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Old February 22nd, 2025, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

| she/her | RiverClan | Lionheart |
Juniperberry hesitated, and for a moment, Heroneye was certain that he would be returning to camp with her. But then he spoke, electing to stay out instead. Well, that was his prerogative, after all. Her eyes flashed with sympathy as Juniperberry claimed that he wouldn't be missed; that was a feeling Heroneye knew well. But even then (or perhaps because of that), the Lionheart didn't quite know what to say to raise his spirits, or if she even could.

Fortunately, Juniperberry saved her from having to speak by asking Heroneye if she would help with his den. Her whiskers twitched. Heroneye didn't know anything about building dens; she was no WindClan tunneller, and from what the Lionheart could tell, the warrior wasn't much better. It would just be two minnow-brains scraping fruitlessly at the earth in the freezing weather.

"Alright," Heroneye meowed at last. Who knew, perhaps this would prove enriching. It wasn't like Heroneye had anything better to do besides... sleeping. She'd be fine. In any case, it did feel wrong to leave Juniperberry alone here, clearly stressed about that light. And she had been wanting to strengthen her bonds with her Clanmates lately; perhaps this was an opportunity to do just that, and she just hadn't realized it before. Even if that didn't work out, she could, at the very least, make sure he didn't burry himself alive and get himself killed. "But I know nothing of building dens. I wouldn't expect too much from me," she warned.

"If that's fine with you, how would you like to start?"

( @FANNIBAL - Juniperberry )
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Old February 27th, 2025, 11:09 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗
Tall and lanky tom with pale cinnamon fur and white unders, dark brown rosettes and ice-blue eyes
He/Him | 20 Moons | + every 18th | RiverClan Warrior (Formerly Kittypet) | Firm yet friendly and self-sacrificial
. 。・゜✭・.・✫゜・。.

. 。・゜✭・.・✫゜・。.
Freezingfury had simply wanted to clear his mind, take a break from the main camp. Nothing big. It was normal. For him, at least. He enjoyed leisurely walks around the territory, and today was no exception. Just... Simply wanting to... Uhm.

He stopped and looked around. When had he gotten here? Ah. It probably didn't matter. He still... Knew the way back to camp. Just a moment... And he'd head back. His mind foggy and vision swimming, the warrior moved his paws to continue moving. One step... Two steps... And he stopped again. He should have stayed in camp. He shouldn't have come all the way out into the territory, because damn, now he was tired as hell. Maybe it was lack of sleep. Lack of food? Whatever it was, he did not like the feeling. It was about time he headed back.

Freezingfury slowly and groggily turned and took a step towards the direction of camp, and as soon as his paw hit the ground, his legs gave in and he collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.

{OPEN for anyone to find him ^^}
╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝

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• • •

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Old February 27th, 2025, 11:13 AM
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RiverClan Re: RiverClan Territory

header by nyx!


Primroseadder's sharp cry rang through the air as she raced through the undergrowth to reach him. Her best friend. The cat who had comforted her after her breakdown. Freezingfury. The cat that she---

---that she loved.

The she-cat paused crouched over Freezingfury, burying her maw in his neck fur. ''Fury. Fury! FURY!'' She hissed, her voice breaking, shoulders shaking with a sob. ''Don't leave me. Don't leave me, you IDIOT! If you die, I'll kill ya again once I reach StarClan!''

[ @Star | Freezingfury ]
[ @/others ]

art by star !!
Primroseadder is a RiverClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me!

Lynxstar is the current LavenderClan Leader. She has an open den policy.
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Last edited by kira; February 27th, 2025 at 11:14 AM.
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Old February 27th, 2025, 11:53 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory


28 Moons | He/Him | Agatha Kitty

RiverClan Lionheart

As Duskleaf sat by his old tree picking out some new leaves to use for decoration, the sound of Primroseadder’s shriek rang through the air. At once, Duskleaf instinctively took off in the direction of the noise, running as fast as his legs would carry him. Freezingfury’s unconscious body and Primroseadder looking devastated immediately caught his eye, and he rushed over to the warriors and stopped a few mouse-lengths away from Freezingfury.

"Primroseadder…" His voice was gentle yet still conveyed urgency. "D’ye know what happened at all?" He asked. He took a closer look to assess Freezingfury’s condition. If the unconscious warrior and Primroseadder were close, it made sense that worry made her assume the worst, though as far as Duskleaf could tell the warrior was still alive. "He’s not gonna die, just try takin’ a few deep breaths, I know it’s easier said than done if he’s your friend, but he’s not gonna die." By StarClan, if Freezingfury could be saved, he was gonna do all in his power to save him, he wasn’t too late this time.

@kira @Star

Like I said last time, it won’t happen again!

(From Father Ted)

DuskleafSnakefangNightpaw — Stormkit — Mintwhisper — Lakekit
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Old February 27th, 2025, 11:58 AM
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RiverClan Re: RiverClan Territory

header by nyx

''N-No, I---I don't know what happened,'' Primroseadder shook her head. ''I---I was huntin' 'n I heard---'' she broke off with a sob. ''---I heard a body hit the ground. I came to investigate, 'n...''

Primroseadder didn't finish that sentence. She didn't want to finish that sentence. Instead, she buried her maw in Freezingfury's fur.

[ @Star | Freezingfury ]
[ @Seamrog | Duskleaf ]

art by star !!
Primroseadder is a RiverClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me!

Lynxstar is the current LavenderClan Leader. She has an open den policy.
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Old February 27th, 2025, 02:05 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory


28 Moons | He/Him | Agatha Kitty

RiverClan Lionheart

Duskleaf gave a sympathetic look as Primroseadder explained finding Freezingfury, it must’ve been quite a shock, especially if the two were close. Taking another glance at Freezingfury, he silently prayed to StarClan that the warrior would survive as he picked him up by the scruff, gently pulling him onto his back. "He’ll be alright, Primroseadder." He attempted to reassure her, knowing that it might not work but it was better to try. Duskleaf turned and started walking back towards the clearing with Freezingfury on his back. He hoped this wasn’t anything life threatening, but to be sure he’d get back to camp as quickly as possible.

@kira @Star (if you could submit a healing request for Freezingfury that’d be great!)

Like I said last time, it won’t happen again!

(From Father Ted)

DuskleafSnakefangNightpaw — Stormkit — Mintwhisper — Lakekit
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Old Yesterday, 10:39 AM
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RiverClan Re: RiverClan Territory

art by star

Primroseadder's ears flicked in acknowledgement of her patrolmates as they arrived, and she returned her stepfather's nod before leading the patrol out of camp. ''Be careful, there's still some ice despite the thaw,'' she instructed, her tail swaying idly behind her. ''I want us all ta catch at least two ta three pieces of prey each, if possible. With the thaw, more of the prey should be venturin' out of their homes in search of their own food. We can fish in the river if we need to, since it's a bit warmer than usual.''

The warrior stopped close to the river, shaking out her pelt. ''We're goin' ta split up inta pairs,'' she mewed, looking at her Clanmates through narrowed, emerald eyes. ''We'll be better off not bein' alone, seein' as we don't know if there are any threats or predators lurkin' in the shadows 'n lyin' in wait ta attack. 'N we'll catch more prey that way, in case we need ta use teamwork 'n tag team a rabbit or squirrel. So, Riftpaw, you're goin' ta be with Duskleaf, since he's ya mentor, 'n Songwave will be with me. Let's meet back here once we're finished.''

With a nod to Duskleaf and Riftpaw, Primroseadder slipped into the shadows, beckoning for Songwave to follow her with a wave of her tail.

[just for context, songwave is primroseadder's stepfather, as he is the father to almondchatter's new litter and primroseadder is almondchatter's daughter from her first litter ^^]

[ @korok | Riftpaw ]
[ @Seamrog | Duskleaf ]
[ @Cloverspring | Songwave ]

art by star !!
Primroseadder is a RiverClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me!

Lynxstar is the current LavenderClan Leader. She has an open den policy.
LavenderClan Resources | LavenderClan Main Roleplay | LavenderClan Healing

Last edited by kira; Yesterday at 10:39 AM.
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Old Today, 07:40 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Songwave followed Primroseadder out of camp along with the others. The icy warning was no joke out here either, the warrior could feel his paw struggle to hold a full grip every time he stepped on a frozen patch, especially on the smooth rock faces.

Once they made it out into the territory the tom listened to his step-daughter's instructions, and twitched his whiskers in agreement. "I'll catch five if I'm able." He responded, ready to prove his worth as a member of Riverclan once again. The tom followed with the beckon of the Primroseadder's tail, calling over his shoulder to the rest of the patrol before he was consumed by the darkness. "Good luck, and stay safe!"

( @korok - Riftpaw , @kira - Primroseadder, @Seamrog - Duskleaf )
Yeah, that's me. Cloverspring. Nice to meet you!

If I don't respond to something remember to give me a boop! on your post
---------------------------------------------------------/[Roleplay tracker]\
Shadowclan - Elder - Mudburr - [1] [2], c1nder! / Kit - Buzzardkit
Windclan - Warrior - Sixfoot - By Rani : D
Riverclan - Warrior - Songwave - [1] & [2], Splashcloud, [3], newo / Kit - Scorchkit
Thunderclan - Warrior - Minkvenom - By newo!
Misc - Morgan / Warmheart / Deepcoral / Gwen / West / Sitka / Xaeq / Taqqiq
Misc 2 - Dreg / Polykarpos / BTD Monsters / Peacock / Casey / Roe / Cainneach
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