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Oh no! Looks like someone dropped her clovers all over the place! Come help Rose with her search in the Lucky Clover Hunt!
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Old June 16th, 2024, 06:45 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

Originally Posted by alec View Post
jayfrost gathered under the new floodstone replacement at fadingsuns call. the tabby still didnt think highly of their new leader, he was irrational, too hot headed and his heart was simply not in the right place, but riverclan was riverclan. riverclan was home. no matter how badly he had wished and begged for it to not be.
tabbied tail wrapped around light paws, and the tom sat through the uncomfortable itch and sting of his still untreated injuries. there hadnt been time. it didnt matter.

She, Her\Kit\7 moons/Riverclan
"Keep your head up! You need to look at the world around you!"

Purrks: Dreamwalker [ACTIVE] Chill of Death [ACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

(If this post wasn't ever supposed to be open, jay can ignore marigold!)
Long hard days of traveling. Marigoldkit had walked on her own, finding that she finally had the capability to do so. She wasn't fast by any means, in face she was horribly slow. She had to break into a trot every so often just to keep from falling miserably behind.

Now, with sore paws and rocks cutting mercilessly at her paw pads, Marigoldkit was more than ready for a large nap. She couldn't keep her eyes open, and she might just topple over if... Oh stars, a clan meeting.

Was she still not meant to attend those? Did she even want to? Would somecat be brutally murdered by a rock or something? Marigoldkit shivered her teeth bitting down in a clench. Hazel eyes scanned the rock filled area feverishly. Somecat familiar, please, please, please, please. An oddly injured cat came into view with pale fur that held a blue-ish sheen. Oh, it was Mr. Shiny! Hopefully he wouldn't mind company, and if she stayed by him then perhaps he could tell her whether or not she should be here.

"Hello, Mr--- UHHHHHH JAYFROST. It's so good to see you! How've you been feeling? Anything hurt? Have those medicine cats patched you up yet?" Her eyes flicked around camp. Maybe she could find some herbs around here if it's really needed, but she didn't wanna step on anycats toes. "You don't need to answer those questions, it's okay! Uh, mind if I sit next to you? My paw pads are screaming but I'm sure they'll be alright. Stuff like that builds character, right? Plus, I might, maybe, perhaps, be an apprentice soon... And I didn't wanna burden any warrior to carry a cat as big as me."

❝Tell me something I don't know.❞

Owlstar is the current Riverclan LEADER.
She has an open den policy!

Do not quote/mention me at the Skyridge!

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Mudslide is a Shadowclan ENFORCER, if she is needed, who ya gonna call?
Old June 16th, 2024, 07:25 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

Riverclan warrior
Purrk: Heightened Perception-Sight(inactive)

Falconflight gathered at...the new meeting place apparently...it felt weird thinking of it like that. Was this their new home? No, it was just temporary...but for how long? He needed to stop thinking too much, it wasn't good for him. Now that his sister was home everything would be better, well, somethings would be better. There were still many more cats he had to find...if they were still alive, that was.


Nightgaze kit finder!

Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^
Old June 16th, 2024, 07:48 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

` @squidz

Willowpaw padded up to her mentors side.

Weepingpaw padded forward.

Sweetsap watched with Softkit
Oceanstar is the leader of Beachclan!

"You did a great job today and I hope you smile a little by thinking about me at the end of the day" -Kim Hongjoong

Last edited by RomanticMangoBear; June 16th, 2024 at 07:48 AM.
Old June 16th, 2024, 07:51 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 20 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
pixelgif by @/SnowheartTC


Brokenstream padded to the area below curiously, settling down with his tail wrapped neatly around his paws. He looked up at his leader in anticipation, worry furrowing his brows.

Sunheart is RiverClan’s Deputy
*ping if needed<3*

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Old June 16th, 2024, 08:27 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

"Oh... A meeting." BrambleKit mumbled as he wandered over to the new clearing, sitting down.

Last edited by Kedamono; June 16th, 2024 at 08:28 AM.
Old June 16th, 2024, 08:39 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

Pebs ran over…

Pumpkinkit peaks over
bump anytime! I don’t mind!
CHECK OUT: PebbleSplash
Old June 16th, 2024, 08:48 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

Originally Posted by Marigoldwhisper View Post

She, Her\Kit\7 moons/Riverclan
"Keep your head up! You need to look at the world around you!"

Purrks: Dreamwalker [ACTIVE] Chill of Death [ACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

(If this post wasn't ever supposed to be open, jay can ignore marigold!)
Long hard days of traveling. Marigoldkit had walked on her own, finding that she finally had the capability to do so. She wasn't fast by any means, in face she was horribly slow. She had to break into a trot every so often just to keep from falling miserably behind.

Now, with sore paws and rocks cutting mercilessly at her paw pads, Marigoldkit was more than ready for a large nap. She couldn't keep her eyes open, and she might just topple over if... Oh stars, a clan meeting.

Was she still not meant to attend those? Did she even want to? Would somecat be brutally murdered by a rock or something? Marigoldkit shivered her teeth bitting down in a clench. Hazel eyes scanned the rock filled area feverishly. Somecat familiar, please, please, please, please. An oddly injured cat came into view with pale fur that held a blue-ish sheen. Oh, it was Mr. Shiny! Hopefully he wouldn't mind company, and if she stayed by him then perhaps he could tell her whether or not she should be here.

"Hello, Mr--- UHHHHHH JAYFROST. It's so good to see you! How've you been feeling? Anything hurt? Have those medicine cats patched you up yet?" Her eyes flicked around camp. Maybe she could find some herbs around here if it's really needed, but she didn't wanna step on anycats toes. "You don't need to answer those questions, it's okay! Uh, mind if I sit next to you? My paw pads are screaming but I'm sure they'll be alright. Stuff like that builds character, right? Plus, I might, maybe, perhaps, be an apprentice soon... And I didn't wanna burden any warrior to carry a cat as big as me."

glazed steel blue eyes vaguely focussed back on reality and what was happening when a small voice nudged the tom back out of thought. angular, oriental shaped head tipped sidewards and down he gave the kit a smile, she looked better than the last time they spoke and sounded a lot more engaged in clan life as well. the light mollies comment about his injuries reminded him of the stiff tension that dried blood had left on pale tabbied pelt and he shifted awkwardly. "im fine, 's not urgent" the tom replied with a slight shrug, thoughts briefly wandering to thunderclans deputy and the words he had spat right before turning to leave, perhaps this would look very different had fadingsun not called for evacuation...he shouldve called earlier though.
a flick of his tail would have to do its duty as an invitation to sit as the warrior attempted to find some of the burning passion and anger he had felt during the raid. he knew he would protect marigoldkit, no matter how close she was to beeing an apprentice or if she were one already, but was still left with no passion but a whole lot of tired, aching muscles and bones instead. "i could carry you if need be"

" in all timelines, in all possibilities,.. only you. "

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Old June 16th, 2024, 09:21 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

( Sunsetpaw )
Riverclan Apprentice | They/Them | 12 moons
Mind Reader, Herbal Knowledge T2, Rapid Recovery
A meeting. It felt a bit different being so far from the clan's actual camp. That rock looks pretty tough to climb but Fadingsun seems to be doing alright for now. The tabby walked forward into the crowd. A small crowd, but'll definitely grow as time passes. They took a seat, tail curling around their paws. Sunsetpaw may have just arrived a few minutes ago but they definitely won't be missing this one.

Last edited by Minku; June 16th, 2024 at 09:40 PM.
Old June 16th, 2024, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint


19 Moons | He/Him | No purrks

RiverClan Lionheart

Duskleaf heard Fadingsun's call and padded over to…StarClan knows what this was. It was really tall and looked like it’d be a pain to climb constantly. It was certainly a relief to have finally reached somewhere that could be used as a new camp, far from those stars-damned other clans and by the looks of it, close enough to water. Realising that he would still get to eat salmon, Duskleaf let out a sigh of relief. It did have some home comforts, this place. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. Meetings still being held also made it feel slightly more homelike, despite being several days of travel away. It could never truly replace RiverClan’s old territory but it would at least be a decent place to stay until it was time to return.

Like I said last time, it won’t happen again!

(From Father Ted)

DuskleafSnakefangNightpaw — Stormkit — Mintwhisper — Lakekit
Old June 16th, 2024, 10:16 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

TinyToad Yawned, Watching Fadingstar.
You Think I Dont Know My Own Palace?

From The Song "Odysseus" By Jorge Riverra Herrans

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