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Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cat: Springlight
Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
Medicine Cat: Mistyshard

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Old July 7th, 2024, 09:16 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Starfall View Post

He/Him || ThunderClan Deputy
Beefed Up Tier III || Just a Scratch || Hulk SMASH

@Bean. , @Cat7

The kit was sweatin bullets. Spiderthroat had been alive long enough to recognize when someone's being pretty suspicious. And that word was this tom to a T. It took everything in him not to laugh right then and there. Stupid. All of these traitors were stupid. If you're gonna plan an uprising at least do it decently. The one that died was way in over their head...or stupid. He couldn't tell yet.

He slunk forwards, tailing behind Flamingclaw rather closely, head angled downwards, almost as if in a hunting crouch. "Really? Lackin initiative? Doesn't sound like a ThunderClan warrior to me. How recently were you made a Warrior? I don't remember..." he hummed, still making sure the exit was blocked.

"Nah." from the tom. "They'll be tossed into the sea, I'm pretty sure nearby RiverClan territory. At that border. Dead or a live, traitors get to get eaten by fish. An' seein how there isn't any RiverClanner to stop us from crossin that border." a pause as he hummed and haw'd looking down at the bodies.

"I mean. No one's stupid enough to go against ThunderClan while bein in that Clan. They'd get slaughtered right away. Ah, I'm gettin off topic go ahead n pick that one up, we'll huck them over the edge."

Ears twitchin as another warrior came up. Ah glorious. "Perfect. Make sure you two stick together, I mean...can't be too sure anymore. But no one dumb enough would stick around after seein that massacar. I'll follow along behind to make sure no one gets hurt. We're huckin these bodies off into that big water near by RiverClan territory."

Mid sentence, the tom looked over at someone he absolutely did not recognize. Brow quirked. "No it ain't. You'll be remembered as some idiots who got killed." Spiderthroat stated, his claws flexing in the dirt below him.

"You have a five second head start." he said plainly. Licking his fangs as he prepared to snap a neck.

[ If Bravestripe does not leave by your post, he will be killed. Also on that note, no other cats will be coming for this attack :0 seeing as how were no other members posting as these cats, and it's a tad bit unrealistic as well ]

16 Moons | He/Him | No purrks

ThunderClan Warrior

Flamingclaw only got more nervous as he could clearly tell Spiderthroat didn't believe him. "T-this moon." He stammered in response to the deputy’s question. Every moment he became even more convinced that he would be exiled or killed soon, after all seeing these dead cats, he knew that Spiderthroat or any of the other high ranks for that matter would have no problem killing him too. He had to tread carefully from now on. Maybe he'd never be trusted again. Maybe he deserved that.

"I-in the s-sea, got it." Flamingclaw said, not much above a whisper. He wondered if there was any way to escape, or whether it’d even be worth trying to. Could he ever redeem himself? Even if technically he hadn't been part of this failed uprising, would he ever be forgiven for intending to be part of it? For the intent to betray ThunderClan? And if he ran away, where would he go? He’d be nothing but a coward for doing that, whatever happened to him was his own fault. He decided to stay and try to prove he could be loyal again, that he’d learned from this incredibly stupid mistake. However he wasn’t sure whether or not he’d even have the chance to, Spiderthroat had already seemed to work out that he originally planned to be part of this, any other cat involved was exiled or killed, he was the only one remaining in ThunderClan. Would he be for long? If he could he would apologise for such a stupid mistake, but he knew doing that would be confessing his guilt. Picking up the dead cat by the scruff, he looked over to Webstripe, waiting for the warrior before leaving. If he walked away first, it might seem like he’s trying to escape. Or would it? Was he just being mouse brained for the second time in a row today?

Duskleaf is currently RiverClan's Head Lionheart. If you need him at all, feel free to ping or message me! My other cats are here if you need them!

Art by @/Willowfern!
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Old July 7th, 2024, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Spider. View Post
@taillow -maybe we can do the one rp we discussed about in a public thread?)

[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch-Beefed up:2]

Rising storm walked out of the nursery just delivering some food to the queens when the tom saw Redhawk in the corner of the camp rising could tell something was wrong by the she-cats body movements and by her face rising felt bad for her he paw got mangled in a freak accident and he knew shes been trying to relearn to climb rising also needed that he looked at his leg where deep scars laid from the Riverclan cat but now was not time for self pitty he grabbed himself a squirrel and walked over to redhawk siting down near them looking at them his ears pinned back slightly ".." he choked on his words unsure how to comfort cats "Hey Redhawk a-are you okay?" he asked the she cat his eyes were soft when he spoke feeling bad that a clanmate was upset

she/they | thunderclan hornet | 35 moons
the collector, the ultimate predator, kitty softpaws
Hearing approaching paw steps, Redhawk lifted her head and glanced around, trying to also compose her once-tearful expression as well. Oh, that was Risingstorm! A smile stretched across her face as she recalled wanting to congratulate him on earning his warrior name. But his question caught her off-guard and she faltered a bit. Okay..? Was she okay?

"I'm o-okay," she answered with a forced purr, though her voice waivered just a bit at the end. Swallowing, Redhawk tried to widened her smile, but part of her shook a bit and eventually the smile faltered into a frown. "...Is it t-that obvious?" she chuckled as she glanced down at her vole, laying next to her mangled paw. Sucking in a breath the hornet shook her head. "It's just... it's r-really different, you k-know?" Looking at her paw, she bit her tongue a bit and glanced back at Risingstorm. "I feel l-like I'm an a-apprentice all o-over again."

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old July 7th, 2024, 11:46 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by AriaTheFiremaiden View Post
Dawnkit/4 moons

Dawnkit nodded, standing to head towards the nursery. "Prolly a good idea. I still need rest..." She trailed off. Once she reached the entrance, the kit turned back to this new cat. "Um ... what's your name? So I can finds ya later, I mean." The tom had so far been strangely kind to her, so she may as well try to be friendly.

(Looks like Kacey won't be joining us, so we should be able to wrap up here?)

Salmonshade looked down “mm my names salmonshade..Ive got some kits in the nursery berrykit eveningkit and blossomkit.”he said fondly “Well you go on to bed now”
Vinepaw wishes you well

Specklepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice for Frostclan
Hyenaslash is the current medicine cat for Sunclan he has an open den policy


Art made by RamenThePidgeon
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Old July 7th, 2024, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch-Beefed up:2]

Rising looked at the hornet as they said they were okay he could hear the forced purr from redhawk rising felt sorry for the she cat whos never seemed to be the same after their paw was crushed rising wished he couldl fix it but he was no medicine cat as if that would help he let out a sigh responding to the slight question “yeah… you just seem so off.” he looked at the hornet the atmosphere around redhawk was heavy with sorrow the tom wanted to say something when redhawk spoke but stayed silent just listening till she was done talking after a moment of silence rising spoke glancing at redhawk “I know it must be tough but hey your a strong cat im sure you can get through it..” the tom was unsure if his words would do much he was unsure if anything could help the hornet rising warped his tail around his legs. “If you want we can go on a walk and maybe go hunt?” he asked with a slight smile on his face
@taillow - forgot the mention

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)

Last edited by Spider.; July 8th, 2024 at 06:09 PM.
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Old July 8th, 2024, 09:47 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

3 moons || he/him || ThunderClan kit
brown, masked classic tabby w/ low white; titanite eyes

Yeesh, so much commotion in the clearing and Hollowkit managed to sleep right through it! So he’d been a little tired, give him a break! It’s hard being three! Titanite eyes blink sleepily as the masked tabby steps out of the nursery and looks around at the Hornets and warriors with a big yawn. Boringggg. They’re always yelling about somethin or other and half the time Hollowkit doesn’t even know what’s going on in that regard. It all goes way above his head. Speaking of heads and those not right in them… where the hell is Bravekit? She wasn’t in the nest when Hollow woke up, so she’s gotta be around here somewhere…

[ @Kix ]
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Old July 8th, 2024, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

foxpaw sleeps

Mistyshard is RiverClan’s current Medicine Cat. She has a semi-closed den policy. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to VM or DM me!

RiverClan Healing || Medicine Cat Den
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Old July 8th, 2024, 04:01 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Lionkit was dragging a small bird over to her favorite spot when she accidentally stumbled over an apprentice. She looked at the cat feeling scared of the response it would give her. " I... Im so sorry are you ok?" She mewed.
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Old July 8th, 2024, 04:17 PM
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Owlheart sat down and stated eating a bird.
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Old July 8th, 2024, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Springlight had managed to get him all patched up. Elkpaw kind of hurt still, but most of his cuts felt a little better. It was the ankle that kept bothering him.

He sat in the entrance of the medicine den by the stream, trying to soak up some sunlight and get a view of the clearing while he coiled himself to inspect the break. Any pressure made it ache, and as he peered at it, brow furrowed, eyes flickering over the awkward angle it remained in, he had a sinking feeling he wouldn't ever be able to use it the same again.

Bad thoughts, he told himself. He needed good thoughts, not bad ones. Good thoughts, like how glad he was to be home, and how grateful he was for Redhawk and Swanpaw and even that one ShadowGuy who'd gotten him back to safety, and for the sun beaming down on him. Good thoughts.

The den was stuffy, though. It smelled like herbs and dirt. He was glad for the chance to rest outside for a bit - and someone was about to get their ears talked off.

"HEY!" he shouted across the clearing at his nearest target with a huge smile and a frantic wave of a forepaw. "Come over here!!"

[ open ]
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Old July 8th, 2024, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by dino. View Post
Springlight had managed to get him all patched up. Elkpaw kind of hurt still, but most of his cuts felt a little better. It was the ankle that kept bothering him.

He sat in the entrance of the medicine den by the stream, trying to soak up some sunlight and get a view of the clearing while he coiled himself to inspect the break. Any pressure made it ache, and as he peered at it, brow furrowed, eyes flickering over the awkward angle it remained in, he had a sinking feeling he wouldn't ever be able to use it the same again.

Bad thoughts, he told himself. He needed good thoughts, not bad ones. Good thoughts, like how glad he was to be home, and how grateful he was for Redhawk and Swanpaw and even that one ShadowGuy who'd gotten him back to safety, and for the sun beaming down on him. Good thoughts.

The den was stuffy, though. It smelled like herbs and dirt. He was glad for the chance to rest outside for a bit - and someone was about to get their ears talked off.

"HEY!" he shouted across the clearing at his nearest target with a huge smile and a frantic wave of a forepaw. "Come over here!!"

[ open ]

Risingstorm had just placed a few prey items in the kill pile when he heard a cat yelling across the clearing he turned his head to see elkpaw calling him over well he hoped it was him so the white and tabby tom limped over to the apprentice "Hello elkpaw do ya need something?" he asked with a friendly smile

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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