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Old June 24th, 2021, 07:33 PM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects [P]

Darkclaw followed Batglare to the Shadowclan border. She was a bit excited to be hunting for the toads in Shadowclan. She admitted, though, she didn't want to do this. She couldn't stand looking at the Shadowclan cats if they found any. She had seen too much of them already. They seemed to be everywhere she went. She found herself being wary all the time. It wasn't a good thing.

She tensed up as a particular scent hit her nose. Shadowclan! She could recognize that scent anywhere. Rotten and filthy scent. Like crow-food. She listened to the names that Batglare called to stay for backup and was relieved to have her name not be called. She followed the tom down the hill and she stayed behind him with the rest of the patrol, her golden gaze sweeping the Shadowclan cats. She couldn't believe she had fought together with these cats to protect Twilightstar.

She listened to what seemed to be the leader of the patrol said. Their territory? She sniffed again and realized that they seemed to have moved the border. How dare they?! Twilightstar had said that Windclan would give prey, not territory! "This area belongs to Windclan! Twilightstar promised food, not territory! You've taken enough from us already!" She meowed, furious. Never make a deal with Shadowclan.

{Open for someone to respond to what she said}
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Old June 24th, 2021, 09:07 PM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects [P]

Brown fur brushed against Gingerpaw's nose as the apprentice sunk her teeth into the back of a rabbit, its body falling limp. She wrinkled her face at the sensation, more accustomed to catching birds or reptiles. I should get used to catching these fat little creatures, this is our territory now! She thought smugly, quickly burying her catch for later. Did Dawnstar like the taste of rabbit? Would Whisperkit send her a jealous glare if he saw her carrying it back to camp? No. He was long gone, most likely rotting underground by now. She ignored the strange twist in her stomach at the thought.

Thundering paws and the stench of dirt alerted her of the Bunnies arrival. What were they doing here? This is our territory! The apprentice scurried back over behind Grimhound in time to catch a few insults hurled towards her patrolmates. Ineffective hunters? Mongrels? An indignant huff left her. How dare they! They have the nerve to accept help from us, lie to us and then trespass?

She turned her attention towards the yowling black bunny, spitting out nothing but nonsense. "Twilightstar lied! She gave us nothing when we were nice enough to save your pelts from those vultures! We are taking what we are owed you filthy bunny!" She spat back, fur fluffing up and tail lashing angrily. Her claws dug into the dirt below, a clear threat to the older cat.
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Last edited by Poprock; June 24th, 2021 at 09:21 PM.
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Old June 25th, 2021, 07:00 AM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects

Originally Posted by Moonraven View Post

Hunting for frogs! How low has WindClan fallen? A huge, muscular, brown, and white tom's pelt was filled with scars, he had green-yellow irises and slits for pupils, and if his muzzle wasn't already white, it would have been graying with age. Batglare stepped out into the open sea of green moor and casually tossed a glance over his shoulder. His facial expression was encased in cold stoicism, yet an aggressive and rather pissy air blanked him like a shadow. Batglare had no clue why he was even bothering with this, it wasn't something he had been ordered to do by either deputy or leader, but since both those cats seemed to have a lot on their mind, as a senior warrior Batglare took on the responsibilities that slipped their minds.

Feeding the toads, after calling for some members to join him for a hunting patrol for the toads, he had gotten more volunteers than expected. Seedheart, Embershard, Ryecloud, Lightningcrash, Hawkflight, Silentstorm, Thistlestrike, Breezestorm, his stupid apprentice who he literally regretted bringing considering he hadn't taught her any freaking fighting move! And for some reason, the molly who wouldn't even raise her claw to fend off trespassers, Breezedapple. At least Emberlight and Darkclaw would hopefully make up for them.

Not wanting to take from the fresh-kill pile, he had decided to look for smaller prey in the territory. Preferable old crowfood, but the hunting would take a little extra time. At least the majority of the cats were full warriors, hopefully, they could cover up for Tawnypaw's inadequacy. Leading the cats down deeper into their territory, towards the toads' and frogs' gloomy forest, he paused, his whole body stiffened and his muscles coiled with overwhelming tension. A growl so low it vibrated through his massive paws, bubbled, and spilled from his mouth a second later. The strong breeze pushed his erect tail down, bring a bloody message to his nose.

"Damn frogs!" Batglare hissed, "Brat, keep up." He snapped towards his apprentice before darting off into a sprint. "We've got company." Was the only warning he gave his patrol before he ran off, following the wind and the scent of fresh blood with the disgusting tinge of mud and pine. It was not hard to find them, leading his patrol to a more advantageous point atop a hill, his eyes spotted several toads wandering and hunting in their territory. They were by the Loney pine, far too close to the camp for Batglare's liking, on top of that WindClan needed those rabbits to bring back the number the toads chased out during Dawnstar's oh so gracious stay.

"Pipsqueak, stay up here with Breezedapple, Ryecloud, Silentstorm, and Seedheart. The rest of you come with me. You four remain behind and provide backup for us." It was hard to say if they outnumber the toads, they did, but they didn't. Even so, if these cats were a vicious as their leader, then even with numbers, they were going to need assistance. He was hoping they could just run them out, but just in case.

"My apprentice, stay out of the fighting, if it looks like we're losing, you need to get back to camp and report to Twilightstar immediately, they'll need to send a second patrol." Batglare liked being careful just in case. It would be a pity if he lost his new apprentice without finishing their training. The patrol leader had the rest of his patrol follow him down the hill to confront the ShadowClan frogs with a commanding sweep of his tail,

"Toads! On WindClan territory, have you frogs got your heads so far up your asses that you can no longer scent where the border markings are set?" The big warrior called out a challenge as he slowed his steps and calmly padded up to the frogs. Batglare's picked out the one he assumed was running this terrible show, a toad perhaps as large as him, he looked a lot like Dawnstar, scarred and bloodthirsty. Lovely, how many lunatics did ShadowClan have?!

@Fawnhearted @OhZeeWolf @FrostCat @Jayfeather 76 @Papaya @thamnophis @Pheasantflight @Bramblefire01 @Silverserenity @~Storm~ @~Fierceclaw~ @Nostalgia
Originally Posted by spade View Post
Despite the commotion that was buzzing around Grimhound it was easy to shut it out and focus only on the whispers of the wind around him. Not lost on him though was the appearanced of Redshrike who, even by the smell of him, didn't seem all there. Regardless, as long as his claws were sharp and fangs barred Grimhound would be happy to have him at his side. It reminded him of the times that Peregrine had supported him, or their ventures. The brains behind the operation as she would come to coin it, leaving the muscle work to him. Not that he'd minded - and the fact that Dawnstar put him in the same position since joining only reiterated to him the confidence he had in his own fighting skills.

A flick of a scarred ear was the only recognition that Sparkpaw got as she caught up - if Dawnstar wanted to send in puny apprentices to their death that was her issue, not Grimhounds. He wasn't here to babysit, and if members of his patrol got themselves injured or killed then that was their own fault. Death by bunny? How pathetic... it was a fate worse than anything the scarred warrior could think of, and the mere thought of losing or not carrying out this task given to him made bile rise in his throat.

"And so it begins..." Grimhound let out a slow hiss, lowering his massive head as amber eyes fixated onto the cat who was bounding towards them. He was considerably bigger than the hound had been expecting, but it filled him with a rush of excitement. A true opponent, one that would make this little border skirmish worth it. The rest of the patrol looked as though they could get blown away at any moment with the right gust of wind. A few here and there were big but... bunnies would be bunnies, and if the wind didn't take care of them Grimhound certainly would.

As the patrol leader approached, the ShadowClan tom lifted his head once more, a smirk dancing onto his face. "Ah, so not all bunnies squeak I see," he quipped, curving his claws into the moorland below, imaging fur instead of dirt. "But you would be incorrect my bright eyed and bush tailed friend. This area belongs to ShadowClan now, or have you forgotten the aide we provided your leader that prevented her death?" While Grimhound hadn't necessarily been there during the vulture attack, he'd heard of it - how ShadowClan had to step in and save the lives of several bunnies. A Clan, in his mind, should be strong enough to help on its own, not need assistance of another.

Amber eyes swept across the cats who had followed this leader, not overlooking that half of his patrol had remained behind. Sure, they were down in numbers, but if this arrogant ass of a cat thought it would phase Grimhound, it would come as quite the shock to learn it only invigorated him. "Consider it the gift that you never repaid us. Now, if you don't mind, you're a bit too close to ShadowClan territory, you overgrown rabbit. But, out of the goodness of my heart, I'll allow you and your patrol to turn around now and we can avoid any... mistakes." Lips curled back into a sadistic grin as Grimhound swept his tail behind him, calling attention to the cats that were behind.

// @Moonraven @Rani @Jackpot @feather lily @Bramblefire01 @ChillCat @-Skyfall- @~Storm~ @Rockfall @x ghostie
Thistlestrike growled and bushed up his fur. He leap at Grimhound. "Never!" He growled, throwing strikes at the toms face. (WC, do not interfeer, he's part of a plot)
Fiercefire, who was marking the border of Adder Rocks, the new piece of Shadowclan land, heard the growl of a Windclan battle cry. Smirking, he finished making new scent marks, before running over to join the battle (ShC, open for WC to attack him)
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Old June 25th, 2021, 08:41 AM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects [P]

"You know it really hasnt been long since Ive been on this moor... You'd think you pathetic rabbits would learn to cower from your betters at this point after everything and yet you consistently prove your lack of brains by picking fights you cant win and wailing like lost kits when the natural consequences of your actions maim you like you deserve...."
Redshrike may not be at his best but it was unnoticeable bar a little whispering thread to his smooth cruel taunt as he licked his fangs and grinned at the windclan patrol. If it could be even called that really a couple of sad apprentices and skinny over confident warriors grasping at straws... This'd be a beatdown for the poor things. How fun!

Really what made the whole thing more bitter is that Redshrike was one of the cats who'd previously occupied windclan and that simple fact was obvious to all those snivelling prey cats present. The tom was too confident on the moor and had made a sport of stalking every corner of their camp in his time there just to make no one feel safe, even staying behind when the clans went to the gathering to ensure those windclan that couldnt go got no peace and had to be driven out by a returning warrior while the moor clan fought for freedom at the meeting. If that wasnt bad enough really he'd attempted to maul Coldamber while she was still a medicine cat while at windclan, Gulltwist (at the time paw) had stopped him but... well who knows who knew it was him but he'd left wounds. Yes Redshrike knew where to hurt these cats and loved it.

"Go on squeal and shriek that this is wrong but the apprentice has a point, we saved your leader and her kits and got nothing despite being kind enough to let this go with only a gift of prey. Generous of us really and foolish of you to not comply... Suppose we expected to much off a clan somehow dumber then its food source though but lets be real. You all deserve this. You deserved to have your leader and camp taken for your crimes against shadowclan, you deserved to be shredded by birds and have your kits eaten (and oh isnt it our folly to try and stop fate) and you dont deserve this moor. Back off now lest you really want proof you deserve to be no more than blood on our claws. Go home and do what you best, nothing of note."
The psychopath couldnt help but break into howling laughter at his words honestly amused by the circumstance and any reactions his cruel and cutting words created leering at the windclan cats and flexing his claws obviously aching for them to attack so he could rip and tear like a rabid dog, a cat shaped feral beast barley leashed by Dawnstar who'd given them free reign. The warrior reared up and dodged nimbly to the side form where he was standing shoulder to shoulder with Grimhound laughing at Thistlestrikes attempt before condescendingly ignoring him, deeming him no threat, and turning on the rest of the cats to yowl while his partner in this horrid crime took care of the trash.

"Its hilarious youre not better then half starved and sickly prey and yet you stand here like you can get your betters to do anything! Come on! Prove me right! It'll be funny to see you fail yet again because your pathetic little minds just cant learn this one simple lesson! Come on! COME ON AND DIE AT SHADOWCLANS CLAWS LIKE YOUR PREDECESSORS YOU WORTHLESS FILTHBLOODED HUSKS!!!!"

(Open for after thistle is dead to anyone who wants to get killed or mauled by redshrike! He's an advanced fighter who will prolly win but I got a scar I want him to have so you can have that lol)
Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
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Last edited by Rani; June 25th, 2021 at 03:42 PM.
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Old June 25th, 2021, 10:31 AM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects

// open for ShadowClan!

Oh, boy, ShadowClan scent was never good. He came to a pause beside Embershard, fur bristling as the mangy mutts revealed themselves. That laughing mad-cat had caught the young tom's attention, and his burning eyes fixed themselves on Redshrike as his lip curled in a sneer. Ugh. They thought they were better than everyone else, didn't they? Thought they could just encroach on WindClan territory like this and get away with it. All because Twilightstar didn't have what it took to stop Dawnstar from overtaking our camp, he thought bitterly.

He wanted to throw himself at this crazed tom and rip his throat out in front of all of his buddies, but he had to be careful. He was skilled himself, but the ShadowClan tom probably had moons more experience under his belt. It was probably best not to engage directly. "Hey!" he settled for jeering at the entirety of the patrol instead. "Why don't you actually come over here and throw a few hits, instead of standing there bragging about how great you are? Are you scared or something?"
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Old June 25th, 2021, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects [P]

(I couldn't figure out who else to mention)
Silentstorm growled at the dark pelted shapes of Shadowclan below them. Of course she would be stuck at the top of the hill as backup. She was probably the only cat who really wanted to fight. The only cat who hated Shadowclan so much that she was ready to start a fight. Glancing at Seedheart and Breezedapple, she took a breath. They looked just as on edge as she felt. Any time a border skirmish occurred, it was an invite to death and injuries.

Padding closer to Seedheart, she kept her gaze locked on the shapes below. Only one cat was fighting, but she couldn't tell who. They had leapt at Grimhound, the lunatic. Anyone who was smart knew that was a death wish. Looks like we're losing a clanmate today. "Seedheart," she trusted the she-cat to know what to do. "Should we go down there? I want to sink my claws into some Shadowclan fur today." Silentstorm didn't care if it made her sound crazy. If Snakepaw was down there, she wanted to kill him, teach him what happens to cats that crossed her. Cats that betrayed their clan.
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Old June 25th, 2021, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects [P]

Frogfang looked at the windclan warriors. Ugh great now they had to deal with them. He was kind of itching for a fight though so it wasn’t to bad that they had showed up

( sorry it’s short I’m on mobile and can’t come up with what to Wright)
( previously feather lily )

Sup I’m back! I’m trying to get back into doing rp’s though I only have a windclan kit right now.

not feeling great mentally and stressed about school starting. if i don't respond to rp's in 24 hours feel free to bump me. i apologize in advance
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Old June 25th, 2021, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects [P]

@Pheasantflight @Fawnhearted

"We can't," Breezedapple meowed to Silentstorm. Even though she desperately wishes they could, Batglare had told them they had to stay here for backup. "We have to follow orders, Silentstorm. Otherwise we could mess up Batglare's battle strategy." This was true. What if Batglare had a winning strategy that required them to stay up here? They would basically be doing the opposite of helping.

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Old June 25th, 2021, 03:12 PM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects [P]

The crackle of electric tension in the air zapped right through Grimhound, igniting him from within as he could practically taste the tensions rising. Most of the cats who fanned out behind this rabbit we're small, easy pickings, though there was one who was about the same size, perhaps a bit smaller, than himself and the bunny leader over here. He eyed her, malice encapsulating his amber eyes as he envisioned sinking his teeth into her throat, pitiful cries falling onto deaf ears as the life left her. That would certainly be a prize, wouldn't it?

Next to capture his attention was his apprentice - they'd need to start training soon after this - and Grimhound couldn't help but find himself to be a bit annoyed with them. Their insults needed some backbone to support themselves, and the confidence sounded lackluster at best. If they got a bit injured today the hound wouldn't be surprised - perhaps it would be the first important lesson learned; make sure they could back up their claims in the future.

His former apprentice on the other hand was a surprise. He'd grown quite a bit since becoming a warrior, only focusing to hone in on his abilities and sharpen his skills. Grimhound made a note to keep up the sparing session with him; stars knew the overgrown tom was one of the only cats in the Clan who didn't hold back against Grimhound and actually made it fun to spar.

Well this bunny certainly was squeaking up a storm, wasn't she? Amber eyes flickered over to Emberlight, fixating on her like daggers as she cried out. How.... pathetic. It was almost cute to the hound how much these WindClan cats thought they were being intimidating. Fangs bared, claws out... as if no one on the ShadowClan side had ever seen it before. Locking eyes with her, he let another bestial smirk make its way onto his face, lowering his head as a growl rumbled in his chest. Dawnstar had said she wanted a pelt - was it being offered to him already?

"It seems as though lack of a knowledgeable medicine cat has left head injuries unattended to," Grimhound snarled, the sarcasm dripping like honey as he glanced towards the other bunny who spoke out. WindClan territory? Hadn't he already stated it was now ShadowClan land? The hound was not a fan of repeating himself, instead preferring for his claws to do the work. "And we'll keep taking. Because we can. Because that's how it works, you see. Bunnies," he grinned, advancing forward another pawstep with his eyes locked onto Darkclaw, "live in burrows, not the open land. So why don't you hop back to whatever hole you came from, how about it squeakers?"

Ears catching what another one of the bunnies said - a taunt for them to come over - Grimhound chuckled, knowing that he had just revealed his death wish. Redshrike wouldn't take that insult lightly, and there was no need for the hound to step into that. Besides, it wasn't like he could; soon his attention was captured by a rather crazed bunny. Coming directly to him.

How marvelous.

[ The following powerplay was approved by Bramblefire01 to kick off the beginning of this border battle! ]
The claws that landed on his face stung, but only served to fan the flame within Grimhound until it was a raging inferno. Stupid bunny. That was a bold, brash move - too bad Dawnstar needed a pelt or the hound might've actually been impressed by the false courageousness. With sickening speed, Grimhound shot forward, knocking into Thistlestrike and using his size to bowl the tom over. There wouldn't be a moment for him to get up and catch his breath as the hound crashed down, using his large paws to hold both of his shoulders into the ground.

"You dare try to come at me? Directly? Oh my, how the bunnies will fall..." Amber eyes burned into Thistlestrike, claws digging into his shoulders and drawing blood as they dug past fur and muscle. He then swooped his head down, sharp fangs slicing through flesh as they delivered a killing bite to Thistlestrike's neck. Crimson blood flowed from the wound almost instantaneously, hot and sticky and coating Grimhound's muzzle as he lifted his head. Grinning. Amber eyes lit up.

Leveling his gaze at the rest of the WindClan patrol, before they settled on Batglare. "Let this be a warning for those who go against ShadowClan and Dawnstar." Lifting a sharpened claw, he drove it into Thistleclaw, slicing downward and splitting him open from chest to tail for good measure in the death sentence handed down by the hound.

From where Grimhound stood over the dying body of Thistlestrike, he raised his tail to call attention to the ShadowClan cats that stood behind him.

"ShadowClan, it's lunch time!"

[ ShadowClan cats are now free to attack! ^^ ]

Last edited by spade; June 25th, 2021 at 03:37 PM.
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Old June 25th, 2021, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: The Hound Collects [P]

Badgerscars muscles bunched as he watched as Grimhound killed one of the bunnies. He was taking all the fun. He waited for teh sound of an attack before launching himself at the nearest bunny. He wanted to tear his claws into one of their bodies, but not enough to kill them.

He never wanted to kill a clan cat unless provoked and these cats hadn't really done that. They weren't rogues, so none of them shouldn't die today by him. Badgerscar attempted to use all his weight and give the cat a big shove. He was big enough to wind them if it landed.

// open \\

Marigoldpaw(leap) is my main character and is currently a Shadowclan Apprentice if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for. If you do just mention me in a post no need to ask and I'll reply whenever I can. Also if its a plot vm me what it is, so I'm not confused.

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