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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Spider. View Post

[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch-Beefed up:2]

Rising looked at the hornet as they said they were okay he could hear the forced purr from redhawk rising felt sorry for the she cat whos never seemed to be the same after their paw was crushed rising wished he couldl fix it but he was no medicine cat as if that would help he let out a sigh responding to the slight question “yeah… you just seem so off.” he looked at the hornet the atmosphere around redhawk was heavy with sorrow the tom wanted to say something when redhawk spoke but stayed silent just listening till she was done talking after a moment of silence rising spoke glancing at redhawk “I know it must be tough but hey your a strong cat im sure you can get through it..” the tom was unsure if his words would do much he was unsure if anything could help the hornet rising warped his tail around his legs. “If you want we can go on a walk and maybe go hunt?” he asked with a slight smile on his face
@taillow - forgot the mention

she/they | thunderclan hornet | 35 moons
the collector, the ultimate predator, kitty softpaws
Strong cat? Redhawk blinked as surprise flickered across her features. No one had ever called her strong before - the hornet didn't really consider herself 'strong'. That was more reserved for cats like Bumblestar, or Spiderthroat. Wolfhive. They were all strong. She was just... well, not strong. But still though, hearing it from and outsider perspective was enough to had her maw curling into a smile. "...T-Thanks, Risingstorm. I ap-ppreciate t-that." It always felt so awkward taking compliments, but Red was learning to get better at it - stars knew Muddy gave her quite a few of them.

A hunt? Suddenly her smile faltered a bit and she recalled the failed patrol from earlier in the moon. "...I'm not all t-that good at h-hunting anym-more..." ...What would Gentledoe say if she could see her right now? Swallowing the nervous lump in her throat, Redhawk looked back up at Risingstorm with a slight flash of determination. "B-But I can t-try." Looking at the rest of her prey, the hornet picked up the uneaten morsal and dropped it back onto the prey pile before turning to face the other warrior with a smile. "...R-R-Ready to go."

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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by taillow View Post
she/they | thunderclan hornet | 35 moons
the collector, the ultimate predator, kitty softpaws
Strong cat? Redhawk blinked as surprise flickered across her features. No one had ever called her strong before - the hornet didn't really consider herself 'strong'. That was more reserved for cats like Bumblestar, or Spiderthroat. Wolfhive. They were all strong. She was just... well, not strong. But still though, hearing it from and outsider perspective was enough to had her maw curling into a smile. "...T-Thanks, Risingstorm. I ap-ppreciate t-that." It always felt so awkward taking compliments, but Red was learning to get better at it - stars knew Muddy gave her quite a few of them.

A hunt? Suddenly her smile faltered a bit and she recalled the failed patrol from earlier in the moon. "...I'm not all t-that good at h-hunting anym-more..." ...What would Gentledoe say if she could see her right now? Swallowing the nervous lump in her throat, Redhawk looked back up at Risingstorm with a slight flash of determination. "B-But I can t-try." Looking at the rest of her prey, the hornet picked up the uneaten morsal and dropped it back onto the prey pile before turning to face the other warrior with a smile. "...R-R-Ready to go."

[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch-Beefed up 3-shadow fiend ]

risingstorm gave a soft smile "Of course Redhawk" he sat up more straight he hadn't touched his prey but that was fine he could return it to the pile once he and Redhawk would set out if she was up to it "hey I'm sure it will be fine...I cant imagine the pain you are going through." he meowed looking at Redhawk saying she could try he nodded his head and returned the vole to the pile "Sure lets head out." he said keeping pace with the hornet

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Spider. View Post
wow oh wow this kid had a lot of energy it kinda reminded rising of how he was when we was young the time smiled "Yeah I was just made a warrior it took me a while but it can be hard at times but its very rewarding" the tom purred "Hey I'm sure you'll get to be a warrior soon as long as you work hard and don't get in trouble like me" he said playfully lifting his paw along with his words
"Wow. Hey, you think if I work really hard today, I can get it tomorrow??" Elkpaw blinked wide eyes at Risingstorm, practically vibrating in place - too much time spent in the medicine den meant FAR too much pent up energy. Never a good combination with Elkpaw.

He wiggled a little bit closer, as well as he could with his awkward ankle. "Hey, have you ever killed a snake before? Did I tell you about the time I killed a snake?? Can I tell you if I haven't already?"
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by dino. View Post
"Wow. Hey, you think if I work really hard today, I can get it tomorrow??" Elkpaw blinked wide eyes at Risingstorm, practically vibrating in place - too much time spent in the medicine den meant FAR too much pent up energy. Never a good combination with Elkpaw.

He wiggled a little bit closer, as well as he could with his awkward ankle. "Hey, have you ever killed a snake before? Did I tell you about the time I killed a snake?? Can I tell you if I haven't already?"

[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch-Beefed up 3-shadow fiend ]

he sat thinking "Probably not tomorrow but if you work hard enough I'm sure you can get it done in no time sprucejummper was a warrior by eight moons so I'm sure you can do it too" he smiled at the apprentice hoping his words could help then the apprentice asked about the snake thing "Hmm nope I never killed a snake but go ahead I'm glad to hear a story " he smile waiting for the apprentices story

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Female | 30 Moons | ThunderClan Warrior | Posts: 2
white fluffy she-cat with an orange circle in the center of her face, orange ears, paws, and a tail. her eyes are a bright green and she has floppy ears
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @Bonsai (sorry it’s short!)

She saw the cat’s little stump of a tail. Yeah…she could see the possible difficulty. “Good! I mean- you getting injured is not good. But now we can fall out of trees together! Kidding! hopefully… her fluffy orange tail dusted the ground as she swayed it back and forth.

“Hmm…trees…where are there good trees? Maybe around Willows Rise!” She offered, knowing of the various sized trees they could warm up on. A eager light shone in her eyes as she looked up slightly at the tom.

She was ready to lead the way for the tom, already facing camp entrance and fidgeted with her paws cause she was ready to go go Go!


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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Header by @/Dolomedes / Male / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a large scar shaved across the bottom half of his face that exposes several teeth

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?
~ Rosepaw, 16/100


Rosepaw was not completely sure where the urge to apologize had come from, but somewhere along the line, it came naturally. He obviously was not the best of apologies, and to make things worse, he hated having to give them and normally just threw the blame on the one who he had harmed, but it the end, the shame was the worst of all. Shame came worst when he left one of his faults unaccounted for, and whenever he caused some sort of issue and never apologized for it, this said, ‘shame’ would come back at him like moths to a light. Of course he had already apologized to Dawnkit twice before today, and although the first time had worked out just fine, the last clearly had not, and by the end of that interaction, the tortoiseshell she-Kit had been crying while he grumpily waddled away like an idiot. It was not a win for any of them, and instead, it was a two-way loss, leaving the both of them unsatisfied with the way the situation had unfolded. He wanted to finally finish their interaction by leaving it off at some sort of good note, and seeing as Dawnkit had been the first to approach this time, he saw this as his perfect chance. They had been avoiding one another for… what was it… about a week? A week and a half? Anyway, Rosepaw had been dodging interactions with Dawnkit ever since before his apprenticeship ceremony, barely catching a glance of her while passing her on his way to receive the title of his new mentor, Twilightforest. Now he was feeling extra motivated to finally speak with her, and that all rooted from the fact that she had expressed interest in coming to talk to him first. It was an odd feeling, to say the least.

Back when he had let her know that he was right behind her, rather than inside of the apprentices’ den, he paused to wait for a reaction. He noticed her slight flinch as she turned around, but raising an eyebrow, he did not mention it. He did not want to make their interaction with one another any more awkward than it needed to be, and commenting on such tiny details would definitely make everything worse. He forced himself to avoid thinking about possible changes in his appearance- now, if he kept up the athletic effort he was putting into his training now that he was an apprentice, he would certainly start picking up muscle in the near future, but for the time being, he was only just a tiny bit larger than he was as a kitten. To be fair, Rosekit had not exactly been small, but half of that was just messy fur, plus the emotional effect on the ginormous scar that slid across his face. He waited in silence for a moment, before beginning to speak. Dawnkit listened with focus and silence, but Rosepaw felt no need to thank her. Great, she was doing what was expected of somebody in a conversation, no need to praise her for not breaking the rules of sociability. Rosepaw explained his situation just a little bit, following his former denmate as she settled into a sitting position, leaning against the wall. He felt his eyebrow pinch. Well, at least she was comfortable, then. That meant she probably wasn’t here to blow up in anger or anything, as she was calm enough to take a seat. Rosepaw did not join her, and still feeling awkward, he kept on standing as he spoke.

Then while Rosepaw began to think, the tortoiseshell she-Kit began to speak. He looked up a little bit at the sound of her voice, perking his ears to listen to her. Firstly, she told him that they were going to have to talk about the nickname he had given her, before casually referring to him as, ‘Thorns.’ Rosepaw scoffed and rolled his eyes, before retorting, “I’ll call ya’ whatever I feel like, and obviously, seems like you’re plannin’ on doin’ the same. ‘S only fair, ain’t it?” Then he quieted to hear out whatever else Dawnkit and to explain to him. She, to his slight relief, told no, that he did not have to apologize, not at all. Rosepaw tilted his head, grumpily thinking, Well, a bit late to tell me now, but ey, she tried. When Dawnkit told him that she had actually come to say sorry herself, the russet and scarred apprentice felt his tense shoulders go limp, and he relaxed. Ah. Could be worse, then. He thought to himself. Then when the she-kit admitted aloud that this was difficult, Rosepaw just blinked, curiously. Well, it seemed she was experiencing his own pain now- not necessarily having a taste of her own medicine, because she had not forced him to apologize in the first place, but at least now she had a clear understanding about how stupidly complicated apologies were. Even still, Rosepaw kept on listening with a decently high level of patience, or at least, one higher than his usual (though when it came to Rosepaw’s patience, the bar was pretty low.) She apologized for yowling at him, promising that it was not how she was, and it had just hurt what he had told her. Rosepaw kept on staring, listening. He actually wanted to hear what all she had to say, somewhat for sled-improvement purposes.

Dawnkit told him that he had really been her only shot at making a friend, and he just had not understood, and at the sound of that, Rosepaw nodded curtly in semi-agreement. Well, that I already know. He wanted to say this out loud but fortunately for Dawnkit, he kept his mouth shut. She kept speaking, explaining how he had told her that she could do better than somebody like him, and although Rosepaw still agreed with that statement, he still stayed quiet. He wanted to give her at least some of the patience that she had given him during his own apology. He felt slightly surprised when Dawnkit told him that honestly, she had missed him, too, because when she told him that he was the most interesting cat around, she had not been lying. Rosepaw blinked again, eyebrows furrowing. I s’pose everybody’s got their own image of a friend, but like… dang. If I’m her best bet, then uh… oof. I’m sure she just hasn’t looked ‘round at everybody yet… ‘cause… I disagree. My personality’s a real issue sometimes, that I’m sure of. Sure, he was always motivated to do well, but at the same time, he kicked others out of his way simply to get to his own goals. He knew this, and he felt bad about it, but for some mysterious reason, he. Just. Kept. On. Doing. It. Rosepaw felt a bit humiliated when Dawnkit told him that it took a cat talking ‘mom stuff’ at her to realize that she couldn’t just sit and avoid this conversation/double-apology of theirs, and the brown and russet apprentice barely resisted cringing at the idea that Dawnkit had spoken to some random mother’ish cat about him. That was an awkward thought- now some random warrior probably had his name floating around in her mind, as well as the idea that he was just a grumpy guy who needed- well, not a hug, of course, but- somebody to apologize to him. It made him feel a bit overconfident, in a way.

When Dawnkit trailed off for a moment, a Rosepaw started to wonder about what else she could possibly even have to say, confusion still clear in his gaze. When she addressed him again, she used his actual name, rather than what seemed like her new nickname for him, ‘Thorns’, and he looked up. She started off by telling him that if he was still convinced he was a jerk, or the ‘rant-runt’, in his own words, he could go ahead and do that, and Rosepaw felt his lip curling. Oh, that was right- he had uh… unloaded. In other words, he had casually just straight-up told Dawnkit back then that he was well aware of the fact that he was an absolute brat, and she would be better off without befriending him. He kept his eyes off of the ground for once, reluctant to look any less confident in himself and his personality than he had probably appeared earlier on by admitting to his brattiness right then and there. But then she told him that she wanted to give this another try, and curiosity creeped back into his stare. Rosepaw mumbled a quiet, “Hm.” as he began to put some thought into the idea. He definitely did not want to hurt her feelings again, because that was just humiliating, but did he want to lie? Of course not. Honesty was the best policy. He decided that he would tell her the truth, just much less… bluntly. Less angrily, perhaps. And finally, he would tell her that… sure, they could… be friends, in a way, whatever way Dawnkit considered ‘friendship.’ Rosepaw still had no interest in spending all of his precious time with her because in spite of the fact that it was making him feel terribly tired, training was always going to be his priority. But who knew, maybe Dawnkit would benefit him there one day. And even more likely, maybe she would make him look as if he actually had a social life in front of important people who worried for his health. His friends consisted of Raggedear, R…Raggedear, and… Raggedear… so… if anybody were to take a look at that, there would probably be a bit of concern. Rosepaw needed some more than that.

So preparing himself to speak, Rosepaw stood straighter, and after his third sigh so far, he began. “Well, now that we’ve both apologized, then, that’s outta the way. No morel’s that, ‘kay? It’s annoyin’ and hard to do, and I ain’t gonna apologize any more if I don’t have to. So anyway, you told me I didn’t understand that I was your best go at a friendship, and yeah, I agree. I didn’t understand, and somewhat, I still don’t- but I’ve learned enough in one week to know that just ‘cause I don’t care much for friends, that doesn’t mean that others feel the same way, I uh… guess. Yeah, I s’pose that you can call me a friend, of ya’ want… I haven’t got any, so, couldn’t hurt. But just to warn ya’- until ya’ become an apprentice, I ain’t gonna be ‘round much to like… whatever friends do, hang out n’ what-not, whatever. I’ve got trainin’ to do, so don’t go takin’ any distance personally.” Then after a long, tired exhale, he muttered, “Once you’re an apprentice, I… guess I’ll show ya’ around some places, ‘r… somethin’ like that, maybe come along with ya’ when your mentor takes ya’ on a territory tour, but… for now, I can’t talk or do much with ya’. Too tired, too busy. Again, though, don’t take it personally, it ain’t your fault I spend all’s my time outside’s camp r’ sleepin’.” Well, good. He was honest, but chances were, he was no hurtful. He gave her the benefits, he gave her the issues, and now, he waited for her response to it all. Man, that was annoyin’ to have to say… Y’know, all’a that, but uh… ‘s worth it in the end, probably. Or as SHE still says: ‘Prolly.’ Hehe.


// Nice! ^^ Also, I did get to reading Dawnkit’s biography, and fun, looks like Rosepaw’s made his way up to her possible future crush \\

~ @AriaTheFiremaiden { Dawnkit } ~

How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

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Have a nice day!
~ Fritz ~
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ThunderClan Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Dawnkit/5 moons

She'd expected Rosepaw to at least accept her apology, and in that, Dawnkit was correct. However, the fact he'd agreed to try for friendship, instead of sorta letting her down again, was surprising. The kit felt a warm feeling rise inside her, and a exuberant grin spread across her face. That was...nice! I ain't been this happy in a whiles! Dawnkit realized she probably looked dumb just immediately becoming happy like that, especially since the tom seemed incredibly awkward.

"Thank you," she meowed. "I guess there ain't much ya say, but thank you!" Standing up again and moving out of the entrance, she continued. "Well, I should letcha get some sleep, you look about half dead on ya paws." Dawnkit let a teasing note into her voice, letting him know it was a joke. "Um, if you aren't too tired or like training or somethin', meet me by the fresh-kill pile in the mornin'? We can talk more!"

There, she thought. If he'd rather be alone, he got the options to refuse. I talk too much, never let anyone get a word edgewise, that's my problem. Feeling reenergized, Dawnkit bounced up and down on her toes.
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