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Old December 15th, 2020, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Lionblaze2008 View Post

"N-no" Said Snowkit taking in everything he saw.
" its pretty neat how everything is set up, ill tell you about any thing you want the best i can." leafpaw said " and theres nothing to be scared of," he said as they walked out of the nursery. ( lets keep going in the clearing)
Old December 15th, 2020, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

The freshkill pile was looking unusually thin, probably all the patrols that hadn't been showing up or something like that, so Wishpool was going to do something about it. Raising her voice a bit, she called Hey! Everyone sitting around doing nothing! Why don't we try and prevent what happened LAST leafbare from happening again and get some hunting done, huh? Maybe it was a little louder and more demanding than she had planned, but hey, someone had to get everyone moving. And it wasn't like Breezefeather and Twilightstar could deal with the whole freaking clan. And while she'd been a queen for a while, she wasn't useless, she had been a warrior for far to long to forget how to hunt. (Open for anyone who wants to go hunting)
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
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Old December 15th, 2020, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Xmas Bliss View Post

Seedheart didn't feel mopey, but if she said so she believed it. "Probably because I'm tired. I'm a guard and I do a lot of inspecting to make sure no one is hurt or in danger.", she responded. The newer warrior gave her friend a smile back and not one of those fake smiles either like most cats did when they were tired. Seedheart wasn't that kind of cat.
That sounded very important, more important than anything she had been doing for quite a long time in fact. Feeling a bit guilty, especially since her friend was so tired, Thornpaw offered quickly I can help if you want! I mean, I can't leave camp, but I can keep an eye on.......somewhere for a little bit. Although she wasn't exactly sure what that entailed, so it was fully possible she would fail miserably. Which was not what she was going for at all. Smiling back lightly, Thornpaw mewed That is......if you want me to.
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
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Old December 15th, 2020, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Breezerock

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Twilightstar leaped up onto the Breezerock with a soft yawn. The leader fluffed up her pelt as best she could against the cold, the wind was mild but bitter. It made her want to curl up in her den and never leave it again.
"Let all old enough to run the moor join beneath the Breezerock for a clan meeting." There was nothing particularly troubling beside the lack of patrols reported, that Twilightstar felt like yowling about.


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Last edited by Moonraven; December 15th, 2020 at 11:59 PM. Reason: updated mentions
Old December 15th, 2020, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Breezerock

Falconspirit raced to the Breezerock.
TC: Wobblestep, Lightningpaw, Sunnysky, Magnoliakit
ShC: Mumblekit
RC: Flintkit
WC: Frostedface, Weaselthorn, Ashkit
StC: Ravenpaw
Outsiders: Sammy, Cinderstripe

I'm open to rp any time! <3
I'm going through something hard right now, replies will be slow and possibly short.
Old December 15th, 2020, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Breezerock

Meeting meeting meeting! It was meeting time! Was she becoming a warrior? She sure hoped so! Lionpaw bounded over to sit near the front of the crowd, going as fast as she could to be one of the first ones there.

base credits go to Chuwigirls on DA!

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Old December 15th, 2020, 09:08 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Breezerock

-- [Open] --

Heronkit scrambled on their way over, their long legs carrying them far but nevertheless far enough. Why were they even attending? Halfway into the mass of cats that had begun gathering for this meeting, they just... turned around. Heronkit did not want to be with a whole lot of cats and if they were they didn't want to though so... back somewhere it was, unless someone stopped them.


Stagpaw scrambled out as fast as he could and then slid in the snowy ground again before trying his best to look organised. He wasn't organised. But one could pretend! Although he wasn't a very good pretender cause things tended to happen to him wherever he wanted it or not but like at least he was trying and putting in an effort ok? That was a lot more than other members.


The deputy had been trying his best to enjoy some of the few sunrays that managed to reach the Windclan clearing but at the call for the meeting he stood up, tried his best to puff up what little leafbare fur had managed to grow and made his way over. Breezefeather had never had much luck with remaining warm in the winter and usually preferred to sleep his way out of the colder months. Nevertheless, the older tom jumped up beside Twilightstar and took his seat further down the rock as was now normal. It was strange though.
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Old December 15th, 2020, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

// @UpperclassFailure

The bitter juices made their mouth taste... well, bitter. Their nose scrunched up involuntarily, and they almost missed Rockstone’s hoarse coughs. Yep. Definitely catmint. And a stay in quarantine corner. Most of the wounds were clean, so they spat the marigold onto their paw. "Okay. This is going to sting. But I promise it’s better than having an infection." With that, they gently spread the paste onto the wounds, trying their best to do it as gently as they could. After all, slapping marigold paste onto a wound wouldn’t help anything. It would make Rockstone in more pain, probably, and might get Snail demoted. Ouch. And also, it just. Wasn’t good. As they spread the cobwebs on the wounds, they kicked a catmint leaf toward the guardian. "Try and eat this. Should help with the cough. And... speaking of that, I don’t think you’ll be leaving for awhile. Between those wounds and the cough, and, well, you look tired. No offense. If you wanna sleep in this nest that’s alright, But i’m going to have to move you over there after awhile." the tabby had finished securing the webs and gestured to the farthest corner of the den. There were a few moss balls of water already, and, s
despite being far from the entrance, it seemed cozy. At least, to them.

there's courage in being terrified, but still going forward.

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Old December 15th, 2020, 09:44 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

-- @Moonraven --

What was Twiggy thinking? Stagpaw himself usually just blurted out whatever it was he was thinking so to him it was quite hard to understand why some preferred to like... not do that. Because at least then everyone knew how you felt and then you like couldn't step on someone's toes and all... because look! it was smart not to keep stepping on cat's toes because then you avoided making them mad and angry and therefore managed to preserve all the fur on your body! Stagpaw didn't wanna loose any of the fur on his body but... living with Twiggy kinda made that an impossible thing didn't it?

Then she begun sneezing and Stagpaw was unable to just sit there and watch and this his own nose pulled up and he begun sneezing as well. Was sneezing contagious? He didn't like sneezing but if it was contagious then he should probably stop Twiggy from sneezing or well... stop him from doing so she did it... but that too was ruining a lot of fun. So... maybe he wouldn't. Not at the expense of fun. Or what he classified as fun anyway.

"Can I not ask Starclan to stop it? Won't they like stop it if I ask nicely?" Surely Starclan would stop him from growing up if he asked nicely right? Because... it was RARE that he asked for something nicely and therefore it meat that it was a rare thing and therefore Starclan should follow his wishes because this was a rare case or at least Stagpaw meat that. "And NO! I don't wanna go up to the stars! It'll be lonely won't it? Like... without you and Mushy it'll be really lonely I think. So... I don't wanna go. If I go I want it to be with you and Mushy!"

And Twiggy continued on her tirade that he had to grow up and Stagpaw remained absolute and just shook his head, stuck his tongue out and replied, "No." He didn't wanna grow up and that meat that Twiggy couldn't do it to him... or could she? Would there be consequences if he refused to grow up? Could Twiggy like keep him out of the clan or something? Stagpaw didn't meat for that to happen... so probably not. He should be safe.

"And what else is there than a cool name? I just seeeeee responsibilities and no fun! I want to have fun! With you and Twiggy... but like when I have to grow up others will start expecting things of me and I can't be expected things off because I can't do all of those things! So.. I don't see anything good in growing up!" Maybe Twiggy could explain that to him?

[ @Moonraven @elysian @Rainquail ]

There was only one thing he could do at this moment and that was wait until he got a definitive answer. Such it seemed was the case with a lot of things but it was one of the things that life and experience did prepare you for. When you spend a lot of time waiting for answers and things to do you, you grow the patience you need to sit still and work through it and it was when Twilightstar started speaking that he perked his ears forward once again and made sure to listen intently.

He might be experienced but nothing could really prepare you for the changes that taking up the mantle of deputy to bring. It was all a lot of decisions that you'd never been confronted with and it was like bridging a gap between the clan politics that was more than just completing your duties but also understanding the warriors attitudes to these things.

The punishments she listed was good but he wasn't entirely sure they would be effective and although he didn't want to shine doubt on Twilightstar's judgement, he was not here to wrap things into pretty words and follow her every command without bringing some actions to question. It would make him a bad example and this was in private anyhow. If they could not discuss things reasonably here, then where could it be?

"I know you like to believe the best in our warriors but if they fail to report and fails to show up for their corrections what makes you believe that they'll actually show up for their punishment and then go through with it? I don't want to punish our clanmates harshly but I think with this constant failure there should be a harsh line drawn to make sure that they understand how important it is. I would suggest demoting them to an apprentice and have them tag onto a warrior's patrol and if they complete it they can become a warrior again. The patrol will show them how important and how easy it actually is to complete it."

He knew it may sound harsh but to hm it was the most reasonable action to take. It wasn't a long demotion, not by any means, and it was making sure that the warrior who led such patrol would have the authority to command them. "I know we hate demoting but I think we need to draw a line and make cats believe they can get off of doing patrols scotch free." It didn't work that way. It was simply unreasonable and after having dealt with some patrols lately he was just, this could not continue this way and expect Windclan to get out of leafbare well at the same time. Simply unreasonable.

Ok. The plan in regards to the fire drills sounded sound enough and although it wasn't like she needed his approval or anything to do any of this he still gave a nod of acknowledgement. "So the ones who go can then work with the ones who didn't go on how to adapt the strategies they'll potentially learn to the Windclan side of things as the forest and moors are different... this is a good choice. Do you want me to accompany the group that's going for the fire drills or would you prefer I stay back in camp during this time?"

In one way he wanted to go, but there was also still Shadowclan to deal with and he doubted if it was reported that either he or Twilightstar was out of camp for a longer period of time that Shadowclan wouldn't hesitate to strike. "I think he must have been a tolerable sort to have stayed that long as deputy, but I'll still tell patrols to watch out as is their nature."

The next comment though made his former question about if he was going for the fire drills or not invalid. Evacuations for the queens and the remainder of the clan. "Sounds good. I'll discuss it with some of the queens and warriors. They might have inputs that we do not and the queens always seems to be up for lending a paw to these things."

It was then that Snailswirl ran in and Breezefeather who'd been sitting comfortably on the ground, flared up, fur puffing up before he recognized who and what it was. The medicine cat apprentice had nearly scared his life out of him although he would clearly not admit to that. Moving a bit further away, giving Snailswirl and the following up Coldamber some more space he did the same thing, sat down and then waited for the cat to regain their breath before prompting, "Now what was it?"
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Old December 15th, 2020, 09:51 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Breezerock

Oh a meeting! Yay! Rainkit loved hearing about all the cool stuff the Clan was up to. However she rarely got to actually join the other cats because kits were apparently annoying to have running around during a meeting. The mean warriors that would squish her like a bug probably said that! Weaselskip said most of them where like that anyhow.

Wiggling around her Clanmates the little black kitten planted herself up front to see all the action. She could see all the ceremonies and hear all the cats. It was the perfect spot. Close enough that her little self didn't have to worry about being to small to see and it wasn't like she'd get kicked out if she was quiet enough. No one would see her! She'd be a little shadow.
Adopting out all my characters but these two beans:
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