Re: AnnaPukites character biographies
Current Name: Oakkit
Other Names, if any: N/A
Age: 3 moons
Gender: She-cat
Sexual Orientation: TBD
Creation Date (y/m/d): 2024/11/26
Residential Information
Current Affiliation/Clan: Thunderclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Kit
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A
Interpersonal Connections
Father(s): TBD (open!)
Mother (s): TBD (open!)
Sibling(s): TBD (open!)
Offspring: N/A
Best Friend(s): TBD
Friend(s): TBD
Neutral: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Crush: TBD
Significant Other: N/A
Overview: TBA
Traits: TBA
Mental Age: TBA
Psychiatric Complications: TBA
Phobias: TBA
Outlook: Positive, but can get worried. TBA
Responsibility: 4/5
Cleanliness: 3/5
Generosity: 3,5/5
Manners: 3/5
Bravery: 3/5
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional
Favorite Season: TBD
Favorite Food(s): TBD
Favorite Word: TBD
Favorite Sound: Rain
Greatest Hope: TBD
Greatest Strength: TBD
Greatest Weakness: TBD (scared? Imagination? Overthinking?)
Worst Nightmare: TBD
Deepest Darkest Secret: TBD
Most Treasured Memory: TBD
Quirk(s): TBD
Theme Song(s): TBD
Place of Birth: Thunderclan
Date of Birth: Fall (TBA warrior cats season translation)
Former rank(s): N/A
Beliefs: TBD
Physical Traits
Fur Color(s): Brown
Fur Texture: TBA
Fur Length: Medium
Markings: N/A
Eye Color: Blue
Body Type/Structure: Average kitten
Height: BIT shorter than average
Weight: TBA
Voice: TBA
Gait: Jumpy
Scent: TBA
Scars / Deformities: N/A
Diseases / Conditions: N/A
Coordination: /10 TBA
Reflexes: /10 TBA
Strength: /10 TBA
Oakkit ThC kit, 3 moon old she-cat.
Fernwhisper ThC warrior, 31 moon old she-cat.
Branchfur WC warrior, she-cat.
Last edited by AnnaPukite; Today at 11:37 AM.
Reason: Formatting and extra details.