He was thinking bout momma and papa and aster, and then.. Crud. He missed the reeds, deep in thought. Now he was behind. He noticed the log and decided to jump over it. Legs soaring behind him, he stretched out his paws. This race *he hoped* will end soon, right? The river was only so long. Besides, he was slightly tired now. He wouldn’t last that long. Besides he wasn’t dead last, just not first YET. Soaringpaw was in the lead and he needed to get ahead. He wasn’t gonna bump into her, just try to go past her. this (he thought) was the last obstacle.
Okayokayokay...not terrible. Not awful. If she could just keep this up, just a little longer—
If Berryshine was one to curse, now might've been a time to do so. Instead she let out a panicked squeak, quickly reeling on her paws and trying to slow herself down. If she could control the speed, then maybe she could claw her way over the log... and if she couldn't, she'd slam into it just like she'd nearly slammed into Soaringpaw a few minutes ago. There were a few ways this could go, and the small brown molly did not see any of them leaning in her favor.
"OH STARS—" The medic gasped, digging her claws in and praying for the best.
[ words: 123 ]
very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; killer aptitude t3 | just a scratch | dreamwalker
[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 56 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, heart o’ gold; loyal to a fault ]
He was in the lead! Well, more accurately, he was up there among the top. Stagheart narrowed his eyes as the final obstacle finally came into view: a log. Too big to hop over, it seemed, so he'd need to slow and then leap onto it in order to get over. Grunting, the large tabby tom did his best in angling himself sideways, trying to divert some of his momentum to help slow his massive clump of fur. Claws instinctively slid out, though of course they weren't much use on the ice besides creating friction and long white streaks.
Finally, it was getting nearer, and Stagheart braced himself, ready to leap and scramble over the log if he could just... get this right—
[ words: 124 ]
Berryshine is RiverClan's medicine cat!
she has a semi-closed den policy.
A log this time was the trouble. Adderstrike wasn't worried about being able to jump over the log but being able to land and not slip so she decided to try the slightly slower method. That and she wasn't sure she could jump that high.
She slowed herself down a bit getting close to the log just to have enough control to jump onto and and climb over. At that point she got to the top and sprang off of it while hoping to not smash her face into the ice. Hopefully this would help her get some kind of lead but that seemed like a far away hope at this point. Well lesson learned huh?
Well, that was a disaster. She had smiled when Duskleaf encouraged her, this wasn't so bad...but then the snowballs happened. One impacted her other foreleg, the one she was actually using, and just like that down she went with an ungraceful oof! sound. Hot with embarrassment, Irisdream struggled to her paws. Claws unsheathed to try and find balance as she continued to skid and slide. Ugh, this was exactly why she didn't want to do this! But...she still did it. So she really couldn't complain about looking like a newborn kit who hasn't learned to walk yet.
Legs quivering with effort, she finally managed to balance herself. She lifted one of her forepaws up again, and used her remaining 3 legs to project herself forward. Trying to catch up with Duskleaf again though she was moving much slower this time. Whether it was because of her fumbling making her nervous or because she was physically exhausted from that ordeal, she wasn't sure. She was a bit appreciative of that slower speed as she noticed another obstacle - a stars damned log. Of course. She was definitely beginning to regret this more than she was enjoying it.
Irisdream's gaze shot to Duskleaf, moderate terror in her gaze but she stifled it quickly. Come on Irisdream! Buck up! The silvery lithe she-cat faced the log, using her claws to rotate her body to the side so she would impact the log with her flank first. Hopefully, this would allow her to maintain her balance enough that she would then be able to climb over this thing with little issue.
Mosspaw practically jumped in excitement when she made it over the log.
*WHAT?* she thought. *Oh, thank Starclan! I could've never made it past him,* she added, shivering at the thought of trying to fight the older cat. Now, all that was left was to race to the finish line. Without slipping. Once. At all. *I won't win* she thought with a frown. *I'm too small!* But she had to try. So she kept on going, sliding along the ice. It was up to fate now; she wasn't the one to decide. *Starclan, please don't have me slip on my face in front of all these cats!* she pleaded. Oh well.
100+ words
stonepaw, she/her, 9 moons
riverclan apprentice
a pale gray she-cat with dull blue eyes.
Though her rper hadn't written it until now, Stonepaw did indeed head back to where Blueberry was sitting after Brokenstream encouraged it. The gray apprentice sat quietly next to the older she-cat, still watching the race, but now distracted by thinking of what to say to Blueberry.
"So, ah..." she eventually started, shyly glancing up at her. "Have you thought of any names? For your kits, I mean."
She didn't think that was a bad question- and Stonepaw was genuinely curious. There were so many names to choose from, after all, and she just liked kits in general. Maybe some of them would have color names, like their mother? Or fruit names? Riverclan-y names, like Stream or Fish?
The queen offered a warm smile as StonePaw came and joined her, flicking her tail in greeting. She could steal some extra body warmth, and in return, StonePaw could get fluff! Everyone was happy then…especially BlueBerry. She was somewhat shocked by the question that followed the apprentice a few moments later. Names. How the hell could she be an expecting mother and she’d hardly given it a thought? Oh boy. “I’ll probably keep it RiverClan-ny. I’m not into memorial names or names after others much…I want my kits to be whoever they wanna, n’ I don’t was them having someone’s name for a memory and have sudden expectations thrown on them or such. Of course, there’s only so many names, but I want to keep my kits unique” the she huffed in an answer, satisfied with that answer. “Maybe the one exception I’d make would be for my ma’s name, AntlerCloud. She was great, she deserves one of my young names after her.”
my characters opinions are not my own!
_____________________________________ RowanMane is one of RiverClans Lionhearts. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me. DarkPaw is one of ShadowClans Aids. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me.
Splashleap may or may not have taken a rather few number of tumbles in the past few obstacles, but she had finally made it back to her paws. That being said, she was lagging the field rather dramatically. No matter, she was going to get her act together for a few moments, and get over this starsdamned finish line. Pushing off firmly with her hind paws, Splashleap skidded forwards. Actually that wasn't too bad. She was sliding, she was going, this was actually not too bad! Heck yeah! With a purr of triumph, she kept shoving her paws against the ice, doing her best to slide forwards. She was going to get past Brokenstream if it was the last thing she did. Ok so she was being a little dramatic. But still! She was determined and excited and actually feeling a bit alive so sue her for being hyped up!
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
Shrewstep has Silver Tongue and Mind Reader purrks
Pit has Just a Scratch and Beefed Up Tier 2
RC Apprentice. She/Her. 12 Moons
Agatha Kitty, Just a Scratch, Killer Aptitude, Primal Instincts
[ @ ] ══════════════
post 62
Ouch, that did NOT go well. Thankfully Soaringpaw brains were still inside her skull though. After taking a moment to recollect herself, the apprentice climbed over the log and got herself back on the race; the was now..behind a bit. Not last, thankfully. But she faltered a bit. She should've known she was doing too well for a first time. She tried to get herself back to where she was though she knew she should prioritize her balance over all else and...what did Brokenstream just say? THE FINAL OBSTACLE WAS HIM!? Oh..nevermind. He was the finish line..so that's where the race ends? Soaringpaw tried to keep a steady speed and stance as she approached the imaginary line her mentor was a mark for. No more obstacles. This was the last stretch. Surely she can't mess it up..that'd be just..miserable when all she needed to do was slide on the ice