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Oh no! Looks like someone dropped her clovers all over the place! Come help Rose with her search in the Lucky Clover Hunt!
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Old December 30th, 2024, 02:08 AM
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Default Re: QUARANTINE!!

Duskkit fluffed his fur is this dangerous he wondered his eyes stared


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Old January 1st, 2025, 03:05 AM
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Default Re: QUARANTINE!!

CW: Grief, suicidal thoughts (kind of)

Mallowpaw didn't know how much time passed while she cried into Wolfhive's fur. All she knew was that it was enough for the last dregs of warmth to escape his body, for his corpse to stiffen with death, for her reserve of tears to dry up like a puddle in the sun. It didn't stop the sobs though, didn't stop her shoulders shaking or the whimpers lost in his matted, brittle fur.

In all that time, she hadn't looked up, hadn't ripped her gaze off her mentor's body (stars, it hurt to acknowledge it like that. Not Wolfhive. Just his body). So she didn't notice the cats, the herb that would save them gripped in their jaws, when they entered the sick camp. She didn't realise they were there until Bumblestar spoke, her words sinking into Mallowpaw's fever-riddled brain slower than they should have. The group's back 'n they've brought the cure. The group. The prophecy group. They had the cure. The cure that would heal the sickness.

If they had come earlier, or maybe even later, after she had been given time to process and come to terms with Wolfhive's death, she would have been relieved. And she was relieved, but it was sorrow that dominated her emotions, sorrow that made her sobs, which had died down slightly, ramp up again, a whimper escaping her maw as she closed her eyes briefly. They were too late. Why couldn't they have come faster? Why couldn't they have ran back from wherever they had gotten the cure, come straight to the sick camp instead of fetching Bumblestar and Wolfpaw? Why couldn't Wolfhive have clung on to life for a couple more hours, long enough for someone to shove the cure down his throat and make him get better? He was strong, he would've recovered, why did he have to give up? He should've fought harder, battled off the sickness for just a little longer. Why? Why why why?

She wanted to stay by Wolfhive's side forever, clinging onto him like a log drifting in rough seas, but Bumblestar was coming towards him and she slithered out of the way as the leader collapsed on her son, begging him to get up like she and so many others had done, either in their minds or out loud. Mallowpaw watched her for a moment, this heartbreaking scene of a mother losing her son, before she curled up in the snow, trying to retain any bit of body heat as shivers racked her body. Shivers and sobs. She closed her eyes as Hollowpaw and the prophecy cats started giving out the cure to cats. She wasn't going to move; they would come to her when it was her turn. Or maybe they wouldn't. No-one had noticed her before, when she was crying against Wolfhive; no-one had hugged her or comforted her or told her everything was going to be alright. Why would she think anyone would notice her now? The snow was falling on her back and slowly burying her in an ocean of white. Let it. Let it drag her under, suffocate her. She didn't have the energy to fight it.

Eventually the sound of pawsteps came towards her, and Mallowpaw opened her eyes as someone (she couldn't tell who; anything her blurry vision told her about their identity was lost in the feverish haze of her mind) gave her the cure. For a moment Mallowpaw thought about refusing it, but then they would insist she eat it and probably force-feed it to her, and she didn't have the energy to fight them. So she reluctantly swallowed it, grimacing at the bitter taste. She wondered if the cat was going to make her get up and go to a nest, but they seemed happy; they walked away, leaving Mallowpaw alone again. Alone, like she would always be now the one cat who cared about her was gone.
Old January 1st, 2025, 12:56 PM
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Default Re: QUARANTINE!!

I'm chasing dreams since I left the womb
+ she/her + The collector [active]

She slowly blinked as she listened to her brother speak about the cure's legitimacy, a small part of her was the same way. But Sunpaw here was a naïve little thing and tended to put all her trust in her clanmates no matter what. "I'm sure it's the real deal!" she tried to reassure her brother, confident enough to be sure herself that the cure would work on them. The ginger molly was as excited as one could be while sick about the prospect of getting to go back to camp. The first thing she would do was go find papa and give him a big ol' hug, and do the same with Swan and Elk. "We can finally see papa and the others!" a tired smile spread on her face as she tried to follow after Brin. That was before little hollow had approached her and her brother with the mentioned cure. "Look, look, little hollow is here with the cure!" she gave a weak nudge against her brother's side to get his attention. With no more waiting and especially to see what anyone would say she took a flower and shoved it into her mouth, forcing herself to eat it. She didn't give thought to if the plant would taste nasty or what, if it got her better she didn't care about the taste.

@Neptune. @gs29513

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Old January 2nd, 2025, 10:22 AM
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Default Re: QUARANTINE!!

[ #PinepawTHC ]

Pinepaw ate the cure. (hoping this is ok-)

Last edited by jay; January 2nd, 2025 at 10:22 AM.
Old January 3rd, 2025, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: QUARANTINE!!

Ah. Hollowpaw was here now. With a flower. A purple flower. Interesting. Brindlepaw wasn't exactly that sharp of a claw, not the cleverest, but he didn't recall seeing it before. Then again he could very well have rolled in fields of it and wouldn't remember at this point, given his general addlement by disease and general foolishness. He was a tad bit suspicious still, but Sunpaw had eaten it readily enough. His sister probably knew what she was doing, so having watched her munch the flower he reach out for his own. Pawing it up and examining it briefly, he shoved the flower in his mouth. It tickled the back of his maw a bit, but a quick chew and struggling swallow got it down. Hope you're right Sun. If I throw up I'm blaming you. Brindlepaw was mostly joking, but he also really didn't want to feel sicker. That would be pretty awful. @Kix
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
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Old January 5th, 2025, 06:32 AM
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Default Re: QUARANTINE!!

Bluekit slowly padded over to the clearing nervously.

bluekit☆she/her☆ 6 moons☆thc
moth☆they/she/it☆7 moons☆outsider
darkpaw☆he/it/they☆7 moons☆wc

please mention/quote me in replies to my posts, or i won’t see them

i stole the title of shortest wco member from desert rain frog heheha ( i am 4’11” (150 cm))
Old January 5th, 2025, 10:57 AM
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