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Re: RiverClan Clearing
Copperkit shivered. What was wrong with Primroseadder? She barely knew the older cat, but she had always seemed friendly... until now. "Hey, Echokit?" she called to the younger kit. "What happened with Primeroseadder?"
Nodding at Owlstar as she approached, he looked back at Seabreeze both sympathetically and apprehensively. His tail tip twitched back and forth as their leader spoke. Honestly, he was happy that Berryshine was allowed to help at least a little bit- but it didn't mean that all would be forgiven. Former RiverClan or not- one just can't waltz into an unfamiliar camp and be unfamiliar themselves.
The deputy was torn- on the one hand, he felt pity for all that Cloverpaw had possibly been through to get here and Seabreeze's shock and grief, but on the other- he knew he couldn't rightfully punish any of the clan for attacking on sight, especially with the orders Owlstar had just recently given due to their previous outsider issue. Sunheart held Owlstar's gaze for a moment, trying to convey through his expression that he had reached an opinion but was waiting for hers as well. "What do you think?"
Not much longer after he got the question out, a quarrel broke out behind him. Stars, Talonpaw and Primroseadder were getting into it. Whipping around with his hackles raised, his fixed the pair with a sharp stare. "Primroseadder!" He practically barked, irritation flaring in his gaze. "And you as well, Talonpaw." It was taking everything in him not to roll his eyes. "You," He fixed his eyes onto Talonpaw. "You're well due to be a warrior! I expect more from you." He mewed sternly before turning his attention to Primroseadder. "And you are a warrior. Silly quarrels like this fill no bellies!" He said irritably. There had been enough fighting for one day.
Before he could say more, Primroseadder was going on a tangent, furthermore asking not to be exiled or demoted. "I'm not going to do either of those things." Sunheart gave an exasperated sigh, but it was clear the warrior wasn't doing well after Talonpaw's comments. "You- the apprentice's den. Now." He grunted to Talonpaw. Sunheart hated having to be so tough on his Clanmates, but even he knew the tom was getting off lightly still.
As Primroseadder ran off, he cast a frustrated glance around. He didn't have time to be chasing after her right now, and both of them were out of line. "Deerspark," He beckoned the warrior over with his tail. "Would you go make sure she's alright, please?"
12 moons || she/her || RiverClan Warrior || Silver Tongue long furred silver smoke she-cat; blue eyes
[ this post contains thought of harm to clan members and generally sour mood wren. all her thoughts and actions are not a reflection of my own, this is simply the way she's learned to view the world ]
Movement coming to rest next to her has Wrenseeker twitching her ear. And there are voices going back and forth before she can even put her own thoughts out there - thoughts heavily mirrored by Talonpaw's, it would seem. Her gaze remains on Seabreeze as he speaks, acknowledging that herself and Talonpaw were in the right to attack even if he himself might not have been all too happy with it considering... this is his sister. Which Wren still finds herself skeptical of, though she doesn't exactly have the grounds to be. And, Primroseadder vehemently insisting that a peaceful chat with an intruder in the middle of camp was the proper solution. Wrenseeker finds herself laughing at that. Actually, honest to StarClan laughing at that.
Was that some sort of joke? Genuinely and for real was she joking? Talonpaw rightfully rips into her, and, apparently, the weak willed molly cannot handle hearing the objective truth. Wrenseeker would say she feels pity for that cat, but she doesn't, and it is not in her nature to feign such things either. In fact, the reminder of Fogmuzzle makes her miss that prize she'd lined her nest with. Pity. Maybe adding Primroseadder's tongue to her nest to start a new collection wouldn't be half bad an idea. She'd never go through with it, of course, not unless given proper reason to. And, lord, the temper tantrum! Whatever. Not worth Wren's time in the slightest.
As the sound of paws dashing away in some sort of panic reaches her, it's all Wrenseeker can do not to scoff or roll her eyes. She doesn't have anything to add though, so she simply flicks an ear in Talonpaw's direction in approval and turns her head back to Owlstar and Sunheart, waiting for their verdict in the situation.
One sort of verdict comes in the answers to the spat between apprentice and warrior. Talonpaw shoved back to the apprentice's den and some sorry warrior off to look for Primroseadder. Wrenseeker pities the poor guy who has to deal with an overly emotional molly. If she can't take the blows why enter the fight? Still, Wrenseeker stays where she is. She will not move until she is told to do so. An outsider in the clearing - revived kin or not - is still an outsider. The warriors before her are more than capable of dealing with this apparently 7 moon old cat (which everyone keeps bringing up like Wrenseeker should have known that despite the fact that she's blind and couldn't very well see the size of the damn thing! Ignorant flea brains), but she doesn't want to be out of the loop. And if she is shooed away? She'll just bug Owlstar about it tonight.
Nodding at Owlstar as she approached, he looked back at Seabreeze both sympathetically and apprehensively. His tail tip twitched back and forth as their leader spoke. Honestly, he was happy that Berryshine was allowed to help at least a little bit- but it didn't mean that all would be forgiven. Former RiverClan or not- one just can't waltz into an unfamiliar camp and be unfamiliar themselves.
The deputy was torn- on the one hand, he felt pity for all that Cloverpaw had possibly been through to get here and Seabreeze's shock and grief, but on the other- he knew he couldn't rightfully punish any of the clan for attacking on sight, especially with the orders Owlstar had just recently given due to their previous outsider issue. Sunheart held Owlstar's gaze for a moment, trying to convey through his expression that he had reached an opinion but was waiting for hers as well. "What do you think?"
Not much longer after he got the question out, a quarrel broke out behind him. Stars, Talonpaw and Primroseadder were getting into it. Whipping around with his hackles raised, his fixed the pair with a sharp stare. "Primroseadder!" He practically barked, irritation flaring in his gaze. "And you as well, Talonpaw." It was taking everything in him not to roll his eyes. "You," He fixed his eyes onto Talonpaw. "You're well due to be a warrior! I expect more from you." He mewed sternly before turning his attention to Primroseadder. "And you are a warrior. Silly quarrels like this fill no bellies!" He said irritably. There had been enough fighting for one day.
Before he could say more, Primroseadder was going on a tangent, furthermore asking not to be exiled or demoted. "I'm not going to do either of those things." Sunheart gave an exasperated sigh, but it was clear the warrior wasn't doing well after Talonpaw's comments. "You- the apprentice's den. Now." He grunted to Talonpaw. Sunheart hated having to be so tough on his Clanmates, but even he knew the tom was getting off lightly still.
As Primroseadder ran off, he cast a frustrated glance around. He didn't have time to be chasing after her right now, and both of them were out of line. "Deerspark," He beckoned the warrior over with his tail. "Would you go make sure she's alright, please?"
He, Him\Warrior\32 moons\Riverclan
"If every thought in my mind was a star in my head, the constellations would be knotted!"
Purrks: One With The Warren [ACTIVE] The Collector [ACTIVE]
- - -
Deerspark was watching. He was half tempted himself to spring and Cloverpaw, but Talonpaw got to her first. Still, the whole event had startled him, senses on edge, ears ringing terribly. There was an outsider in camp, and everycat's first thought was to sit around and talk instead of doing something? His muscles were so tensed it nearly hurt. He was even more startled when Sunheart addressed him, eyes bulging widely, his shredded tail flying upwards to show its white base. Primroseadder... Uh. Wait... This was his chance wasn't it? To be actually useful.
The color point scrambled to their paws before nodding curtly and galloping off, legs as long and carefully disoriented as a fawns.
Tigersplash was drawn by the commotion, namely by the sound of Prim's yowling. He poked his head out of the warrior's den, just in time to see her running off. Tigersplash was tempted to run after her, taking a pawstep forward to do so. Prim was his niece after all. But then, Sunheart gave the task to Deerspark, and Tigersplash knew she would be safe. There was somecat else who needed his protection. The long-furred tom searched for Softsky. The commotion had him worried for her, there was a strange cat in the clearing and things didn't seem entirely safe. He...he felt a protective instinct towards the gray she-cat.