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ThunderClan Medicine Cat Applications are open!

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: Mistlewhisker
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: Fadingstar
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Old October 5th, 2023, 09:20 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Horseshine would walk off into the woods trying to find some sort of prey making sure that no one was about to follow him.
He would stalk off and try to find a thrush as those were always his favorite but they had been running away lately.
"YES I SEE ONE.." He was say quietly enough that the thrush could not see him and grabbed it by the neck killing it his enourmes jaws with just a easy bite and slice if the neck.
He would trot back to the clan to report that the thrushs were starting to come back and that cats could start getting the nice big thrushs like he had in his jaws.When he saw Sparrowpelt!!
" Sparrowpelt!! The Thushs are back I know you like them!" He would say as he dropped the thrush. @SuspiciousMindz
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Old October 6th, 2023, 10:16 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

[ @Omari @Ladieboo going ahead and tossing up a report so i dont forget ]

"Drizzlecloud!" Bumblestar trotted up to the medicine cat and set down the plants she'd collected - one was borage, the other a flower that only vaguely looked like it. "Got the... whatevers you asked for. Fallowreed should be right behind me. Maybe."

Last edited by dino.; October 6th, 2023 at 10:16 PM.
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Old October 9th, 2023, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Rainfall gave Alderstep two squirrels and left
(Help that patrol was given was Fox was deputy so-)
Dimkit purrkks: Lyrebird’s Lullaby
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Old October 10th, 2023, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

[Drizzlecloud has called for herb patrols, and if you’ve been mentioned, you’ve been placed on one of them! If you do not wish to be put on a patrol, please vm me and request to be replaced within three days of the patrols being organized. (If you want to be replaced, let me know before October 13th.)

These patrols will be due by October 20th at 11:59 PM EST. If you need an extension, please let me know before then, however, you may ask for an extension up to three days after the due date (October 23rd). If this is done, you may still be subject to very minor punishment (such as a scolding, as well as Drizzlecloud’s disappointment!).

Lack of communication whatsoever will result in a moderate punishment. Communication after the due date will result in a minor punishment. Communicating that you are not able to finish the patrol on time/asking for an extension will result in no punishments.

When it comes to replies, bumping someone after 48 hours with no response is acceptable, but after 72 hours you may skip their turn.

Patrol leaders, please remember to add your patrols to the patrol menu! If you do not know how, let me know, and I can add it for you.]

Patrol One: Marigold & Extras
[Optional Prompt: Brr! It’s cold out! Might just have to walk all huddled together to keep warm. ]

Alright–let’s get things kicked off. The last little while had been pretty chaotic–that last battle ate up some of their herb supply for sure, and although they still had a fair stock, it was time to get some more tucked away back there. “Fallowreed[ @Ladieboo ]!” It seems like she had called on Fallowreed quite a bit for these types of patrols, but she was just–reliable. “Got another patrol here for you!”

“Take, ah..” She trailed off for a moment, a frown settling onto her face for a moment before it disappeared. It was a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ type of expression. “Foxstep [ @val ] and Ghostwhisperer [ @vampire ] with you. I want you lot to look for some marigolds for me–yellow flowers, we use them a lot in the medicine den so if you’ve ever visited us, you’ve seen ‘em before. You’ll find these flowers near water, and, ah.. We’ve found them in sunny areas, too.”

Cattail pond was an option for them to head to, but… No, not very safe right now. “Go and venture our territory, I’m sure you’ll find some. If not, some moss, cobwebs–maybe some poppies, too. That would do just well. Be sure to steer clear of Cattail Pond for now.”

Patrol Two: Stinging Nettle & Extras
[Optional Prompt: Getting lost in thought, one of you gets your paw caught under a tree’s root and you trip up over your own paws! Oops! ]

Stinging nettle wasn’t necessarily a necessity, but they didn’t have a whole lot of it to begin with–and you never know when you’ll need someone to expel something that they had just ingested. It’s always good to be safe. “Violetfreckle [ @vex ]! I have a few things I need you to get for me… Take Sprucepaw [ @Alchemist Kitsune ] and, uh–hm, Bumblestar [ @dino. ], too.”

She paused for a moment–stinging nettle was weird. A whole lot of it in the forest, but weirdly hard to explain. “So, I’m looking for some stinging nettle today. Look for patches of ‘em, they’re green and they’ve got these long spines with green seeds all over them. Careful not to eat them, though, okay? You’ll be seeing your last meal if you do.” A chuckle at the joke escaped her–even though she was the one who said it, but whatever. “Try Willow’s Rise. You’ll find stinging nettle just about everywhere around the territory, so it shouldn’t be a hard find.”

Patrol Three: Lavender & Extras
[Prompt: Touring and Teaching ]

Last on this list was her own little patrol. She visibly relaxed, a sigh escaping her as she shifted her gaze elsewhere. Drizzlecloud wanted to take Springpaw out into the territory–within the safety that they had here, at least. A simple little patrol, but she didn’t want to go alone–just in case. She was paranoid, after all. “Wildtwist [ @Bean_The_Pumpkin ], Springpaw [ @eris ]! C’mere, we’re gonna head out to Firefly Cove to look for some lavender.”

[Patrol leaders, make sure to report back to Drizzlecloud once the patrol is done! .]
Bump Policy: 72 hours!
Often inactive on weekends!

Drizzlecloud Midnightpaw Smolderkit
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Old October 10th, 2023, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

The call of Drizzlecloud's voice organizing patrols had him slowing his paws as he walked by, curiosity getting the better of him. Who'd be sent out this time? Foxstep flicked an ear, barely recognizing his name until it finally registered in his brain, slamming into his cognition like a monster barreling down a thunderpath. His paws faltered for a brief second, but then Foxstep swung back around to pad over to where the patrols would meet. His jade eyes flicked to the gray tabby's face, staring at her (not menacingly, but also not exactly spaced-out either. If ghosts walked the forests, he supposed his stare would be similar to one of theirs.) Like a mill churning water, his mind rolled over once. Ah, marigold, Foxstep thought as it finally clicked in his mind. He knew that herb; he disliked it greatly but was familiar with it nonetheless. The russet nodded minutely at Drizzlelcoud, then turned away to await his patrol mates.

Seeing he was the first one to show, Foxstep was content to rock back onto his haunches and gently knead the dirt below his paws as he tried his best to be patient. Snapping with anger, annoyance, or irritation was energy-consuming, and there was only so much going around. As the season's warmth bled away like the slow ooze of blood, Foxstep found himself getting sluggish, as slow as the first snow: feathery light. He licked his chops, none too excited about having to carry the nasty golden herb in his jaws (because he certainly wasn't returning back to Drizzlecloud without marigold, thank you very much.) The motion morphed into a yawn, gaping wider than the sinkhole at the Ruins. He personally knew neither Fallowreed nor Ghostwhisperer, although the latter he certainly recognized from the latest meeting. He wasn't in the business of hope, though Foxstep would greatly appreciate an incident-free patrol. In-fighting was only ever entertaining as long as the sun was out, and the days were getting shorter as he sat there. Hibernation was a much more appetizing prospect at the moment.
-- carrd / batshriek // fenneldrop
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Old October 11th, 2023, 03:05 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

| Sprucepaw |

Tongue working hard on his long, fluffy coat to keep it from getting tangled - just because he lived amongst these savage brutes that did not mean he had to look the part - the young, finally six moon old apprentice stopped halfway, pink tongue still poking out of his mouth as emerald orbs glared in the direction of the speaking cat. She wasn't speaking to him exactly, but he could recognize her as one of the plant cats, and if he wasn't mistaken, she was doing that thing that Yowly does. The sending cats out to do work because they were bossy cats that way. Despite his deadpanned expression, the Havana Brown mix's nose wrinkled slightly, the memory of the last herb patrol he'd been to coming back to his memory. The herbs that tasted disgusting. Bitter. Planty, for lack of a better word. And now he had to go collect more? With other cats? Ew. Gross.

Half listening to what the herb cat said - green and long and something with seeds, yada yada yada - Fudge focused more on the who he had to leave with. Something something Violent Freckles and some Bumbly Star? Wait... that second one sounded familiar. Star... Star... Wasn't that what they called Angry? Yeah! That was totally what they called Angry! Oh-

Wait... No seriously. Wait! Was this herb cat seriously sending him out on a patrol with Angry - the cat whom he'd heard had just killed a clan cat for making her... well... angry, he was sure there were more details, but who could be bothered - and a cat who was called Violent?! Did this molly want him to die? Yep. This was it. He was being sent out to his doom. To his death. Maybe if was careful, he would be able to get a head start and run away before they killed him.

Oh... But he didn't even get to say goodbye to The Boulder... Not that... not that he cared. It was just a smart move on his part. Say goodbye. Maybe get some mercy points because they see what a good little clanmate he is. He wasn't worried about The Boulder. He was just securing his place here in the clan.

Half ungroomed fur standing out in all directions, Fudge shook himself, walking towards Violent - eep - and half hoping that Angry - double eep - would be too busy to join them. Although being out alone with a cat called Violent might not exactly be super safe, either. Why? Why had his life led to this? It was all the herb cat's fault. These herbs better taste nicer than the last ones if he was going to get beat up and tossed around during this patrol! For now... best play the innocent, ready to go to work apprentice role. That might get him in their good graces, right? Right... Approaching Violent, he turned his deadpanned gaze towards her, sitting down as close as he dared, which was admittedly not very.

"Awaiting," he offered in an emotionless drawl, hoping to come across as at least somewhat friendlier than usual.


@dino. [Bumblestar] | @vex [Violetfreckle]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old October 13th, 2023, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

•° Violetfreckle °•
Rapid Recovery • Collector • Master Scout

Violetfreckle was not expecting to be put in charge of a herb patrol. Again. The first time, she hadn't really known her left from her right when it came to ThunderClan territory. Now, while she was a bit better, she was hoping whoever was with her knew where they were going.

Oh. Her heart pounded in her chest as she heard the name Bumblestar. A part of her felt some strange sense of kitlike giddiness, but most of her was just trying to focus on the task at hand. Odd, she mused, that this had happened twice now. Almost as if the medicine cats were doing this on purpose...?

The appearance of an apprentice nearly made Violetfreckle jump out of her skin. She let out an awkward cough, trying to cover for her startle. At the single word from the seemingly unchatty apprentice, she nodded. "Gotcha."

// @dino. @Alchemist Kitsune \\

there's courage in being terrified, but still going forward.

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Old October 13th, 2023, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader[all perm. active]

Occupied within the clearing, the dilute calico had been sitting unpreoccupied within the clearing, a snow-furred paw gently placed along the side of her bandaged neck. The wounds were at least to a point where they were closed up by now, but Springpaw couldn’t feel like her vocal cords could be any different. Anytime she tried to speak, all it felt was just like a painful gurgling sensation would concur within the middle of her throat, and all it caused was nothing but discomfort to draw up her body. Thankfully, it wasn’t to the point where blood would spill, but it was painfully agonizing to the point where it stung everytime she would try to speak. It made the calico feel down on herself; even against the brisk gushing of wind as it pressed against her thick fur. Her nose already felt numbed by the cold atmosphere, her narrow shoulders briefly rolling in response to the decreased temperature.

She wasn’t prepared for the cold weather to arrive so quickly, but it wasn’t like she had any other given choice on the matter. Mother Nature had its purpose, and she had her own. What else was there to be expected? A quiet sigh slipped past her lips, and she cocked her head over towards the familiar blue-gray pelt of her mentor as she intently listened to her ordering out patrols. A stabbing of guilt striked the oriental-shaped feline right in the gut. How was she supposed to give out patrols now if she couldn’t even properly give out verbal commands? There wasn’t any way that she could do it with just her paws… unless she could just tap them? Either way, she wasn’t sure. Whether it is, she could figure out a way in the future, just definitely not now. There wasn’t any way that she could give her clan-mates proper orders if she can’t even speak about them properly.

Her thoughts on the matter quickly dwindled when she listened to Drizzlecloud call her name, the calico focusing her attention towards her mentor as her blue eyes met with her jade hues, blinking incessantly as she processed the words that escaped her mentor’s words. She wanted her to go out on a patrol with her? Well, the young healer had been anticipating to go out of the camp after the whole ordeal at Sunkissed Creek, but she wasn’t certain if now would be the best time to do so. Especially now with Foxstep—she mentally cringed at the thought of the former deputy’s new name—current position in the clan and from what happened a few sunrises ago. Whichever it was, it probably wouldn’t hurt to stretch her legs right? If she manages to get herself out of camp just for a little bit, it’ll manage to get her mind off of the events that happened recently.

So, pushing the impulsive thoughts aside, the calico pushed herself onto all fours and trudged her way towards Drizzlecloud, inquisitiveness and puzzlement enduring her tired lapis-blue gaze. What was Drizzlecloud going to want to teach her today? Was she going to teach her about the properties of lavender or any other herbal remedies? Springpaw already knew a little bit from the time they met with the other medicine cats at the Starcave a few moons ago, but she supposed there were other uses for it than just for fevers and chills? Plus, she might learn a little bit more about Firefly Cove other than it just being a part of their territory. Another thing to add onto that is that Wildtwist would be coming with; it would serve both of the medicine cats with a source of protection against any potential predates afterall.

@something. @Bean_The_Pumpkin
Hey there.
Sorry, there isn't much, and there never will be much.
You can take a look around if you wish.
Just don't expect me to come back anytime soon.
Have a nice day, friend.
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Old October 13th, 2023, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols

TW: Mention of Blood and Wound

Wildtwist limped out of his den. His wounds were feeling better, but leaf was still getting used to having one ear. He heard his name, but for what? When he saw Drizzlecloud and Springpaw, he assumed it was a patrol. He glanced nervously at Springpaw. She had been wounded badly during the battle. The battle. Blood flashed his vision. He was back at the battle, standing above an apprentice. The cat's tail was gone. As the cat lunged for Wildtwist, he extended his claws. As blood cleared from his vision, he realized what he had done. The apprentice; their eye was gone. As the memory faded, he stood there shaking as tears fell from his eyes. He quickly cleared his tears before making his way to the medicine cats. "Did you call for a patrol?" he asked Drizzlecloud.

[ @something. @eris - Drizzlecloud n springygirl ]
x ghostie is haunting this signature
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Old October 14th, 2023, 07:54 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Patrols


Drizzlecloud waited for her apprentice and Wildtwist to appear before her, and when Springpaw showed up first, she smiled at her. Standing up, she sidled up towards her side so that she could brush her tail-tip over one of her shoulders.

Next to arrive was Wildtwist, and she cast a friendly grin towards the tom as he appeared. “Yes, that’s right. It’s nothing too taxing–think of it as a nice walk where we just gather some flowers. We’ll be looking for lavender in specific, but if we find anything else that’s useful, we can grab those too.”

With a twitch of her tail-tip, she trotted off towards the camp’s exit, at a leisurely pace to make sure that the pair could keep up. She didn’t want this patrol to be stressful–she wanted it to be a more relaxing, laid back experience.

[ @eris @Bean_The_Pumpkin ]
Bump Policy: 72 hours!
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Drizzlecloud Midnightpaw Smolderkit
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