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Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:05 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

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Another gathering, Beastspark took point just because he had pulled a bit ahead of Icestar. He had no clue if she'd get annoyed this time around, but figured even if she did the molly had bigger fish to fry over him. He took a moment to glance at the leaders, spotting two of the four. He smelt WindClan and spotted some familiar faces, yet no Twilightstar?

Duskstar looked off, but at least ThunderClan was here this time. One cat sat on the lower stones? These numbers were confusing the hell out of Beastspark. He decided against thinking too hard about it. He took a seat near who he assumed was a new deputy, uh? Wasn't this guy a medicine cat? Dogface? Scarsnarl? Grumpygrowl? The name was evading him.

"Hello," he greeted, interested in the tom's face. He really wanted to poke Dogsnarl's face, the pink scarred side, but he wasn't certain if the guy would bite him or not. If he did Beastspark would be forced to make the furry side of his face match the scarred side and that wouldn't be good. Truce breaking, Icestar pissed off, and he got the feeling he might have angry mob after him. So no touching right now, Beastspark would see if he could get a poke in later. If Icestar hasn't pissed off all three clans by then.

"I like your face! How'd you get it like that?" Beastspark blurted after a few seconds of silence. He felt like he was being rude, but that never stopped his curiosity before. He was so curious, the deputy tipped his head, ears perked, and his tail swayed back and forth behind him. He looked like a big puppy waiting for a bone. Grumpyface should be nice and throw him one.


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Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:06 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

Originally Posted by Tigerstorm0926 View Post
Mudpaw padded into the clearing and looked around for a place to sit. It was her first gathering and she was excited to meet the other clans.

Cheetahpaw followed his clan into the clearing. He was nervous because it was his first gathering as an apprentice, but he tried not to let it show.

Ravenpaw excitedly entered the clearing and looked for someone to talk to. Her first gathering! She was super excited.
Tinypaw noticed the other cats and an apprentice stuck out to him. The tabby tom padded up to Cheetahpaw. "Hello. Is this your first gathering too?" , he asked.

Marigoldpaw(leap) is my main character and is currently a Shadowclan Apprentice if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for. If you do just mention me in a post no need to ask and I'll reply whenever I can. Also if its a plot vm me what it is, so I'm not confused.

Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:15 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

@Sparkling Flower
"Yeah" Cheetahpaw meowed. Is it that obvious? "I'm Cheetahpaw from WindClan" he meowed, trying to sound friendly.
Ravenpaw spotted a cat near the back of the crowd that looked someone had dumped fish slime over his head and then forced him to go to this gathering. She padded over to him. "Hi!" Ravenpaw meowed. "I'm Ravenpaw from RiverClan!"
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Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:19 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

[ @Tigerstorm0926; ]

"Its mine too. I nearly just became an apprentice." , he meowed. Tinypaw could scent a different scent on them, but it was a good thing he told him where he was from. " Im Tinypaw of Otter cats. ", he meowed.

(He refers Riverclan as otter cats)

Marigoldpaw(leap) is my main character and is currently a Shadowclan Apprentice if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for. If you do just mention me in a post no need to ask and I'll reply whenever I can. Also if its a plot vm me what it is, so I'm not confused.

Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:21 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

Originally Posted by Tigerstorm0926 View Post
Ravenpaw spotted a cat near the back of the crowd that looked someone had dumped fish slime over his head and then forced him to go to this gathering. She padded over to him. "Hi!" Ravenpaw meowed. "I'm Ravenpaw from RiverClan!"
The tom looked up at the voice. Eaglepaw spotted a molly in front of him. "Uhh-Oh..Hi" he stumbled for the right words to greet the apprentice. "I'm E-...I'm Eaglepaw from ... uhhh.. From WindClan" he responded. Gosh was he bad at this. He felt like he was put on the spot and he nearly forgot his name! He forgot his Clan as well.
Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:25 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

[ @Arie ]


Bleh. Another boring Gathering, another boring night. Like always. Stonenettle flopped down in a shady spot and spread out, his legs sprawling out beside him. A soft groan left his throat and he closed his eyes. Hopefully, cats wouldn't stare because they'd missed the last Gathering. Hopefully, he'd be able to punch in their faces without anyone noticing if they did.


[ OPEN! ]

The tortoiseshell slipped in behind the rest of ThunderClan and seated himself as close to the leaders as he could get. Occasionally a cough would escape him, even though he fought to cover it up as best he could. Apparently the smoke was still getting to him. He huffed a sigh through his nose and ducked his head, sort of hoping that no one would notice.

Last edited by dino.; August 3rd, 2020 at 02:25 AM.
Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:25 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Coyotesnarl gave his chest fur a few good licks examining the crowd as they shuffled around, there was that slight anxiety built up in his chest from being so high up but it faded quickly. It was high from the ground but there was no chance he’d fall, especially since he was squished up against the stone face itself. That’s when thunderclan arrived, though he was pleased to see they hadn’t been wiped out he was decently surprised. Duskstar joined them utop the rock and he couldn’t help but let out a snort. He could practically smell the smoke right off of her, thunderclan was going to have to do something about it’s flammable properties. What was that? Twice now between a few seasons. Soon enough the territory would be engulfed in flames for good and then poof! No more thunderclan. Duskstars face looked like his as the deputy managed to catch a glimpse of her under the moonlight. If only she’d let him help it wouldn’t look.. like that. His tail curled in discomfort and he glanced away. Unfortunate but some cats pride was too big to receive help, no matter though. It was her face.

While trying to distract himself from the face wound that was basically glaring at him he caught scent in the wind of shadowclan. Butterflies filled his chest at the thought of the brutes, savage mangy things lead by the biggest toad head he’d ever seen. Of course being biased with the whole.. “let’s tromp over windclan shall we?” attitude. The tabby couldn’t help but feel even the slightest bit of resentment settle in his stomach, so he sat up curling his tail around his paws.

Names never escaped him, he had a knack for remembering and especially when it was paired with a face. So that hulky behemoth of a cat must’ve been Beastspark. Smelled of sap and sadness. Gross. The tabby went about grooming the rest of his chest fur down when the tom hopped up to join him on the lower section of the sea stone. He was quite large up close, intimidating in fact. He didn’t like feeling inferior that way, but he was average sized. Beastspark was the freak. At his gruff hellos he barely raised his head “evening.” It was curt and that was that.

Except it wasn’t.

It was hard to not notice someone staring into your very soul, his pink scar flushed with awareness. Though he thought to whip his head around and drop a snarky comment about how staring was rude and blah blah blah he spoke up already. Oh good. A comedian. “How original. Did you think that up over the dirtplace?” He fired back suddenly more aware of the permanent face disfiguration. It was funny how you could come from a plethora of compliments and get torn down with one simple sentence.



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Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:29 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

@Sparkling Flower
Cheetahpaw blinked in confusion. "Otter-? Oh! You mean RiverClan, right?" He smiled. "I've never met a RiverClan cat before"
Ravenpaw grinned. She liked this cat; he was funny. "Nice to meet you!" She looked around. "This is my first gathering!" she meowed.
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Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:40 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering

Originally Posted by Tigerstorm0926 View Post
Ravenpaw grinned. She liked this cat; he was funny. "Nice to meet you!" She looked around. "This is my first gathering!" she meowed.
"Yeah... You too" the tom responded. "S-..... Same" Eaglepaw paused before replying to Ravenpaw. "So-" The apprentice started. Darn. This is going horribly.
Old August 3rd, 2020, 02:42 AM
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Default Re: August Gathering


Sycamorerain padded into the sandy hollow, quite surprised by the fact there were so few cats here. Usually, quite a large amount of cats had gathered by the time he made his way over, but this time, it seemed ThunderClan was relatively early. Taking a seat by himself, he waited patiently for all the leaders to arrive, and perhaps for someone to socialize with in the meantime.


@Sparkling Flower

Berryscorch turned quickly to face the cat approaching her. It was a ThunderClan tom she didn’t know the name of, but she’d take any warrior over an annoying apprentice. ”Nope, I don’t mind.” Ugh, this was the only part she disliked. At least with apprentices, she had no problem bossing then around or making rude comments. But with other warriors, she actually had to act a little more dignified.


{Open} Taken

Puddlepaw shifted his gaze around as he entered the sandy area contatininf the Seastones. Was he supposed to be here yet? He’d been following the lead of Coyotesnarl and a few other clanmates, but as far as he knew, Twilightstar was still behind with the rest of the group. Oh well. He was here, so he might as well carry on as usual. Finding a good spot, he got himself situated. This was most likely his last gathering as an apprentice, so he wanted to make it a good one.
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Last edited by Puddle~; August 3rd, 2020 at 07:34 PM.
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