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Old August 1st, 2021, 06:56 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

[ @Rita I've don't see a Silverstripe in the missing, so head to the allegiances and submit a form to join the clan.]

Originally Posted by Papaya View Post

The scarred tabby turned toward the sound of his leader's voice and inclined his head ever so slightly in greeted, a smile of relief flickering briefly over his features. At least she was here, her not being present in camp would have made things so much more difficult than needed. "Yes... yes, it has."

A wince replaced the relief and one ear twisted back. Of course she would notice - how could she not? "Yeah, sorry about that. I passed out after the dog fight, after I was given those poppy seeds," he began to explain. No reason to dance around the metaphorical bush here, and even if he had a reason to lie the truth was right there on his pelt. "I guess no one carried me back, because the next thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the inside of a Twoleg nest. I assume one of them was trying to fix up my broken leg, because they had it wrapped with something and wouldn't let me leave. As soon as they took it off, I made my way back here." He lifted the formerly broken hind leg, flexed it experimentaly. "Whatever they did, seems to have worked, at least. I apologize for my absence, but there was really nothing that I could do."

Well, that was a first. Dawnstar's eyes barely widen as -- relief -- flashed in the apprentice's smile. First off, no one smiled at her, no besides her hound, but his smile was always filled with sly humor. Whisperpaw actually appeared pleased to see her. No one was ever really pleased to see, the rare expectation being those of her family. The fact that he wasn't scared, or distrustful, or wary of her was very impressive. Dawnstar would have to see about keeping him closer and honing his skills, she could always use more loyal family members.

Dawnstar listened to his tail with visible anger in her golden orbs. Of course, one of her stupid warriors would forget to bring the apprentice back. He had been with Wolfwhisper that she recalled. She supposes she felt a bit of responsibility considering it was her job to look at her clan of ingrates. She didn't think Icestar would have forgotten one of her clanmates, but then again Icestar hadn't had to deal with what Dawnstar had to deal with. The majority of the blame she'd pin on Wolfwhisper, that coward.

"I don't like that you had to rely on twolegs for assistance, but I suppose I can't blame you for that." The huge she-cat padded a bit closer to the apprentice and raised a large paw to gently prob at the leg that was once broken. It didn't seem like he had any limp or discomfort in the leg. "It seems like twolegs aren't completely useless, but they should be avoided nonetheless." Those creatures were back to causing trouble for her clan, their existence should still be wiped from the plant.

"Well your back, you need a bath, and you are severely behind on your training. I'll have to find you a new mentor." She'd add that to her list of problems she needed to deal with. "You can go rest and eat, get rid of that smell too, you'll stink up the whole camp." Dawnstar gave the apprentice a dismissive wave of her tail.
Originally Posted by Pheasantflight View Post

Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no. Dawnstar was mad at her. Juniperpaw wasn't supposed to make her mad! Start talking, Juniper! "First thing to say is I did not run away." Shadowclan was her home, it was the strongest clan, the only clan worth fighting for. Why would anyone in their right mind leave it? "After my mentor stopped training me, I started teaching myself to hunt and such." Too far back, she should probably skip ahead. "Anyway, I was out practising hunting the other day, when I picked up rogue scent. As it was still in our territory, I followed it and-"

She stopped and swallowed hard. An orange and black face leered up out of her mind and her leg started throbbing. "And I got lost. I went to a part of the territory I had never been to before. I followed the scent past the border and got lost. Somehow, I ended up in the Twolegplace." Juniperpaw hissed at the thought of the tangle of thunderpaths and twoleg dens. It was disgusting. And the cats there were even worse. "I wandered for a few days and only just found my way back. I'm sorry." Juniperpaw looked up at the massive tsbby before her. What would she do if she wasn't let back in? Join Windclan? Ha, Juniperpaw would rather roll in fox-dung.
Dawnstar nearly chuckled at how swiftly and fiercely Juniperpaw spoke to her. She obviously didn't like the idea of being thought of like a runaway or a traitor. Perhaps there was some hope for this one after all. There was the same problem again, mentors disappearing on apprentices, although, unlike other imbeciles, Juniperpaw at least tried to take her training into her own paws. The fact that she had tried to track something without any proper teaching was a bit foolhardy, but Dawnstar would overlook that in favor of the Juniperpaw trying to locate a rogue.

"You should have reported both your lack of mentor and the rogue scent. You can only take your training so far without a proper teacher and clearly have no experience with tracking scents in the forest." Dawnstar reminded the apprentice, but there was a lack of heat in her tone.

"It was completely your fault you got lost, but at least you have a better excuse than most of the other incomplete warriors who get lost. Don't go wandering around the territory on your own from now, I'd rather you avoid getting lost again. Follow me." The dark brown leader took the led as she leads them back to camp.
Originally Posted by feather lily View Post

Lilykit looked up at dawnstar she let out a sigh of relief when she did I’m sorry for scaring of you frog she said as it hoped away she looked back up to answer the next question to be honest I came out to see how I could prove myself to dapplecloud. I realized I didn’t need to prove my self to her and only to you and shadowclan. I got lost on my way back though she explained. She was truly being kind unlike how she would when trying to get information form her clan mates

A kit who could apologize and didn't immediately fear her upon sight. Strange, this was one of Frogfang's hairballs. This might explain why she seemed so at ease in her presents. Neither of her parents had a particular fear of her either.

"You're not the brightest hairball, I don't get how breaking a rule and wandering out here without any training, is suppose to prove anything other than you're a pain who can't follow simple rules." Dawnstar growl, but didn't seem all that upset with her. Dawnstar knew what it was like to try and prove one's self to their mother.

"Do not let this happen again, I will not be so forgiving or understand a second time." The warning came out low and aggressive but was willing to let Lilykit off with just that.
Originally Posted by Clovershade View Post
Antpaw froze, bristling as the massive cat appeared out of nowhere. Oh great, just my luck-Dawnstar found me. "Oh, Dawnstar-" He paused as one of his wounds starting stinging particularly bad. "Um, a fox got me. Sorry for being gone..."
Dawnstar's eyes settled on the tom's wounds as she looked them over, they didn't seem all that deep or bad. Some rest and treatment and he should be back on his paws in no time. "I'll keep an eye out for the fox, it seems that is been causing trouble for more than just you," Dawnstar told him with a scowl on her face. Why he had been out near a fox in the first place was a mystery, but Dawnstar wasn't going to delve too deeply into it. "I'll bring you back to camp, you're to head straight to the medicine den."

Originally Posted by shaded shadow View Post
lionkit stumbled back into camp hopeing that no one had nostice that she had been missing
"You've been gone for a while." Dawnstar meowed from her place in front of her den. "Lionkit, I would hope that you're not trying to sneak back into camp without speaking to me about your absence."

siggy art by redshiftreign
Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder
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Old August 4th, 2021, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Name: Half
Age: 10 moons
Gender: Male
Rank Request: Paw
Reason for Joining: Nari ded and he needs to find a new parental figure, and also to get more training

Last edited by ZackIsNotDead; August 5th, 2021 at 03:28 PM. Reason: Wrong age
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Old August 4th, 2021, 06:39 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Originally Posted by Undertaker View Post
[ @Rita I've don't see a Silverstripe in the missing, so head to the allegiances and submit a form to join the clan.]

Well, that was a first. Dawnstar's eyes barely widen as -- relief -- flashed in the apprentice's smile. First off, no one smiled at her, no besides her hound, but his smile was always filled with sly humor. Whisperpaw actually appeared pleased to see her. No one was ever really pleased to see, the rare expectation being those of her family. The fact that he wasn't scared, or distrustful, or wary of her was very impressive. Dawnstar would have to see about keeping him closer and honing his skills, she could always use more loyal family members.

Dawnstar listened to his tail with visible anger in her golden orbs. Of course, one of her stupid warriors would forget to bring the apprentice back. He had been with Wolfwhisper that she recalled. She supposes she felt a bit of responsibility considering it was her job to look at her clan of ingrates. She didn't think Icestar would have forgotten one of her clanmates, but then again Icestar hadn't had to deal with what Dawnstar had to deal with. The majority of the blame she'd pin on Wolfwhisper, that coward.

"I don't like that you had to rely on twolegs for assistance, but I suppose I can't blame you for that." The huge she-cat padded a bit closer to the apprentice and raised a large paw to gently prob at the leg that was once broken. It didn't seem like he had any limp or discomfort in the leg. "It seems like twolegs aren't completely useless, but they should be avoided nonetheless." Those creatures were back to causing trouble for her clan, their existence should still be wiped from the plant.

"Well your back, you need a bath, and you are severely behind on your training. I'll have to find you a new mentor." She'd add that to her list of problems she needed to deal with. "You can go rest and eat, get rid of that smell too, you'll stink up the whole camp." Dawnstar gave the apprentice a dismissive wave of her tail.
He was almost knocked off of his paws as Dawnstar prodded his leg and wobbled, fighting to keep his balance. His nose wrinkled of his own accord. "Trust me, I don't like it either," he muttered. The place had stunk. He'd had to deal with kittypets and those great beasts putting their paws all over him. Clawing at them had proved fruitless and eventually he'd opted for sitting still whenever they ran their paws over his back.

So, just like that, he was back. He held in a sigh of relief and nodded. "Thank you, I appreciate it. I'll find a way to make up for my absence," he told her, before turning and wandering off to find a place to sit down. First he'd clean himself off, then he'd get something to eat, and then he supposed he could go find a warrior to drag off to train with. He was so far behind - it felt like he should have been done with it by now.
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Old August 7th, 2021, 03:26 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

i have two characters. idk if i should make them separate pages, so ill just send them both on here for now.
Name: Crowheart
Age: 29 moons (20 in human years)
Gender: Female
Rank Request: Deputy
Reason for Joining: The training she has gone through was too easy, so she took it upon herself to do her own. She has become skilled in battle and in stalking, and leads many to believe she is cold and cruel, which couldn't be farther from the truth. She deeply cares for her friends, family, Clan, and her mate, Nightbranch.

Name: Nightbranch
Age: 30 moons (21 in human years)
Gender: female
Rank Request: Warrior
Reason for Joining: Though being a bit light headed and clutzy, Nightbranch is willing to fight for the cats she loves. Usually she will try and avoid conflict but if someone is asking for a fight, she will show them that ShadowClan cats wont be pushed around.

ps. i have anxiety and autism, so posting this is going to be very hard for me. if i put this in the wrong place or did something incorrectly, please let me know. thanks
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Old August 7th, 2021, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Name: Crowheart
Age: 29 moons
Gender: female
Rank Request: Warrior / Deputy
Reason for Joining: After her apprenticeship, she trained herself to be even tougher. She is an excellent stalker and fighter. Despite her cold front, she loves her Clanmates very much.

Name: Nightbranch
Age: 30 moons
Gender: Female
Rank Request: Warrior
Reason for Joining: Wants to support her mate, Crowheart, and protect the members of her clan who cannot protect themselves. She appears clutzy and unfocused, but she isnt stupid or naive.

this may have already sent, i dont know. sorry if it has. thank you for reading this if you do read it.
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Old August 11th, 2021, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

( @Undertaker , whoops, I’ve done it again. I’ve accidentally not posted with a cat then forgot about them, but my aunt had a stray cat have her kittens (5 whole living scraps) in her side yard and they looked so cute and half of them looked like crowthorn so I go inspo.)

Crowthorn arouse and shook the mixture of twigs a leafs out of her black pelt. A few sunrises ago, Crowthorn thought it would be a good idea to go out and hunt with the few things she got taught at the camp. This was the biggest mistake she ever made. Okay, maybe second to wanting to have kits. Her big belly made her slower, and weaker, making it take longer to get back too camp, plus she barley knew the territory. She let out a sigh of annoyance. She was definitely gonna get a scolding, or maybe even be kicked out for doing something stupid. Why even leave the nursery in the first place?? Man, she was really hating herself right now.

She stretched her black legs and continued towards the camp. This sure was a great impression, wasn’t it? She could finally scent the kinda familiar scent she had smelt in the camp. This was her new home, and she definitely made a horrible first impression. The sun was hidden from the tall, lanky pine trees, that made it look more like ShadowClan, and crowthorn liked the look. She continued trodding through the wood before she stopped in her tracks by the sound of something rusting in the bushes, she looked around swiftly before she saw a vole feasting on an acorn. She got into the battle crouch that she had learnt at the camp and tried to catch the prey. She pounced at it but she was too slow and it seemed to notice her, and ran. She shook her head. All she wanted to due is shove her head in the moss in the nursery and think about how stupid she was for leaving.

Okay, she had to be close. She heard other cats around, and she hoped she would run in too any of them. They probably wouldn’t recognize her since she’s new, and they’d probably think she left because she didn’t want to live in the clan, but that wasn’t the case. She still hasn’t had her kits yet, and she wasn’t planning to have them in that acrid smelling hell hole.
“Dawnstar?” she mewed, hoping she would show up, and escort her back to camp. What she wasn’t excited for, was the scolding she was gonna get.
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Last edited by Little Timmy; August 13th, 2021 at 10:38 AM.
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Old August 15th, 2021, 01:48 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Name: Silentdream
Age: 15 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank Request: Warrior
Reason for Joining: Interested
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Old August 20th, 2021, 08:29 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Spiderpaw ☾ @Undertaker

Oh, Shadowclan. He was back home, and he felt good about it. Of course some of the same cats that got on his nerves were here, but he knew Dawnstar was still around, and he was extremely happy about that. He could still see the Leader in action do her work to shape the worms below her into proper Warriors until their last, dying breath.

He leaped forward and purred as he stretched, ready to be lectured on his absence and, of course, be taken back. Why wouldn't she, right?


Nightfur ⁀➷。

He trotted into camp quickly; why had he gone away from Shadowclan for so long? Dawnstar already showed a dislike for him, so why? Why did he think he was ever able to leave? He hissed to himself before he calmed down-his fur still raised -and he slowly made his way nearby where he could only assume Dawnstar was; maybe she'd be more surprised rather than angry? He genuinely did not want to deal with her aggression the first day of his return. He glanced at the side of him at another cat; Gorsesong. Maybe that one was coming back from being gone, too?

| Bringing back Spiderpaw, Nightfur and Gorsesong. I hope me putting all three of them into a singular post is fine with you. |

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Last edited by VexSkullz; August 22nd, 2021 at 08:01 AM.
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Old August 21st, 2021, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Name: Midnight
Age: 5
Gender: she-cat she/her
Rank Request: kit
Reason for Joining: still a kit, needs a home!
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Old August 24th, 2021, 07:59 AM
SugarBaby SugarBaby is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Originally Posted by Undertaker View Post
Missing Cats may post a starter here and mention me. Outsiders must fill out this form and then post a starter.

Joining is Currently Open to Outsiders

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Nameogtooth Age: 20 moons Rank Request:Warrior Reason:Fun
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