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Old June 17th, 2024, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

SPIRALTAIL-25 Moons-Former windclan warrior
Spiraltail looked up at his new leader he wanted to hear the news.At the mention of the other clans his stomach knotted he wasn’t usually a anxious cat but he knew he had a long way to go before these cats started trusting him he heard the mention of all the dead cats he hadn’t had a chance to meet how these deaths could have been prevented he sighed maybe one day everything will be better he took his moment of silence and then on too all the new cats oh boy he looked around at the new cats maybe he could make friends with them no one from home but he knew Twilightstars ways were far from right his tail twitched.As his name was spoken he sat up straighter and kept his eyes on the ground he want good with praise let alone from a leader

Vinepaw wishes you well

Specklepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice for Frostclan
Hyenaslash is the current medicine cat for Sunclan he has an open den policy


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Last edited by Tallstar; June 17th, 2024 at 10:25 PM.
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Old June 17th, 2024, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

Male / About 5 Moons / RiverClan / Sexuality Unknown
Pale bluish gray tom with tufts on his ears and nose and sandy patches with bright/light gray eyes

O-Okay. I’ll swim the rivers, climb the mountains, reach the skies… yeah… but first I’ll have to learn to walk without falling on my face, I think,


Conch, soon to be known to everybody as ‘Beachkit’, had not slept nearly as much as his body needed him to. His paws felt like liquid, as if the sea-inspiration in his new name was starting to become overly realistic, and his head was throbbing like crazy. On occasion, dizziness would send the small tom’s vision into a whirlpool of wind and chaos, and the sickness would once again start to creep up his throat. It would always wear off eventually, but during the time periods where the tom-kit felt a little bit nauseous, his nervousness only increased. With anxiety and exhaustion mixing and swirling together, his mind was an overwhelming soup of chaos, misery, and confusion. He was only experiencing his first few days in RiverClan, and he was already beginning to drown in emotions. Sadly, Beachkit thought to himself sarcastically, Oh, what… fun. Sure do love feeling like I’m gonna faint every four seconds… ugh.

When the meeting had started, wearily, Beachkit had slumped on over with his ears flat against his head and tail dragging against the ground. Now he sat with wide and heavy eyes, gazing up at Fadingstar as the black and orange tom-cat began his announcements. Beachkit could feel his eyelids begging him to let them fall, the rest of his body threatening to quit functioning any second now, and a small, barely audible growl rumbled in his throat. It’ll look pretty stupid if I knock out right here in the middle of a meeting, now won’t it? He reminded himself, forcing his eyelids to snap right back up. Ignoring the burning sting in his eyes, he stared up with a pained gaze at Fadinstar. One meeting… then a nap… maybe. But it was not as if he had not already tried to take a nap- Beachkit had certainly tried at some sleep, but just as clearly, he had failed. Only five minutes through with his attempt, he had instantly decided it was too complicated, and just like that, he had left for the others around, just in time for a clan meeting. You could call that luck, but Beachkit was too tired to throw labels at that moment.

Beachkit began to hear out the information on everything that RiverClan had suffered through lately, finally snapping out of his dreamy phase and paying attention to what Fadingstar had to say. The bluish gray and Sandy tom-kit could feel his eyebrows furrowing and his expression hardening as he listened, surprise and irritation flooding into him as the details entered his head. He was learning about what exactly had happened to RiverClan, and more importantly to the patched tom-kit, why it had in the first place. Apparently WindClan’s attack had been justified from the start, but the same was not to be said for ThunderClan and ShadowClan’s participation in it all. Beachkit, at least for the most part, felt simply irritated and saddened, but there was a hint of disgust in the mixture. ThunderClan and ShadowClan, as well as their leaders, were officially on his bad side. As for WindClan? They seemed alright, and again- justified. Beachkit blinked his unhappiness away and waited for the next topic to unravel.

Eventually, the orange and black leader reached the topic of outsiders, and almost immediately, Beachkit felt his face heat up. Awkwardly, he turned his head to face the ground. That… would be me…! A rather unhelpful voice in his head told him as-a-matter-of-fact-ly. Beachkit bit his lip a little to keep it quiet, but his efforts were ineffective. He kept thinking. What if he forgets about me? What if he forgets about Sorrel…kit? What if… what if we scare off Seap-breeze again? What if we scare the ENTIRITY of RiverClan? What if EVERYBODY hates Sorrelkit for looking like Cloverpaw, and… what if they hate the both of us, what if… what if… Fortunately for Beachkit, his crashing and burning train of thought came to a stop when interrupted by the sound of Fadingstar throwing out names. There was Whitethunder, Algaetail, Skydust, Raccoonsun, and finally, Sorrelkit. Beachkit’s heart lifted a little at the sound of his sister’s new name. Simple change, too. Sorrel, Sorrelkit, Sorrel, Sorrelkit… then we’ve got Conch to… Beachkit. Whatever… it’s okay. The show must go on. So he blinked at the sound of his own name, and still warm in the face, he forced himself to look up with an awfully wobbly smile. Y-yay… names. Fun… Oh, the internal lies- Beachkit would never escape from them, it seemed.

The meeting continued to play out, and as he listened, Beachkit took a glance around the area to see if there was anybody here who he recognized. Sorrelkit’s here somewhere, I bet, so… well, she doesn’t count… next. Moving on. He sighed a little bit as he looked around, Seabreeze’s odd reaction to their arrival temporarily leaving his mind. In fact, the Lionheart as a whole was at the back of Beachkit’s mind for a moment. M-maybe if I get to know somebody today, then… I’ll know them… forever… and ever…? It was a sad and small thought (as well as unrealistic, due to Beachkit’s obvious social struggles), but it kept Beachkit decently motivated while scanning the area for any familiar faces. Some outsiders, Dusklion and Fadingstar, some random cats Beachkit didn’t know the names of, but otherwise, that was all he was familiar with until- Seabreeze. Beachkit caught his breath when the gray and sandy tom entered his vision, and naturally, his heart feel to the pits of his stomach all over again. Oh… right. That guy… brother. Glad he’s okay… I suppose…

Desperately, Beachkit wanted to approach his older brother and tell him how excited they had been to meet him, as well as include the fact that he and Sorrelkit were overjoyed to know that he was alright, despite the fact that Cloverpaw was almost surely dead. In fact, Seabreeze was only a fox-length or two away from him, so maybe he wouldn’t even have to walk, just scoot on over a few feet and boom, perfect position for a chat with Seabreeze. But… no. Seabreeze clearly wasn’t very fond of Beachkit, let alone Sorrel. But it coudln’t hurt to say… just a thing or two… Beachkit promised himself, brightening a little bit. …Try again, perhaps, because… I don’t want to scare him again. I want to love him and be loved… happily… so… only one way to make that work. Beachkit glanced over at his older brother, and like there was no tomorrow, he stared, stared, and stared. …I’ve gotta say something… EVEN just one thing! One. Little. Thing…

In a quiet voice, down to a whisper, Beachkit started. He grunted awkwardly, leaned in Sebareeze’s direction, and once that particular section of the meeting came to an end, mumbled, “S-Seapa… er… breeze. Seabreeze…?” In the same quiet voice, now quivering like he always did, Beachkit added, slowly, “I- I uh… not sure wh-why you got worked up… b-but… we’re r-really glad you’re okay. Really glad… so…” His voice died down in an unwanted semi-voice crack-semi-whimper, but Beachkit was quick to clear his throat and jump back to finishing his comment. He had to force out the last part, the social topics. “We… um… I r-really look forward to… getting to know you.” The hoping he had not been speaking to the air itself, Beachkit waited in silence.


// Mostly open for anybody to greet Beach until/unless said otherwise ^^ \\

~ @Dolomedes (No need to respond if you don’t want to, this was just Beach showing some face. Seabreeze might have not heard/noticed him, if you’d prefer to not reply. Completely up to you. ^^) ~

How’s it going?

Replies will come a bit slowly until June 4th, EST!

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Have a nice day! ~ Fritz ~
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Old June 17th, 2024, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

Male / Warrior / 30 Moons / Riverclan
large, strong mackerel-striped brown tabby with long fur and gray eyes
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @IDIOTICBEAN101
(oh thank you so much, I’m glad you like him! Though I don’t roleplay a whole lot yet, you’re definitely a favorite! I love your characters!)

He listened to his leader, ears perked up and eyes bright with life, despite his pain and injuries.

When Fading gave RaccoonSun her warrior name, he nudged her softly in a friendly way—just a small bump on the shoulder.

During the supposed moment of silence, he bowed his head down, honoring his fallen clan mates. He didn’t want to ponder on the deceased too much. It was too depressing—and that’s honestly the opposite of what he needs.

When the leader asked for volunteers—oh he wanted to badly. But the moment his possible kit was already taken, a bit of that desire left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Old June 17th, 2024, 11:04 PM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

┆彡 T H E S I N - E A T E R ☆
heavily scarred & malnourished black tom with white speckles; cloudy light amber eyes. walks with a prominent limp & has protruding fangs that overlap his bottom lip.

content + interaction warning : this character frequently explores themes of mental health, complex trauma, and abuse

he strayed near the back of the crowd; slinking in the shadows whilst he listened to fadingsun speak. his wounds ached dully, merely a thought in the back of his mind. he stayed hunched over, face darkening as his leader continued. the three clans had turned rogue.

fourteen cats had been killed. four of them had been apprentices. it had been the highest body count the senior warrior had ever heard — and that was in total body count. he had never heard such a thing from one singular side. wormbite knew it was a bloodbath but hearing the names of their fallen? he took a sharp intake of breath, a subtle light tremble in his shoulders as he sunk his claws deep into the dirt below.

sins be damned, he was going to rip those pests into shreds. did they think these wrongs could ever be turned right? that this was going to fix anything besides paint the history red? his eyebrows furrowed together, tail curling around his thin body. wormbite had never believed living in alignment with the other three — they always posed a danger. always took up other resources. no matter any positive relations, he knew they were always ready to flip.

this only confirmed the idea in wormbite's head. simply ignoring the other clans would never be enough. if anything, he wished they would stay away from them. find some place anew.

,,,and a lot of outsiders were joining riverclan. Great. fine. he was fine with this. Totally Fine. its not like they didnt need anymore mouths to feed but if they truly needed the help that badly. ........ or the other Clan Cats deciding to join riverclan. wormbite wouldn't trust any of them until they proved themselves and he made a mental note to keep an eye on the newcomers.


❝ hold on tight to this time,
this place 'cause everything you know will be erased.
you were born inside your head.
and that is where you'll be when you are dead. ❞

-- the sleepy consumes me --
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Old June 17th, 2024, 11:25 PM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
Her blue gaze flickered over to Cobs as the she-cat hopped over to her, and Dusklion greeted her with a soft shoulder nudge. Briefly her gaze flickered over to Wisty... sitting with Antlerbranch. The deputy tried to shove down the jealousy by quickly ducking her head and lifting an ear towards Cobs. She definitely did not want to hear any other gag-worthy nicknames come out of the toms mouth for the pretty she-cat.

Thankfully Cobs' words were a good distraction. Surprise glittered in her gaze as she lifted her head and looked at her apprentice. "...Thanks, kid... love you too." She offered her a half-grin and ruffled the space between Cobs ears with one paw.

Her brother started speaking then, and Dusklion had to fight to keep her face neutral - though her eyes did narrow as her claws dug themselves into the rocky ground below. It seemed her words had even less of an impact than she thought. Why her brother was chosing this path she couldn't guess. It was like it was his first run-in with ShadowClan. While the deputy didn't like then as far as she could throw them, she knew who the rats were, they had never tried to hide it. She knew they were immoral fighters and dishonorable killers; it hadn't surprised her their brutality in battle especially when they were known for it.

It was like an internal war in her head, the desire for justice combatting Twilightstar's words. If they sought vengeance for this, the WindClan leader had promised retribution - and Dusklion didn't want the Clan she loved to be driven out again because they couldn't recognize that they were part of the problem. Was this what the WindClan leader had meant when she'd called Fades a lost cause?

She had to clench her jaw to keep from speaking out against her brother, and his foolish desire to not offer aide to any of the Clans should they need it. It would be smart to offer aide, that way the Clan they offered it to would be in their debt. Dusk wasn't about to give up trying to convince her brother off of his war path though. She had two moons to get him to see reason.

The tricky part was getting him to believe her, a cat that perhaps enjoyed battles more than he did.

She had almost forgotten about Mossypaw, found slain at the border. Now that was something ShadowClan deserved to pay for, whoever had done it. It wasn't something Dusklion would forget upon returning. She just had to figure out how to find out who had killed her apprentice and make them pay for it versus risking the ire of Dawnstar.

The names of the outsiders and those who had joined were met with a flick of her ears. They'd need to be tested, hmm? Dusklion still didn't trust any of them had pure intentions, going from willing to fight and tear them down to joining. But her brother didn't seem to think they needed to be watched, and the deputy stifled a growl. She'd keep an eye on them regardless. She didn't trust any of them yet.

"I'll take Skydust," she grunted from where she sat at the base of the stone, not bothering to look up at her brother and instead find the tom among the crowd. He seemed young and energetic enough; Dusklion would put him to work to make sure he knew this wasn't the same soft life he was likely used to before.

[ Cobwebpaw - @finley !! ] [ Skydust - @glitch ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old June 17th, 2024, 11:35 PM
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Default Re: The Starpoint



Raccoonsun was a bit surprised at the positive nudge from Rowanmane.

Though, for some reason, she didn't mind the slight approval from him.

Maybe it was because he was the first cat she had met in the clan?

@Rowan- I'm glad you do!
Also you don 't have to reply to this, was just acknowledging the nudge!

Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Join SunClan!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan)
Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan)
Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan)
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Old June 18th, 2024, 05:14 AM
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The new camp felt strange. It felt even stranger to see Fadingsun saying the traditional call from the tall, pointy rock that was their new meeting place. The Starpoint. Irisfrost liked the name; most likely because of the nod to StarClan. From there, with so many stars in view, Fadingsun would lead RiverClan back to its former glory. That was her hope, anyway. She knew better than to count on it.

Fadingsun spoke about the battle first. Irisfrost found herself agreeing with his viewpoints- the murder of WindClan's deputy was a justifiable reason for them to do what they did. But they had done nothing wrong to ShadowClan, and their actions towards ThunderClan were grievances from long ago. They had already been repaid.

But then, Fadingsun would never consider their suffering to be repaid. He told them that confidently, and Irisfrost doubted he'd change his mind.

Her leader went on to list the deaths from the battle, and Irisfrost dipped her head in respect for the fallen. There were too many, and in it a good number of apprentices. Young cats who's life had been snatched away from them far too soon. In her eyes, killing an apprentice unless in self-defense was a crime.

Moving on from the grim news, Fadingsun announced the new outsiders that had joined the clan. They would replenish RiverClan's numbers, at least. Hopefully they would contribute to the clan, although considering many of them earned their place by helping out during their move, she was fairly confident about it.

Fadingsun continued on to ask for warriors to help assess some of the new warriors. "I'm happy to help with any of them," she offered.
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Old June 18th, 2024, 08:12 AM
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11 moons || she/her || RiverClan Apprentice || Silver Tongue
medium furred silver smoke she-cat; blue eyes

There were... far more dead than Wrenpaw had expected there would be. Sure, she wasn't stupid enough to think there would be no casualties, but that's... fourteen deaths? The number brings a shiver to the silver apprentice, imagining it was her own corpse left behind. All things considered, she's glad Fadingsun called for retreat when he did, otherwise, she's got a sneaking suspicion that number of deaths would verge on twice as much. Three against one... what were ThunderClan, ShadowClan and WindClan thinking? Did they truly want to massacre them all? Unfamiliar fear surges through her stomach. What would've happened if all three clans attacking them really had intent of genocide?

It's strange, when ThunderClan invaded their camp those few times, Wrenpaw hadn't exactly felt fear in response, just rage and indignation. Now, though... now she was afraid. Afraid of what could've happened if retreat wasn't called in time. Would that WindClan apprentice have killed her? She took his ear, would he take her life? But... she was defending herself, her Clan, her home. Does that justify intent to kill?

Fadingsun continues to speak... New members of RiverClan... the outsiders were one thing, RiverClan of the past had a reputation of being fairly friendly or lenient towards those that belonged to no clan so long as they, in turn, were respectful, so that's not the news that pisses her off. What does piss her off, is the fact that three cats defected from their old clans to join RiverClan in this sorry state. And - even worse - two had belonged to ThunderClan, and one to WindClan.

The WindClan cat Wren could maybe overlook, hell, she even found it a little funny that the moorland cat had found sympathy for the river cats their old clan claimed to despise more than anything, sympathy enough to abandon the moors in favor of raging rivers and uncharted territory their old clan forced them into. Funny.

But THUNDERCLAN?? No way. She's not stupid enough to say so out loud, even if her mind is pain addled, but in no way will she show those vermin even a shred of favor or kindness. They'd lost that right moons before even Wren was born.
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Old June 18th, 2024, 09:22 AM
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Default Re: The Starpoint

24 moons || she/her || RiverClan Warrior || Kitty Softpaws, Mind Reader, Beefed Up T2
scarred, scrawny dilute tortoiseshell; green eyes

In the back of the crowd, sticking to where she was less likely to be seen, Larkwing sat with her tail curled around her paws. Her clan look battered, bloody, bruised and their morale at an all time low. If she were still leader, how would she have handled this situation?

"They may have won the fight, but the Clans of Shadow, Wind and Thunder will not win the war. We are stronger than they could ever know, and we will return. They can drive us from our home, but we will never truly be gone."?? Flowery, motivational speeches had always felt awkward and too large on her tongue. That's one thing she won't miss about leadership.

As Fadingsun announces the dead, guilt plagues Lark's mind as she realizes... she had done nothing in that fight. She'd stood there like a deer in the eyes of a monster. Afraid. It is not appropriate for her to take all the blame of this situation and place it upon her own shoulder, she knows that, and yet she's done that very thing for so long it's the natural reaction. From the very first day she'd had her warrior name, Lark had been conditioned to be RiverClan's personal Atlas, the world on her shoulders, unable to hand her burden to another soul unless they took it willingly.

...and then she fell in the river and was suddenly free of it, and another took up that mantle. And then another after her, and Fadingsun is the one who stands before the clan now, and he looks... solid. He looks like he has a handle on things, he looks like he is not buckling under the weight of expectations, of promises and of reverence. Part of her feels almost jealous. Jealous, that she could not handle it all as seemingly easily, jealous that the clan seems to like Fadingsun. What did he have that she didn't? Experience? A stronger will? An iron fist? Was Lark's issue that she wasn't firm enough with her clan until she'd already passed her breaking point?

It's frustrating, and Lark does not want to resent her leader for it, but... she cannot help the part of her that screams in protest, that howls like a wolf to the moon about how she deserved better.

There's no time to feel sorry for herself, though, Lark's always been a tough kid and there's things that need announcing. Deaths, a lot of them, come first, and then outsiders joining as well as some who defected from their old clans. Lark has... opinions on that, but so long as an eye is kept on them they should do just fine. After the new members, Fadingsun announces some returned cats, Splashleap and Featherspirit and... Lark's own name was not mentioned once. She wonders, briefly, if this is a deliberate slight to her, but she's overthinking it almost definitely, so she purses her lips and continues to listen.

As requests for anyone willing to assist with additional training or assessments are made, Lark debates speaking up. She doesn't have a scratch on her from their recent fight, she's in near perfect condition to take on the task, but... would she be welcome? Hesitation is the enemy of progress, though, and if she wants to earn her keep again, then Larkwing needs to step up and swallow whatever pride she has left.

"I can assist with our new members," she calls out, taking a step forward and suddenly feeling eyes on her. She's done it now, she's made herself known, the clan will see her and ridicule her and Lark wouldn't be able to blame them because she deserves their ire. But she still wants to help.
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Old June 18th, 2024, 11:20 AM
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Mousekit loved his name.
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