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Old June 6th, 2024, 02:08 AM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]

content warning for a brief description of a gnarly throat injury in first paragraph of section ii & a slightly more detailed mention in the first paragraph of section iii; it's nothin' egregious or in-depth but i don't wanna catch anyone off guard d:

workin on mobile rn so if the formatting is whack on pc thats my bad y_y


─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

He was right to trust the sky, to read the heavy cloud-bellies overhead and anticipate a storm tonight. Coaxing their quarry into the ravine has been simple enough—coordinated hits throughout the day had them scattering, scurrying like scared rabbits deeper into the gulch where they'd be corralled by the high stone slopes. Now that night looms, darker than usual under the cover of the impending storm, it's time to draw their game to a decisive close.

Fat, freezing raindrops turn the ground treacherous. He'll need help from the rest to dislodge the stone he has in mind for this...best to report back to them now, while the rain picks up.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─
i. overview
Asa is a massive, pale tom with weak blue eyes. Often seen wearing a grim expression and caked in dirt, Asa is noted by others as being stern and generally unfriendly, but undeniably skilled at what he does.
ii. appearance
Broadly built and riddled with scars—the worst of these marring the soft skin of his throat, an injury that's led to lifelong difficulty speaking amongst other struggles—, Asa cuts an intimidating figure at first glance. He gives the impression of a thoughtless meathead, which isn't helped by his ordinarily flat expression and thousand-yard-stare. Due to his albinism, he frequently coats himself in dust and mud; this helps both with the subterfuge required in his role and to prevent sunburns on the more sensitive parts of his ears and face.

Asa's fur is short and coarse to the touch. There's not much softness to be found in this tom; he's all sharp edges and mean muscle. Rest easy in knowing that his skeptical squint isn't a personal affront...he just can't see you very well.
─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─
Asa's stone needs thorough convincing before it finally gives, eased into its plummet by the fervent digging and scraping and shoving of the small group. It dislodges with a heavy noise, though that could be the thunder overhead, and the storm does all the rest.

Mud and rock and debris slick down the dark slope, dirt catching dirt and stones catching stones to build the wave that pours down, down, down...Asa doesn't need to be able to see through the storm to tell they've hit the mark; panicked wails bubble up from the gulch, weak against the howling rain as the earth swallows his quarry from above. He scrabbles back a few paces, gravel and silt shifting beneath his broad feet. A subtle warning from the Range: don't get too comfortable, trapper.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─
iii. character
Outwardly, Asa seems cold, gruff, and unsociable. This isn't an unfair assessment. To be stuck alone with this tom would be to spend however many moments in a long and likely uncomfortable silence, stared down briefly and then promptly ignored. He speaks little, keeps it blunt and usually monosyllabic, which isn't helping him beat the musclebound meathead allegations. Asa is hard to talk to and hard to get to know. To be fair to him, one could easily attribute his silence to an injury sustained half a lifetime ago—that ugly tear across his throat nearly drowned him in his own blood, and rendered him incapable of speaking comfortably above a whisper.

But even being generous, Asa wasn't very talkative or friendly before his injury, either.

And, he knows. He just doesn't think it's a very big deal. Asa doesn't harbor any ill will toward other members of the Atari (not broadly speaking, at least) nor does he consider time spent with them to be beneath him. He simply doesn't care to engage with things that don't interest or concern him.

Asa is singleminded and focused, and his focus is on his role within the Atari. He is a trapper. This is all he cares to pour his energy into. He's typically only ever communicative insofar as he needs to be in order to do this job right: of all the members of the Atari, the ones who would likely hear from Asa the most are the other trappers and a select few claws. He's a stellar team player when it comes to executing his work, when he's coordinating projects and relaying relevant information to the rest. He's often too absorbed in the job, jarringly talkative—albeit in a breathy whisper—when it comes down to discussing plans and liable to ignore his own needs until his quarry has been successfully captured.

It's through feverish discussion of his job that Asa's intelligence would be apparent to an onlooker. He really is far smarter than he looks, analytical and levelheaded and patient enough to keep on learning and expanding his repertoire of skills—he's not so proud as to think he's learned every trick there is.

Asa has a dogged need to make it work and to see it through, no matter the obstacles and no matter the cost. Part of it is the satisfaction of a complete routine: the set-up, the takedown, the aftermath. Part of it is a sadistic streak: he is every bit as cruel as he looks, at the end of the day. He's just got a highly specific outlet for it. A good thing, too; Asa, bored and kept from his routine, could always carve out his amusement in fouler ways than he does now. Best to leave the tom to what he likes.

Asa will not be bantering with you. You can strain to listen to him explain his pit-traps and snares or you can sit in silence. This goes for strangers and close friends alike, though close friends will be graciously given time to talk uninterrupted about what they would like—and he might even ask some leading questions to get more out of them.

But mostly, he would just like some quiet.
iv. family
- JUNIPER [ daughter ] played by @/Rowan
- VERTIGO [ younger brother ] played by @/Fits

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─
Asa knows better than to be too pleased with himself. There's no room for hubris in a job like his. A pit doesn't care who it swallows, and stone will crush any soft thing no matter what it calls itself. A trap is only a thing, and things pledge no allegiance. Let the Claws be the gloryhounds, bathed in blood and pride; Asa would gladly celebrate those victories with them, in his own way.

The completion of a job was satisfaction enough for him. And to be simply satisfied would suffice.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

Last edited by nyme; June 24th, 2024 at 12:48 PM.
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Old June 6th, 2024, 12:22 PM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]

Male (FTM)
Skirmish has heavy amounts of scars marking their body, the most notable one’s being the scar that zigzags from their shoulder to their chin. Their fur is a dark caramel colour on the back and forehead, stretching from the nose bridge all the way to the tip of the tail, the colour fades into a much lighter colour and is almost white at the underbelly and paws. Skirmish’s eyes are a bright icy blue, sunken and narrowed naturally. their facial structure is particularly angular especially the ears, that are much larger than they should be and yet maintain an upright position.
Briefing on the Build
Skirmish is a hulking beast of a cat and has lean muscles, built up from training and hunting constantly as well as many previous battles with others.


“Claws: They have a natural-born ability for fighting and violence. Often at the forefront of battles and making up the majority of the group. Work well in teams as well as individually. They are expected to give up their life for the Crown. Additionally they hunt for the group as well.”
Skirmish is horrible at managing more than one task, at times he tends to manually freeze if he has to change what he’s doing and turn to do it, despite his lack of ability to multi-task he’s a particularly bright character and if your not on the wrong side of his claws, even friendly although not much for conversation. Skirmish would follow whomever the Crown is into a swarm of wasps and try to strike each one down as long as he was told to (blindly obedient to higher ranks).

Skirmish tends to snap rather easily and be horrifically impatient, his temper can get out of hand alarmingly fast especially if he’s failing at something or being told multiple things at once, said temper usually ends in violence if not soothed quickly. Skirmish’s tendency to snap roots from his impatience, usually igniting in response to failure or being attacked. In battle his temper can prove either exceptionally aiding or hindering depending on his surroundings and the circumstances. And out of battle his temper serves as an annoying tick on his back he’s trying to claw away.

Roleplay Details
I intend to role play Skirmish’s dialogue as him speaking and thinking using Illeism, although his intellect and train of thought is not dog like, and neither will his dialogue or internal monologue be, it’s more of how he chooses to speak than mandatory.
Skirmish believes that this is stupid. Get out of Skirmish’s sight.

The way that Skirmish’s thoughts run are often full of brutal imagery, or violent thoughts. If they dislike somecat these violent thoughts dissolve entirely, and if they develop a fondness for them said thoughts are much fewer in frequency but will never truly disappear. Exceptions to said thoughts and who they surround are anycat ranking higher than him, of which he will often be extremely respectful to even on the verge of his temper exploding.

So excited to roleplay this silly

Heya! If you’re interested in rping feel free to message me whenever! I’m also lf help with rping better!
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Hello! Sometimes I'll be a little busy or get sick or not have access to my technology/Laptop so my apologies if I forget to reply or do something!

Last edited by Fritter; June 6th, 2024 at 01:47 PM.
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Old June 6th, 2024, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]

"You are the Riverclan Highranks correct? Yes, a new package has arrived in your name, please sign here, and here. "
After you do so, the mailman hands over a medium-sized package before wishing you a good day and leaving. Turning over the package to inspect it, you notice that isn't too heavy, but has a few labels on it, some warning labels.
Sharp claws
Able to be fully submerged in water
Keep away from humans
Keep away from kits - she may encourage light battle training at an early age
Do not engage in battle or debate with - risk of getting your butt handed to you

When you finally manage to ply open the package (why is it so tightly sealed?) you find various items inside.

  • Saturn is a tough item, and does not break easily, it is still not recommended to throw it around as it may cause long-term damage if done repeatedly
  • Saturn does not handle emotional things well, and will generally brush them off, but may become squishy if you catch them alone under the starry skies - handle carefully in those sitations
  • Is able to handle foxes and badgers only if you have the Beefed-up upgrade
  • Saturn is very quick and agile, and you're unable to find them, they have likely climbed a tree, or are hiding somewhere while hunting
  • Debate with or battle at your own risk
Then there is a lot more text but your attention span doesn't allow for that, so you move on to take a look at the product.

Building pieces
It's not as large as some others that you've seen, but has a very lean build. Despite that, you notice that the limbs especially have a lot of muscle added to them (huh, this one must be good at leaping). There is also a little extra feature, a Beefed up purrk at tier 1, which you happily attach. The fur is thick, soft, and sort of grey (though you could have sworn it tinted lilac just now when you turn it over in your hands) with some spots and splotches over the back, face, paws, and tail, as well as a few white spots on the front paws, chest/belly and tail. It smells vaguely of wildflowers, petrichor, and pine-bark. Attaching the ears, you notice that they, like many other parts, have been cut to be scarred and tattered. You find a pair of brown and copper-coloured eyes, and your Saturn is all finished!

Depending one what model you got, Saturn might also have had a single slash, or possibly even two slashes forming and x on her left shoulder.

All in all, it looks like you have a Scarred, lean, grey molly(mtf) with darker spots on her back and lighter chest, and brown eyes.

After reading through everything and assembling your Saturn, it almost immediately begins to move and act on its own (is it assigning tasks and... training future generations? Damm)
You go to your computer and search up Lumi-studios, the manufacturers of Saturn, to read up on the product a little more, and eventually stumble upon the reviews, mostly positive ones.
"During her Crownship, Saturn has been overall great. She's had a few hardships and it shows through their character. I'm not a hugeeee fan of her lack of action on outsiders but hey, what am I to do? Sit here and complain out of envy? I really can't. Also, considering they have been a hardworking Crown and earned the position, even after being shoved into the Claw of the Crown rank with no extra experience to prepare for it. Among all my praise comes a sense of doubt in her quick judgement, but that would make me a hypocritic sooooo....they are fine! I like how she leads and handles the Atari, okay! There I said it, are we done yet?" - Sunset, friend of Saturn (owned by aries)

"ZERO STARS! They killed me!!!1!!! I was just trying to eat her familymembers in peace!!!!!!" - The fox

"I was so looking forward to being where she is now, but she does well I my opinion. Yes, she can be headstrong or quick in her decisions, but that is what made sure no one other than I needed to die that time, and after watching her lead, I admit that I have more things to learn from her than I originally thought" - Zephyr, former sister of Saturn

Well, I don’t know if I have any right to criticize, but I will say this: I don’t think she’s perfect, but I appreciate that she actually takes the time to pay attention to the goings-on of other members of the Atari. I don’t think there are many other cats who can say the same.” - Corvid (owed by Fits)
"I admire Saturn. They're strong, reliable, and wise, a perfect candidate for the Crown. I believe Saturn is the right choice for the Crown, and I am ready to follow her until my last breathe. Now begone! You have duties to attend to that's more important than asking questions!" - Skrill, owned by ChaosBringer.

Her past
Further down, a few reliable-looking sources also discuss the product's history
but when you go to click on the website link, it looks like it wants to confirm that you're a cat human and not a bot, and you have to answer a question.
What rank is Saturn?
0-10 moons: Their whole lives, Saturn's littermate Zephyr had been training to become the next Claw of the Crown and follow in their father's pawsteps, who had seen potential in Zephyr from an early age, and ever since, Saturn had been steadfast by their sister's side and training with her.

10-20 moons: Few matched the fire and drive with which Saturn started her training, and many members of the Atari grew tired of how often she would approach them to request to be told about the best strategy to counter a fighting move, the best way to hunt birds, how to tell what your opponent will do next, and so on. The cats who did cave to train her tended to find that she was attentive and listened closely, but also often put her own spin on the moves and techniques that she was shown, often irritating older cats by not using them in traditional ways. It didn't take long before she advanced to become a claw, her sister becoming a trapper not soon after, but neither had any plans to stop training together. Eventually their father succumbed to an illness, and Zephyr advanced to become the Claw of the Crown in his place.

20-25 moons: But one day, when the two were out on a hunting trip together with a small handful of claws, what was not allowed to happen happened and a pair of foxes attacked. Zephyr fled, urging the others to follow her led, but when one of the other claws tripped and a fox lunged at them, Saturn didn't hesitate to turn right back. [Beefed up Tier 1] The battle was bloody, but Saturn managed to kill the beast, saving the other cat's life in the process. But the other fox had caught up with the rest of the patrol, and as a wounded but victorious Saturn returned to their base, she was met with the news that her sister had not made it out of that fight alive.

Currently She wasn't the Claw of the Crown for too long, advancing to become the Crown after they died, and is now ruling the Atari alongside her CotC, and so far it has gone well, being very active and involved, but she does feel the uncomfortable pressure from her family members and other Atarimates to find a mate and produce an heir to the thrown. It is perhaps the only thing she dislikes about her new role.

While reading, one headline in particular catches your eye
Things Saturn has implemented since earning the Crown rank
  • Honour names: One's name is decided by their parents when they were born ofc, but once someone has reached adulthood, they may undergo a few trials overseen by the crown, and if they pass all of them they will be given an honour name referencing their abilities or character. This can be something like Truth Seeker, Thundering Roar, Star Reacher, Far Flight, or Sharp Tongue, to give a few examples.
  • Debrief: Every five days Saturn calls a pawful of warriors to meet with her in the gathering den and give her reports on things they've noticed in the camp. This can be anything from a den needing reinforcement, to a brewing rivalry between young cats, or a particular cat seeming tired and having to be told to take a break. Saturn isn't too nosy about the personal lives of her peers but has noticed that everything runs more smoothly if she puts aside some time for this task.
  • Darkest night / Brightest night The longest night of the winter when the moon is also new, and the shortest night during the summer when the moon is at it's fullest. The darkest night is dedicated to the ones who have passed away, and its most important moment is the sunset, after which the Atarimembers are encouraged to stay up and share stories about cats who have died. The brightest night is dedicated to the future members of the Atari, and everyone stays up to do things like improving and decorating the nursery den, making up games for kits, tending to pregnant or nursing cats, and Saturn often takes the opportunity to talk with the Keepers and see what she can do to improve the early stages of the young cats lives.
  • The Claws' training now includes specific lessons on how to handle different predators
  • The first thing anyone, regardless of future rank, learns is now track and use the stars and sun as guides in case they ever get lost or separated from the group and need to find their way back
  • To encourage introspection and self-reflection, everyone will remain awake the night after their ceremony and watch over the base and gaze at the stars

0-10 moons: Their whole lives, Saturn's littermate Zephyr had been training to become the next Claw of the Crown and follow in their father's pawsteps, who had seen potential in Zephyr from an early age, and ever since, Saturn had been steadfast by their sister's side and training with her.

10-20 moons: Few matched the fire and drive with which Saturn started her training, and many members of the Atari grew tired of how often she would approach them to request to be told about the best strategy to counter a fighting move, the best way to hunt birds, how to tell what your opponent will do next, and so on. The cats who did cave to train her tended to find that she was attentive and listened closely, but also often put her own spin on the moves and techniques that she was shown, often irritating older cats by not using them in traditional ways. It didn't take long before she advanced to become a claw, her sister becoming a trapper not soon after, but neither had any plans to stop training together. Eventually their father succumbed to an illness, and Zephyr advanced to become the Claw of the Crown in his place.

20-25 moons: But one day, when the two were out on a hunting trip together with a small handful of claws, what was not allowed to happen happened and a pair of foxes attacked. Zephyr fled, urging the others to follow her lead, but when one of the other claws tripped and a fox lunged at them, Saturn didn't hesitate to turn right back. [Beefed up Tier 1] The battle was bloody, but Saturn managed to kill the beast, saving the other cat's life in the process. But the other fox had caught up with the rest of the patrol, and as a wounded but victorious Saturn returned to their base, she was met with the news that her sister had not made it out of that fight alive.

Currently: Saturn has had time to settle into her new role, eagerly training the claws and initiates, even insisting that Keepers have proper self-defence training and battle training specialized for protecting kits, and often talking with the Trapper's to come up with new ways to fights off and defend against predators. Her fighting moves tend to be rather creative, which is often scoffed at by the older cats who learned the traditional ways of fighting, but it has inspired many of the younger cats to try to come up with moves of their own and train a lot more actively.

only basic backstory here, nothing as fancy

After scrolling a bit, you come across a different-looking page... ooh, fan works? Interesting.

Night sky - Saturn's poem
In the late dusk's embrace, beneath a sky ever vast
a lean silhouette, thin shadows casts
A seeker's heart with spirit free
Finding her peace by the moonlit sea.

And in banter or debates, she finds her play,
craving the company, bring it what may;
her mask of indifference, a shield she wears,
hides a heart that deeply cares.

But under these starlit skies, in the quiet of night,
is sometimes revealed in softest light
conversations deep, when defences fall,
a glimpse of a Saturn, the truest of all.

And a hopeless romantic, in the moon's gentle beam,
A heart whispers tales of a nearly unattainable dream.
Once uncertain of who she could be,
she now dreams of no longer sitting alone by the sea

She's named after that planet, in a mother’s tale,
a namesake she isn't planning to fail.
So loyal to her core, to her home she stays true,
and in that promise, her strength she can renew.

Fast and agile, in a dance of might,
she had to fight hard, to earn her light.
But now her leadership strong, and with words she leads,
aiming high to fulfil her home's needs.

Still, whatever anyone may try
her home will always also be in the dusklit sky,
where she is free to soar
- a cat of the stars, forevermore.

It felt like the stars themselves were staring daggers into Saturn's back as she followed the others. Drilling holes into the calm mask that had been plastered over her face ever since she understood she was to become the next Claw of the Crown. Were they mad at her, the spirits and their stars? Enraged by the fact that she hadn't been able to save Zephyr alongside the rest. Like she had killed a fox stardammit! Saved a Claw she wasn't close with but let her sister, the Claw of the goddam Crown at that, die not far from them?

Now she walked behind the Crown, following them, scaling the peak stride by stride with the rising full moon. It felt like its pale countenance was judging her too. Because she had been up here once before already, and no cat wanted to make this journey more than once. You would come here once when you accompanied the soon-to-be Crown, and then hopefully they wouldn't die so soon that they could be asked to come here again.

She heaved herself up over the last bit, before straightening her back and letting her fur smoothen out. Ok, Spirits... She had been up here with Zephyr when they got the rank and watched her sister's shoulder be slashed. Immediately something in Saturn screamed at her to step forward, block it, defend her sibling, but of course, she hadn't. 'The same way you didn't when that fox was there?'
The night that Staurn had been forced to sleep in their nest alone had been excruciating. Now she would never get to curl up next to her sister again.

"Are you ready?" The voice of her Crown snapped her back and she gave a nod. "Always have been."

Claws flashed in the cold moonlight, cutting over her left shoulder. No flinching. She had decided the moment they started the journey up here that she wouldn't. The usual words and vows of the ceremony were exchanged, and the wound would be left bleeding and untended to, free for anyone to smell during the rest of the night out in here all alone. Well, time to face whatever and whoever wanted to meet her claws tonight. Zephyr had never talked about the night she had spent alone nor if anything had tried to attack her. But Saturn was prepared. She'd killed a fox, she could fight off another one if need be.

There are also other people talking about the product on different forums, and you find out some new things about Saturn based on what they mention there.


Fighting style: Fast-paced and creative. Saturn is a very agile cat and quick on her paws, but not as large or strong as most of her peers, so she prefers to rely on her claws when she is able instead of trying to overpower her opponent. Her jaws are fairly strong, so she also bites sometimes but generally dislikes having to get her head so close to the enemy. When she is able to do so, she also likes getting creative with her moves and tactics, often trying a lot of new things if it's a sparring session. She often rolls, hops, and twists about, and can be hard to pin during a fight.
  • Keeping low and moving quickly around until the opponent tries to swipe after you, then bite their lower leg and jerk to try and break/dislocate it - can be trained but not used during a sparr, generally better for opponents who might come back like predators and would be easier to fight if they're disabled
  • Doing a seemingly large leap towards your opponent with your claws out and teeth bared, mimicking a regular lunging attack, but at the last moment bring down your front paws to turn, kick or scratch with your hindlegs, and able to quickly get out of reach again - relies on tricking your opponent so only usable once or so
  • When your opponent leaps at you, duck under them and try to bump them from underneath - you will likely get a scratch or two, but also have a chance to bruise and topple over your opponent (and then jump at them, pin them, etc)
  • Many rapid attacks with both frontpaws. It likely won't do a lot of damage unless you manage to claw the eyes but can be painful and likely force your opponent to raise their paws to defend themselves, leaving their belly more open
  • If something dangerous and tough needs to be taken down, like a large predator, the claws can be coated in blood, mud, poison, or the like to hopefully cause the wounds to become infected and take out the beast easier
  • Slaming both your paws together, aiming slightly behind your enemy's skull to hit them perfectly if the take a step back, or slam your paws down if they duck
Hunting style: She is very agile and easily able to snake through the undergrowth after prey or catch birds out of the air because of that. Sometimes when she has a lot of time to kill but not a lot of energy she will hide on low-hanging branches to drop down when good game gets close enough under her. She also started learning to paw fish out of the rivers and such, and though it was an acquired taste, she kinda likes it now, but doesn't fish often since few of the other family members like it so it's not really worth it.

Leadership: Saturn has always been an active cat and is very involved in the day-to-day life of the Altari. She doesn't want to micromanage anything, but likes being on top of things and updated on what has happened. Though not physically as domineering as some of her peers, Saturn is assertive through her words, and quick to take a stance on potential issues within the Atari, often handling them before they really become issues by frequently seeking out the opinions of her family members and taking great care not to let bad feelings fester.

It's also mentioned that the developer is planning to make Saturn a part of the Riverclan-project in the near future, a bit after the Atari project is finished.


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Old June 7th, 2024, 11:48 PM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]




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Old June 8th, 2024, 12:05 AM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]

Name: --- (Shiira)
Gender: Female, She/Her
Rank: Claw
Appearance: dark grey tabby; orange eyes

Name: Anima
Gender: Male, he/him
Rank: Trapper
Appearance: grey fur; green eyes

Name: Mud (time for the fun silly character)
Gender: Male, he/him
Rank: Young
Appreance: Brown fur; hazel-orange heterochromia

(Half of these characters Minku thought of on the spot)
My characters are not me. Don't confuse my character's thoughts and personality with my own
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Last edited by Minkuu; June 17th, 2024 at 12:59 AM. Reason: Shiira definitely wants to be crown but Minku says otherwise
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Old June 8th, 2024, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]

Rank- trapper
appearance- a dark blue cat with darker cape markings

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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Old June 8th, 2024, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]


Applying for: Claw
Gender: Male
Age: 53 moons
Description for allegiances: Large white and beige tom with green eyes and a large jaw

Detailed description:

Caesar is a large tom with white and beige fur, green eyes and a large jaw. One thing to know about him is that he’s a cat of few words, he’d rather say something in two words than ten, because he much prefers listening…and fighting. Because he’s better at listening, he picks up the finer details and inconsistencies, so he can tell when someone’s lying to him. He's fiercely loyal to the Crown and would gladly give his life if they asked him to, he respects and loves the Atari members, and would have a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy, however to those who are not members of the Atari, he’s what haunts their dreams. If another cat disrespected the Crown, Caesar would gladly take that cat’s head off, he's known for having a fiery temper and for being ruthless. Not the kind of cat you want to mess with. He can also be rather cunning, of course never with the Atari but to non-members, he’s not above deceit and lying to get his way.

One thing to know about Caesar is that because of his large stature and brutish nature, he can be quite intimidating to any non-Atari cat unfortunate enough to cross his path. He likes to lean over cats he’s giving instructions to mainly as an intimidation tactic as he knows that if they’re afraid of him, they’re more likely to do what he says than turn it down. This would be backed up by his reputation, a cat who can be smart and cunning when he needs to be, but violent and merciless to enemies. He's definitely killed a few cats in his time.

[If you couldn’t tell, he’s based on a few characters from the Godfather!]
Duskleaf is currently RiverClan's Head Lionheart. If you need him at all, feel free to ping or message me! My other cats are here if you need them!

Art by @/Willowfern!

Last edited by Seamrog; June 22nd, 2024 at 08:08 PM. Reason: Fixing a few of the problems
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Old June 9th, 2024, 03:49 AM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]


Name - Holly
Age -36 moons
Gender - female (she/her)
Rank wanted - healer(don't care about thinking about other ranks today)
Eye color -green
Pelt - pure black
Scars - none
Size - normal
Family - star, ash
Fighting 2/10
Hunting 3/10
Healing/herbs 10/10
Loyalty 10/10

Name - Star
Age - 12 moons
Gender - female
Rank request - claw
Eye color - blue
Pelt - dark grey with white speckles
Scars - thin over nose bridge, long on right side.
Size - abnormally large
Family - Holly, ash
Stats -
Fighting 10/10
Hunting 7/10
Healing/herbs 1/10
Loyalty 8/10

Name - ash
¨Dont pretend the past never happened, Lionblaze. Its like my shadow. Always following me¨ Hollyleaf in The Last Hope
Mangroveheart is Rootclan's medicine cat! Find her here!https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...33#post1593933
VM me to become a BeAn.

PINTO BEAN has been captured...

Last edited by Hollyheart of thunder; June 9th, 2024 at 04:26 AM.
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Old June 9th, 2024, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]

Leaf-beetle - Keeper

30 moons
Purrks ; Silk spinner,


A black she that turns brown in the sunlight. Hidden bengal markings become more visible in the sun as well. Her fur looks like it has glitter in it (glitter gene). Short muzzle with a two fangs that stick out at the top. Rounded ears. Bobbed tail. Round body. Short-furred. Yellow eyes. Tiny lady. Based off of a leaf-beetle spider (sassacus)

A loving she with a habit of being overbearing. She takes into consideration of others feelings and has high empathy. A patient she-cat, of course she needs it with the kits. Very gentle too. Leaf-beetle is very affectionate and takes great care into making sure everyone around her feels loved and appreciated.

Leaf-beetle's little spider themed family

@Desert Rain Frog {Her mate Wolf-spider}

@Spider-in-the-corner (kit - Recluse) ; @Dolomedes (kit) ; @Tallstar (kit - Wooly)


Last edited by CollapsingStars; June 10th, 2024 at 07:06 AM.
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Old June 9th, 2024, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: The Atari [Outsider Group for RiverClan Plot!]

Kit 1

NAme- recluse (if the name is accepted)

Looks- Recluse has medium furred down cat with a lighter underbelly and paws,a darker back, and face markings that look like false eyes

Gender- male he/him

personality- Recluse is the oldest of the litter and is head strong and protective of his siblings he likes to play fight and is quite rough he might very well become a claw when he reaches the proper age

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)

Last edited by Spider.; June 24th, 2024 at 11:29 PM.
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