Larkswoop’s eyes narrowed and her shoulder fur bristled, but she said nothing. Getting to her paws, she stormed out of the den with a single lash of her tail.
If Bumblestar wanted to be pissed about it, fine. That wasn’t her problem. The warrior padded away, ears flat against her head.
Sootstorm is a ShadowClan Warrior. If she is needed, feel free to mention me!
Sootstorm is open to teaching apprentices ambush training! ShadowClan Apprentice Training
Kestrelpaw was bored. And obviously, boredome equaled doing something. Like pulling pranks. On your leader. But the five-moon-old apprentice was too bored (her brain could not come up with anything) to think up a good prank, so obviously, duh, all she did was (make sure Mountaintalon wasn't looking) and then plopped down right in front of Bumblestar's den entrance like a glorified carpet, staring into the darkness. This was a prank, right? Bumblestar would totally not smell her and trip over her, haha! (Kestrelpaw wasn't even sure if the scarred leader was even in her den).
Wolfhive had been wearing himself thin, and he was acutely aware of this as he grabbed Fallingpaw's squirrel from the prey pile 'n headed into the den he shared with Bumba. It was late and he was tired, looking forward to mandatory snug time when his 'ma got back from whatever she was doing.
What he hadn't been looking forward to, nor expecting, was something to catch his paws while he walked. A combination of limited senses, not paying attention, and sure exhaustion had made Kestrelpaw practically invisible to his radar. He found himself falling forward, the brunt of his body hitting the ground beside Kestrelpaw though she wouldn't have escaped his flailing legs. "What the hell!" Ow! That hurt! What did he even trip on???
His fallen squirrel was forgotten. In the dull lighting, he could faintly make out a shape -- and as his mind processed what happened, the scent. "Kestrelpaw! Are you alright??" His first impression - a cat lying on the ground randomly? Something was wrong. He couldn't see anything wrong - there was no blood as far as he could tell in the moment - but.. that didn't mean something wasn't.
Kestrel was never up to any good and Wrenpaw knew it. This time was the only time she didn't follow her demon sister into the location she found herself into. It was trouble, utter and terrible trouble when Wrenpaw watched from afar as he walked in after. Why was he near Kestrelpaw. It made anger rise in the shecat as they swiftly stood up and entered the den. Only to see the mess that unfolded within. He dared ask if she was okay?! Wrenpaw grumbles quiely before speaking up. "She is fine, no thanks to you.... Let's go Kes, you had your (stupid) fun. Dad will be hearing about this..." Wrenpaw spoke, words filled to brim with faint bitterness. Yeah, Dad would hear about this. He would hear about how he managed to trip over Kestrel and possible hurt her.
long-furred, scarred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
active purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps she/her | thunderclan medicine cat | 20 moons
Either it was just her, or her aunt looked… tense. She couldn’t quite put it on the tip of her tongue, but she swore that she saw something was going on in the leader’s mind. What was she hiding? What did she want to say? Puzzlement marched around in Springlight’s brain, almost pushing itself against her skull as she curiously made her way towards the leader after she shuffled to the side, placing herself next to her as she curiously looked up towards the leader. She was a tad bit shorter than the cream-and-brown tabby, and she knew full well that she didn't bear a look of imitation in the slightest in comparison to the stronger, broad-shouldered molly. It occurred to her that it… had been a while since they had something like this; a moment of just sitting together and talking. They had always been drowned out by their duties to make ways of bothering to spend some quality time with one another. Time together as aunt and niece. Don't get her wrong, she liked her position as a medicine cat. It gave her a sense of purpose. But it had times when she couldn't give herself a moment to rest and think about the things that she had missed.
So, quietly, she waited. She waited for the words that had been yearning to escape her leader’s jaws. Her tail tip twitched every so often as she watched her aunt formulate the words she wanted to yield, finding her moment of curiosity drown itself out as her ears swiveled forward, tracking each word that escaped her leader’s lips. Her once glistening curiosity died and faded down to a low spark of a dying flame, finding herself almost unable to answer in every possible way. It had been a little bit ago since she had been sick, she hadn't been certain of what it was, but it was gradually just a fever that was easily cured by some borage and snippets of honey, and she had easily remembered Mudhound’s concern for the youngest medic. They weren't the first to note her overworking nature. Her mentor noticed, her clan-mates noticed, hell, she would be certain that Bumblestar even noticed as well. She worked until her muscles burned from exhilaration. Until she felt the adrenaline escape her core and it faded out of herself. She had it drilled into her head that she wouldn't allow failure to grow to get the best of her, no matter the cost. So hearing Bumblestar question the insecurities that had been locked away from the furthest pits of her mind only to be awakened again, made her legs almost tremble beneath themselves.
“To… be honest… Bumbles,” she started, allowing herself to seize a deep breath through her nostrils as she stared ahead towards the lichen-like curtain in front of her aunt’s den. “The fear… of failure… has been… something… I haven't… been trying… to let… myself feel… pressured… by… for… the entire time… that I… have been… serving my… clan… and learning… experiencing… healing… doing everything in… my path… to… be better… than my… predecessors… to not… repeat their… mistakes… and become… one that… failed to… make a… change of… direction… for the… clan… even if… that meant… working myself… to the… damn bone… to prove… it… that I… am not… like my… predecessors… and… will not… repeat… their mistakes.” Despite her frequent pausing and stuttering, her tone held strong while she expressed herself, turning to look up towards her aunt as she spoke to break away from glancing towards the lichen covers of her den. It wasn't her fault that her vocal cords turned out like this, and half of the time, she almost ignored the pain that grasped her throat every time she spoke and just went about her day.
She adored her role as medicine cat, probably far better than any of her predecessors had. She wasn't far certain of what Cinderpaw was like, or even Sundust, whoever he was. She didn't know any of them, but she knew fairly that she wasn't going to allow herself to fall the crippling path of failure and fall into an abyss of disappointment. It had been drilled into her head that she wouldn't end up like her, no matter the costs. “As for… Cinderpaw… to be… honest… I didn't… even know… her at all… or Sundust… whatsoever… I had been… young… at least… seven moons… a moon before… I became… medicine cat apprentice… I think… but hearing… about the… fact that… she neglected… her own… duties… during the… day you… appointed me… and Drizzlecloud… I knew… deep down… I was… going to… make a… change in… history… I wasn’t… going to end… up like… the both… of them… but that… doesn’t mean… that in… reality… I do… sometimes… hold that… fear… it’s infective… like pests… and it’s… never usually… easy to… make it… go away… but I… pull through… anyways.”
Springlight had almost always been a cat to keep her interior troubles to herself, until when she had gotten herself down with that fever and spilled her troubles to Mudhound, who helped her by easing down her troubling emotions and offering her an owl feather in return. When may they have that feather anyway? Her alluring curiosity aside, she shook her head as she brushed a snow-white paw against the log beneath herself, impending into the hard bark. The trembling thoughts that enveloped her didn't feel as bad as they would have if she were just a young apprentice. It made her stomach roll as her whiskers twitched, barely brushing past the bark stained among the log den’s walls. “What… I am… trying to say… is… that I… don't usually… feel like… that all… the time… but… sometimes… I do… and it… doesn't feel… like I… can… do much… about it… until I… finally regain… my posture… again.” She rolled her shoulders to express herself more, hoping that her words didn’t come off as ridiculous. She would gladly go bury herself in the deepest parts of the territory if that were to be the case.
━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━ “You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy; you ain't strong or smart. You're alive.”
⊱ my carrd ◦ future roleplay tracker ◦ future character bio ⊰
━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
u know u wanna
Last edited by iliri; June 29th, 2024 at 09:42 AM.
Wolfhive had been wearing himself thin, and he was acutely aware of this as he grabbed Fallingpaw's squirrel from the prey pile 'n headed into the den he shared with Bumba. It was late and he was tired, looking forward to mandatory snug time when his 'ma got back from whatever she was doing.
What he hadn't been looking forward to, nor expecting, was something to catch his paws while he walked. A combination of limited senses, not paying attention, and sure exhaustion had made Kestrelpaw practically invisible to his radar. He found himself falling forward, the brunt of his body hitting the ground beside Kestrelpaw though she wouldn't have escaped his flailing legs. "What the hell!" Ow! That hurt! What did he even trip on???
His fallen squirrel was forgotten. In the dull lighting, he could faintly make out a shape -- and as his mind processed what happened, the scent. "Kestrelpaw! Are you alright??" His first impression - a cat lying on the ground randomly? Something was wrong. He couldn't see anything wrong - there was no blood as far as he could tell in the moment - but.. that didn't mean something wasn't.
Kestrel was never up to any good and Wrenpaw knew it. This time was the only time she didn't follow her demon sister into the location she found herself into. It was trouble, utter and terrible trouble when Wrenpaw watched from afar as he walked in after. Why was he near Kestrelpaw. It made anger rise in the shecat as they swiftly stood up and entered the den. Only to see the mess that unfolded within. He dared ask if she was okay?! Wrenpaw grumbles quiely before speaking up. "She is fine, no thanks to you.... Let's go Kes, you had your (stupid) fun. Dad will be hearing about this..." Wrenpaw spoke, words filled to brim with faint bitterness. Yeah, Dad would hear about this. He would hear about how he managed to trip over Kestrel and possible hurt her.
Oh. Oh. Noooooooooooooo, Kestrelpaw's super duper cool awesome really thought out plan had gone wrong!!! She wanted to mope and never get up again. That was, until Kestrelpaw realized who she'd tripped, and she felt oddly guilty (no, bad kestrel, don't feel guilty for Papa-haters! or... hated-by-Papa-ers!) and giddy at the same time. Aha! Take that, Wolfbee! Lifting her head up - yes, her face had been flat on the floor for some reason - with a triumphant smile on her face, the tan molly had just been about to blow Wolfbuzzard a raspberry (because duh! she was awesome and there was nooooo way Wolfhornet was hurting her) when she heard another voice speak up. Wha...
"WRENPAW!??!?!!" Kestrelpaw asked as she shot to her paws and swiveled so fast she nearly tripped over her own bushy tail. "Wrenpaw, you're back! You're back for my six moon birthday, I knew it! I mean... our birthday... my birthday... ew, Shrikepaw's birthday... you're back! DAAAD!!!" Kestrelpaw shrieked as she scampered out of the den without looking back.
Larkswoop called in a greeting to Bumblestar before crouching and slinking into the gloomy den the best that she could. The mottled light-brown-and-white ThunderClanner had grown since she had returned about a couple of moons ago.
"Bumblestar, if I may, I would like to speak with you," She began with a wave of her plumed, feathery tail. "After Silverpaw's accident, I went to the medicine den to check on him and see how he was doing. I do not know if Springlight - or Wolfhive, as he was there, too - has told you or not, but Silverpaw is going to lose a leg."
Larkswoop looked at her paws for a moment before turning her gaze back up to the tabby leader. "I know how it feels to have to fight on three legs ever since I broke my hind leg at Haggard Ruins that day. I was wondering - with your permission, of course - if I could go back to being Silverpaw's mentor and teach him how to fight on three legs."
The warrior flicked an ear, green gaze determined. "Bumblestar, I want to see Silverpaw become a warrior. His accident wasnt his fault, and I dont want to see him become depressed and feel like he isnt good enough. Silverpaw has the potential. He may be injured, but he has the potential to be a ThunderClan warrior, even on three legs! I want him to feel like he can hunt and fight for his Clan, like he can give up his life for his Clan, if needed. I want to see Silverpaw succeed."
[ she's very persistent lol. ]
Sootstorm is a ShadowClan Warrior. If she is needed, feel free to mention me!
Sootstorm is open to teaching apprentices ambush training! ShadowClan Apprentice Training
Larkswoop called in a greeting to Bumblestar before crouching and slinking into the gloomy den the best that she could. The mottled light-brown-and-white ThunderClanner had grown since she had returned about a couple of moons ago.
"Bumblestar, if I may, I would like to speak with you," She began with a wave of her plumed, feathery tail. "After Silverpaw's accident, I went to the medicine den to check on him and see how he was doing. I do not know if Springlight - or Wolfhive, as he was there, too - has told you or not, but Silverpaw is going to lose a leg."
Larkswoop looked at her paws for a moment before turning her gaze back up to the tabby leader. "I know how it feels to have to fight on three legs ever since I broke my hind leg at Haggard Ruins that day. I was wondering - with your permission, of course - if I could go back to being Silverpaw's mentor and teach him how to fight on three legs."
The warrior flicked an ear, green gaze determined. "Bumblestar, I want to see Silverpaw become a warrior. His accident wasnt his fault, and I dont want to see him become depressed and feel like he isnt good enough. Silverpaw has the potential. He may be injured, but he has the potential to be a ThunderClan warrior, even on three legs! I want him to feel like he can hunt and fight for his Clan, like he can give up his life for his Clan, if needed. I want to see Silverpaw succeed."
[ she's very persistent lol. ]
Bumblestar's ears twitched at Larkswoop's entry, and with a sigh, she pushed herself up into a sitting position to listen.
Losing a leg... ouch, definitely not something to be taken lightly. Right now, though, Bumblestar didn't really trust that Larkswoop was the right one for the job. "I'm sure Silverpaw would appreciate your sentiments. But if he's lost a leg, I'd rather pair him up with someone who's been dealing with the same permanent condition for much longer than you handled your broken leg." She wasn't even aware Larkswoop had even suffered such an injury.
"You're obviously welcome to speak with him 'n offer up your own training sessions, but I think he'd do better with Mudhound's help. That cat's been missing a leg for stars knows how long at this point, they'll have a better handle on it."
Larkswoop couldn’t hide the relief in her voice. “Thank you so much, Bumblestar. Silverpaw’s a good cat.”
Even if she wouldn’t be mentoring him again, Larkswoop was glad that Bumblestar was allowing her to help with his training.
Sootstorm is a ShadowClan Warrior. If she is needed, feel free to mention me!
Sootstorm is open to teaching apprentices ambush training! ShadowClan Apprentice Training