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Old January 1st, 2025, 10:07 PM
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Default Re: Herondive Hollow


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Darkfall recalled the rat excursion (his poor rper got sick). It had been… not pleasant. Honestly, if he had to rank the worst creatures he had to deal with, they were right up there with minks. Honestly, he’d rather tangle with a badger (again) than mess with either one of those nasty little creatures.

He remained silent during the excursion, not so much in a talking mood, and willing to allow another to lead. It seemed that they wouldn’t encounter the tree lickers on this occasion so there would be no issues. Lovely. As they traveled along the length of the border, he would veer off a little in order to mark a spot different from the others. They could get this done quickly, no sweat.
[ @/sleepyyjax @Beaan ]

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Old January 25th, 2025, 08:58 AM
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Default Re: Herondive Hollow

[ he/him | shadowclan warrior | early 20s ]
[ purrks ]
wasting no time, rookfire led his patrol through the territory, and while spending most of his time eyeing their surroundings, did waste a bit of his time considering the desired approach. normally, the former medicine cat would have no issues asserting his ah superiority over patrol mates but given he had one warrior and a enforcer with him this ought to be approached slightly differently..probably. briarsplash held a higher position in general, but he was responsible for the patrol. mistlewhisker mustve had a reason, so rook decided it was probably a safe choice to treat her like any other warrior, if not value her input a bit more.

once they arrived, his silver gaze quickly darted from side to side, taking in thunderclans part of the border. maw slightly agape, it was easy to take in shadowclans scent yet thunderclans was slightly..lacking. when had they marked this last? whisker brows furred and he turned to face briarsplash, "looks like they havent been 'round for a while" he muttered, voice low and eyes narrowed yet distant, still taking in their surroundings. his mind screamed trap but he remained composed. lucky or not, thunderclans lack of presence offered rookfire an easy escape to his previous thoughts, actively making them futile. he was able to avoid possibly missteps thought so who was he to complain.
"lets stick together" the dark warrior suggested, giving a swish of his tail, beckoning the two to follow as he marked the first part of the border and set off to pace along the length of it to their left. thunderclans side looked certainly worse for wear but that must simply be leafbare doing its part on their flimsy deciduous greenery. at least that meant they couldnt hide from their sight as easily as during greenleaf. knowing they had more cover on their end set some of rooks nerves at ease, but he remained alert.

[ @squidz ; @kira ]

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Old January 27th, 2025, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Herondive Hollow

stocky, large, & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes; just a scratch | killer aptitude t1
[ shadowclan enforcer | she-cat | 30 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal ]


Briarsplash did the same as Rookfire, both warriors cautious as they initially approached the border and sniffed around. He was right; it was fainter than usual. ThunderClan must have not sent any patrols lately to re-mark the borders. The Enforcer gave a nod of approval, pale eyes squinting as she tried to peer across the border, as if looking for any pairs of ThunderClan eyes looking back at them. But leaf-bare had wilted much of their rich greenery, and the lack of cover made it clear to see (and smell) that the ShadowClanners were alone here. For now.

"You're right... that's odd." She sniffed, giving a flick of her tail in acknowledgement of the next suggestion. Sticking together was smart enough, and Briar knew she would've probably suggested the same thing. Especially with how tense things were at the last Gathering (she hadn't been there to stay back and guard the camp, but the gossip around the Clan had been noisy enough), it wasn't smart to let warriors wander too far from each other.

Taking up the rear of her fellow warriors, Briarsplash kept a lookout, swiveling her head. The stocky she-cat paused every now and then to mark some bushes and trees, making sure that line was as clear as ever with their Clan rivals. Something about ThunderClan's lack of presence was simultaneously relieving and unnerving, but she decided not to focus too hard on it. If they were having problems, as long as they didn't affect ShadowClan, she couldn't care much less.

She was quiet for a bit until her low, raspy voice finally piped up. "Dunno what's up with them, after last Gathering..." the Enforcer glanced at Rookfire, wondering briefly if he had any input or thoughts on it. He had gone that night, if she'd remembered correctly. It was an indirect prompt of starting a conversation for some information — and, perhaps subconsciously to Briarsplash, a way of showing that she seemed to not mind Rookfire's presence. She was a prickly cat, not much for talking; but with the cat who'd saved her life (and been a step kinder than he'd needed to be), she didn't feel as many reservations to a quick, Clan-business chat. Besides, Rookfire was observant, she had noticed; she was sure the ex-medic had some interesting thoughts.

[ @alec ]
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Old January 28th, 2025, 03:46 PM
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ShadowClan/ThunderClan Re: Herondive Hollow

[ Kitty Softpaws Tier 2 ACTIVE ]

''I'm here! I'm here! I'm sorry that I'm late!''

Pondlily's voice rang around the hollow as she raced to catch up to her patrolmates, paws making no sound and her scent blending in with her surroundings. ''I am so sorry, Rookfire and Briarsplash.''

------> [ @alec // @squidz - she's only late due to my suspension! I apologize ]

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Old January 29th, 2025, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: Herondive Hollow

[ he/him | shadowclan warrior | early 20s ]
[ purrks ]
briarsplashs approval made him feel a little less like he was about to be brutally executed and a little more like dawnstars reaction had truly just freaked him out so severely he was losing it. but now now, rookfire wasnt that self aware my dear readers. dont you overestimate him tz tz.
"sounded like they were mostly after riverclan." rookfire replied without taking his eyes off thunderclans side of the border. "riled up maybe, wouldn' expect them to ah lash out at us though" briarsplash wasnt a cat known for chit chatting and the former medicine cat liked to avoid conversation for the most part in favour of staying quiet and mysterious. which...didnt really work all that well but a man could dream. still, the certain rarity of this event in addition to rooks lack of friends and pondlily still missing kind of set him at ease. more open to conversing, even if sort of stiff in the sense that he kept his tone even and low.

cool grey eyes flicked towards the enforcer "sure you've heard," he added, hoping that briarsplash had actually not attended the gathering and rook hadnt just been too focussed on annoying eaglepaw to notice. "they really cant keep outta trouble for the live'a them. snoopin' 'round thunderclans dreams n messin' with windclan, cant be too long 'til it blows if ya ask me" the tom shrugged, letting little of the simmering hatred for thunderclans newer medicine cat seep through just yet.

"'m still half expectin' us ta' get attacked at any moment but..i dont think theyve sunken that low eh?" head turning towards pondlilys voice, the warriors face shifted into mild annoyance. so much for a peaceful outing with briarsplash. well, he did think they were going to kill him in the first place, but bringing that up would kind of ruin the mood now wouldnt it?

"hm" he huffed, turning back to inspecting and marking the border without any more recognition towards the youngest in their trio.

[ @squidz ; @kira ]

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Old January 30th, 2025, 12:52 PM
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Default Re: Herondive Hollow

"ready to hunt Shrewpaw?" ashclaw mews

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Old January 30th, 2025, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: Herondive Hollow

stocky, large, & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes; just a scratch | killer aptitude t1
[ shadowclan enforcer | she-cat | 30 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal ]


Briarsplash gave a nod or a grunt here or there in acknowledgement as Rookfire explained the situation. ThunderClan being mostly after RiverClan was just about what she'd gleaned from listening to the idle Clan gossip following that night. It was clear from both of them speaking lowly that neither cat was used to casually chit-chatting, but they found themselves in a funny sort of scenario from the outside: two quiet, stick-to-yourself cats with a sort of mutual respect for each other attempting to at least be allies in some sort of capacity and speak about Clan business.

She couldn't help but snort in agreement as Rookfire mentioned that it wouldn't be long before it blew up on RiverClan again. "The fish never learn to stay in their own pond," Briarsplash mused, her raspy tones mocking towards the enemy Clan. They seemed to leave ShadowClan relatively alone compared to the other two, at least in recent history, which the Enforcer was more than fine with. Although the idea of getting some minnow fur caught between her claws because they didn't know how to mind their own business was tempting.

As she walked with the warrior, she couldn't help briefly wondering how Rookfire thought of RiverClan during all this. He used to be from their Clan, after all, and had left before all the nonsense with the raid and exile. He was probably grateful to be out, she was sure, but she was curious how deep the contempt went. It was uncharacteristic of her to prod into personal lives, though, so Briarsplash opted to hold back for now. She was just about to respond to his last comment when Pondlily's call made her turn her head.

Ah, so that's where their last patrol member went... luckily for Pondlily, Briarsplash was too focused on what Rookfire had said to pay too much mind, even though it still irked her. "Keep up next time," she snapped dryly, though it was more annoyed than anything. Then she, too, went back to marking the border, mulling Rookfire's words over in her mind.

[ @alec @kira - no prob!! :3 ]
Berryshine is RiverClan's medicine cat!
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Old January 30th, 2025, 02:01 PM
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ShadowClan/ThunderClan Re: Herondive Hollow

Pondlily huffed at Rookfire and Briarsplash's responses, but said nothing. She didn't particularly like Rookfire, as he was the primary reason that her warriors ceremony had been delayed. If it hadn't been for him, she would have been made a warrior alongside Birdecho.

Keep up next time. Pondlily's ears swiveled before laying flat against her head. ''Being late wasn't my intention,'' She responded to the Enforcer, her voice cool and collected unlike the other she-cat's. ''And I'm sure that Mistlewhisker wouldn't mind as long as I had found you both and helped mark the border.''

Without saying another word, Pondlily stepped forward and rubbed her cheek along the stems of a couple nearby bramble bushes before rubbing her spine along a tree.

------> [ @alec // @squidz ]

art by star !!
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Old February 1st, 2025, 05:37 AM
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Default Re: Herondive Hollow

[ he/him | shadowclan warrior | early 20s ]
[ purrks ]
rookfire hummed, it had been a thing ever since he was born or well, came to riverclan at least. keeping to themselves and making sensible choices was never really something that came to them easily huh? by this point, rook should start placing bets as to how long each new high rank would last. he'd known cobwebpaw would be out sooner than later, fadingstar was a miserable loser, stormstar failed soon after, owlstar was a blank slate and berryshine remained the only seemingly capable high rank. not someone he would actively seek out, but one could respect the dedication.

resisting the urge to sigh in defeat, the warrior simply spared their latest addition a tired stare. "know your place pondlily" he replied cool-ly, in no mood to be fighting a immature kit uselessly again. he wasnt really in the position to be pushing her around anymore, but being a generally well respected and older warrior should count for something. rookfire continued to linger closer than he usually would to a patrol, torn between avoiding them in fear of execution and clinging to them like a lifeline in fear of a ambush. stars he had to get himself back in line. for now everything looked normal from the outside, but how much longer could he be walking on eggshells before it became glaringly obvious?

cool grey eyes darting back to where they had started, they had paced the length of the border once in its entirety, the former medicine cat turned to face briarsplash. some of the tension melting off of rookfires shoulders as time passed and his livelihood remained unharmed.
"looks all good eh?"

[ @kira ; @Squid | short post cuz im about to miss my bus ]

" in all timelines, in all possibilities,.. only you. "

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Old February 3rd, 2025, 01:19 PM
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Default Re: Herondive Hollow

stocky, large, & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes; just a scratch | killer aptitude t1
[ shadowclan enforcer | she-cat | 30 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal ]


Rookfire's hum of acknowledgement answered more than enough, and Briarsplash huffed through her nose in response. There seemed to be an air of contempt, disappointment, and... something unreadable. It was hard for Briarsplash to empathize—she couldn't imagine leaving ShadowClan, nor how unnerving it might be to see your former Clan fall in shambles repeatedly—but she imagined it was... strange. Maybe satisfying, if one hated their past Clan enough. Eh. She wasn't one to dwell on such things. But it was an interesting thought.

But Pondlily's response made the Enforcer's fur bristle; why hadn't the young warrior just taken the snappy dismissal and left it at that? Briarsplash hadn't even cared that much while she'd been distracted, but now the calm tone had irritated her even more. Pondlily just had to go and defend herself, and Rookfire was absolutely right — the warrior should know her place. She was an Enforcer, dangit, and didn't like the attitude.

"I'm sure you didn't mean it," Briarsplash echoed dryly, not bothering to hide her tone, "but warriors can't afford to be late — you should've learned that as an apprentice." Her golden-green eyes flashed in annoyance as she shot Pondlily a glare. "And you shouldn't make assumptions about your superiors. I'll let it go this time, just 'cause we need to be gettin' back — but I don't wanna hear another word of excuse. Just do better next time."

Finishing her abrasive retort, the stocky she-cat spun around with a huff, tempering her anger. Don't let a younger warrior get on your nerves, Briar. She was a bit too fumed to completely notice that Rookfire may or may not seem a little... on edge, during the patrol. Maybe he was just nerved by being chosen as the leader. Eh, whatever, he did fine. Now that her paws prickled with irritation, Briarsplash just wanted to be home and get the scent of ThunderClan out of her nose.

"Yeah — we're good," she grunted, managing a more neutral tone towards Rookfire, though her lingering annoyance was clear in every syllable. "Let's get back before we're the last ones."

Briarsplash almost stormed off right there, but then remembered she wasn't leading this one; the she-cat glanced at the ex-medicine cat, ready for his lead, tail flicking impatiently.

[ @alec @kira - apologies for moody briar xD ]
Berryshine is RiverClan's medicine cat!
she has a semi-closed den policy.

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