Name: rookpaw Gender & Pronouns: female, she/they Rank: apprentice Injuries: slash along side, tail bite, shoulder bruising/injury (other side than broken), broken shoulder, large shoulder injury (same as broken), shredded left ear,minor scratches on legs/chest/flank/side Severity [ 1 is minor and 10 is bleeding out/near death ]: probably a good 6 overall, shes not dying but has lost some blood and thereby a bit dazed, the most major one should be the broken shoulder and large wound on that same shoulder Live/Die/Desired Outcome: live, be back to work as soon as possible. regarding the shoulder, future heightened risk of another shoulder injury/sensitivity around the area, otherwise best outcome possible but id be okay with some chronic pain/a light limp if necesarry Other: pretty dazed from the bonk and blood loss, she's also more or less completely bloodsoaked up to like his ribs (vertically) mostly in honeypaws blood lol
Mention: @/ellie
Originally Posted by Rose
Lovely, the fish was running away. Seemed like he was floundering so much he'd finally realized that evacuation was the only way for his Clan to keep their lives for more than just this night. A fish out of water, unable to remain alive on land. Baring her bloodied fangs at anyone who dared get too close, Lostspark for a moment fantasized ripping out the throat of the golden and black warrior who'd come near them. But she seemed to be speaking to Rookpaw, and there was a kit in her jaws, so Lostspark lowered her hackles.
"Only a fool yearns for something that cannot be." She said simply to Goldfish as the molly halted, and then directed her gaze away, uninterested but still alert. Dawnstar had called ShadowClan back to her, but Lostspark was more occupied with Rookpaw. The apprentice was considerably injured, and while Lostspark would have taken care of the injuries on her own, she had another task to do - heal WindClan's injuries - and Mossfreckle could deal with this.
"Don't move. You'll fall and hurt yourself more, and then I'll tell Mossfreckle to let you suffer in your misery." Lostspark said, but there was no real heat behind the words ; she did not mean them. Crouching low to the ground and hefting Rookpaw to be supported by her shoulders and back, the former Medicine Cat kept her gait even (again, why did the universe keep gifting her with apprentices taller than she was? they were lucky she had the muscle to pull this off) as she made her way over to Mossfreckle and deposited her apprentice gently wherever the tabby feline indicated.
"I have to tend to WindClan, but I brought Rookpaw over. She's injured." Anyone could clearly see the apprentice's injuries, but Lostpark's message was clear ; Heal her. She did not need to lose an apprentice this close to their warrior ceremony.
rookpaw heard someone speak and lostspark return words coldly but between rushing blood and a pulsing headache words mightve as well gotten lost entirely. lostspark moved closer, rookpaw remained still. the ground disappeared beneath blood soaked paws and rookpaw briefly struggled against their mentor, croaked out a weak "'can walk.." before letting changing colours, brown and red and darker brown and bits of white and black, lull her into acceptance. thoughts wandered, the ground changed colour, grey fur didnt, it was quite the thing that lostspark was carrying her at all actually. threatened with death what? two moons ago? quite the thing indeed. crazy how the time flies aye? feels like yesterday, out beyond the borders of the clans, goldfish kits, hours spent in waiting.. the world dipped again and rookpaw had to shut her eyes for a moment as the ground, now back underneath her paws, spun dramatically. when steel grey eyes blinked open her gaze landed on familiar paws "oh hey mossfreckle~" they grinned up at the very feline that she had rather stupidly grown fond of despite all curses and threats. or maybe a certain interest in idiosyncrasy, stuck to her thick and sticky like tree sap, had simply turned into something less medical than curiosity.
[ @ellie im so tired, apologies for this tiny post ]
| 9 Moons | ShadowClan Apprentice | Female, She/Her | Purrks:
Kitty Soft Paws, Heightened Perception [smell]
[a small, fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes and an atrociously fluffy tail, a small bleeding tick in her right ear]
She was home.
It didn't feel as great as she thought it would, being away from the fighting and the death and the smell that still lurked in her nose and blood and claws slashing.
But this wasn't home. This wasn't the home she grew up in, this was home away from actual home.
Willowpaw realized: No, she could not infact just go straight to the apprentice's den and turn off her a brain and shut the world away. The pain wouldn't allow her too. Which, first of all, sucked. Second of all, . She sighed, hesitated, and then broke away from the group arriving with Mossfreckle. It took a while to find the healers den, she hadn't taken any time to memorize where the dens were. She was pretty sure the Medicine Den was underneath a cedar, but look around. Cedar seem to be the new trend going through town. If birch trees became trendy would they all shapeshift to it? After a [Willowpaw-has-declared-this-info-highly-classified-fbi-style] amount of time, she carefully ducked her head through the lichen covering the Medicine Den. It was a burrow underneath a cedar, not a den where you had to heave a whole tree aside to get too, as she'd first thought. There were little holes in the walls, some with herbs in them. Most of them were green, due nature's rule: the things that are the color of shrek are probably healthy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "H-Hello?" She mewed.
Hopefully whoever was going to help her didn't ask what happened after her battle. If that was the case, then she was pretty sure she'd turn into a lawnmower and fly away. Hmm, that actually sounded like a good plan to do right now. Or a bird. Did birds have thoughts? She thought having no thoughts for a while would be nice. Did prey think and have feelings and were they happy and sad sometimes? She felt her brain scream at her with culpability. They felt pain. They had too. They maybe didn't feel grief and anger and surprised, but they felt pain, or they wouldn't scream out or try to run away. Did they feel scared? She knew she'd be (not)scared if a giant Willowpaw came crashing down on her.
Though, honestly:
Just saying "go away" would make the Willowpaw run away crying.
❦ Metallic, bittersweet, tanging blood scent filled the medicine cats den and sent the lanky herbalist’s freckled nose twitching as the felines who had followed him home on Dawnstar’s orders trodded in on weary paws, war torn limbs, and achy, crimson imbrued forms wisping like the shadows they were named from as they pushed heavily through the lichen shrouded entrance and took up residing in any open space or draping themselves at the mouth of the den or in the clearing in a patient wait for their turn. Fatigue weighed heavy on every Shadowclanners shoulders, the day had been long and hard and as the day slowly faded more and more with each passing moment drawing ever nearer to the twilight, oriental shaped ears perked towards the first feline whose grunt came off impatient as it settled against the soft hairs within his ears canals, quickly assuming the tom with a quick and practiced medical scan of his mossy hues: tearing of his ears and claw marks that peppered his forehead, back, belly, flanks, and paws - nothing too serious overall but a well fought gathering of wounds at that, Mossfreckle nodded to the tom in acknowledge as he turned to leap the babbling rivulet with ease and pad to his herb storage that hung and draped from the crevices that crackled through the stone and hard packed earth.
❦ Returning as if he had never left the freckled medicine cat dropped the gathered herbs on a clean span of packed soil before pushing two poppy seeds towards the russet marbled tom, ”Please take these, it’s for the pain,” curt but polite tones slipped form Mossfreckle’s white twinged maw before he got to work on the multitude of claw marks that ravaged Tuftedtusk’s frame. Side stepping for a brief second, angular head bodded forward, muscled and long neck reached out to snag a sopping ball of moss from the steam before returning and beginning to wash way the cracking and goopy crimson that stained the toms already reddish coloured pelt, he wanted to be sure his dementia’s correct and he wouldn’t be such without clearing away the blood that tended to make wounds look worse or better… no in between… once Tuftedtusk was rid of the battles grim Mossfreckle nodded to himself satisfied, the wounds were bad but not life treating or warranting of permanent strife. White tipped paws got to work the moment his maw had finished chewing the ruffled buds, his paws dipped into the paste and gingerly dabbed the freshly cleaned wounds from forehead to flanks to each scraped paw, each gash and scrape was tended to with equal care and caution before he grabbed the gathered cobwebs and starched them into long wisp before binding the wounds neatly and snuggly over the infection preventing poultice. Finalising his medical task, Mossfreckle moved to take in the full picture in a silent assessment of his work, deeming it acceptable and to the highest of standards the lanky, freckled, oriental spoke once more in his clam and lilting tones, ”You should be good to go, Tuftedtusk, let me know if anything isn’t healing probably or continues to hurt longer than expected. Your wounds were not too serious but they did numerate high.”
{ @Aroogi ~ Tuftedtusk // he should be all good to go o7 }
❦ Metallic, bittersweet, tanging blood scent filled the medicine cats den and sent the lanky herbalist’s freckled nose twitching as the felines who had followed him home on Dawnstar’s orders trodded in on weary paws, war torn limbs, and achy, crimson imbrued forms wisping like the shadows they were named from as they pushed heavily through the lichen shrouded entrance and took up residing in any open space or draping themselves at the mouth of the den or in the clearing in a patient wait for their turn. Fatigue weighed heavy on every Shadowclanners shoulders, the day had been long and hard and as the day slowly faded more and more with each passing moment drawing ever nearer to the twilight, oriental shaped ears perked towards the first feline whose grunt came off impatient as it settled against the soft hairs within his ears canals, quickly assuming the tom with a quick and practiced medical scan of his mossy hues: tearing of his ears and claw marks that peppered his forehead, back, belly, flanks, and paws - nothing too serious overall but a well fought gathering of wounds at that, Mossfreckle nodded to the tom in acknowledge as he turned to leap the babbling rivulet with ease and pad to his herb storage that hung and draped from the crevices that crackled through the stone and hard packed earth.
❦ Returning as if he had never left the freckled medicine cat dropped the gathered herbs on a clean span of packed soil before pushing two poppy seeds towards the russet marbled tom, ”Please take these, it’s for the pain,” curt but polite tones slipped form Mossfreckle’s white twinged maw before he got to work on the multitude of claw marks that ravaged Tuftedtusk’s frame. Side stepping for a brief second, angular head bodded forward, muscled and long neck reached out to snag a sopping ball of moss from the steam before returning and beginning to wash way the cracking and goopy crimson that stained the toms already reddish coloured pelt, he wanted to be sure his dementia’s correct and he wouldn’t be such without clearing away the blood that tended to make wounds look worse or better… no in between… once Tuftedtusk was rid of the battles grim Mossfreckle nodded to himself satisfied, the wounds were bad but not life treating or warranting of permanent strife. White tipped paws got to work the moment his maw had finished chewing the ruffled buds, his paws dipped into the paste and gingerly dabbed the freshly cleaned wounds from forehead to flanks to each scraped paw, each gash and scrape was tended to with equal care and caution before he grabbed the gathered cobwebs and starched them into long wisp before binding the wounds neatly and snuggly over the infection preventing poultice. Finalising his medical task, Mossfreckle moved to take in the full picture in a silent assessment of his work, deeming it acceptable and to the highest of standards the lanky, freckled, oriental spoke once more in his clam and lilting tones, ”You should be good to go, Tuftedtusk, let me know if anything isn’t healing probably or continues to hurt longer than expected. Your wounds were not too serious but they did numerate high.”
{ @Aroogi ~ Tuftedtusk // he should be all good to go o7 }
The large tom lapped up the poppy seeds and let Mossfreckle get to work, staying still so the medicine cat could work easier. Once he was done, Tuftedtusk dipped his head in gratitude.
"Thank you, Mossfreckle. I'll come back if need be." With that, the large tom left the den, his tail swishing behind him.
Name: Mistlewhisker
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Rank: Deputy
Injuries [ please include a link of where they took place ]: Deep bite on her left shoulder, small scratches on her flank.
Severity [ 1 is minor and 10 is bleeding out/near death ]: 3
Live/Die/Desired Outcome: Live
Other: I love you guys :3 /p
Mention: @ellie // @redshiftreign
Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
· · ────────────── · ·
"There's a hand on my throat, and a blade at my feet; but the weight of the world won't bend my knees."
Name: Mistlewhisker
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Rank: Deputy
Injuries [ please include a link of where they took place ]: Deep bite on her left shoulder, small scratches on her flank.
Severity [ 1 is minor and 10 is bleeding out/near death ]: 3
Live/Die/Desired Outcome: Live
Other: I love you guys :3 /p
Mention: @ellie // @redshiftreign
hiii send in your starter and i'll have grouse get to you soon >:3
grousepaw is shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice
they and mossfreckle have a semi-closed den policy.
Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow. That was the thought going through Doeflame's mind as she padded into the medicine den, face scrunched up in pain. Blood seeped from the cuts on her stomach, staining it a sticky crimson. Doeflame collapsed into the first empty nest she saw- on her side, since she was pretty sure it'd cause extra pain to lie on her stomach, and it hurt enough already. Groaning melodramatically, she lifted her head over the side of the nest to search for a medicine cat. Her eyes landed on the new medicine cat apprentice; Grousepaw, she was pretty sure he was called. "You, get over here. I don't care if someone dies because you weren't treating them, but this hurts." Her words were laced with dry humour.
Shadowclan guard
Purrks: Just a scratch(active) and Shadow fiend(inactive)
The battle had been won, and Darkcloud had got some hits on a Riverclanner but she hadn't come out unscathed. If not for the warm, crimson liquid dripping down her muzzle she wouldn't have even noticed she had been hurt in the first place. Good thing she didn't feel much pain but it did cause her to be unaware of any injuries she might have.
Stalking into the med den, the spotted tabby sat down in an empty nest and waited to be attended to by a medicine cat. This wasn't anything new to her as she'd visited the healers befkre but not these particular ones...hopefully they were capable or at least able to treat what she believed were minor scratches decorating her muzzle.
Yellowtwist entered the medicine den, blood dripping off his shoulder. It hurt like hell but number one, either Mossfreckle or the apprentice guy. No, his concern was the lack of fun. [ @redshiftreign ]
"will you finally resurrect the time i've killed?"
leaf by gentlelarke on da
i may not always be totally active because i am planning a webcomic but i'll do my best :3
i have a small deficiency in brain cells /j
Last edited by shoomy; June 15th, 2024 at 05:42 PM.