Re: 'Tis the Season ( To be Hunting ) [ Hunting Event ]
very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; killer aptitude t3 | just a scratch
[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 55 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, heart o’ gold; loyal to a fault ]
Ah, so most of his group had showed up by now. Stagheart sniffed, gazing around the assembled cats. Some had taken to chatting, which he listened to with an ear flick. In a good and friendly gesture—much more charismatic than he—his co-leading fellow warrior, Wildfoxglove, asked for the others' names. His whiskers twitched as Salamanderpaw boldly proclaimed herself, getting an idea of the apprentice's personality within a few words. Unreadable blue eyes flicked to the others as they spoke, and he noticed Soaringpaw being particularly quiet. She was a previous outsider, if he remembered correctly, and almost looked to him like a lost kit in the nursery. The reasoning? Because it was a familiar sight.
It reminded him of what Berryshine had looked like as she'd grown; an outsider herself, brought in as a kit. Many hadn't wanted to play or interact with her, or had simply been busy enough with their own families and friends. And with Stagheart as her main caretaker but busy with his life as a warrior (and not at all familiar with how to be a father, though he tried his best), she'd been mostly alone in her upbringing, tending to her own company. Quiet and reserved, sort of like how Soaringpaw was striking him now. He made a mental note to look out for the apprentice while she was under his watch.
The battle-scarred tom didn't betray much with his stoic expression, only greeting each cat as they came with a curt (though not unfriendly) nod. "...Stagheart," he grunted to introduce himself to anycat who didn't know. He was one of the senior warriors and was often doing things around camp, but he wasn't one to go around being friendly or chatting. Understandable if many didn't know him.
Stagheart rolled his shoulders; the cold made his bones ache. He wasn't that old already, was he? "If any of ya 'paws ain't trained on huntin' yet, or just need some pointers for different kinds of prey, you can come wit' me," he offered; his gruff drawl was perhaps not the most inviting upfront, but sincerity could be found in it all the same, if one cared to look hard enough. "Looks like we're just waitin' on Almondchatter. Once she gets 'ere, we can head out."
He swiveled his large tabby head, scanning the assembled cats for where the chatty she-cat could've gone. Wasn't she the one always snooping around and asking about the Clan's business? Eh, he didn't pay much attention to that stuff, so he didn't really know. Regardless, he stayed quiet as he listened to the others.
hehe thank u for the fishies!! full list copied and pasted below, could be posting order once Almond gets here? ^^
[ @/squidz - Stagheart | @Highsnow of Matterhorn - Wildfoxglove | @Rose - Almondchatter | @newo - Lavenderheart | @Cloverspring - Songwave | @nyme - Salamanderpaw | @Minku - Soaringpaw ]
Berryshine is RiverClan's medicine cat!
she has a semi-closed den policy.
29 Moons
Spiraltail looked around spotting a few of the members of his group he knew a few of the cats but never having interacted with the majority of them.
“Ello kid say let’s wait for the rest how much do you know so far on hunting birds?”he asked with a southern draw
Songwave's ears perked up, and a little smile tugged at his muzzle. He generally felt indifferent about hunts or patrols, but when he heard he was grouped up with his mate he felt less disconnected from the moment. The tom gave cheerful 'bwurr' and rubbed his white cheek against Almondchatter's own. A hunt together! What a special occasion.
The warrior waited until Almond got up before heading over to Stagheart and Wildfoxglove.
Seagrass Fields...she hasn't been there before. And she was grouped up with a bunch of faces she only recognized from being in this clan. She didn't know who they were and most likely would never. Stagheart...Wildfoxglove...Almondchatter...Lavende rheart...Songwave..and..Sal...oh. Salamanderpaw. She had gotten a bad impression of the other apprentice when Stormstar died. Talking about cats behind their backs. It gave her anxiety and a twinge of annoyance. And she was put in the same group as her. Knowing how easy it is for cats to talk like that had given her anxiety. She wouldn't knew if the clan hated her if they did. She wouldn't know if they wanted her dead or not. But she wasn't asking anyone either. She wasn't sure what impression she had given the clan so far; good or bad. For all she knew someone out there..thought of her as low as she did for Salamanderpaw.
Soaringpaw quietly approached, not wanting to make a big presence out of herself. She was here to hunt, hunt, and go back to the bubble she made for herself in her nest. Right at the edge of the den. She wasn't here to socialize. She'd save that for...some other day. They were going to Riverclan's graveyard. A place she'd never visited before. It's a graveyard. A place dead cats were buried. Dead. If she died, would she be buried there, or would she be thrown back into the outskirts where she came from? It could depend on the circumstances of her.....her inevitable....but hopefully not soon...death. But the thought of being discarded was less than enjoyable. She was a cat easily forgotten. No friends and no benefits. Even she forgot a huge part of herself and her past. It had always bothered her how she knew little about herself.
Originally Posted by newo
Lavenderheart walks into seagrass feids, to join the rest of her patrol and immediately saw soaringpaw , she had a determined look on her face, lavenderheart had more of a hopeful face, but she glad that she was determined, she just hoped they catch Pery in this weather and looked around for rest of the patrol and the patrol leader.
@Minku @squidz @Highsnow of Matterhorn @Rose @nyme @Cloverspring
Wildfoxglove did not know most of her patrol/group mates. She could only recognize their appearances. Wildfoxglove should really get to know her group.
The young feline waited for her and Stagheart's group to gather up. Once she counted and was sure that everybody was there, she meowed, "Okay, some of you might not know me. But, my name's Wildfoxglove! I am one of your group leaders. What are all your names?"
Salamanderpaw's almost late enough to be a nuisance, rolling in on the gathering Seagrass Fields gang like a harlequin tumbleweed. She keeps her mouth shut, for the most part. None of these cats are ones she can recall ever having much to do with; Soaringpaw would be the most familiar of the bunch, denmate and all, but for the most part she's got no real idea how to proceed with this lot. She doesn't feel anywhere near as overbearingly bright or chatty as she usually has the capacity to be, so for a few solid seconds the stout apprentice just stands there, a mute ragamuffin, blinking and blinking again and hunting for her own voice.
She...does not want to be hunting where they've been sent to hunt. But that complaint would make her sound like a big kitten, and Salamanderpaw would rather be anything than that. So she sniffs, swallowing her own discomfort, and orients herself around Wildfoxglove's introduction. Feels a touch silly to introduce herself to cats that she lives with and sees every day, in some capacity or other, but it's a good step to finding her usual over-the-top spunk again. She hastily washes up as if a quick bath is enough to fix how bedraggled she's been looking recently, and then puffs her tangly chest out with an overly-affected kind of pride.
"I'm Salamanderpaw!" She starts off big and bold only to get caught up right there, because. Well. Because what else? That's her. Salamanderpaw. Tufted ears twitch and her round face scrunches up, annoyed at herself. She's better than this. At the very least, she's more than this. "And...I'll...think of something cooler to say in a second. I think you guys are just bumming me out or something."
Sure. Yeah. It can be their fault, instead. Makes this whole thing easier. She scrubs one broad paw over her face, perhaps to hide some of her embarrassment.
Lavenderheart tried looking a bit more relaxed but she wasn’t, and softly mewed “ l’m lavenderheart.” She smiled a bit nervously, and hope that someone said they name, so spotlight was off her!
Songwave didn't know many of these cats, and was quiet because of that. It didn't help when Salamderpaw introduced themself first, confusing the tom with their added comment. The warrior didn't know what he'd done to bum her out, and was a bit worried over what made her feel that way. After a bit of stressing over himself, and glance over to his mate, a sudden realisation cleared his mind. His eyes flicked from Almondchatter, to Wildfoxglove, and over to Salamanderpaw.
The apprentice was like himself, not in appearance, but certainly in personality. And they'd done a good job introducing themself in that regard, a lead that Songwave should follow. Maybe he could encourage the apprentice to finish their comment with his own introduction.
"I'm Songwave." He introduced himself concisely. It was more quick, than confident, but he gave it a shot, like Salamanderpaw.
( @squidz = Stagheart ( <>< ), @Highsnow of Matterhorn = Wildfoxglove ( <>< ), @Rose = Almondchatter ( <>< ), @newo = Lavenderheart ( <>< ), @nyme = Salamanderpaw ( <>< ), @Minku = Soaringpaw ( <>< ) , A fish for every Riverclan cat! : D )
Originally Posted by squidz
very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; killer aptitude t3 | just a scratch
[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 55 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, heart o’ gold; loyal to a fault ]
Ah, so most of his group had showed up by now. Stagheart sniffed, gazing around the assembled cats. Some had taken to chatting, which he listened to with an ear flick. In a good and friendly gesture—much more charismatic than he—his co-leading fellow warrior, Wildfoxglove, asked for the others' names. His whiskers twitched as Salamanderpaw boldly proclaimed herself, getting an idea of the apprentice's personality within a few words. Unreadable blue eyes flicked to the others as they spoke, and he noticed Soaringpaw being particularly quiet. She was a previous outsider, if he remembered correctly, and almost looked to him like a lost kit in the nursery. The reasoning? Because it was a familiar sight.
It reminded him of what Berryshine had looked like as she'd grown; an outsider herself, brought in as a kit. Many hadn't wanted to play or interact with her, or had simply been busy enough with their own families and friends. And with Stagheart as her main caretaker but busy with his life as a warrior (and not at all familiar with how to be a father, though he tried his best), she'd been mostly alone in her upbringing, tending to her own company. Quiet and reserved, sort of like how Soaringpaw was striking him now. He made a mental note to look out for the apprentice while she was under his watch.
The battle-scarred tom didn't betray much with his stoic expression, only greeting each cat as they came with a curt (though not unfriendly) nod. "...Stagheart," he grunted to introduce himself to anycat who didn't know. He was one of the senior warriors and was often doing things around camp, but he wasn't one to go around being friendly or chatting. Understandable if many didn't know him.
Stagheart rolled his shoulders; the cold made his bones ache. He wasn't that old already, was he? "If any of ya 'paws ain't trained on huntin' yet, or just need some pointers for different kinds of prey, you can come wit' me," he offered; his gruff drawl was perhaps not the most inviting upfront, but sincerity could be found in it all the same, if one cared to look hard enough. "Looks like we're just waitin' on Almondchatter. Once she gets 'ere, we can head out."
He swiveled his large tabby head, scanning the assembled cats for where the chatty she-cat could've gone. Wasn't she the one always snooping around and asking about the Clan's business? Eh, he didn't pay much attention to that stuff, so he didn't really know. Regardless, he stayed quiet as he listened to the others.
hehe thank u for the fishies!! full list copied and pasted below, could be posting order once Almond gets here? ^^
[ @/squidz - Stagheart | @Highsnow of Matterhorn - Wildfoxglove | @Rose - Almondchatter | @newo - Lavenderheart | @Cloverspring - Songwave | @nyme - Salamanderpaw | @Minku - Soaringpaw ]
Truth be told, Almondchatter was barely listening, content to press against her mate's warmth and remain there. Double truth be told, it was Almondchatter's roleplayer who was too tired to read through everything and give a detailed response, so here was the gist instead. As Songwave got up, unfortunately, Almondchatter had to move her rump. Her heater was leaving, and she wasn't letting him go. Nope.
Sticking to the white-splotched warrior's side, Almondchatter spared Wildfoxglove a brief, incredulous look as she asked for everyone's names. Uhm, hellooo? They were all from the same Clan. It was just in poor taste if Wildfoxglove didn't know who everyone was. Hmph. Then again, the warrior looked like a kid. Why had Seabreeze assigned a kid as their patrol leader? She would skim over Stagheart and his seniority for now. Were they special or something? Or had the former Lionheart finally lost his marbles?
Loitering in the back, mostly burning holes into the back of Seabreeze's head while trying to figure out if this was worth asking after, the blue-eyed bengal only snapped back to attention at the sound of her name. "Oi! I'm right here." She called out, shuffling away from the clustered cats so Stagheart could see her, in all her now-grumpy glory. Hmph. Okay, fine, she could spare some respect for the older warrior. He'd been contributing for a long time, after all. "And my name is Almondchatter." This was aimed at the rest of the group. They ought to know her name, heavens forbid they didn't.
Re: 'Tis the Season ( To be Hunting ) [ Hunting Event ]
stonepaw, she/her, 8 moons
riverclan apprentice
a pale gray she-cat with dull blue eyes.
Stonepaw listened carefully as her group was listed, not wanting to accidentally wind up with the wrong cats. Lionsbeach? Stonepaw had never been there before, or any other Riverclan landmarks, for that matter. It'd be as good a place to start as any.
She found Duskpaw and Spiraltail first, who she joined without much of a greeting. Duskpaw was about her age, but she didn't think they'd really talked before... maybe they would on the trip? Not like Stonepaw was getting her hopes up- she needed to focus on catching prey. Yes. Definitely.
Her two clanmates already seemed to be talking, so Stonepaw simply waited for everyone to appear. She was lucky to have so many skilled warriors in her group. Stonepaw was sure they'd make a good hunt, even in leafbare! ...Oh no, thinking about the season made Stonepaw even more aware of the cold. She quickly tried to redirect her thoughts, looking quite focused.
Oh right, already, Wildfoxglove..who's name Soaringpaw really didn't like for some reason..started asking for their names; And yea they knew she was their group leader alright. Her expression remained unchanging but when Salamanderpaw went up first and Soaringpaw still found the other apprentice annoying. Just to stop right then and there? And to blamed group for bumming her out; It bothered Soaringpaw a bit. It's really not the time. She didn't do anything and the event hasn't even started yet. Was their mere presence bumming her out..? What was she trying to do? And why did Soaringpaw feel like Salamanderpaw would be the type of cat to have an ego as high as the moon when doing something better than everyone else? It's good for Soaringpaw not to assume, but the apprentice's boldness was really...bright
The rest were a lot more normal in the topic of introducing themselves. Stagheart seemed to be the oldest out of all of them. He acted the oldest and he was one of their group leaders. When he moved the topic to Almondchatter, she was hoping she wouldn't need to introduce herself. After all, introducing herself now would seem awkward after the shift. But Soaringpaw did found it odd when he went onto where Almondchatter went when she was..the apprentice presumed was the she-cat standing near Songwave. She was already there.
...oh, another confident and pretty bold cat. Not as annoying as Salamanderpaw and she would much rather be near the queen than the apprentice but still..two cats in the group that seems to take in the spotlight without any sense of fear. Almondchatter's name made sense. Soaringpaw introducing herself now would sound even more weird after the older she clearly said 'And my name is Almondchatter' which meant she was technically ending the brief introduction period. Which meant Soaringpaw didn't need to introduce herself and pray no one calls her out for it. on track the group was supposed to be hunting. It was a weird thought, hunting at a graveyard. Sort of distrubing the peace there. And she wasn't sure how much prey could be there.
Re: 'Tis the Season ( To be Hunting ) [ Hunting Event ]
very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; killer aptitude t3 | just a scratch
[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 55 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, heart o’ gold; loyal to a fault ]
Stagheart didn't seem fazed in the slightest by Almondchatter's grumpy attitude. So he'd accidentally missed her, his bad. But he didn't say anything, only let his sharp blue eyes flick to the she-cat, whiskers twitching in acknowledgement. Then he rose to his paws with a sigh, shaking out his pelt to fluff it up against the chilly air.
"C'mon, then. Better get goin' before we're the last ones to leave." He made sure to give a nod to Wildfoxglove, noting the other cat's co-leading position. Then, with a flick of his striped tail, headed out of camp and into the forest.
The bare trees stretched tall overhead as they weaved their way through the territory. Stagheart knew this forest like the back of his paw, though he still found himself imagining the trails leading out from their old camp instead from time to time. His keen senses were preened to the sounds and scents of the deadened undergrowth, always alert for threats; though in weather like this, not even prey critters wanted to be sticking their noses out. Hunting was always troublesome this time of the year, though they couldn't let that deter them.
As they approached the territory known as Seagrass Fields, Stagheart paused, letting his gaze rove over the browned, dead grasses that were usually soft and long in greenleaf. The shallow pond at the edge of the markers, close to the cliffs that overlooked the sea, was frozen solid. The usual mist that settled over the eerie graveyard was thinner today, as if leaf-bare's crisp winds had dissolved it, though it wasn't gone completely; if they wanted to catch any prey, they were going to have to battle both the scarcity brought on by the weather and the slightly inhibited visual field. The tom flexed his claws before turning to his group.
"Alright... I know prey is real scarce right 'bout now, 'n this place ain't too good for findin' critters anyway with how open it is. But some of 'em might be a bit desperate for anythin' for food... since herbs still grow here, look out around any plants ya might find. Prolly yer best shot to spot a hungry mouse or two." The seasoned warrior surveyed his group, narrowing his eyes in thought before turning to Wildfoxglove. "How 'bout you take Lavenderheart, Almondchatter, 'n... Songwave witcha out by the pond?" He'd almost divvied up the warriors more, but with the way Almondchatter was clinging to Songwave as if he were her second pelt, it didn't seem like the best idea to split them up. And he didn't wanna get the earful that the chatty she-cat might give him, knowing he'd already managed to ruffle her fur. As long as the two of them still caught prey, he didn't care; he supposed Wildfoxglove would just talk to them if it became a problem.
"I'll take the 'pprentices over to the other side so we ain't steppin' on each other's paws." He nodded curtly to Salamanderpaw and Soaringpaw before waiting one more moment for any questions or comments. Well, not that long of a moment, because he didn't wanna hear 'em. "Holler if ya need or run into anythin'," he added lowly to Wildfoxglove, twitching his tail. He doubted any predators or intruders would be marching so far into their territory with this weather, but it always paid off to be alert.
With that, Stagheart beckoned Salamanderpaw and Soaringpaw, eyes flicking between the younger cats over his shoulder. The differences in their outward expressions was stark, almost amusing. He wanted to keep an eye on both of them for two very different reasons. "Alright. You two can split off, but don't go too far — make sure I can hear or see ya," he meowed sternly, not wanting that instruction to be taken too lightly. "Meet back here after ya caught a few pieces... 'n make sure you mind the graves. I don't wanna report to Owlstar that some 'paws were steppin' all over 'em — they deserve respect, bones or not."
With a final sniff, the warrior signaled them off, watching the apprentices for one more moment to take a note of which direction they headed off in. Then he turned and parted his jaws to taste the air, trying to pick up any faint prey scent in the frigid, salty breeze. Catching the faintest hint of water vole on the breeze, he began slinking through the grasses, mindful of the crunchy brown fronds under his paw pads.
( i just thematically split 'em off for sake of space, but posting order can be below if everyone's good with it !! -- bump your patrolmates if they haven't responded in 48-72hrs+ perhaps? )
[ @/squidz - Stagheart | @Highsnow of Matterhorn - Wildfoxglove | @Rose - Almondchatter | @newo - Lavenderheart | @Cloverspring - Songwave | @nyme - Salamanderpaw | @Minku - Soaringpaw ]
Berryshine is RiverClan's medicine cat!
she has a semi-closed den policy.
Wildfoxglove followed Stagheart and the others to Seagrass Fields. Once they arrived, she began to clean herself. She carefully listened to Stagheart's instructions. The young molly stopped abruptly, stood up and happily meowed, "Lavenderheart, and the duo: Almondchatter and Songwave, you three can hunt nearby while I'll hunt near this clearing. Songwave, Almondchatter, since you two are basically inseparable...both of you can hunt together. Just make sure that you don't get in each other's way/trip over each other."
Wildfoxglove turned to Lavenderheart and said, "Stagheart is an interesting cat..." She just remembered something important and hastily spoke while turning herself around, "I forgot to tell you all something! Come back here to this very spot once you caught several pieces of prey. But if it's taking you too long to catch some, please come back here."
She padded off silently several fox lengths away into the grass. Wildfoxglove felt so happy since she was one of the ones who gave orders.
Re: 'Tis the Season ( To be Hunting ) [ Hunting Event ]
She-cat (she/her)/ 15 moons old/ rc warrior
Lavenderheart nodded to wildfoxglove, but before she went to a nearby river , she listened to wildfoxglove small comment and dictations. They all agreed to meet back there in a bit and then lavenderheart slowly padded towards the river. She looked for a shadow in the river to scoop up….
(Rolled a D20; got a 7 )
She saw a shadow and tried to scoop it up but accidentally picked up a rock instead, she dropped the rock and tried looking for a shadow again…
( rolled a D20 ; got a 11!<3)
She found a shadow in water of the river and caught a decent sized minnow, she put the minnow right next to her then went for an another catch….
(Rolled a D20 ; got a 19!!!!<3)
She impressively caught a huge salmon!, in quick swipe, and thanked starclan for great catch!!!!! She had bit more confidence after that catch to try again!…
(Rolled a D20; got a 16!!<3)
She quickly and efficiently caught a mackerel!, she wounded if the rest of patrol is having this much luck? She sure hope they do, the clan would be well fed though leaf-bare, if she keeps this up and maybe get an apprentice.
Re: 'Tis the Season ( To be Hunting ) [ Hunting Event ]
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ! ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
Alright, mildly-ludicrous Introduction Moment over, on to the real show. Stagheart divvies their group into two even smaller groups, taking her and Soaringpaw with him and leaving the others to their own devices. No complaints here; she's sure that other crew will fare just fine and that they're all perfectly awesome warriors, but they are a bunch of warriors. So, cool, but not anyone that Salamanderpaw has very much common ground with. Sure this isn't a social event, but still—she feels better getting to stick close to the only other apprentice here. Blithely unaware of Soaringpaw's distaste for her, Salamanderpaw is already scheming how best to get her umph back, which of course must involve wrangling the only other cat closest to her in age and rank into some sort of game or competition...
Can't just challenge her outright, I bet I can catch more than you. With Salamanderpaw's unimpressive track record and the fact that she shares a den with this cat (and therefore has limited options for where to sulk if she loses), it's probably best if—
"Stagheart! Betcha we'll both catch more than you!"
—she goes for the easier target once he's done laying down some cursory ground rules. Not 'easy' as in, she thinks Stagheart's a poor hunter, but 'easy' as in, older cats are obliged to play along with this kind of nonsense, aren't they? And regardless of Stagheart's skills, this way, they're two against one. Salamanderpaw likes those odds. She hangs that challenge high in the air before flashing an awkward, face-splittingly-wide grin of encouragement at Soaringpaw (she hadn't gotten her rightful turn in the inane Introduce Yourself game...Salamanderpaw wonders if she just didn't feel like it) and then scrambling off, blessedly with an appropriate degree of mindfulness around the graves. It doesn't matter if she ends up being the only one interested in this game; the game is so on anyway.
Soaringpaw followed behind Stagheart to the Seagrass Fields, making sure she wasn't far behind. And really, she wasn't but having not been to the graveyard yet, she still needed to know where exactly it's located. Brokenstream simply hasn't showed her yet. Neither has he for Smallpines or Lionsbeach..but..she figured that'd either come up eventually or she gets on a patrol to either of those places. She hasn't ever been on a patrol since the few moons she's been around- odd -and she wasn't sure if it was because her name hasn't popped into mind or she was..being avoided. The former she..much preferred.
When they arrived at the location, the apprentice took a moment to scan the area. Graves, obviously. But also a mist among her paws that'd make prey easier to hide away. She wasn't sure how much they could actually find there..and she really doesn't want to come back empty handed; especially if there's an incident of her being the only one without prey. She was probably considered inexperienced..having just finished her hunting lesson a few days ago..well..maybe more than a few days but she hasn't been hunting in that time period between the lesson or this event so it might as well be. Blame herself for joining. She just..figured she could be learning from this. Soaringpaw still made sure to listen to Stagheart despite her mind working 24/7, though. It really seem like he was the only leader while Wildfoxglove was just there. So far her has the only one actually giving orders and leading, wasn't he? Her other teammates she didn't have much to think about. Apart from Salamanderpaw but by know she really didn't have to go over that again.
…well nevermind she was grouped up with the other apprentice anyway. After Stagheart finished talking, she was about to walk away to hunt. Well..that was until somebody decided to turn this into a game. Soaringpaw had a feeling Salamanderpaw wouldn't keep quiet for long, but she just didn't know when exactly she'd open her maw. Well, until now. Oh, great, another thing she had no choice but to accept. The first being Brokenstream inviting Smolderpaw for their hunting lesson but he didn't stick around for much anyway. This on the other hand, probably will. As well as that weirdly big smile on Salamanderpaw's face (terrifying). Anyway, it's time she went off to find some unfortunate prey. It was right that the other apprentice was the only cat interested in the game. Soaringpaw wasn't interested, but she also can't say she didn't feel pressured to catch more in the same way she felt when her mentor invited Smolderpaw for her hunting lesson; the need to keep herself from embarrassment or being looked down on if she fails or messes up.
Re: 'Tis the Season ( To be Hunting ) [ Hunting Event ]
Songwave nodded in support as Almondchatter announced her name, and proceeded to rub his cheek against hers. She was always confident in her answers, but he could almost feel her vibrating with annoyance and frustration at being left out. That was only fair, why wouldn't she be? Songwave didn't mind being unknown to others, but surely everyone knew of his mate's name by now at least. If they didn't, she would always be sure to remind them.
The tom made sure to stay beside Almondchatter as Stagheart and Wildfoxglove motioned to leave. He didn't really feel the cold like she did, despite his shorter fur, and he knew she wasn't feeling up to the task today. Yet, she still came with him for the hunt, so the least he could do was hang by her side and offer her his abundance of warmth.
After they made their way down to Seagrass Fields the group was split up once again to cover more potential hunting spots. Thankfully, Songwave would get to stay by Almondchatter's side again, though he had a feeling Stagheart was also somewhat thankful for that, with the subsequent division of the group placing them under Wildfoxglove's leadership. Wildfoxglove was certainly more honest than Stagheart, explaining the reasoning for keeping him and Almondchatter as a team, but a little less organised. That was only fair though, since she had been made a leader despite only just being a warrior. In that regard though, she was certainly doing well for her amount of experience.
The blue and white tom thanked Wildfoxglove for her direction, and waited for his mate to ready herself before they began walking once again. It was certainly bare, and quiet here, like he thought it would be and as he would want Riverclan's resting place to be. While he was walking with Almondchatter, he couldn't help but gaze at the mist swirling around his legs and wonder. Were their ancestors watching over them? Was it right to hunt nearby where they lay? Riverclan had been hunting here forever, and Starclan had never indicated otherwise, but Songwave's thoughts still flowed... (rolled an 11).
He took a deep, solemn breath expecting nothing, but instead caught the faint smell of prey. His eyes widened and pupils dilated. A vole, in a barren place like this? Maybe their ancestors were looking out for them in these bare months, after all. The warrior tapped his mate with his tail, slowing them both to a stop. He noticed his tail hit her side sooner than he expected, but only slightly. The prey was in greater focus for now. 'Would you like to catch this one?' Songwave offered, nodding his head to the direction of the scent.
( @squidz - Stagheart < )))) >< | @Highsnow of Matterhorn - Wildfoxglove < )))) >< | @Rose - Almondchatter < )))) >< | @newo - Lavenderheart < )))) >< | @nyme - Salamanderpaw < )))) >< | @Minku - Soaringpaw < )))) >< - the biggest fish for all! This team is definitely gonna catch some! Lavenderheart has made a good start : D )
Yeah, that's me. Cloverspring. Nice to meet you!