Okay. Okay alright okay. Salamanderpaw starts the trip with a few inane comments, just remarking on the cold or that she wishes they were hunting real prey instead of just herbs ("—I mean I know they're important but they don't even run away or anything,") but all her chatter dries right up the closer they get to Seagrass Fields. Her dislike for the place isn't a huge problem and it will certainly never impair her ability to patrol out here, but it's done a number on her willingness. She can do things in a bad mood, though. Especially when she knows they are things that have to get done.
Wisteriawren's been gathering flowers on the way. Salamanderpaw had politely bitten back the unnecessary remark that they're kind of withered and ugly, I'd hate it if someone put gross dead plants on my grave, because she knows better. That place she gently leaves them at is where Stormstar is buried, isn't it? It's not Salamanderpaw's job to decide how cats remember and pay respect to one another. It's especially not her job to let everyone within earshot know about every mean little thought she has.
Right now her job is dock.
It's hard to find anything through the tall grass, the mist, and the light snow that shroud this place, but she's determined to do an extra good job. The heebiejeebies don't get to decide how productive I am!! Salamanderpaw holds her puffy tail up as she sinks into the grass, letting it act as a banner to spot her by as she moves away from the two warriors. There are no obvious big green tongues for several pawsteps, but she eventually finds a plant that looks about right, smells about right, and feels about right. It's on the small and shrivelly side, so she plucks off the two biggest pieces and leaves the rest alone.
"There's one down here! It kind of sucks though. Maybe there's other ones nearby?"
The young warrior was being slower while trying to find herbs. He was a bit distracted at the thought of being in the new graveyard site of the clan. He was lost at thought thinking about his missing kit and while no one was looking he sat down for a few minutes and put a pile of stones together. He'd like to believe they were alive out there and healthy but how could he know that for sure?
After taking his time to mourn what was lost, he went back to looking for dock. Typically Sharkhail would keep searching till he could find all he could carry but his mind wasn't fully in it. All he could get himself to do was collect two things of dock.
Salamanderpaw and Sharkhail seemed to be on two very different wavelengths, but Wisteriawren respected that. She wouldn't nudge them on it - didn't think she had enough boldness to outright question them, anyway. They were doing their job, she would do hers. Offering her two companions a brief smile - whether they were looking or not - the plump molly shuffles off to do some searching of her own.
A while later, she was back with a good enough haul. "Shouv we go?" She mumbles around the dock clutched in her mouth, cheeks heating at the words being slightly muffled. Hopefully, it'd gotten the idea across at least.