Hello there, welcome to WCO! Please read the
New Members' Guide since it is helpful. I am Highsnow of Matterhorn.
Open VMs, PMs & Roleplays
You must be wondering what VMs and PMs are. They are 'Visitor Message' and 'Private Message'. I think the difference between those two is 'viewing access'. VMs can be looked at by every member, and PMs are only viewed by the sender and the recipient (and staff).
I am open to roleplays. My VMs and PMs are open too! I have four Main RP characters: Alpinemoon (Thunderclan), Chasmpaw (Thunderclan); Wildfoxglove (Riverclan), and Lil' Delusion (Outsider). If you ever make a Thunderclan/Riverclan cat or an Outsider, you are most welcome for your characters to interact with them.