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Old June 11th, 2023, 01:21 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

They/He/It | Post Count: 40
Active Purrk: Master Scout.

Mumblepaw was basically walking the exact pawsteps as Gingerfrost, following swiftly and close to their father. Mumblepaw was only caught off guard by the large amount of cat there. Scents instantly raking bare claws across their nose. Mumblepaw held back a wince as they took in a huge breath accidentally as they stumbled behind the ginger tabby. Trying to catch up without slipping as the rain began to land on their pelt. He quickly walked up next to Gingerfrost. Big cats. Huge cats. A huge scarred tabby, that must be Dawnstar. No way it was Thrushstar.
The scent of Riverclan was helpful to comfort it was they stared at the other Commanders. A small cream cat. Thrushstar? That was Twilighstar, she was the super old, close to dying one right? Beansprout was just Beansprout. “Gingerfrost…you have Second-in-command friends?” the learner whispered towards their father. Green eyes making their way to the other one that was next to the ginger tom. ‘Papa has friends?? He has friends??? Do I get to whack them with my stick?’ The learner gave the other cat a questioning stare. Now departing from the platform. “Okay bye! Have fun being a Second-In-Command, nice to meet you Gingerfrost friend!” @valery @Estelle

Padding away from the rock, they tried to join the smaller groups of cats that had formed with The River Settlement joining this thing. The smells now extremely overwhelming as they winced with each small breath. “ow.” muttering this over and over again as they weaved through the crowd. With the sand being covered in the water and it soothed their nose overload as they looked down instead. Bumping into another cat, pulling its head up to meet the cat and apologize almost instantly. “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean too- I’m Mumblepaw of the River Settlement…. I apologize again for my misstep- my nose is just super overwhelmed- ” Rambling. Oh jeez- yeah this is how you totally make friends. This cat was in the middle of a discussion and with a bunch of cats as well.

@Poprock - Pebble And Mumble Meeting time!

✰ [ hunting kat and dark in leafí’s basement ] ✰

secrets you bury deep within the sand
like truth trapped in the night
the fears behind your eyes

✰ [ my carrd ] ✰
Old June 11th, 2023, 02:00 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

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Judging by the disgusting flavor of fish-scent, Alderstep could assume RiverClan had joined the gathering before he could even catch sight of the fishbreaths. He cast a side glance at the RiverClan deputy, breaking his trance (the sky looked interesting, or at least more appealing than all the cats below) to twitch his whiskers. So they were playing polite? Fine. Alderstep could do that. Not much more he could do, for he was still testing out the waters with Bumblestar. His only weakness was authority figures: they held him back from his true potential, or something like that. The russet tabby nodded back before affixing his gaze again to the clouds producing the bothersome rain.

His silence didn't last long, though. The ThunderClan deputy scowled down at some fish-cat child. His "friend?" Please. He'd rather become a kittypet than be associated as such with Gingerfrost. The tom rolled his eyes as the 'paw walked away. As discomforted as Alderstep was, he held his tongue from making sarcastic remarks. If he pretended hard enough, Gingerfrost wasn't even there. And if that didn't work, he could stare at the fellow ginger tabby and will him to fall off the rock and splat onto the sand below.

WindClan better hurry the hell up. Alderstep glanced up at Bumblestar, half-aware of her conversation with the other leaders. He then looked out at where he could pick out the figure of Springpaw. He stopped himself before he could begin looking for cats that didn't exist.

Rabbit would be laughing his whiskers off if he were here now. The thought made Alderstep huff out an annoyed breath. Sitting up here was embarrassing. The gatherings were all some stupid act, anyway. Nobody here actually thought they were all friends or something. The only use for this was to perhaps learn some weaknesses about the other clans if they were dumb enough to reveal that sort of information. Speaking of, Alderstep hoped above all hope no cat ran their mouth about the sinkhole under this hidden moon.

That counted as making a fool out of himself and thus constituted him burying the hypothetical canary under the sea's waves. Hypothetically, of course. Alderstep loved himself too much to risk Bumblestar's claws for making a fool out of her.

@Estelle @Solar ( @dino. @ares for his glances )
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Old June 11th, 2023, 03:33 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

• Cormorantpaw •
long-furred smoky-black mackerel tabby molly with bits of white; yellow eyes


A small, almost silenced, excited squeal escaped the young apprentice. This was her first gathering, and it was an exciting experience for her. The feel of the sand below her paws felt so nice, and the way that the water sounded beside the Seastones was surely a pleasant experience. Ooh, and how the cool rain felt against her long, thick fur. It had been extremely hot out lately, so the feeling of the rain felt like a nice, cool shower after working so hard at work. With an excited twitch of her whiskers, the RiverClan apprentice happily hopped to her side of the clearing, kicking up small amounts of dampened sand while she hopped, leaving rather messy paw-prints implanted in the sand. Mentally she apologized for in case the sand landed in anybody’s eyes [except maybe the stinking ShadowClan kitties, but who cares about them?] while she hopped. She then landed herself rather abruptly on her haunches, giggling a little as she grew herself comfortable in the spot. Maybe someone could go speak with her? Well, she would probably have to talk with one of the ShadowClan apprentices, but maybe it could be one of them who were closer in age with her? Who knows?


[OPEN, posts will be more longer, I promise]
Hey there.
Sorry, there isn't much, and there never will be much.
You can take a look around if you wish.
Just don't expect me to come back anytime soon.
Have a nice day, friend.

Last edited by iliri; June 11th, 2023 at 07:52 AM.
Old June 11th, 2023, 05:16 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

{Short, Feminine presenting, Tortoiseshell with amber eyes}


Listening to BumbleStar she followed along with her Clanmates, her amber eyes darting around as she tried to look for her friends, she knew DrizzleCloud more then likely would of taken SpringPaw to the gathering group of medicine cats to get herself acquainted so she left her to that. There was a particular Molly she was in search of, she knew the shecat would more than likely need some sense of safety considering ShadowClan made their arrival quite known. Spotting the fluffy queen, she rushed to her side quite quickly as she noticed the panicked state of her friend, as well as another Clanmate checking up on her. A soft but cool tone spoke over the fussing Clanmate, trying to allow DoveFluff ( @jupiter ) some breathing room. “Don’t fret SparrowFur ( @Roo_! ), she’s just a bit ruffled, I’ll keep an eye on her”. She smiled briefly before turning to her sisterly friend, whispering in a hushed tone to her. “I’ll be here Dove, just hide beside me if you feel overwhelmed okay? I won’t let them near a whisker of you”. She allowed her friend to lean into her for comfort, inspecting the surrounding areas somewhat anxiously. She too was trying to avoid a certain shadowclanner however the small nervous flutter in her heart said otherwise. MorningCall surveyed the area, shooting small glares at most of the other clans as they made passing comments or gave a sneer. The tensions between the clans had been rising of late, no one trusted each other. She personally had no issues about other clans but she was unsure about currently those in power for most of the clans, most of them sought for power for their own gain half the time, she hoped soon things would mellow out before a battle happens amongst the clans. The tortoiseshell feline sighed gently as she gently glanced at her best friend now and then incase she needed her support.


{ @Leafí , @ anyone else that is interested as she is open for convo }

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Last edited by TawnyNeedsACoffee; June 11th, 2023 at 05:22 AM.
Old June 11th, 2023, 05:28 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

Winterpaw had a look around at the area. Wow... then he realised how small he was compared to most of the other apprentices and walked right backwards into Morningcall.

"Ah! Sorry sorry sorry!" he said, jumping forwards in surprise, "I didn't know that you were there!" @TawnyNeedsACoffee
|| Hug me! || The dragonwind auction house! || StormClan REBOOT ||
Note I have ADHD and autism. I get easily overwhelmed, take a while to write long posts and I struggle to focus.
My cats' opinions are not mine. They are whatever they think.

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x ghostie gave da cats all da love <3
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Old June 11th, 2023, 05:54 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering



Silverpaw aproached Mumblepaw.
"Ohh, I cant believe I'm here!" he mewed in excitedment. This was his first Gathering, even if he wasn't really a new apprentice.
He looked around him. There were lots of smells.
How many cats! he thought, deciding to go and 'befriend' some apprentices from the other clans.
@Solar -Mumblepaw (Don't feel forced to reply, since Silver didn't talk too much to them )
@Silvershadow13 -Eveningpaw
"I have travelled so far and loved so much, and yet I am still following the Sun Trail, heading for my new hunting grounds"
-Gray Wing

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Last edited by Cinnamon~; June 11th, 2023 at 05:54 AM.
Old June 11th, 2023, 06:04 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

Nightgaze followed the rest of the clan into the clearing and sat down

Firestream slowly padded into the clearing and started grooming her fur

(Both) OPEN

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Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^
Old June 11th, 2023, 06:55 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

╔═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╗
Sootfur (he/him)
Thunderclan ❍ 22 moons
Light grey tabby with silvery-blue eyes
╚═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╝

Sootfur followed his clanmates with apprehension, staying behind the other Keepers and Bumblestar as they trekked through the forest to the Seastones. He walked up to Flameheart, still concerned for her physical shape as she had just had her first kit not much long ago. "Flameheart, dear, maybe one of us should've stayed behind with Sparrowkit... I don't feel safe knowing she's so far away from us." He gave finally voice to the thoughts that were tormenting him since his mate had decided to find another queen to wean the little she-cat. He knew it was her decision, but Sootfur wanted to spend with her daughter and her mate as much time as possible.

They were here.
Of course, Dawnstar and her minions had been the first ones to arrive.

»»————- ☀︎︎ ————-««

[ @SpiritedWarrior (No worries for the hiatus - just for view purposes if needed.) ]

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Old June 11th, 2023, 07:18 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

Originally Posted by dragonwind View Post
Winterpaw had a look around at the area. Wow... then he realised how small he was compared to most of the other apprentices and walked right backwards into Morningcall.

"Ah! Sorry sorry sorry!" he said, jumping forwards in surprise, "I didn't know that you were there!" @TawnyNeedsACoffee
Autumnpaw followed her brother. "This is exciting..." she whispered.
"Do you and Barley have kits?" - Bella

*awkward silence*

"Er... no." - Ravenpaw
Old June 11th, 2023, 07:58 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering



Falconpaw nervously padded along besides her clan mates as they walked into the gathering. She swung her head side to side, utterly amazed at the sheer number of cats around her. The scents of all the other clans swirled around her, and she struggled to breathe through the stench. Only the familiar scent of her clanmates helped Falconpaw keep a steady head through it all.

There are so many cats all around me, from so many different clans! I don’t know what to do… do I talk to anyone? Stay back with my clan? I don’t want to be disloyal but I’m so curious about how the other clans live!

After a moments hesitation, Falcons decided to sit at the outskirts of her clan mates. She still had them for comfort, but she could watch the other clan cats around her as they greeted each other. Maybe someone would come talk to her!


Last edited by Chrysanthemum; June 11th, 2023 at 07:59 AM.
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