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Old November 9th, 2024, 11:14 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Raids View Post
Sorrelsplash padded around the camp, blinking languidly. Her head swung around in wide circles as she tried to figure out who was where, still getting used to being half blind, though she was coping as best as she could. Her eyes narrowed as she smelt a familiar scent, Brokenstream. She hadn't talked much to him, though the two cats weren't too off in age, they had never mingled that much. Sorrelsplash decided that was going to change right then and she waltzed over to the tom-cat.

"Hi," Her head tilted to the side as she approached Brokenstream and spoke, sitting down somewhat in front of him and curling her tail neatly over her paws.


☾ Brokenstream | 28 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽
header & divider by @/Marigoldwhisper

In the midst of grooming his fur, the tom looked up in surprise as one of his Clanmates approached him with a greeting. Before he spoke, he caught sight of her injury and gave a slow blink before responding. "Hey there." He mewed, making sure his voice sounded friendly. "You must be...Sorrelsplash, right? I kind of heard what happened to you- I'm sorry." Brokenstream offered with a sympathetic nod. "How have you been doing? Please let me know if I can assist you at all." The Lionheart mewed, briefly resting his tail on Sorrelsplash's shoulder.

Sunheart is RiverClan’s Deputy
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Old November 9th, 2024, 08:45 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Ferretnose (otternose) lounged. Featherpaw lounged.


Rose stopped by to brush away all the dustbunnies!

"Yeet or get yeeted. -Sun Tzu probably
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Old November 10th, 2024, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by korok View Post

☾ Brokenstream | 28 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽
header & divider by @/Marigoldwhisper

In the midst of grooming his fur, the tom looked up in surprise as one of his Clanmates approached him with a greeting. Before he spoke, he caught sight of her injury and gave a slow blink before responding. "Hey there." He mewed, making sure his voice sounded friendly. "You must be...Sorrelsplash, right? I kind of heard what happened to you- I'm sorry." Brokenstream offered with a sympathetic nod. "How have you been doing? Please let me know if I can assist you at all." The Lionheart mewed, briefly resting his tail on Sorrelsplash's shoulder.
Sorrelsplash tilted her head back upright as her clanmate spoke. "It's okay," She murmured. "I'm still a young cat, I'll learn to deal with this. I'm doing okay though, it's been healing great!" She made an effort to keep her tone light, truthfully it was difficult to learn how to only use one eye, but what did she need to dump that on a cat she barely knew for."How have you been?" She finally asked. "I bet you get asked it a lot, but hows being head lionheart? I'm sure it's quite..." She tried to search for the right word, dropping her gaze as she thought. "Exciting." She finally picked a word.
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Old November 10th, 2024, 08:15 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

28 moons || she/her || RC Queen Warrior || Kitty Softpaws, Mind Reader, Killer Aptitude T2
scarred, scrawny dilute tortoiseshell; green eyes

Her return to camp unchallenged, Larkwing carries her two fish over to the prey pile where she drops the bigger one, keeping the smaller for herself as she wanders to find a spot to eat... hesitating a little as she tries to decide on a spot that would make the most sense and wouldn't leave any implications in the minds of those around her. If she sat too close to the nursery, would the others assume she was moving in? She wasn't - not until she absolutely had to, so Larkwing veers closer to the warrior's den instead, settling down and taking a bite.


HOLLOWPAW is ThunderClan's current medicine cat apprentice
he and wolfhawk have a semi-closed den policy

medicine den || healing requests

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Old November 10th, 2024, 08:14 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Sunrisepaw sat in the Clearing. No one bothered to approach her. It wasn't their fault. It's not like she could hear. She was born deaf. When she got older, she learned simple signs she needed to. She loved making signs for her friends names. She made one for herself. It took awhile to master, but she did it. The sign for her name is having wide eyes, flicking your ears, and your tail high in the air and swishing. It wasn't related to a Sunrise, she just liked the motions. @Lightningpaw666

"You were born to be real, not perfect."

Hello! My name is Cherry, or you can call me Blossom! Message me if you need something!
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Old November 10th, 2024, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Neptune. View Post

28 moons || she/her || RC Queen Warrior || Kitty Softpaws, Mind Reader, Killer Aptitude T2
scarred, scrawny dilute tortoiseshell; green eyes

Her return to camp unchallenged, Larkwing carries her two fish over to the prey pile where she drops the bigger one, keeping the smaller for herself as she wanders to find a spot to eat... hesitating a little as she tries to decide on a spot that would make the most sense and wouldn't leave any implications in the minds of those around her. If she sat too close to the nursery, would the others assume she was moving in? She wasn't - not until she absolutely had to, so Larkwing veers closer to the warrior's den instead, settling down and taking a bite.


She, Her\Deputy\47 moons\Riverclan
"Are you listening, starchild?"

Purrks: Agatha Kitty [ACTIVE] Killer Aptitude (T2) [INACTIVE]

- - -
The deputy wasn't hungry, too much had really been going on to sit down and eat. She'd heard about the hawks that had swooped in and snatched some kits, but this close to a whole entire beach? Sounded impossible, and also really odd. She hoped she'd get to tear them apart next time though, and not only that, but she also wanted to protect the kits more. Stars above... She should've been there. At least the situation was handled though, if Owltalon was anything, she wasn't a one-cat show, that's for sure.

Since she was somewhat lacking in company, and a whole lot of other things that she kept to herself, the bulky chocolate tabby padded over to the former leader, Larkwing, a smile stretching onto her battered maw. She gave her small meal a glance and mewed, "Whata meal ya got there. Ain't hungry?" She asked, her tone light but raspy.

She wasn't judging, of course, some cats just preferred lighter meals, there was nothing wrong with that. Assuming that maybe now was a chance to strike conversation, Owltalon sat down beside the warrior, but a few good mouse-lengths away to keep within boundaries.

Now, Owltalon wasn't one to pry, but she'd taken notice to how Larkwing had began to pad towards the nursery before her steps staggered and she went for the warriors den instead. From what Owltalon knew, Larkwing didn't have kits, currently or previously, so it couldn't of just been a habit, right? Or maybe she was going to feed the queens before realizing they'd already been fed?

To interrupt her invasive thoughts, Owltalon shook her head at herself, an outward sign to cut her mindless words. Wrapping a thick tail around her paws, Owltalon stuck a long claw into the rocky ground, her eyes downcast. "So, how's leaf-bare been treatin' ya? The cold weather has certainly made my muzzle sore. Weird, ain't it?"

❝Tell me something I don't know.❞

Owlstar is the current Riverclan LEADER.
She has an open den policy!

Do not quote/mention me at the Skyridge!

Riverclan Resources | Riverclan Gossip Column | Additional Riverclan Training

Mudslide is a Shadowclan ENFORCER, if she is needed, who ya gonna call?
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Old November 11th, 2024, 06:54 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Raids View Post
Sorrelsplash tilted her head back upright as her clanmate spoke. "It's okay," She murmured. "I'm still a young cat, I'll learn to deal with this. I'm doing okay though, it's been healing great!" She made an effort to keep her tone light, truthfully it was difficult to learn how to only use one eye, but what did she need to dump that on a cat she barely knew for."How have you been?" She finally asked. "I bet you get asked it a lot, but hows being head lionheart? I'm sure it's quite..." She tried to search for the right word, dropping her gaze as she thought. "Exciting." She finally picked a word.

header & divider by @/Marigoldwhisper

The tom blinked with a mixture of sympathy and encouragement at Sorrelsplash, but delved no further into her injury. Clearly, despite her good-natured attitude about it, it was still a bit of a sore subject.

His ears flicked in surprise when she asked how he had been and what it was like being Head Lionheart. Honestly, it had been awhile since anyone had asked him the former. It was nice. "I've been well! I'm currently training a new apprentice, Soaringpaw- she was formerly an outsider named Sora, weird name right?" Brokenstream began with a purr as he mentioned his apprentice. "But she fits in so well! You wouldn't know she wasn't RiverClan originally. She's a bit...spunky...but she's got a good heart and a smart brain. She'll grow up to be a great warrior." He boasted, green eyes gleaming with pride. Hmm...he needed to get her started with hunting training. A good reminder. "As for being Head Lionheart..."

The bengal's tail tip twitched to and fro as he thought. "Honestly, it's not much different than being a regular Lionheart. We have an amazing team who works hard at what they do. I still consider myself a regular old warrior, just like anyone else here. Just, you know, helping out Stormstar and Owltalon with having a bit more watchful eyes." He explained with a shrug.


Sunheart is RiverClan’s Deputy
*ping if needed<3*

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Old November 11th, 2024, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

28 moons || she/her || RC Queen Warrior || Kitty Softpaws, Mind Reader, Killer Aptitude T2
scarred, scrawny dilute tortoiseshell; green eyes

Immediately, as Owltalon joins her, Larkwing feels her posture stiffen slightly. Nervousness is not an emotion she is unfamiliar with, not in the slightest, and she swallows down the feeling along with a bite of her fish.

"Oh, uh, just a light eater, I guess?" She answers, a slightly wobbly smile on her face. "Yeah, the chill's been messing with my scars too," truthfully, she's been sore all around lately, old injuries and fresh ones, so the shared experience wasn't unwelcome.

[ @Marigoldwhisper ]

HOLLOWPAW is ThunderClan's current medicine cat apprentice
he and wolfhawk have a semi-closed den policy

medicine den || healing requests

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Old November 11th, 2024, 12:47 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Weepingwind groomed herself.

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Old November 11th, 2024, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by korok View Post

-‘๑’- RIFTPAW | 8 MOONS | HE/HIM -‘๑’-
split half solid black, half brown tabby with icy blue eyes
header by @/dino.

✮ ⋆ ˚。

Riftpaw's whiskers twitched slightly at Rainpaw's response. She was probably right, Ravenpaw did always seem to be mooning over his adoptive big brother. He highly doubted Brokenstream even noticed. He wouldn't know if a fish tail full of it came and slapped him in the face. Not like Riftpaw would either. "Sure." He mewed in response, taking a seat next to the she-cat and beginning to groom his tail as well. Briefly, his fur brushed up against hers, and he felt as though lightning shot through his pelt. He jumped slightly further away, just enough to create a gap between them.

The tom cleared his throat awkwardly, blue eyes fixed on his own fur in an attempt to avoid eye contact with her. Unfortunately for him, his eyes kept wandering back towards the pretty she-cat. "There's a burr in your fur." He pointed out bluntly, staring at Rainpaw's shoulder. Using a deft claw, he hooked the burr away and quickly licked the fur back down on her shoulder. "Gone now." He muttered, then went back to grooming his own fur as if nothing happened.

Rainpaw flashed a bright, warm smile when Riftpaw accepted her invitation, she had half expected him to decline. He was usually bent on avoiding her, preferring to spend his time with Ravenpaw. It was always- ...no. She couldn't think like that about her twin. The twitch of Riftpaw's whiskers conveyed his annoyance, and she couldn't totally blame him. She returned to her sun bathing once he settled, surprised at the return of the sound of his voice. Well, the return of his voice that wasn't him saying "bye" that is.

She blinked in surprise when he pointed out a burr and set out to correct it, feeling a heat and a tingle rush through her body. Truly flustered, Rainpaw scrambled for words to respond. "Th-Thanks." She stuttered, why was she so flustered?? Well...it was rather sudden. Especially for a cat like Riftpaw who seemed to value his space so much. Yeah, that was it. She was gonna go with that. With that decided though, she glanced at him, wondering how to repay the favor. Sitting up, Rainpaw craned her body to remove some of the tangles and leaves from Riftpaw's own pelt. "Y-You've got something in your fur t-too." She murmured, hoping he didn't think she was weird, as she carefully removed the leaves with her teeth and spat them to the ground before smoothing out his fur with her tongue.

Leaning back to admire her work, and check that she didn't miss anything else, she nodded with satisfaction before smiling again. "There!" She purred, shuffling her paws timidly. "Now you don't look like you rolled in a leaf pile!" She added, a little joke, flicking his ear with the tip of her tail to show that she was teasing.

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Irisdream is a Lionheart of RiverClan! Ping her if she's needed!
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