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Old July 1st, 2024, 12:15 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory


He/Him - 31 Moons - Purrks: N/A
Dark brown tom with white stomach, tufts of fur on his
head, green eyes

Antlerbranch was caught off-guard when he suddenly fell to the ground. He glared up at the deputy, using every ounce of strength he had to not break down. And she was threatening again. This time, she seemed serious. He lay there, shaking as tears started streaming down his eyes. He held back the urge to attack the deputy - he may be older but stars she was more experienced.

"I'm In love with someone else."

The phrase wa practically imprinted in his mind at this point. His lips curled into a snarl as he forced himself up, green hues glaring at Dusklion. If Wisteriawren didn't like him, then who was it? Antler wanted to rip that cat to shreds. He had noticed how strange the deputy acted around her - was she the cat wisteria liked? Surley not.

"I don't have to tell you a damn thing. Why should I anyway? Not like anyone would give a crap," he snarled, lashing his tail. He had left camp to get away from the problem, and now Dusklion was just getting on his nerves. "If you didn't want to join me, then fine! Not like I wanted to hang out with you in the first place, i just needed to get out of camp," he snapped, not thinking.

"So why the hell are you making a fuss? I didn't do anything to you! Not like... " he paused, his breath shaky. Why did Wisteriawren have to reject him!? He never did anything wrong, yet he was always the victim of heartbreak. It. Wasn't. Fair! "It's not like I did anything wrong," he hissed, his long brown fur bristling.

[ @taillow ]
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Old July 1st, 2024, 01:45 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
A scoff left the deputy as she shook her head. "Alright, you wanna act like a stubborn kit? Fine by me." Dusklion was done standing here and being talked to like that. If a full grown warrior wanted to pout and whine, she wouldn't stand in the way of Antlerkit. "Well look at that, you're out of camp - congratulations. Stay out here until you fix that attitude of yours." Oh, and here came more of the tears. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. This was getting pathetic. Sure Dusk was known to have her own moments of breaking down, but they had always been in private.

"Tried to help 'n get you to talk about it, but I'm no cats mother. If you want someone to coo to you 'n hold your paw despite talkin' to 'em like that, go cry into your mate's fur why don't you, huh?" And with that the deputy whipped around and stalked off, trying to simmer her own anger down. Her claws were forced back into their sheaths as she shook her head, wanting to put as much distance between herself and this kit-warrior.

[ Antlerbranch - @Bean ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

| she/her | RiverClan | Warrior |

Heroneye stayed poised in place, awaiting the arrival of a fish. The water here was a bit more murky than that of the forest’s river, as the grit and dust of the mountains ran through it. The more tumultuous current also made it more difficult to see, though it didn’t appear to be much more dangerous than the other river.

Even so, it wasn’t long before Heroneye noticed a small, thin fish snaking along the riverbed. It wouldn’t provide terribly a lot of food, but it was something, at least. She waited for it to pause before delving into the water, front paws touching each other lightly as she entered the water. Heroneye thought with a brief moment of pride that her form was improving. In any case, she was able to scoop the unsuspecting fish from the water, dragging it onto dry land and swiftly dispatching it.

Heroneye offered a wordless nod to Caveclaw, though she wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted to convey with it (Cool? Nice job, us? Something like that?).

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Old July 2nd, 2024, 02:15 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

25 Moons


Caveclaw simply nodded in return, before she noticed a fish in similar size near her.
Ah, okay, that was fine.

She waited for it to be just close enough, before hooking it on her claw and killing it.

"The fish here are definitely smaller." They muttered.
Maybe it was because of the stringer currents, Caveclaw wasn't sure.


Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan), Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan), Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan), Dreamwalker-Ravenpaw(ThunderClan)
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

She, Her\Queen\30 moons\Riverclan
"Venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming. Did its people want to much too?"

Baby Boomer - [INACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·
It was certainly a struggle getting down the mountains, a struggle that finally made her feel more like a warrior. For a long while, she felt just like a log. Boring and unamusing, but her thrill of heights and this new location was enough to get her heart beating like it used to. No. Like it never had done before. She was excited to take a new warrior and apprentice out on a good hunt. Swanberry thought now would be a good time to test her parenting skills or whatever shambles were left of them.

"Step lightly, don't fall," Swanberry was clearly an adrenaline junkie, deliberately looking down the mountain just to get a rush. She wondered what falling from this high would feel. Like. She looked up at the sky and her green eyes drank in the sunlight. Why can't Starclan just send a cat to knock her down? She knew they didn't care about whatever happened to her, they might as well. But they didn't. Hm. She sure showed them, those lazy fossils.

"Willowtail, Jaggedpaw, smell anything?" Swanberry opened her mouth and lifted her soft pallette, drinking in the stuffy air around her. Then she spotted something. An oddly tall rabbit, it's legs stalky. She'd never seen a rabbit so unbelievably tall. Well, tall by a rabbits standards. She thought they only explored Windclan territory, but it seemed taller ones resided in the mountains.

She raised her strawberry blonde tail and flicked it at the cats behind her. "See that? Which one of your think you'd be fast enough to catch it? Don't fall, I cannot stress that enough." Swanberry couldn't help but phone in that message, feeling as though her just being here was a sign of their deaths. That how it always was, wasn't it? She killed everything she interacted with. Either that or it killed her.

@SeonghwaBerry // Willowtail
@Madelaine // Jaggedpaw
(Sorry that this is so unbelievably long, I'm trying to experiment with Swanberry's character because she's underdeveloped )

❝Whatever will be, will be. Don't care what anyone else thinks.❞
-When You Grow Up, Your Heat Dies

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Last edited by Marigoldwhisper; July 2nd, 2024 at 07:17 PM.
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Originally Posted by PINTO BEAN View Post
6 moons | He/him | Apprentice
Brown Maine coon with black spots everywhere
Ducks quack, this one doesn't

Duckpaw padded beside seabreeze, his little stubby legs were trying to keep up
with his mentor. As a kit he looked up to seabreeze, now he was his mentor!
Wow! Duckpaw wasn't watching where he was stepping and tripped over a
stick. Ow He mumbled under his breath. He got up and hoped seabreeze
didn't see what had just happened to him. "Stupid twigs!" he said by
accident. Well today was already going bad for him. He shook his head.

Duckpaw's ears purked up as seabreeze started telling him how to get in the
hunting stance. Stay low to the ground... he said in his head as he got
low to the ground. "Back paws under his torso... he thought as he put his
back paws under his torso. "Front paws creep Infront of you... He put his
paws out in front of him. Paw steps light... He stepped light as a feather
hitting the ground. He got into position.

"Yes it makes sense a little." he said as he put his ears back.


He/him | Riverclan Lionheart | Moons: 20 | Purrks: Go with the Flow | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

Seabreeze sighed as he took in Duckpaw’s reply. He was being a bit short and too much info all at once-y wasn’t he? Slow down. He’s been so in his mind that even know he felt out of place and like everything was slightly to the left and that reflected in his teaching as well. That made sense. He looked over Duckpaw’s form and gave a nod and a small smile. “Your crouch looks good. Don’t worry about getting it all down right now, ease comes from practice. Though I suppose with the crouch down we move onto pouncing.” The lionheart spoke and then stalked forward a tail length while in the crouch. Showing off his stepping and his mindfulness when it came to paw placements to try and get his apprentice to do the same. Though for the actual pouncing that would take more words to explain.

For pouncing you want to roll your weight from being even to you hind legs and then use that momentum to spring forward. Keeping your eyes on you prey will naturally help with aiming but using your tail to flick can also help. Always be ready to have to give chase your prey in case you are off.” Seabreeze spoke before he finally showed off his pounce. Rolling his weight back and springing forward in one smooth movement to pounce forward and land his paws on a pebble he was aiming for before he straightened up and looked towards Duckpaw with a small motion for the apprentice to try.

Seabreeze is currently one of Riverclan's Lionhearts!
[ Seab is open to giving kit/app lessons || Seab is closed to all RPs currently!
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

Originally Posted by Marigoldwhisper View Post

She, Her\Queen\30 moons\Riverclan
"Venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming. Did its people want to much too?"

Baby Boomer - [INACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·
It was certainly a struggle getting down the mountains, a struggle that finally made her feel more like a warrior. For a long while, she felt just like a log. Boring and unamusing, but her thrill of heights and this new location was enough to get her heart beating like it used to. No. Like it never had done before. She was excited to take a new warrior and apprentice out on a good hunt. Swanberry thought now would be a good time to test her parenting skills or whatever shambles were left of them.

"Step lightly, don't fall," Swanberry was clearly an adrenaline junkie, deliberately looking down the mountain just to get a rush. She wondered what falling from this high would feel. Like. She looked up at the sky and her green eyes drank in the sunlight. Why can't Starclan just send a cat to knock her down? She knew they didn't care about whatever happened to her, they might as well. But they didn't. Hm. She sure showed them, those lazy fossils.

"Willowtail, Jaggedpaw, smell anything?" Swanberry opened her mouth and lifted her soft pallette, drinking in the stuffy air around her. Then she spotted something. An oddly tall rabbit, it's legs stalky. She'd never seen a rabbit so unbelievably tall. Well, tall by a rabbits standards. She thought they only explored Windclan territory, but it seemed taller ones resided in the mountains.

She raised her strawberry blonde tail and flicked it at the cats behind her. "See that? Which one of your think you'd be fast enough to catch it? Don't fall, I cannot stress that enough." Swanberry couldn't help but phone in that message, feeling as though her just being here was a sign of their deaths. That how it always was, wasn't it? She killed everything she interacted with. Either that or it killed her.

@SeonghwaBerry // Willowtail
@Madelaine // Jaggedpaw
(Sorry that this is so unbelievably long, I'm trying to experiment with Swanberry's character because she's underdeveloped )
It's totally ok <3 ) @Madelaine

Willowtail nodded. "Not yet, it smells. Rocky." Willowtail mewed, she had such good balance, due to her abnormally long tail (for example almost as long as a lemurs tail) and amazing mentor in Stagheart, that she was able to bound gently across the rocks, sniffing ahead before giving Swanberry an apologetic look and falling behind once more. Willowtail's ears pricked, feeling a bit awkward as she was about the size of a new-ish apprentice.

Regardless, Willowtail spotted Swanberry's movments and halted, snorting gently Willowtail stepped forward, Stagheart had taught her about rabbits, especially so as she was half Windclan. Willowtail flicked her long tail down straight out behind her, stalking forward gently she sniffed. Her grey and brown pelt blending in perfectly with the floor, widening her sharp blue eyes to make them look like pebbles to not give herself away.

Stalking down-wind of the....... creature. Willowtail halted. Sniffing the air once more before making her move, Willowtail stalked as close as possible, her eyes narrowed in concentration. Her hunting crouch good enough as she used her strong hind paws to shoot off into the air, twisting her long tail around her she landed beside the rabbit, before giving it time to squeak Willowtail sntached the creature by the throat, cleanching down to stop noise and using her paw to push it's spine to the ground, once she heard the crack she let go. The lifeless rabbit in her jaws.

Padding back to Swanberry and Jaggedpaw Willowtail gave a purr, her tail flicking upward to show her pride as she placed it down. "It's to lanky to be a rabbit, it's gotta be like...... a hybrid." Willowtail jokingly purred. Flicking her ears, Willowtail sniffed her catch, "Maybe theres a nest around here, it is female and it's not old but not young by the looks and the way it moved. And- oh gosh!! Look at those teeth! Glad I bit it before it bit me!" Willowtail exclaimed as she examied her catch enthusiastically.

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever"
- Park Seonghwa
lio lurked here
hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here
Rose littered this profile with flowers

]@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN@/AriaTheFiremaiden@/Mike29@/constellation@/Snowyfeathr@/KestrelPaw

Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3

Last edited by DdeongJoongie_Tanghulu; July 2nd, 2024 at 09:46 PM.
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory


20 Moons | He/Him | No purrks

RiverClan Lionheart

Duskleaf had been waiting for a little while for his patrolmates to show up, when he found out that Dusklion would be replacing Cinderflare. He knew the clan's deputy better than he knew Cinderflare, so he wouldn’t complain. Dusklion suggested moving on if Jaggedpaw didn’t arrive soon, but just as Duskleaf was about to respond, Jaggedpaw suddenly showed up and made his way over.

"Right then, let’s go." He said. Marigold and moss, that’s what they were to look for. Duskleaf silently thanked StarClan for being asked to collect herbs he was already familiar with, and not ones that had to be identified by scent. He'd been pretty quiet about his nose injury, the only cats that knew about it were Mistyshard and Brokenstream, he had told MorningMimic too but the warrior seemed to think he meant having a bit of blood in his nose after the battle and not actually losing his sense of smell completely. Maybe that's why Mistyshard gave him an easy to identify plant to search for, because she knew what he didn’t want to tell the whole clan about. It would take a lot of getting used to, and walking through the territory, it felt all wrong, to see all of these plants but not the tiniest scent from them. The distinctive sound of the waves crashing against the shores was a comforting one, it made this far away land feel more homelike, but the wonderful ocean smell was gone now. Duskleaf didn’t say much on the way through the territory as he was still finding things quite strange, he had to concentrate to make sure he didn’t just walk right past the herbs needed.

A row of plants with bright orange flowers caught his eye. This must be marigold, he decided, it matched with his memory too. Walking over to the plant, he bent his head down to see if he could pick up the marigold scent…oh right. Yeah this would take some getting used to. Well, everything else matched, that seemed a strong enough argument to prove it was marigold. But Duskleaf wasn’t a medicine cat! He didn’t know which part of this plant Mistyshard and Berrypaw needed! It could be literally any part of it! So there was only one thing to do, with his claws he started digging into the soil, grasping the plant’s stem at the bottom. He yanked it right out of the ground, if he couldn’t figure out which part of the plant was useful, he’d just bring the whole thing, roots and all. He thought it might be the flower that was needed, but again, what did he know about herbs? It could be useful in some other way. So he repeated this, ripping out another two marigold plants from the soil.

Holding three entire plants in his mouth, with the roots hanging off to once side, Duskleaf then shouted to Dusklion and Jaggedpaw "Go' some mrigld!" Trying to shout whilst holding these plants in his mouth made things slightly difficult. Hopefully they understood though.

@taillow (Thanks for the extension by the way!) @Madelaine (No worries! Hope it gets better quickly!)
Duskleaf is currently RiverClan's Head Lionheart. If you need him at all, feel free to ping or message me! My other cats are here if you need them!

Art by @/Willowfern!
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Old July 3rd, 2024, 08:47 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

she/her | riverclan deputy | 30 moons
go with the flow, rapid recovery, beefed up t3
Letting Duskleaf take the lead, the deputy followed out of camp behind him after tossing a glance towards Jaggedpaw. She was curious to see how the newly joined former outsider did. He had a long way to go, but Dusklion was hopeful that with the right training and guidance, he could become a valuable RiverClan warrior (unlike Skydust who hadn't even lasted all that long).

The patrol was rather quiet as they walked along through the forest, and the dark tabby kept her senses alert for any sighs of the golden plant they had been sent to look for. She watched as the Lionheart seemed to dig... the entire root of the plant out? Amusement had her twitching her whiskers. "You definitely did," came the teasing purr. Dusklion moved away from the group to scout a little further than the patch Duskleaf was currently working with. Her nose twitching in the air eventually led her to a small patch of the flowers sprouting up near the base of a tree. She craned her neck down and secured the plan on her jaws, plucking both of the flowers from the ground. Here she didn't need to worry so much about overpicking, since they wouldn't be in this territory long.

[ +2 marigold ]
[ Duskleaf - @Seamrog ] [ Jaggedpaw - @Madelaine ]

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Old July 3rd, 2024, 02:29 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Mountain Territory

|[ Mud'smoke ]|
he/him | 24 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

the terrain was very different to the one back home, too much rocks in Mudsmoke's opinion. Traversing through territory was a struggle on its own, adding his broken damned leg to that made it worse! He barely looked up from his paws, not paying any attention to his surroundings as he mainly focused on not tripping. The sound of his apprentice falling behind him made him stop to look back. "Watch your step, kitto. Don't want ya to get injured over something as simple as trippin"

The distant sound of rushing water told him that they were close to the river. Turning back in its direction he picked up his pace until the raging waters were in view. Finally he could rest his leg- Mudsmoke's eyes widened at the sight of this river, he raised his tail signalling to the rest of his patrol to stop. The rapids here didn't look swimable at all. Fall in 'ere and he doubted you get out without being swept away.

Walking up to the edge he followed it in search for a more calmer spot, if there was one. After a few more tail lengths of walking he gave up, mainly because his leg was killing him and he wasn't sure how far this would go or if it stopped at the edge of a cliff. "it's dangerous but I think we could fish in it? Just be careful not to fall in" He informed his patrol, he was a bit hesitant on letting his apprentice near that river. Sure she could swim but those waters could easily sweep her away. "Um, hey guppy how 'bout we let splashleap over here give a go at it and I'll teach you a bit of land hunting?" He suggested to his apprentice. Hopefully splashleap wouldn't mind handling the fishing.

- Fishpaw ( @PINTO BEAN )
- Splashleap ( @gs29513 )
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