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Oh no! Looks like someone dropped her clovers all over the place! Come help Rose with her search in the Lucky Clover Hunt!
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Old March 6th, 2025, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

art by Daragca
stocky dark gray tabby with a beige overcoat and bright blue eyes; silver tongue t1
[ windclan tunneler apprentice | tomcat | 6 moons | mischievous, charismatic, adventurous ]


Huzzah! He'd been assigned to the tunneler group, good! There would've been a few grumbles had Gracklepaw not been. The young tom scampered over to his group, ears pricked as he peered at the entrance to the nearest tunnel, though he didn't make a move to go towards it; as much as the exuberant apprentice could find himself in trouble, he took the whole tunneling thing seriously. He didn't want anything to threaten his training!

"Ohh yeah, I'm so ready!" Gracklepaw excitedly kneaded the ground, churning some of the peaty grass beneath his paws. He itched to start clawing his way through the collapse, but knew he'd get bapped unless he approached with one of the tunnelers. His bright eyes turned towards Vinesmoke, glittering in the daylight. "Just tell me what to do, and I got it!"

[ @Tallstar - Vinesmoke | @nyx - Nectarpaw | @Luna16 - Fleetpaw | @seeingstars - Hollyhawk | @Estelle - Coldpaw | @Moonraven - Dustbunny ]
Berryshine is RiverClan's medicine cat!
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Old March 6th, 2025, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Rabbitstrike trotted over, tail up.
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Old March 6th, 2025, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──

Maggotpaw makes a face, halting in their tracks as Vinesmoke leads them toward the falls.

"DO NOT SCREAM AT ME." It hollers at Stormpelt to make a point, otherwise happily trotting over to gather with the Collecting Foliage and Doing Repairs gang. "Just Whisperinghive gets to scream at me okay? Only I don't want him to do that either but he gets to because he's a mentor. You don't get to. If you do it again I'll hit you into a thousand pieces small enough for a rabbit to eat, and then what will you be? You'll be sorry is what, when the rabbits start to eat your pieces up. You'd better say you're sorry for yelling right now, even. So I don't have to hit you." Maggotpaw chatters on because this is what it does, raising a scrawny paw and flashing Stormpelt a cautioning look. "Say that you're sorry to me for yelling your head off."


Last edited by nyme; March 6th, 2025 at 05:52 PM.
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Old March 6th, 2025, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

@SillyLittleCherry - Skypaw | @gs29513 - Whisperinghive/Deadmoon | @AnnaPukite - Branchfur | @Johrog - Stormpelt | @Daragca - Cottonpaw | @RomanticMangoBear - Watertail | @Alchemist Kitsune - Gnawingpaw | @Stone'Paw - Swiftstrike | @Star - Windpaw | @nyme - Maggotpaw | @Desert Rain Frog - Warmsun | @Moonraven - Dreamlight | @Copperfox - Palefish

Leechscar listened up as Vinesmoke began placing everyone. He was surprised that he was allowed to choose where he wanted to go. Even though he could dig, he wasn't the greatest at it, and since he saw that Dustbunny was around to help the tunnelers, Leechscar felt some of his concerns regarding the digging put at ease.

It was nothing personal against Vinesmoke, he simply felt that he wasn't experienced enough on his own. He was missing assigning a few cats too, Dreamlight being one of them. He leans down to give Coldpaw's forehead a quick affectionate lick as she's called to join the tunnelers. Leechscar stretched and padded towards the group taking care of repairs and cleaning. He winced, flattening his ears against his head as Stormpelt started yowling to StarClan. What the hell was wrong with him?!

"Hey, Stormpelt, I don't know who died and left you in charge, but since I'm joining the group for repairs and clean-up, I'll do the bossing around if needed. But everyone can decide what tasks they'd like to do without any cat's input. So stuff it!" The fury growled at the loudmouth.

"I'm going to start cleaning up the bones, if anyone wants to help, feel free. If you need direction let me know. Palefish and Watertail have already started patching the holes in the dens. Maggotpaw, you can get your apology from Stormpelt after we get some work done. If you hit anyone you'll have to talk to Twilightstar or Crowtooth since you couldn't keep your paws to yourself." Leechscar glanced at warriors who had already begun working on the holes, he wasn't sure what Branchfur was doing, but he better start moving his paws quickly. His gaze drifted toward Dreamlight, but he left her to figure out what she wanted to do.

siggy art by redshiftreign
Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan. She has a semi-closed den policy as in do not enter without asking permission first or her fangs'll greet you.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder

Last edited by Undertaker; March 7th, 2025 at 01:31 AM.
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Old March 6th, 2025, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

| Gnawingpaw |
5 Moons - WindClan Apprentice

Lyrebird's Lullaby - Inactive | Well Insulated - Active | Bilingual [T1] - Active

Tiny ears twitched as Gnawingpaw realized that more and more cats were pouring into the clearing, following the tunneler's call. With some interest, she tilted her head as he began speaking, instantly intrigued at the mention of mink bones. That. Was so. Cool! Oh oh! Would she be able to like, find a mink skull and keep it?! She heard grandma Dapplebreeze talk about the battle against the minks before. It would be so badass to have a memento of that fight, even if she hadn't been able to be a part of it. Plus like... having a skull in your nest was next level awesome, duh.

The young apprentice, already feeling like she had made the right choice to join up on this cleaning brigade despite how banal it sounded was instantly even more convinced of her decision when she heard that she had been teamed up with grandma Deadmoon! Her and another fury! Squee! Like, don't get her wrong? She wasn't going to like, squeal in front of everyone. She wasn't a kit anymore, no duh. She had an appearance to keep, thank you very much. But that didn't mean she couldn't be super excited about it!

Pale green eyes instantly searching left and right to find the familiar, pale brown coat of her grandma, the Maine Coon mix paused as a yowl caught her attention instead, a brow raised as her whiskers quivered with amusement. Some idiot, nobody warrior had apparently decided to take control of the situation. And it was so funny too, because it looked like he was nervous. Who else made such a rookie mistake like saying mon instead of non when trying to lead a group?! Honestly, it was so funny, she almost burst out laughing right there and then! Even funnier, the other cats in the group - you know, the older warriors that actually knew what the hell they were doing - just straight up ignored him and got to work. Like... they just had to repair holes and clean up crap and stuff. It wasn't some ultra hard, only seasoned warriors can grasp the complexity of this situation task going on.

Sure enough, an apprentice and one of the furies yelled at the idiot, and the apprentice found herself covering her face momentarily as she held back laughter once more. What was more, the fury that had yelled at him was going to do the fun task! Looking through the bones! A feral grin of delight crossing her maw, Gnawingpaw was quick to join up with the fury, looking with interest at the mess. She was pretty sure these were all meant to be scrapped, so with any luck she would like, find a cool skull to keep! Although maybe she should ask... She didn't want to get yelled at and make a fool of herself like Maggotpaw had, even if she agreed with the other apprentice's complaints. Kitten paws sat besides the massive tom, his size going unnoticed by the paw thanks to her father's own, similar stature as she got to work.

"So like... If I find a skull or like, something cool, can I like, keep it? I would put it in my nest and clean it, obvs. Not going to keep something dirty if we are like, cleaning and stuff," the fluffy kit asked, looking up at the cool, commanding fury with mix of awe and giddiness.

@Undertaker [Leechscar]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
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Old March 7th, 2025, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Stormpelt 20 moons Windclan
Yes i only tryed to get it a bit organised but your right. Yes i dont really know What to do so i help” he said a bit disaponted. @Undertaker
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Old March 7th, 2025, 05:23 AM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

he/him | Windclan Apprentice | 11 moons
The Collector - Lucky Duck T3
The Stowaway Child

Cottonpaw was ready to go, he gave Leechscar a cheery smile as he made his way over. Cleaning bones sounded simple enough so the youngster decided then and there that he’d join.

[​ @Undertaker ]

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Old March 7th, 2025, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Branchfur stared for a moment, she was pretty sure that Leechscar had given a disapproving look just now. Oh. She should probably figure out what to do huh? And fast. Cleaning bones doesn't sound too complicated so Branchfur went with that and beelined for the nearest pile.

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Oakkit ThC kit, 5 moon old she-cat.
Fernwhisper ThC warrior, 32 moon old she-cat.
Branchfur WC warrior, she-cat.

Last edited by AnnaPukite; March 7th, 2025 at 02:34 PM.
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

20 Moons

[-]A calm and kind she[-] Apprentice: Tigerpaw[-] @Johrog {Stormpelt} [-] ((I know I am late to reply sorry I got distracted by schoolwork))

The she padded over to stormpelt her optics scanning around the area.

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