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Old February 17th, 2018, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]


"Rowanflower..." she repeated. The she-cat wondered why she'd changed her name. Daisyshade had been a nice name. "Why'd you change it?" She asked. Her tone of voice was accusing nor scornful, but simply curious. Had she not liked her name? Had she lost the meaning of her name? Or had it stopped being special to her? There were lots of possibilities, but she couldn't be sure of which one it was. Auroraflame knew that she'd never want to change her name. She loved it and the reasons behind it. Now she was curious as to know why a cat would change such a lovely name.
As she waited for a response, she turned her head away and stared at the crowd that was gathering. From what she was used to, the crowd wasn't particularly big, though to a new deputy it would seem massive already. The Bombay noticed that none of the RiverClan cats were really recoiling from the SkyClan cats. That was a good sign, it meant that whilst the other clan might be hostile with each other right now, SkyClan was in an okay position. Auroraflame's fur lay flat and her expression was cool, whereas she noticed that Rowanflower's fur prickled with discomfort and her hackles raised.

It wasn't long before another scent filled the air and the WindClan cats arrived. She watched as Blazingstar leapt up to join the other leaders as usual and looked back down, trying to spot Onyxwhisper in amongst the crowd. She frowned in confusion as she couldn't seem to find the ebony she-cat anywhere. Instead, a creamy ginger molly appeared and took her place beside herself and Rowanflower. That must be the WindClan deputy then, she thought. She hoped that nothing bad had happened to Onyxwhisper. That would just make things even worse between the clans. Auroraflame had never seen the she-cat before, though she never tried that hard to remember the names and faces of cats from other clans. The WindClan deputy dipped her head in greeting and Auroraflame gave a small smile in response. Auroraflame turned her attention back to Rowanflower as listened silently to her question. "Must be the new WindClan deputy," she replied. The RiverClan deputy seemed nervous about this new deputy, but Auroraflame had been deputy long enough to be completely cool about the situation. She moved herself so that she could be seen from behind Rowanflower. "I'm Auroraflame, though I'd assume you already know that," she said to the WindClan molly, making her voice as friendly as possible. "I'm guessing that you're the WindClan deputy?" she continued in a questioning tone of voice. She opened her mouth to say something else but her attention was snatched away from the conversation and she glanced upwards to hear what Blazingstar had to say. Continue with the absence of two clans? Would StarClan approve? Surely they hadn't been waiting for long. Or had time flown past without her noticing at all? Perhaps Blazingstar was just being petty.
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Old February 18th, 2018, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]

The creamy ginger molly sat silently lessening to everything around her. As a warrior she would chat with friends and see how cats she knew were doing but it was a bit strange being deputy. She only knew Auroraflame by her name and rank, nothing more. And the RiverClan deputy, Fallenstar's deputy, she things she heard Auroraflame call her Rowanflower but wasn't sure. Feeling eyes on her pelt Buttercup turned her head slightly to confront whoever it was who was staring but before she could say a word Auroraflame greeted her, in a polite and friendly tone. It was unexpected, she assumed she'd meet an angry gaze from the RiverClan deputy, but the molly looked more shocked and maybe a bit curious. Buttercupbreeze couldn't tell what she was feeling but how could she? This is the new Deputy? She doesn't seem anything like Fallenstar. She thought a bit shocked. Before she had a chance to rap her brain around her thoughts Auroraflame spoke again and she was right,she was the new WindClan deputy. She opened her mouth as the SkyClan deputy did but were both cut of by Blazingstar.
Instantly it seamed she looked up at the leaders, she was so nervous she was almost hoping they'd start, even if it felt wrong to do it without ShadowClan. And ThunderClan. She reminded herself. After lessening to both Grousestar and Blazingstar talk she turned her atencion back to the other mollies. Offering a small smile, still nervous, she decided to tell Auroraflame and kinda Rowanflower who she was. "Yes, I'm the new deputy. She meowed, even her enemies derived to know who she was, in her opinion. "My name is Buttercupbreeze, pleased to make your acquaintance." She added trying to be polite as possible. She knew her name could be a mouth full at times, sometimes the kits had a hard time saying it witch usually amused her but she was sure Auroraflame could handle it, she was a full grown warrior it would be a bit embarrassing if she couldn't. Probably for them both. The feline didn't say more after that, not sure if she should. Blazingstar hasn't said anything except that the gathering should star without then other two Clans, maybe she wasn't aloud to speak? Buttercup didn't know, she'd get it down one day but the first day would be the hardest. One thing never dawned on her as she sat here, what the other Clans thought happened to Onyxwhisper, she knew the former deputy was fine but the other Clans had no idea. But none of that dawned on the molly.
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Last edited by Fuzzy; February 19th, 2018 at 05:32 PM.
Old February 18th, 2018, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]

@Duskflight @Empress Of Evil @Celestial @Suspiciousmindz @Fuzzyfeline
[Sorry, got back from a tournament]

The top dipped his head a few seconds later than Grousestar, though he had already performed the formal greeting, he felt as though it would be weird if he had just sat there as the Skyclan leader greeted politely. As the tabby stated how wonderful he would be at in his position, his brows wrinkled together, his eyes narrowed, and his ears folded backwards. 'That makes one of us.' he thought to himself bitterly, his ebony fur prickling. As he was about to make a comment about Rowanflower knowing Auroraflame prior to the gathering, he was interupted by a rather rude comment by the ginger leader, he hadn't even noticed his presence. He only slightly turned his head, and looked at the Windclan leader in the corner of his eye, lapis hues flickered with the beginning of a fire.

Fallenstar let out a snort and lashed his tail, completely turning himself around so he could face the tom, a scowl plastered on his maw. "Who say's you can decide for all of us?" he questioned, leaning forward so he was balancing on the balls of his hind legs. It annoyed him, leaders who thought that they were the most powerful, high ranks that thought they could just tell everyone else what to do and expect them to follow every single order down to the last consonant like good little warriors, he hated cats who abused their power for their own gain. He stood up in a blink of an eye and glared at the leader "This is a Gathering where we all are equal you have no right ordering everyone around." he growled, his baratone voice was even lower than before. His lapis hues, that before only held the embers of a fire, were now filled with a passionate, furious wild fire.


"As long as I exist, you will always be loved."
Spiderthroat is the Deputy of ThunderClan
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The rocks that you were trying to walk along

And in my head I heard them play a song
For you and me

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Got stars at night to guide us

Last edited by Starfall; February 18th, 2018 at 08:41 PM.
Old February 19th, 2018, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]

@Empress Of Evil

The white and ginger molly shuffled again hearing voices being raised and the peaceful silenced conversations melting away like snow. Her tail curled behind her and her fur began to bristle again, naturally she would've expected somebody getting heated about something but with this seemingly un passible barrier of battle tensions and the impending doom of picking a side. Why of all clans did windclan have to the be the clan that was here starting things. At least snowstar would've been decent towards shadowclan but no. Here we have two strong headed leaders that are just ready to fight about anything, it was a night of truce! To tell each other how we where doing and just enjoy commune with each other. It all seemed so impossible now with everyone ready with the slightest bit of resistance to pull out tooth and claw just to get a point across. She was brought out of her thoughts when auroraflame asked about her name change. She want too sure she wanted to explain the whole story here but she supposed she could do it some other time. "I'll tell you later, I think we are about to start" she glanced upwards for the first time during the night to see fallenstar trying to put blazingstar in his place which made her stomach churn. Fallenstar was a strong leader and she admired the fact during his first gathering as leader he was making sure the windclan leader knew his place and assured everyone they where equals, but she feared for him. Blazingstar had been a leader longer than he had and he certainly didn't seem like he was in the mood for any of fallenstars attempts to ensure peace.
She dropped her gaze back down as her stomach filled with fear and butterflies tickled her chest. She offered a quesy smile towards the windclan deputy as auroraflame introduced herself and she dipped her head in a docile and peaceful way. "Rowanflower, riverclans deputy" she greeted stiffly curling her long bushy tail around her paws and she straightened up again. In fact It was her first gathering just like buttercupbreeze but she didn't seem as scared and that made her a little uncomfortable. She glanced back up at fallenstar a third time than back at the cream coloured she cat and back and forth for a while until she was able to finally calm herself down just enough. To get her mind off of fallenstar and blazingstar she attempted to make a little small talk just to keep her busy til things got serious "wonder where Shadowclan and thunderclan got themselves stuck" she wpsaid with a dry laugh.


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Old February 19th, 2018, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]

@Celestial @Duskflight @starfall @Fuzzyfeline @Empress Of Evil

Golden hues flicked towards Grousestar for a moment before the orange tabby gave him a dip of his head in greeting finally. The only feline here to have received that by far. He didn't question who the new deputy was, quite frankly, he didn't care cause she smelled of the ocean and fish. Disgusting. However, Blazingstar attempted being polite as the other tabby questioned his motives. "The moon is at it's highest, we cannot wait any longer, if they join late, they can announce their news, otherwise StarClan won't have an issue with us moving along for the sake of our clans," he tried to explain to Grousestar. He knew SkyClan was still rather new to this whole gathering thing, so he didn't mind answering, but the quick air of peace around him disintegrated quickly.
The blacklash from Fallenstar caught Blazingstar off guard. Quickly, the tabby turned his head to stare at the dark feline. The audacity! His ears flicked and turned slightly towards the sound of a familiar voice in the crowd: Fireflare. It only encouraged him. Blazingstar's hues narrowed with challenge at the other leader. "Oh, I'm sorry Fallenstar, did you want to wait here in the cold all night for two clans that are clearly late? Do your elders want to be aching from being out here too long? Did you wanna be held responsible for queens not getting back to their hungry kits? If so, be my guest and sit here longer, but WindClan will give their announcements with or without your traitorous clan's approval," he half growled. Fluffy tail tip twitching with thought, the orange tabby turned his attention back to the crowd below. He couldn't bare looking into the eyes of the clan leader who turned his back on him and threw the alliance they had with the previous leader away. Fallenstar had been Russetstar's deputy, he of all cats should've known better!
Old February 19th, 2018, 10:27 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]

@Empress Of Evil

At first, aside from the air of tension and annoyance from the Windclan leader, everything seemed to be particularly fine. No sharp words had been thrown, no insults really. Grousestar even began to think that maybe things would finally get back to how they should be. He was glad to see that Blazingstar returned his greeting with a nod; glad to see that the tom didn't hold any sort of grudge against him, even though he wouldn't be sure what the grudge would be on anyways. Perhaps because they chose to stay out of the fight, but I digress.
"I see..." Grousestar said slowly with a small nod of his head, gaze flickering back to the sea of cats below them, waiting for them to start. But, just as soon as the Skyclan tom thought that things would go smoothly, they started to crumble. Fallenstar snapping and questioning the Windclan leader on his authority, to which the golden tom was quick to fire back. Sighing heavily, and certainly loud enough for both of the other leaders to hear, the brown tabby would close his eyes.
"How about instead of starting another argument, we act like the leaders we are and simply start this gathering? Hm?" His emerald eyes would open again and flicker their gaze from one tom to the other, clear and heavy annoyance shown within them. He wasn't trying to hide it this time. One gathering where there was violence was more than enough, he did not want to go through it again. He might even start to regret moving his clan here given enough of this.

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Old February 22nd, 2018, 01:05 AM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]

@Empress Of Evil

The leader fluffed up as the ginger tabby snapped back at him. He knew he was pushing it, it was his first gathering as a leader, he was still getting used to ordering his clanmates around, but he would not stand for another thinking they could do whatever they wished, just because they held authority. He let out a snarl and took a step closer to the Windclan leader, to the point where he could feel the other's breath tickling his maw. " Yes I do, it's called respect" he barked, pure anger dripped from every consonant he spoke, every dip and pitch of his voice practically oozed with anger, it was clear that the ebony tom was irked. "My elders won't mind, nor will my queens or kits, my clanmembers know how to be polite to even the clans we've fought against, we know how to show our respect." he growled. The ebony tom knew he was making a decision that effected the whole clan, but he had an itching feeling that maybe, maybe they agreed with him.

Fallenstar was yanked out of his thoughts at the insult the ginger leader threw at him, at his clanmates. He let out a snarl and roughly stepped in front of Blazingstar and 'accidentally' pushed him back, his lapis hues practically blazed with hatred. "Traitorous you say?" he growled, shoving himself, once again, in the Windclan leaders face, his lapis hues locking on with Blazingstar's amber ones. "Our Alliance with Snowstar wasn't set in stone until some low life clan decided to attack them in their own clearing." he growled, his tail fluffed up and lashing behind him. "It was a spit second decision, Riverclan decided to help the clan that needed it the most, and two against one hardly seemed like a fair fight." he sneered. What kind of weak tom would attack a clan the way Windclan and Shadowclan attacked Thunderclan, putting kits, queens, and elders at risk, how despicable. "Not that you'd give a fox's butt. All you care about is winning and flaunting your power. It's Disgusting." he spat. His words came fumbling out of his maw, no filter, no nothing, the ebony tom practically barfed out everything that was on his mind, no sugar coating anything.

He ripped his focus away from Blazingstar, and instead, directed his pure rage upon Grousestar. Though the brown tabby hadn't done anything, the leader was still ticked off by the Skyclan leader. It was because he didn't do anything, of course it would be a little hard to do anything but pick a side and fight. The Skyclan leader, to his assumption, had been a leader much longer than he, Blazingstar, Goldenstar, or Snowstar had been, and yet he decided to let the four duke it out. "Why don't you stay out of this, just like you stayed out of the war." he growled. "You've shown that you want no part in this, so don't try and insert yourself now." he barked, then returned his flaming gaze back upon Blazingstar.

"As long as I exist, you will always be loved."
Spiderthroat is the Deputy of ThunderClan
|| Site || WCO Minecraft Origins Server ||
The waves that crashed upon
The rocks that you were trying to walk along

And in my head I heard them play a song
For you and me

Let's get lost at sea
Where they will never find us

Got stars at night to guide us
Old February 22nd, 2018, 03:30 AM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]


“Nice to meet you,” Auroraflame said warmly. “I’m sure you’ll do well as WindClan’s new deputy.” In all honesty, the deputy had no idea at all as to whether Buttercupbreeze would be a good deputy or not, but it seemed like the right thing to say. A nice boost of confidence to help her along this new journey.
The other she-cat beside her spoke up and she turned her icy gaze to rest it on Rowanflower. For a moment, the she-cat sat there, processing the other cat’s words and trying to remember the question that she’d asked in the first place. That’s right! I was asking about her name change, she thought suddenly. Auroraflame could be very forgetful at times, but she could scold her mind for being forgetful later as it appeared that something was happening up upon the large rocks. She followed Rowanflower’s gaze and looked up at Fallenstar and Blazingstar, who appeared to be getting into an argument. The she-cat listened with a blank expression. She didn’t say anything or do anything. Or rather, she wasn’t sure of what she could do or say. She wasn’t a leader so technically she shouldn’t be interrupting them, which is why she sat still and gazed at each leader in turn as he spoke.
In her personal opinion, Auroraflame found that Blazingstar had come off maybe a bit too harshly. They hadn’t been waiting for that long and it wouldn’t hurt to wait for just a little longer, yet she was pretty sure that his hatred for ThunderClan was fueling him to say those words. That and whatever traditions the other four clans had when it came to gatherings. Part of her agreed with Fallenstar’s response, although for a new leader, she didn’t think it was right for him to be rebuking a more experienced leader like that. There could’ve been at least a little bit of respect. But instead he had just said everything with a blunt tone and no intention of sugar coating anything.
She turned to look at Blazingstar as he responded and now she found herself agreeing with the orange tabby. The inky feline couldn’t seem to pick a side. She agreed with both toms yet there was fault in the words that each of them spoke. Thank StarClan Grousestar had chosen to stay out of it, otherwise she would be questioning any alliances that they had by now. Another voice suddenly came into the picture and the she-cat shifted her gaze once more. Rather than the source of the voice being Blazingstar or Fallenstar, Auroraflame was relieved to see that it was Grousestar. Hopefully he would be able to calm the other two leaders down. His calming words didn’t appear to work though as Fallenstar spoke again. The RiverClan leader was already riled up, a newly made apprentice would be able to see that. Auroraflame felt the urge to speak up but she decided that she had no say in this. She wasn’t involved in any of this drama so she didn’t have to say anything. This was an argument between the two clans, SkyClan was left out of it and most of her was glad for that.
The deputy’s eyes widened in shock as the ebony tom insulted Blazingstar. Even if she wasn’t a WindClanner, she still found Fallenstar’s words quite offensive and had she been apart of WindClan, she would’ve spoken up in Blazingstar’s defense. But she wasn’t a WindClanner, her loyalty was to SkyClan and Grousestar. Auroraflame turned her body to face the orange tabby expectantly, but before he could respond, Fallenstar continued. He appeared to be directing his words at Grousestar. The she-cat stayed silent and listened as the RiverClan leader growled at her leader. With each word, the stiffer her body became and the quicker the warmth left her expression. The tom cat was just being plainly disrespectful now. At first she’d had no say in this argument, but Fallenstar had insulted Grousestar’s experience and that meant that she absolutely had the right to say something.
“Fallenstar, may I remind you that you’re a new leader here whereas Grousestar has had moons of experience. He was wise to keep his clan out of this and I would suggest you show some respect to him.” She made sure her voice was projected loudly so that Fallenstar couldn’t possibly pretend that he hadn’t heard her. She had kept her voice calm and collected in an attempt to appear harmless, but her icy hues had failed her. With her eyes colder than ever, she gazed up in defiance at Fallenstar.
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Old February 22nd, 2018, 09:10 AM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]


It wasn’t really a second after Auroraflame that the leaders talk silenced the three of them, or at least Auroraflame and herself. She had to learn if buttercupbreeze was the type of cat to jaunt in at any given time and force her opinion into other people’s faces. Another shiver went spiraling down her spine as the words where exchanged between the leaders. Honestly fallenstar was attacking both leaders and she wasn’t sure how she was going to support fallenstar in his choices to defend himself so harshly. And well blazingstar was being curt both leaders thought they where doing rightly so while Grousestar tried his best not to have the gathering flipped over. She purses her lips and her shoulders tightened up, like Auroraflame had been considering she was waiting for the right moment to hop in and attempt to calm everyone. Her motherly side was seriously forcing its way into her mind making her see it from completely opposing angles, And in a way all leaders where kinda correct in some things. Her tail waved over the roots of a long since gone tree that had most likely fallen from the erosion. Rowanflame was small but she was certainly built like any other warrior and was tempted to leapt up in front of everyone and try to assure fallenstar he should drop it. Your not the leader, your his deputy, your NOT his mother! she scolded herself dropping her gaze away and pressed her chin into her chest trying her hardest to not yell out.
That’s when Auroraflame spoke up and her ears perked and she raised her head. Even though Auroraflame was her friend or she’d like to think that there was a level of blockage that prohibited them from being too close. Their highranks. As she spoke up to fallenstar she couldn’t help but recoil. Than she mentioned blazingstar and her chest seemed to tense up. We could never be enemies with skyclan! Oh please fallenstar don’t be curt with Grousestar. Anybody but grousestar. she had chosen not to speak for fear of saying something wrong do she just sat with all her limbs pulled in close and fear radiating off her. This was supposed to be my first gathering as a highrank. Two clans missing and the remaining three fighting. her muscles tensed up and she shuffled again trying to avert her gaze from the deputies. Espically buttercupbreeze, if she spoke out she felt as though the she cat had no place telling fallenstar off because she was new and of course Rowanflower would have something to say about it for sure. But for now her lips where screwed shut and her ears pinned to the back of her head. “Please stop...” she whispered under her breath before looking back up at the leaders trying to catch fallenstars gaze and to reassure him with her own.


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Old February 22nd, 2018, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: February Gathering [Leaders]

Buttercupbreeze was almost relieved when Auroraflame encouraged her that she'd do well. Maybe, just maybe she'd get along with the other deputies. Auroraflame seamed nice, calm and collected a lot like Grousestar, Rowanflower seamed okay for a RiverClanner she didn't seam to be anything like Fallenstar witch made Buttercup question why she had been chosen. Before the creamy ginger molly could say a word more Blazingstar and Fallenstar continued their argument. This made the new deputy nervous, more so then she had already been. Clam yourself Buttercup! Blazingstar knows what he's doing. She told herself talking a small breath. As Fallenstar continued Buttercup flecked her claws a few times as if needing the rock she was on, not enough to make much nose though. Her brownish eyes flicked to Grousestar as he began to talk. Grousestar made since, she had to admit,
starting the gathering would be the smartest idea. Yes, Fallenstar just has to agree and we will be good. The molly told herself a flicker of hope that Fallenstar wouldn't be a rabbit brain. But no, Fallenstar had to snap at the SkyClan leader to. This aggravated Buttercupbreeze but she held her tongue, trusting that Blazingstar would know what to do. Because she had no idea what to say but she was tired of the RiverClan leader's high and mighty act. The bushy tail of this molly flicked behind her in a slow beat. Hearing Auroraflame she glanced from the leaders to the Bombay feline, was that wise? She could only wonder. The SkyClan deputy was more experienced and older then herself, she believed. Buttercup took another deep breath trying to make herself stay calm. All this fighting and Fallenstar's insults to WindClan was getting to her but she literary bit her tongue to keep quiet. You can't just star fighting in the middle of a Gathering. Expressly your first as deputy. You have only been deputy for a few sun rises, remember that Buttercup. She added to herself. All the fighting, external and internal was making her a bit dizzy she flattened her ears trying not to glare or anything at the RiverClan leader. Her ear picked back up as she heard the not so familiar quiet voice of Rowanflower. Was she asking Fallenstar to stop? Or all the leaders? She glanced at the ginger patched molly a bit surprised. The voices of the three leaders seemed to ring in her ears. Shacking her head slightly she looked back up at the leaders hoping that Blazingstar would do whatever he needed to. Please, StarClan, stop this fight and let it end peacefully. She plead silently. Please...
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