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Old January 28th, 2024, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

She/they | 29 moons | Ultimate Predator • The Collector • Kitty Softpaws [inactive]
Everything felt... heavy. Curled up in their nest with their eyes resting on the entrance, Redhawk found that sleep was evading her. The night had fallen over camp long ago and everyone had turned in. But for her... Mapleface's lunge, Violetfreckle's death, Bumblestar's grief... It all echoed in her mind loud enough for her to eventually take her paws and press them against her ears. She wanted it to stop. She wanted this voice in her head that told her it was her fault to stop. Eyes squeezing shut the reddish-brown she-cat tried to suck in a steadying breath - only for a quick exhale to come and bring tears with it.

But ever the type to not make others worry over her, Red was silent. The tears fell without a word as her jaws parted in a soundless wail. Her stomach was still churning from it all and suddenly she felt unsafe in her own nest. Her heart thudded in her chest and her eyes flew open again. Peering out into the night they finally landed on a familiar figure. Sprawled out in their own nest, sound asleep - it was so selfish of her what she wanted to do.

Evidently the fear of these voices becoming too loud for her to ignore outweighed the fear of her Clanmate pushing her away in rejection and Red got to her paws. As quietly as she could on soft paws, Red made her way over to where Mudhound was, whickers quivering. "...M-Mudhound?" she asked quietly, her voice a whisper. She wasn't sure what it was - perhaps how they had found her near the border in tears, or how they had offered themselves as a solid foundation for her to lean on during the clearing debacle. Whatever it was, Red craved it - and she could only pray that she wouldn't be turned away.

Without saying much of anything the reddish-brown she-cat gingerly laid herself down. The warmth her Clanmate provided immediately rushed to soothe her worries and she tucked her head into her paws as she curled up next to them, stretching out their own nest a bit (she would make them a new one tomorrow). "I-It's just cold..." she lied, glad that her back and head were turned away from Mudhound so that they wouldn't see the tears that still slid down her face.

Cold. Pfft. Red was fluffy enough to block out the leaf-bare chill for the most part. She hoped she wouldn't be called out for it as she curled herself into a tighter ball against Mudhound, shutting her eyes and trying her best to sleep. The voices were quieter now, barely just whispers.

[ @Rani cuddle time activated ]

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Old January 28th, 2024, 09:51 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

Thunderclan Warrior | They/them | 31 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

The tripod had gone to bed without expectation of a sleeping buddy. Usually they slept partially on Violetfreckle, using the molly as a sort of unwilling pillow (though she never really complained) but after the events of today they totally got why they were snoozing alone. It wasnt too bad anyways, the warriors den had enough cats in it for the maine coon mix to feel comfortable and safe and they were softly snoring, snorting as they did.

At least they were sleeping, at Redhawks soft words the warriors eyes blinked open softly, a questioning "Mrrp?" greeting the molly.

For all Redhawk carefully constructed excuses Mudhound was not fooled for a single second, eyes flitting around to take in the small details. The slight shaking, the wet cheeks, the growing bags under the warriors eyes, yeah Redhawks emotional state was clear. The maine coon mix grunted as they stretched, not a single protest leaving them as the russet cat settled in, hoping she didnt still blame herself. Mapleface had been the cause of Violetfreckles death, it'd only been her fault and she'd payed for it. And Bumblestars 'death' had evidently been of her own choice so that she could give it to Violetfreckle (yet another reason Mudhound was just sick of them not being together because how could an 'i love you' be harder then dying for someone).
None of that was on Redhawk and no one blamed her, but communicating that at so late an hour was borderline impossible for the sluggish Mudhound so they resorted to other means of comfort.

Flipping over to their side Mudhound quietly started purring, reaching over the molly to shift some moss to cushion Redhawk better, tail resting on her side. Once she was more settled in the nest the tripod flopped back down, a pair of paws reaching out to nab her. With the size different it really wasnt hard to scoop the other warrior up and crush her close to Mudhound plush fluffy belly and with a couple of settling wiggles Mudhounds entire body was soon curled around her. It was more then warm really, with the heat the tripod constantly emitted cold was no long a thing that could reach Redhawk. ....Probably a little squashy though, given that with this complete encircling of the smaller cat there was a fair amount of their weight pressing down on her.

Some people liked that weight though, the calm rumbling pressure of a warm content cat complete with the soft kneading of paws against Redhawks pelt from where the warriors arms still encircled her.

Words were... slow to come, Mudhound still groggy but eventually through a yawn they mumbled into russet fur. "N' probl'm. 'm warm an' I don have a cuddle buddy t'night. Pl's I like you, your good. Like bein' close ta you....." Another large yawn buried in the other warriors fur and despite best effort their eyes were slowly blinking closed as they lost the fight to sleep. Heavy conversations could wait and stuff, here the two were warm and things were too comfortable to bring up negative stuff. Only good dreams allowed.

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Last edited by Rani; January 28th, 2024 at 09:51 PM.
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Old January 28th, 2024, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

RoseThorn walked to her nest after a full belly and started grooming herself. She was so tired that the lapping motion was lulling her to sleep... Thud! Oww. She fell over on the hard ground. While she stood up she step on someone's tail. "Sorry." She said when she heard hissing at her.

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The greatest thrill is to not kill but to let live -James Oliver Curwood
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
‭‭John‬ ‭3:16-17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Last edited by Samantha; January 28th, 2024 at 11:31 PM.
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Old January 31st, 2024, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Samantha View Post
RoseThorn walked to her nest after a full belly and started grooming herself. She was so tired that the lapping motion was lulling her to sleep... Thud! Oww. She fell over on the hard ground. While she stood up she step on someone's tail. "Sorry." She said when she heard hissing at her.

Open to anyone.

"Eep!" She cries as the cat treads on her tail, that was a little painful.

She looks around, "Please don't tell on me! You'll keep me hidden, right? I wanna see what warriors are like!"

Acornkit whisper-yells, curling her tail tighter around her so the mishap won't happen a second time. She smiles at Rosethorn, trying to be more convincing.
"My heart's in charge, it's a dictator." -Stream :3

Click only one |

"Love your neighboor as yourself." - Lev. 19:18

~Eveningstar is the current Morningclan leader, she has a semi-open den policy.~

Last edited by Streamtail; January 31st, 2024 at 12:04 PM.
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Old January 31st, 2024, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

•° Violetfreckle °•
Rapid Recovery • Collector • Master Scout

It was with a grumble that the she-cat stumbled into the warrior's den and collapsed into her nest. She fell asleep, then woke up in the dead of night. It was coooold. Subconsciously, she snuggled up to a possibly less-than-willing Mudhound and fell back asleep

// @Rani mudhound cuddle time 4 bingo \\


there's courage in being terrified, but still going forward.

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Old January 31st, 2024, 10:13 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

She/they | 29 moons | Ultimate Predator • The Collector • Kitty Softpaws [inactive] • [Open]
...Okay so maybe being stuck in the snow hadn't been that good. Redhawk had been up all night with a flare of pain near her haunches. It felt like the frost itself had reached up and bitten her! Eventually it got to the point where the warrior twisted this way then that, until she spotted the culprit. Swinging her fluffy tail around, she realized the tip of it looked rather nasty. And it felt cold as she touched her nose to it - numbingly cold. With a frown she began to feverishly lick at the area in the hopes to warm it up. She didn't want to lose the tip of her tail!!

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old January 31st, 2024, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

•° Violetfreckle & Timberkit °•

They say curiosity killed the cat, and Timberkit was just about to learn that. As the little calico she-cat stuck her nose into the warrior's den, she was swiftly scooped up with a squeak! Her assailant? Violetfreckle, who wasted no time kicking her back outside. Timberkit let out a huff and stuck out her tongue. Mistake number two: Violetfreckle scooped her back in and tidied up the kit's fur, grooming the snowflakes out of her fur. The young cat squealed with a mixture of delight and wrath, finally wiggling free. She ran toward the nursery and didn't look back.


there's courage in being terrified, but still going forward.

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Old January 31st, 2024, 10:18 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by vellichor View Post
•° Violetfreckle °•
Rapid Recovery • Collector • Master Scout

It was with a grumble that the she-cat stumbled into the warrior's den and collapsed into her nest. She fell asleep, then woke up in the dead of night. It was coooold. Subconsciously, she snuggled up to a possibly less-than-willing Mudhound and fell back asleep

// @Rani mudhound cuddle time 4 bingo \\

Thunderclan Warrior | They/them | 31 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

Mudhound did not care, Mudhound continued to snort-snore and shifted a bit to be more laying on their favorite pillow and continued dreaming, grunting and kicking in their sleep.
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Old January 31st, 2024, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den


She/Her - They/them


Swankit snuck away from Mommy in an attempt to find Daddy to show him a cool pebble that she found. Unfortunately, she didn't see him right away, and as she was trying to sneak back, she gently bumped into the nearest warrior. "I'm sorry! Here, have dis." she mewed worriedly, offering the pebble in exchange for bumping into him.

[ @Cherry~ ]

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Old January 31st, 2024, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

( @Dark )

Drizzlenight smiled down at the kit as he was given a little gift. The youth of the Clan really were so innocent sometimes, it was nice. He took it. "Thank you!"

He plucked a feather from a nearby bird and passed it to her. "Here. Put this in your nest! They're fun to play with, too."
Fadingstar is currently RiverClan's leader. He has an open den policy; his den can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns about RiverClan, or any plots to propose, feel free to leave me a VM or DM! Please do not take my characters' IC opinions as reflective of my own.
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