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Re: ShadowClan Grimpeak
☆He/She/They☆ ☆Warrior of Shadowclan☆
Addercliff slunk towards the grimpeak hearing the yowl, his larger ears permanently airplaned to each side, their tail lashing to either side. "what now...?"
...Little freckle looked up at the apprentice admiring them...they looked up to being able to be an apprentice someday! until they felt a sudden paw underneath them, they jumped up...fluffing up not knowing it was just a warrior until they looked up at them. they laid back down..realizing it was kinda warm between these two...the warriors seemed familiar...AH HAH it was wittleglowy!
"Hewo wittleglowy..I'm fwecklekit...and what is ywo name appwentice." they said as they looked back over at the apprentice..it seemed like they liked a wittle company :3
@ollie_the_skeleton @GrimacingHeron
-dont mind the cuteness-
Pondlily looked up from washing one of her front paws whenever she heard a familiar voice behind her, and a welcoming purr arose in her throat whenever her river-blue eyes landed on her former mentor, Tuftedtusk.
“Hiya,” The blue-gray mackerel tabby greeted the Enforcer with a wave of her tail and a playful headbutt to the shoulder. “How’ve you been? Those kits of yours keeping you on your paws day and night?”
Pondlily’s voice was teasing, a sparkle in her eyes. “That Talonkit sure is lively. And I saw you watching me teach her the hunter’s crouch a couple days ago; I think that you’ll be proud to know that Talonkit will make a great hunter.”
HE/HIM • ENFORCER • 35M • SHADOWCLAN "A large & fluffy marbled tabby tom with tusk-like teeth." PURRKS: N/A
He would purr and nod. "Oh yes, they are quite the pawful." He rumbled with a loving gleam in his eyes.
"All my kits will be great hunters." He would declare. Spotting his youngest daughter, he would usher her over. "Yarrowkit, dear! Come sit with papa!"
Briarsplash had been absentmindedly looking for that fluffy orange pelt with so much subconscious intention that she didn't even notice Midnightsun's presence until his fur brushed hers.
Instinctively, the she-cat stiffened, whipping her head around. Who just...sneaks up on cats like that, outta nowhere!? Or, (the more likely option that she did NOT want to admit) had she just been that distracted with thoughts of a certain tomcat that made her stupidly conflicted?
Normally, the feisty Enforcer might snap, especially at this same tom who'd seemed rather bold and weird on their last interaction. She couldn't read him, whether he was lying through his teeth on all those silky words or if he just always looked and sounded like he was daydreaming about greenleaf bounties all the time. Briarsplash did not like not being able to discern one's intentions.
But right now, she was almost... flustered, to be caught off guard. The last cat who'd done something like that, simply waltzing up to her and invading her personal space as if it never existed, was Hillstrider. The same exact cat she'd found her eyes wandering the crowd for almost against her will.
Gritting her teeth, the fluffy tortie's ears flattened and a huff of acknowledgement escaped her. Not a warm hello by any means, greatly contrasting Midnightsun's honey-like voice and smile that actually seemed genuine. But at least it wasn't another flat-out rejection, eh? After that less-than-graceful noise, she turned her muzzle back towards the Grimpeak, managing to mutter out a single word.
"...Hi." Short and certainly not sweet. But a bit too worked up to wanna bother with any retorts. And she hoped it would end there.
Yarrowkit’s ears swiveled when she heard Tuftedtusk’s voice. She perked up immediately, and bounded over to him. Beaming. “I’m here papa!” She mewed happily, settling herself between his massive paws. A rare moment of happiness and innocence.