Mintbranch looked up with his narrowed minty green gaze. "Sure."
he meowed. Nudging his mates head softly and laying her on the soft moss. Licking her ears swiftly. "I'll be back darling." he whispered. Nodding to BEansporut.
BeanSprout smiled back and whispered "Where would you like to hunt?"
@lio (Holds them gently)
Grapevine was... feeling. What exactly it was she couldn't tell. A sudden wave of emotion washed over her as Nighthound voiced his thoughts, somehow seeming to ease concerns she had told him about as well as some she hadn't told another soul. The lilac warrior hung on to his every word. She stayed quiet when he thought, nodded along when he spoke on troubles she was internally struggling with, stifled a purr at his declaration that he fought to protect her.
She thought of Oliveglow. Her brother always strived to serve Dawnstar to the best of his ability. Grapevine had always detested that side of him. What did he gain from bringing her a moment of joy? Was he so obsessed with the Shadowclan leader that he truly believed what he did was worth the praise from such a detestable cat? Nighthound's words had sparked something within her that she had never considered before. Was Oliveglow really willing to die for his leader? Or had he given his life to protect his clanmates? To protect... her?
Grapevine wasn't sure she would ever be able to support Dawnstar and her aggressive ways. She wasn't sure she would ever get along with a majority of her clanmates. However, she was sure of one thing. If Nighthound would fight tooth and nail to protect his clanmates... who was she not to do the same?
"Thank you." She murmured with a small smile of her own. It was an unfamiliar feeling to the usually stoic molly... but not an unwelcome one. She allowed his tail to brush comfortingly against her side, a physical comfort to go along with the emotional one Nighthound always seemed to provide for her.
"I suppose after... everything that's happened recently I've lost my way. Just like always you're there to help guide me on the right path again." A cheesy line that she found herself flushing at... but it was the truth. She hoped her mentor felt the gratitude radiating from her pelt. He would certainly feel her tail as she attempted to graze is along his side in return with an slightly larger smile painted on her face. For the first time in a long time, the empty hole in Grapevine's heart began to feel a little less empty.
Berrysun wanted nothing more than to snuggle with Grapevine again. She was still upset with the other molly leaving her in such a sharp and rude way.. but Grapevines brother had died. Did she really fault her for wanting time alone? No, she supposed she didn't, but the words used didn't need to have happened. Green eyes flitted about the camp clearing, looking for her. The only cat she really loved. No, not loved. Loves. Berrysun knew she still loved Grapevine, even after everything.
With a small, dejected sigh, the ginger and white molly sat down, head hung low as she thought of the many moons they'd had together, happy and loving.
once the strings are tied, you are nothing but a puppet
The queen watched her kits swarm Mirehound, sending the young Enforcer a quick glance in case she needed her to step in. Instead, she saw Mirehound sending her a look for permission to teach the kits. A smile formed on her maw as she dipped her head. She was learning to trust other cats, slowly but surely, with her younger babies. She'd still be wary, of course, but she knew Mirehound was a good cat.
Watching Poppykit, Ruekit and Flowerkit pad- er, hop, in Flowerkits case- to Mirehound, pride filled her. She was so excited to see where her babies lives went.
Originally Posted by sol.
Her eyes twinkled as Mirehound gave her a playful hiss in response to her book on the nose. Delighted, Ruekit gave her a wide grin. She'd be sure to do that next time too, as long as Mirehound didn't mind it. Hopefully, she wouldn't.
She was still marveling at Mirehound's twitching whiskers and playful expression when Flowerkit hopped over. Mirehound was quick to shoot out a paw to be ready to steady her sister. Flowerkit was able to steady herself all by herself, which made Ruekit squeak with delight and give her sister another little boop. Sure, her sister gave her one earlier and she could have ended it there, but who could say no to boops?
"Uh huh," she nodded, answering her sister. "You'll do great Flo. You too, Pop," she looked down at her brother affectionately. They'd all do great.
She listened to Mirehound thoughtfully. More weight on the back legs, low enough. She peeked around Mirehound to note her tail position and to shre to imagine settling herself into the position.
She began uncertainly, first trying to place the same weight on all four paws and lowering herself first, keeping her paws not too out, but not too in either. Then, she gently shifted her weight to her hind legs, wobbling at first, but righting herself soon after. She looked up at Mirehound, tilting her head. "Did I do it?"
It seemed all three of the kittens wished to learn how to pounce - or at least the basics of it. Whiskers twitched as Mirehound caught sight of Poppykit tumbling head over paws until he ended up right before where she stood next to Dappledleaf. Not forgotten was the little 'boop' that Ruekit had given her - it had her scrunching up her face in a half-smile half-playful hiss (without a single ounce of anger behind it, only silliness). The third kit practically stumbled upon hopping up and down, and almost instinctively Mirehound shot out a slender paw to gently make sure she didn't tumble all the way over. Once she was sure the young kit was okay, only then did she withdraw.
Her eyes looked to Dappledleaf to make sure it was alright - of course, she wouldn't dare teach the young kits anything brutal - before looking at the three before her. "The big thing about learning how to pounce is making sure yours paws are all in the right position. You want to crouch lowwwwww to the ground, so that your belly fur is just barely brushing it." To demonstrate the Enforcer slid into a seamless crouch, legs bunched up and tail sticking straight out behind her. "Try to put more weight on your back legs, and keep your front paws light." Gingerly Mirehound danced her front paws along the dirt, keeping her weight positioned towards her hind legs.
"Let me see your crouch, then we can go from there."
[ @effervescent. - for if you still wished for dappled to be apart of this! ]
Originally Posted by jupiter
(since there's already a juniperkit in shc, her name had to be changed to flowerkit!)
poppy's smile made something akin to warmth and relief bloom in Flowerkit's chest, and as he nestled against her chest, Flo smiled lovingly, resting her paw on his back protectively, slightly using him as a crutch to hold herself up since she wasn't exactly the most balanced kid.
Mirehound. That was such a pretty name! Flo's eyes lit up, and she purred, but as the adult began to talk to her mother about stinky grown-up stuff, Juniperkit decided to entertain herself by counting the clouds, only paying attention again when her sister gave her a nice lick and Pop a pat on the head. Flo reach forward and tried to boop her sister's nose gently with a bright smile, looking back up at her mother. She wondered where her other littermates were- they were missing out, the stinkies!
The three-legged kit let out a peep of surprise at Mirehound's offer, and she leaped to her paws with an excited trill, stumbling slightly but regaining her balance just in time. "yes please!!! mama, we're gonna learn to POUNCE! Sissy! Isn't this cool???" She squealed happily, looking at her sister and taking note of her brother's excitement as she looked joyously from Mother to Mirehound, hopping from paw to paw to paw. Yay!
Poppykit listened closely with tufted red ears. low to the ground... weight on his back... right, right, he could do this! soon enough they'd all be apprentices anyway and then they'd be doing this full time! the very idea made his paws itch with excitement!!
Poppykit took a stance on four paws; just like he had done earlier when he had helped himself learn to walk. Spread apart, he has decent balance!
Now, crouching down low was a bit harder. It took a bit of shuffling for him to lower himself... His legs hadn't yet developed the strength needed to keep him up. for some moments, he was perfectly postioned with the tufts of his snowy-white belly just brushing the ground.
until said snowy-white belly fulll contact with the earth as his legs buckled under him. he laided with a soft thud but the kit scrambled back up onto all fours and attempted it again! He held it longer this.
"look! look! im doing it!"
please bump me constantly | Dealing with ADHD & Dyslexia.
Wrenkit floundered around, bored out of her little wits because she had nothing to do and no one to go to. Somewhere not so far off, Butterflybrook napped.
[ Activity Post ;; Only Wrenkit is open to interaction. ]
Shadekit was lying in a patch of shade, her head on her paws. She watched with a bored expression as her yellow eyes watched a little snail half the size of her paw inch its way across her line of sight. Why was it so slow? She hasn't used to things being slow; everything in life moved too fast for that. And yet the little thing moved like it had all the time in the world. Like it had no enemy to escape from. Maybe it did have no enemy. She tapped the thing on its shell, frowning. The shell would get in the way of eating it. It was far too hard; she'd break her teeth before she'd get it off.
So, Shadekit simply settled for watching the thing inch its way across her vision.
He then tried smacked him over the head and say "bad" (almost powerplayed lol)
He then took a step back and sat down again "you do know you just jabbed a kit right" he said emotionless except for his eyebrow which was once again raised
Despite saying that he was ignoring the kit
"And get a sparring partner even a kit could take you down" he said calmly and cooly
He then yawned and waited for a answer
@zeebles (im not ignoring you my character is, please stay)
Originally Posted by zeebles
As Autumnkit flew off of Singepaw, he casually landed on his feet (kind of) and turned around to Stormpaw, who seemed to be scolding the other apprentice. He smiled happy, unperturbed by Singepaw swinging at him.
What was Autumnkit doing? To try and answer the tom's question, he mimicked the stance Singepaw was in to leap at the wall earlier, comically serious expression on his face as he attempted to copy the move. He then failed, accidentally doing a headstand, but hopefully Singepaw still got the memo. I was watching you!
Singepaw | he/him they/them
A slender orange tabby cat with long belly fur and brown eyes
Singepaw wasn’t quite quick enough to avoid getting a righteous smack straight to the top of his head from Stormpaw and veering backwards with annoyance. “I wasn’t practicing spar worthy moves.” Singepaw shot back defiantly, raising a paw to rub the spot Stormpaw had given a good knock too. “And look, Autumnkits fine. Barely tapped him!” he added to the end of his statement, swinging his head to now face the small kitten who was mimicking his moves.
A brief flicker of delight crossed his face but disappeared seconds later. Was it flattering to be copied by a kit or lame? He’d have to decide that later. His ears flattened at Autumnkit as he recovered the headstand move and nodded, his best attempt at an apology. “er- right. Well. In that case you did really well Autumn.”