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: Mistlewhisker
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Old July 12th, 2024, 10:55 PM
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Default Passing Ships in the Night [SHC+WC Patrol]

ShadowClan Deputy
{ The Chariot }
she/her | 42 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
[Flashpaw - @Blaaze ] [Mudslide - @Marigoldwhisper ] [Gracklepaw - @chickadee ] [Lostspark - @Rose ] [The Spectre - @Dark ]
· · ────────────── · ·
It was time to investigate RiverClan's territory. With things managed here for now due to the cannibal's absence, she felt comfortable leaving for an extended period of time. This patrol would be longer than normal, since they had to cross into unfamiliar territory and patrol it. Mistlewhisker wanted to collect a few things--specific herbs, prey, den materials--that they couldn't get in the marshes. She would not bring younger apprentices, as she couldn't afford to have them wandering off while near the river. Thus, her list consisted of two apprentices and a few warriors.

Mistlewhisker leapt up onto the stone that supported the Grimpeak, letting her voice roll over camp. "Mudslide, Darkfall, Lostspark, Flashpaw, Gracklepaw! With me." Once they had gathered, she leapt down and motioned for them to follow her.

"We are going to RiverClan territory." She told them as they left camp. She didn't want nosy cats overhearing and trying to sneakily follow them. She knew several apprentices--even some warriors--that would likely do that. "I want to investigate the territory for resources we cannot normally attain on our own territory." This was probably the last time they would be able to do this for a while.

The closer they got to Saltmeadow Marsh, the wetter the forest floor got. At points Mistlewhisker was leaping across roots and rocks, waiting on dry patches for everyone to catch up before moving on. At the border itself, the scent markers were still starkly ShadowClan. Without RiverClan marking their side, ShadowClan's scent wafted far over the border. Mistlewhisker did not hesitate before making the last leap to dry ground on the other side, padding a little further in before waiting for the rest of her clanmates.

She scanned the territory in front of her, noting the reeds, fronds, and cattails that cluttered the maple and oak forest. It was almost pleasant when the fishy odor of RiverClan wasn't there. If she remembered the path to the camp from the battle, they had to head directly forward. She wanted to investigate their camp. At a distance at first, since she knew there would likely be predators feasting on the bodies of the fallen, but then closer if possible. Then she wanted to see the river. Water-loving herbs might be there, and with Lostspark there she might be able to determine what could be useful. Finally, she wanted to see Lionsbeach. Beaches were nothing special, but Mistlewhisker was curious as to what prey they could find.

Once everyone was gathered, Mistlewhisker treked onward. "We will investigate their camp first. Those of you at the battle will remember the ridge the clans met on. We will start there and ensure that there are no predators before moving in." The deputy let her piercing gaze rest on each of the patrol members as she spoke. "Do not wander off. If you do, I will leave you here. If you see something, say it. We need to be alert." She paused for a few heartbeats once she was done in order to ensure the message sank in. Only once she was satisfied did she continue into the forest.

[Our patrol and the WindClan patrol will be in different threads that will eventually merge once we are all ready!]

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign

Last edited by Mica; July 12th, 2024 at 10:59 PM.
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Old July 13th, 2024, 08:20 AM
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Default Re: Passing Ships in the Night [SHC+WC Patrol]

Originally Posted by Mica View Post

ShadowClan Deputy
{ The Chariot }
she/her | 42 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
[Flashpaw - @Blaaze ] [Mudslide - @Marigoldwhisper ] [Gracklepaw - @chickadee ] [Lostspark - @Rose ] [The Spectre - @Dark ]
· · ────────────── · ·
It was time to investigate RiverClan's territory. With things managed here for now due to the cannibal's absence, she felt comfortable leaving for an extended period of time. This patrol would be longer than normal, since they had to cross into unfamiliar territory and patrol it. Mistlewhisker wanted to collect a few things--specific herbs, prey, den materials--that they couldn't get in the marshes. She would not bring younger apprentices, as she couldn't afford to have them wandering off while near the river. Thus, her list consisted of two apprentices and a few warriors.

Mistlewhisker leapt up onto the stone that supported the Grimpeak, letting her voice roll over camp. "Mudslide, Darkfall, Lostspark, Flashpaw, Gracklepaw! With me." Once they had gathered, she leapt down and motioned for them to follow her.

"We are going to RiverClan territory." She told them as they left camp. She didn't want nosy cats overhearing and trying to sneakily follow them. She knew several apprentices--even some warriors--that would likely do that. "I want to investigate the territory for resources we cannot normally attain on our own territory." This was probably the last time they would be able to do this for a while.

The closer they got to Saltmeadow Marsh, the wetter the forest floor got. At points Mistlewhisker was leaping across roots and rocks, waiting on dry patches for everyone to catch up before moving on. At the border itself, the scent markers were still starkly ShadowClan. Without RiverClan marking their side, ShadowClan's scent wafted far over the border. Mistlewhisker did not hesitate before making the last leap to dry ground on the other side, padding a little further in before waiting for the rest of her clanmates.

She scanned the territory in front of her, noting the reeds, fronds, and cattails that cluttered the maple and oak forest. It was almost pleasant when the fishy odor of RiverClan wasn't there. If she remembered the path to the camp from the battle, they had to head directly forward. She wanted to investigate their camp. At a distance at first, since she knew there would likely be predators feasting on the bodies of the fallen, but then closer if possible. Then she wanted to see the river. Water-loving herbs might be there, and with Lostspark there she might be able to determine what could be useful. Finally, she wanted to see Lionsbeach. Beaches were nothing special, but Mistlewhisker was curious as to what prey they could find.

Once everyone was gathered, Mistlewhisker treked onward. "We will investigate their camp first. Those of you at the battle will remember the ridge the clans met on. We will start there and ensure that there are no predators before moving in." The deputy let her piercing gaze rest on each of the patrol members as she spoke. "Do not wander off. If you do, I will leave you here. If you see something, say it. We need to be alert." She paused for a few heartbeats once she was done in order to ensure the message sank in. Only once she was satisfied did she continue into the forest.

[Our patrol and the WindClan patrol will be in different threads that will eventually merge once we are all ready!]

She, Her\Warrior\15 moons\Shadowclan
"I miss the yellow. I miss the yellin' and the shake downs."

Lybirds Lullaby [ACTIVE] Mind Reader [ACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·
Going through Riverclan territory, huh? It's nothing Mudslide thought she'd have access to anytime soon, and it was certainly a shock when her name was among the ones Mistlewhisker called. Mudslide pushed the unease down deep within her marbled paw pads before padding up to the deputy, giving the older warrior a brisk nod. Her gaze however stayed focused on the darkening ground. She had no idea what visiting Riverclan camp would bring her, but it couldn't be that bad. Why would it be? Just a few dead cats laying around, that's all. Nothing she hadn't seen before.

(Short post, sorry!)

@Blaaze // Flashpaw
@chickadee // Gracklepaw
@Rose // Lostspark
@Dark // Darkfall

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-When You Grow Up, Your Heat Dies

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Old July 13th, 2024, 09:00 AM
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Default Re: Passing Ships in the Night [SHC+WC Patrol]

◇ Flashpaw
◇ The Lost Melody ◇
Purrks: The Collector


Flashpaw's jade green hues looked up from the leaf she had carefully been separating with her claws, removing the stem and only leaving the deep green. A task perfect for a bored introvert. She dropped her task, feeling slightly sad about being unable to complete it, but the ginger tabby flicked her thick tail to show she had heard and approached the deputy. Riverclan Territory...? Alright. She nodded in obedient agreement. "A-Alright. Is th-there a-anything specific w-we sh-should be l-looking for?" She asked in a curious mew. She wanted to be good, to show she was ready to be a warrior. She already was young Warrior age after all, at 11 moons. Her assessment was scheduled for next moon. Scary? Heck yeah, but she was pretty confident she would be able to become a warrior. Silverlark had lots of faith in her. And Cinderpaw would be happy for her! Her only solid friend. A small smile at the thought formed on her maw, but she said nothing.
@Rose @Dark @Marigoldwhisper @chickadee @Mica [Lostspark, Darkfall, Mudslide, Gracklepaw, and Mistlewhisker]

Paris, Alec, Bean, Glitch, Indy, XxGhostStarsxX, PeanutCash, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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Old July 13th, 2024, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: Passing Ships in the Night [SHC+WC Patrol]

She/Her | Purrks Overlook

ShadowClan's deputy calling her name had Lostspark's head lifting from her paws, the lithe grey feline pushing herself up, serrated claws dragging against bark as she jumped down from her tree lounge. Slinking over, the scarred enforcer inclined her head in Mistlewhisker's direction, a silent acknowledgement of her words, before casting her gaze towards Muslide and Flashpaw, who had already shown.

Her senses prickled, mind reminding her that Gracklepaw and... Darkfall were still to join them, but she wouldn't let it rankle her. Though it did a little bit at the reminder that she had had zero interaction with her ex-mate since they'd broken up. It was her fault, in the end and Lostspark had no right to complain about something she herself deemed the right choice. They hadn't been good to each other, whatever had gone awry.

Perhaps it was better this way, perhaps her former love would find someone else and come out of the ice barracade he'd buried himself under. She'd paid more attention to him for a while after that horrid dream - but had noticed nothing wrong in his mannerisms (he was avoiding her like always) - so she'd deemed it to be fine.

Trailing after Mistlewhisker on silent paws, preferring to stick to the outside of the patrol, half submerged in whatever shade the forest allowed as they traveled through it and over RiverClan's border. Well, formerly their border. This was No-Cat's land right now, ripe for the taking if one so wished.

Head tilted at the scarred black deputy's words. Lostspark had no qualms, she was a honed weapon, made to obey orders. She merely stalked alongside the group, white-tipped paws silent, ears pricked, muzzle lifted to catch scents on the breeze.

[ @Mica - Mistlewhisker / @Marigoldwhisper - Mudslide / @Blaaze - Flashpaw / @chickadee - Gracklepaw / @Dark - Darkfall ]

Leaving them feeling betrayed.
Breaking the bonds that you've made.

Last edited by Rose; July 13th, 2024 at 06:09 PM. Reason: header edit
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Old Yesterday, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: Passing Ships in the Night [SHC+WC Patrol]

(header by @/marigoldwhisper!)

13 moons || ShadowClan Apprentice; Former Loner || 76/100
. . .

Gracklepaw perked up as he heard his name called by the deputy. Sounded like a patrol! A really big patrol. He’d just finished his mouse, so perfect timing on Mistlewhiskers part. It’s not like he had anything better to do. (Or a choice.)

The dark furred apprentice stood up from his little corner and made his way over to the Grimpeak to join the group. He followed her and the rest of the patrol out of the ShadowClan camp. An expedition to the RiverClan territory? That was intriguing. He knew that they’d driven the Clan out in the recent battle, but did the other Clans really have the right to go pick at the remains of the Clan’s territory like a pack of vultures? He didn’t ponder on it too much. Either way RiverClan was gone. And it was their own fault.

The trek through ShadowClan’s territory was uninteresting and quiet. A lot of the cats in this patrol didn’t seem to be talkers. Not that there was anything to talk about anyways. Plus most of them were warriors, or enforcers, or deputies. However, as they neared RiverClan territory his curiosity was piqued. There was the Saltmeadow Marsh. It was familiar, and muddy as ever. He didn’t mind the marshy land much, yet following in the rest of the patrol’s steps and hopping from dry patch to dry patch was fun. It put a little more life into this patrol.

When they’d made it to the RiverClan side of the border a smile crossed his face. Exploring like this always made him excited. It made a small part of him tinge in nostalgia for his days before ShadowClan, but he had to remind himself to focus on the present. Yet, he couldn’t deny his itch to roam and run and map out every little stone and tree and bush in his mind. Stars, this was like those “adventures” of his old days. It made the tom giddy, like he’d been jolted with electricity.

He stood and waited patiently, despite his eagerness to get going and begin exploring the camp as Mistlewhisker spoke. Wait. The camp? Wasn’t there a battle in the camp? Would there be dead bodies? Didn’t the three Clans ransack and tear apart the entire place. That made his heart sink a little. He really hoped there wouldn’t be any dead bodies. But maybe they were in a better place. His mind wandered back to Magpiepaw. She’d said that the deceased Clanmates were up there in the stars, in the mysterious and marvelous StarClan she’d described.

He didn’t want to think about that too long. Death was something all too familiar to Gracklepaw. But that didn’t matter. Either way, he’d get the opportunity to explore the new land!

. . .
@Mica - Mistlewhisker / @Marigoldwhisper - Mudslide / @Blaaze - Flashpaw / @Rose - Lostspark / @Dark - Darkfall
quick reminder that my characters do not represent my own thoughts and feelings! your characters are all absolute joys to read and roleplay with!

Bearsnout is a RiverClan Lionheart! If you need him, mention me! He is always open to doing any training with apprentices!

los gatos de chickadee & chickadee's auction birdhouse! !

Last edited by chickadee; Yesterday at 06:59 PM.
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Default Re: Passing Ships in the Night [SHC+WC Patrol]

Darkfall: "The Spectre"

Shadow Fiend: Inactive | Beefed Up (T3) | Ultimate Predator: Inactive | Hulk SMASH! [Inactive]

CW: Dissociation

The Spectre had been feeling odd lately. His head had been up in the clouds to say the least. He just felt… off. He couldn’t quite explain what it was, but unbeknownst to him, his control on the flesh puppet that had once belonged to Darkfall was slowly being wrenched from him. The owner of the body was slowly wrestling control back in secret.

Anyway, that was neither here nor there. Blinking, the massive tabby realized his name had been called by the deputy. Getting up, he stretched his long limbs out. It’d be good to get a good walk in, assuming that this was a patrol. As he padded over, he realized that he was the last cat to join. Well… that was fine. Dipping his head slightly in greeting, he took note of the otherswho were gathered. Lostspark was also here – interesting. He studied her lithe form for a moment, but said nothing as he fell into line behind the rest of the group as they left the camp.

Unfortunately, Mistlewhisker informed them that they would be going to the RiverClan territory. It was a dirty, wretched, mud-trodden stretch of land and he was not at all happy about having to traverse through that place. Oh well, he needed to gain some more accolades in order to get his former standing back, and this little excursion may help with it. It seemed as though they would be getting a proper layout of the territory, presumably to see if there were any resources they could take advantage of or be more prepared if an eventual battle came with the driven-out clan. Well, that was something he could get behind. Perhaps they’d be able to find some prey other than this starsawful fish stuff (that made the whole area stink).
[ @Mica @Rose @MarigoldWhisker @Blaaze @chickadee this is a tad later than I planned, but here you go!]

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