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Old February 28th, 2025, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

| Gnawingpaw |
5 Moons - WindClan Apprentice

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The rather large, kit aged apprentice's ears twitched as she heard a dark, smoke colored tom calling out for help setting up a back up camp. Narrowing her eyes, the calico sneered, realizing he was a tunneler. Wasn't it like... his job to do that kind of crap? What? Was being a tunneler basically just ordering cats that hadn't signed up to be rabbits around to do their job for them? No wonder Crowfood had been a tunneler before being a deputy, then. Cat was full of hot air and nothing else as well.

And yet the more the tunneler spoke, the more Gnawingpaw found herself frowning in confusion. Was this cat an idiot? Maybe breathing nothing but dirt for days did something to your head. She might have to do an intervention for Ber, then. Couldn't have her older sister turning into a rock head alongside the twins. She was the sensible one, after all. But really... This Vinesmoke bloke was making no sense! He wanted help tunneling but only wanted cats who had experience tunneling... but also if they helped with the tunneling he would give lessons? Was she the only one having issues making sense of that pile of dung? Whatevs...

Rolling her eyes, the Maine Coon mix stepped forward. Just because it made no sense didn't mean she wasn't like, going to help or anything. Maybe she was missing out on something. Tunneler speak or something like that. Probably wasn't important. But she would still help. She was the future leader of WindClan, after all. A good leader helped out the plebians, no matter how pathetic the task. He wanted shrubbery and like... pretty crap to make it feel more homey? She could manage that!

"I can like, totes go find some moss and bushes and stuff," the fluffy she-kit called out, tail wagging out behind her as she sat down among the gathered cats.

| Open |
| OOC note to state that Vinesmoke is fine and I understood that it is the ones that are helping with non-tunneling stuff that are getting a lesson. Gnawingpaw is just a little dense sometimes. |
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
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Old February 28th, 2025, 05:39 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

It wasn't often that she wanted to help with anything, but still high after competing Leopardflight's training, Dreamlight quietly crept toward the gathering cats at Vinesmoke's summons. She shifted to the right as Dustbunny padded past her, joining the few cats who could tunnel. The warrior has never had any big dreams or ambitions. The thought of becoming a tunneler never even crossed her mind after the battle with the minks. But she couldn't help but wonder if she'd be any good at it.

She might sit in for Vinesmoke's lesson if she had the energy. She hears Leechscar's name called and turns towards the call. Picking through the scents in the air, she found her brother's scent and although tempted to go and sit with him, was not fond of interacting with Twilightstar's newest kittens. Dreamlight found herself wildly uncomfortable around them. She knew it had to do more with Twilightstar than the kits themselves. Still, didn't change the fact that she was a nervous wreck about them.

A semi-familiar scent drew her paws towards another grumpy tom she hadn't bothered catching up with since his warrior ceremony. She didn't blame him for forgetting all about her, she knew she was easily forgettable and their few interactions probably meant more to her than him. Yet before the depression bug bit her in the behind and left her a mess again, it might be nice to have someone she knew to talk to during the event. He could return to paying no heed to her after the event if he'd like.

"Hello Whisperinghive,"Her voice was light and airy as she stooped a good tail length from the tom. "How have you been?" Her cloudy orange orbs revealed themselves fleetingly before hiding behind the scarred lids. Her senses were honed on the tom, attempting to pick up any sign that she might not be welcomed. She didn't want to bug him.
@gs29513 [Feel free to tell her to bug off if she's bothering him. I've just been interested in having these two interact again.]

Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old March 1st, 2025, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Piercing green eyes turn to the caller of his name. His grim frown loses its tension as his eyeless sister greets him. His tail darts out to coil around the younger's back.

"Hey Chilly," He purrs glad to see her. He wouldn't say Coldpaw was the favorite of the younger siblings, but he found her laid-back nature appeasing. The larger cat leans in to poke his sister's ear with his cold nose mostly to amuse himself.

"You've been keeping busy? Vinesmoke training ya well?" His green eyes turned to the younger cat hosting this event. Leechscar was still a bit iffy about Twilightstar's mentors regarding Coldpaw's tunneling training. The fury hated the tunnels, but he had nothing against the tunnelers or their work. However, he was aware of how dangerous the tunnels and tunneling were and couldn't help but be troubled by Vinesmoke's inexperience. Sure, all great warriors and tunnelers had to start training apprentices at some point in their lives to gain that experience, but he didn't get why Coldpaw had to be among the starters.

He knew Vinesmoke was assessed by the best and completed his training with Dustbunny, but that knowledge had yet to put him at ease. All the other brats got experienced mentors, he wished Twilightstar had given Coldpaw to Dustbunny or Crowtooth.

Leechscar tears his judgemental stare from the tunneler and over to a ginger tom being approached by his littermate. Dreamlight's never been one to go out of her way to talk to other cats after her warrior ceremony, but he was aware of her interest in Batglare's former apprentice. He had been with her when she lost her eyesight and quite kind from what he'd been told. It went against what he'd heard about the warrior. His interactions with Whisperinghive were rare, so he'd have to keep an eye on him. As much as he'd like to say he'd bury the cat if he upset Dreamlight, Leechscar wasn't interested in getting into a fight with Batglare over the tom. So an ear shredding would have to do.

He spotted Cottonpaw a bit ahead of him, but as he was hanging out with another apprentice. Leechscar was fine with giving him his space, the more friends he made the better.
@Estelle - Coldpaw | @gs29513 @Tallstar @Moonraven [For Dreamlight, Whisperinghive, and Vinesmoke mention]

siggy art by redshiftreign
Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan. She has a semi-closed den policy as in do not enter without asking permission first or her fangs'll greet you.
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Old March 5th, 2025, 03:45 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Event [#event]

14 Moons

Vinesmoke let out a faint smile the turnout was beyond what he had expected but maybe just maybe this event could make a dent in the work load there was so many mini bones and cracks in the walls. He turned his attention to the small apprentice that he immediately recognized as Fleetpaw “Ah yes glad to have ya”he then noticed his former mentor and his heart beater a little quicker he desperately wanted to make her proud..though his excitement was short lived when he saw Leechscar he had heard the clan gossip of him not exactly thinking him qualified for being a mentor though it was a fair assumption he was still young but he was trying his best besides there wasn’t many other options beside him though his bitter thought was short lived when he saw Coldpaw he wanted to walk over but he would once everything was set up “Alrighty everyone looks like we got quite enough cats to start..so the repair group the cats patching up holes with mud bringing in moss,bushes and sorting through the mink bones are Skypaw,Warmsun,Maggotpaw,
Cottonpaw,Watertail,Swiftstrike,Windpaw,Gnawingpaw and Leopardflight.Starclan that was a mouthful now onto the Tunneler group..Fleetpaw,Nectarpaw,Gracklepaw,Hollyhawk,Col dpaw and Dustbunny.
” Now onto the cat he didn’t name to be honest he didn’t know where to put him he assumed he had tunneling training though he didn’t know what the Tom would perfer “Leechscar you can go with ethier group..everyone else listen closely no one should go into the tunnels alone and without a fully fledged tunneler though starclan forbid you do and get lost follow the left scent markers when tunnelers go in we rub against the right wall and when we exit we rub against the left wall.” even though he hoped no cat would be stupid enough to go in alone he didn’t doubt it. Leading the way to the falls once there he signaled for his group to come over

Okay so heres how this will work. Depending on what group you were assigned Thats what you will be doing the non tunneler group will be patching up holes making nests cleaning up sorting mink bones for the tunnelers to use for stabilizers in the tunnels they are better than rocks

Tunneler group Vine wants to clear the main cavern where crowtooth collapsed and find a few passage ways in the territory to the main camp

The tunneling lesson will be after the clean up etc you will learn tunnel saftey basic tunnel knowledge along with basic navigation feel free to keep any mink skulls or anything cool trinkets you find

@gs29513 @Undertaker @Moonraven @Alchemist Kitsune @Estelle @seeingstars @squidz @moxie_the_slime @Copperfox @nyx @SillyLittleCherry @Star. @Desert Rain Frog @nyme @Luna16 @AnnaPukite @Johrog @Daragca @RomanticMangoBear @Stone'Paw
Mention me if needed
Vinesmoke wishes you well

Art made by Daragca

Last edited by Tallstar; March 5th, 2025 at 03:56 PM.
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Old March 5th, 2025, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Um, Palefish's name wasn't mentioned. Where does he go?

My OC, Cricketleap, is expecting kits! If you would like to apply for one, click on this thread:

Post on Copperkit's Finder!https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...77#post1728377

And if your outsider needs a place to stay for the night, come on over to Sorbet's Refuge:
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Old March 5th, 2025, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Palefish muddied his paws, then swiped them across the den's holes, adding some moss to make sure no cold air got in. "Is this good?" he called.
My OC, Cricketleap, is expecting kits! If you would like to apply for one, click on this thread:

Post on Copperkit's Finder!https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...77#post1728377

And if your outsider needs a place to stay for the night, come on over to Sorbet's Refuge:
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Old March 6th, 2025, 12:45 AM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Stormpelt 20 moons
Okay my group, the mon tunneler group come here!” he screamed. Trying to organise his group. @gs29513 @Undertaker @Moonraven @Alchemist Kitsune @Estelle @seeingstars @squidz @moxie_the_slime @Copperfox @nyx @SillyLittleCherry @Star. @Desert Rain Frog @nyme @Luna16 @AnnaPukite @Tallstar @Daragca @RomanticMangoBear @Stone'Paw
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Old March 6th, 2025, 01:24 AM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Branchfur made her way over and started thinking about ways to patch up the dens.
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Old March 6th, 2025, 06:22 AM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Watertail took some mud in hid wife paw and set to work
Oceanstar is the leader of Beachclan!

"You did a great job today and I hope you smile a little by thinking about me at the end of the day" -Kim Hongjoong
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Old March 6th, 2025, 07:58 AM
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Default Re: Rule #1 never dig straight down

Oh! Oh stars! Vinesmoke recognized him! The skinny tom was flabberghasted and honored, dipping his head with a sense of responsibility. He was a tunneler apprentice after all, he couldn't let down Vinesmoke and Dustbunny in one go! Fleetpaw nodded when he was assigned to a group, pleased to be in the tunneling group. Although...he supposed that made sense. He walked over to Dustbunny, at least she was familiar, and he immediately felt more at ease being near his mentor. Fleetpaw dipped his head in greeting to his mentor, giving her a small, timid smile. He was nervous about the prospect of screwing up, but he also felt super excited. Ever since he heard about this project, he wanted to help. This would be something that would have a lasting impact on the clan in terms of being helpful and critical to aiding the clan, and he wanted a paw in helping better WindClan's future.

@Tallstar - Vinesmoke // @nyx - Nectarpaw // @squidz - Gracklepaw // @seeingstars - Hollyhawk // @Estelle - Coldpaw // @Moonraven - Dustbunny

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Irisdream is a Lionheart of RiverClan! Ping her if she's needed!
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