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Old December 19th, 2023, 07:30 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

[ Sorry for the quote ; figured you'd like to know Acorn was collected! ]
Originally Posted by TheNyanCatMinecart View Post
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As Wolfpaw awaited Nightgaze's charge, the wind changing direction caught his attention. It.. reeked. He recognized the smell of blood - he knew it from Bumba, when she was hurt, but did not recognize the other scents as well. Regardless, blood alone was concerning and made his fur spike up. "Nightgaze?" A questioning tone, to get her attention. His gaze drifted in the direction the scent seemed to be coming from, and without a second thought he started to head toward it.

Upon further investigation, the scents were getting stronger - but there was something off about them. They weren't.. fresh, was the only way he could describe it. The scent was off, as if faded but not. And from here, it didn't take him long to find the source - a mangled kit, torn open for the sky to see.

At first, Wolfpaw could hardly register what he was looking at. It was a little much for his young mind, which hardly knew the pain of battle or the dangers that lurked within the woods. "Nightgaze?" It was quieter, now, as he stared at the body.

[ @The Doctor ]
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Old December 20th, 2023, 09:20 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Thunderclan Hornet

Taking a deep breath Nightgaze prepared to charge as Wolfpaw gave the all ready sign but just as her paws were about to leave the ground she was halted by the apprentice's voice "Yeah?" confusion clouded her gaze for a moment before she scented it. Blood. She instinctively knew blood was bad and often meant danger was close by...oh no.

Stiffening, the small hornet let her paws follow Wolf as he wandered towards the scent, she needed to make sure Wolfpaw was safe, he was young and deserved to live a full life...plus with being Bumblestar's kid she didn't want to risk he place in her clan so she tried to stay as close to him as possible fur bristling more and more as they got closer to the scent.

"Oh God..." the words came out barely above a whisper and they were laced with shock. pupils dilating in horror, the hornet just stared at the corpse in front of her with complete and utter disbelief. What had happened? Why was the kit out here in the first place? This shouldn't of happened! Why did no one see them leave?!

Wolfpaw's voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she immediately snapped back to reality Wolfy...he shouldn't see this...he's too young, too innocent... turning to the apprentice she gently tried to nudge him away from the gruesome scene and tried her best to distract or comfort him "It's ok...don't worry, let's just go back to camp and tell Bumblestar. Everything will be alright..." her voice was soft now but it had a faint hint of fear, she was scared...scared of what would happen to her clanmates now that there was a new threat, she wanted to protect them but for now she could only shield Wolfpaw from the horrific sight and escort him back to camp where she'd report to Bumblestar.

(No worries, sorry I took so long to reply to the last post I forgot about it for a while!)


Nightgaze kit finder!

Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^

Last edited by Morrigan; December 20th, 2023 at 09:21 AM.
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Old December 20th, 2023, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

He/Him|23 moons

Mothdust lay boredly under a bush. The sun warming his head but the shade cooling his body, a weird, but calming feeling. He watched the other cats around him busily working and chatting. Perhaps he should get up, and talk to someone or make a new friend. 'Maybe I should go hunt,' he thought to himself. But he couldn't get up and do it, so he signed and flicked his fluffy dark ash brown tail to one side, adjusting his head on his paws.
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Old December 20th, 2023, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Thunderclan Warrior | They/them | 31 Moons
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The sudden hostility was a bit of a shock really and wide golden eyes blinked with clear surprise. "I-I didnt even see you, wow. Im not blaming you Im just worried cuz I didnt wanna see you hurt I-" But it was too late it seemed, as Wolfpaw was storming back to camp without listening, easily outpacing Mudhound despite the warrior trying to bound after to keep up. They were barely able to call out a "Wait I didnt mean it like that! I was gonna-" but he was out of range, leaving the tripod to mutter out a "Offer some training help and not even tattle..... Come on kiddo we just wanna see you live to be a warrior....." The maine coon mix let out a long sigh, the entire situation just rotten and now the warrior didnt know how to fix it.

They'd try later after some cool off.

(Forgot to close this out oops!) @BEAR.
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Last edited by Rani; December 20th, 2023 at 12:58 PM.
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Old December 21st, 2023, 06:18 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory


The thought of a kitten, currently bleeding out from a supposedly venomous snake bite had her blood running through her veins ice cold. She skittered to a stop when she came across some stinging nettle–sighing to herself as she pulled at part of the plant, tugging off a couple of stalks with those spiny seeds. Those are what she needed–but what about catmint? What if she couldn’t find any?

Again, she picked up the pace, running at a high speed jog but not too fast. She didn’t want to miss something important. Especially not now–they needed this! That kit needed this. She could only pray to the stars above that she wouldn’t be too late–what would happen if she was? This kitten was depending on her to bring this catmint back, whether they knew it or not. Springpaw, at the very least, was depending on her right now. She had to bring something back that could be of use.

By now, she could very well have left the territory with how far she had ran, and at this point she was getting desperate–perhaps she wouldn’t find anything… Until she did. The smallest clump of catmint that she had ever seen, the mouth watering scent just barely strong enough to catch her attention. The plant itself looked to be close to withering away, only a few of it’s leaves remaining–and only a few of them would be able to do the job, anyway. Plucking two leaves, the only two that looked to be of use, and then she whirled around, sprinting back towards camp.

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Old December 22nd, 2023, 07:49 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

She/they | 28 moons | Ultimate Predator
Making quit work of exiting the camp, Redhawk immediately set out for any sights of branches, ferns, or any foliage really that could help cover the hole in the nursery den. While she looked, she came across a rather large rock that was covered in moss, and so the warrior used her claws to scrape away gently at it, harvesting it into a small pile to be used to replace any of the nests that had gotten destroyed in the scramble.

"Look for b-branches that are slightly b-bigger," Red called to Mushroompaw in the hopes that the apprentice had followed her out of camp. "Big l-leaves too. And... m-maybe some mud. If we c-cant find any, we can use s-some dirt and get it w-wet in the stream that f-flows beside the nursery; it'll h-help reinforce the w-wall." At least, she hoped it would. Finishing her moss collection the warrior moved it into a neat pile before slipping away to the roots of a tree.

Unsheathing her claws once more Redhawk set to work on digging up the long fronds that stuck out nearby, careful to not tear into them anywhere but at the roots in the ground.

[ @ChaosBringer. supply collection time! ]

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Old December 22nd, 2023, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory


Padding after the warrior on quick, silent paws, Mushroompaw followed. His ears pinned back slightly as the warrior called out to him, even though he was right next to them. He glanced at the growing moss pile before padded off to the side, pawing at the ground and some bushes, hoping for some good and sturdy branches. A large twig snapped off the bush. The small apprentice quickly snatched it up and padded away, rolling up leaves into bundles. He nudged the twig with his paws to move it, as his mouth was full of leaves. After a few minutes of awkward struggle, he made his way over to Redhawk, setting doen the bundle of leaves and nudging the twig over. Should he find more?

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Old December 22nd, 2023, 08:30 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

She/they | 28 moons | Ultimate Predator
Between the leaves and branches she and Mushroompaw had collected, they had enough to not only patch the whole but make it stronger than before. "Good f-finds," Redhawk purred with an approving nod. Glancing around once more for a rock or something they could put against the backside of the nursery, she found one nearby the moss she had collected earlier. So with her two large fronds, two branches, moss pile, and rock, she figured it was good enough to head back. Mushroompaw's supplies would be excellent as well, and the rock and stick they could simply roll with their paws.

"Good work. L-Let's head back and start patching u-up that hole." Nodding to the the young tom Redhawk gathered up what she could carry and used her paws to roll the rock back towards camp, tail flicking behind her.

[ @ChaosBringer. ]

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Old December 22nd, 2023, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory


Sprinting into the territory, the muscular oriental came to a halt in a small clearing, icy bicolored eyes scouring the plants. It was goddamn winter, all the plants were dead, goddamnit. Flinging pawfuls of shriveled, brown weeds to the side, his eye caught three white, daisy-like flowers that looked like they were one frost away from dying. Nipping the plants with his fangs, he picked them up and carried them away, picking his pace up into a run as he travelled back to the camp.

(+ 3 chamomile)

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Last edited by poppy; December 22nd, 2023 at 08:58 PM.
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Old December 23rd, 2023, 11:40 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

[ activating Beefed Up Tier 3 ]

The Clan was running low on food. It wasn't very surprising given it was mid-leaf-bare, but it was a bit concerning, so Bumblestar decided to go out on a solo hunt.

It had been a while since she'd done something like this. It felt like she got no time to herself these days, always at everyone else's beck and call, worrying about the growing tensions, never taking a break. Maybe this didn't count as a break either, technically, but she was by herself and it was quiet, so to her, that's what it was.

She slunk through the dark woods, eyes, ears, and nose on high alert for any sign of prey. Apparently she wasn't alone. Something shuffled quietly in front of her. What little moonlight filtered through the clouds was enough to give her a small glimpse: a marten, tucked behind a snow-capped bush, leaning over a carcass of some kind.

Bumblestar slid her claws out and lunged, catching the marten by surprise as she slammed it into the ground sideways. It shrieked in protest and twisted to bite her shoulder. Claws caught her in the leg, but she avoided the teeth and retaliated with one of her own, fangs sinking into the back of its neck until she heard something crack. The marten went limp.

Bumblestar straightened up and turned to investigate whatever it had been about to eat: a mouse. Relatively untouched and perfectly fine to eat. She slung the marten over her shoulders and picked the mouse up by the tail and headed back to camp.

Last edited by dino.; December 23rd, 2023 at 11:40 PM.
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