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Old August 27th, 2023, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

It was too late Eveningdance! Your daughter was trapped! Prisoner of the sleeping Muddy-octopus! There was no escape, she was forever stuck in this fluffy prison! Mwahahahahaha!

Lets flash back a bit.

Mudhound did not twitch a single bit when their growing apprentice approached them and climbed up, using their own mentors back as a nest. They were snoring away after all, Lotus-honeys weight was long established to be negligible to them and the snuggles were comfortable and familiar. The warrior had spent most of their life being a pillow and/or blanket for siblings and kin, this was only a different version of that. A 'duty' happily undertaken.

Doubly so when a tiny kitten approached the sleeping giant. Ironically, the kit with tiny sharp talons clawing their way up was not one totally unfamiliar to Mudhound. They'd met a littermate recently. Plumkit, the little 'Bitestar' that spent an entire play session trying to sink needle teeth into Mudhounds ankles seemed awfully familiar to his sister in this way. Was the tripod tempting as a scratching post to this family or something?

Buuuut while Lotuspaws more calm approach didnt rouse the warrior it seemed Poppykits did..... kinda. Maybe it was because the maine coon mix knew the apprentice closely and their unconscious brain didnt know the kitten? Well anyways, the warrior let out a soft grumble in between snores as the sharp pokes in their side shifting a bit as a little scrap rolled around on them. It was happy and giggly and didnt seem threatening so the sleeping cats thick tired brain didnt kick on awake at it, remaining for the most part still and unaware. But for one part..... Happy soft kitten, almost cuddling on their side while Lotuspaw cuddled on their shoulders, THATS RIGHT PEOPLE! THE DREADED CUDDLE INSTINCT KICKED ON!

Blindly a soft and large front paw reached out, batting at the air and feeling around for a presumed target. Nope that was belly fluff, nope that was Lotus-honey who was good snuggling already, oh wait, there was the squirmy thing! Quick as a flash and soft as a whisper the child was yoinked, dragged into Mudhound thick and fluffy belly fur. From where the warrior was flopped on their side, pinned to the ground by their apprentice using them as a pillow, both front paws dragged themselves up wrapping around Poppykit even as a ground rumbling snore emanated from their head. Yep, unconscious Muddy decided this was their teddy bear now.

Poppykit was being cuddled into fluff within an inch of their life now and sorry Eveningdance your daughter was forfeit. Look, a single back leg and a large furry tail was curling up own as the kitten was tucked into a slumbering belly as the warrior straight slept through their sisters announcement and dismissal.

Unless Poppykit was freed she must just have to spend the night in a Mudhound nest right outside the warriors den. Not a bad thing all told, the night was mild and warm and the maine coon mix put off a lotta heat anyways, unless Poppykit decided to flip out over being stuck in the Muddy-octopus. The little group could potentially spend the night here, Mudhound certainly was given they just werent waking up even at the loud boot from the leader.

@poppy. @Estelle @silverwynds
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Old August 27th, 2023, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Shypaw was Tired of The Camp Bound Life... "WOULD SOMEONE HELP ME LEAARN SOMETHING ALREADY????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she wailed indignantly, the 11 moons old she-cat angrily pouting as she lurked in the shadows per usual... she really needed a new mentor...

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Old August 27th, 2023, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

| Sprucepaw |

Emerald hues blinked once. Twice. Before a glare crossed his usually deadpanned expression. Seriously? That's what they'd been woken up for? For a pat on the back because the battle patrol had won and killed some cats? Sheesh... talk about anger. Although Angry wanting to talk about violent outbursts of murder that had been caused by violent outbursts of anger was probably not something to surprise anyone? Fudge didn't know, to be honest, and he was far too tired to care.

Getting up, only half listening to what Angry had said - he had perfectly caught on to the fact that he was free to leave, of course - the young tom turned to return into the apprentices' den, back to his nest, when he spotted it. The familiar, mottled brown fur and mountainous form of The Boulder. Curiously, the tom let his gaze wander towards the giant, only to realize they were... busy. Or rather sleeping. While cuddling with a bunch - or two, semantics - of apprentices and kits. Feeling his hackles raise momentarily, the Havana brown mix forced himself to relax, his expression becoming emotionless once more.

He thought he wouldn't have to deal with this kind of display anymore once he'd left the nursery. With this... this... overly familiar, snuggly weakness. What was it with these clan cats, needing to cling to one another like if their life depended on it? Didn't they know that you could trust no one? That everyone would leave you for a better life in the end? It wasn't that he was lonely. Or jealous. He just couldn't stand these... these... idiots fooling themselves. That's all.

His lashing tail being the only display of his inner tantrum, Fudge turned his gaze away, unwilling to be subjected to such tomfoolery any longer. Stiff legged, the apprentice returned to his nest, pacing back and forth a few times before he could find a comfortable spot between his moss figures. Seething for reasons unknown to him - he was no longer in the presence of any cats being idiots, no longer surrounded by a bunch of felines talking too loud for his liking - he reluctantly turned to the figures, giving them each a small lick on what could be perceived as a head before settling his own between his paws. "Night..." he mumbled, his eyes drooping as he curled himself into a ball, his back pressed against one of his mossy companions while he wrapped his tail around the other.
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
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Old August 27th, 2023, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Originally Posted by silverwynds View Post

eveningdance // he/him // 43 moons


When his former apprentice joins him, he glances over out of the corner of his eyes and offers a polite nod in her direction. At this point he was used to her playful jests and lets them roll off of his shoulders. His expression eases into one of neutrality once more but there's still a seriousness in his gaze as Bumblestar begins to speak. The passive expression becomes one of grim understanding, and though his eyes don't leave the leader his long tail moves to curl around the younger cat at his side protectively.

"... Though I have distaste for Riverclan, I only wish Starclan looks upon them kindly." He speaks quietly to the queen, eyes narrowing. "How... Unjust. If they were in no position to battle then we shouldn't have done so."

Gaze finally torn away from the leader and crowd beginning to disperse, his ears perk at the playful giggling of his daughter. A glance from her innocent wiggling to the body in which she tangled herself up in, he heaves a quiet sigh and raises his voice.

"Poppykit, come now." He calls, glancing over his shoulder. "Papa would like to see you."

mapleface | @Rose // poppykit | @Estelle // mudhound | @Rani

Quite bemused with the sight in front of her, that was what the Red Queen was in this instant.

Buuuuuuut.. letting that amusement show on her face was a big no-no. If anything, Mapleface only let her lips twitch slightly, hinting at a smile that wouldn't appear while her former mentor was around to see it. Surely, laughing at his predicament -- where his daughter had literally been whisked right from under his nose and into the waiting arms of an octopus-cat -- she wasn't to laugh at that. Maybe a giggle. Maybe a chuckle. Maybe a hidden, mischief-filled grin.

But before any of that... Mapleface ought to recall what she'd said in response to Eveningdance's curt words; "You and me both, Ev." She'd long since fallen out of the habit of calling people nicknames - aside from Cracklepaw - but it only felt fitting here. "Bumblestar isn't the best leader. She isn't a Cinderstar, not a Sparrowstar, and not a Thrushstar." Mouth tightening, the Red Queen exhaled softly. "But we shan't overlook her other qualities. Bumblestar is doing what she deems right for ThunderClan's survival, and that's credible, at the very least."

Now, Mapleface fixed her gaze on Poppykit, eyes glimmering with mirth. "I've never met your kits." She mentioned as an afterthought, casting Eveningdance a curious side-glance. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly in thought. Mapleface usually didn't interfere in familial affairs and intimate relationships, but she was rather miffed to realize that she'd been so busy caring for her own kin that she hadn't even congratulated him.. and was failing to recall the name of his mate.

Floundering a moment, the brash queen barely kept the grimace off her face as she wracked her mind for -- ah! "Raspberrysplotch!" Mapleface proclaimed, voice undeniably proud -- until she realized she'd spoken out loud, and turned sheepish instead. Raspberrysplotch had had a litter of jovial kits recently. "Oh, I meant- Congratulations. On the kit. Kits. And the mate." She squinted at her mentor again. "Mate?" Mapleface grinned at Eveningdance knowingly. "Never took my stoic, uptight, very bossy mentor for a romantic." She snorted with amusement, tone teasing. "But congratulations anyway."

With that out of the way, the red and white feline let out a quiet hum. "Maybe you can kitsit Rosekit and Redkit for me sometime." She murmured conversationally, not entirely serious. Hell would freeze over before she let any of her remaining kin out of her sight.

Leaving them feeling betrayed.
Breaking the bonds that you've made.
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Old August 27th, 2023, 06:40 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

eveningdance // he/him // 43 moons


A tornado of emotion tears through his mind all at once. Though he says nothing in response other than a thoughtful hum and offers a nod of his head, he knows she's right. Leaders moons ago may have been more suited to rule. Bumblestar, in his humble opinion, was that of an apprentice desperate to prove herself. Not that he knew her personally. Never had the chance to have much of a conversation with her whatsoever. But with the desire to set Thunderclan above the others felt childish to him. Putting a paw down was one thing. But forcefully taking territory and killing another leader to prove some kind of point was another. His brows knit closely together as he ponders, ear twitching in the direction of the molly at his side once she acknowledges his family.

At first there is a warmth that lingers in his gaze. The fondness he holds for his little ones was unrivaled. Though he would never admit to it, he was a devoted father. All he had now in this life was his kits, Mapleface, his dear best friend Morningcall that he was working desperately to rekindle his friendship with and then... Sigh. His mate. If he could call her that. The shift in his mood at the mention of it, despite the younger cat's cheeky comment about his nature, could be considered a bit frightening. All at once his expression falls completely flat and his gaze is directed at a point somewhere far off.

"... Yeah." He responds, attention still elsewhere as he collects himself. And then once his mind returns to the thought of his precious young, he seems to have successfully righted himself. "I'll have to introduce you to them. A moon old now..."

Old enough to leave the nursery! Remembering that day fondly, he allows himself a small smile. Thinking back on it he can remember their excited squeals and clumsy pawsteps... And then his mind wanders once more to Raspberrysplotch... In that moment she hadn't even accompanied them. Hadn't even approached him as their kits bumbled across the clearing to nip at his ankles and climb onto his back. Had he done something wrong? Was there something he was supposed to say, to do--

A blink. And then one more. No more of that. Glancing back to Mapleface, he tilts his head curiously, the look in his eyes a mingle of that warmth and an unfamiliar cold. Something was on his mind-- that much was obvious. And there were very few cats that knew him well enough to be able to tell. But the stare doesn't last. Now he's staring off at the large ball of fur his daughter had disappeared beneath, keeping a close eye on whatever was going to happen next.

"I would do so gladly if you asked of me. Or perhaps our kits could play together at some point. I'd like that."

mapleface| @Rose

" oh the places you'll go, little love of mine "
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Old August 28th, 2023, 07:31 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Originally Posted by dino. View Post

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Good, decent company. Bumblestar focused on licking at one of her pads until she was satisfied with the turn-out, and then she shook her head to make her ears flap before starting.

“First things first, if you’re badly hurt, go see Drizzlecloud and Springpaw to get treated,” she ordered. “More important than being here 'n you can get caught up later. Otherwise, got some news for all of you. Beanstar's dead."

Maybe her blood-soaked fur would give them all an idea of what had happened before she actually explained. “Gingerfrost led a patrol out to meet us. It was small, and they were already worn ou - from what, I dunno. It wasn’t a hard fight. Beanstar only became leader just a few moons ago, and he fell way too easily to me. Didn’t get back up. Either he lost all his lives already, or… he was lying about getting his lives at all.” Her torn ear twitched. “Willing to bet it was the latter, given what's been goin' on with them in the past. And I kinda wanna assume Gingerfrost won't be given 'em either. But I got no way of knowin' that." Her tail tapped the ground beside her. “Do with that information what you will. Just some food for thought. Cattail Pond belongs to us now, the patrol pulled back after I killed Beanstar. Roam there as much as you like, it’s not deep enough to drown in. Hopefully now RiverClan knows we’re not to be trifled with.”

She ran her tongue over her jaws. “That’s all I wanted to say. If you’ve got questions for me, talk to me here. Otherwise, get to sleep. Been a long night.”

Ghsotpaw didn't know how to react. She stood solemnly off by herself.
Feathernose gasped. That.... Was terrible. But also, she supposed, new territory?

peez help hatche dem tank youze

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Old August 28th, 2023, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

*Sharpclaw limps away from the meeting*

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter post~"
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Old August 29th, 2023, 07:59 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Originally Posted by ares View Post
• Springpaw •
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Shoulders slugging, the calico slowly trekked her way out from the brambled entrance of camp; her eyes wincing against the feeling of the sharp, prickling thickets brushing against her thick fur. Ouch. It rather sucked having long fur, especially when it always tugged and pulled whenever it got stuck onto anything that was like thickets or brambles. It was absolutely annoying and very obnoxious. Other than that, the young calico had been merely following closely behind her clan as they trudged their way back into camp from their recent victory over Cattail Pond from RiverClan themselves… it didn’t feel exactly right to be walking alongside her wounded clan-mates and to see the smug look smeared onto Bumblestar’s face. Was this really a good decision to make? Was it really something that they should feel proud about? The calico silently scanned the gathering clearing as she briefly studied the expressions among her clan-mates faces, feeling her stomach churning and twisting unsettlingly as she noticed some of her clan-mates looking rather uncomfortable and quite terrified as well. It was a shocker that rarely any of her clan-mates looked triumphant from the victorious claimant over Cattail Pond—there was a couple, but she couldn’t quite name them out. Did that mean that her clan-mates didn’t feel comfortable with the recent victory? The question nagged itself deeply into the crevices of her mind and Springpaw could feel her lips pursing from the doubt. It was their choice, after all. Not hers. Even if she couldn’t help but feel guilty about her own personal opinion about it.

Lapis hues studied the crowding clearing as she searched for any familiar pelts that were within the clearing herself, a snag of relief attacking her as she noticed the rather sluggish form of Alderstep sitting alongside someone else—odd, usually he was sitting by himself… did he know this cat? Brows furrowing with curiosity, the eleven moon old calico molly trudged her way over towards the duo of felines and simply casted the deputy a quick, tired smile. “Hiya, Aldie!” She purred, taking a seat close to the russet-furred tom, her whiskers twitching daintily. “And hello to you too, mighty stranger! Are you a friend of Aldersteps?” She cocked her head to properly introduce herself to Berryfrost, lapis hues twinkling as she greeted the feline right alongside the grumpy tom-cat. Who could they be?


@navarra @~'Atlas-The-Lemon'~ [ ]
The russet she-cat was cleaning her wounds near where her brother stood when SpringPaw approached her. BerryFrost looked at the cat with her green and blue gaze as she asked her who she was.

"Hello, SpringPaw." She said in a monotone voice "I am AlderStep's sister, BerryFrost." She said and flicked her russet and white tail back and fourth.

She was trying to think of something to say but decided that she would let the medicine apprentice reply how they liked.

[AlderStep Mention/Semi-Interaction - @navarra ]
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Old September 2nd, 2023, 04:34 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Snowbird and Lambpaw left the meeting.

Hey there.
Sorry, there isn't much, and there never will be much.
You can take a look around if you wish.
Just don't expect me to come back anytime soon.
Have a nice day, friend.
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Old September 7th, 2023, 03:23 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

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Ugh. Bumblestar did not want to deal with this today.

Trying to battle back the sleepiness that weighed on her, she emerged from her den and swiftly scaled the Stormcrest, taking up her usual perch at the very edge. "ThunderClan, gather around for a Clan meeting!"

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