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April 28th, 2020, 06:03 PM
Pebblepaw just couldn't used to these cobwebs! Even after a moment of rest, and maybe the shortest nap in existence, it still felt so foreign and.. eugh sticky. A shiver rippled through his pelt as he made his way towards the streamstone, a pleasant smile resting on his maw regardless. After spending some time with Firehawk and the lingering notion that he'd soon be a warrior, the whole coyote thing was pushed far out of his mind. Settling down among the crowd of cats, he looked up at Lionstar with an expectant gaze.

April 28th, 2020, 06:08 PM
Fawnsqueak was all jitters when he arrived at the meeting, sifting meticulously through the crowd for any sign of Otterstone because they had to talk about this at some point. It occurred to him that perhaps she wouldn't be returning at all, and that put a stone in his gut when the repercussions would be immense. Beyond terrifying. It was leaving RiverClan vulnerable, but they already were with a medicine cat who specialized in disappearing acts. Muttering his typical "sorry"s and "excuse me"s he distractedly weaved through the gathered cats to locate a spot to listen to Lionstar's announcements.

April 28th, 2020, 06:16 PM
Shatterkit looked up from her resting place light glimmer off the trees into her face she blinked. Shatter waited for her mother to come get her she smiled as a scratchy tongue licked the side of her face. "Hello mother" Shatters mother padded forward taking her by the scruff they headed off to the gathering

April 28th, 2020, 06:20 PM
[ Shimm SilentLamb ]

Goosepaw lifted his head at Shimmeringpool's call. He waved his tail to let her know that he was just outside the den. "Dunno," he grumbled in response to Sootpaw, turning his face away from them. "Honestly don't care at this point, anyway." His empty eye socket stared blankly in the direction of the Streamstone.

April 28th, 2020, 06:22 PM
Silverkit bounded to the edge of the clearing, wanting to know what would happen.

April 28th, 2020, 06:27 PM
[ The Shadow Flower; Greenleap; ]

Fogpaw looked up at Greenpaw. "I don't mind.", he replied. The white apprentice looked from both cats up to Lionstar. Fogpaw then looked around, seeing more cats than before.
Her smile was wide and she sat next to them.

April 28th, 2020, 06:50 PM
SilentLamb Slushie Shimm

Asterpaw trotted over to his friends with a grin. "Hey guys!" He meowed. He looked at Goosepaw, wrinkling his nose slightly, before turning it into a grin. "Goosepaw, is this your big day?" He asked. "Congrats, you deserve it."


Otterstone slipped into camp, a bundle of fresh herbs and a few mice clasped in her jaw. She quickly deposited the mice in the fresh kill pile, keeping the herbs at her side. Her wary gaze traced across the clearing, landing on Lionstar. Of course she had to walk in during a clan meeting. The tortoiseshell stayed at the back of the crowd, hoping no one would notice her. She would go directly to Lionstar after the meeting, apologize. She had been in the wrong. She had been loose about her duties and good cats had suffered for it.

April 28th, 2020, 07:02 PM
Everyone was so hurt from the raid. Petuniapaw felt really bad that she couldn't help out. Mister Ms. Sassyfire had gone but she couldn't because they didn't get any battle training done yet. That was fine though! She would make up with it by hunting more!
Petuniapaw hurried and joined the meeting. She was sure a few of her Clanmates were going to get ceremonies. Goosepaw she knew for sure! He had told her the other night.

April 28th, 2020, 07:17 PM
Slushie CheetahPelt Shimm
His ears folded back, goosey didn't care? Well he did get beaten a bunch by shadowclan....that could tick anybody off. "ok...." he meowed . Looking over at Asterpaw he gave him a smile only to blink hang on now! Just him? Yeah he deserves it but....I DO TO! he slammed his tail on the ground a few times as he somewhat glared at asterpaw only to clear his throat .

April 28th, 2020, 07:19 PM
[ CheetahPelt Shimm SilentLamb ]

Goosepaw flicked his gaze toward Asterpaw. His own muzzle scrunched up in response before he glanced away once again. "yeah, I guess it is," he muttered from his sprawled out position on the ground. "and, yeah, maybe I do. then again, maybe I don't."
Then he looked over at Sootpaw. "But, you know, Sootpaw definitely does. He practically saved my ass."

April 28th, 2020, 07:23 PM
Loonpaw padded out of the nursery and sat down near the gathered cats, ears perked as she listened to Lionstar speak.

April 28th, 2020, 07:31 PM
Ah, good. It appeared a good majority of cats were here-- at least, the ones that mattered, so Lionstar figured they could continue.

If more wanted to come, they were free to.

"Today marks an exciting time for two of our kits! They have met the requirements to become an apprentice and have maintained good behavior, despite one being harassed by that dreadful ShadowClan trespasser a half-moon ago.

"Silverkit [ Silvershadow9] and Peachkit [ Socks], both of you step forward to receive your new name and mentors!"

Hopefully, they'd be quick! Lionstar didn't have the patience left to wait on cats for long.

April 28th, 2020, 07:33 PM
Swanfeather slowly scooted up to the meeting, sitting down and curling his tail over his paws. He looked up at Lionstar and perked his ears. He was slightly late, as he had to wake himself up from a nap, but the meeting had not gone on long.


Weaselpaw clambered out of the apprentice's den, coming to sit in the back of the injured crowd, ears perked to listen. She cursed herself for coming after Lionstar had already began.

April 28th, 2020, 07:34 PM
Blizzardkit gave an angry yowl,” What about me, I’m suppose to be an apprentice too!” he squealed loudly.

April 28th, 2020, 07:37 PM
"Bumblebelly [ S-oft], be a dear and shut that kit up?" Lionstar didn't have time for this. "If he isn't willing to be quiet, maybe you should stuff him in the kit pen until he behaves."

April 28th, 2020, 07:41 PM
Oh Starclan give me strength
Bumblebelly let out a very long sigh as he watched both Lionstar and Blizzardkit but he put on a smile, scooping Blizzardkit up by the scruff. "Back to the nursery!" He grunted, carrying the small thing with ease.
It's not like the kit was old enough to swim without drowning anyway,

Zesty Mango

April 28th, 2020, 07:45 PM
Peachkit nearly squealed with happiness when she was called up. She leapt forward and tumbled unceremoniously in front of the streamstone. Of course, she acted as if it had been planned because it absolutely was, she was amazingly skilled so there was no way she'd accidentally trip in front of the clan, she was simply trying to make the other's feel better about themselves in the shadow of her greatness.
She was shaking with anticipation of finally being made an apprentice, who would her mentor be? Surely one of the best warriors in the clan! Who else would be able to handle her natural-born talent?

April 28th, 2020, 07:53 PM
SilentLamb Slushie

He turned his head to Sootpaw and realizing his mistake, grinned at the dark tom and nudged him with his shoulder. “Wasn’t trying to discount you, Soot. You’re gonna end up being Sootblaze or something for how awesome you’ve been in battles!” His eyes flicked down to the collar of claws. “That’s so cool! How’d you make that?” He asked. “Trying to get a name like ShadowKiller? Clawthroat?”

April 28th, 2020, 07:56 PM
Silverkit bounced up and down excitedly. She was finally becoming an apprentice! Calming herself, she stepped forward to the Streamstone. Who would her mentor be? Hopefully someone who didn't have a nasty temper, because Silverkit was really annoying.

April 28th, 2020, 07:59 PM
Lightstreak and Mossflame moved towards the streamstone.

April 28th, 2020, 08:04 PM
Finding a spot within the group gathered and by the one cat he wanted to check in on, Brightwhisker sat next to Ravenpaw with an almost sad smile. The tom made a point not to be overly affectionate right now. Now was a time for new apprentices, and he really had wanted to check in with her. But Lionstar's plan worked perhaps as attended, He had Harepaw to think about--they would have to go training again too, maybe after the ceremonies.

"Hey." he murmured to the demoted warrior.
Dawncloud smiled in happiness at the two soon to be apprentices.

--- @TeamRiverRipple (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=11724)

April 28th, 2020, 08:10 PM
Leopardblaze quickly trotted over and sat beside Ivyshine. "I'm just a little late," she whispered to her friend. She was feeling much better than when she had first arrived in camp.

Ombre Party

April 28th, 2020, 08:14 PM
Slushie CheetahPelt

He looked at the other grey feline and gave a shrug "c'mon man, you did great on your own! Besides us as a team was awesome. That first apprentice didn't stand a chance " he grinned. Then flicked his ears at asters nudge "nah, blaze is already a thing here. That might be more of your thing though bud, Asterblaze, eh? " he thought it was cool. Smirking he lifted his chin "finally, somebody noticed! And no I just thought it was cool, thank goosepaw for the idea -" he was gonna ramble on more about the collar and how it was unique and all, though he grinned at how it was made " well, I made it with some weeds and sticks. And, the claws of a nasty verbally abusive elder named Bubblingbee. She was horrible.." he had to scrunch of his nose at her insults . ..and her memory in general ...

jackal blackout
April 28th, 2020, 08:15 PM
redstorm was waiting for lionstar to announce her kits birth.

April 28th, 2020, 08:16 PM

Ravenpaw glanced at Brightwhisker, face flushing crimson. She was stupid to have brought this punishment upon herself, and didn't want it to get any worse. She sighed. Brightwhisker was her mate, sure, but she could get exiled for this. "Sorry, can't talk. Don't want to get demoted to a kit." Ravenpaw turned abruptly from her mate, heart crumpling.

April 28th, 2020, 08:22 PM
Brightwhisker nodded in understanding and sat up a little straighter. Staying by her side at least. He missed her company.

"I know, I just thought like this we could at least...enjoy each other's presence before we have to separate again." he said softly, keeping his eyes ahead to watch the proceedings.

-- TeamRiverRipple

April 28th, 2020, 08:28 PM

Ravenpaw felt another tug of emotion. Why was Starclan doing this to her? She kept her eyes fixed straight ahead. She missed Brightwhisker, more than anything.. but..

"Look, I love you, but I don't want to get exiled. I'd miss my clan, and you. I wouldn't want to make you choose between me and the clan. So it's best if we can stay apart, until I can get my full rank back."

This was the right thing to do, she was sure of it. Rejecting Brightwhisker now meant more time with him in the future.

April 28th, 2020, 08:31 PM
Now that the kit was gone, and the two soon-to-be apprentices came forward-- rather quickly, too! Lionstar continued.

"Peachkit, from this moment forth until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Peachpaw [ Socks]. Ivyshine [ Ombre Party], you have recently joined us from the ruins of SkyClan, but already you have proven your loyalty with fighting alongside your new Clan-mates. I am assigning Peachpaw as your apprentice, and I trust you will pass your courage and dedication onto her.

"Silverkit, from this moment until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Silverpaw [ Silvershadow9]. Aspenpool [ Camilla], I know you to be dependable and kind, and I trust you will pass these traits onto Silverpaw."

Lionstar would, as usual, give them a moment to greet their new partner before he continued the meeting.

April 28th, 2020, 08:41 PM
Ivyshine dipped her head to Leopardblaze. "It's okay." She murmured, glad to see her friend better. When Lionstar called eher name to beceome a mentor, she had to hold back an excited squeal. The silver, dappled warrior nodded solemnly to Lionstar, but excitement sparked beneath her pelt. My first apprentice of RiverClan! She thought, holding back an enthusiastic purr. "I'm excited to be your mentor!" She purred in her apprentice's ear quickly after she padded up to Peachpaw and touched noses with them. She sat back down among the crowd, hoping Peachpaw would be as excited as she was to begin to train. She felt a sudden maternal instinct to lick the apprentice over the ear, but Ivyshine knew that would be overstepping after they just met. Oh I hope they like me! She suddenly fretted, but the worry didn't stop the excitement from fizzing beneath her pelt. She looked at Leopardblaze, hoping she would be as excited as she was.

[ Socks Leopardblaze ]

April 28th, 2020, 08:46 PM
Fernkit looked briskly at the two new apprentices. Though she and Maplekit weren't made apprentices yet, she was still extremely excited. Maplekit looked smugly at his energetic sister, saying, "Looks like you're wrong. We aren't gonna be made apprentices today." Fernkit felt her enthusiasm melt into anger as she spun her head towards her brother, fur bristling. "Why don't you just shut up and keep your fish brained thoughts in your head?!" She hissed softly and silently so she didn't interrupt the meeting. Maplekit's eyes grew large, staring at his sister. Did she really say that..? He thought, surprised. Well, whatever. It's not like her anger's gonna last too long...

Will it?

April 28th, 2020, 08:47 PM
Peachpaw. Peachpaw. Peachpaw! Just hearing the name caused so much happiness that she couldn't contain it in her little body, she just had to celebrate or she was sure she'd explode. She jumped around in a circle, giggling madly, following what she could consider her tail. She only stopped when her new mentor approached to touch noses. The contact was like she was struck by lightning as a new wave of excitement washed over her. She was almost making herself light-headed, she'd just been waiting for the time to prove her greatness for what felt like 100 moons. "I'll be the best apprentice in the clan!" She squealed, smiling widely at Ivyshine. She turned to look at Lionstar, resisting the urge to call out a million promises to become the best cat in all the clans, her smile not leaving her face for a moment.

Ombre Party

April 28th, 2020, 08:50 PM
And didn't that hurt. Brightwhisker kept an impassive expression. It hurt but he was happy to hear that familiar determination again.

"I understand, keep well Raven." he stood, holding in the urge to brush his tail along her fur. The tall warrior disappeared behind her to find a farther location to sit.
(Oh wow, this physically hurts me)
-- @TeamRiverRipple (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=11724)

April 28th, 2020, 08:51 PM
Ivyshine dipped her head to Leopardblaze. "It's okay." She murmured, glad to see her friend better. When Lionstar called eher name to beceome a mentor, she had to hold back an excited squeal. The silver, dappled warrior nodded solemnly to Lionstar, but excitement sparked beneath her pelt. My first apprentice of RiverClan! She thought, holding back an enthusiastic purr. "I'm excited to be your mentor!" She purred in her apprentice's ear quickly after she padded up to Peachpaw and touched noses with them. She sat back down among the crowd, hoping Peachpaw would be as excited as she was to begin to train. She felt a sudden maternal instinct to lick the apprentice over the ear, but Ivyshine knew that would be overstepping after they just met. Oh I hope they like me! She suddenly fretted, but the worry didn't stop the excitement from fizzing beneath her pelt. She looked at Leopardblaze, hoping she would be as excited as she was.

[ Socks Leopardblaze ]

Leopardblaze heard Ivyshine's name called to be a mentor and she purred excitedly for her, "Congratulations!" She watched her touch noses with her apprentice and look back. She gave her a smile, her tail swishing happily for her friend. Now the both of them had apprentices, it was so exciting. She purred, happy to see her so excited.

April 28th, 2020, 08:56 PM
Ivyshine was glad to see her apprentice had some spunk, and a whole badger-load of excitement. She felt it would make her job much more easier and exciting. Oh, how it is to be young and newly-apprenticed again. She thought wistfully, holding back from an amused snort as she watched Peachpaw jump in mad circles. "I'm sure you will be." Pride already sparked Ivyshine's gaze and she felt that she could teach her apprentice, who already reminded her so much of Ivyshine's, younger, newly-apprenticed self. She motioned for Peachpaw to sit beside her and stop staring at Lionstar with so many unspoken promises in the young she-cat's eyes. She couldn't help but purr at her excited apprentice. "Come sit here, Peachpaw." She mewed, hoping the excited apprentice wouldn't refuse and sit somewhere else, even if that single thought seemed likely. She wanted to get to know her apprentice before the set out to explore the territory. "Meet Leopardblaze." She mewed with a happy smile at her spotted friend. She hoped the two would interact well.

[ Socks Leopardblaze ]

April 28th, 2020, 08:56 PM
Spiderfrost BILL.
(Noo! The ship is breaking! :c )

Ravenpaw fought back tears as Brightwhisker moved further into the crowd. No. No no no. Why? Why did Starclan do this to her? She had hurt her mate, the one cat she could rely on. She had stomped on his heart, and ruined his day. The molly turned her gaze back to Lionstar, hoping this day would end her punishment."Please, Starclan, Lionstar, let me go back with the cat I love." Her mew was barely audible, a silent prayer.

April 28th, 2020, 08:59 PM
Silverkit - no, Silverpaw now - dipped her head at Aspenpool, her new mentor. "Hi," she mumbled, stepping forward to touch noses. "I'll be the best apprentice ever!" she promised. Camilla

April 28th, 2020, 09:15 PM

Aspenpool's pale green eyes lit up as Lionstar said her name. She had wanted an apprentice since the moment she had earned her warrior name. She could barely contain her excitement as she touched her nose against Silverpaw's. "I'm sure you will be" She replied to Silverpaw, beaming with pride.

jackal blackout
April 28th, 2020, 09:17 PM
redstorm was getting anxious.

April 28th, 2020, 09:19 PM
With everyone having an opportunity to do their greetings.. Lionstar flicked his gaze across the clearing. He was glad those four were at least happy.

"There are two cats today in need of a name change.

"One has requested it, as it no longer stands for who he is and wants to be, and the other.. is necessary due to a mistake, as we have another Clan-mate with that name. I see no reason to confuse ourselves further with name duplications.

"Fogpaw [ Sparkling Bliss] and one of the new additions to our Clan, Fernkit [ Ombre Party], please step forward."

Though he was aware Ravenpaw and Brightwhisker had been disobeying his request, he wanted to focus on the Clan.

He could have Bumblebelly deal with them later, if either of them decided to go near each other again while Ravenpaw was still an apprentice.

April 28th, 2020, 09:27 PM
Leopardblaze watched Ivyshine and Peachpaw as they sat beside her. She dipped her head politely, "Hello Peachpaw congratulations to both of you." She purred happily, sensing Ivyshine's excitement. She couldn't believe how long it had been since her own apprenticeship and now the both of them had their own apprentices. "This is so exciting," she purred, looking over at the two cats beside her. After a moment she began wondering where her own apprentice was.

Socks Ombre Party Shadeleaf

April 28th, 2020, 09:29 PM
Fogpaw looked up at Lionstar and got what he was saying. This was it. His name would change forever until he got his warrior one. The deaf tom went forward at his request. He looked around for the other cat before laying his eyes on Lionstar once again.

April 28th, 2020, 09:43 PM
Hm...maybe they could go to the clearing by Cattail pond for battle training, there was lots of room to run around there and maybe he'd burn enough energy to be too tired to think of anything but sleep afterwards.

(nah, there's just going to be a lot of pining. Bright will probably throw himself into training Harepaw to keep himself distracted so he doesn't get either of them in trouble by this point.)
-- @TeamRiverRipple (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=11724)

April 28th, 2020, 09:44 PM
Fernkit looked up in surprise as the leader said her name. A name change? Fernkit couldn’t wonder what for. She liked her name how it was. She she got to her paws stiffly and padded forward towards Lionstar, gold eyes bright as she waited to see what her new name would be. Her tail flicked and she hurried to catch up with Fogpaw, glad to see the nice tom who had brought her into RiverClan in the first place. She wondered if he remembered her.

[ Sparkling Bliss ]

April 28th, 2020, 09:52 PM
Snowstripe walked to the streamstone alongside Echo. The she cat sat down and put her paws underneath her. "This is were Lionstar holds clan meetings." The she cat whispered to Echo.

April 28th, 2020, 10:07 PM
Echo nodded. "Cool." Snowstripe

"Who do you think will be my mentor?" Echo whispered. Snowstripe

"Oh, hey," Echo glanced over at tortoiseshell with green eyes. "Is that your medicine cat? I want to talk to her because, you know, I'm pregnant." She shifted her position anxiously. Snowstripe CheetahPelt

April 28th, 2020, 10:09 PM

Ravenpaw realized Lionstar could've thought that her and Brightwhisker were flirting , and she could feel her pelt burn. She had told Brightwhisker to go, not talked to him about love and crap. She'd have to clarify it with him later, if he couldn't see WHAT HAD ACTUALLY HAPPENED INSTEAD OF MAKING STUPID ASSUMPTIONS. She sighed. Bitterness wouldn't get her anywhere, would it?

April 28th, 2020, 10:12 PM
"Fernkit [ Ombre Party], I can see you seem to be confused.. when you were named upon joining, it appears our queens seemed to have forgotten we have another Fernkit!" Lionstar nodded over to the black and white kitten.

"Because of that, from this day forth your new name will be Stormkit. If you liked Fern-, we can look into giving you that prefix once there's not a risk of you two continuing to have the same name." Even if one became an apprentice, if the other did.. the issue would persist!

It was easier to just do it now.

"Fogpaw [ Sparkling Bliss], you have requested a new name. From this moment forth, you will be known as Cottonpaw, in honor of your social nature and desire for a new beginning."

Lionstar was kind of proud of this apprentice. Despite his unfortunate start with an awful mother and his disability, he was flourishing.

He'd give everyone a chance to chant their new names before he went into the cats joining.

April 28th, 2020, 10:13 PM
Echo headed towards the black and gray she-cat. She looked friendly enough. "Hi," Echo flicked her tail. "What's your name? I'm Echo. I just joined. I think Lionstar let me join just because I'm pregnant and I told him his Clan was noble!" She lowered her voice when she said that. TeamRiverRipple Snowstripe

The Shadow Flower
April 28th, 2020, 10:15 PM
StonePaw would look over at her friend beside her. CottonPaw! CottonPaw! CottonPaw!

April 28th, 2020, 10:16 PM
Echo wondered if Lionstar was going to mention her. She stood taller hoping others would notice her. BILL. TeamRiverRipple Snowstripe

April 28th, 2020, 10:26 PM
Fern- no Stormkit now she supposed, nodded, withholding a sigh. She was still new to these rules and name, so she supposed She got it. She wouldn’t like another cat to have the name Roxie, so with a resigned nod to Lionstar, the young she-cat padded away to the nursery. She worked hard to keep her tail from dropping as the other cats chanted Cottonoaw’s name. She reached the nursery entrance, turned around, and chanted with them, unsure why they were doing it but doing it anyways. “Cottonpaw! Cottonpaw!”

April 28th, 2020, 10:40 PM
Echo walked over to the pretty young she-cat. Fernkit, now Stormkit, she thought. "Are you okay?" Echo ran her tail over the kit's spine. "You look like a bunch of ShadowClan warriors stole your prey!" Ombre Party

April 28th, 2020, 10:59 PM
A tail curled around Stormkit, gently flicking her tip against her nose to tickle it. She chuckled, yellow eyes basket down on one of the many kits she now loves and adores. "You know.. the name 'storm' is a powerful name. You don't hear much of 'em anymore." Sugarapple dipped down to rub against her cheek, purring. "Don't feel down, darlin'. You'll get used to it soon, okay?"
Ombre Party

April 28th, 2020, 11:17 PM
Echo nodded. "Cool." Snowstripe

"Who do you think will be my mentor?" Echo whispered. Snowstripe

"Oh, hey," Echo glanced over at tortoiseshell with green eyes. "Is that your medicine cat? I want to talk to her because, you know, I'm pregnant." She shifted her position anxiously. Snowstripe CheetahPelt

Otterstone gazed at the pregnant new comer, and waved her way silently to the she-cat. “Hello.” Her voice was thick and scratchy. “I’m Otterstone. I’m...” she paused. Was she still medicine cat? “I have the most medical training.” She meowed. “Welcome to Riverclan. How close do you think you are to birthing?”

April 28th, 2020, 11:20 PM
"Maybe a moon?" Echo shrugged. "I don't really know. I mean, a loner just makes a den once her kits start coming. I'm excited to be here." CheetahPelt

April 28th, 2020, 11:21 PM
( vermin Echobreeze )

Stormkit smiled weakly at the other cat. “It’s no big deal. A name is a name.” She murmured. Already, the other cat’s words made her feel comforted. She had no need to be a cry baby. Sugardapple approves of my name, even though it isn’t the one she gave me. That comforted Stormkit even more. She pressed against Sugardapple, breathing in her scent with a breath of relief. She wanted this all to be over so she could get her life in order. The kit had been through so much the past couple moons, she wanted her life to stop changing when she wasn’t ready. “Thanks, Sugardapple.” She murmured. Sugardapple was the best; if she thought Storm was a strong name Stormkit would be strong. “I’ll have this name with honor then.” She decoded with a sniff.

April 28th, 2020, 11:26 PM
Echo walked over to Stormkit and Sugardapple. She smiled at Stormkit. "My brother is the best cat I know. He's strong and sweet and always defended me. And guess what? His name was Storm." Ombre Party

April 28th, 2020, 11:46 PM
She closed in for a loving snuggle with Stormkit. Such a precious bundle she is! "My strong baby," the tortie licked her forehead, not wanting this sweet moment to end. Sugarapple sighed happily, glancing back at the crowd before returning her warm gaze. "So! Maybe in a Lil' while, I can show you 'round the place. Or you can partner up with a denmate to adventure with? As long as you stay in camp." She heard another cat chimed in and agreed with her. "How about with them? ..Wait, sweetie, do you have a..full clan name?"

Echobreeze18 Ombre Party

April 29th, 2020, 12:16 AM
+ BILL. +
Rainsplash padded up to the streamstone, the tom's muscles rippling. The tom seemed proud and confident in his clan. With an apprentice, and hopefully the respect of some of his clanmates, he hoped to be one of the best warriors Riverclan had ever seen. When he heard of the kit and apprentice's new names, he cheered. "Stormkit! Cottonpaw! Stormkit! Cottonpaw!

April 29th, 2020, 12:37 AM
"Some of you may have noticed, there are some new faces in our Clan!" Lionstar beamed at the handful of new kits scattered across the clearing, little Stormkit included.

"A handful of our patrols have found several kittens around our territory, and we have taken them in. Please give them all a warm welcome!"

Lionstar didn't know many of their names, but figured the Clan could figure it out with Sugarapple and Bumblebelly's assistance.

"We also have some older cats joining our ranks. Ace [ Beau], Echo [ Echobreeze18], Shade [ Chasepaw], all of you please step forward to receive your Clan name.

"I'll be frank with all of you.. failure to come up will result in your joining offer being retracted." He didn't have time for games.

April 29th, 2020, 12:40 AM
+ BILL. +
Rainsplash looked upon the rogues, glaring. It was one for kits to join. They could learn clan life easily and not know their old life. But full-aged loners and rogues?! They would never learn fully. They would run off to be rogues again because they don't get "Clan life" anymore. He grumbled.

April 29th, 2020, 01:18 AM
The moment when Lionstar announced the new kits was the moment when Curlkit decided to step out of the nursery. He trotted over to one side of the crowd and sat down to observe the rest of the ceremonies, draping his tails over his paws.
[ Curlkit is open <3 ]

April 29th, 2020, 01:24 AM
Leopardblaze watched Ivyshine and Peachpaw as they sat beside her. She dipped her head politely, "Hello Peachpaw congratulations to both of you." She purred happily, sensing Ivyshine's excitement. She couldn't believe how long it had been since her own apprenticeship and now the both of them had their own apprentices. "This is so exciting," she purred, looking over at the two cats beside her. After a moment she began wondering where her own apprentice was.

Socks Ombre Party Shadeleaf

Lotuspaw walked over quietly. She sat next to her mentor.
"Hi, Leopardblaze." she said.

April 29th, 2020, 01:32 AM
Firehawk let out a gentle tsk at the disheveled sight of Pebblepaw and he crossed through the crowd with a quiet murmur of 'excuse me' to plop himself right beside his apprentice. "Come on, you can't expect me to let you go up like this!" He ran his tongue over Pebblepaw's head and ears to smooth his fur, before he began to work on the rest of his pelt-- mindful of his wounds. "It's your big day, we can show off your freshly groomed pelt while you get your name!"

[ Dust ]

April 29th, 2020, 02:01 AM
Pebblepaw perked up immediately as he heard Firehawk making his way over. His eyes were glassy, threatening to spill bittersweet tears as he met his mentor with an affectionate bump of his head into Firehawk's shoulder. As the other began grooming his pelt, Pebblepaw simply closed his eyes, a loud purr rumbling in his chest,

"We can still do stuff together after this.. right, Firehawk?" There was a twinge of sadness to his voice, "I'm gonna miss training with you.."


April 29th, 2020, 02:19 AM
Peachpaw huffed as her adrenaline rush wore off, she'd really tired herself out with her sudden burst of energy. A nap would not be denied at the moment, but she didn't allow herself to feel any real exhaustion. She was an apprentice now, she couldn't get tired like a kit anymore. At Ivyshine's words, she snapped her attention away from Lionstar and out of her thoughts. "Okay!" She trotted in a quick circle before sitting herself next to her new mentor. She held her head and stumpy tail high with pride, feeling like a proper member of RiverClan sitting among the other apprentices and warriors.
"Hello, Leopardblaze!" Her greeting to the warrior was her attempt at a more dignified, 'grown-up,' greeting. With less squealing and a calmer demeanour than previously. Now that she was an apprentice she should act the part, though her happiness still shone through her little charade. "Thank you!" She purred at the congratulations from the she-cat, her short fur fluffing up at the attention she was confident she deserved.
Ombre Party Leopardblaze

April 29th, 2020, 02:23 AM
Flyfur beamed as Peachkit became Peachpaw. She was very proud of her babies! That meant all of them were apprentices now. Except Meadowkit. Meadowkit.....
She found herself staring at the ground dully, her mood spoiled but made sure to keep listening to the rest of the meeting out of respect.

April 29th, 2020, 02:26 AM
"Of course we can!" Firehawk purred as he finished grooming Pebblepaw's well-rounded pelt. "We can go hunting anytime, or if you want to touch up on battle training.. all you have to do is tell me when you want to do it!" At this point, Firehawk was pretty much done with having apprentices-- he had five throughout the seasons he'd been a warrior, and he was getting older and losing some of his mobility.

Firehawk beamed as he gently nudged at Pebblepaw. "Don't miss training. I'll always be around to practice with."

[ Dust ]

April 29th, 2020, 03:55 AM
Bumblebelly had shuffled back into the clearing when he heard Ravenpaw gossiping about something with Brightwhisker. It was awful to watch his friends romantic life suffer like so but getting demoted wasn't an easily done thing.
Bumblebelly would have to have a word with her after the meeting.


Koistreams ears twitched in confusion at Cottonpaws new name but it wasn't his place to question. Thought he would've gone with Thunderpaw. Koistream scoffed at his own thoughts but now wasn't the time, his kid needed his support.
"Peachpaw, Peachpaw, Pechpaw!"
He called out with pure pride in his blue-green eyes, even if the only thing he knew about his children were their names.

April 29th, 2020, 07:07 AM
Ace flicked an ear at the sound of his name and jogged to the front of the gathered cats. He offered Lionstar a smile as a greeting and waited to hear what he’d be called from now on. The brown tom hopes for a good name but as long as it was a new one, he didn’t care.

April 29th, 2020, 07:55 AM
Lilytail hurried into the clearing. Oh no. She was very very late. She had been hunting, and quickly dropped a mouse and a vole on the prey pile before sitting down, her ears twitching nervously.

April 29th, 2020, 09:28 AM
Ivyshine watched the two interact with happiness. They seemed to be getting on rather well. After Leopardblaze’s compliment, she dipped her head. “Me to you too.” She purred with a flick of her sliver dappled tail. As Lotuspaw trotted up to sit beside Leopardblaze, she dipped her head to her. “Hello. I’m Ivyshine and this is my apprentice Peachpaw.” Ivyshine purred, pride dropping off each of her words. She was proud to have such a excited cat to be her apprentice and she could tell how hard she was trying to follow what her mentor was saying at the meeting.
She looked at Peachpaw. “After this is over how do you feel about touring the territory?” She asked, gaze warm and tail-tip curling in excitement as she thought about what Peachpaw should say. I really hope we get along well. She thought semi-nervously. Though at the moment, she thought they would be fine, Ivyshine knew there was more to a cat than at first interaction, and she wanted to be sure they could get along. She felt no need to make this apprenticeship fox-dung for the both of them.

Socks Leopardblaze Shadeleaf

April 29th, 2020, 09:40 AM
( Echobreeze18 vermin )

Stormkit brightened up. “Really?” She purred, feeling better as Sugardapple presses herself against her. Stormkit relaxed against the older she-cat, feeling her warmth and affection radiating from her. As she said something about the other cat not having a full clan name, Stormkit looked hopefully at Lionstar. “Maybe he’s giving them their names now?” She didn’t know how cats could tell who had their warrior names and who didn’t. She blinked hopefully up as Sugardapple continued. “Ooh ooh! What if we brought Blizzardkit and we all went to explore the camp together!” Her eyes sparkled in excitement. Now her mind was off of her changed name and onto playing games and exploring the camp together. Stormkit purred af the thought, now relaxing as Lionstar continued speaking and curling her tail tip with excitement.

Storm Flower
April 29th, 2020, 09:50 AM
Bluespirit walked out the den and yawned "What happen?"

April 29th, 2020, 11:07 AM
Oh Starclan give me strength
Bumblebelly let out a very long sigh as he watched both Lionstar and Blizzardkit but he put on a smile, scooping Blizzardkit up by the scruff. "Back to the nursery!" He grunted, carrying the small thing with ease.
It's not like the kit was old enough to swim without drowning anyway,

Zesty Mango
Blizzardkit gave a loud screech of rage as he was carried back to camp. He flailed his paws and tried to wriggle free to go beg Lionstar to make him an apprentice.

April 29th, 2020, 11:28 AM
"Some of you may have noticed, there are some new faces in our Clan!" Lionstar beamed at the handful of new kits scattered across the clearing, little Stormkit included.

"A handful of our patrols have found several kittens around our territory, and we have taken them in. Please give them all a warm welcome!"

Lionstar didn't know many of their names, but figured the Clan could figure it out with Sugarapple and Bumblebelly's assistance.

"We also have some older cats joining our ranks. Ace [ Beau], Echo [ Echobreeze18], Shade [ Chasepaw], all of you please step forward to receive your Clan name.

"I'll be frank with all of you.. failure to come up will result in your joining offer being retracted." He didn't have time for games.
Shade stepped forward

April 29th, 2020, 12:21 PM
Echo stepped forward and held Lionstar's gaze.

April 29th, 2020, 01:34 PM
Eveningpaw listened, I wonder why there are so many outsiders joining, I wouldn’t expect that many kits. she thought tipping her head slightly.

April 29th, 2020, 02:16 PM
Echo looked at all the other cats in surprise. Wow, she thought. So many cats are joining! Chasepaw

April 29th, 2020, 02:18 PM
(are you talking to me)

April 29th, 2020, 02:18 PM
Echo looked at all the other cats in surprise. Wow, she thought. So many cats are joining! Chasepaw
“Hey!” Shade mew’d “are you joining to?” She asked

April 29th, 2020, 02:19 PM
(you talking to me?)

April 29th, 2020, 02:22 PM
(you talking to me?)

April 29th, 2020, 02:29 PM
Alright, good! They were decently fast on stepping forward and Lionstar appreciated not being forced to wait.

"Ace, you have agreed to join RiverClan under the terms of starting off as an apprentice. Until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Houndpaw [ Beau]." Frankly, he didn't particularly care for the name but it worked when they already had a Dogkit. "Ternsky [ RedHead] will be your mentor, hopefully this will make her a little more invested in the Clan." There wasn't much more to say about her than that.

"Echo, you have been accepted into RiverClan as a queen. From this day forth you will be known as Echobreeze [ Echobreeze18]. Though I can't say your joining audition was a breeze, you seem genuine in your intent to care for the young of RiverClan. You will be staying in the nursery until your kits are born.

"The same applies to you, Shade [ Chasepaw]. From this moment forth you will be known as Sunpetal. You seem like a very sweet cat, and I hope Clan life will make you more comfortable with your surroundings.

"Once your kits no longer need to be constantly supervised by you, we will look into getting both of you basic training in both hunting and fighting. Once they become apprentices, we will see about you getting warrior training if that is the path you wish to take. As queens, you will not be required to become warriors.. so long as you remain active in your role and look after the other kits.

"Sugarapple [ vermin] and Bumblebelly [ S-oft] should be able to help you adjust to Clan life. We have a few other queens around as well-- so don't be too shy!"

After giving them a moment, he went on.

"Real quick, there is a mentor reassignment that needs to be done. It appears Mistfall hasn't done much with your training, Eveningpaw [ Zesty Mango], and because you wish to finish your apprenticeship I will be giving you a new mentor.

"Step forward."

April 29th, 2020, 02:31 PM
Sunpetal smiled. She was a clan cat now!

April 29th, 2020, 02:33 PM
Eveningpaw was surprised. Mistfall was pretty nice, I’m surprised I’m being reassigned. however, she stepped forward, dipping her head respectfully, curious about who her new mentor would be.

April 29th, 2020, 02:33 PM
"Thank you," Echobreeze dipped her head. "I promise to care for RiverClan's young."

April 29th, 2020, 02:34 PM
Echobreeze nodded to Sunpetal. "I am. I'm a queen, as you can see." Chasepaw

April 29th, 2020, 02:38 PM
Oh, great stars above. This was taking forever.

Usually Goosepaw loved Clan meetings. There were always new additions to RiverClan to greet and new apprentices to congratulate. But right now, he really just wanted to get to his ceremony, receive his name, and go back to bed. He sighed heavily through his nose as watching the meeting continue through a narrowed eye.

April 29th, 2020, 02:40 PM
“Same.” she meow’d “I can’t wait to have kits....” she sighed. “They’ll take my mind off my mate...”

April 29th, 2020, 02:43 PM
"Oh," Echobreeze felt bad. "My mate is dead too." She ran her tail along Sunpetal's spine. Echobreeze decided not to mention Blazeclaw. Chasepaw

April 29th, 2020, 02:48 PM
"Oh," Echobreeze felt bad. "My mate is dead too." She ran her tail along Sunpetal's spine. Echobreeze decided not to mention Blazeclaw. Chasepaw
“Oh... well.... my mate.... I don’t know.......” she mew’d sadly. “I don’t talk about it...”

April 29th, 2020, 02:53 PM
“Oh... well.... my mate.... I don’t know.......” she mew’d sadly. “I don’t talk about it...”

Echobreeze nodded. "I don't talk about Hawk either." She widened her eyes. "Oops."

April 29th, 2020, 02:57 PM
Echobreeze nodded. "I don't talk about Hawk either." She widened her eyes. "Oops."
She nodded “I get it.....”

April 29th, 2020, 02:59 PM
Echobreeze sighed. "He was perfect. Hawk was killed in a foolish accident." Chasepaw

April 29th, 2020, 03:01 PM
An outsider huh? Ternsky got to her paws and padded a bit closer, sitting a few mouse-lengths away but directing her gaze towards her new apprentice so he would know who she was. Hopefully mentoring a previous outsider would prove to be more interesting. And less annoying then mentoring a six moon old kit would be.


April 29th, 2020, 03:11 PM
The Calliby was sprawled out in a Nest in the Medicine Cat's Den when he heard a familiar loud voice. The Warrior had been out of it for a day or so, frankly he was still incredibly light headed...but at the same time he managed to have a migrane.

He couldn't open his eyes fully, the light hurt. But by the sounds of it, he was missing a clan meeting. His idiot leader always hated it when his Clanmates missed clan meetings, so with a pained grunt Gentlethunder roughly picked himself up. His front legs giving out on him a few times as he tried to stand up.

His shoulders burned, and felt sticky. Frankly so did his stomach and sides...apparently he had something on his face too. But with some effort the Calliby managed to hobble outside, resting up against the front of the Den as he listened.

April 29th, 2020, 03:15 PM
Echobreeze noticed the tom leaning on the wall of the camp. She darted over to support him. Starbot

April 29th, 2020, 03:23 PM
Echobreeze noticed the tom leaning on the wall of the camp. She darted over to support him. Starbot

The Warrior let out a pained hiss as he felt something brush up against him. Looking down he saw an unfamiliar face and gave them an exhausted smile for a few seconds. "I appreciate it. Thanks." Gentlethunder hummed.

April 29th, 2020, 03:25 PM
Echobreeze smiled. "I love helping cats. It's no problem." She winced as a spasm gripped her stomach. Starbot

April 29th, 2020, 03:59 PM
Houndpaw personally liked this name better than Ace. Sure, he’d gone 25 moons with that monicker, but it wasn’t too difficult to see himself as this Houndpaw. After all, Ace was a totally different cat with a totally different life. Ace had died with Magnolia and Redwood. The pain in his heart, an ever present companion, broke slightly and he felt some of it blow the way of the wind. It was strangely peaceful to think of Ace as having died moons ago and started walking the skies with his mate and son- the lives of his life. With the name change, Houndpaw decided that he would truly start a new life and the new apprentice carefully boxed up the remains of his life until he was truly ready to let it all blow sway on the the breeze.
A cat shuffled and caught his eye, looking at him. Figuring this was Ternsky, Houndpaw pulled himself gracefully to his paws and made his way over to her with long strides. The feline looked barely older than he was, but he would give her the respect her title deserved. He hoped she didn’t expect him to grovel like a kitten, though. She may have had more warrior experience and one or two moons on him, but Houndpaw was pretty certain he had more life experience. Halting his step beside her, he offered a grin and purred charmingly, “Ternsky, I assume? Pleasure to make your acquaintance. The new name’s Houndpaw- which I’m sure you just heard, but mama always told me to mind my manners around mollies so I figured I’d introduce myself and save myself from her climbing out of the ground and marching over here to give me the cuffin of a lifetime.” He let his care free drawl become more prominent in his speech, using his slight southern accent to make his voice drip like honey. It was his secret weapon.

April 29th, 2020, 04:58 PM
"Eveningpaw [ Zesty Mango], I think we can both agree your training is behind enough as it is!

"Because of that, Grizzlybug [ Beau] will be your new mentor. Grizzlybug, you are a strong and friendly individual who I hope can get Eveningpaw to where she should be."

A warrior, though Lionstar genuinely hoped the SkyClan deserter would learn a thing about loyalty before that day came around.

They were nearing the end of the ceremonies for today, and Lionstar was almost disappointed.. this gave him something to do.

"I am proud to announce three of our apprentices have not only completed their training, but have fought in defense of RiverClan and proven their loyalty despite the risk of sacrifice.

"These ceremonies are fairly rare, all things considered.. but I can say, without a doubt, these three have earned the position of warrior.

"Goosepaw [ Slushie], Sootpaw [ SilentLamb], and Pebblepaw [ Dust], please come forward. Don't stress yourselves-- you do not need to come in front of the Streamstone."

Their injuries didn't need to be worsened from strain. He'd rather they attend in spirit if it meant they wouldn't be in as much pain.

April 29th, 2020, 05:06 PM
Lionstar may have said Goosepaw didn't need to approach the Streamstone, but that certainly didn't mean he wasn't going to.

With a shaky breath, he heaved himself to his paws. Pain shot through his skull at the sudden movement and he winced, but he continued to limp forward anyway. He still hadn't gotten used to walking with just one eye, and he stumbled over his paws a few times. But he was getting better. I'm getting better.

It was a matter of pride, and he intended to hold on to the last scraps of it that he had. He didn't look at the cats around him, didn't want to see their expressions. If he saw one more shocked or disgusted look he would puke. He came to a stop in front of Lionstar, looking up at the giant golden tom.

This was it.

April 29th, 2020, 05:07 PM
Eveningpaw gave a small glance at Mistfall pitying her. But came over to Grizzlybug and gently touched his nose gently,” I’m about done with my training...” she meowed. She knew he probably was judging her since she clearly was about 19 moons old.

April 29th, 2020, 05:10 PM
ears perking up at his name being called, Sootpaw leaped to his paws. todays the day! he felt...he didnt know how to describe it. it was beyond happy..he was even buzzing all over. eyes sparkling he took his place in front of the stream stone. Not afraid to push himself, besides he didnt get the worst of it..goosepaw may have been the only one of the three called to. While waiting for the rest, he even flashed his paw made collar .

April 29th, 2020, 05:22 PM
With his handsomely groomed pelt - courtesy of Firepapa - Pebblepaw nudged his way forward, chest puffed out with confidence. It didn't take him long to make his way up, his wounds were relatively minor in comparison. This was it! He was going to become a warrior. Fighting back the excited tears welling up in his eyes, Pebblepaw directed his gaze up to the leader.

April 29th, 2020, 05:32 PM
Lionstar was a little iffy on both Goosepaw and Sootpaw coming up so far, especially with their various wounds-- but he wouldn't deny them of this.

It was a big day! A big occasion for three young toms who earned it. Well, Pebblepaw wasn't super young anymore--... he was mostly just, really fat.. yikesssss.

"RiverClan, take a moment to admire these three! Their courage and dedication to defending our Clan knows no bounds, and I hope you all recognize them for their honorable nature and reliability. They have fought hard and well, even in the face of impossible odds-- and they should be commended for their heroism during the raid.

"Very few of our Clan-mates have received warrior names following a battle, but given the circumstances I believe their behavior and skill has given them a right to their promotion." Goosepaw had gone through a final assessment, something Lionstar planned to touch upon later-- but for right now it was simpler to group them together.

"I, Lionstar, leader of RiverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard and well to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turns.

"Goosepaw [ Slushie], Sootpaw [ SilentLamb], and Pebblepaw [ Dust], do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend RiverClan even at the cost of your own life?"

April 29th, 2020, 05:39 PM
without a second thought " i do" Sootpaw meowed. outside he was somewhat stoic, and on the inside he was bouncing around like a excited kit.

April 29th, 2020, 05:43 PM
Though his voice wavered, Pebblepaw waited for Sootpaw's reply, then Goosepaw's before replying to the leaders question. He was doing his absolute best to remain as still as possible... but this was too exciting!

"I do, Lionstar!"

April 29th, 2020, 05:44 PM
Shimmeringpool stayed silent as Goosepaw grumbled that he wasn't excited but thankfully Sootpaw and Asterpaw showed up. The molly wasn't sure what to say, she wasn't the one missing an eye and pieces of her dignity shattered. For once she was dumbfounded and nervous around the tom. He wouldn't snap or hurt her, right? Casting her light blue eyes to the other two apprentices she gave them a weak but encouraging smile. Perking her ears at Lionstar calling them all up to the rock she started to go and help Goosepaw but decided against it. She was probably the last cat he wanted to go for help. Instead, she gave a happy pat with her tail on Sootpaw's shoulder as they padded up to the leader.
CheetahPelt Slushie SilentLamb

April 29th, 2020, 05:50 PM
Leopardblaze gave Ivyshine a smile, her whiskers twitching in amusement at the excited new apprentice, once they had all been introduced to each other. "This is all so exciting isn't it?" she meowed to her friend. After a moment she turned to Lotuspaw and meowed, "How about some battle training later?"

Ombre Party Socks Shadeleaf

April 29th, 2020, 05:54 PM
Dusktail padded out of the elders' den and sat near the back, in a sunny patch of gorund.

April 29th, 2020, 06:00 PM
"I do," came Goosepaw's response. His voice was tight, strained, but it was strong as well. He glanced over at Pebblepaw and Sootpaw, hearing them voice their pledge as well.

April 29th, 2020, 06:11 PM
Zesty Mango
Grizzlybug smiled when he heard that he was to have an apprentice and trotted up to her. “That’s good to hear,” he responded and asked, “how much have you learned, exactly?” He didn’t care that she was old for an apprentice, Grizz wasn’t the judgmental type. Besides, he was fairly excited to have an apprentice.

April 29th, 2020, 06:16 PM
Zesty Mango
Grizzlybug smiled when he heard that he was to have an apprentice and trotted up to her. “That’s good to hear,” he responded and asked, “how much have you learned, exactly?” He didn’t care that she was old for an apprentice, Grizz wasn’t the judgmental type. Besides, he was fairly excited to have an apprentice.
(Aww....I love Grizz, also cute nickname)
Eveningpaw flicked her tail,” I am great at hunting land prey, can swim fine, not the best at fishing, and I’m a bit rusty at my battle training.” she meowed hoping she didn’t forget anything involved with training.

April 29th, 2020, 06:20 PM
Zesty Mango
(awe, thanks!!)
Grizz nodded thoughtfully as she spoke and flicked his tail as he thought of what their training regime could be. “Alright, how about we go hunting after the meeting so I can ascertain your skill- afterwards we can sit by the pond for a bit and I can give you some pointers on fish hunting.” Grizzlybug preferred time hunt land prey himself- the water always made his fur stick to his paw uncomfortably- but he was fairly good at it and didn’t mind doing it when the need arose.

April 29th, 2020, 06:37 PM
"Then by the powers of the Star Cats, I give you your warrior names.

"Goosepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Goosefury [ Slushie]. The Star Cats honor your fierceness and protectiveness, and we welcome you as a warrior of RiverClan. I will admit.. I had some uncertainty about how you would fare when you joined the Clan, but you have soared well above my expectations. Be proud, Goosefury. You've served RiverClan well and I am glad to call you a Clan-mate.

"Sootpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sootglare [ SilentLamb]. The Star Cats honor your strength and resilience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan. You fought well in the raid despite being overwhelmed and have proven yourself to be loyal and hardy.. though I should let you know, I'm pulling your leg. Your name is actually Sootclaw, I'd feel awful if I seriously named you glare. We have enough of the 'lare' as it is with Sootfather around."

Now onto the bundle of fat known as Pebblepaw.

"Pebblepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Pebblebass--"

Abruptly, Lionstar was interrupted by Firehawk suddenly scaling the Streamstone to give him a good whack across his head with a low, threatening hiss. Lionstar let out an unhappy grumble before he resumed. What a party pooper! Pebblebass would have been perfect for the only cat in RiverClan to eat literally everything he could get his mouth on.. stupid bottom feeder.

"From this moment on you will be known as Pebblepudge [ Dust]. The Star Cats honor your squishy-ness and intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan. You did well in jumping to the defense of your Clan-mates, and I know your ceremony has been long overdue." It had been a while since Pigeonchirp received her name, only to disappear.. and before that, Graypaw's disappearance and death.

"You've all done well to overcome the challenges thrown your way. Congratulations to all of you."

Now.. there was one final ceremony to do before he did a few brief announcements. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so once the new warriors had a chance to embrace their new names.

[ shortstack, CheetahPelt, pathos, Dipper, Starbot, RedHead, FuzzyRatto, SilentLamb, Moon Lily, vermin, :Grimm:, Wings, Cloudsky, starshooter, x ghostie, Wolfie, Skye, Hexict, implimm, RedFlame2, S-oft, Splashy, Zesty Mango, The Cannibal, Katwhisperer, Rainquail, Spiderfrost, Beau, Cecily Herondale, Shimm, riverripple, Sneakyfox55, SuspiciousMindz, Snowstripe, TeamRiverRipple, Slushie, Sparkling Bliss, Flowstream, SparrowSoar, DarkNight, hxneysuckle, Caroline, MagicCat99, Leopardblaze, Ombre Party, ChubbaGoddess, Fluffy, That One Purple Cat, Morgan, Cinnamontail12, Camilla, Dust, TawnyNeedsACoffee, senpai., kittygirl, Greenleap, Daylily Orchid, The Shadow Flower, Fallenpine, Mentallyunstable, Bluepetal, Fuzzy, Loon, vermin, Salt, Queenie, Fae, Puddletail, Shadeleaf, Mumble, shadowcla, Willowfern, Echobreeze18, Silvershadow9, Socks, Littlemoon, Chasepaw, Lynxpaw, Dawneye, wolfnight, Alexcentri, Elementals, Vessel, leafkit12, nxpkin, hollyleaf2027, hal ]

April 29th, 2020, 06:40 PM
Dawnkit looked up at the streamstone excitedly thinking to herself as she chanted the new warriors names I can’t believe Duskkit and I will be apprentices in just a moon! she wiggled excitedly. Her paws dancing around beneath her as she was full of energy “PebblePudge! Goosefury! Sootclaw!” (open)

April 29th, 2020, 06:42 PM
Snowpaw chanted the names of the new warriors enthusiastically, "Pebblepudge! Goosefury! Sootglare! she cheered loudly, she'd never seen a warrior ceremony before!


Badgerpaw looked around the clearing, unsure of what to do. She saw a bunch of cats chanting the new names, so she quietly did so as well.

April 29th, 2020, 06:43 PM
[ Shimm SilentLamb ]


His name was Goosefury.

For the first time since the raid, a smile broke out across his muzzle. He was a warrior now. It had been a rough trek, that was for certain. But it had been worth it, because now he was a warrior. And cats were calling his name, cheering him on. Noto staring in horror, or turning away. They were cheering for him.
He nudged the newly named Sootclaw gently with one paw, then turned to look back at Shimmeringpool, eyes sparkling

April 29th, 2020, 06:44 PM
"Pebblepudge! Goosefury! Sootglare!" Flyfur felt that Pebblepudge was an adorable name, but would never tell the newly made warrior that. He'd probably feel self conscious if she did!

April 29th, 2020, 06:45 PM
Ravenpaw grinned broadly, remembering her training session with Goosefury. "Goosefury! Sootglare! Pebblepudge!" They were going to be great warriors, she was sure of it! They had survived injuries, Shadowclan, and the elders ticks. Who cared if she couldn't be a warrior? These cats could!

April 29th, 2020, 06:49 PM
Listening to lionstar speak, Sootpaw flicked his ears at goosep..goosefurys name . fury? then again it did fit him well...Once he heard his name come around, Sootpaw blinked...
s..sootglare? .... as he listened further he sighed in relief ..thank starclan!
Sootclaw...SootClaw....i like it! definetly better than the lares.. he lifted his chin once lionstar moved on to pebblepaw. so not pebblebass? eh, ill secretly call him that..sounds cute. he was a warrior now.
i need to tell wormbite! if he isnt already here..
though as he heard the wrong named chanted he growled " ITS SOOTCLAW MOUSEBRAINS! did your ears turn off after he said the first one or what!?!" he fe;t quite offended now. Chasepaw Rainquail Dawneye Mumble TeamRiverRipple

April 29th, 2020, 06:52 PM
“GOOSEFURY! SOOTCLAW! SOOTCLAW! GOOSEFURY!” Asterpaw grinned at his two friends. “WOOOHOOO!!!!!” He bounced on his heels. He was a happy for the two. “Pebblepudge!” He gave as a after thought, but continued to cheer and howl for his two friends. He looked over at the rest of his Group. He smiled at Shimmeringpool before turning back to the streamstone.

jackal blackout
April 29th, 2020, 06:53 PM
redstorm was intrigued with what was happening.

April 29th, 2020, 06:53 PM
"For the mouse-brains saying Sootglare, you clearly were not listening to me!" Lionstar was mildly amused by those who blindly shouted the first name he said. He'd take a note of the non-listeners.. for future reference. "It's Sootclaw, bee-heads!"

[ Chasepaw, Mumble, Rainquail, TeamRiverRipple ]

April 29th, 2020, 06:54 PM
Well well well, looked like some of those loud-as-can-be apprentices finally became warriors. And not of the loudest, he had to admit. Even he knew these ceremonies didn't seem to happen as often as they should, a shame, but no surprise as half the apprentices seemed to be like kits who simply got some training. Oh well, it was monotone and not so loud, but Gingerpaw did get himself to chant their names "Goosefury, Sootclaw, Pebblepudge" aaanndd that was it. Atleast they did something to deserve it.
Eventually the tom simply lay down, the meeting still didn't seem to be over and he was getting tired of sitting all the time.

April 29th, 2020, 06:56 PM

"Goosefury! Sootclaw! Pebblepudge!" chanted the deputy, a smile on his face. They deserved this.

April 29th, 2020, 06:56 PM
BILL. SilentLamb

Ravenpaw's face flushed, and she turned to the warrior. "Sootclaw, sorry! I-I'll make it up to you!" Since when did she apologize? Usually, she'd say 'A warrior name's a warrior name, you fish-head!'

April 29th, 2020, 06:57 PM
Crabpaw had been idly listening to the meeting from the fresh-kill pile, munching merrily on a tuna fish.

Although near the end of the meeting, the little apprentice couldn't help but notice everyone was saying Sootclaw's name wrong. Wait...didn't Lionstar just say Sootglare was a joke?

Swallowing the last of his tuna, Crabpaw cleared his throat and was about to holler the correct name, but to his dismay, Lionstar beat him to it. Turning his nose up with a huff, the red tomkit nodded. "Horray for Goosefury, Pebblepudge, and SootCLAWWWWWW!"

April 29th, 2020, 06:58 PM
Snowpaw squeaked in embarrassment. "S-sorry, Lionstar and Sootclaw! she mewed. She started chanting again, this time with the right name, "Sootclaw! Pebblepudge! Goosefury

April 29th, 2020, 07:06 PM
Zesty Mango
(awe, thanks!!)
Grizz nodded thoughtfully as she spoke and flicked his tail as he thought of what their training regime could be. “Alright, how about we go hunting after the meeting so I can ascertain your skill- afterwards we can sit by the pond for a bit and I can give you some pointers on fish hunting.” Grizzlybug preferred time hunt land prey himself- the water always made his fur stick to his paw uncomfortably- but he was fairly good at it and didn’t mind doing it when the need arose.

Eveningpaw gave a small nod,” Alright. I’m more than happy to show you my hunting skills, might even have a few tricks up my tail.” she purred waiting for him to take her to the territory to show off her hunting.

Eveningpaw yowled,” Gooseflurry! Sootclaw! Pebblepudge!” she chanted back.

April 29th, 2020, 07:07 PM
Snowstripe smiled at the newly made warriors and chanted their names along with the clan. "Pebblepudge! Sootclaw! Goosefury!"

Onepaw sat by his mentor Hailfire. "Pebblepudge! Sootclaw! Goosefury!" He yeeted the words out of his mouth. He wanted to dance around to celebrate. Slushie

April 29th, 2020, 07:07 PM
Wormbite was late. Actually, he hadn't planned on attending the meeting. His body ached and was sore-- and his brains, his stupid thoughts wouldn't shut up. However, as he heard Lionstar's voice-- as the meeting went on-- he slowly realized it wasn't just an meeting. It was Sootpaw's ceremony.. and Goosey's too but, it was his best friend's warrior ceremony.

Wormbite approached the crowd, an almost sheepish look. He glanced around, trying to catch Sootpa-- Sootclaw's gaze. He wanted to go see him! And congratulate him properly! But, he couldn't. He couldn't because he couldn't find him because everyone was too UGH. Wormbite didn't have the patience for this.

"SOOTCLAW!" The tom yowled out, his voice mixing in with the chants. He just needed one hint. Just one 'hey'.

April 29th, 2020, 07:07 PM
+ BILL. +
Rainsplash cheered loudly "PebblePudge! Goosefury! Sootclaw! PebblePudge! Goosefury! Sootclaw!"

April 29th, 2020, 07:11 PM
Dogkit sat by the edge of the crowd of cats, his eyes filled with curiosity. He observed for a few moments. They were all shouting some of his their clan mates names. Dogkit joined in with the Clan."Pebblepudge! Goosefury! Sootclaw!" he chanted.

April 29th, 2020, 07:21 PM
An honest grin broke out across Brightwhiskers face. He called out Goosefury's name with a bubble of happiness. He recalled that conversation he and Ravenmist had had with him when he was but an apprentice; worried and flustered over the idea of getting a funny name and hating it.

It looks like the apprentice was able to get what he had always hoped for, a name gotten through a good action he took in service of the clan.

'I hope I can help Harepaw earn a name he's proud of too.' the lilac lynx point thought through the excitement.

April 29th, 2020, 07:26 PM
x ghostie

giving lionstar a thankful glance , he gave nearly everyone a ' i forgive you glance' before hearing wormbites voice loud and clear. Head shooting up, Sootclaw ran toward his voice and wiggled his way through the mass of cats. "i thought you werent gonna show " he meowed with a smile. Getting a bit risky, he rest his chin on wormbites shoulder. He was glad that he did show. it wouldnt be half as fun.

April 29th, 2020, 07:32 PM
"Pebblepudge! Goosefury! Sootclaw!"

Loonpaw joined her cheering clanmates, but couldn't help bite her tongue at jealously nibbling inside her. One day, she'd join them. But for now, she cheered.

April 29th, 2020, 07:36 PM
Shimmeringpools face lit up as Goosepaw and Sootpaw's received their well-earned warrior names. "GOOSEFURY! SOOTCLAW! PEBBLEPUDGE!" Yelling at the top of her lungs for her two friends as she bumped shoulders with Asterpaw with excitement. What truly made her day was when Goosefury searched for her gaze and he actually smiled at her!
Slushie SilentLamb CheetahPelt

April 29th, 2020, 07:49 PM
YES. HIS MIND POWERS WORKED. As the familiar figure came into view, he immediately perked right up. It took everything in him to not tackle him. Actually, he had planned on doing that. Sootclaw had beat him in the greetings.. He would save the tackling for the next heartfelt moment, yep yep.

An rumbling purr escaped Wormbite, he gently bump his head against Sootclaw's in an affectionate gesture. Nuzzling his head in the crook of his friend's neck, he pulled away. An slight smirk displayed on his lips, "That would be rude of me, would it not?" Wormbite asked, tilting his head. "Of course I would attend, " He mrrow, his eyes crinkled up in amusement. It wasn't everyday, yknow? He took a step back, clearing his throat.

Sootclaw. It fit him so well. The dread in his stomach simmered and disappeared for the moment. "Congratulators Sootclaw, " He mewed, trying to regain his usual blank expression. It was failing, he really couldn't stop smiling. Weird. Wormbite decided to make an mental note of it.

April 29th, 2020, 08:04 PM
Cottenpaw saw everyone changing the new warriors names, so he decided to join in. "Pebblepudge! Goosefury! Sootclaw!" , he called in excitement. The Tom was so happy for the new warriors. They really deserve or even if he hadn't talked to them face to face. He usually kept with apprentices his own age.

April 29th, 2020, 08:06 PM
Poppytwist smiled as the new warriors were named. "Goosefury! Pebblepudge! Sootclaw!" They had done well in the battle and deserved this.

April 29th, 2020, 08:06 PM
x ghostie Shimm

Smiling like a mad man , he pulled away only to sit infront of him. Facing burning , he smirked at Wormbites own face HA! its not working this time is it wormy? " thanks "he slightly purred. Hearing shimmeringpools voice he stood up and flashed her smile only to sit back down " Atleast you she and aster got my name right...at first others were calling me sootglare! even though lionstar was joking " he somewhat sighed.

April 29th, 2020, 08:07 PM
[ Shimm ]

Gosh, her smile was enough to completely melt his heart. He hobbled over to her, managing to maintain the ecstatic expression even though his eye glimmered with pain. "Check it out," he said. "I'm a warrior now."

April 29th, 2020, 08:09 PM
Owlflight smiled as the three apprentices became warriors. Today was a goodish day. Three new warriors, many wounds, it balanced out. "Sootclaw! Goosefury! Pebblepudge!"


Feeling a smile she couldn't resist, Mothdusk gave in. She cheered the new warrior's names happyily. "Sootclaw! Goosefury! Pebblepudge!"

April 29th, 2020, 08:19 PM
Vary excting indeed! Even Pebblepaw was given his warrior name! Petuniapaw couldn't help but laugh at Mister Firehawk and Mister Lionstar's dispute over his name though. "Pebblepudge! Goosefury! Sootclaw!" Petuniapaw chanted jumping up to her paws. Like that would have her heard better.

April 29th, 2020, 08:26 PM
[Please someone respond please lol]

Hivekit poked her head out of the nursery, confused as to why there was so much noise.

She spotted the crowd easily enough, and after a moment of speculation, it seemed to her that her 'clanmates' were just shouting out nonsense words!

What in the world are they doing?

Why is that big yellow cat on that tall thingy?

Utterly baffled, the she-kit turned to the closest cat she could find and asked;

"What's going on?"

April 29th, 2020, 08:26 PM
Lilytail smiled, glad to have more warriors. They had earned it. She called out their names. “Goosefury! Sootclaw! Pebblepudge!” Her smile faltered as she noticed Goosep-Goosefury's eye. It served as a bitter reminder of what could’ve happed to her if her opponent's claws had hit her a little higher. She shook off that thought, not wanting to ruin her cheerful mood, and resumed her cheers.

April 29th, 2020, 08:35 PM
He blinked, staring at Sootclaw's smirk. This was a common thing his friend did. Usually it meant he was feeling prideful or such. It made sense for this event. His friend had quite an good face, huh.
Wormbite decided that now that he was here, he should just stay for the rest of it. If there was more. He took a seat beside Sootclaw-- thankfully, it slipped his mind about Goosefury and Shimmeringpool were most likely being lovey dovey. "Mmm..? Whatever do you mean, Sootglare?" Wormbite asked, staring ahead as if he hadn't done anything. Why were cats calling him that-- anyway?

April 29th, 2020, 08:38 PM
Fawnsqueak felt a dumb smile playing on his muzzle at a typical Lionstar joke, appreciating the humor of having a potential Sootglare clanmate alongside Sootflare, the rhyming names bringing him joy until he remembered he couldn't run up to Lionstar after everyone was dismissed. Couldn't laugh and tell him he was a jerk for that, while quietly expressing how much he'd liked the lighthearted nature of the prank. Disappointment seeped in, and Fawnsqueak slumped, a sigh rolling from him. Everything was different now and he hated it, and a tiny part of him resented Lionstar for doing this to them. It was isolating.

When the cheers erupted, Fawnsqueak cleared his throat to join in, shoving the missing part of his life aside for now. "Sootclaw, Pebblepudge, Goosefury!"

April 29th, 2020, 08:42 PM
x ghostie

"lionstar said it first but meant it as a joke. Apparently some of these bird brain's brains turn off at the first name being said! yeesh" he never thought that this clan could be so ...stupid at times. "but it was kinda funny..." Sootclaw added. Yawning he leaned against his friend. he was tired of sitting and standing..he didnt want to lay down..it would look rude...this was the next best thing "what else you think he'll say?"

April 29th, 2020, 08:45 PM
Aspenpool chanted her clanmates names. What a wonderful day that those cats have worked so hard for, she thought to herself. "Pebblepudge! Goosefury! Sootclaw!" She was still wrapped in excitement for her apprentice as well. She was surprised at the kit that had first called out, and the few that had mistaken Sootclaw's name, but she just sat back and observed.

April 29th, 2020, 08:58 PM
"Then by the powers of the Star Cats, I give you your warrior names.

"Goosepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Goosefury [ Slushie]. The Star Cats honor your fierceness and protectiveness, and we welcome you as a warrior of RiverClan. I will admit.. I had some uncertainty about how you would fare when you joined the Clan, but you have soared well above my expectations. Be proud, Goosefury. You've served RiverClan well and I am glad to call you a Clan-mate.

"Sootpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sootglare [ SilentLamb]. The Star Cats honor your strength and resilience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan. You fought well in the raid despite being overwhelmed and have proven yourself to be loyal and hardy.. though I should let you know, I'm pulling your leg. Your name is actually Sootclaw, I'd feel awful if I seriously named you glare. We have enough of the 'lare' as it is with Sootfather around."

Now onto the bundle of fat known as Pebblepaw.

"Pebblepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Pebblebass--"

Abruptly, Lionstar was interrupted by Firehawk suddenly scaling the Streamstone to give him a good whack across his head with a low, threatening hiss. Lionstar let out an unhappy grumble before he resumed. What a party pooper! Pebblebass would have been perfect for the only cat in RiverClan to eat literally everything he could get his mouth on.. stupid bottom feeder.

"From this moment on you will be known as Pebblepudge [ Dust]. The Star Cats honor your squishy-ness and intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan. You did well in jumping to the defense of your Clan-mates, and I know your ceremony has been long overdue." It had been a while since Pigeonchirp received her name, only to disappear.. and before that, Graypaw's disappearance and death.

"You've all done well to overcome the challenges thrown your way. Congratulations to all of you."

Now.. there was one final ceremony to do before he did a few brief announcements. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so once the new warriors had a chance to embrace their new names.

[ shortstack, CheetahPelt, pathos, Dipper, Starbot, RedHead, FuzzyRatto, SilentLamb, Moon Lily, vermin, :Grimm:, Wings, Cloudsky, starshooter, x ghostie, Wolfie, Skye, Hexict, implimm, RedFlame2, S-oft, Splashy, Zesty Mango, The Cannibal, Katwhisperer, Rainquail, Spiderfrost, Beau, Cecily Herondale, Shimm, riverripple, Sneakyfox55, SuspiciousMindz, Snowstripe, TeamRiverRipple, Slushie, Sparkling Bliss, Flowstream, SparrowSoar, DarkNight, hxneysuckle, Caroline, MagicCat99, Leopardblaze, Ombre Party, ChubbaGoddess, Fluffy, That One Purple Cat, Morgan, Cinnamontail12, Camilla, Dust, TawnyNeedsACoffee, senpai., kittygirl, Greenleap, Daylily Orchid, The Shadow Flower, Fallenpine, Mentallyunstable, Bluepetal, Fuzzy, Loon, vermin, Salt, Queenie, Fae, Puddletail, Shadeleaf, Mumble, shadowcla, Willowfern, Echobreeze18, Silvershadow9, Socks, Littlemoon, Chasepaw, Lynxpaw, Dawneye, wolfnight, Alexcentri, Elementals, Vessel, leafkit12, nxpkin, hollyleaf2027, hal ]

Darkpaw snickered before calling out the names: "Pebblepudge! Sootclaw! Goosefury!"


Slightly amused, Nightpaw echoed his fellow clanmates' new names.


Troutspring rolled his eyes. "So immature," he drawled quietly, his smile betraying his feigned irritation as he went on to chant the titles of the newly-made warriors.

April 29th, 2020, 09:09 PM
“Goosefury! Sootclaw! Pebblepudge!” Berrypaw chanted her clanmates’ new names, although she couldn’t help but giggle at the last one. Squishy-ness. She chuckled again, Lionstar was great. As she continued chanting try e new warriors’ names, she couldn’t help but wonder what her own future name would be. The molly hoped it would be something cool.

April 29th, 2020, 09:21 PM
[Please someone respond please lol]

Hivekit poked her head out of the nursery, confused as to why there was so much noise.

She spotted the crowd easily enough, and after a moment of speculation, it seemed to her that her 'clanmates' were just shouting out nonsense words!

What in the world are they doing?

Why is that big yellow cat on that tall thingy?

Utterly baffled, the she-kit turned to the closest cat she could find and asked;

"What's going on?"
Sootclaw, Goosefury, Pebblepudge
Cloverstone called out loudly, his voice melding with his clanmates. Then he heard the kits question, Well, those cats he signalled to the newly made Warriors Completed their training and are now Warriors, and that's why we are chanting their new names the black Tom would answer

April 29th, 2020, 09:42 PM
Good, good. He was glad that some of the Clan listened.

"There is one more ceremony..

"Crabpaw [ Fae], it appears both your mentors have lost their brains in the river! I heard about their attempt to take you to Lionsrange despite your age and inexperience and I will not tolerate such reckless behavior.

"Instead, Pebblepudge [ Dust]-- while you are a newly named warrior, I also know you are responsible and fair. You will be taking over Crabpaw's training. I trust you won't potentially endanger him too."

Lionstar would give those two a moment to get situated together, smoldering gaze rested on Cloverstone [ Cecily Herondale] and Snowstripe [ Snowstripe]. "You both might need to refamiliarize yourselves with our territory if you think half a day's walk is suitable for an apprentice fresh out of the nursery."

April 29th, 2020, 09:47 PM
Echobreeze raised her head. "Pebblepludge! Goosefury! Sootclaw!" She smiled at the three proud warriors.

April 29th, 2020, 10:05 PM
Zesty Mango
Grizzlybug chuckled and teased, “I’m sure the voles are quaking in their fur!” He nudged Eveningpaw lightly with a paw as he teased her, having a tendency to touch cats when he was talking to them. He hoped the she-cat didn’t mind. Some cats went out of their way to avoid him because of his size and tendency to forget personal space, and he definitely didn’t want his apprentice to be one of them.

April 29th, 2020, 10:21 PM
Sootclaw, Goosefury, Pebblepudge
Cloverstone called out loudly, his voice melding with his clanmates. Then he heard the kits question, Well, those cats he signalled to the newly made Warriors Completed their training and are now Warriors, and that's why we are chanting their new names the black Tom would answer

Hivekit scrunched up her nose.

"What's a warrior? And what training?

She thought for a moment.

"I learned how to swim today. Does that count as training? Am I a warrior?"

Is that all the training they do?

Do they also learn to beg for food?

That reminded her.

"FOOD!" She screeched suddenly.

"I was so excited to be here I forgot I was hungry! Where's the food? Does the big yellow cat have some?"

She was bouncing up and down now, eager to find out more.

April 29th, 2020, 10:22 PM
Crabpaw fluffed up at the sound of his name, surprised to be included in the meeting. Another third new mentor? He was starting to get annoyed by all the changes, but he didn't want to argue with the almighty Lionstar.

He did, however, let out a hissy huff. Looks like he'll never figure out what Lionsrange is...

Padding over to meet his newest mentor, Crabpaw stared up at Pebblepudge in judgmental silence...then an idea hit him: "Will you take me to Lionsrange?"

[ Dust ]

April 30th, 2020, 01:18 AM
Leopardblaze gave Ivyshine a smile, her whiskers twitching in amusement at the excited new apprentice, once they had all been introduced to each other. "This is all so exciting isn't it?" she meowed to her friend. After a moment she turned to Lotuspaw and meowed, "How about some battle training later?"

Ombre Party Socks Shadeleaf

"Definately! Finally my huge size will be less of a disability and I'll be the best fighter!" Lotuspaw squeaked.

April 30th, 2020, 01:57 AM
"On a final note, RiverClan..

"Bumblebelly [ S-oft] has chosen to retire from his duties as a warrior and join the queens until further notice.

"As a permanent queen, it is requested-- but not required, you partake in some hunting excursions when you are not supervising kits. Bumblebelly, I hope you can manage keeping an eye out for anyone who seems to not be pulling their weight in the nursery. Productivity is important!"

Obviously, those heavily pregnant would get slack-- but cats not caring for kittens or about to pop should be doing a little more than just enjoying Clan benefits.

"And for those of you who are unaware.. I have assigned Fawnsqueak the role of medicine cat apprentice." The words were sour in his mouth. "This is not going to change. RiverClan needs competent cats to heal us, and Otterstone--" he knew very well she had skulked back into camp like a little snake, "is not that currently. Do not be afraid to seek him out for help with any injuries you have."

The less he saw of him... the better, he figured. Only way to keep him off his mind.

"This meeting is dismissed. Goosefury, Sootclaw, both of you get some rest."

Lionstar wasted no time in leaving the Streamstone, with a small hiss toward Firehawk on his way down.

[ shortstack, CheetahPelt, pathos, Dipper, Starbot, RedHead, FuzzyRatto, SilentLamb, Moon Lily, vermin, :Grimm:, Wings, Cloudsky, starshooter, x ghostie, Wolfie, Skye, Hexict, implimm, RedFlame2, S-oft, Splashy, Zesty Mango, The Cannibal, Katwhisperer, Rainquail, Spiderfrost, Beau, Cecily Herondale, Shimm, riverripple, Sneakyfox55, SuspiciousMindz, Snowstripe, TeamRiverRipple, Slushie, Sparkling Bliss, Flowstream, SparrowSoar, DarkNight, hxneysuckle, Caroline, MagicCat99, Leopardblaze, Ombre Party, ChubbaGoddess, Fluffy, That One Purple Cat, Morgan, Cinnamontail12, Camilla, Dust, TawnyNeedsACoffee, senpai., kittygirl, Greenleap, Daylily Orchid, The Shadow Flower, Fallenpine, Mentallyunstable, Bluepetal, Fuzzy, Loon, vermin, Salt, Queenie, Fae, Puddletail, Shadeleaf, Mumble, shadowcla, Willowfern, Echobreeze18, Silvershadow9, Socks, Littlemoon, Chasepaw, Lynxpaw, Dawneye, wolfnight, Alexcentri, Elementals, Vessel, leafkit12, nxpkin, hollyleaf2027, hal ]

April 30th, 2020, 02:02 AM
Flyfur let Lionstar climb down the Streamstones before approaching him, hoping to catch him before he made his way to his den. "Sir? May I speak to you?" She really hoped he didn't bite her head off.
BILL. (Only mentioning you bc she's directly interacting)

April 30th, 2020, 02:28 AM
Lionstar was honestly planning on ditching camp entirely for the time being. His den screamed imprisonment.

"What is it?" He muttered, keeping his gaze low to avoid spotting .. him.

[ Rainquail ]

April 30th, 2020, 02:42 AM
"In light of Otterstone's rather spotty performance in her duties, even with a new apprentice for her, I believe we should expand the warrior's common knowledge of herbal healing." She shifted her paws, aware he wanted to get going.
"I just wanted to mention it now so you had time to think about it."

April 30th, 2020, 03:28 AM
It took everything in Lionstar to not snap at her, because he knew she was well intended despite the bad timing.

"Why do you think... I put Fawnsqueak, of all the cats in the Clan, as her apprentice?

"No matter how awful she is to him, he will find a way to learn. He will expand his knowledge and pass it onto anything and everything he can." And maybe, just maybe-- he'd do it and get the Clan back in a shape where he could resign and they could be together again.

He missed.. Fawn so very much, despite the small distance between them. "Is that all?"

[ Rainquail ]

April 30th, 2020, 03:37 AM
Flyfur opened her mouth to say something other than 'yes sir' before thinking better of it and closing her mouth, just nodding instead, suddenly feeling rather stupid she hadn't caught on.
She hadn't realized that was the intention- but she knew very well he didn't put Fawn there permanently. Perhaps she was thinking he'd have multiple cats learning at once rather than one cat.

April 30th, 2020, 03:57 AM
x ghostie

"lionstar said it first but meant it as a joke. Apparently some of these bird brain's brains turn off at the first name being said! yeesh" he never thought that this clan could be so ...stupid at times. "but it was kinda funny..." Sootclaw added. Yawning he leaned against his friend. he was tired of sitting and standing..he didnt want to lay down..it would look rude...this was the next best thing "what else you think he'll say?"

Wormbite blinked, why would he joke about an name? He regretted not arriving early, he wanted to understand it properly. Sootglare.. Sootglare,, what was so funny about it? He decided to not ponder on it anymore. He would ask Shimmeringpool later. "Birds are smart. They would fit the stereotype of a.. beetle's brain, instead. It fits better, " He mewed simply. Birds were so misunderstood.

Wormbite glanced around to see if he could find his sister in the crowd which obviously-- He paused at the physical contact. Wormbite stared at Sootclaw in confusion. He was,, leaning against him? Leaning against his shoulder? Was he hurt? He never got the chance to actually see how injured his friend was from the raid. Worry spiked up, was he dying? Subtly, he bend his head down to sniff Sootclaw. He didn't... smell like death. Smelled like mouse, actually. He didn't look to be in pain either. Wormbite's body relaxed and he looked back at Lionstar. It was nice.. He opened his mouth to speak. "Uh, perha--" His voice was cut off by Lionstar.

Wormbite ceased his thoughts and listened to his leader but it seemed like most of the words went in one ear and out the other. Mainly because it was hard to focus with Sootclaw leaning against him. He wasn't used to it. Ugh, he was overthinking. Once the meeting ended, Wormbite turned to Sootclaw. He cleared his throat softly, "When you finish your vigil-- do you want me to help get you settle in the warrior's den?" Afterall, he didn't want his friend to get stuck with a cat who will snore his ear off.

April 30th, 2020, 05:47 AM
Streamsong goes out to look for Lionstar. Lionstar? Sir? May I have a word with you? BILL.

April 30th, 2020, 06:18 AM
He was... supposed to feel happy. Right? Even though his excitement was at an all time high, there was still a part of him that felt... hollow. The chanting of his name sounded distant, his breath hitching as his eyes scanned the crowd of familiar faces of his siblings. They weren't there. And he felt alone. Swallowing hard, the newly named Pebblepudge gave Lionstar a look of disbelief as he announce Crabpaw to be his apprentice.

"W-wha?" He started, before clamping his jaws shut. He wouldn't fight Lionstar on it - not right now at least. But... Crabpaw had already had two mentors? Wow. Forcing a smile as Crabpaw walked up, Pebblepudge leaned forward to press his nose against Crab's forehead in greeting.

"Wait, what?! Take you to Lionsrange?" Puffing out his cheeks, the new warrior shook his head, "No way! That place is dangerous!" Even as an older apprentice, he still had to go with strong, pretty lady Cobaltshade!

"I wouldn't even want to go there by myself," He admitted to Crabapw, "But I .. uhm... Uh... can take you to uhm...- OH! I can take you to the beach if you want!"


April 30th, 2020, 08:28 AM
+ BILL. +
After the end of the meeting, Rainsplash padded away from the stream stone, heading into the clearing.

April 30th, 2020, 08:44 AM
With the announcements done, Brightwhisker stood to track down Harepaw.
After the announcements, Dawncloud stayed sitting, amber eyes flitted towards the medicine cats den and wondered. Perhaps, with all things considered she could ask to learn a few things with Fawnsqueak. With Otterstone being....unresponsive to the job it wouldn't hurt to have at least some passing knowledge of tending to the injured.

With that thought, the molly stood and started to make her way towards the medicine cats den. Hopefully Fawnsqueak was already there.

April 30th, 2020, 09:30 AM
[ Socks Leopardblaze Shadeleaf ]

Ivyshine tilted her head. Battle training did sound fun but... surely she must show Peachpaw the whole territory first? She called the names when Lionstar spoke them without hesitation before looking back down at Leopardblaze.”I was thinking about showing her around the territory first, but I’m not sure we’ll have time for that today, so I don’t see why not.” Ivyshine purred, dipping her head to Leopardblaze’s apprentice. Ivyshine didn’t think she had had her apprentice for very long but she wasnt sure how more advanced from Peachpaw she was. She turned to Peachpaw. “How do you feel about battle training with Leopardblaze and her apprentice?” She purred, glad when Lionstar - though rather moodily - called the meeting to an end and bounded off to talk or do whatever it was he was planning on doing. Ivyshine shook her pelt and looked hopefully at Peachpaw. “We can start now since the meeting is over if you all are ready.” Excitement fluffed her pelt out her dappled fur and made her green gaze sparkle. Ivyshine has to keep her paws glued to the ground as she waited for each cat to agree.

Star child
April 30th, 2020, 09:48 AM
Harepaw had zoned out in his own thoughts during the meeting, and so he didn't notice all the other cats moving. He flicked an ear, and turned his head to look around. Had some cat called him?
(I don't know if you forgot to mention me or not, but I saw that Brightwhisker was looking for Harepaw.)

April 30th, 2020, 10:17 AM
(I was just honestly going to leave it as that since we're already rping the training after the announcement. But I'm not averse to them interacting more)

Brightwhisker spotted his apprentice zoning out as the crowd moved around them. The tom quirked a small smile as he made his way to Harepaw with a call to break the younger tom out of his thoughts. He hoped he wasn't thinking of anything important.

From behind him, he caught the sound of a familiar she-cat. He tensed for a moment, glaring down at his paws that stopped moving before shaking his head to focus. He walked just a little faster to Harepaw, drowning out the noises around him.

"Harepaw, just the cat I was looking for." he greeted.

-- @Bluepetal (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=9016)

Star child
April 30th, 2020, 10:26 AM
(I was just honestly going to leave it as that since we're already rping the training after the announcement. But I'm not averse to them interacting more)

Brightwhisker spotted his apprentice zoning out as the crowd moved around them. The tom quirked a small smile as he made his way to Harepaw with a call to break the younger tom out of his thoughts. He hoped he wasn't thinking of anything important.

From behind him, he caught the sound of a familiar she-cat. He tensed for a moment, glaring down at his paws that stopped moving before shaking his head to focus. He walked just a little faster to Harepaw, drowning out the noises around him.

"Harepaw, just the cat I was looking for." he greeted.

-- @Bluepetal (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=9016)
(Whoops. Well, I mean, they don't always have to be training when they talk to each other.)
Harepaw blinked. "Hi. Are you okay?" Brightwhisker seemed a little on edge. He twitched his nose.

April 30th, 2020, 10:38 AM
x ghostie

Ears twitching, he turned his gaze back to wormbite after lionstar dismissed them. "hmm?....oh yeah.....sorry just tired.." he couldn't really get the good sleep he wanted after they returned from the second raid..he wanted that good sleep. Though the sleep he got did make him feel less horrible. "then why do they say bird brain too? " he asked , if they were smart. .why use that? It was confusing at times.

April 30th, 2020, 10:44 AM
(Then bonding time it is \(O w O)/ )

The dark eyed tom gave his apprentice a farce of a smile, trying to keep his thoughts separate from his interaction with Harepaw.

"I will be...I just, need a bit of a distraction. How are your legs after our first leason? Hope they aren't too sore."

-- Bluepetal

Star child
April 30th, 2020, 10:55 AM
(Then bonding time it is \(O w O)/ )

The dark eyed tom gave his apprentice a farce of a smile, trying to keep his thoughts separate from his interaction with Harepaw.

"I will be...I just, need a bit of a distraction. How are your legs after our first leason? Hope they aren't too sore."

-- Bluepetal
Harepaw shook his head. "They're fine. They'll be good in a day," he battered Brightwhisker's tail lightly. "When do you think I'll be able to go on patrol?"

April 30th, 2020, 11:06 AM
The tom hummed in thought, but Lionstar was...random at the best of times. And considering Harepaw was a returning cat...

"Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Lionstar can be...fickle I guess the word is. But it may take him some time of seeing you take active part in the clan again for him to be comfortable thinking you aren't going to wander off again." he guessed, shrugging.

"I can't really speak for him though, I trust him to lead us, but I'm not part a friend of his so I don't know how he thinks." he admitted with his tail tip patting the younger tom. "Give it time, though, as long as you prove you're taking responsibility for yourself then he'll make sure you'll be on the roster."

-- Bluepetal

Star child
April 30th, 2020, 11:27 AM
The tom hummed in thought, but Lionstar was...random at the best of times. And considering Harepaw was a returning cat...

"Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Lionstar can be...fickle I guess the word is. But it may take him some time of seeing you take active part in the clan again for him to be comfortable thinking you aren't going to wander off again." he guessed, shrugging.

"I can't really speak for him though, I trust him to lead us, but I'm not part a friend of his so I don't know how he thinks." he admitted with his tail tip patting the younger tom. "Give it time, though, as long as you prove you're taking responsibility for yourself then he'll make sure you'll be on the roster."

-- Bluepetal
Harepaw frowned, pouting. "Does he think I'm going to run away again?"

April 30th, 2020, 11:36 AM
Brightwhisker gives the young tom a sympathetic look. To be honest he didn't know, it was hard to follow what Lionstar's thought process is when he's in a particularly manic mood. But he doesn't want to discourage Harepaw either.

"I think...after all the happenings lately, the previous deputy shirking his duties and breaking his trust, Ravenmi--R-Ravenpaw lying to him, and in general the building drama with Shadowclan. Lionstar needs to know you are with the clan 100%. I think he's finding trustworthy cats hard to come by these days and not all of Rivercaln has been behind him with his leadership." Brightwhisker explains.

"Just keep doing what your doing Harepaw, you already showed your willing by coming back. But trust is easy to break and hard to get back."

-- Bluepetal

Star child
April 30th, 2020, 11:40 AM
Brightwhisker gives the young tom a sympathetic look. To be honest he didn't know, it was hard to follow what Lionstar's thought process is when he's in a particularly manic mood. But he doesn't want to discourage Harepaw either.

"I think...after all the happenings lately, the previous deputy shirking his duties and breaking his trust, Ravenmi--R-Ravenpaw lying to him, and in general the building drama with Shadowclan. Lionstar needs to know you are with the clan 100%. I think he's finding trustworthy cats hard to come by these days and not all of Rivercaln has been behind him with his leadership." Brightwhisker explains.

"Just keep doing what your doing Harepaw, you already showed your willing by coming back. But trust is easy to break and hard to get back."

-- Bluepetal
(Wow I want to say that I felt that last part.)
Harepaw shrugged. "I guess so." He looked at the sky. "It must be hard, being leader. Imagine having a whole clan of cats who will live or die at your own actions."

April 30th, 2020, 12:21 PM
(O w O) (emotions : D)

"And Riverclan has the most cats by far, he's got a lot to deal with and very few to help." Bright whisker nodded. "But I'm glad you understand, don't take it personally. And if you weren't at least on his good side, he wouldn't be quite about it. Trust me." he gave a depreciating look before wiping in away.

"I do hope that being back hasn't been that hard on you though."

-- Bluepetal

Star child
April 30th, 2020, 12:24 PM
(O w O) (emotions : D)

"And Riverclan has the most cats by far, he's got a lot to deal with and very few to help." Bright whisker nodded. "But I'm glad you understand, don't take it personally. And if you weren't at least on his good side, he wouldn't be quite about it. Trust me." he gave a depreciating look before wiping in away.

"I do hope that being back hasn't been that hard on you though."

-- Bluepetal
"I actually kind of look up to Lionstar. But then again, who wouldn't?" He mewed. "I mean, besides having to clean out all the dens in camp and taking care of the queens and elders, nothing has been harder since."

April 30th, 2020, 12:28 PM
Echobreeze sat down and began to clean herself. She decided to go out. Maybe see Blazeclaw? "Snowstripe!" Echobreeze called. "Want to go hunting?" Snowstripe

April 30th, 2020, 12:33 PM
"I actually kind of look up to Lionstar. But then again, who wouldn't?" He mewed. "I mean, besides having to clean out all the dens in camp and taking care of the queens and elders, nothing has been harder since."

Brightwhisker chuckled at that.

"Taking care of them is all part of being an apprentice, I had to do it too. Once, I got roped into finding a specific plant an elder wanted for their nest. Wouldn't take no for an answer...I wound up getting chased by a Thunderclan patrol because apparently the reed only grew on their side of the border. My mentor chewed me out for hours."

April 30th, 2020, 12:35 PM
Hearing no answer, Echobreeze shrugged. "Sunpetal! C'mon!" Chasepaw

April 30th, 2020, 12:38 PM
Hearing no answer, Echobreeze shrugged. "Sunpetal! C'mon!" Chasepaw
"Where?" Sunpetal asked.

April 30th, 2020, 12:40 PM
"Oh, I don't know," Echobreeze said mildly. "Where do you think we should go?" Chasepaw

April 30th, 2020, 12:42 PM
"Oh, I don't know," Echobreeze said mildly. "Where do you think we should go?" Chasepaw
"Out of camp!" She joked. "I don't know let's just see where we end up!"

April 30th, 2020, 12:45 PM
"Oh, good idea!" Echobreeze laughed and they were on their way. Chasepaw

April 30th, 2020, 12:46 PM
I'm going to post in our territory -wl)

Star child
April 30th, 2020, 12:48 PM
Brightwhisker chuckled at that.

"Taking care of them is all part of being an apprentice, I had to do it too. Once, I got roped into finding a specific plant an elder wanted for their nest. Wouldn't take no for an answer...I wound up getting chased by a Thunderclan patrol because apparently the reed only grew on their side of the border. My mentor chewed me out for hours."
Harepaw gave a huff of amusement. " What did the elder say about it? Did they know it was on Thunderclan territory?"

April 30th, 2020, 12:48 PM
yeah i just did Chasepaw

April 30th, 2020, 01:35 PM
Peachpaw called out all the names of the new warriors with her clan, feeling like a proper member, these were her peers now. She watched the exchange between her mentor and the others now around her, eyes shining. She felt so happy to no longer be a little kit who couldn't do anything. She was going to show them all how great she was.
"Battle training?! YES! That sounds like so much FUN! I wanna go!" She fluffed up excitedly, her earlier adrenaline returning and all she really wanted to do was run around until she dropped. "Let's go!" She grinned, looking between Ivyshine and Leopardblaze like they'd offered her a meal of every fish in the sea.

Ombre Party Leopardblaze Shadeleaf

April 30th, 2020, 02:00 PM
Leopardblaze purred, her tail swishing happily at her apprentice's excitement. She looked over to Ivyshine as she considered going with them. "You can meet us there if you wanted to show her a bit of the territory first before getting there, unless you just want to leave with us," she suggested glancing between the two excited apprentices. She nodded, "Yes, I think we can leave now." She smiled, her pelt fluffing excitedly. She was excited to be able to pass on her own training down to her apprentice.
Ombre Party Shadeleaf Socks

April 30th, 2020, 02:55 PM
Zesty Mango
Grizzlybug chuckled and teased, “I’m sure the voles are quaking in their fur!” He nudged Eveningpaw lightly with a paw as he teased her, having a tendency to touch cats when he was talking to them. He hoped the she-cat didn’t mind. Some cats went out of their way to avoid him because of his size and tendency to forget personal space, and he definitely didn’t want his apprentice to be one of them.
Eveningpaw smiled a bit,” I’ll bet they are. When can we go?” she asked in excitement.

April 30th, 2020, 03:08 PM
Eveningpaw smiled a bit,” I’ll bet they are. When can we go?” she asked in excitement.
“We can head out now,” He responded with a flick of his tail and pulled himself to his paws. Grizzlybug trotted to the entrance and made his way outside. Once there, the tom headed in the direction of cattail pond, checking ice in a while to make sure Eveningpaw was following.

April 30th, 2020, 05:11 PM
Harepaw gave a huff of amusement. " What did the elder say about it? Did they know it was on Thunderclan territory?"
The short furred tom gave a distant look of unamusment.

"Oh they knew... when I got back, winded, covered in mud and a spider on my head, dragging the reeds behind me they asked me what took so long." He said. "Apparently they had made a game of sending apprentices on wild chases for things. The elder would say it's for the experience... but really I think they just got a kick out of it."

April 30th, 2020, 05:53 PM
Dogkit padded up to Foxpaw. "When will you be getting your warrior name?" He asked her.


April 30th, 2020, 06:07 PM
Dogkit padded up to Foxpaw. "When will you be getting your warrior name?" He asked her.

Foxpaw shrugged “I’m not sure, when are you going to be an apprentice?”

April 30th, 2020, 06:17 PM
"I don't know" Dogkit told Foxpaw.

April 30th, 2020, 06:22 PM
"I don't know" Dogkit told Foxpaw.
Foxpaw chuckled “man we are smart”

April 30th, 2020, 06:25 PM
"Foxpaw, can you teach me to hunt tomorrow?" Dogkit asked Foxpaw.

April 30th, 2020, 09:05 PM
Ivyshine purred warmly at her apprentice. She’s so excited and ready to learn! I hope Leopardblaze’s apprentice doesn’t ruin it for her. She kept from showing her worry and instead focused on their conversation. Ivyshine purred, nodding in agreement. “That sounds wonderful. You can lead all of us there; I can show Peachpaw the territory tomorrow. It isn’t going anywhere.” Ivyshine mewed, motioning for Leopardblaze to lead, whiskers twitching with amusement as she glanced at her excited apprentice. “Don’t leave my line of sight or go to fast. I want you to have all your energy so we can focus on training.” Ivyshine mewed, beckoning her apprentice to follow as she stood up to follow Leopardblaze.

( Shadeleaf Leopardblaze Socks )

April 30th, 2020, 10:57 PM
"Alright let's go," she mewed happily getting up glancing at her apprentice and then Ivyshine making sure everyone was ready to go before she started leading them out of camp. "This is going to be interesting," she mewed looking over to Ivyshine, her whiskers twitching in amusement. "And fun I'm sure." The apprentices' enthusiasm was almost contagious and made her excited to be able to train her apprentice, still vividly remembering her training sessions with her mentor. It's been so long since I trained with Dapplesplash, she thought with a heavy sigh. She shook away those thought to try and smiled, hoping none of them had noticed the sigh. She just wanted to focus on what was going on now.

(RiverClan Training Island next?)

Shadeleaf Socks Ombre Party

Star child
May 1st, 2020, 09:29 AM
The short furred tom gave a distant look of unamusment.

"Oh they knew... when I got back, winded, covered in mud and a spider on my head, dragging the reeds behind me they asked me what took so long." He said. "Apparently they had made a game of sending apprentices on wild chases for things. The elder would say it's for the experience... but really I think they just got a kick out of it."
"Oh.." Harepaw looked down. "Sorry, I just thought it was funny to think about," he apologized.

May 1st, 2020, 11:14 AM
"Oh.." Harepaw looked down. "Sorry, I just thought it was funny to think about," he apologized.

Brightwhisker shook his head and laughed.

"Nah, it's funny to think about now. The other apprentices teased me, but it was all in good fun. The Thunderclan patrol was pretty understanding too."

Star child
May 1st, 2020, 11:24 AM
Brightwhisker shook his head and laughed.

"Nah, it's funny to think about now. The other apprentices teased me, but it was all in good fun. The Thunderclan patrol was pretty understanding too."
"So Thunderclan's familiar with what the elders do?" Harepaw scratched his ear with his back leg.

May 1st, 2020, 12:42 PM
"So Thunderclan's familiar with what the elders do?" Harepaw scratched his ear with his back leg.

Brightwhisker shrugged. "Apparently, that elder send apprentices to get the reed often enough it became a joke to those Thunderclanners." he explained.

Star child
May 1st, 2020, 01:00 PM
Brightwhisker shrugged. "Apparently, that elder send apprentices to get the reed often enough it became a joke to those Thunderclanners." he explained.
"Hmmm," Harepaw looked thoughtful. "Y'know, I think I would really like to see that reed," he smirked. "Would you mind getting one for me?"

May 1st, 2020, 02:30 PM
Peachpaw nodded obediently at Ivyshine's words, she was a dignified apprentice so she'd follow behind her apprentice calmly without complaint. Battle training, battle training, battle training! She was going to be the best ever at battling for sure, Ivyshine will be so proud to be her mentor! She smiled at Leopardblaze expectantly, waiting for the warrior to lead the way.

Shadeleaf Leopardblaze Ombre Party

May 1st, 2020, 03:03 PM
"Hmmm," Harepaw looked thoughtful. "Y'know, I think I would really like to see that reed," he smirked. "Would you mind getting one for me?"

The look Brightwhisker gave his apprentice was both hard not to laugh at and promising consequences for such a request. His tail flicked back and forth.

"There is absolutely nothing stopping me from sending to on that chase as well either." he grinned mischievously. "Why don't I make that your first assessment, hm?"

May 1st, 2020, 06:05 PM
He was... supposed to feel happy. Right? Even though his excitement was at an all time high, there was still a part of him that felt... hollow. The chanting of his name sounded distant, his breath hitching as his eyes scanned the crowd of familiar faces of his siblings. They weren't there. And he felt alone. Swallowing hard, the newly named Pebblepudge gave Lionstar a look of disbelief as he announce Crabpaw to be his apprentice.

"W-wha?" He started, before clamping his jaws shut. He wouldn't fight Lionstar on it - not right now at least. But... Crabpaw had already had two mentors? Wow. Forcing a smile as Crabpaw walked up, Pebblepudge leaned forward to press his nose against Crab's forehead in greeting.

"Wait, what?! Take you to Lionsrange?" Puffing out his cheeks, the new warrior shook his head, "No way! That place is dangerous!" Even as an older apprentice, he still had to go with strong, pretty lady Cobaltshade!

"I wouldn't even want to go there by myself," He admitted to Crabapw, "But I .. uhm... Uh... can take you to uhm...- OH! I can take you to the beach if you want!"


Crabpaw's eyes dulled when Pebblepudge denied his request. "Wha? What do you mean it's dangerous?" He groaned, furrowing his brows in annoyance.

Man, being an apprentice wasn't as great as he thought it'd be...

Though when his mentor mentioned Lionsbeach, the little kitten puffed back up. "A BEACH?!" He hopped with joy, "oOOOOoOOOh! YEs, take me now! Pleasepleaseplease!"

Maybe Pebblepudge wasn't so bad after all!

Star child
May 2nd, 2020, 12:38 PM
The look Brightwhisker gave his apprentice was both hard not to laugh at and promising consequences for such a request. His tail flicked back and forth.

"There is absolutely nothing stopping me from sending to on that chase as well either." he grinned mischievously. "Why don't I make that your first assessment, hm?"
Harepaw beamed at the challenge. "What do I get if I actually do get the reed?"

May 2nd, 2020, 04:17 PM
"Hmm..." the lynx point thought about it and grinned. "How about you get one free pass to tell me to do something equally ridiculous?"

-- Bluepetal

Star child
May 2nd, 2020, 04:37 PM
"Hmm..." the lynx point thought about it and grinned. "How about you get one free pass to tell me to do something equally ridiculous?"

-- Bluepetal
Harepaw thought for a moment. "Uhmm... Colbatshade said that our tails help steer in the water?" He shrugged. "I don't have something really ridiculous to share yet."

May 2nd, 2020, 05:19 PM
[ Shimm ]

Gosh, her smile was enough to completely melt his heart. He hobbled over to her, managing to maintain the ecstatic expression even though his eye glimmered with pain. "Check it out," he said. "I'm a warrior now."

She was pleased to see that his warrior ceremony put him in a better mood. Thank Starclan for that. "Well look at you! Goosefury." The name suited him well. Maybe I should get him a warrior present! The thought excited her since sadly his present was used for the queens. Shimmeringpool would just have to think what would make the present perfect.

May 2nd, 2020, 05:49 PM
[ Shimm ]

His smile faltered suddenly and he winced in pain. Instinctively he reached his paw toward the right side of his face - and then he stopped, setting his paw back on the ground, as if he had remembered the main injury.
The smile returned after a moment, but it now seemed forced. "I think I'm going to go lay back down," he managed to rasp out. He suddenly seemed a thousand times more exhausted than he had mere seconds ago. "I just- everything hurts."

May 3rd, 2020, 02:21 AM
x ghostie

Ears twitching, he turned his gaze back to wormbite after lionstar dismissed them. "hmm?....oh yeah.....sorry just tired.." he couldn't really get the good sleep he wanted after they returned from the second raid..he wanted that good sleep. Though the sleep he got did make him feel less horrible. "then why do they say bird brain too? " he asked , if they were smart. .why use that? It was confusing at times.

Oh, yeah. Wormbite seemed to have forgotten about the previous events-- a small frown appeared on his face for a split moment. He was still having a hard time processing the fact he had battled another cat. He casted an glance to Sootclaw's paws. Stupid thoughts were popping up again.

The tom would fidget as Sootclaw still had his head on his shoulder. Why was his friend so.. warm? His pelt was getting uncomfortably hot. Wormbite rose to his paws, rolling his shoulders. The meeting was over so he gave a small nudge to Sootclaw to get up also. "Sleep in my nest, " He mewed-- "You need rest. You can make your own later after your vigil. Non-sleep-deprived, " His tail flickered-- he set his wounded paw down onto the ground, very much prepared to drag his friend to the warrior's den. Pain shot up his leg, Wormbite's eyes darted to glare at his own paw. His fur-prison was stupidly fragile.

He looked back up at Sootclaw, tilting his head to the right at his question. "Uneducated, " Wormbite explained-- nodding to himself in confidence.

May 3rd, 2020, 09:13 AM
Harepaw thought for a moment. "Uhmm... Colbatshade said that our tails help steer in the water?" He shrugged. "I don't have something really ridiculous to share yet."

(I actually said Hare can tell Bright to do something just as silly, not that he can tell him something just as silly. But meh *shrugs*)

"Then we'll keep it for a special occasion." Brightwhisker shrugged. As the two talked his earlier issues disappeared to the back of his mind. Harepaw was here and he was a good kid. He liked him, and the young warrior was starting to be a little thankful Lionstar had choosen him. Even if the reason was just to seperate him from Raven.

Brightwhisker shooke that train of thought free and stood up. Ok you, if You really want to go for it we can make this into some stealth training. You get spotted by a Thunderclan patrol--well we'll deal with that after running for our pelts." Maybe just for today this could be more about fun and less about being responsible.

(Do you want to rp the reed stealing? Or leave it as this. I think this is a pretty good stopping point.)

May 3rd, 2020, 09:29 AM
x ghostie

He gave a slow nod only to yawn again "sounds bout right...mousebrains.." he sighed and walked along beside worm.

Star child
May 3rd, 2020, 10:05 AM
(I actually said Hare can tell Bright to do something just as silly, not that he can tell him something just as silly. But meh *shrugs*)

"Then we'll keep it for a special occasion." Brightwhisker shrugged. As the two talked his earlier issues disappeared to the back of his mind. Harepaw was here and he was a good kid. He liked him, and the young warrior was starting to be a little thankful Lionstar had choosen him. Even if the reason was just to seperate him from Raven.

Brightwhisker shooke that train of thought free and stood up. Ok you, if You really want to go for it we can make this into some stealth training. You get spotted by a Thunderclan patrol--well we'll deal with that after running for our pelts." Maybe just for today this could be more about fun and less about being responsible.

(Do you want to rp the reed stealing? Or leave it as this. I think this is a pretty good stopping point.)
Aw, welp. Just missed a great opportunity. And that'll be up to you if you want to rp it or not.)

Harepaw jumped around. "Let's do it!"

May 4th, 2020, 01:44 AM
[ Shimm ]

His smile faltered suddenly and he winced in pain. Instinctively he reached his paw toward the right side of his face - and then he stopped, setting his paw back on the ground, as if he had remembered the main injury.
The smile returned after a moment, but it now seemed forced. "I think I'm going to go lay back down," he managed to rasp out. He suddenly seemed a thousand times more exhausted than he had mere seconds ago. "I just- everything hurts."

Her smile vanished as well when his was wiped away with pain. Taking a few pawsteps forward the molly peered into his gaze. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" Shimmeringpool so desperately wanted to get this ugly feeling of guilt away and she figured the only way she could to that was helping him until he was fully healed. "Here, lean on me when we walk to the warrior's den. You can sleep in my bed and I'll make you one while you rest." The silver and white molly offered with a soft smile.

May 4th, 2020, 02:52 AM
[ Shimm ]

"I don't need your help-" he started to snap, but then his paws were failing him and he found himself collapsing into her. His pelt burned with shame. He was a warrior now, he'd taken on three ShadowClan cats at once - he wasn't supposed to look like this! He wasn't supposed to look so weak.
"Okay," he murmured after a moment. "That sounds nice." And it did, really. He just wished he didn't have to rely on someone to do something as simple as walk. He had legs! Losing an eye should't affect his ability to use them properly! But it was, and he bad no choice, so he leaned into her shoulder with heavy sigh.

May 6th, 2020, 04:19 AM
[ Shimm ]

"I don't need your help-" he started to snap, but then his paws were failing him and he found himself collapsing into her. His pelt burned with shame. He was a warrior now, he'd taken on three ShadowClan cats at once - he wasn't supposed to look like this! He wasn't supposed to look so weak.
"Okay," he murmured after a moment. "That sounds nice." And it did, really. He just wished he didn't have to rely on someone to do something as simple as walk. He had legs! Losing an eye should't affect his ability to use them properly! But it was, and he bad no choice, so he leaned into her shoulder with heavy sigh.

Shimmeringpool's jaw dropped, she wanted to recoil from his touch as if he slapped her. Shoving the disgust she now felt for the tom at the moment the silver warrior closed her eyes for a moment. Pushing the urge away to shove him off of her. Just a few tail lengths to go and then you can leave his grumpy ass.
The walk to the warrior's den was tedious and she wondered if this was the new him? Was he now going to walk around with his head held high or was he going to be bitter towards everyone? Only time would tell with this one.
Holding back a sigh of relief the molly gently lowered Goosefury in her bed,welp, gotta make a new one.Thinking to herself. "I will be back later." Her voice was soft, shaky. She couldn't even meet his gaze before she quickly padded out of the den.

May 16th, 2020, 09:25 PM
It'd been some time since Lionstar called a Clan meeting, and what better time than now when things had settled down and he had a plethora of announcements to make?

Mostly ceremonies for kits and apprentices. He wasn't sure if he'd go into the warrior ceremonies this time around-- it depended on how everything else went.

"All those old enough to swim, gather beneath the Streamstone for a Clan meeting!"

His voice bellowed out as he climbed up the rock, taking a seat with his tail neatly tucked into his paws.

First things first.. once some cats gathered around he'd fix the apprentices that no longer had mentors problem.

Stars, cats ditching their apprentices was getting old. Lionstar didn't like his but you didn't see him going missing over it!!!!!
[ shortstack, CheetahPelt, Dipper, Starbot, RedHead, FuzzyRatto, SilentLamb, Moon Lily, vermin, :Grimm:, Echobreeze18, x ghostie, Goldwhisker, Wolfie, Skye, implimm, Splashy, Zesty Mango, Katwhisperer, Rainquail, Spiderfrost, Beau, Shimm, Sneakyfox55, FireSandwich, Snowstripe, TeamRiverRipple, Slushie, Sparkling Bliss, SparrowSoar, DarkNight, hxneysuckle, Leopardblaze, Pluto, Camilla, Dust, crypticcountryroad, shadowcla, WhiteStripes, Quailsong, CloverAndCoffee, Elementals, Splashpelt, RainbowQuail, Laser eyeballs, TeamInkBot, Yukine, Pepperkins, Daylily Orchid, Greenleap, The Shadow Flower, Mentallyunstable, Star child, Fuzzy, Loon, Estelle, kittygirl, Queenie, Fae, Puddle~, .Bread., Shadeleaf, Mumble, Silvershadow9, Socks, Tundra, Rose Child (Gay Bean), Zero, hope, Willowfern, S-oft, Flowstream, Lynxpaw, Dawneye, wolfnight, elysian, Lune, Rani, Applebreeze, -Pounce- ]

The Shadow Flower
May 16th, 2020, 09:28 PM
StonePaw would run up to the streamstone.
Meetings were so exciting!
She'd sit down and look up at the leader.

May 16th, 2020, 09:29 PM
Sparrowpaw dashed over to the streamstone, what was going to be in store for today?


Morningmeadow walked to the streamstone from the clearing.

May 16th, 2020, 09:29 PM
Lionstar stood on a large rock and called. The statement, which was meant to be a simple summons, confused Beankit to no end. He was old enough to swim, so he should go. But he couldn’t swim, he didn’t know how...? But what if cats got mad at him for not going? In the end, he crept up but stayed far in the back, extremely uncertain and nervous some cat might call him out for doing something wrong. This was, after all, his first meeting.


May 16th, 2020, 09:30 PM
Willowkit might not be old enough to swim but like hell she was gonna miss this! She stumbled out of the nursery and plopped down in front of the sunstone twitching in excitement. By the stars Lionstar was so big! Granted all warriors were big to the kit but still he appeared larger then life like this, what a way to see the leader for the first time!

jackal blackout
May 16th, 2020, 09:31 PM
redstorm walked up to the entrance of the nursery and sat down to listen and shadowpelt went up to the large rock.

May 16th, 2020, 09:34 PM
Blizzardkit bounded forward in excitment knowing he was bound to be an apprentice.

Eveningpaw padded forward in excitement, she was going to become a warrior today. But she was scared about vowing to defending to protect Riverclan at the cost of her life.

Salmonsong tipped her head in curiosity and gave a large yawn, sneaking out for romance at night was exhausting, she had to tell the toms she was expecting, eventually.

May 16th, 2020, 09:34 PM
Dogkit ran up to the Streamstone and sat around the edge of the crowd.

May 16th, 2020, 09:34 PM

Hearing Lionstar's loud voice ring out across the clearing, Berrypaw poked her head out from the apprentices' den, and scurried over to the streamstone, taking a seat towards the front. If she was correct, this was likely the meeting where mouse-brained Maplekit would be becoming an apprentice. Ugh. It was going to be a hassle, having to deal with him more often, but at least she at least still had Silentkit to help out.

May 16th, 2020, 09:37 PM
Brightwhisker walked into the area, stifling a yawn after the sparing he and Harepaw did earlier.
Dawncloud had lost Spiderpaw at some point after she let the younger molly go off to get aquainted with the current apprentices and set up her nest in the apprentice den. She was sure to find her at some point and would just keep a look out for them in the crowd.

May 16th, 2020, 09:39 PM
(Open) Creekleap padded in front of the streamstone, yawning softly and listening to his call.

May 16th, 2020, 09:41 PM
Dawnkit came running up, calling Duskkit to follow "I bet we will become apprentices together today! We should look our best!" She quickly began to groom her friend's fur

That Key in the Tree
May 16th, 2020, 09:43 PM
Hollywatcher twitched her ears when she heard Lionstar’s call. I wonder what this is for. She was quite curious to what this meeting was about. She figured it was some sort of apprenticeship meeting but she’d find out soon enough. She flicked her tail and sat down.


May 16th, 2020, 09:44 PM
Duskkit heard the call for the clan meeting from the nursery. He stood still for a moment, in shock of what was happening. I'm old enough to become an apprentice! Maybe I'll become one today! With Dawnkit! A bright smile lit across his face. He bounced up, giving his pelt long, thick white pelt with brown tabby splotches a good shake, and walked out into the clearing.

Duskkit stared around the clearing in awe. He didn't know that this many cats lived there. In fact, he didn't think that he had ever seen this many cats in one place in his life! He trotted over to the group, walking nimbly over paws and tails as he made his way to the center of the group. He saw a small spot on the ground, open for a cat to sit down. He quickly sat down and curled his fluffy tail over his paws.

Duskkit turned his gaze up to Lionstar. His pale yellow eyes were gleaming with excitement. He still had a bright smile on his face. This was it! He was going to become an apprentice and train to become a warrior! His paws kept shifting beneath him, unable to hide his excitement and energy. He suddenly remembered his friend. Dawnkit!

Duskkit tried to peer over the cats that surrounded him, looking for his friend. Where is she?! We are supposed to do this together! What if Lionstar calls on me and I don't know what to do! I need her! He continued to look in the large crowd of cats, looking frantically for her face. Or any familiar face! He sighed in relief as he saw her padding over to him. He was glad when she started to groom his fur. He started to do the same to her. He was so excited to begin a new part of his life! And with his best friend!


May 16th, 2020, 09:48 PM
Dawnkit quickly ran up to Duskkit and began grooming her friend's fur "If our ceremonies are today we need to look our best! My fur is a mess but hopefully I can at least get you looking perfect!" Her fur was so dusty and ruffled and she looked completely exhausted on her paws

May 16th, 2020, 09:51 PM
Peachpaw shot up at the call, happy to finally be of the group old enough to attend meetings! She quickly but proudly made her way to her clanmates, taking a seat among her peers with her chin held high. Oh, this was exciting, almost as exciting as the meeting she'd been made an apprentice. Almost.


Turtlekit hesitantly walked out of the nursery to see what the commotion was about. She felt like she'd never understand all the workings of a clan, she'd seen one of these meetings before but had never attended. She was scared of the crowded areas of the clan and the scary tom, who she'd figured by now was in charge, was calling the older cats. But now curiosity had overcome her and she was cowering near the edge of the group to watch.

jackal blackout
May 16th, 2020, 09:53 PM
shadowpelt was sitting down waiting for lionstar to start the meeting, while she was waiting she looked around at all the cats and she thought *wow that is a lot of cats*

May 16th, 2020, 09:55 PM
Duskkit paused and stopped grooming her. He looked at his friend, his eyes shining with excitement. "Dawnkit...Thank you." He looked down at the round for a moment, searching for the right words to say. "When I came to Riverclan, I was alone. I had no one. You were my first friend here, and that means a lot to me. I just wanted you to know how grateful I am."

Duskkit shifted on his paws before looked at his best friend. He couldn't imagine having to do this without her. Being alone in the middle of the clan, not knowing what to do. He would be a mess without her. He then remembered he had to clean her pelt and continued to groom her. He watched her closely as he licked her pelt. He noticed that she seemed tired, exhausted even. He paused between his licks. "Dawnkit...Why do you look so tired?" he asked her.

Dawnkit looked at his friend, worry shining in his eyes. Is she sick? Did she get in a fight or have trouble falling asleep? He searched her, looking for a source of her tiredness. What if she can't become an apprentice? he thought. The thought just made him more worried.


May 16th, 2020, 09:56 PM
Petuniapaw bounced at the sound of Mister Lionstar's yowl. Another Clan meeting! They were always fun! New cats or new ranks even news she didn't understand! Petuniapaw trotted over to the gathering group and sat down her amber eyes scanning over the cats with excitement. Anything could happen.

May 16th, 2020, 10:10 PM
Oh, goodie!

Lionstar could wait for more cats but he figured, while some were gathering around still he'd kick things off.

"RiverClan, we have several ceremonies I'd like to do today but first things first: reassignments!

"Unfortunately, some of our Clan-mates seemed to have vanished, and in their wake they left behind their apprentices. As disgraceful as these mentors have been, I want to give these poor neglected apprentices a chance to become a warrior.

"When I call your name, please step forward. If you do not.. I am unable to give you a new mentor!

"Softpaw [ kittygirl], Stonepaw [ The Shadow Flower], Ripplepaw [ RedHead], Nightpaw [ Sneakyfox55], and Finchpaw [ Cecily Herondale]!"

He would give them all a moment to come forward, though he might not be patient or forgiving about it. At this point, they should know better than to leave him waiting.

May 16th, 2020, 10:13 PM
Dawnkit continued to clean Duskkit's pelt, stopping only once she thought it looked perfect and that he would be the best looking kit presented to the clan "Oh I um... It's not important, I hope this meeting we will both become apprentices." She closed her eyes for just a moment, swaying just slightly on her paws as she yawned "Just.. Been having sleeping troubles for a little while. Also Duskkit I will always be by your side, you're my best friend and who cares what is in someone's past? It is all about the cat you are now, and you're a great cat." She gave his forehead one last lick

May 16th, 2020, 10:16 PM
Oh, goodie!

Lionstar could wait for more cats but he figured, while some were gathering around still he'd kick things off.

"RiverClan, we have several ceremonies I'd like to do today but first things first: reassignments!

"Unfortunately, some of our Clan-mates seemed to have vanished, and in their wake they left behind their apprentices. As disgraceful as these mentors have been, I want to give these poor neglected apprentices a chance to become a warrior.

"When I call your name, please step forward. If you do not.. I am unable to give you a new mentor!

"Softpaw [ kittygirl], Stonepaw [ The Shadow Flower], Ripplepaw [ RedHead], Nightpaw [ Sneakyfox55], and Finchpaw [ Cecily Herondale]!"

He would give them all a moment to come forward, though he might not be patient or forgiving about it. At this point, they should know better than to leave him waiting.

Nightpaw trotted forward, ears pricked in alertness. I hope I get an active mentor this time, he couldn't help but think.


Troutspring twitched his tail a bit before joining the other cats at the meeting; Darkpaw was not far behind, sitting with her fellow apprentices.