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Old March 31st, 2024, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

| Sprucepaw |
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The eight moon old had been caught off guard. Resting as he had been by the shade in the clearing, the young apprentice was not expecting an irate Angry to come out yowling for the world to hear. Well... that wasn't entirely true. He always expected Angry to be quite irate, actually. He just hadn't expected her to be thus at this very moment. The long haired tom would have made himself scarce ages ago had he known of this impending yowlfest of star worshipers, thank you very much. Still, he wasn't idiotic enough to try and run away now. That would be the same as drawing a target on his back. He had a feeling Angry had prey vision on anyone who tried to flee for their lives, simply further guaranteeing their deaths. No, it would be best to stay put and weather the storm... he could always dream it would be over and done with soon enough, in any case.

Of course, just as he had predicted, the meeting started off with quite the bang. An elaborate sentence with high production values, he was sure... that boiled down to the fact that Angry was mad. Had Fudge's face been more emotive on a regular basis, the deadpanned expression would have been even more evident for what it was this time around. As it stood, there was barely a difference from his usual blank, emotionless face, only a small snort escaping him. Really? Angry? Mad? Why... that was unheard of! The Havana Brown mix was fairly certain this must have not happened since... since... when had Angry last taken a breath? Yeah... right around that time, probably. Please... There was no need to make a community wide service call whenever she was pissed, as she had so eloquently put it. They knew, Angry. The whole clan knew. Just operate under the fact that everyone knew you were ticked every time you spoke and then pointless moments like these wouldn't have to happen, now would they?

There was some talk about warriors being attacked at the border by some other clan - the shady ones - and the apprentice simply couldn't understand why this came as such shocking news to this band of cats. They had actively crossed the border with the river cats to attack them because they were too quiet. And now they were angry with the shadow ones because they were too murderous. Circle of life and all that. Cats would be cats, yeah? Seemed like murderous cats did not get along with other murderous cats, though? Huh... he would have assumed otherwise, but then again, maybe they were competitive in some way. Why else would the other murder felines decide to eat the cat they'd killed by the border? Wait no... come again?!

A brow quirked on the tom's dark face. The only visual cue as to his inner fright. There was... there was no way a cat had eaten another cat, was there? Not even in the city did the bullies he'd been beaten by resort to such things, no matter how hungry they were. Probably Angry being so irate she could no longer see things rationally. Or... well... as rationally as the leader of a band of star worshipers who killed first and asked questions later could be.

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Old March 31st, 2024, 08:55 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

DaylightPaw listened in, concern etched on her face.

EggBite's eyes widened. Of course ShadowClan was causing problems!
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Old March 31st, 2024, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Redhawk - ThunderClan Hornet
She/they | 32 moons | The Ultimate Predator, The Collector, Kitty Softpaws
As Elkpaw joined her, keen enough to notice the way she was certain her expression must appear, Redhawk hesitated in answering. She didn't want to lie to him, but she wasn't sure yet what words to use to relay the gravity of the situation they were in with ShadowClan. "...I'm alright." It was... okay for now. To support this statement Red mustered up a small grin and flicked her tail to rest around the back of her apprentice. "I need to t-talk with you about sss-something important after t-the meeting though, okay?"

There wouldn't be time to do it all know, especially since Bumblestar was launching right into the announcements. The news about Spiderthroat and two killed ShadowClan warriors was news to her - it appeared Goldenheart was not the first trouble this month. As it was mentioned, her name attached to it, Red glanced at Elkpaw to gauge his reaction. He was young and impressionable, and he'd seemed to get along with those he'd met at the Gathering. As much as the hornet wished she didn't have to take it away from him, the thought of allowing him to make friends with any cat from that Clan sent shivers up her spine.

Haggard Ruins - she knew what was there. That... large brown flurry of fur and claws that had nearly killed her and the rest of the patrol that Spiderthroat had led. Smallpines was news though, and her heart thumped heavily as Mudhound was named as the cat to have found it and Eaglespirit. There would be time to move to check on her fellow hornet later; right now she wanted to remain beside Elkpaw incase he had any questions about ShadowClan.

[ @dino. ]

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Old April 1st, 2024, 12:32 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Thunderclan Hornet | They/them | 35 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

Oooop Mudhound was late! In their defense they were doing something as evidenced by the fact that they were covered in feathers and leaves and looked like they'd lost a fight with a tree, in the clans defense it was impossible to tell what the hell they were actually doing to show up like that.

They did pause in their 'Im late Im late!' hurry however to listen to announcements though.
-Shadowclans causing issues and thunderclan was finally gonna hit back and punish them for their cruelty. Good, maybe if they did it well enough that clan would finally leave them alone!
-Bumblestar finally revealed what was going on in the haggard ruins, a beast of some sort and a patrol was going to put together to deal with it.
-The lynx thing. Yeah that one was still itching its way along the back of Mudhound's mind and yet it was increasingly looking like a story not to be solved.

Cool ok important but not horrible and all things well in paw! Good! Time for what they were here for.

Sprucepaw identified, grooming machine moving locking in on position, grooming activated. In a move that was probably familiar to the apprentice, Sprucepaw was collided with by a giant furry boulder and summarily nabbed to be bodily groomed. Seriously, the poor tom's every spare curl of fur was flattened, all fluff was smoothed, and he was preened to perfection.

The tom had nailed his assessment, had been cleared and now it was TIME. Their kiddo was becoming a warrior!!! So of course he had to look his best for the day, complete with a little decorative red cardinal feather, just like he'd hunted, threaded into his chest fluff.
"Mmmm yep! Now you look all pretty for your big day! I told you you could do it and Im so proud of you and happy for you! I hope Ive been a good mentor for you and youve enjoyed this as much as I have, I know Im still kinda learning as youre my first apprentice to reach warrior..."
Second apprentice ever to boot but Mudhound was not gonna ruin this being sad about Lotuspaw.
"We're gonna be able to do some much cool stuff together now too! No more boring training more doing stuff that suits you! Isnt it exciting~"
No bad scary news could turn this day bad, today was a good day for this one event alone.

@Alchemist Kitsune
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Last edited by Rani; April 1st, 2024 at 12:32 AM.
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Old April 1st, 2024, 02:01 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Sunleap listened.

Dogpaw listened.

Beetlepaw listened.

Sheeopaw groomed herself.

Mantispaw listened, wondering why all of the clans couldn't just get along. She was perfectly aware that that was far too much to ask for, but a seven moon old could dream. Even if she knew it was idiotic and the clans would never get along. Why did other cats seem to like fighting so much? That was something that Mantispaw woud never understand no matter how old she got. And that wasn't the only thing about other cats that Mantispaw couldn't understand. Sigh. Mantispaw wasn't sure whether she wanted to be like everyone else or not. They sometimes seemed to love fighting but not fitting in was quite difficult. Why was being herself so difficult?

Porcupinekit listened while bouncing around becaue being still was boring and therefore stupid and therefore something that they didn't do. They knew a REALLY big word cause therefore was NINE WHOLE letters! That was a LOT. They were a GENIUS!!!!!!!! So ShadowClan was being bad? Boo! Stupid ShadowClan! They were somehow so far completely silent. (Kit logic lol)

Slugkit listened from her hiding space in the nursery.
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Last edited by Katiethewolfchild; April 3rd, 2024 at 05:29 PM.
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Old April 1st, 2024, 03:51 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest


not long after assaulting kestrelpaw with their awesomeness, mountaindad appeared. which was awesome! he didn’t flat out say that they had been doing a good job, but he did scold kes (haha, loser) and tell her to sit near shrike (take that!), which certainly meant that shrike was doing at least moderately okay. with a smug grin aimed at their sister, they turned to face big cat bumble.

their mouth dropped open ever so slightly as she spoke, eyes widening. border crossing, herb stealing, bodies in herondive hollow (wherever that was), eating clanmates? wow. wow! this was crazy. crazy! and maybe a little exciting, but they wouldn’t admit that. they’d have to find aldercry for some training later, no way was shrikepaw going to continue on with no training while all of this was going on. no way!

[ @RoseRat - @/dino. ]

that's all folks

rose stole carmen's identity
site // va's

Last edited by carmen; April 1st, 2024 at 03:51 PM.
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Old April 1st, 2024, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest


Drizzlecloud caught sight of her clanmates gathering outside in the clearing, and upon stepping outside she noticed that a meeting had been taking place outside.. Oh, hopefully she hadn't missed anything important!

Quietly with her head ducked, she slipped into the crowd, hoping to get close enough to the front of the group so she could at least try to read Bumblestar's lips. Otherwise, she'd ask someone at the end of the meeting some questions in hopes of getting a better understanding of what had happened. The general uneasiness that was so thick in the air had Drizzlecloud coming to the easy conclusion that these first announcements weren't quite nice ones.

As she peered up at Bumblestar with her eyes narrowed, she managed–or at least she hoped she did–to pick up on a few things by reading her lips. Problems with Shadowclan, for the most part, and something else being present on the territory. Drizzlecloud couldn't help but sigh at this. She wondered if there would ever be a clan meeting free of the mention of chaos.

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Old April 1st, 2024, 07:10 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Le yikes. Tansyjaw was obviously feeling nice and vindicated with the furor going on about Shadowclan, albeit a bit too late for any Shadowclanners residing among them to be ousted. Grudgingly she had been forced to accept Dovefluff was here to stay, as much as it would smooth out her life if her and her inferior progeny (what was with that Brindlekit, pestering her all the time and not even an apprentice on time) didn't exist. It seemed to make Lioncrest slightly more pleasant though, so that was something. And a few of the children seemed promising. Sunpaw and Swanpaw were competent and apprentices, and while Elkpaw seemed a bit.....wild for civilized society, he had obviously managed to charm enough cats that he hadn't been booted out of camp just yet. She wasn't quite sure how, but it was working. Her main hope was that Bumblestar would be able to deal with the various incursions in a timely manner. It had been nonstop chaos for moons, and while Tansyjaw the warrior might have relished the opportunities to prove herself, Tansyjaw the elder was getting rather tired of the disruptions. Either that or the thought of other cats slaying what could have been her glorious trophies. But alas she had retired, and it was down to the younger, less competent cats to deal with the predators and Shadowclan. Though if they took too long she might start lurking by the Shadowclan border and shredding a few frogs on her own. (OPEN)
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
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Old April 1st, 2024, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

( @Jayvines for the Lioncrest mention)
Oh dear, his father was here. Normally his dad wouldn't inspire anything but joy in Brindlekit, but after the disappointment of last meeting (he had failed somehow, he still didn't know why but he had) it did little to quiet the nerves in his stomach. And Tansyjaw was here too. And all his siblings, of course. His accomplished, 'paw siblings. Regardless of his inner turmoil, he did his best to cast a smile upwards and to meet Lioncrest's gaze. His dad's tail was much appreciated, soft and weighted and warm (though perhaps not as much as mom's) and he did feel a bit more confident. Able to sit up a bit straighter, if only to avoid feeling so small next to his gigantic father.

As Bumblestar began to speak, concern returned full force. Did he even want to be an apprentice, if that was what he would be going out to? Lynxs and Shadowclan cats who ate faces? Um, no thanks? That sounded absolutely TERRIFYING and not at ALL like things Brindlekit wanted to tangle with. But that was probably part of why he wasn't an apprentice to begin with. He was cowardly and Bumblestar could somehow tell, and that was why she didn't want him as part of the apprentices. No apprentices would be dealing with the lynx, but it was still possible that Shadowclan would come after them and they would have to fight, and an apprentice who didn't want to fight would be useless. Not that he wouldn't fight! He wasn't a traitor or anything! He'd just have to work on that whole....taking initiative thing. If Bumblestar hadn't already sensed his internal terror and decided he needed another moon as a kit to get a bit braver.
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
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Old April 2nd, 2024, 11:36 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest


purrks ; beefed up t1
he/him . thc . 4 moons . #flocklitterwarbler . adhd . tags ; @Omari

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warblerpaw's tail lashed back and forth. he was itching to go.. well, dunno, fight riverclan or shadowclan all by himself, he guessed? warblerpaw shrugged, then noticed drizzlecloud mouthing along and squinted, padding- more like scrambling- over to her.

he carefully walked in front of her, making sure he was careful with her personal space, and then tapped her with his tail to get her attention softly. ' do you need help translating what bumba's saying? ' warblerpaw purred, careful to enunciate and make it easier for the medicine cat to lip-read if she needed to.

' bitter choco decoration,
eat it all without saying a thing '

cobwebfern ☆ warblerpaw
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