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October 19th, 2021, 10:09 AM
Join Date: Aug 2021
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
★ Loonfeather ★
Loonfeather could feel his skin growing warm from the jab and his ears flattened, but the only comment he made was muttered so low under his breath the other two wouldn’t have heard it. It had been a simple, “Yeah, ha ha,” but he felt no real mirth in remembering the pain that had seared through his skull upon hitting the tree. At least he hadn’t cracked it or anything. Shaking himself slightly, he followed Falconfeather and Elmshadow out of the camp toward the RiverClan border.
As they reached their destination, he opened his jaws and tried to drink in the scents to see if there was any danger. On this side the scent of badger was weak, meaning it might have moved farther up the border or continued on into RiverClan territory. Then he heard what Elmshadow said and gave a small sigh. “Yes, more reeds and less trees,” he said. It was quite obvious that it wouldn’t be forgotten any time soon that he had run headlong into a tree.
@ Ravensong @ Pheasantflight (I kind of want to find the badger, if you’re up for it Pheasant?)
October 20th, 2021, 01:41 PM
dancing in the moonlight
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
@ Zesha @ Ravensong
(Then let's do it!)
Falconfeather snorted at Loonfeather and smirked one last time before leading the way to their destination. Despite the fact that the badger hadn't been scented in the territory, she kept her ears pricked, just in case. Badgers could move, for Starclan's sake. It wouldn't just stand there and wait for them. As the trio drew near enough to the border where she could smell the stench of the badger, Falconfeather paused and raised her tail telling the others to freeze. Turning back to Elmshadow and Loonfeather, she started to whisper in a low voice. "It's still here, we'll have to be careful just walking in."
The brown tabby cat turned back towards the border and followed the stench to a large hollow dug into the ground. She stepped back and turned to face it. "I'm not going in. What do we do now- woah!" The black striped white head of a badger thrust its way out of a nearby bush and Falconfeather fell back, shocked. She quickly leapt to her feet. "You two can fight, yes?"
that's all folks
rose stole carmen's identity
site // va's
October 20th, 2021, 04:43 PM
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Elmshadow fell in behind Falconfeather as they moved along the border. He glanced intermittently over the border, keeping his senses alert for any signs of a Riverclan patrol. However, slowly, he became aware of the badger scent becoming increasingly more powerful than even the nearby Riverclan scent markers. His attention switched ahead, keeping his eyes wide and ears erect. The furs along his spine slowly rose, tingling in a sense of impending danger.
Falcomfeather stopped, her tail rising. Elmshadow stopped as instructed, poised for any danger. He nodded curtly, concurring with her assesment, then followed her further. The scent of badger was overpowering as they came into view of the fresh dirt of a dug out badger set. Elmshadow's head recoiled slightly and his body lowered slightly, his muscles bunched and ready. "We should report it to Shade...." He was cut off abruptly by the wedge-shaped head cutting through a bush. His back arched, every fur on his pelt standing on end, and let out a furious hiss.
"Looks like we're dealing with this then! I'll distract it, one of you cut around back and try to get on top of it!" Elmshadow lurched sideways, cutting away from the other two in his patrol. Then he lunged forward at the badger's face, throwing a succession of lightning-fast swipes at its beady black nose.
@ Zesha @ Pheasantflight
October 21st, 2021, 12:17 AM
fangs into flesh ♛
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Floodfrost He/Him
Sightseeing. His favorite thing to do alone or with Butterflydust,but he might and will take Bramblepaw sightseeing oneday. But never here! Shadowclan was a worst of the clans. The warriors were all murders and they were training future murders. Do even get him started on their leader,the lady is insane. He even doubted that she thought starclan was real but he neither did he so he had no reason to get mad about that. That's when he smelt it,fresh shadowclan scent. Letting out a low hiss then shutting it down for his normal emotionless face and eyes.
Hows it going you useless murder? I can smell you.
@ teddybr
❝ it's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time. ❞
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October 21st, 2021, 12:30 AM
Join Date: Jun 2021
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Robincall {He/Him} | ShadowClan | @Prevail
He was enjoying his stroll around the territory, though he supposes he went a little bit too far and he was merely met face to face with. Sniff- ah, a River Clan.
"Same goes to you." He spoke rather bitterly, he was expecting a day just for a nice stroll, maybe catch something while he's at it. Something edible that is. "Though if that's your best pick-up line I would suggest taking a few moons to rethink it." A coy smirk played on the end of his lips. As he followed the sound of the voice he finds himself a dark tom standing a few tail lengths away.
Yeah let's keep it that way.
Ashkit - Kit
Robincall - Warrior
Josie - Kittypet
October 21st, 2021, 12:58 AM
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Originally Posted by implimm
[ @ spade ]
A gentle breeze occasionally caressed her, sifting through the tall grasses and sending the few fallen leaves over the water in a gentle skittering dance. In spite of the slightly off-putting scent of marsh, Plumstorm felt truly at ease. Taking a deep breath, the warrior fills her chest as much as she could and holds it for a heartbeat before slowly pushing the air out through lightly pursed lips.
There was so much happening as of late, that she had almost forgotten how to do nothing. Maybe she wasn't the most proactive of warriors right now- She had a lot to work through that just wasn't going to come to light so fast- but doing nothing like this, with no one around and no need to chit chat or defend herself... Well, it was nice. No paws drenched in blood or deathberry juice, no eyes full of disdain stabbing into her. There was no anger bubbling up inside now. It was a moment of nothingness that reminded Plumstorm of the way things had been when she was still training, avoiding swimming and trying to get away with the bare minimum while staying under Lionstorm's radar. A nothingness that she loved to watch as it churned in the ocean waves on Lionsbeach, a nothingness she padded down the riverbanks to listen to. Even here, with the leaves and grasses stirring up the muddy waters, there was nothingness for the silvery molly to listen to. Something for her to fall in love with again.
No foggy abyss for me today!
Plumstorm's ears flick towards the voice, little and immature. Icy blue hues focus in the murky light under the moon, and she spots the source as it comes towards her: A kit. Blinking once, twice, then a third time, the warrior observes as this kit picks its way onto her log. Staring down, she couldn't decide on how exactly to feel. Her expression was highly likely to be that of sheer befuddlement.
"Shiny hunter?" What in the world was a shiny hunter...?? "Yeah, you could say that. Are you out hunting for shi- shiny...?"
"Your face is really pretty!" Daisykit squeaked out as she stared right back up at the tall warrior. She was so big! Definitely bigger than her, and Laurelkit, and all the other kits in the nursery. Dawnstar had her beat though - but Daisykit had come to the conclusion that Dawnstar was that big because of all the anger she seemed to have. It was hot, and expanded - at least that's how it worked in the little kit's mind.
Giving an enthusiastic nod at the RiverClan warrior's answer, Daisykit's whole face seemed to light right up. Amber eyes became pools of curiosity and wonder, and her little paws lifted off the log as she tried to balance briefly on just her hind legs. "Oh my goodness, yay! I'm the only shiny hunter in ShadowClan, except for my sister Laurelkit. I'm so glad there's another!" It was truly a splendid realization as a huge, lopsided grin stretched across her fluffy white face.
A chill accompanied the soft breeze as it swept back around, and the young molly let out a 'brrrr' but the happiness didn't waver from her face. "Right now I'm looking for something extra shiny! I saw it in a dream - it's sorta a blueish silver color, that's really sparkly. And it's got this rounded edge, and is sorta hollow on one side but has a bump on the other!" Another heavy nod of her head, before her face fell a bit, eyes casting downwards towards her paws. "But the warriors say they're only by the beach, and there's just pine trees here! I don't even know... what a beach is!" A quiet wail, as sad eyes found their way back up to Plumstorm. "Do you know what that is?"
October 21st, 2021, 02:06 AM
fangs into flesh ♛
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Originally Posted by teddybr
Robincall {He/Him} | ShadowClan | @Prevail
He was enjoying his stroll around the territory, though he supposes he went a little bit too far and he was merely met face to face with. Sniff- ah, a River Clan.
"Same goes to you." He spoke rather bitterly, he was expecting a day just for a nice stroll, maybe catch something while he's at it. Something edible that is. "Though if that's your best pick-up line I would suggest taking a few moons to rethink it." A coy smirk played on the end of his lips. As he followed the sound of the voice he finds himself a dark tom standing a few tail lengths away.
Yeah let's keep it that way.
Floodfrost He/Him
When the voice ran out,a flashback came back to him,the time where Butterflydust told him about how her older sister was murdered by shadowclan warriors.Flood remembered that day like it was something he had went through himself regardless if he had siblings. He was pissed,you could hear it in his voice and his expression changed to pure rage and anger. You. I'd rather not pick up a freak like you and your pack of murders. I'd watch it around me Shadow-freak. You are so scared to come face me that you hide in the darkness of the pine trees.
Floodfrost was so mad that it just resurfacing in his veins. If I can I will kill this cat,mainly for her and Butterfly. Floodfrost had to keep his anger levels down tho to not go racing through the forest going to murder this tomcat but that had failed. Your whole clan is beyond saving! You are all cowards and freaks,you kidnapped a leader for fun and then kept terrorizing them. How low are you freaks! Answer me Shadow-freak! ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW! He screamed over the boarder,he was about to go and go rip this guy apart.
❝ it's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time. ❞
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Last edited by Fate; October 21st, 2021 at 02:12 AM.
October 21st, 2021, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Jun 2021
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Robincall {He/Him} | ShadowClan | @Prevail
"Yes, well, you're not doing a very good job and wooing me out." His tail flicker left and right in amusement, and seem to snorts. Though he understands the danger the River Clan cat poses, the corner of his lips curled distastefully at being called names. "I don't need to answer anything to someone screaming lunatically across the border." He snaps, taking a few steps as he follows the border, though not leaving his eyes off the cat. Of course of all days he would get the most aggressive cat in the swamp. Though he let some of the river clan words get to him a little. Unfortunately.
Ashkit - Kit
Robincall - Warrior
Josie - Kittypet
Last edited by teddybr; October 21st, 2021 at 02:28 AM.
October 21st, 2021, 04:14 PM
Join Date: Aug 2021
Status: Depression make brain go brrrr
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
★ Loonfeather ★
It seemed that Falconfeather found more of the scent, since her tail went up and her voice lowered to a whisper. Loonfeather wasn’t sure how good a badger’s ears were, though he knew their eyes weren’t that good in the sunlight. Even still, they were a formidable foe, so he gave no arguments when the brown tabby lead them towards the border, the stench growing stronger with each pawstep they took. By the time they stumbled across the badger set, the smell was almost nauseating. There were plenty of Clans that insisted that ShadowClan smelled bad, but honestly badgers had to smell a million times worse.
He side-eyed the opening in the ground. No way was he going in there, either. That badger would claw his face straight off. His thoughts were swiftly interrupted though when the black and white striped head of the badger burst through a nearby bush. Fur spiking, he only acknowledged Falconfeather’s question with a nod as he glared at the beast before him.
“Will do!” he called to Elmshadow, darting the opposite way the moment the other warrior moved. He made it around the back of the badger as it was being distracted and leaped up onto the creature’s back, digging his claws in as deep as they would go. Elmshadow had irritated it, but Loonfeather had made it mad. It roared and tried to shake him off, but he clung to it with his claws. So long as the badger doesn’t roll with me on top of it I’m okay, he thought.
@ Pheasantflight @ Ravensong
October 21st, 2021, 05:59 PM
fangs into flesh ♛
Join Date: Jun 2020
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Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Originally Posted by teddybr
Robincall {He/Him} | ShadowClan | @Prevail
"Yes, well, you're not doing a very good job and wooing me out." His tail flicker left and right in amusement, and seem to snorts. Though he understands the danger the River Clan cat poses, the corner of his lips curled distastefully at being called names. "I don't need to answer anything to someone screaming lunatically across the border." He snaps, taking a few steps as he follows the border, though not leaving his eyes off the cat. Of course of all days he would get the most aggressive cat in the swamp. Though he let some of the river clan words get to him a little. Unfortunately.
Floodfrost He/Him
How would she react? How would she react? He asked himself while standing there,tears flooding his eyes and his emotions taking over,his fur raised as a result of his anger towards this cat. Butterflydust normally calmed him down but she wasn't here right now to do that. "You know people hate you right?"
The sentence that Butterfly had told him and his false memories,all of those false memories. Butterflys older sister wasn't murdered by shadowclan at all,but by hunters. The correct memories came flooding back to him. It made him realized that he was crying,wiping away the tears and he calmed down. Lowering his shaking body down to a silent shudder and he took back his emotionless face,though it took a bit to fully calm down.
I have many reasons to kill you,my mentors death that I still think you had a play in. But I refuse to fight something as pitiful as yourself. In fact I think all of shadowclan are scum,but they are so full of despair and hate. Something I am too,You are and me are the same which I hate you all for. Its not envy at all,it's all about something that was ripped away from a kitten that was just trying to go on a trip with his mentor. Floodfrost slowly turned away but his face remained sideways to stare the tomcat down. Lashing his black and blue-grey tail he walked away,for his day and sightseeing. That was ruined by this tomcat and the pity Floodfrost felt towards only them but to others it was anger and disappointment.
❝ it's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time. ❞
❯ reply days: saturday or sunday ❮
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