Status: PLEASE ASK ME TO RP!!!! IM!! BORED!!!!! /silly
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Re: RiverClan Clearing
Originally Posted by Nim
┏⸻⸻⸻ ༻❁༺ ⸻⸻⸻┓ DAISYFUR
RiverClan ⋆ Warrior ⋆ She/Her ⋆ 23 moons tiny blonde tabby with white paws, muzzle, and green eyes
┗⸻⸻⸻ ༻❁༺ ⸻⸻⸻┛
@/taillow sorry for the mention, you were fast!
Her jaw dropped in disbelief of Badgerclaw's response, her face glitching with the urge to bite this jerk's head off. "Wuh- I- You- !!?!" Her claws dug into the cold earth beneath her. Blood roared in her ears. "Can you BELIEVE this guy?!" She asked Primroseadder. The nerve!!
With a lash of her tail, she turned back at Badgerclaw, maw ready to unleash the pent-up venom, but Primroseadder's paniced call sucked her out of it.
When her gaze met the blood-drenched medicine cat, all her anger melted and she shifted gears in an instant. "Holy Stars- okay, okay!" She breathed, but before she could even fetch the leader, she was already behind her on an instant
Badgerclaw He/she // Warrior // Riverclan // 25 moons
Ah, perfect! An excuse to leave the scene. At least, that's what Badgerclaw would be thinking if she wasn't generally horrified.
She knew now was no longer the time for snarky remarks. The feline, shaking his head to snap himself out of his shock, rushed to the medicine den where she'd beckon for Berryshine.
"You're needed. Badly," she gasps.
Last edited by Screamington; November 8th, 2024 at 11:30 AM.
a very scarred, grey fluffy bengal with a missing back right leg. she has fluffs of white and darker grey fur. purrks ; herbal knowledge tier two, the collector | formatting creds to wolfie <3 | lesbian/sapphic + demigirl
trigger warning ; this character frequently talks and thinks about past abuse, panic attacks, anxiety, and depression. interact with care <3
oh thank every damn star in the sky. cobwebfern pushed past whatever was near her, whatever was the next thing to Deal With, and slumped into stormstar, all the fight immediately draining out of her as she exhaled a sob. ' i- i'm ok- i'm okay.. not to-too inju- injured- it's n- it's not all m-my bloo- my blood - ' her voice was hoarse and it hurt to talk, and everything hurt, and she just wanted to sleep for a little bit and not think about what had happened.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
" i was nothing before, so i couldn't have asked to be born . "
' i've never understood what humans do and want /
it's quite confusing to me to try to connect '
Primroseadder RiverClan Warrior
Ultimate Predator
Trick of the Eye
Go with the Flow
She / Her ; 13 Moons
Primroseadder staggered backwards a little bit as Stormstar rushed over to Cobwebfern, the leader´s tail whacking the small warrior in the chest. Managing to keep her balance, the she-cat gave her chest fur a couple of quick licks and turned to Stormstar. The dark-cream-and-white molly watched as Cobwebfern broke down completely as she leaned into the gray-furred leader.
Primroseadder´s gaze softened, and she exchanged a glance with Daisyfur. Badgerclaw, however, had gone as she had ordered; that cat had changed in a matter of moments, and it had her suspicious. Tail bushing, the former apprentice turned in the direction of a small puddle. Grabbing a ball of moss, Primroseadder dunked it in the water and let it soak for a few heartbeats before heading back over to Stormstar and Cobwebfern. The RiverClanner set the soaked ball of moss beside her leader. ´´Here´s this, either to wash her wounds or if she's thirsty,´´ She mewed, her voice calm, unlike it had been a few moments prior.
As Cobs collapsed into her, the leader crouched down and was immediately met with something she hadn't caught before; a scent. An unfamiliar scent. A scent that screamed outsider, and suddenly it wasn't Cobs before her - it was Fades. Fades and his bloodied pelt, and his unmoving body, and his shallow breaths, and his -
"Where the hell is Berryshine???" Infuriated, the leader whipped her head around, a furnace of hot, blue rage burning in her eyes. She was agitated, unable to keep her paws from twitching. She needed to find whoever did this before they got away - like they had with her broth- Fadingstar. She hadn't seen the coward who had poisoned him, what with them having fled from the Clan - she wasn't about to let history repeat itself with Cobs.
A low growl ripped through her throat, but died as she looked at Cobs. "'M gonna find who did this, 'n rip them apart. Stay here." She offered a shaky draw of her tongue between Cobs ears before standing up. Barely registered was Primroseadder beside her, as well as Daisyfur and Badgerclaw. "I need one of you to help her to the medicine den, 'n the rest to come with me to shred whoever did this."
Her claws dug into the ground as she waited, using every ounce of will power to wait to make sure Cobs made it into the den. She wanted to race into the territory - no, needed to - so she could track the scent in Cobs pelt. So she could obliterate the vile fox-heart who'd done this.
Status: PLEASE ASK ME TO RP!!!! IM!! BORED!!!!! /silly
Gender: They/she
Bump Policy: Anytime! Less likely to respond on weekends but I WILL see it eventually
Posts: 57
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Re: RiverClan Clearing
Originally Posted by taillow
Stormstar - RiverClan Leader
As Cobs collapsed into her, the leader crouched down and was immediately met with something she hadn't caught before; a scent. An unfamiliar scent. A scent that screamed outsider, and suddenly it wasn't Cobs before it - it was Fades. Fades and his bloodied pelt, and his unmoving body, and his shallow breaths, and his -
"Where the hell is Berryshine???" Infuriated, the leader whipped her head around, a furnace of hot, blue rage burning in her eyes. She was agitated, unable to keep her paws from twitching. She needed to find whoever did this before they got away - like they had with her broth- Fadingstar. She hadn't seen the coward who had poisoned him, what with them having fled from the Clan - she wasn't about to let history repeat itself with Cobs.
A low growl ripped through her throat, but died as she looked at Cobs. "'M gonna find who did this, 'n rip them apart. Stay here." She offered a shaky draw of her tongue between Cobs ears before standing up. Barely registered was Primroseadder beside her, as well as Daisyfur and Badgerclaw. "I need one of you to help her to the medicine den, 'n the rest to come with me to shred whoever did this."
Her claws dug into the ground as she waited, using every ounce of will power to wait to make sure Cobs made it into the den. She wanted to race into the territory - no, needed to - so she could track the scent in Cobs pelt. So she could obliterate the vile fox-heart who'd done this.
Badgerclaw He/she // Warrior // Riverclan // 25 moons
Without Berryshine seemingly around, Badgerclaw wasn't exactly sure what to do from here- although, she'd never admit that. The cat listens in on Stormstar's words; quick to make his way over.
While he wasn't exactly familiar with the culprit here, Badgerclaw wasn't a warrior to tolerate this kind of action. I mean, seriously- was this mess REALLY warranted? It's going to smell of blood for WHO KNOWS HOW LONG. UGH.
She trots her way back over to the clan's leader, standing as tall as can be, and making sure his fur is as elegant as ever. Because that's totally what's relevant right now.
"I'll gladly follow along. Whoever did this deserves a good talking to. Particularly with our claws," he speaks in a low, menacing voice of sorts. She had every right to be annoyed with the damage her clanmate was forced to endure, but if anything, his vibes were... Off.
RiverClan ⋆ Warrior ⋆ She/Her ⋆ 23 moons tiny blonde tabby with white paws, muzzle, and green eyes
⸻⸻⸻⸻ ༻❁༺ ⸻⸻⸻⸻
Like the well-trained soldier she was, Daisyfur forgot everything that happened prior to now and straightened at Stormstar's words. "I'll go as well. Let's shred this beast." She replied with haste, face hardening with her tone. Nobody hurts their medicine cat and gets away with it.
Primroseadder RiverClan Warrior
Ultimate Predator
Trick of the Eye
Go with the Flow
She / Her ; 13 Moons
As Daisyfur and Badgerclaw offered to go with the raging Stormstar to find out who had injured Cobwebfern, Primroseadder had already slipped to the gray-and-white Bengal´s side, gently helping the Medicine Cat Apprentice up and onto her paws. ´´Let´s go see Berryshine,´´ She whispered softly to Cobwebfern, wrapping her tail around her Clanmate´s shoulders and letting her lean on her for support. ´´She´ll fix you up.´´
Casting a look at Stormstar, Daisyfur, and Badgerclaw, Primroseadder mewed, ´´Good luck,´´, before leading Cobwebfern away to the medicine den.
Rainpaw wouldn't have noticed, she was lost in her own mind wanderings. She blinked blearily up at Riftpaw as he approached and asked about Ravenpaw. Geez, everycat is always so interested in Ravenpaw these days! But her expression only changed with the slightest flicker of...something in her bright green eyes. She shook her head. "I'm not sure." She meowed, pushing herself into a sitting position and craning her neck to groom her long, luxurious tail. "Did you ask Brokenstream?" She asked, rolling her eyes as she said the name. It wasn't poor Brokenstream's fault that Ravenpaw was as helpless as a hare around him.
But it is his fault for not noticing it. She'd have to make a note to talk to him. Soon. The sooner the better, he was Head Lionheart now. He needed to know about Ravenpaw's feelings. For liability purposes if nothing else. She looking up from her grooming, waving her tail invitingly. "Wanna join me? This spot has just the right amount of sun." She purred, happy to change the topic from Ravenpaw.
[OOC: He's perfect. XD]
-‘๑’- RIFTPAW | 8 MOONS | HE/HIM -‘๑’- split half solid black, half brown tabby with icy blue eyes
header by @/dino.
✮ ⋆ ˚。
Riftpaw's whiskers twitched slightly at Rainpaw's response. She was probably right, Ravenpaw did always seem to be mooning over his adoptive big brother. He highly doubted Brokenstream even noticed. He wouldn't know if a fish tail full of it came and slapped him in the face. Not like Riftpaw would either. "Sure." He mewed in response, taking a seat next to the she-cat and beginning to groom his tail as well. Briefly, his fur brushed up against hers, and he felt as though lightning shot through his pelt. He jumped slightly further away, just enough to create a gap between them.
The tom cleared his throat awkwardly, blue eyes fixed on his own fur in an attempt to avoid eye contact with her. Unfortunately for him, his eyes kept wandering back towards the pretty she-cat. "There's a burr in your fur." He pointed out bluntly, staring at Rainpaw's shoulder. Using a deft claw, he hooked the burr away and quickly licked the fur back down on her shoulder. "Gone now." He muttered, then went back to grooming his own fur as if nothing happened.
Sorrelsplash padded around the camp, blinking languidly. Her head swung around in wide circles as she tried to figure out who was where, still getting used to being half blind, though she was coping as best as she could. Her eyes narrowed as she smelt a familiar scent, Brokenstream. She hadn't talked much to him, though the two cats weren't too off in age, they had never mingled that much. Sorrelsplash decided that was going to change right then and she waltzed over to the tom-cat.
"Hi," Her head tilted to the side as she approached Brokenstream and spoke, sitting down somewhat in front of him and curling her tail neatly over her paws.
The soft patter of raindrops in the Clearing were enough to drown out any light pawsteps she may have heard from Weepingwind, or maybe it was the fact that Peachspring found herself absorbed in her own little world of serenity. She thought nothing of the fact that she, a full grown warrior, was sitting in the rain and catching raindrops on her tongue. Her ears flicked every once in a while as they got hit with droplets of rain. Contrary to many of her other Clanmates, Peachspring didn’t mind the rain too much. She found it soothing, especially when it was gently sprinkling. Now storms were another story. But they were RiverClan after all. Water wasn’t supposed to be a bother to them. Although, she supposed some cats would rather swim in it then willingly go play in the rain.
It didn’t take long for Peachspring to notice Weepingwind’s presence beside her. Her thoughts and feelings for her Clanmate were strange. She’d never really noticed or cared about Weepingwind before, but recently it seemed like the two of them were crossing paths more and more often. Her eye seemed to be drawn to the warrior, even if they weren’t actively chatting or even doing anything together. And now here she was, enjoying the placid rainshower beside Peachspring. Her bushy tail brushed against Weepingwind’s in acknowledgment, and her lips turned upwards slightly.
When Weepingwind spoke up, Peachspring turned her head to face her Clanmate. Her amber eyes twinkled as she raised a brow. ”I am enjoying myself, quite a bit, and even moreso now that you’re here, sweetheart.” She purred back smoothly as she heard the nickname Peaches. It was odd to be the one being flirted with for once. She usually prided herself on her charm, and now here Weepingwind was, one upping her once more with a silly nickname that managed to make her heart jump in the two times that she’d used it. But it was all simply just fun and games, just like it was with every other tom and molly that managed to catch Peachspring’s eyes, wasn’t it?
”So I take it you must enjoy the rain too, Weepin’wind? Or didja just wanna come sit by me? If I was a lil’ bit taller then maybe my fluff could keep ya from gettin’ all damp and rainy, but I’m too short for that.” She commented. ”So, you ever caught raindrops on yer tongue before?” Peachspring inquired with a grin.
. . .
@iliri - wrote this while listening to rainy animal crossing music lol