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Old September 4th, 2024, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

── ⋅ ⋅ ── ! ── ⋅ ⋅ ──

Salamanderpaw will not do anything stupid. She will not. This is something she has to remind herself of with every heartbeat, filing in after her clanmates. Seastones is quiet save for the soft murmur of Riverclan, a tide of fur and pawsteps and whispers washing up on the sand, brushing against the rocks. I won't do anything stupid. I won't be angry. I won't. But she's a liar already. She is angry; so angry that she worries she made a mistake wanting to come, hauling her sibling after her, insisting. Because now Salamanderpaw is so angry that she doesn't know what to do with herself. Where to sit or what to look at.

If you can't handle yourself, this is your chance to turn back now. Only she doesn't, and she should, but she doesn't. Because that's running away from the monsters again and that's something that Salamanderpaw cannot do. Especially not now that she's roped Shellpaw into this experience. I won't tolerate stupid behavior or cats going off on their own personal revenge fantasies. And that's all she wants, really. She'd be a big liar if she tried to say that the idea of storming heroic and vicious into Seastones and inflicting marvelous violence on all the other cla—on all the monsters, wasn't one that sat heavy at the forefront of her mind ever since Riverclan found their way home. Ever since the moon had waxed thicker, an unblinking eye turned down on Riverclan's backs. Ever since they set off.

But she can't do that. She can't do anything stupid. I won't do anything stupid. So what, then, is to be done about the anger?

"Shellpaw," Salamanderpaw hisses out into the crowd of clanmates. She'd taken her eyes off of them for just a moment and, regardless of what the the truth may be, is now acting as though he's run off and gotten lost. "Hurry up, you're always so slow." And this doesn't necessarily have to be the case, it's just that Shellpaw is unfortunately one of the few cats around that she's the most comfortable with, which also means they're a safe punching bag. Safer than taking her ire out on who she's really angry with, anyway.

Salamanderpaw is as silent as the grave as Thunderclan filters in, focusing on pushing her breaths in and out evenly. Her ears are pinned flat and her shaggy coat bristles that much wilder with her suppressed fury. I won't do anything stupid.

@sleepyyjax ; SHELLPAW

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Old September 4th, 2024, 09:10 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

She/Her | Purrk(s): Just A Scratch

A truce. Wisteriawren liked that. She didn't... like fighting, anyway. Sticking beside Dusklion for the most part, the former kittypet couldn't help but look around at the empty Seastones as they arrived. She'd been told that the other three Clans would show up too... and... Wisteriawren did find herself subconciously searching for the black and white cat who'd attacked her, anxiety bubbling beneath the surface.

Feeling more than a little bit jumpy, Wisteriawren smiled hesitantly at Dusklion and Cobwebfern at the deputy's words. This Gathering was likely to be burned into her memory no matter what happened, considering it was her first.

Watching Dusklion and Berrypaw head to their respective spots, Wisteriawren lingered a moment, not wanting to turn away just yet. "Take care..!" She called after them softly, raising her voice slightly so that it'd be heard over the din of cats before turning away.

[ @taillow - Dusklion / @finley !! - Cobwebfern / @squidz - Berrypaw ]

Little nightmare, you have beautiful eyes.
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Old September 4th, 2024, 09:32 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

┏━━━━━•°•°•❈•°•°•━ ━━━━┓
<— Cedarstrike —>
┗━━━━━•°•°•❈•°•°•━ ━━━━┛
She-Cat <‐> 35 Moons <-> Warrior <-> Thunderclan <-> #cdrstrk
[Killer Aptitude 1][Kitty Softpaw 1]

Interacting With: [OPEN]

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫ ◦ ≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

Cedarstrike nodded in regards to the threat. What fool would spill such secrets know the reason why it's kept in the first place? Well. She supposed the answer to that would be seen... If any cats appeared one day with jaws hanging loose, everyone would know why.

The scent she'd come the despise settled thick over the area. Riverclan had decided to show? This was such a treat. Surely this gathering would be civil.....

Taking her place amongst the clan she looked around for those she knew. Her mind went to Mountaintalon as her golden eyes scanned the crowd. His company was that of which she'd grown fond of. Of course, regardless of if their eyes met or not, the she-cat's focus ended up on the leaders.

You've had to walk a dark and terrible path alone.

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Old September 4th, 2024, 09:44 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

Mountaintalon was pretty sure this night was shaping up to be one of the less pretty ones. Already there were threats of jaw-breaking, and RiverClan's presence did nothing to help the bristling of fur. He scoured the crowd for at least one tolerable face and made his way over to Cedarstrike when he spotted her.

"I don't like this," he rumbled near her ear once he was close enough. "Something is bound to happen at some point."

[ @babysith ]

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Old September 4th, 2024, 09:55 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

┏━━━━━•°•°•❈•°•°•━ ━━━━┓
<— Cedarstrike —>
┗━━━━━•°•°•❈•°•°•━ ━━━━┛
She-Cat <‐> 35 Moons <-> Warrior <-> Thunderclan <-> #cdrstrk
[Killer Aptitude 1][Kitty Softpaw 1]

Interacting With: @dino.

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫ ◦ ≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

"Hey, stranger." Was he a mind reader? Her whiskers twitched happily as he approached, moving over so he could sit next to her. "To be completely honest? I really thought they were gonna skip out on this one. Tensions being this high can really only spell more drama." She watched Spiderthroat shooting glares... Yep! Super civil gathering.

You've had to walk a dark and terrible path alone.

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Last edited by babysith; September 8th, 2024 at 08:02 PM.
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Old September 4th, 2024, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

•° Timberpaw °•
Dreamwalker • Flock Together I • Kitty Softpaws

The little calico gawked at everything around her. This was it, a real actual Gathering! Of course, she wasn't stupid; she easily caught onto all the tensions that were in the air. It would take a newborn kit to miss this kind of heavy, looming sense of doom. But Timberpaw pretty easily shook it off. This was a Gathering, for Star's sake! It shouldn't be all doom and gloom, it should be news and drama and politics! Well, she was really only interested in the drama if she was being honest. She snaked her way through the crowd, trying to find a nice spot.

That was, until she ended up feeling something warm beneath her paw and stumbling a bit. It wasn't until too late that she realized, oh dear, she stepped on a tail! She flattened her ears and let out a small mrrp! before launching into an apology, not even looking the poor cat in the eyes. "I'm sorry I'm sorry! It won't happen again, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"

// @wolfie \\

violetfreckle // [tc] need extra training? // rp tracker

do i die as the martyr or miscreant?
i'll make the call.

Last edited by vellichor; September 4th, 2024 at 10:26 PM.
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Old September 4th, 2024, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

•° Violetfreckle °•
Rapid Recovery • Collector • Master Scout

An uneasy feeling settled over Violetfreckle's shoulders tonight. The strong smell of RiverClan was enough to make the fur on the back of her neck prickle. She felt more on-edge than normal, chalking the feeling up to not seeing her birth Clan in moons. Ears flattened against her head, Violet chose an out-of-the-way spot near the back of the crowd to watch the Gathering and the rest of the cats. Her olive eyes flicked up more than once to where Bumblestar sat, looking entirely unimpressed with RiverClan's leader... whatever his name was. To be honest, the guy was so unremarkable that she didn't know his name and didn't care to. He would probably be gone by next moon if the cycle of horrid leadership continued. But hey, that wasn't her problem.

// @Tallstar @BEAR. \\

violetfreckle // [tc] need extra training? // rp tracker

do i die as the martyr or miscreant?
i'll make the call.

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Old September 4th, 2024, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

fluffy, russet tom with yellow eyes, torn left ear, & black paw tips
header by @/burntToast


Raggedear hurried after his Clanmates into the clearing, hardly taking notice of RiverClan’s return. Who cared about those fish-hearts anyways? Besides, his mind was across another border as he kept his ears pricked and scanned the clearing. Would she be here? After a moment, the russet tom caught himself. What on earth was he thinking? It didn’t even make sense to be eager to see a cat from another Clan, let alone a cat he barely knew. He sighed, turning his paws back to take him closer to where his Clan was sitting before plopping down, attention now directed to the leaders.

( OPEN )

Sunheart is RiverClan’s Deputy
*ping if needed<3*

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Old September 4th, 2024, 10:55 PM
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this'd better come to a stop
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Default Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by Rose View Post

She/Her | Purrk(s): Just A Scratch

A truce. Wisteriawren liked that. She didn't... like fighting, anyway. Sticking beside Dusklion for the most part, the former kittypet couldn't help but look around at the empty Seastones as they arrived. She'd been told that the other three Clans would show up too... and... Wisteriawren did find herself subconciously searching for the black and white cat who'd attacked her, anxiety bubbling beneath the surface.

Feeling more than a little bit jumpy, Wisteriawren smiled hesitantly at Dusklion and Cobwebfern at the deputy's words. This Gathering was likely to be burned into her memory no matter what happened, considering it was her first.

Watching Dusklion and Berrypaw head to their respective spots, Wisteriawren lingered a moment, not wanting to turn away just yet. "Take care..!" She called after them softly, raising her voice slightly so that it'd be heard over the din of cats before turning away.

[ @taillow - Dusklion / @finley !! - Cobwebfern / @squidz - Berrypaw ]

pretend theres a header here im doing this on mobile //
cobwebfern turned to wisteriawren with a genuine smile. she looked tired and very malnourished, but being back at the gathering spot after moons of traveling felt.. safe. home. she tapped her tail against wisteriawren's flank and gestured to an empty spot in the mass of cats. ' let's sit down there and i can brief you on what gatherings are about, yeah? ' without waiting for an answer, she padded downwards and sat, curling her tail around her body and legs and looking expectantly at the other.

' if you don't already know, gatherings are basically a truce spot. all the clans-- if they can-- get together for a night and discuss stuff. no one can fight 'cause if they do starclan gets annoyed and smites us all. or something. ' cobwebfern giggled, shaking her head. ' starclan just sends us a warning like hey stop fighting!!! ' she put on an exaggerated british accent for her starclan impression, smiling at wisteriawren.

' i've never understood what humans do and want /
it's quite confusing to me to try to connect '

trackers | my carrd | cobweb | crowpaw | wispshatter
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Old September 5th, 2024, 12:20 AM
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Default Re: September Gathering

┆彡 T H E S I N - E A T E R ☆
heavily scarred & skinny black tom with white speckles; cloudy light amber eyes. walks with a prominent limp & has protruding fangs that overlap his bottom lip.

content + interaction warning : this character frequently explores themes of mental health, complex trauma, and abuse

└➤ ⌗ @vellichor

truth of the matter, wormbite was slightly shocked at the simple fact they were already attending a gathering. he understood being eager to show their resilience, but he supposed he would've preferred allowing riverclan to adjust a bit more before interacting with ,, the rest of them. curiously, he wondered how far fadingstar would go with his threat of execution. warriors who could not keep their mouth shut were a liability. apprentices, on the other paw, wormbite had a softer spot for.

the oriental walked slowly, senses high on alert. his muscles were tensed, preparing for the other acorn to drop whilst he weaved through the crowd. typically, he would keep to the back -- uncomfortable with crowds but he had not been .. well, around for an awful long time. he was hoping if he could .. mingle, partially, he could info gather. still, he kept a bit on the sidelines. the true center was far too... much.

wormbite eventually settled down, but did not have long to start his eavesdropping info gathering before a familiar scent started to creep up behind him. he stilled, completely, convinced his breathing must've stopped. memories flash before his eyes in a split second, his skin beginning to crawl uncomfortably. it was impossible. he was far gone, a ghost in the past - in the stars up above. (nevertohearhisvoiceagain) he does not turn around, he cannot turn around for it would only shatter the brief hope he carried.

paws step on his tail and pain shots through and up his spine. he does not need to blink before reflex takes over and he is whirling around to stare at the ghost. ,, and then instead of hearing a voice he knew by his soul - someone pipes up in a panicked high-pitched voice and begins spilling out apologize. an apprentice, wormbite reckons. he blinks slowly, almost wanting to laugh out of .. he does not know. instead, he sighs tiredly.

closer it becomes obvious that the scent is .. off. a tinge of unfamiliarity, thunderclan and other undertones bleeding through. he knew it was improbable, but it does not start his heart from aching at the reminder. a sour look appears over his long face, tail curling over his scarred hindleg -- he stands silently towering over the apprentice; remaining unaware of his body language.

was he truly that tired to make such a mistake?.. foolish and embarrassing. wormbite clears his throat quietly after the feline finishes, ".. you are ,,, fine. you are not the firsst nor the lasst... it .. happenss in crowded areass, " he reassures. truthfully, he would've simply relocated without another word - he did not like talking to cats awfully younger than him nor other clans. this time around though he stared a bit too long to make a swift get-a-away. escape route expired. besides, he's sure she would skitter off and instead sits back down.


❝ ★ fetch the bolt cutters, i've been in here too long.
whatever happens, whatever happens
(whatever happens) ★ ❞
wormbite's secret love childrenpronouns . cc[tw] bones and all

Last edited by wolfie; September 5th, 2024 at 12:20 AM.
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