January 1st, 2025, 10:07 PM
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Re: Herondive Hollow
Shadow Fiend: Inactive| Killer Aptitude (T3) | Ultimate Predator: Inactive | Hulk SMASH! [Inactive]
Darkfall recalled the rat excursion (his poor rper got sick). It had been… not pleasant. Honestly, if he had to rank the worst creatures he had to deal with, they were right up there with minks. Honestly, he’d rather tangle with a badger (again) than mess with either one of those nasty little creatures.
He remained silent during the excursion, not so much in a talking mood, and willing to allow another to lead. It seemed that they wouldn’t encounter the tree lickers on this occasion so there would be no issues. Lovely. As they traveled along the length of the border, he would veer off a little in order to mark a spot different from the others. They could get this done quickly, no sweat.