SoftCherry header needed!
Hello everyone! I know I know. I have another character even though I say I can barely handle all of them. Sooo, here's SoftCherry! She is pending in Thunderclan and is a queen. Here is her ref base by SnugBug on toyhouse. I'm willing to pay up to 1000kk if I really like the art. I don't want to spend too much kk, so the first 3 people who say "I'm in!" Will make a header and get kk for it
My characters: Thc: Willowpaw, seakit, mantiskit Shc: Salmonshade, spiderkit Wc:maplekit, skykit
Currently in wco jail for stealing breadsticks from @/Snowy the Ghost
Last edited by Cherry_Blossom; Yesterday at 12:15 PM.