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Old June 29th, 2024, 11:42 AM
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Default Bleedingpaw's Training! [p]


Overarching Requirements:

- Existed at least 2 months (real time): (0/2+)
- At least 100 roleplay posts with apprentice: (?/100)
- Attend at least 2 Clan meetings (with at least 2 posts each): (0/2 required)

Training Requirements:

Apprentices need at least five instances of learning experience that include the company of a warrior. The warrior does not have to be their mentor. 1 hunting, 1 fighting, 1 stealth lesson must be learned and the last 2 lessons can be of your choice.

Hunting lessons (0/1 required)

Battle training sessions (1/1 required)

Patrols (hunting, border, battle, herb collection): (0/x)

Stealth training (1/1 required)

Battle/Event/Etc. Experience:

Battle experiences (such as raids - requires a battle training session):


- Stealth Game w/ Hawkbite

Any other life experience where the character learns something substantial:

BATTLE ASSESSMENT: (0/1 required)*

*Apprentices must have taken a battle assessment with Dawnstar or Enforcers to earn her approval for a warrior ceremony. The only expectation is that she stated she'll be using an event or raid as a replacement assessment.

The character should not have recently been punished by a high rank, or have been caught in roleplay doing something that violates the Warrior Code or Roleplay Guidelines (that is punishable by a high rank.)

Characters who have not made these qualifications by the age of 18 moons will have to speak to Dawnstar to see where they need help. By 21 moons apprentices will have their place in the Clan reassessed by Dawnstar to see if they are fit for Clan life, and what they need to do to get their warrior name if possible.

[ @Rani - if Bleedingpaw has any experiences that i could link/fill in here, please let me know via VM and i can fill it out here! i know you have your own tracker too so you could link that if you'd like ]
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

Last edited by squidz; July 8th, 2024 at 11:43 AM.
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Old June 29th, 2024, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: Bleedingpaw's Training! [p]

very large & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes
[ shadowclan warrior | she-cat | 26 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal ]


[sorry for the delay, finally got my footing in the riverclan roleplays hehe]
Briarsplash peered out of her den, grunting in self-protest as she forced herself to her paws. It was morning, a day or so after the ceremony for Bleedingpaw, and she'd have to take him out training. She was also training Duskpaw, but she'd give the other kid a break today — she didn't enjoy the idea of training both of them at once, especially since each of them had an entirely different struggle. Firstly, Duskpaw was blind, and now she was training a... well, she didn't quite know what Bleedingpaw had. But she didn't doubt it'd be a challenge for her to figure out.

Taking in a deep breath to mentally prepare herself, Briarsplash stretched her long limbs, fluffing out her pelt. Then she padded to the apprentice's den, clearing her throat before calling out.

"Hey, Bleedingpaw, you in there? It's your first day of training. Get on out here... uh, as soon as you're ready," she mended at the end, knowing she could come off prickly.

Her voice was surprisingly raspy and soft for her stature, and it was a little thinner than usual from her hesitance. She'd already had to pull herself together to train Duskpaw; now she was really going to have to concentrate to train this apprentice. Her desire to impress Dawnstar (and not fail her Clan in the process) spurred her forward, clenching her jaw and forcing her mind to settle.

[ @Rani ]
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

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Old July 7th, 2024, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: Bleedingpaw's Training! [p]

Shadowclan Apprentice | He/Him | 6 Moons
Just a Scratch | Shadow Fiend

It was a bit of an odd transition to go from nurseries where the queens encouraged the kittens inside to not go waking up and playing at dawn (ever eager to eek out a wink more of sleep until they had to mind their rambunctious young) to the apprentices den where it was up by dawn or a scolding. (though that more depended on your mentor)
Luckily for Bleedingpaw, he'd been so eager to get going and started and so desperate to please he'd been up for about a half hour when Brairsplash came calling, eating an early lizard before desperately trying to clean off his messy fur. His disability kinda prevented all clean tidy eating and even now the apprentice came out with a bloodied muzzle and face, despite best efforts.

Embarrassment for his poor eating habits besides it was time for training!!!! OMG!!!

The apprentice scrambled to his paws and right out of the den at a decent clip despite how snake-ish the route ended up being, dogging Brairsplash's heels as he followed the enforcer out of camp.
"Im so excited Miss Brairsplash!!! Are we gonna do hunting first? Or fighting?" Probably not fighting, Miss Tiger had said his mentor shouldnt do fighting with him for a bit due to his age and disability "I know some sneaking already! I can show you if you wanna see, Mama says its really good but Quietpaw says you can always improve."

Actually speaking of Quietpaw... "Can you teach me to be smart as well? Quietpaw says that the best warriors are strong in mind as well as body and riverclan is weak because even if they have strong warriors they have weak minds and I dont wanna be like them." Being the strongest in body was never going to be a thing Bleedingpaw could do with his disability so anything else he could do was much needed.

Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
Rani's Characters for adoption.
Headers/ art credits here & pfp by ZenoOfDreams~
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Old July 8th, 2024, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: Bleedingpaw's Training! [p]

very large & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes
[ shadowclan enforcer | she-cat | 27 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal ]


[ bleeding is so cute i apologize for grumpy briar LOL ]

Briarsplash did her best to ignore the bloodied maw of the apprentice, figuring it wasn't so easy to clean up with what he had. Again, she didn't know what it was — she couldn't help the occasional curious glance back as she watched Bleedingpaw dog on her heels, noting how he seemed to walk along just fine... even as he wobbled all over the place. Part of her was intrigued, while the other part was nervous. How was she going to train him? Stealth seemed a little difficult... hmph... she knew she'd do her best, even as her mind spun. Before long she realized she'd kept the apprentice in silence, so she cleared her throat, playing it off as she was just thinking about a response.

"Oh. Uh... I was thinking stealth training." She bit her own lip for a moment. Why had she said that? That was the exact one she was the most nervous for. Regardless of Bleedingpaw's disability, Briarsplash herself wasn't the most stealthy and had struggled with that the most during her training. But, hey... she might as well get the hardest thing out of the way, right?

Besides, she was a little relieved to hear that he'd learned some things already. Should make her job easier. She glanced back at the apprentice, her eyes glinting. "... And yeah, sure. Once we get to the spot, you can show me some of what you know, alright?"

She led them out a bit further before coming to a halt in a shady part of ShadowClan's territory. She let out a slightly amused yet cynical huff as Bleedingpaw talked about being smart on the way there, settling down to her paws as she pondered a response. Briarsplash didn't really consider herself the most intelligent, but she knew how to survive with odds stacked against her, perhaps like Bleedingpaw himself. That was certain wisdom, to her.

She glanced at Bleedingpaw, noting the innocently curious look in his eye. It softened her abrasive resolve just a bit... the way only kits and younger apprentices could. "Getting smart is more of something you learn over time... it's not really like a lesson," she meowed, narrowing her eyes a bit in thought. "But, I can teach you ShadowClan's vales, and how to survive... which is smart in its own way. And we can start by learning how to be quiet in the forest. Show me what you've learned, kid."

At her words, a sudden determination flared up in Briarsplash. If she was going to be partially responsible for this apprentice's success, if he could make it as a warrior or not... well, there was no way she'd let him fend for himself. She had to teach him what she could... she had to succeed. With that she wrapped her plumed tail around her paws, waiting for the apprentice to demonstrate.

That instinct, buried beneath her abrasive exterior, was motherly... the remnants of a nurturing care she'd fostered long ago, yet never was to be. She'd still never opened her maw to speak about the incident that drove her into ShadowClan's paws that day... but its impact remained.

[ @Rani ]
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

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Old Yesterday, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: Bleedingpaw's Training! [p]

Shadowclan Apprentice | He/Him | 6 Moons
Just a Scratch | Shadow Fiend

It was so cool to finally be out on the territory for his training! Like sure he'd kinda been out before during the trip from the old camp to new and the brief period where he'd been run off but he was very scared and not looking at the time. Now though he was and it was amazing! The pines the scent the birds and the shrubs and grass was all so cool and Bleedingpaw loved it!

Wobbling along after his mentor the bengals golden ears were pricked, listening raptly to every word soaking it all in. So learning to be smart wasnt so much of a lesson as it was a process? Then how did riverclan never learn to be smart? Regardless he'd do his best to learn from Brairsplash and nodded vigorously at the orders to sneak.

Watching the bengal do so was a.... bit of an odd process. Dry dirt was rolled in to dampen the bright gold and a cedar shrub was rubbed against to muffle his scent until the apprentice, still somehow wobbly slunk into the bushes and promptly vanished.

-Shadow Fiend active!-

It was bizarre how he could faintly be heard on occasion, wobbles sending him shifting a leaf or errant branch but the sporadic random and odd nature of the movement made him even harder to pinpoint. And seeing him? Well as gold as his bengal pelt was the dappled pattern helped him well in the bright sunny day and several times he managed to hide in plain sight in a blinding sunbeam, blending in with the color. It wasnt perfect and even with his odd skill and Brairsplash probably spotted a flash of fur before it disappeared again, but with practice it'd be even better.

Even still the little tom was better then his disability would be made expected of him, and eventually concluded by wiggling out from the hollow under a tree root right in front of his mentor when all evidence suggested he was halfway across the clearing, grin on his face.

"How did I do? Was I ok? I can improve if you have tips!"

Yeah the kid had no clue what he'd managed and even looked oddly worried but hopeful that he'd earn praise and not a long list of corrections he expected and disappointment his birth mother had primed him to think he always brought.

Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
Rani's Characters for adoption.
Headers/ art credits here & pfp by ZenoOfDreams~
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Old Today, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: Bleedingpaw's Training! [p]

very large & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes
[ shadowclan enforcer | she-cat | 27 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal ]


Briarsplash had watched in silent approval as the dappled tom had tried to cover his scent and pelt to match more of the earthy hues of their territory — but her eyes had widened the moment she saw Bleedingpaw dip into the shadows, almost as if he'd just... disappeared.

Not perfectly, of course — his occasional wobbles would ruffle leaves here or there, and a glint of his bright golden pelt would stick out in between the greens and browns and grays, but... she was shocked, if she was honest, at how seamlessly he'd already blended in. She immediately felt a pang of guilt for being so internally skeptical and mentally prepared herself by the time he popped out after the impressive first display.

"You did... really well, actually," she meowed, unable to hide the note of pleasant surprise in her lighter voice. She felt a stab of hope — maybe she had a chance at turning him into a true warrior after all. There is a bit of a shift in her attitude, a newfound glint in her eye — a confidence returning that had faltered at first. The 'paw had potential... with some tweaks, she could turn him into a true shadow fiend.

"I've never been the best at stealth myself, but I got a few tips... otherwise, kid, I'd say you're a natural," she added with a faint chuckle, relieved and encouraged. It was like several of her doubts could just melt away now, replaced by her urge to be the best warrior — and now mentor — she could be for her Clan.

She stood up and padded nearer to him before dropping into a stealth crouch; even with her stockier form and her large paws, she still showed skill with her moons of practice, gliding across the ground.

"This is similar to hunting, whenever we get there — you wanna make your pawsteps light, like they're just part of the wind. Put more weight on your haunches and be mindful of your size — even your tail brushing something can be enough to alert someone. You wanna keep yourself as tight and slick as possible..."

She demonstrated by doing her best to "shrink" herself as much as possible, slinking through a gap in between two bushes. Even with her broad, fluffy coat and plumed tail, she only managed to brush one or two leaves on her way in, otherwise blending into the shadows... that is, until she stepped on a twig. She let out a mrrow of embarrassed amusement as she stood up, casting him a glance.

"...But don't do that," she huffed, trying to shake out her initial embarrassment. She had never been the most... graceful.

[ @Rani ]
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

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