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Old May 18th, 2024, 11:56 AM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]

| 9 Moons | ShadowClan Apprentice | Female, She/Her | Purrks:
Kitty Soft Paws, Heightened Perception [smell]
[a small, fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes and an atrociously fluffy tail]

She hadn't been expecting that rough of a response, and she could feel her self-esteem drop like a rock. She tried responding, but she found herself mumbling something completely inaudibly. The cat was right; she shouldn't be uselessly going around asking random cats, she should go do something useful. She felt like a bobbling blob, and that she was starting to melt into a puddle of worry and anxiety and a billion other things. She shook herself. She wasn't gonna be very useful as a puddle, was she now? 'Get yourself together! Kits, queens, elders - they need the most help, so GO HELP THEM!' She scolded herself. She then hesitated. Maybe they didn't need her help, maybe they all already had a cat to guide them. But then she was being useless. And now she was arguing with herself and going back and forth and stuff was taking too long- 'Stop GAWKING and SQUABBLING and DO SOMETHING!' Now she was practically screaming at herself, she didn't know why, and it didn't exactly make her feel any better. She cantered off to the Nursery, she thought kits needed the most help, since elders have lived for what seems like millennia and should know more about life than kits, and queens were also more capable than them.
Yes, good thinking, Willowpaw.
She ducked her head through the ferns and into the cave that served as the Nursery. "A-Any kits n-need help?" She called, which came out much quieter than she would've liked. She began wondering what she'd do if she had to guide a kit. She wasn't sure, so she left it up to future Willowpaw.
By now she had a feeling future Willowpaw wasn't a big fan of her.

[Open to any kits who need help evacuating!]

[@/Morrigan - Quietpaw]

"We cannot change our destiny. We just have to have the courage to know what it is, and accept it."


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Old May 18th, 2024, 11:56 AM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* ˚Duskpaw of Shadowclan | 7 moons | Purrks: n/a | Training Tracker˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

huhh? What was going on? The territory is being destroyed? NOOOO! "Papa Cougar!! Do you need help with carrying my siblings? Or should I go help Auntie Larky and Mossy?"

- @JackHunt_17

velli was here with lots of spray paint
marshall snuck around
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Old May 18th, 2024, 12:10 PM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]

(header by @/marigoldwhisper!)

11 moons || ShadowClan || 56/100

Gracklepaw's blue eyes widened at the announcement. No. They were leaving. Would they be forced to leave camp too? What about the borders? Those No Furs. Always messing around where they shouldn't be. How did some of his siblings live like that? Cooped up with those monsters. How did kitty pets receive their touches and pets? Did they know what these No Furs did to the land outside their dens and cities? They should stay back in those stone cold cities. That's where they belonged.

Lucky for Gracklepaw, he'd seen these tree eaters before, and dirt scoopers and aaaaaall the other monsters that No Furs used as pets. They were weird and destructive. He wasn't scared of them, but he'd seen the effects firsthand.

His heart sank at the thought of leaving this beloved territory, but he knew he shouldnt let it get to him. He shouldn't get upset like many of the other cats. Or at least, he wouldn't show it visibly. He was used to moving. He was used to wandering aimlessly. He was used to moving around. The shift in environment wouldn't effect him much. The tom had experienced it repeatedly back when he was a loner. His ears twitched as he thought back to the time.

Now is not the time to get lost in thought. He had to focus on the present and what Dawnstar needed and right now they needed all hands on deck. The tom spoke up, getting closer to Dawnstar. "I can help with whatever needs to get done, ma'am!" He called, keeping up a cheerful smile.

. . .


quick reminder that my characters do not represent my own thoughts and feelings! your characters are all absolute joys to read and roleplay with!

Bearsnout is a RiverClan Lionheart! If you need him, mention me! He is always open to doing any training with apprentices!

los gatos de chickadee & chickadee's auction birdhouse! !

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Old May 18th, 2024, 01:02 PM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]

His mate came crashing into camp, clearly injured, and Slytiger's gaze darkened. He was going to kill whoe- oh... or not. As much as he wanted to, he didn't think he could take on a twoleg monster. Or twolegs in general. Ugh. There was no time to think about it as Dawnstar called for the immediate evacuation of camp. Slytiger was on his paws in an instant, his usual lighthearted demeanor gone. He knew when to be serious.

Slytiger wove his way through the cats with a purpose, spotting Gracklepaw near his mate [ @Undertaker ]. With his apprentice accounted for, the only other cat he was immediately worried about was Fogpaw. He'd go check the apprentices den in a second, but first he had to snap at everyone crowding around his mate. At least Quietpaw had gotten some of them moving. He wasn't sure where the Enforcers or Mistlewhisker were, but there wasn't time to wait for one of them to give orders.

"Everyone, calm the hell down and keep your heads on your shoulders. Evacuating camp doesn't mean run around like you've lost your head or sitting around waiting for orders. Dawnstar is injured and it should be obvious that we need to gather those who can't make it out themselves and help. Gracklepaw [ @chickadee ], go to Nightshiver and see if she needs any help with the kits. Keep an eye out for any who seemed lost on your way. Sleepypaw [ @Estelle ] and Pigeonpaw [ @Luminous ], grab whatever is on the freshkill pile. If it doesn't take both of you to carry it, then check in with Nightshiver. I'm going to make sure all of the apprentices are out of their den."

With his orders given Slytiger stalked off to the apprentices den, sticking his head inside and letting out a loud yowl to wake anyone up who was still asleep. "APPRENTICES! We're evacuating camp because twolegs are destroying trees in the Icy Heartlands. Get out of here and go see who needs help. Focus on the kits, queens, and injured. And for the star's sake, don't bother Dawnstar!" He ducked back out once he had finished speaking to watch as apprentices exited, hoping that Fogpaw would be among them.

[Mentioning all the apprentices who haven't posted yet! They don't have to be in the den, Tiger is just checking to make sure everyone gets out.] @cloudedheavens @glitch @dino. @Rowan @Hound @Epiales @silver. @lys.luvbot @Spider-in-the-corner @redshiftreign @Starphobia @SeonghwasBunnyEars @zBlaze @Poprock @SuspiciousMindz @wolfie @Mica @taillow @furrensic @FruitBatz @vellichor @ChaosBringer. @iliri @Streamtail @sylvia26 @Ladiebugg @Fish @MangofDoom @JackHunt_17 @Omari @MockingRabbit
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Old May 18th, 2024, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]

he/him // 7 moons


Moving? They were moving? The first thing that Bitternpaw can think of are his siblings. Where were they? They needed to stick together, needed to stay together. Weaving amongst clan mates, he's searching anxiously for both Silverpaw and Leapingpaw, not seeing either of them. He's about to start calling out when he hears a call of his own name. Head snapping in the direction of the sound he spots Fenneldrop amongst the crowd. The kind molly that had showed him around the territory. Taught him to sneak and to hunt. She was looking for him? But why? Curious as to what she could possibly want from him he makes his way over toward the apprentice's den to stand beside her, head canted off to a side.

"I'm here." He mews quietly, eyes bleeding concern. "I'm looking for my siblings. Silverpaw and Leapingpaw. Would you help me find them? I need to find them."

His gaze turns to the entrance of the den next, taking a few steps forward to peer inside. Where where they? They had to be in camp still-- there was no way they would have slipped passed all the guards and Enforcers.

"Leapingpaw? Silverpaw? Are you in there? We need to stick together!"

Hopefully they would hear the panic in his voice if they were anywhere nearby. If he lost either of them in the move he... He doesn't know what he'll do.

fenneldrop | @alkaline // silverpaw | @glitch // leapingpaw | @Fish

" oh the places you'll go, little love of mine "
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gif of cloverhoney by @/ramen !
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Old May 18th, 2024, 01:11 PM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]


Cryingelk bounded out of the den instantly, looking around for anyone who needed help. They were evacuating? Twoleg monsters were attacking? The tom felt like dashing away and hiding, but he was in a clan now. He had to stand with them.


PLEASE KNOW THAT MY CHARACTERS HAVE VERY DIFFERENT VIEWS AND OPINIONS THAN ME!! And that they may think or act in ways you might not deem acceptable, but I do not think or act in these ways.

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Old May 18th, 2024, 01:12 PM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]

Amberfern was nearly startled DawnStar's abrupt entrance into camp. She didn't this think such a high-ranking cat would-. Amberfern's thought were cut off by DawnStar's announcement. The large she listened to the situation and It was one that needed to be taken seriously. Shadowclan was at risk of potentially losing their home and they needed to move as quickly as possible. "RainPaw!" She called her apprentice to her side, "I want to to go and help gather supplies, I'm going to aid the elders in getting out." With a sigh the dark & orange bounded to Elders den.

Last edited by Warriorsfan9054.1; May 18th, 2024 at 01:15 PM.
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Old May 18th, 2024, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]

7 moons || ShadowClan ||

Kestralpaw looked up from his spot in the sun, his eyes wide with shock as Dawnstar crashed into camp,
her announcement echoing across the clearing. He took in the sight of his leader, dirty and covered in
wounds. Twolegs were attacking? Had they attacked Dawnstar? that didn’t make sense. Sure, Twolegs
were big and made senseless loud noises, but why were they trying to take over the Icy Heartlands?
Didn't they have enough land already? What did they want with ShadowClan territory? Kestrelpaw
shook his head deciding to stop that line of thought early. he should probably to do something to help…
oh yeah the kits and queens! He should help them. got to his paws and began quickly walking to the nursery.


Last edited by Hound; May 18th, 2024 at 01:21 PM.
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Old May 18th, 2024, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]


The new guard padded over to the rest of her clan, her ears flattened against her head. Twolegs were attacking, huh? Stagskull walked all over the group of cats that kept growing, looking for stragglers or any kits or apprentices in need of assistance. Was this Starclan's doing? Most likely. Only a cat as powerful as Starclan could do this. 'Damn you, Starclan!' The molly curse in thought, her tail twitching angrily.

[Open] [ @Undertaker ] (Stagskull is here to help)

PLEASE KNOW THAT MY CHARACTERS HAVE VERY DIFFERENT VIEWS AND OPINIONS THAN ME!! And that they may think or act in ways you might not deem acceptable, but I do not think or act in these ways.

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A New Dawn

Last edited by ChaosBringer.; May 18th, 2024 at 01:17 PM.
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Old May 18th, 2024, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: It all falls down [SHC Event]

Female | Moons: 96 | Kin: ? | Purrks: ?

"Oh, no, dear,"

Mousefoot exchanged a small, dainty smile with Rookpaw. She had faintly heard the meeting. Moving... how would they do that? She didn't know if she could walk too far. Maybe it would be best for her to stay.

"Don't be distressed. Everything will be okay. Good things happen to good cats, this is just another step in your journey, Rookpaw."

Mousefoot's voice was raspy, but soothing all together. It was the raspy some cat might think of when the first bird starts the morning song. Or when you think of the word "old" in better context. Despite her moons, she was still going. If not strong, she was going just enough to keep herself alive.

Mousefoot was confident now that she would be able to go with her clanmates. If she couldn't make it, so be it! She would still try, if not to live the rest of her moons missing without guidance.

She directed her attention back to the apprentice, who she could see still looked not all there. Mousefoot offered Rookpaw to stay for a while, chat, relax... whatever would put them back at ease.

"It isn't too much, really. I'm fine with it. Being alone isn't ... all its cracked up to be."

She gloomily looked around the empty elders den. No cat but Mousefoot was there. She was ... it was really tough to admit for her ... the only elder.

************************************************** *************

@alec - Rookpaw
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