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Oh no! Looks like someone dropped her clovers all over the place! Come help Rose with her search in the Lucky Clover Hunt!
Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cat: Wolfhawk
Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

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Medicine Cat: Sleepysunrise
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Silentpaw

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Old January 26th, 2025, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Header by @/Estelle
"My heads in the clouds but I can't see the sun."

Mantispaw exists. [OPEN]

"You were born to be real, not perfect."

Hello! My name is Cherry, or you can call me Blossom! Message me if you need something!
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Old January 26th, 2025, 09:11 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by dino. View Post
Trying to claim a warrior name? Bumblestar could only sneer at Ashpaw as the she-cat spat useless nonsense. "Time of reckoning" her ass. She was gone. No longer a problem.

Her attention turned to Echobarley as the warrior continued the trend of spewing meaningless slop, and only moved to block Rosekit from his view once his ire had turned to her. Then they were both gone. "If I see either of you on ThunderClan land again, you're dead!" she roared after them.

Huffing, she looked back down at Moonfur's body. For as much as she wanted to, Wolfhawk's previous shouted threat of sickness prevented her from getting any closer, so she opted to silently mutter her apologies to the dead warrior for the chaos from where she stood.

"Take care of the body," she grunted to Spiderthroat. "Then go see Wolfhawk after. Don't need you getting sick."

She took a moment to survey the rest of the clearing. Rosekit clung to her, Hivepaw seemed distraught, the other kits present seemed riled up enough, and Nettlepaw... Bumblestar flattened her ears. She'd have to talk to them later. Maybe Hivepaw, too.

"Go with Sunpaw," she muttered to Rosekit, before raising her head. "Whitesplotch! Get the rest of the kits in the nursery. Been enough excitement."

Bumblestar hissed through her teeth. "The rest of you, listen to me 'n listen clearly. The next time I hear about anyone gettin' involved with that spirit, or any other spirit for that matter, you may as well save me the trouble 'n go. We're healin' from a plague. Cats've died 'n we're tryin' to resettle. If you have time to talk to the dead, you have the time to make yourselves useful 'n put yourselves to work! Take a wild guess at which one I'd rather see. If I find out you're prioritizin' ghosts over your Clanmates who still breathe, I'll handle you like I've handled every other traitor in this Clan. I don't care how you help. Hunt, patrol the borders, fix up nests, guard the camp, keep the kits entertained - anything is better than wastin' precious seconds chasin' after the dead! Get to work or get the hell out."

Her head pounded. She'd have to bother Hollowpaw later. For now, she stepped off to the side, eyeing the current group of cats.

[ @Spider @Beaan @kairosclerosis @dragonwind @Dolomedes @Starfall @Kix @FANNIBAL @nyx @c1nder @PINTO BEAN @SugarHeartzSage @Ants @paranoiias @seeingstars - if you've been pinged here it's because bumblestar is either directly addressing your character or because your character has been posted as present for the ongoing event.

@/dragonwind - echobarley left on his own, but as of this post he's considered exiled. he risks being attacked and/or killed if he's seen near or in TC territory. ]
Originally Posted by Rowan View Post

Posts: 33 | Female | 7 Moons
Purrks: Primal Instincts


FireflyPaw (for once) had been resting, unfortunately for her, it was whenever the most ruckus seemed to be happening in camp. Boo-boo for her, she missed it all. By time she scrambled herself up, did her best to get her pelt clean and organized, and made her debut into the clearing for the day, it appeared most the entertainment was over, all she saw was a dashing away apprentice. She had heard a bit of the pathetic speech, but honestly had no clue what it was over. So, she made her way to her father, a curious yellow gaze on his. “Dad…what happened?” the she muttered, now confused by Aunty Bumbles demeanor, as well as the body in the clearing.


He/Him || ThunderClan Deputy
Beefed Up Tier III || Just a Scratch || Hulk SMASH

The calico did nothing more than stand and watch. He'd insert himself if needed and truthfully he wasn't needed, nor was it warrented. This time anyways. Worries about Bumblestar acting rashly immediately dashed. Although morning, her sense of leadership (in terms of punishment) hadn't changed too much. Although someone finally felt the same resentment towards this "StarClan" that he did.

So, with nothing more than a quirked brow, Spiderthroat listened as she said to do somethin with the body. Stopping a portion of the way just as he heard a familiar little voice speak beside him. Instantly his back paw shot out, stomping in front of the apprentice. An attempt to stop her from getting closer.

"Nothin you're needin to worry about. Don't get close you could get sick." he stated, scrunching so he was looking down at his kit while staying stretched out. Looking around, Spiderthroat spotted Mantisk-Mantispaw. With a gentle nudge of his paw, he attempted to push Fireflypaw towards her sister. "Go make sure your sister stays away from the body." he instructed. Trusting at least some of his kits would listen, the deputy once again made his way towards the body.

If he got sick...that sure would suck. A really pathetic way of dying if you asked him, and he kinda wanted to die in a much cooler way than slowly melting away in a nest. He hated that it happened to Wolfhive, and he definitely refused for it to happen to him.

Nosing under the deceased warrior, wiggling until they were flopped over his back sideways, like a sack of potatoes. Turning to look over his shoulder he called out for anyone who'd hear "Alright. Be back." he huffed.

And with that, Spiderthroat took the body out of camp.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

Spiderthroat is the Deputy of ThunderClan
Children born of one emotion,
our devotions deepest ocean
with no division reasoned,
we'll be free
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Old January 26th, 2025, 11:01 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Ladiebugg View Post

DaylightKit, DaylightPaw

15 Moons | She/Her | Bisexual

ThunderClan Warrior


DaylightWing flicks her tail, standing up and stretching. Just as she straightens up, she feels a small.. something.. hit her. Maybe a rock or something? She looks down, her eyes widening as she sees the kit.

"Oh! You okay, kiddo?" She tilts her head, flicking an ear before the lets out a purring laugh. "Oh- Uh.. I was out with my mentor when I was an apprentice. I was almost a warrior and.."

She crouches down dramatically, flattening her ears to her head. "And I was attacked by a rogue!" She hisses playfully before sitting up. "I.. wasn't prepared to fight and the rogue.. pretended I was a piece of prey and chewed my leg up!"[/CENTER]
Beetlekit's jaw dropped. "They eated your leg?!?!" she shrieked. Her ears flicked back. The levels of evil ... never before seen! Bright blue eyes widened impossibly. Her little kitten tail puffed up. She couldn't decide if she should be horrified or impressed. "Eated it!!!"

Then, the kit squinted. She peered intently up at the warrior, pupils pitch black. They glinted with curiosity. "...did it hurt?" It hurt whenever some grub chewed on her ear in the nursery. But only a little. Beetlekit wondered how much it hurt to get eaten. Did the mice feel it? But weren't they dead? "...are you dead?" the kit's voice quavered tremulously.
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Old January 27th, 2025, 01:36 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

As antkit looks at the figure she rubs her eyes and realize that it was just a hallucination antkit:"oh well"because she just had trauma
As antkit goes to the nursery and looks at the chaos happening far away
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Old January 27th, 2025, 09:28 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Highsnow of Matterhorn View Post
《 Alpinemoon 》

she/her | Thunderclan warrior| 9 moons

Alpinemoon had a sad look on her face and nodded to Darkpaw. She understood more about the two cats' relationship with Moonfur. Alpinemoon shyly meowed to Ashclaw before slowly walking to the Warriors' Den, "Come on, let's get you back to the Warriors' Den."

Ashclaw & Darkpaw - @Diamondfur

ashclaw fallows alpinemoon to the warriors den
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Old January 27th, 2025, 09:39 AM
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ThunderClan Re: ThunderClan Clearing

| BearWillow |
| 130 moons | Big brown tabby tom w/ a white chest and a limp hind leg |

"I know your kind. Always sneaking about"

BearWillow limped out of the elders den with a huff, he had ignored most of the commotion that went on not long ago in the clearing. He was simply to tired is what he'd probably have said if anyone asked.
Plus that damn leg!

BearWillow hissed under his breath as he stumbled.
"Whatever they tell you kids. You don't want to get old." He murmured to no one in particular, though if any kits were around he hoped they heard him.
Cursing under his breath, the elder settled himself into a spot where the sun struggled to shine and hoped for the best.

| open. |
`~ All of my characters are open to roleplay.
mention me if they're needed ~'

RatJump - Kestralpaw - BadgerNose - HillClaw - RoseDove - OpossumHeart - BearWillow
♪ you're a part time lover and a full time friend ♪
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Old January 27th, 2025, 11:03 AM
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ThunderClan Re: ThunderClan Clearing

| OpossumHeart |
| 19 moons | dusky grey tabby tom with dark rings around tail and eyes |
"You've been a good friend to me, that means something"

OpossumHeart lay in a loafing position with his
ringed tail curled over the roof of his muzzle,
his black tipped ears twitching as he listened to
everything around him.

A sudden gust of wind blew and unfortunately hit
him right in his flank. OpossumHeart would have
probably fell over if he was standing. He was tempted
to go lay in the warriors den..

The context of why he wasn't in the den in the
first place? Oh there was just to many cats in there for
his liking. It's not that OpossumHeart disliked the
cats in his clan..no. He was just never the
most social and he was plenty awkward as it is.

| open. ~ trying out a new writing style |
`~ All of my characters are open to roleplay.
mention me if they're needed ~'

RatJump - Kestralpaw - BadgerNose - HillClaw - RoseDove - OpossumHeart - BearWillow
♪ you're a part time lover and a full time friend ♪
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Old January 27th, 2025, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Streamtail View Post


The she flicks a curled ear, nodding in agreement- relaxing further at the other molly's words. It feels like her life has been summed up in one sentence, a bubbly little laugh escaping her at the thought. To be fair, her heart is definitely something that would be classified that way. Talking so much is tiring. Oh- but what is there to say now? Is there going to be another awkward pause? Stars, why are all of her conversation topics slipping from her grasp? Okay think, think Bri. Recent patrols? No, too short lived, not really something that could lead to deeper topics. Besides, she hasn't gone on many patrols lately. Weather? No, they just talked about that! Love...? No- wait actually, she's been looking for another perspective on that. Rosewater is absolutely no help on the matter, she's much too protective for her own good. Wrenwing is hardly someone she can go to for romantic advice, that's not his specialty. She'd be too awkward to ask Weepingwillow, she barely knows her, even if she seems nice. Well, she barely knows Flowerhawk either... so maybe she'll talk to Weepingwillow actually. Alright quit it Briar! The faster she can force words up her throat and end this ever-present stretch of silence the better!

"H-hey Flowerhawk, do y-you like anyone?" That was a bit abrupt, she better elaborate, "I-I mean, I recently g-got a mate and... I was w-wondering if we could swap stories o-or something... or offer a-advice to each other? S-sorry, it's all I could think of."

Actually, that wasn't as much of a disaster as usual, she should get a pat on the back for that one.

(Sorry this is so late!!)

header by @/GoldenDaffodils

[ no worries! ]

placed before “let’s try this again”

Um, so it had gotten a little quiet, and Flowerhawk wasn’t too sure if she should say something or just let Briarmask think… thankfully the other she said something before Flower had to decide. It was not the topic she would’ve gone for, though. Love? Flowerhawk had nothing to say on the topic of love, which was weird because she had a lot to say on, like, every other thing.

“I’m not really one to ask about liking cats or advice and stuff,” she laughed, echoing her thoughts. Blackbird was the first cat ever to like her, and as of right now, she had no idea how to feel about him. Briarmask certainly never had that issue, she assumed, given how pretty she was. Must be nice, Flowerhawk thought, disgusted at herself for it. No one else was to blame for the fact that she was pretty much hopeless in the love department. Plus, Briarmask probably had many great qualities about her. No point in reducing her to her looks, although Flowerhawk’s dreaded jealousy had flared up again, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

“I don’t really like anyone, no. Not right now, at least. But your mate’s like—what’s like—oh my stars,” Flowerhawk groaned. She took a little breath. “Sorry. Uh, tell me about your mate,” she mewed. “That’s what I was trying to say. I can’t really stap stories—swap stories—but I’d like to hear yours!” And she meant that, genuinely.


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Joshua 1:9

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Old January 27th, 2025, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Frostkit sunbathed on a grassy patch.


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Ottercold [Rogue] - Shiverpaw [ShC] - Frostkit [ThC]
Ottercold - Agatha Kitty.
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"And I wanna cry, and I wanna learn to love, but all my tears have been used all on another love. "
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Old January 28th, 2025, 07:38 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by SoulJoy View Post
he/him || 12-14 moons || ThunderClan


Frostpaw's eyes widened as he smiled. What? You're incredibly interesting! You're not like any other cat I know! His smile was big and bright, he's glad they accepted his offer of friendship. He finally has a real friend!


{ @CollapsingStars }

TC apprentice | 6 moons | They/them

Magpiepaw just sat there surprised. Interesting? He was serious about it? Gosh. Maggie sat there stunned for a couple of seconds before clearing their throat. "Erm.. Well I'm glad I'm not like any other cat, I guess. I do feel that way sometimes. But you seem to mean it in a good way. Are you complimenting me?" They just stared directly at the other apprentice. If it were a compliment, that'd be something alright. Maggie did not know what to do. It felt.. nice. Nice to be complimented. Nice to be told they were interesting.

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