Reedkit looked around the clearing, he was bored, "Something to do..." Reedkit hissed. He thought about a dream he had not long ago: There was a Lion and a Tiger, they were in a battle..but for what? Meanwhile, the Tiger was covered in scars while the Lion wasn't. Such an odd dream , he thought.
Oh gosh oh gosh, oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo... Salamanderpaw was shouting, and he was pretty sure he knew what it was about. Oh dear. Oh, and Owlstar was there now. The paw had their little head sticking out of the apprentice den as they surveyed the situation. They weren't sure what to say. Yes they didn't want their sister to shout about them BUT they weren't going to tell her to stop when she's just trying to help them out!! To be honest, he hadn't caught wind of any rumours... Had cats been talking about them all this time? The paw's heart sank. To be honest, it's his own fault, it's not like he'd searched out battle training, really. It still scared them... But, hey, he wasn't the only one Salamanderpaw mentioned a couple other names too. Was there some kind of rumour mill beginning? Urghhh maybe RiverClan really was the bad clan. He bet this stuff doesn't happen in ThunderClan, right?
Whatever, they had to do something! What if their sister got into trouble?! That wouldn't be worth it at all. The 'paw came bounding over, giving Salamanderpaw a soft headbutt in the side. "Thanks sis'" - they spoke, genuinely grateful. Sure, she was kicking up a fuss but... Someone had to say something about the rumours! And, well, they didn't like people talking bad about them... At all. Then they gave a guilty look to Owlstar. "I'll - er - I'll get some training sorted..." Owlstar was nice, they knew that - they'd spoken to her before. They weren't worried about talking to her, not like the previous two. "But I don't think the gossip's very nice. For anyone." They traced the ground with their paw, looking down.
Sprucekit had been grooming herself when the argument broke out. She watched it unfold, though was too far away to make out all of what was being said. But it was clear things were tense until... Sunheart and Spidersprint seemed to diffuse things.
The tortoiseshell kit stood up, and padded over towards Spidersprint. She paused a tail's length away, her own shyness getting in the way. Would they be ok with her talking to them? What if she was accidentally reading this situation wrong, and just walked into trouble? Would she just be ignored? She took a deep breath in an attempt to soothe the negative thoughts. Sprucekit took a step forward, forcing herself to not run off.
"Um, excuse me?" She squeaked. There was an awkward beat of silence as she worked up the courage to speak further. "Can I ask if... would it really be okay for a cat to leave?"
You think it's cool being the smartest cat in Riverclan, but once i give you this information, you become the smartest kit in every conceivable clan... the Infinite kit...Starclan Itself. RippleFur Meowed.
(Even though Ripplefur wasn't the "Smartest cat in Riverclan he could proud fully say he was one of the number 3rd or 4th Smartest)
You now most cats in Riverclan refer to me as "the real deal" I can't blamed them I am basically unbeatable now I may be getting a little bit old and my habits are not great at all Ripplefur purred as he Coughed.
My fellow clanmates called me a self-absorbed man who doesn't care about anyone. You now what I think I think this clan is Great in the sense that we are the best no other clan can make us! Ripplefur yowled outloud.
See the reason am here is to pass my teachings I am getting old and I would rather make another me in you Reedkit.
Then Have Our Deer leader Owlstar try and make another me which I do not believe she could do no offense meant of course in that matter.
Last edited by King GhostFace; February 7th, 2025 at 05:09 PM.
Spidersprint looked down, his beautiful silky fur shining in the sun. The tom tilted his head and his ear flicked at the kit.
"It depends on who the cat is little one. If they are an enemy, then they must be forced put.. but every cat has a choice." He said, motioning for the kit to come closer. His golden eyes held a shocking warmth, something proven foreign to so many cats.
《A Sentient Piece of Slime》
☆ My Characters Thoughts and Actions Do Not Reflect My Own! ☆
| Emo Slime |
Lycidas is The Sovereign of Sacrosanct
Cherryhawk is Lavenderclan's Deputy
Hemlockmouse is The Medicine Cta of [alt] Skyclan!
Reedkit let out a chuckle, "You're funny Ripplefur, but I don't think I'll ever be the so called, 'Infinite kit'...but It'll be nice to be that I could've saved my brother" he whispered to himself those last words. "But I bet that when I become an apprentice You'll be my mentor!" @King GhostFace -- Ripplefur
Sprucekit moved closer to the warrior, a bit more at ease. She glanced towards the camp entrance, light green eyes narrowed in thought. The idea of an enemy- an angry outsider or bloodthirsty fox- getting into camp had never crossed her mind. But them being forced to leave made sense.
"But what is there outside the Clan?" she finally asked. Her gaze turned upwards, towards Spidersprint. "It seems... lonely. Who would there be to protect?"
of something deeper, but it was buried under layers of sheer self-certainty. He let out a low chuckle, shaking his head.
"Ah, Reedkit," he mused, voice taking on that distinct, half-mocking, half-genuine warmth. "You’re already thinking too small. You wanna save your brother? You wanna be strong? You gotta stop hoping and start knowing." He leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial murmur. "Thinking you might be great? That’s just a fancy way of giving yourself an excuse not to be. And we don’t do that here."
He sat back, curling his tail around his paws as he coughed again—stars above, he needed to stop doing that in front of people. "As for me mentoring you? Hah! Owlstar wishes she could make a call that good. But if you’re gonna follow in my pawsteps, you better be prepared, because being this good? It takes work. And, frankly, I don’t know if you got the guts for it."
His green eyes glowed with challenge, a smirk creeping onto his muzzle. "But hey, prove me wrong, kit. Show me you’re Infinite material. Otherwise?" He flicked an ear dismissively. "Mediocrity’s that way."
Primroseadder touched her maw to her brother's head in a comforting manner. ''Almondchatter would never turn you away, Muddy. You and I both know that,'' She murmured softly. ''Relax, Muds. The kits will love you. You were always the most playful out of the three of us---me, you, and Dewpaw---as kits, and you still are.''
Primroseadder had to jump in order to avoid the bones being swatted at her, and she wrinkled her nose. ''Bury the bones first, Mudhaze. Then I'll take you out huntin' or swimmin' or to catch lizards.''
Mudhaze screwed his face up in another pout and squirmed around on the snow, deliberately kicking it every which way without caring who he antagonized or caught in the cross-fire. "Make someone else do that!" he whined. "The hunting and the clean-up, 'cause I don't wanna!" LIGHT BULB. "FLOOODPAWWWWW. FLOOOOOODPAAAAAWWWWW!"
...plfffbt. no sign of him. Mudhaze sucked in a breath, let it out in an overly-dramatic groan, and pushed his face into the ruined snow - then abruptly jerked back as a fish bone stabbed him in the face. "OW! STUPID DUMB LITTLE-" He smacked it with a paw, scowling. "everything here hates meeeeee."
who the hell was screaming his name? irritated, the one eyed and one eared tom stormed out of the apprentice's den, blue eye narrowing at his mentor. of course it was buttface calling his name. the small cat's lips curled into a snarl as he stalked over. "Why the hell are you screaming my name, buttface?" they hissed, flexing their claws. it took basically every ounce of strength floodpaw had to not tear up this insolent brat.
x ghostie is haunting this signature
Bean's favorite staff member Lillian was here
lio sneezed here (achoo)
you see crude graffiti... it spells "velli wuz here"
Rose caught the sickness (oh dear)
fenrir stares at rose with a spray bottle of water in hand
My Soul is in @/Ian's basement with some ice cream