt bad for her too she did the work all by herself and with no one to help her . And with that battle over she was sure that caliapaw had a lot on her paws but thankfully that has passed. She remembered the battle of thunderclan and windclan it was her first ever battle and a perfect time to prove herself to her clan she thought she could win she wanted to win ! But that windclanner beat her and she was still ' new ' around the clan so she didn't do as much training so it would make sense for her to loose. But when she lost she felt ..heartbroken all over again she felt like she betrayed starclan in a way so she promised to make it up to them in some way . Rileyflower closed her eyes and flicked her ears sighing again its Alright Sugar Yall Gave It Your Best Shot Even If Ya Failed Thats What beast would have wanted was to give it your all. she opened her eyes again and walked to the left of the clearing she spotted the fresh kill pile and changed her direction now heading toward it feeling hungry she saw a plump mouse which looked inviting to her and she whent for it squishing the mouse in her jaws as she grabbed it. The she cat walked a few mouse lengths away and layed down now starting to eat her mouse
Raven & Co.

March 12th, 2018, 08:46 PM
Rileyflower sighed as she walked into the clearing she looked at her shoulder which a few months ago had a bite wound from an enemy warrior but was now all healed and well thanks to the medicine cat caliapaw she smiled as she remembered walking in the den seeing the medicine cat the first time she felt bad for her too she did the work all by herself and with no one to help her . And with that battle over she was sure that caliapaw had a lot on her paws but thankfully that has passed. She remembered the battle of thunderclan and windclan it was her first ever battle and a perfect time to prove herself to her clan she thought she could win she wanted to win ! But that windclanner beat her and she was still ' new ' around the clan so she didn't do as much training so it would make sense for her to loose. But when she lost she felt ..heartbroken all over again she felt like she betrayed starclan in a way so she promised to make it up to them in some way . Rileyflower closed her eyes and flicked her ears sighing again its Alright Sugar Yall Gave It Your Best Shot Even If Ya Failed Thats What beast would have wanted was to give it your all. she opened her eyes again and walked to the left of the clearing she spotted the fresh kill pile and changed her direction now heading toward it feeling hungry she saw a plump mouse which looked inviting to her and she whent for it squishing the mouse in her jaws as she grabbed it. The she cat walked a few mouse lengths away and layed down now starting to eat her mouse
Raven & Co.
Brokenpaw yawned, making his way out of the apprentice's den, he sure didn't have the name Brokenpaw for any reason, one of his paws, even if he went to see Caliapaw, he knew she wouldn't be able to do anything about it, it had been like that since he had an accident when he was a kit, therefore, when he had turned into an apprentice, he had turned from Eaglekit to Brokenpaw, and he really liked the name for some reasons, h thought that it did fit him pretty well. He slowly made his way to th fresh-kill pile before taking a mouse, he then headed towards the spot where Rileyflower down and plopped down next to her and started eating, after he had swallowed his first bite, he gazed at the warrior and smiled. "Hey Rileyflower." The apprentice mewed softly, for a 11 moons old tom, he sure had one deep voice, and he wasn't super energetic, surprisingly calm even. His left paw was never really touching the ground, or else he winced in pain, he simply couldn't out any weight on it. "Uhh, how are you?" He asked as he heard her sigh, giving the she-cat a smile.

March 12th, 2018, 09:03 PM
Brokenpaw yawned, making his way out of the apprentice's den, he sure didn't have the name Brokenpaw for any reason, one of his paws, even if he went to see Caliapaw, he knew she wouldn't be able to do anything about it, it had been like that since he had an accident when he was a kit, therefore, when he had turned into an apprentice, he had turned from Eaglekit to Brokenpaw, and he really liked the name for some reasons, h thought that it did fit him pretty well. He slowly made his way to th fresh-kill pile before taking a mouse, he then headed towards the spot where Rileyflower down and plopped down next to her and started eating, after he had swallowed his first bite, he gazed at the warrior and smiled. "Hey Rileyflower." The apprentice mewed softly, for a 11 moons old tom, he sure had one deep voice, and he wasn't super energetic, surprisingly calm even. His left paw was never really touching the ground, or else he winced in pain, he simply couldn't out any weight on it. "Uhh, how are you?" He asked as he heard her sigh, giving the she-cat a smile.

Rileyflower perked her head up as he sat next to her she was kinda surprised but yet again rosefern was nice to her so she shouldn't be surprised but she knew how some thunderclan cats can be towards x-kittypets . She smiled any ways " hey sugar I'm fine just some memories was all. What's your name again ? Sorry I still don't know that many cats " she meowed she had a rich southern accent but it was still lovely to hear or she thought it was lovely . It was kinda frustrating when other cats didn't understand her because of it some times . She flicked her ears again and took another bite but it was smaller . She savored the flavor this time she tasted a bit of grass and whatever else mice eat. She licked her lips as she finished her bite and she giggled a bit " I'm kinda surprised you know my name . " she meowed with a smile .

March 12th, 2018, 09:31 PM
Rileyflower perked her head up as he sat next to her she was kinda surprised but yet again rosefern was nice to her so she shouldn't be surprised but she knew how some thunderclan cats can be towards x-kittypets . She smiled any ways " hey sugar I'm fine just some memories was all. What's your name again ? Sorry I still don't know that many cats " she meowed she had a rich southern accent but it was still lovely to hear or she thought it was lovely . It was kinda frustrating when other cats didn't understand her because of it some times . She flicked her ears again and took another bite but it was smaller . She savored the flavor this time she tasted a bit of grass and whatever else mice eat. She licked her lips as she finished her bite and she giggled a bit " I'm kinda surprised you know my name . " she meowed with a smile .
Brokenpaw was a little surprised by the name the she-cat gave him, he really like 'sugar' for some unknown reasons. "I'm Brokenpaw." The tom mewed softly, chuckling a little. "It's okay, it's pretty hard to remember all the names aroun here honestly, even I can't remember all of them, yours just happened to pop up in my mind, after all, we don't hae many ex-kittypets." He mewed, he actually really enjoyed the she-cat's accent, it was different than what he was used to hear. He then went to take another bite of his meal, purring slightly at the taste, he loved mices, they were his favourite meal by far over the rest. "It's also pretty nice, Rileyflower sounds pretty cute in my opinion." He admitted, giggling a bit, he rarely spoke to warriors, but she seemed to be really kind compared to some cats, that scar over her nose didn't mean she was bad, she was actually pretty kind, well, from what he could see right now.

March 13th, 2018, 08:37 AM
Vixenpaw had loved being an apprentice so far. Everything about it was great - the freedom, the social opportunities, and yes - especially the new exploration opportunities. The young apprentice glanced around the clearing, her eyes eventually landing on Quietpaw - she knew the tom a little bit, but she’d lied to him so much it was hard to keep track of what all she had told him. Still, Vixenpaw headed over in his direction, her tail swaying back and forth as she approached, a fox-like smile on her maw. ”Well, if it isn’t ThunderClan’s own social outcast. And how is our quiet apprentice doing this morning?” Vixenpaw wasn’t afraid of bringing up touchy topics. She could tell he was more of an outcast - she wasn’t blind, nor stupid, despite how much she may have acted like the latter. She was crafty, and she liked bending perceptions - she could change the way she was viewed, or how someone else was viewed, through a few simple words or interactions. She could change someone’s entire life - or her entire life - depending on which she was feeling like that day. Vixenpaw didn’t really like herself, because if you were to peel away every single layer and overly-friendly word, you would find a small little she-kit who just wanted to be loved. Not just liked, but really loved. Vixenpaw was like this for the fun of it, definitely, but she was also like this because… this was what other cats liked. Whoever she was that day, they liked that. She researched her targets sometimes, other times she would ad-lib it. Some didn’t even know her real name - as Quietpaw hadn’t, when they had first met. She’d introduced herself as her sibling. It was an easy mistake to make… but he’d found out, and soon it would be impossible to carry on with this charade.

When he heard a voice, Quietpaw looked up through narrowed eyes at the she-cat who had spoken. It was Vixenpaw. He had been lucky to have not encountered her for a long time, but his luck couldn't last forever. No cat's could. "Wonderful until you came along." He said flatly, turning his head away from the molly. He did not intend to have another conversation with her where all she did was be obnoxious and lie to him the entire conversation. If she didn't lie to him she would pick on him, and he honestly didn't think that one was better than the other. His gaze wandered from cat to cat looking for someone he knew, someone he could talk to. But not knowing many cats didn't exactly help in these sort of situations. He couldn't see any cat he knew or was friends with. He didn't even see his mentor to come and sweep him away for some tough training lesson. Even that would be welcome at a time like this. When he was younger he had never assumed that Vixenpaw would turn out terrible. Perhaps she wasn't. Perhaps he was over reacting and she was really a sweet cat who just wanted to be loved. But Quietpaw was hurt too easily, that was why he stayed away from other cats. That and many other reasons. He also didn't forgive to easily, so the fact that Vixenpaw had lied about her own name made it very hard for him to forgive her.

March 13th, 2018, 09:07 AM
Brokenpaw was a little surprised by the name the she-cat gave him, he really like 'sugar' for some unknown reasons. "I'm Brokenpaw." The tom mewed softly, chuckling a little. "It's okay, it's pretty hard to remember all the names aroun here honestly, even I can't remember all of them, yours just happened to pop up in my mind, after all, we don't hae many ex-kittypets." He mewed, he actually really enjoyed the she-cat's accent, it was different than what he was used to hear. He then went to take another bite of his meal, purring slightly at the taste, he loved mices, they were his favourite meal by far over the rest. "It's also pretty nice, Rileyflower sounds pretty cute in my opinion." He admitted, giggling a bit, he rarely spoke to warriors, but she seemed to be really kind compared to some cats, that scar over her nose didn't mean she was bad, she was actually pretty kind, well, from what he could see right now.

Rileyflower giggled a bit this apprentice seemed nice she liked nice cats . Her tail flicked a few times as he spoke " i can imagine why. I see how other cats treat other x-kittypets . Which I don't know why. We're all born with the same blood. " she meowed she frowned a bit as she remembered what that windclanner said she could tell that she wasn't happy about finding out that she was in fact an x-kittypet after she said stop fighting like a kittypet or something similar to that. She couldn't remember it all. Her ice blue eyes shined as she heard him say that her name was cute she smiled and laughed nervously a bit " well thank you sugar that's nice for you to say. Well my kittypet name was Riley I decided to keep that part and chose flower because I did like them . And yours is.-" She paused trying to find the right word for it she looked at her mouse for a bit then flicked her ears " interesting " she finally meowed with a smile hoping she didn't upset him in any way.

March 13th, 2018, 09:57 AM
Bingo nodded,"It does," then he mumbled to himself,"although another reason might be because of what fuzzy eyesight they have," but then he shrugged again and answered her other question," I honestly like to hunt moles! They make for quite a challenge when next to one of their little holes and are very easy when their not. I like that because, you know, sometimes I'm up for a challenge, and sometimes I just wanna go back to sleep," he laughed.
Honeykit smiled shyly as he spoke again. He seemed to know a lot for being an apprentice! The female's smile fell a little as he mentioned their cloudy gaze. Her own head ducked self-concipusley, remembering that she too had cloudy eyes. Should she be good at being a mole if they shared that common feature? Shaking off her feelings with a small twitch, she's gave a small chuckle alongside him, echoing the happy sound. "I bet they are a challenge to catch! Do they taste good?"

March 13th, 2018, 10:11 AM
When he heard a voice, Quietpaw looked up through narrowed eyes at the she-cat who had spoken. It was Vixenpaw. He had been lucky to have not encountered her for a long time, but his luck couldn't last forever. No cat's could. "Wonderful until you came along." He said flatly, turning his head away from the molly. He did not intend to have another conversation with her where all she did was be obnoxious and lie to him the entire conversation. If she didn't lie to him she would pick on him, and he honestly didn't think that one was better than the other. His gaze wandered from cat to cat looking for someone he knew, someone he could talk to. But not knowing many cats didn't exactly help in these sort of situations. He couldn't see any cat he knew or was friends with. He didn't even see his mentor to come and sweep him away for some tough training lesson. Even that would be welcome at a time like this. When he was younger he had never assumed that Vixenpaw would turn out terrible. Perhaps she wasn't. Perhaps he was over reacting and she was really a sweet cat who just wanted to be loved. But Quietpaw was hurt too easily, that was why he stayed away from other cats. That and many other reasons. He also didn't forgive to easily, so the fact that Vixenpaw had lied about her own name made it very hard for him to forgive her.

”Now, is that any way to greet a friend of yours?” Vixenpaw questioned, followed by a tsk-ing sound, albeit a laughing one. ”And here I was, trying to be friendly and have a nice conversation. What a shame.” She shook her head, coming around to Quietpaw’s side so that she could sit next to him. He was fascinating, sort of… more so then the cats she sometimes kept company with. And because he was quiet, it was pretty much perfect for her… if he said something she didn’t like, she could just pretend that she hadn’t heard him. Vixenpaw was pretty much a master of doing that type of stuff. She definitely wasn’t a… polite cat, not at all. Not when she was being fake like this, at least.

”How have things been for you, friend? Has our little outcast been lonely lately? Don’t tell me you’ve actually made more friends, what a news story that would be, huh?” The she cat smiled, showing her teeth in a falsely friendly manner. Her voice always sounded sweet, and higher-pitched… irritating on the ears, but it was a charade she kept up anyways. Vixenpaw had already made a name for herself. What would everyone think if they knew about the scared little kitten underneath, the weak-minded little freak who wanted real love? They would think she was pathetic. They would think she was stupid. They would call her names, they would want to beat her up, they would… they would treat her like she was the worst. And Vixenpaw couldn’t handle that, not at all. She needed to act like this, because this was the way that she knew how to act. How to get attention, and maybe - just maybe - she could be loved this way, too.

March 13th, 2018, 11:40 AM
[FONT="Times New Roman"]
Honeyflower had been in the crowed of ThunderClan cats, like normal. She knew one ceremony she couldn't wait to see. Leopoldpaw's warrior ceremony. The molly had spoken with Passionstar about making her a warrior and he had agreed. That made her day. As the newly made apprentices got their names and mentors Honeyflower searched for her apprentice, but she didn't see her till her leader called her up. Her heart swelled with pride. Leopoldstrike. Honeyflower thought as Passionstar gave her apprentice her warrior. Wonderful name. She added to herself. When all the apprentices were made into warriors and Powdernose was made into Deputy she lifted to her paws. And cheered the new names, like she was beliveved to. Weaving though the crowd she came up to Leopoldstrike."Congregations, Leopardstrike." She purred giving a smile.


Leopardstrike felt an uncharacteristic surge of pride at her mentors congratulations, and let out a purr of delight, stepping forward to touch Honeyflower's nose thankfully, "I couldn't have done it without you, Honeyflower. Thank you for mentoring me. I promise I'll do what you taught me, and I'll make the clan proud of me, I swear."

March 13th, 2018, 11:41 AM
Saplingpetal listened to the tom intently, her whiskers twitching slightly when he answered her nosy questions wondering about his love life. Saplingpetal should had known better than to ever ask a cat about something so...delicate. She wouldn’t want anyone asking her about her past love affairs. His earlier comment had made her curious. The fact that he never shared tongues with a she cat, or with anyone for that matter. He went on to say that he was unlovable, and she didn’t understand why. “Why would you say you’re unlovable?” She questioned, lifting her muzzle in the air. Then, she rolled her shoulders. “At most, I would say that you’re withdrawn. You can’t find love if you don’t communicate with it, ya know.” She nodded, dutifully. She silently wondered if he considered himself a stranger to love because of his disabilithe’s. Saplingpetal didn’t like to stare, but it was hard not to. This worried her a little because she didn’t like to judge other cats based on their appearances. Possibly, he felt unwanted because of his features. Most she cats liked a good-looking, Strong tom cat. It ensured the future of their kits. They would be born strong. With strength, obviously comes beauty. As a young she cat, Saplingpetal found these traits irresistible. The main reason she found Jaggedpaw’s father appealing because he was strong and brave. Her own son inherited his father’s traits and physique more than hers, so she had no doubt that her boy would be a brave and handsome warrior of Thunderclan. “Why wouldn’t anyone want to be around you?” She questioned, once again curious and intrigued. She got to thinking that this Tom was darker than he let on. Maybe his clan mates didn’t trust him? Or, he was considered a traitor among them? So far, Saplingpetal didn’t pick up any negative qualities that her new potential friend had.

She had smiled when he introduced himself as Darkfur. It made sense as she checked him over. His fur was the color of a black shadow, so he wasn’t named in vain. When he put his paw over hers, Saplingpetal was baffled upon the gesture. He was the first cat that had done such. Saplingpetal had looked up at him, pinning her ears back, “Heh, nice to meet you as well.” A little sheepish still from their contact. The Molly happily complied with sharing a meal with him, taking a bite, then watching him take one as well. At first, it was silent between them. The chatter of the other cats around them. Silence never suited Saplingpetal well as she was a talkative feline. Every now and then, she glancedntowards Darkfur as he knelt down to tear another bite from the squirrel. Saplingpetal had moved her tail to cover her paws as she looked up ahead of them, smiling softly. “So, Darkfur,” Saplingpetal began, drawing a paw up to give it tiny licks. “You ever leave camp once in a while?” She didn’t want to judge his whereabouts, but it appeared that he ‘lived under a rock’. “I know before I joined Thunderclan, I was traveling an entire heap of places!” She purred, putting her paw down, and using it to push the squirrel further into his reach. “You can have the rest of it, if you’d like.” She offered. Then, she moved herself closer to him to began the process of sharing tongues. The way that she saw plenty felines do it before. While he chose to finish the squirrel, Saplingpetal kindly began licking his shoulder, all the while talking in-between. “As I was saying before, you’d think that the forest is a large place to explore - but if you seen the world out there, you’d be star struck!” She paused to giggle before working her way up towards his neck. “Unfortunately, adventuring has to stop for me because my mousebrained-self had to go and get pregnant. I love my son and all, and I never would regret him - he’s my pride and joy. It would had just been much harsher living as a rogue with a kit following behind.” Saplingpetal scoffed. Then she added, “I think I like living in Thunderclan though. The trees have cool shades, and it’s very pretty here.” She shyly says, “Were you born in Thunderclan?” She wondered, keeping her ears opened to hear him talk while she continued to groom him as diligently and thoroughly as possible.

Darkfur gazed at the ground again, pinning his ears back at her question. "I... get turned away or rejected by every she-cat I try to say hi to... you're the first to even say hello to me..." He kneaded his paws into the ground nervously, then glanced at her. "I'm not exactly, what you say, withdrawn. I just... don't talk to others a lot because of my fear that I will be rejected because I'm.... different..." he knew most she-cats wanted an able, strong father for their young ones, not a tom who was limited in what he could do, like he. He wished he had never fallen off that rock so long ago while hunting as an apprentice. Maybe then he would have a better, more social life. But he made the mistake, so he had to live with it. He swiveled his ears in her direction as she spoke again. "Uh... I don't know why other cats don't want to be around me... I just get turned away whenever I try to talk to someone... you are the first to socialize with me..." He continued to share the squirrel with her, his tail tip flicking happily. He glanced at her at her next question, nodding gratefully as she gave him the rest of the meal, tearing into it, perking his ears as the breeze blew by again. In between mouthfuls, he meowed, "Yeah I go out a lot of the time. I can't really go very far, but I enjoy sitting under the shade of the trees and just listening to nature and watching what is going on around me. It's calming to me..."
He paused to take another bite before speaking again. "I especially love to go out at night to watch the stars..." He finished his meal and pushed it away from him, closing his eyes as she began to groom him. He listened to her and shyly began to groom her head.

The black tom paused his licking to answer her with a tilt of his head.
"Yes, I was ThunderClan borne... and you are correct, it is very beautiful here... I don't think I could ever leave, despite how I'm treated. You see, my parents died not too long ago, and I was born an only kit, so I don't want to leave the place where I have memories of them... it just feels strange, ya know...?" He silently groomed the back of her neck as he thought of something else to say. "And you're not mouse brained. You just made a mistake... we all make mistakes we regret or even if we don't regret it, it could turn out badly. You don't regret your son, but it was still a mistake to make a cat you did not truly love your mate. But most mistakes we have to live with. How do you think I injured myself so bad?" He smiled and shook his head. "Wait, don't answer that... but anyway, if you don't regret your son, then stop dwelling on your past mistakes. Focus on the present and being there for Jaggedpaw, okay.. ?" He shyly groomed her shoulders as he finally went quiet. The noise going on around them seemed to fill his ears, and he pinned them back to block out some of the noise around them as they shared tongues.

March 13th, 2018, 02:35 PM
Honeykit smiled shyly as he spoke again. He seemed to know a lot for being an apprentice! The female's smile fell a little as he mentioned their cloudy gaze. Her own head ducked self-concipusley, remembering that she too had cloudy eyes. Should she be good at being a mole if they shared that common feature? Shaking off her feelings with a small twitch, she's gave a small chuckle alongside him, echoing the happy sound. "I bet they are a challenge to catch! Do they taste good?"
Bingo smiled cheerfully back,"Like I said, they can be challenging at times, but other times, easy. VERY easy. Even compared to birds, when a mole is underground it's nearly impossible to catch, otherwise, it's no sweat to catch them!" He laughed again.

March 13th, 2018, 04:44 PM
Rileyflower giggled a bit this apprentice seemed nice she liked nice cats . Her tail flicked a few times as he spoke " i can imagine why. I see how other cats treat other x-kittypets . Which I don't know why. We're all born with the same blood. " she meowed she frowned a bit as she remembered what that windclanner said she could tell that she wasn't happy about finding out that she was in fact an x-kittypet after she said stop fighting like a kittypet or something similar to that. She couldn't remember it all. Her ice blue eyes shined as she heard him say that her name was cute she smiled and laughed nervously a bit " well thank you sugar that's nice for you to say. Well my kittypet name was Riley I decided to keep that part and chose flower because I did like them . And yours is.-" She paused trying to find the right word for it she looked at her mouse for a bit then flicked her ears " interesting " she finally meowed with a smile hoping she didn't upset him in any way.
Brokenpaw was a little surprised at what she said about how other cats treated ex-kittypets, he didn't treat them any different did he? "I don't exactly see what you mean honestly, I've even heard that a Shadowclanner, an ex-kittypet is mates with Goldenstar, her leader, so she sure is very lucky for a kittypet." He mewed, his face heating up as she called him 'Sugar' once again, he was actually liking the name more and more as she said it. "I see, well, it's definitively nice, at least you were able to keep your kittypet name, we rarely see that." The apprentice admitted, as she spoke about his name, he stood up and almost fell as he put some weight on his left paw. "That's why, because normally, I was called Eaglekit." He added.

March 13th, 2018, 04:47 PM

Magnoliaspark hummed to herself as she hopped through the den, using her tail to dust off the newly made nest for the third time. Something within her made the molly slightly nervous but Magnoliaspark could not pinpoint what exactly was twisting her stomach. Her personality made it hard to see the nerves, thankfully, and there was no one nearby. Until Passionstar arrived, that was. The sandy warrior took a moment to let her eyes peruse the den; she’d never been inside the leader’s den before. It was nice! It seemed roomy yet not so big that one could easily become lonely. Sound was muffled so she couldn’t hear any of the bustle in the camp, but something told her that any really loud noises would alert the leader to an emergency. The floor was softer than the clearing ground and the closed off nature of it kept it cool and insulated. The whole den smelled lightly of flowers, drawing Magnoliaspark’s eyes to the source. She’d persobally picked a few flowers to pepper Passionstar’s new nest with. The blooms now lay perfuming the air just enough to be smelled without being overpowering. A less confident cat would have worried that he wouldn’t like the few blossoms in his nest since they weren’t ‘masculine’ but Magnoliaspark had taken that into account and only picked a small amount so that they weren’t noticeable. Nor was she worried that he’d be displeased to come home to find her in his den, at least not consciously. Magnoliaspark didn’t think about it, but it did contribute to her nerves. However, with her personality, the fiery molly wouldn’t stand for any ingratitude. Growing bored of her pacing, Magnoliaspark made her way to the entrance and sat down to wait for the new leader’s return from getting his nine lives.

March 13th, 2018, 05:15 PM
Bingo smiled cheerfully back,"Like I said, they can be challenging at times, but other times, easy. VERY easy. Even compared to birds, when a mole is underground it's nearly impossible to catch, otherwise, it's no sweat to catch them!" He laughed again.
Honeykit nodded as she listened. "Are they slow above the ground?

((Writer's block))

March 13th, 2018, 05:21 PM
Brokenpaw was a little surprised at what she said about how other cats treated ex-kittypets, he didn't treat them any different did he? "I don't exactly see what you mean honestly, I've even heard that a Shadowclanner, an ex-kittypet is mates with Goldenstar, her leader, so she sure is very lucky for a kittypet." He mewed, his face heating up as she called him 'Sugar' once again, he was actually liking the name more and more as she said it. "I see, well, it's definitively nice, at least you were able to keep your kittypet name, we rarely see that." The apprentice admitted, as she spoke about his name, he stood up and almost fell as he put some weight on his left paw. "That's why, because normally, I was called Eaglekit." He added.

Rileyflower blinked she was surprised that an ex-kittypet was mates with an leader of another clan he was right that Molly was really lucky . Then she was wide eyed as he almost fell " oh my stars! Are you alright ? How did that happen? " she meowed worry was rich in her tone and he was just an apprentice , apprentices shouldn't have that kind of an injury . Maybe a scratch or a bruise but that's it not a broken paw! Then she remembered what he said about that they don't really get to see many kittypets keep their name " what do you mean by ' to keep your name?' Don t others get to too? " she asked

March 13th, 2018, 05:22 PM
Darkfur gazed at the ground again, pinning his ears back at her question. "I... get turned away or rejected by every she-cat I try to say hi to... you're the first to even say hello to me..." He kneaded his paws into the ground nervously, then glanced at her. "I'm not exactly, what you say, withdrawn. I just... don't talk to others a lot because of my fear that I will be rejected because I'm.... different..." he knew most she-cats wanted an able, strong father for their young ones, not a tom who was limited in what he could do, like he. He wished he had never fallen off that rock so long ago while hunting as an apprentice. Maybe then he would have a better, more social life. But he made the mistake, so he had to live with it. He swiveled his ears in her direction as she spoke again. "Uh... I don't know why other cats don't want to be around me... I just get turned away whenever I try to talk to someone... you are the first to socialize with me..." He continued to share the squirrel with her, his tail tip flicking happily. He glanced at her at her next question, nodding gratefully as she gave him the rest of the meal, tearing into it, perking his ears as the breeze blew by again. In between mouthfuls, he meowed, "Yeah I go out a lot of the time. I can't really go very far, but I enjoy sitting under the shade of the trees and just listening to nature and watching what is going on around me. It's calming to me..."
He paused to take another bite before speaking again. "I especially love to go out at night to watch the stars..." He finished his meal and pushed it away from him, closing his eyes as she began to groom him. He listened to her and shyly began to groom her head.

The black tom paused his licking to answer her with a tilt of his head.
"Yes, I was ThunderClan borne... and you are correct, it is very beautiful here... I don't think I could ever leave, despite how I'm treated. You see, my parents died not too long ago, and I was born an only kit, so I don't want to leave the place where I have memories of them... it just feels strange, ya know...?" He silently groomed the back of her neck as he thought of something else to say. "And you're not mouse brained. You just made a mistake... we all make mistakes we regret or even if we don't regret it, it could turn out badly. You don't regret your son, but it was still a mistake to make a cat you did not truly love your mate. But most mistakes we have to live with. How do you think I injured myself so bad?" He smiled and shook his head. "Wait, don't answer that... but anyway, if you don't regret your son, then stop dwelling on your past mistakes. Focus on the present and being there for Jaggedpaw, okay.. ?" He shyly groomed her shoulders as he finally went quiet. The noise going on around them seemed to fill his ears, and he pinned them back to block out some of the noise around them as they shared tongues.

Saplingpetal didn’t understand if that was considered a...bad thing. Darkfur didn’t look too bad to make as a friend. Again, she guessed it was because of his disabilities. Believe it or not, cats were picky - especially she cats. Inwardly, she pitied him but didn’t dare voice that opinion as she was afraid he would snap at her. Aww, you poor thing...she shook her head, sadly watching as he nervously kneaded the ground with his paws. It was probably embarrassing for him to admit that aloud. Darkfur appeared to be a tom that didn’t take chances. She didn’t recall seeing him around much. Unless she had, and just didn’t notice his appearance. Saplingpetal was a busybee social butterfly that made a friend every chance she got. “I have a fear of rejection too, if I’m honest.” She told him, softly. She felt that if she could relate to him, then it would be easier for him to open up. “You make different sound like being a bad thing, silly tom!” Saplingpetal giggled. She eyed him with a bright look in her eyes, her eyes trailing his physique. His hind leg was twisted, curiously going in-depth shown in her gaze. “...how did it happen?” She asked, oddly becoming introverted. Saplingpetal wasn’t afraid to ask questions but she didn’t know when personal meant personal. Her nosy personality was no more than a curious one. She had stared at his hind leg for a moment, but not out of a vehement gaze. She kept a steady unreadable sparkle in her eyes until her eyes trailed up to meet his face once again as her ears flicked at his answer. Again, she felt a rock sink into her stomach. Maybe it was because she didn’t like seeing others alone. Saplingpetal was naturally friendly and bubbly. She always had more than enough energy and provided an elegant step that matched along with it. “There will be others,” she assured, gently. The best comforting she provided was her tail wrapping around him in a soft manner. “But sometimes it’s always better to have one true friend than many fake ones.” Switching over to another topic as he continued to finish off the squirrel, and Saplingpetal began to groom him under diligent care, while he talked, she lifted herself up a bit to groom around his ears. “Oh, Darkfur! We need to get you out more!” She joked. She got back to her paws after finding that she was satisfied with the clearing. Then she playfully jabbed him with a paw to his chest, “Have you stopped exploring because of...well, you know what.” She indicated to the twist of his leg. She couldn’t blame him if he stopped leaving so much because of what happened to him. When she started to groom his chest fur thoroughly, she felt his tongue on top of her head. It made her purr as she liked the idea of helping to groom others and being groomed in turn. It was a form of generosity and trust, and it never hurt to always stay clean. “Oh, the stars are amazingly beautiful!” She chimed, bubbly. “I especially love nights with a full moon! And all those stars and their brightness! And then they twinkle! It’s just something I could look at for days...” she gushed, having to pull back from under his neck at the words tumbling from her mouth. “We should totally stargaze sometime!” She bubbled, having to believe that spending time with her new friend was ideal. Saplingpetal was always ready for any activity; a moral belief that she should experience everything in life no matter how minimum it was. So far, she liked Darkfur’s company. Yet, she was between the line of whether she pitied him or wanted a genuine friendship. She didn’t want him to think that she only was considering to be his friend just because she felt sorry for him. Time had a way of changing or developing feelings, so she went along with seeing how things would go between them if she wanted a genuine friendship. Her enticing and sweet personality made it easy for her to get along with anyway, so it was never a problem.

Darkfur has began talking about his past, prompting Saplingpetal to pull back from her grooming as well to give him her attention. The she cat nodded briefly, then lowered her neck down to give Darkfur an easier access to groom it. She tilted her head to began grooming the side of his face lightly. “So, Thunderclan isn’t only your home but it has sentimental value to you as well?” She asked, pausing for a quick moment. “How did your parents die?” Another curiously nosy question from her. Her ears pinned down to her head. “I never knew my parents,” her whiskers twitched, “I was pretty much a nomad my entire life.” She huffed. She honestly didn’t remember much of a kithood. She could smell the faint scent of milk, and feeling of other fluffy bodies around her but after her eyes opened, those were gone. Physically she was warm by a lit fire, but her heart was devoid of any emotions and that alone was a cold feeling. Saplingpetal amusingly hummed as Darkfur mentioned that she wasn’t mousebrained. His words following after was true to her heart. Another moral that she learned; I made a mistake. We all done it before. Start fresh. Start anew. Tomorrow is a new day. Saplingpetal let out an inaudible sigh, but Darkfur was right; she didn’t regret her kit. Even if Jaggedpaw was a pawful more than she expected. For one kit, he sure was rowdy! And annoying! An all around brat! Humming once again after Darkfur was finished, Saplingpetal coyly added, “I suppose you Thunderclan toms are very charming. Wouldn’t you agree?” A laugh followed after her words at her own silliness. Then, she leaned down to start grooming his flank. “Growing up in Thunderclan, though...what is it like?” She looked up at him once more, her blue eyes blinking. “Did you have plenty friends as kits? What is it like to train as an apprentice? What about your mentor? How were they? Do all Thunderclanners know how to climb trees? Because I can’t climb trees for the life of me! I tried a couple times but I continued to fall! Yet, I suppose I’m a klutz - something I can’t do anything right,” she paused to snort, “But, I think it would be sooooo fun to climb up the tallest tree and watch sunsets or sunrises! Although I think I would be scared of climbing down more than up. I don’t like heights. They, um, they make me hurl if I realize how far up I am, haha. - “ Saplingpetal paused, bursting into a fit of laughter. “I’m talking too much aren’t I? I’m so sorry! I don’t like talking too much. But, I just love talking! It’s like that I have this hate-Love relationship when it comes to talking because most cats don’t like a talkative feline and some does - which I do appreciate. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with talking, you know what I mean? It’s how you make friends. And, I’m telling you now! By all the stars in the sky - I was soooo lonely as a rogue! No one to talk to but the voices in my head. Literally....and...I’m talking too much again.” Saplingpetal realized blowing a puff of air out and shaking her head. She looked down shyly at her paws with slightly rosy cheeks from embarrassment.

March 13th, 2018, 05:46 PM

Magnoliaspark hummed to herself as she hopped through the den, using her tail to dust off the newly made nest for the third time. Something within her made the molly slightly nervous but Magnoliaspark could not pinpoint what exactly was twisting her stomach. Her personality made it hard to see the nerves, thankfully, and there was no one nearby. Until Passionstar arrived, that was. The sandy warrior took a moment to let her eyes peruse the den; she’d never been inside the leader’s den before. It was nice! It seemed roomy yet not so big that one could easily become lonely. Sound was muffled so she couldn’t hear any of the bustle in the camp, but something told her that any really loud noises would alert the leader to an emergency. The floor was softer than the clearing ground and the closed off nature of it kept it cool and insulated. The whole den smelled lightly of flowers, drawing Magnoliaspark’s eyes to the source. She’d persobally picked a few flowers to pepper Passionstar’s new nest with. The blooms now lay perfuming the air just enough to be smelled without being overpowering. A less confident cat would have worried that he wouldn’t like the few blossoms in his nest since they weren’t ‘masculine’ but Magnoliaspark had taken that into account and only picked a small amount so that they weren’t noticeable. Nor was she worried that he’d be displeased to come home to find her in his den, at least not consciously. Magnoliaspark didn’t think about it, but it did contribute to her nerves. However, with her personality, the fiery molly wouldn’t stand for any ingratitude. Growing bored of her pacing, Magnoliaspark made her way to the entrance and sat down to wait for the new leader’s return from getting his nine lives.

The new Thunderclan leader stared ahead. He wasn’t too up close to his new den yet, so he couldn’t make out every little detail. He sat there for a moment to admire the view. A little anxious inside as he knew this would be his new residence within Thunderclan. Curled into a new den away from the fellow warriors. Passionstar finally got up from his spot, shaking the debris out his fur in a heavily rough manner before he started making his way towards the leader’s den. Each step closer, he made out the view of another cat. Who could be inside my den already? He thought, curiously. At first, he thought it was Powdernose waiting for him, but as he appeared closer, it was a much smaller cat. With a creamier pelt color. “Magnoliaspark!” He exclaimed, a bright smile appearing on his features upon her presence. When Passionstar entered the den, the first scent he smell were of faint flowers. “Mmm,” Each time he exhaled, he inhaled again the divine luxury. “Is that you smelling like that?” He questioned The she cat, subconsciously stepping closer to her to get a whiff of her scent. “No, it’s not you.” He later added after pulling back. “Not that you don’t smell good - I mean you smell very sweet.” Passionstar was still a little nervewreck. For the first time, he felt his energy drained and was tired. The visit to Starclan was a beautiful one, but it was such a life-consuming one - literally. Passionstar’s legs felt like putty, easy to fall and morph. Apart of him was anxious more than ever, so his awkwardness shown more than anything else. He was unprepared when he became leader, so it was understandable that he felt like sleeping all day, or running miles for long - his mind was a little scatterbrained. The tom noticed that it was his den that smelled faintly of blooming flowers. It was an inviting scent that it was the first thing he noticed. He thought it was Magnoliaspark who camein with the scent, but her scent was a little different than the fresh flowers that entered his nostrils. Finally, his eyes had landed on his newly constructed nest. It wasn’t like this when he left to go get his lives. He walked over to it, bending his nose down to sniff and survey it. Circling the nest in a kit-like manner, he flicked his eyes to stare up at Magnoliaspark. “You did this, didn’t you?” He assumed, smiling at her.

March 13th, 2018, 08:46 PM
Honeykit nodded as she listened. "Are they slow above the ground?

((Writer's block))
"Well.. They aren't particularly SLOW they're just SLOWER than US," he said matter-of-factly.

(Me too, I feel like I just used up all my writing juices in a post that I made two seconds ago XD)

March 13th, 2018, 08:52 PM
Rileyflower blinked she was surprised that an ex-kittypet was mates with an leader of another clan he was right that Molly was really lucky . Then she was wide eyed as he almost fell " oh my stars! Are you alright ? How did that happen? " she meowed worry was rich in her tone and he was just an apprentice , apprentices shouldn't have that kind of an injury . Maybe a scratch or a bruise but that's it not a broken paw! Then she remembered what he said about that they don't really get to see many kittypets keep their name " what do you mean by ' to keep your name?' Don t others get to too? " she asked
Brokenpaw couldn't actually give her an answer as she asked him how he had gotten that. "I don't know, I've never been able to properly walk, I can't remember walking on all fours, only on three." He admitted and lay back down next to the warrior, slightly leaning against her in order to put some weight off of his paw. "What I mean by 'Keep your name' is simple, some kittypets don't actually get to keep their name and get a whole new name, for example, you wouldn't have Riley in your name and maybe Yellowflower, this could've happened." He mewed. "Like me too, I changed name completely, without that paw, I would be Eaglepaw, not Brokenpaw." He admitted.

March 13th, 2018, 09:04 PM
Erminewhisper was so proud of her friend. She couldn’t believe it - Passionblaze was really the leader of the Clan now! And, she couldn’t wait to congratulate him. It was doubtful she would be the first, but she wouldn’t be the last - not by a long shot. They’d been friends since as long as she could remember, and she wasn’t afraid to tell him if he started snubbing her - not that she thought he would. He’s not like that. He’s the absolute best. Erminewhisper hadn’t gotten to see him in quite some time, and she was beginning to miss her friend already - perhaps today would be her lucky day, though. The white she cat glanced around the clearing, her tail twitching anxiously… she knew she probably looked a mess, but it was all too exciting, the thought of getting to go on a new adventure with the tom. Maybe they could patrol or something? Catch up? If he had a secret girlfriend or something, Erminewhisper was never going to let him hear the end of it. She knew he wasn’t a flirt - she probably wouldn’t get along with him as well if he was. No, in the end, he was exactly the kind of tom she would want by her side, forever. But that’d be weird. That would be SOOO weird, imagine ME being with that poofy fuzzbrain! The she cat snickered to herself, a smile spreading over her maw as she glanced around once more. If Passionstar didn’t come out soon, then she was going to go on a self-appointed patrol to look for him. And… she would probably get into trouble. Erminewhisper had a knack for doing that sort of thing, she’d gotten herself beaten up in battle before for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, there wasn’t really a difference. It was too bad, to be honest - she couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t offended somebody. But that was the way of the world. The white feline turned her attention back to scanning the clearing… and hoping she would spot him before he spotted her. Maybe she’d tackle him, if she did.


March 13th, 2018, 10:20 PM
Erminewhisper was so proud of her friend. She couldn’t believe it - Passionblaze was really the leader of the Clan now! And, she couldn’t wait to congratulate him. It was doubtful she would be the first, but she wouldn’t be the last - not by a long shot. They’d been friends since as long as she could remember, and she wasn’t afraid to tell him if he started snubbing her - not that she thought he would. He’s not like that. He’s the absolute best. Erminewhisper hadn’t gotten to see him in quite some time, and she was beginning to miss her friend already - perhaps today would be her lucky day, though. The white she cat glanced around the clearing, her tail twitching anxiously… she knew she probably looked a mess, but it was all too exciting, the thought of getting to go on a new adventure with the tom. Maybe they could patrol or something? Catch up? If he had a secret girlfriend or something, Erminewhisper was never going to let him hear the end of it. She knew he wasn’t a flirt - she probably wouldn’t get along with him as well if he was. No, in the end, he was exactly the kind of tom she would want by her side, forever. But that’d be weird. That would be SOOO weird, imagine ME being with that poofy fuzzbrain! The she cat snickered to herself, a smile spreading over her maw as she glanced around once more. If Passionstar didn’t come out soon, then she was going to go on a self-appointed patrol to look for him. And… she would probably get into trouble. Erminewhisper had a knack for doing that sort of thing, she’d gotten herself beaten up in battle before for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, there wasn’t really a difference. It was too bad, to be honest - she couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t offended somebody. But that was the way of the world. The white feline turned her attention back to scanning the clearing… and hoping she would spot him before he spotted her. Maybe she’d tackle him, if she did.


After speaking to Magnoliaspark, Passionstar felt a little...breath of life. So far, everyone welcomed him back with opened paws and bright smiles. It made him feel all tingly inside. He was still beyond exhaustion, but every time sleep or relaxing floated through his mind, Passionstar pushed it away - he had more important things to do. The tom walked into the clearing, almost as if his steps were shy. He gave a dip of his head to any Thunderclan cat he passed by. So far, so good. There were plenty of his friends that must wanted to see him. Passionstar knew very well that his mother was expecting his presence along with Foxpaw, his niece. He should had seen the two of them first, as they were his family, and therefore extremely important. He wished that his brother was still in Thunderclan. He haven’t seen Burn in...Oh, so long. He couldn’t even recall how his younger brother appeared; just a hazy image of a light ginger cat. Did he have their mother’s blue eyes or their father’s green eyes? Thinking of Burn always made Passionstar heavily sullky. His thoughts were swarming abut his kin that he almost tripped while walking. Well, actually he did. He just hoped it was unnoticeable. As leader now, Passionstar set himself expectations that he needed to follow. Number one rule was to always look regal - no matter what. He was to walk with his head high, confident in his steps. Yet, his clumsy nature stuck to him like an unwavering instinct causing himself to unwillingly embarrass himself. His scatterbrained self clicked to reality in front of him. He stopped for a moment to gaze around the area. “What was I about to do?” Passionstar thought aloud. He shook his head hoping it would demolish his minimum anmesnia, but he still forgot why he was walking into the clearing. “Pay more attention, slothbrain. I usually always do...” Passionstar muttered to himself, softly chuckling. His eyes jumped from cat to cat until they lingered onto a form and pelt he knew all too well. Is that...is that... Erminewhisper? Her white coat was visible to him, but because he wasn’t very up close, he could had got her mixed up with another familiar snowy feline. Passionstar crept closer, trying to hide the sound of his paws, but it didn’t work. He wasn’t a stealth artist, no matter how many times he dreamed he was. So, once he got to a certain point, the tom whipped forward around the white cat, turning around abruptly, finding himself closer to her than he intended. Passionstar’s ear tips would had turned darker than his fur if he could blush. He leaned back to give the she cat her personal space. “Well, I’ll be darn! It is you, Erminewhisper!” Passionstar exclaimed, jubilantly. His eyes roam from her ear tips down to her paws, like thisbwas an unbelievable sight before him. He knew they were in the same clan and all, but he felt that he haven’t seen her, seen her in a while. They were supposed to be best friends!...he supposed his duties got in the way of many of his friendships. The tom leaned forward to nuzzle Erminewhisper’s cheek. “I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever!” He exasperated, his tail showing his happiness as it propelled behind him. “How have you been lately? Too busy to say hi to an old friend, eh?” Passionstar teased, but he held no grudge against her. He should had been apologizing himself, but being a deputy was not an easy position. Now, being leader? He only expected for things to get much harder.