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Old December 10th, 2021, 02:36 PM
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It was time for the Gathering. The large, dappled gray tom was right behind his leader, head and tail held high, chest puffed out. He had to make a good appearance. No more traces of weakness or breaking down. Not only did he have to be there for his Clan, he had to prove that WindClan was strong. Twilightstar was more peaceful; he had to be the stronger one. And him failing mentally was completely unacceptable. This shouldn't even be preoccuping my thoughts. I must be strong, and loyal to WindClan. Well, WindClan had missed the last Gathering. Hopefully their lack of attendance hadn't made the other Clans think badly of them.

Ironically, WindClan was the first to arrive. Wolffang looked around. Nobody was here yet. The tom didn't like the fact that they didn't have a medicine cat. I need to talk to Twilightstar after this. They had to focus on ways to make WindClan look strong in the face of the other Clans. I must be a good deputy. So far, I don't believe I've convinced Twilightstar yet. I don't know how much time I have left. I must get this right. The tom took his place below the big rock and sat, his tail tucked around his paws, his thick-furred tail tucked over his huge paws. It was cold out; he fluffed out his thick, medium-length pelt. StarClan, it was cold. And snowing. Perfect weather, he thought sarcastically.

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Old December 10th, 2021, 02:38 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering

She smiled, waving her paw as if to pass the subject off. “Of course everything’s fine. We’re just early, they’ll come any moment.” She grinned, as she continued warm herself.

( @Brightlight )
Have a good day/night!

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Old December 10th, 2021, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering

Silentstorm swished into the clearing, silent as a mouse. Though that didn't matter. WIndclan was the first one there, surprisingly. Would it be fun? The white bengal hadn't been to a gathering in a while, she wasn't sure what to expect. Would Twilightstar talk about the windstorm? She was pretty sure the other clans knew about it, or at least Riverclan. But if Shadowclan didn't, couldn't that pull them ahead somehow? At least, if the clan of shadows didn't know, they wouldn't attack while they were... weaker? Silentstorm wasn't sure if that was the right word. So she opted to sit and wait near an opening instead.

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Old December 10th, 2021, 03:03 PM
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Dewpaw followed the rest of WindClan to the Seastones. It was her first gathering, and she planned to do as much as she could. She had never met cats from other clans before, and she hoped to do so. Just… not ShadowClan. She had heard bad things about them, and didn't look forward to talking to one. Unfortunately, it looked like they were the first ones there. Looked like she would have to wait for other cats to come.
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Old December 10th, 2021, 03:32 PM
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Cobwebpaw padded into the clearing warily, trailing at the end of the group. As his yellow gaze flicked around to take in the scene, it became apparent that, to his surprise, Windclan was the first group. That was good, it meant he could find a place to settle without having to wade through crowds of cats. As he continued to scan the space, his gaze settled on Toadpounce, his father, and he breathed a soft sigh. Most all of his family had gone missing, leaving practically just Cobwebpaw and his father in Windclan. His siblings' absences he didn't mind - he never felt truly close to any of them - but he did miss his mother quite terribly. It didn't seem like her to just... up and vanish. But then again, she was a peculiar cat. For all he knew, one of her risky experiments had gone awry. Ahh, at least it would be a death she appreciated.

The skinny tom lingered at the edge of the crowd for a moment before hesitantly making his way towards his father. He hadn't spoken with him in what must have been moons, save a few words in passing, a nod of acknowledgement or so. "Hey." The apprentice internally cringed as his voice, quiet and rough from underuse. Geez, he needed to start talking more. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "How have you err... been?" He felt the uneasy guilt that he had been suppressing for the past few day reawaken. He hadn't been avoiding Toadpounce, but he also never sought out his father. He felt bad, though, leaving him to his own devices. He knew how close his mother and father had been, and between her disappearance, along with his siblings', Cobwebpaw felt bad about growing distant.

The young tom had always know his father to be a social cat, and it didn't take long to notice the subtle avoidance other cats had around him, as well as most of his odd-ball family. It never bothered Cobwebpaw personally, except maybe as a small kit, but he had seen the effect it had on his more extroverted siblings, and he was worried about his father's semi-abrupt seclusion.

[Figured I could tie in the interaction here, if you don't mind too terribly]

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Old December 10th, 2021, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering

Originally Posted by error View Post
She smiled, waving her paw as if to pass the subject off. “Of course everything’s fine. We’re just early, they’ll come any moment.” She grinned, as she continued warm herself.

( @Brightlight )

Slatefrost nodded. Of course, he was certain the other Clans would arrive soon. They wouldn't want to make themselves look bad by not coming. Slatefrost also noted their deputy had joined Twilightstar on the stones. Good. He had been right behind her after all.

Slatefrost fluffed his fur for a third time, knowing that at this point he probably looked like a puff ball, but not really caring. He saw a few more Windclan cats settle in and find their places, including Bravebird, who nodded to him. Slatefrost nodded back, before turning to Haredash.

"Do you know many cats in the other Clans?" Slatefrost questioned. He didn't know many, Slatefrost preferred to stick to his own Clan and socialize within them.
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Old December 10th, 2021, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering

[Not at all! That's a great idea]


Toadpounce nearly jumped as his son approached him, pulling him from his thoughts. He smiled, it'd seemed like so long since he'd had a good talk with Cobwebpaw. Sometimes Toadapounce wondered if he should make more of an effort but he didn't want to be a drag on his son's up-and-coming new position in the clan. He tried to balance a delicate and complex line of not wanting to be too needy, he was just an old silly father afterall, and showing his son that he cared enough to make the effort. But here Cobwebpaw was making the effort approaching him, Toadpounce wondered if that was a bad sign, he didn't want his son always thinking he had to make the first move. He sighed, exasperated at his own conflictions. "Hi there, Cobwebpaw. I'm..uh...I'm glad you made it out to the gathering, not that you wouldn't or anything. It's great to see you, is all." Smooth. "I've been...I've been okay." That wasn't the whole truth, was it? He had been doing okay but only because of his inclination towards avoidance. He smiled and laughed nervously. "I miss your mother but I guess you could've guessed that." He paused momentarily then brightened, nudging Cobwebpaw with a paw. "How have you been? I've seen you doing well with tunneling. That's exciting!"


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Old December 11th, 2021, 04:37 AM
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Default Re: December Gathering

Originally Posted by tulle View Post
As the land changed from moors to sand, Bravebird felt a chill travel up her legs. The air tonight was icy, cutting through her thin fur and chilling her down to the bone. Blue hues shifted around as she realized Seastones was rather empty; it appeared WindClan had arrived first. A certain stir of pride swelled in her chest as she lifted her chin just a little bit higher. It had been some moons since that had occurred, and hopefully it was something they could keep up.

She gave a nod to Slatefrost and Haredash as she passed them, taking up a spot close to where the leaders would join Twilightstar once they arrived as well. Bravebird thrived off of intellect and the going ons of the other Clans. She was curious if the warrior she had almost fought near the ShadowClan border would show face tonight; or if the little kit who had stumbled into her paws was an apprentice by now. Two faces she wouldn't mind seeing, if only to shoot them a stone-cold glare and frown.

(open roleplay post!)

The tall, brown-and-cream tabby she-cat's dark blue eyes were sharp tonight. Their medicine cat, Peachfrost, was missing, and leafbare was approaching fast.She didn't want to be caught off-guard.

That she thought to herself as she scrambled up the rocks onto the Seastones, as other WindClanners pushed past her, chatting. Taking her spot as far away from the other cats as possible, Dawnstreak reflected that she better try socialising. Since she was now a tuneller trainee, she could pretty much foresee being well-known within WindClan and expected to have a reasonably large amount of friends.

Sighing, Dawnstreak cast her gaze around the crowd, looking for any cat that was, so far, alone. WindClan had arrived first, so no other cats from other Clans were here yet, which was a relief because the warrior didn't particularly like theother Clans alot... except RiverClan.

Dark blue hues landed on Bravebird. Well. Dawnstreak didn't know Bravebird as well as she knew other WindClan cats. Why not give it ashot? Decidng on this, Dawnstreak trotted over promptly, forcing herself to speak once she approached Bravebird.
"Hi... Bravebird," she mewed, feeling extremely self-conscious. She took a step back as a precaution. Though it was a very small step.
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Old December 11th, 2021, 11:20 AM
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Default Re: December Gathering

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Leading RiverClan down the grassy slope towards the beach, Kestrelstar winced yet again as his hindleg stretched and tugged at the wound. He had avoided against placing any herbs over it, due to not wanting to look weak. The pain was barely there anymore, just small annoying stings every once in awhile; nothing the tom wasn't used to. Yellow eyes were still bright and his pelt had been freshly groomed as the grass turned to sand under his paws.

By the scent before him it appeared that only WindClan was here so far. Good. His muscles relaxed a bit as he continued onto the sandy that surrounded Seastones, giving a nod to his Clan and Splashleap and Snakeheart as he broke away to pad up towards his place among the rocks. He bunched his muscles and sprang up to join Twilightstar, settling down on his rock. He gave a greeting nod towards the WindClan leader. "Hello, Twilightstar. Certainly is a cold one, isn't it?" the gray tabby tom joked as he fluffed out his pelt, noticing the tiny, almost invisible flakes that drifted through the air. Hopefully nothing of flare would happen this Gathering, and they could all make fast with their announcemens and go home; it was too cold for any cat to be out here for too long. Already the noticeable (yet healing) scars on his hind leg and flank were stinging, though Kestrelstar remained sitting upright and ignored it.

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Last edited by spade; December 11th, 2021 at 11:25 AM.
Old December 11th, 2021, 11:24 AM
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Default Re: December Gathering

| Whitepaw of Riverclan |

Finally, it felt like moons [but wasn't actually that long of a trip, just Whitepaw being moody and a bit of a brat] for them to arrive, she was feeling better since the last one, although, with all this cold, part of her wanted to home, the other part of her knew any skinny and small cats here were probably freezing to death while she was minorly annoyed, so she showed no discomfort and simply sat. Hm, seems Windclan are the only other ones here, good, they're the less annoying ones.

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