- Wolfpaw -
- He/Him - 7 Moons - ThunderClan Medicine Cat -
- A large dark brown tabby tom with green eyes and a missing hind leg -
"A WHAT?!?" he hissed as bumblestar spoke. He listened as she tried to interpret the meaning. Of course it had to do with the damn sickness. Why did this had to happen right as he n hollow became medicine cats??? Really Starclan?? Did they just like pissing off Wolfpaw or what. The medic ignored the nickname karma as his leader continued. So, a journey taken by... Raggedear and Lavendersong to find somethin? How the hell did she make all that out from that weird message. "So its gonna get worse. Great. Just great," he muttered. "Soooo....What do we do now?"
x ghostie is haunting this signature
Bean's favorite staff member Lillian was here
lio sneezed here (achoo)
you see crude graffiti... it spells "velli wuz here"
Rose caught the sickness (oh dear)
fenrir stares at rose with a spray bottle of water in hand
My Soul is in @/Ian's basement with some ice cream
Wincing at Wolfpaw's volume, Hollowpaw couldn't help but think the whole 'prophecy' deal made logical sense, but also... how the hell was he supposed to know if every cryptic dream was a prophecy or not? That seemed like a flawed concept. Anyway...
"There's nothin' we can do from here save from making sure everyone sick gets better," Hollowpaw tells the other medic, tail thumping behind him. "It's not like the logistics of this journey or whatever are in our jurisdiction." Or maybe they were, but Hollowpaw mostly was just saying that so he wouldn't be put in charge of all of it. He has enough to do without adding dumb prophecy crap to the list.
- Wolfpaw -
- He/Him - 7 Moons - ThunderClan Medicine Cat -
- A large dark brown tabby tom with green eyes and a missing hind leg -
"A WHAT?!?" he hissed as bumblestar spoke. He listened as she tried to interpret the meaning. Of course it had to do with the damn sickness. Why did this had to happen right as he n hollow became medicine cats??? Really Starclan?? Did they just like pissing off Wolfpaw or what. The medic ignored the nickname karma as his leader continued. So, a journey taken by... Raggedear and Lavendersong to find somethin? How the hell did she make all that out from that weird message. "So its gonna get worse. Great. Just great," he muttered. "Soooo....What do we do now?"
Wincing at Wolfpaw's volume, Hollowpaw couldn't help but think the whole 'prophecy' deal made logical sense, but also... how the hell was he supposed to know if every cryptic dream was a prophecy or not? That seemed like a flawed concept. Anyway...
"There's nothin' we can do from here save from making sure everyone sick gets better," Hollowpaw tells the other medic, tail thumping behind him. "It's not like the logistics of this journey or whatever are in our jurisdiction." Or maybe they were, but Hollowpaw mostly was just saying that so he wouldn't be put in charge of all of it. He has enough to do without adding dumb prophecy crap to the list.
Bumblestar's ears twitched with Wolfpaw's pitch in volume. She wasn't really a fan of how unsure he seemed - Hollowpaw, too, in all honesty - but this was new territory to both of them and she could only hope they got better with time.
"I'll be putting together a smaller camp for the sick by... I think Sunkissed Creek. Either one of you should teach Spiderthroat 'n maybe Wolfhive the necessary herbs. You two'll be stayin' here in camp and they'll be in charge of the other so we don't risk you two getting sick." A flip of her tail. "I don't feel comfortable sendin' those two off stars know where on their own... they'll need an escort."
She had one in mind, and she wanted to get this going as quickly as possible. She scooted past the two apprentices to stick her head through the lichen curtain. "Brackenclaw, Raggedear, Lavendersong! Need to talk to you three immediately!"
With that started, she turned back to the kids. "You two listen to me. I need you to start payin' a little more attention when it comes to this stuff. I know you're new to this, I'm not discounting that, but if you'd forgotten anything else involving this, it could've been costly. This is your job now, not just a game. You need to take it seriously."
Raggedear stopped mid-groom as Bumblestar called his name. ”Stars…what did I do?” He mumbled to himself, but still cheerily made his way over to the leader’s den. ”You called?” He mewed with a wave of his tail, yellow eyes flashing with curiosity. She had called two others, so surely he wasn’t in trouble…right? He mentally shrugged to himself. Only one way to find out.
Bump Policy: 2-3 days, replies will be slow as life has been crazy...
Posts: 249
My Mood:
Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
Stepping through the leafy curtain of lichen, the graceful she cat blinked her frost colored eyes slowly as she glanced around the den to clock all who occupied it. Her long and luxurious coat, black as a starless night, went from dappled to the sunlight outside to blending in with the shadows of the den and moving with a fluid elegance. Lavendersong padded quietly yet quickly towards Bumblestar and Raggedear, dipping her head in a respectful greeting to the two. Her ears pricked with curiosity, but the demure she cat held her regal composure and sat back on her haunches.
"Bumblestar, you called for me?" She purred melodically before giving her sleek chest fur a few licks.
Brackenclaw- He/Him, 25 moons old, Thunderclan Hornet. Purrks: Just a Scratch.
Brackenclaw heard his leaders call loud and clear and would head for the den. However, Brackenclaw wouldn't sit down in the den. Brackenclaw just didn't want to disrespect his leader by showing that amount of comfort when he was supposed to be taking in orders. Brackenclaw would bow his head to Bumblestar respectfully to his leader before turning his huge head and nodding respectfully to Wolfpaw and Hollowpaw. This was Brackenclaw's greeting besides talking as he would extend a nod to Raggedear and Lavendersong. Only after greeting everyone would he bring his full attention back to his Leader. Bumblestar had orders for him and he wasn't about to miss them. @dino. @TanghuluCat @twizzypaw @Bean @Neptune.
"I can teach 'em what I've been doing," he offers. Does he really want to? No. He's not a mentor. He does, however, enjoy the feeling of knowing more than other cats, so that's something to look forward to.
Brow twitching in irritation, Hollowpaw only nods in response to his leader. Pay more attention to these things? He didn't even know it was a prophecy or whatever when it was happening! Did she expect him to magically gain a picture perfect memory or something?? How can any cat remember the exact words of some random poetic sounding crap that was only said to them once? Honestly, she was lucky Hollowpaw remembered what he did! He says nothing, though, and waits for the three she called into the den to show up, abnormally long tail curled over his paws.
- Wolfpaw -
- He/Him - 7 Moons - ThunderClan Medicine Cat -
- A large dark brown tabby tom with green eyes and a missing hind leg -
Alright, a camp for the sick. "If hollow wants ta teach them, I don't mind. I can if needed, though," he said laying down. His legs were starting to hurt now. He watched as his leader called the three cats into her den... how come Brackenclaw, and not a hornet? He didn't really care though. He twitched his ear at bumblestar's 'lecture' about needing to remember stuff. TO BE FAIR: The prophecy was super long, how the hell were they supposed to remember every. Single. Detail???
He watched as the three cats came into the leaders den, Wolfpaw's green hues bounced between the cats in the den. Alright, the silence was getting weird now, could bumblestar just hurry up and tell them already?
x ghostie is haunting this signature
Bean's favorite staff member Lillian was here
lio sneezed here (achoo)
you see crude graffiti... it spells "velli wuz here"
Rose caught the sickness (oh dear)
fenrir stares at rose with a spray bottle of water in hand
My Soul is in @/Ian's basement with some ice cream
Drizzlecloud stepped inside when a soft murmured entered her ear, reassuring her that Bumblestar had given permission to enter, and she trilled upon entry. “I came to notify you of my current situation–I’ve been having a difficult time with my warrior duties due to the fact that I’ve recently discovered. I’m pregnant, so I’d like to move to the nursery.”
There was a touch of anxiety and excitement in her words, as well as her body-language. She came here specifically to notify Bumblestar, because she didn’t want her to think that she was slacking for no reason.
Female | 2 Moons | ThunderClan Kit | Posts: 17/10
fluffy white she-cat with light orange-golden spots and yellow eyes. lots of neck fluff
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @dino.
┍━━━━━»•» …loading… «•«━┑
The kit padded up to the leaders den, poking her head in. “Miss Aunty-BumbleStar? May I come in?” he mewed questioningly, giving the super-duper cool leader and even his papas boss that nickname.
┕━»•» …100% complete… «•«━━━━━┙
my characters opinions are not my own!
_____________________________________ RowanMane is one of RiverClans Lionhearts. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me. DarkPaw is one of ShadowClans Aids. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me.