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Old May 24th, 2024, 06:07 PM
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Default Jax's Chars

he/him - Agatha Kitty - 15 moons

Public posts: 26

It all falls down [SHC Event]

Clan meeting

Let's get going!
July Gathering

Herbs 10/7/24

Battle basics
Owl v Hawk

Age (in moons): 15
Gender: Tom
Creation Date: 24/5/24
Ages up every 5th

Residential Information
Current Affiliation/Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Warrior
Previous Mentor(s): Owlthroat @/Daragca

Interpersonal Connections

Apprentice: Tickpaw @/Fritter


Basic overview
+ Resourceful, determined
= Ambitious
-- Naive, Arrogant

Newtbelly is a little lacking in self-esteem, which can lead to a need to prove himself. He throws himself at challenges, yet often forgets the importance of typical chores. He finds it hard to truly relax and sometimes seems quite tense (yet non-confrontational). Furthermore, he values the opinion of his seniors first, which can lead to nativity in forming his own opinions, he assumes the best in others, especially his seniors. Conversely, he behaves pretty arrogantly when challenged or questioned by those younger than him.

Sociability: Newtbelly is a cat of few words, he finds it hard to relax in social situations.
Outlook: Naive and optimistic towards his seniors. Judgemental of younger cats and other clans.
Responsibility: He thinks of himself as very responsible, due to his eagerness to help out with big and potentially dangerous tasks. However, he forgets about small things that really matter - it's certain to bite him in the tail soon.

Cleanliness: Newtbelly keeps himself and his nest incredibly clean, he takes great pride in this.
Generosity: He doesn't quite understand how to be or why he'd be generous. It's not something that's crossed his mind. He's never intentionally greedy or closed off, but it's definitely perceived that way.
Manners: He also prides himself on his manners - despite this, they slip away once challenged by anyone younger than him.
Bravery: Newtbelly likes to put on a brave face, however he's often very nervous regarding big and dangerous tasks.
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical, he frequently bottles up emotions for the sake of logic.

Favorite Season: Greenleaf
Favorite Food(s): Frog
Favorite Sound: Crow song

Greatest Hope: Become an enforcer! Anything higher than that is a bit too scary for him.
Greatest Strength: For a newer warrior, he's a decent tactical thinker. If he works on this properly, it could be promising.
Greatest Weakness: He closes off from others and hides his emotions - another thing sure to bite him in the tail.
Worst Nightmare: Being embarrassed in front of the whole clan: failing something important, or making a disastrous mistake
Deepest Darkest Secret: As an apprentice, he ate a frog off the kill pile without realising he wasn't meant to, and he's still not over it.
Most Treasured Memory: [tbd]

Quirk(s): [tbd]
Theme Song(s): [tbd]

Season of Birth: Spring
Former rank(s): kit, apprentice
Beliefs: Believes in StarClan, but values the opinions of his clanmates over them and the Warrior Code. He believes anyone in power has earnt it fairly, and those without power aren't worthy.

Physical Traits
Fur Color(s): Yellow Tortoiseshell - patchy brown-yellow tones
Fur Texture: Not intensely soft, but not quite coarse.
Fur Length: Medium
Eye Color: Amber

Body Type/Structure: Built for endurance - toned, but not bulky or slim.
Height: Shorter than average
Weight: A bit lighter than average
Voiceclaim: Walter O/Brien (Scorpion)
Scent: Soft pine bark - earthy
Gait: Stands a little awkwardly - tries to stand proud when addressing high ranks. He moves skulkily.

Coordination: Average for his age.
Reflexes: Need improvement. He tries to guess what's coming next, unpredictable enemies are his worst nightmare.
Strength: not physically strong, but good endurance (at his age at least - not as good as an older cat, of course.)



headshot @/Daragca

Last edited by sleepyyjax; July 24th, 2024 at 04:06 PM.
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Old June 15th, 2024, 11:40 AM
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sleepyyjax sleepyyjax is offline
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Default Re: Jax's Chars

he/him - 4 moons
( - to be renamed, currently Shellkit)
Posts: 12

Kits Need To Learn Too!! [ Kit Lesson Event ]
Cops and Robbers event for Kits and Apprentices
A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)
RiverClan Evacuation thread

Pestering Strawberrykit
Bombarding Starrykit

Other Names, if any: -
Age (in moons): 3
Age up date: /2 weeks
Next age up: 27th Jul [5m], 10th Aug [6m]
Creation Date

Gender: Male (will hit him with the demiboy laser soon)
Sexual Orientation: - (he is a BABYY)

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: RiverClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: -
Rank: Kit

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): N/A
Mother (s): Tinytoad (@/desert rain frog)
Sibling(s): Salamanderkit (@/dagnyme)

Best Friend(s): -
Friend(s): -
Neutral: -
Acquaintance(s): Deerspark (@/Marigoldwhisper) Carried during RC evacuation
Enemies: -

Crush: -
Significant Other: -

Basic overview
+friendly, cool-headed, confident
= daydreamer, optimist, sensitive
-- irresponsible, ignorant

Seakit is a particularly calm individual - he goes with the flow, and, generally, whatever his sister wants. Normally, he's very confident and unbothered by those around him - he comes across as particularly aloof, which can sometimes be mistaken for shyness. When he appears shy, he's just stuck in daydreams - he loves to imagine stories and places. A lot of his time is spent imagining what it's like outside the RiverClan camp!
Despite his calmness, like most kits, excitement often overcomes him. He doesn't quite understand manners yet, or the fact that some cats are off put by lots of energy. He's quite good at invading space he might be unwelcome in.

Mental Age: same as current age
Psychiatric Complications: Tendency to daydream both for fun as a coping mechanism - not at the level of maladaptive daydreaming and derealisation. He does experience symptoms very similar to derealisation when something reminds him of RiverClan's exile.

Shellkit loves to chat! Other cats = fun and friends!
Outlook: Positive and optimistic!
Responsibility: Severely irresponsible. He just does what he's told and doesn't think much further than that. 0000 idea that his actions have consequences.
Cleanliness: Average
Generosity: Selfish to a degree - he's used to sharing with his sister, but he's used to only sharing with his sister.
Manners: Bad, but he knows not to pester the warriors/ high ranks
Bravery: Safety in numbers! If another cat's backing him up, he'll do whatever.
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: [planned, the guy's never seen spring] Newleaf! He loves Spring rain.
Favorite Food(s):
Favorite Word:
Favorite Sound:

Greatest Hope:
Greatest Strength:
Greatest Weakness:
Worst Nightmare:
Deepest Darkest Secret:
Most Treasured Memory:

Theme Song(s):


content 2 note: a kit's experience of the RiverClan exile battle
- He and his sister Slamanderkit were born to (?) and Tinytoad just before RiverClan's exile.
- RiverClan is attacked - Seakit just about understands what's going on, but doesn't understand why.
- Mostly unscathed, his mother Tintoad returns from battle and ushers him and his sister to the abandoned twoleg den.
- Seakit is carried on the back of Deerspark for the journey. They don't talk due to Deerspark's face injury, however, he soon grows to see Deerspark as someone safe who he can trust.
- Alone with his thoughts on the journey, Seakit develops daydreaming as a coping mechanism.

Place of Birth: RiverClan nursery
Date of Birth: 1/6/24
Former rank(s):

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): White and light brown
Fur Texture: Soft and sleek (but still has kitten fur right now)
Fur Length: Medium-long
Markings: Brown stripes and spots
Eye Color: Green

Body Type/Structure: [current] average [planned] Athletic swimmer build
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Voice: Normally a soft and slow talker, sharp and fast when excited.
Gait: Of Laban's efforts, he'd be a floater! When he's super excited, he skips about the place.
Scent: [Current] His mother!

Scars / Deformities:
Diseases / Conditions:



Whale shark pixel A-La-Moe
Bubble divider - Nerdy-Pixel-Girl
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Old June 27th, 2024, 01:13 PM
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sleepyyjax sleepyyjax is offline
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Default Re: Jax's Chars

she/her - 13 moons

Posts: 4
riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Other Names, if any:
Gender: She-cat
Creation Date: 26/06/2024
Ages up every 26th

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: The Atari
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: -
Rank: Keeper

Interpersonal Connections
Father: Dancer
Littermates: Diamond @/Rose, Chisei @/Shade.
Older Siblings: Zephyr, Saturn @/Luminous
Half siblings: Mars @/poppy, Skrill @/ChaosBringer., Camilla @/Morrigan

Best Friend(s):

Significant Other:


Basic overview
+ Bubbly, caring to young, understanding, confident
=Opinionated, assertive, observant
--Easily irritated, impulsive, overreactor

Mental Age: Same as current
Psychiatric Complications:

Sociability: Very sociable, just picky
Outlook: All will work out in her favour as long as she's loyal to The Atari. Very positive.
Responsibility: Good task-wise! Socially bad.
Cleanliness: Good
Generosity: Great!
Manners: Bad
Bravery: Too brave for her own good
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Winter for the colours, but she hates getting through Winter as most cats do.
Favorite Food(s):
Favorite Word:
Favorite Sound:

Greatest Hope:
Greatest Strength:
Greatest Weakness:
Worst Nightmare: The fall of the Atari, or being kicked out
Deepest Darkest Secret: She loves the ocean and dreams of visiting it, but she's scared of getting caught straying too far or getting lost.
Most Treasured Memory:

Theme Song(s): Beach House - Bluebird

In depth personality:
Though she comes across as shy at first, Bluebird just likes to survery the area, to know who she's dealing with. Some may call her distrusting, but she thinks of herself as wise - a couple bad experiences have taught her so. Around friends, Bluebird is bubbly and joyful; her caring nature towards young made her instantly gravitate towards a keeper role, and she loves it more than anything. Guiding the Young fills her with happiness, she somehow seems to have all the time and patience in the world with them. Bluebird takes time to understand what's bothering an angry kitten - after all, she was a particularly vicious kitten herself. She's not one to have a go at one of the young (unless she hears them critisice The Atari and it's structure), rather she'll ask them what's happening and why they're acting the way they do - how do they feel? What's making them feel this way? The keepers never thought to ask her such a thing at that age - she was simply told off, when she felt that she was defending The Atari. When she's not watching over the Young, she likes to search for flowers and visit Glimmerall - the water intrigues her. Bluebird is fascinated by the ocean below Pointbreak and dreams of visiting it, the beach seems such a lovely place, but she'd dared not leave the territory. Born in the Atari, Bluebird belives deeply in the 'natural order of things' - tradition is intensely important to her.

When faced with conflict, Bluebird is more than able to assert herself - that is, if she belives it's worth it. In her years as an initiate she was quick to pick a fight, but she's since learnt her lesson. Sometimes, she's realised, it's better to ignore 'pests' and not stoop to their level. Despite being a keeper, she isn't scared of a fight - you best know, if the claws needed assistance she'd be happy to step in (though it may take a lot of arguing for the claws to allow it). Her loyalty to the Atari is till her death and she's willing to prove that. But what causes her to lash out? First of all, any sign of disdain for the way the Atari is run fills her with rage. As an initiate, she would lose it over one little complaint - now? She tires to ignore such things, unless they grow. Alongside this, any unkindness to her friends can send her into a frenzy - even if said friend isn't too bothered. Overreacting on the behalf of someone else is certainly a habit of hers. What else? An unrecognisable cat in Atari territory would soon be met with her claws, even if they were clearly much stronger than her. Dying a matyr is okay by her - that and she'd overestimate herself, assuming her loyalty to The Atari is enough to fuel her through such a battle. Bluebird thinks highly of herself, she belives she's wise beyond her years - she has lots to learn: her fierce loyalty and tendancy to overestimate her own skills could easily place her in the worst of positions.


Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Former rank(s): Young, Initiate
Beliefs: The spirits will guide her path, no matter what. She serves The Atari with her life.

HUGE WIP - Just bullet points at the moment! Also hasn't been typo checked
- kithood - a handful
- initiate beginnings, discoordinated but passionate. Encouraged to be a trapper due to this, but is adamant that Claw's the best option. A handful, picking fights.
- 9 moons, scoliosis officially diagnosed [not named this of course - but noted as something by the healer(s)] and stated as a cause for her lack of balance
- still working hard, but she starts helping the keepers for fun. She realises it calms her down and keeps her out of trouble.
- 10 moons, starts helping the Keepers more, helps to calm down any Young who are a handful as much as she is. Realises the importance of raising Young, and wonders if this could be her main way of serving The Atari.
- Back pain from battle training increases, and she becomes set on becoming a keeper.
- 11 moons, asks family if she can train under The Keepers instead.
[Please note!! Bluebird's experience with scoliosis is based off my own in real life <3 Any problems with how it's dealt with, please let me know!]

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): Grey patches - appears slightly 'blue'.
Fur Texture: Sleek
Fur Length: Short
Markings: White belly
Eye Color: Grey

Body Type/Structure: Athletic
Height: Short
Weight: Average
Voice: Charli XCX
Gait: Sharp - excited - almost aggressive - imagine a dragonfly darting. Smoother around The Young but she sometimes scares them by accident!!
Scent: A dank cave smell, likely from her time spent at Glimmerall.

Scars / injuries:
Conditions: Mild but noticeable scoliosis

Coordination: In battle around the same as a 7 moon old initiate - however she's very good at keeping hold of young whilst they scamper about!
Reflexes: Same as above
Strength: Below average - around the same as a 9 moon old initiate.


Blue jay sprite
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Last edited by sleepyyjax; July 24th, 2024 at 04:59 PM.
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Old July 8th, 2024, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Jax's Chars

they/she - 56 moons

Stirring leaves in the wind that pass you by. Never making a mark, they simply fly. You never notice all they do, nor do they notice it themself. Simply drifting, waiting for what's to come. What is to come? Years of failure and missed opportunities? Or years of opportunities lept at with open paws?

Public posts: 1

Sleepness nights in the clan of darkness

Gender: Demigirl
Creation Date: 27/8/2016

Creation Date [WCO]: 8/7/2024
Age up date: 8th

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: ShadowClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any:
Previous Apprentices: Owlthroat @/Daragca

Interpersonal Connections

Frogheart [NPC]
Mother (s): Rockheart [NPC]
Sibling(s): [NPCs, alive 2-3 will put out finder or adoption?]

Best Friend(s):
Owlthroat - I hope he sees us as friends, I care immensely about him. I wonder how much he still holds against me. I could never get him to relax after what happened, I should have tried harder.
Neutral: Newtbelly - I haven't really interacted with him. He reminds me of Owlthroat, only with fewer reasons... He's a little annoying, actually.

Significant Other:


Darkleaf enjoys the more 'mundane' things. Doing little tasks around the camp, heading out on hunting patrols, even just sitting and watching the sky when there's nothing much to do. She loves to chat to others and make new friends - especially whilst getting stuff done!

+ Responsible, friendly
= Hopeless romantic, chatty, perfectionist
-- Workaholic, cowardly

Mental Age:
Same as current
Psychiatric Complications:

Very talkative, they love a chat.
Outlook: Hopeful
Responsibility: Very responsible
Cleanliness: Average
Generosity: Low
Manners: Well mannered
Bravery: Cowardly, avoids battle
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical

Favorite Season:
Favorite Food(s):
Favorite Word:
Favorite Sound:

Greatest Hope:
Greatest Strength:
Greatest Weakness:
Worst Nightmare:
Deepest Darkest Secret:
Most Treasured Memory:

Theme Song(s):


Draft backstory:
Overall, Darkleaf was well parented. Rockheart is a particularly respectable warrior, and has a very no-nonsense approach to most things. Darkleaf often strived to impress her parents, which came in the form of trying to be as helpful as possible. Through this, they became a bit of a perfectionist and a workaholic. Despite this, she wasn't all work - she still loved to chat and play. During her apprenticeship, she struggled more with fighting than anything else. The unpredictability and fast-paced nature was challenging for them. At 23 moons, she mentored Owlthroat, which, at first, she thought would be a breeze. In some ways, she was right - Owlthroat didn't need to be told to do anything twice. Despite this, they observed just how closed off he was. This was only furthered when he lost his sister. On the day of the incident, she tried her hardest to stop him from blaming himself, but it was almost like walking to a stone wall. It was as if Owlthroat went from closed off to impossible. He may have flown through his apprenticeship, but Darkleaf couldn't help but feel that she'd failed him.

Darkleaf's spent the rest of her warrior hood just trying to get on with things. She hasn't had an apprentice since Owlthroat - she was initially terrified, but now? She'd love to try again. Furthermore, they try to speak with Owlthoat when they can - they don't know what to do about him, but they don't think he's a lost cause.

Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Former rank(s):
Kit, apprentice
Beliefs: 100% believes in StarClan.

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s):
Grey and dark grey
Fur Texture: Fluffy, but a little coarse
Fur Length: On the longer side
Markings: A dark grey/ black stripe runs from their nose to their tail. Additionally, a large splotch of the same colour can be seen on their ribs.
Eye Color: Emerald green

Body Type/Structure:
Pretty average - not thin, but not bulked out.
Height: Medium
Weight: Average
Walks quite peppily for a ShadowClanner, but still has ShadowClan's signature skulk.
Scent: Pine forest with hints of a more flowery scent

Scars / Deformities:
Diseases / Conditions:

Reflexes: Average-Good
Strength: Average

Header: ferretfever
Fern: Alba-ster
my character's thoughts are not my own! Please talk to me if an interaction makes you uncomfortable!

Last edited by sleepyyjax; July 24th, 2024 at 04:09 PM.
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Old July 10th, 2024, 09:59 AM
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sleepyyjax sleepyyjax is offline
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Default Re: Jax's Chars

she/her - 75 moons

Public posts: 3


Lazin' by the falls

Herbs 24/07/24

Calmer times

Gender: She-cat
Adoption Date: 10/7/2024

Age-up date: 10th

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: WindClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any:
Previous Apprentices:

Interpersonal Connections


Mother (s):
Offspring: Crowfade @/Honey Bee, Stonetail @/Tallstar
Grandkids: Blossomkit @/Bluestar

Ex: Pumpkindust [RC]

Best Friend(s):
Pumpkindust - He worries me. I still see him as a good friend, but he seems hung up on old feelings. I can't help but feel that I acted carelessly.

Significant Other:

Basic overview

+ Friendly
= Laid-back, flirt
-- Irresponsible

Mental Age:
Same as current
Psychiatric Complications:

Very social and chatty
Outlook: Optimistic and positive, whatever happens happens, and she's going to make the most of it!
Responsibility: Irresponsible, expects things to 'just work out'
Cleanliness: Average
Generosity: High
Manners: Bad
Bravery: Maybe it's bravery, maybe it's stupidity.
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season:
Greenleaf, for sunbathing <3
Favorite Food(s):
Favorite Word:
Favorite Sound:

Greatest Hope:
Greatest Strength:
Greatest Weakness:
Worst Nightmare:
Deepest Darkest Secret:
Most Treasured Memory:

Theme Song(s):


Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Former rank(s):
Kit, apprentice
Beliefs: StarClan.

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s):
Black and white
Fur Texture: Sleek with some fluffy parts
Fur Length: Long
Eye Color: Green

Body Type/Structure:
Slim and athletic
Height: Tall
Weight: Average
A casual saunter. Of Laban's efforts, she'd glide.

Scars / Deformities:
Diseases / Conditions:

Reflexes: Average-Good
Strength: Weak
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Last edited by sleepyyjax; July 24th, 2024 at 04:09 PM.
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