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Old May 31st, 2021, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Angelique View Post

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

{-} Badgerscar {-}

Pride showed in Badgerpaw's eyes as he heard the words before him. He was finally going to become a warrior. Later he'd have to thank Grimhound for all he's done for him. He trusted the tom now and saw a great aspect of the clan. The newly named Badgerscar looked at Dawnstar his usual grumpy face still showed. Yes, he was excited, but that didn't mean he would show it. Once his clan started respecting him maybe he would eventually.

Now the next thing came as a surprise to him. He looked over at Ebonyfang. Ha! Now he was finally being put in his place. He talked bad about Grimhound which he wasn't a fan of. Grimhound was a great warrior and anyone who said otherwise had to deal with him. That wasn't the big surprise though. The surprise was that he was to be the new medicine cat. She hadn't talked to him first, but that didn't matter. He was hoping she'd allow him the role. He had been in the medicine den to give Catmint at one time. Nobody knew though, but Bouncepaw and Ebonyfang. "I promise you I will try my best. I won't let you down Dawnstar.", Badgerscar meowed. He meant every word and he was going to be very protective of his new status.

Now it was time to listen to others cheer and some question why he was chosen as a medicine cat. He turned to the first cat that said something, which was Berrypaw. Badgerscar eyed him. He had never healed before, but he had been herb hunting before. There were many medicine cats in different clans to help him learn herbs. "Thank you. I can't say anything as I've never healed before, but I do know a couple of herbs from Ebonyfang.", he meowed with his gruff voice. He had just been made Shadowclan’s medicine cat, so of course, he didn't know if he liked healing, but it didn’t matter. He was new and would learn.

Badgerscar looked over at Finchpaw, taking notice of what he had said. He wasn’t deaf. “Dawnstar chose me to be stronger and not be a soft medicine cat. We are Shadowclan. We’re supposed to be the most feared. Ebonyfang was soft, but I’m not. I will help Dawnstar in every way to make Shadowclan be back on top. I’m going to do what the old medicine cat couldn’t. I’m going to make Shadowclan be feared by all.”, he meowed almost in a growl. He was quite tired of cats not understanding what Dawnstar was trying to do for their clan.

Another voice rang out. A familiar one at that made his head turn towards them. He looked at Buzzardkit. Yes, he did want to be a warrior, but he also wanted to help make Shadowclan feared once more. Plus there was nothing stated in the warrior code that medicine cats couldn’t fight. Sure he had to be much more careful, but he still could help Shadowclan among battles. “Buzzardkit being a warrior was my dream, yes, but I know exactly what I’m doing. I can still use my warrior skills on being a medicine cat. Having warrior training is what’s going to make me a strong medicine cat.”, he meowed. With this new rank, Badgerscar seemed a lot wiser and he was with the help of his leader.

Badgerscar felt proud of himself for what he was saying, but then another cat caught his attention. Ah yes, the medicine cat apprentice. He didn’t feel bad for taking a place that was rightfully his. If Dawnstar thought Bouncepaw was ready then she would have made him a medicine cat. “I’m looking forward to working with you, but now I make the decisions in the medicine den. There will be a few changes to be made soon.”, he meowed.

// @Fletcher; @finnzel; @Nostalgia; @~Storm~; \\
Finchpaw froze as Badgerscar stared him down. He must have heard him. Narrowing his eyes he returned the stare. What Badgerscar said did ring true, after all he agreed that all choices should be done for the best of his clan. He felt conflicted accepting the change but he knew that for now he would have to. Keeping the stare he gave Badgerscar a nod; even he knew when to keep his mouth shut.

Last edited by Nostalgia; May 31st, 2021 at 03:57 PM.
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Old May 31st, 2021, 07:51 PM
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Default Re: The Shadowledge

Embershadow watched as Dawnstar named the warriors. He narrowed his eyes, noticing that she wasn't using the proper words. In fact, she had skipped over the entire part about StarClan. To be honest, that really didn't surprise him. For a long time, Dawnstar had skipped traditions and scoffed at the norm. This was far from the most egregious thing she had done.

He opened his mouth to call out the new warriors names when the dark she-cat went on. Embershadow listened in stunned silence as Dawnstar demoted Ebonyfang. What had he done wrong? The medicine cat was entitled to have his opinion. Unless something else had happened, Embershadow didn't understand why Dawnstar would do something like that. And then, to make things even worse, she promoted a warrior that, just a few heartbeats ago, still had 'paw' at the end of his name. He willed Ebonyfang to protest. There was no way he could just stand there and be moved down to warrior without a fight.

What? I respect your decision? That was all? Did he even want to be medicine cat anymore? And why was Dawnstar doing this? Surely it was better to appoint Bouncepaw, who was actually training to be a medicine cat. Embershadow stood up. "With respect," he meowed, trying to keep his voice calm. "Why wouldn't you appoint Bouncepaw, who actually had some knowledge of herbs?" And why in the world would you do this at all? Ebonyfang has been a fine medicine cat.

Whoa! A new medicine cat! Bouncing with excitement, Frostpaw yowled the new warriors names even as the clearing burst out with chatter. He hoped Badgerpaw- no, Badgerscar knew what he was doing. It seemed to him that Dawnstar was acting a little hastily, but he knew that since she was leader, she had to know what he was doing.

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Old June 1st, 2021, 12:05 AM
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Default Re: The Shadowledge

@Angelique //

badgerscar wasn't protesting? he was accepting all of this? why? this didn't make sense! he shouldn't be agreeing! buzzardkit stared at the older tom for a solid minute, almost in disbelief. why did he seem so wise all of a sudden? her brows furrowed as a frown made it's way on her maw. she wasn't sure why, but she felt upset at the fact badgerscar was being made medicine cat. dawnstar had so many other options-- bouncepaw would be the best option! he knew more than badgerscar!

and the cool moves that badgerscar was supposed to teach her, he wouldn't be able to teach her the moves now, would he? he'd be busy learning dumb herb stuff that bouncepaw was supposed to do (she had nothing against bouncepaw.) her mind was making this situation seem much worse than it was, if it could even be considered bad. her ear gave a flick at embershadow speaking up, questioning why bouncepaw hadn't been made medicine cat. even bouncepaw didn't speak against it, she thought with a small sniff.

she wasn't sure if she wanted to admit the whole 'worry about not being taught battle moves' part, doubt digging itself into her. emotions shifting into mostly annoyance mixed with doubt, the calico kit rolled her eyes. "yeah, whatever." she huffed, beginning to pad back to the spot where she originally had been sitting. "I don't care." she groaned under her breath, taking a seat again.

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Old June 2nd, 2021, 05:49 PM
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Default Re: The Shadowledge

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Aw, here she thought she was getting somewhere with her clanmates, yet so questioned her words. Dawnstar could not recall the last time she killed one of her clanmates, in all honesty, she felt like she's been pretty good about that. Threats, yes, threats that she'd happily make come true, but all she's done is threats as of late. Come now, no one was going to dispute her word? Not that she wanted them to, but she liked to think she was getting somewhere when they did.

Some looked upset and others simply went with it. Ugh, ShadowClan's been so boring as of late, no one causing much of a fuss. That meant whatever she was doing was working, but no one had much fire here. It was almost depressing. She barely glanced at Buzzardkit as she spoke up, but again not her concern. Badgerscar could deal with her. Dawnstar's already told that one she could do whatever she wanted, it didn't seem to be getting through her head.

"I don't see what the big fuss is about, if Ebonyfang actually wanted to be a medicine cat, he has a voice to back him up. He clearly doesn't want the rank anymore." Dawnstar explained, rolling her eyes after Ebonyfang spoke up. He didn't even look remotely remorseful about being returned to a warrior. They acted like she was exiling him or something. Not only that, but if the clan really needed the help, Ebonyfang still retained all his medical knowledge and could step up at any time to lend a paw. Dawnstar recalled a tom stepping with knowledge stepping in to help train the medicine cats before, he had been a warrior not a medicine cat in rank. She assumed Ebonyfang be helping Badgerscar learn, the doubt his clanmates cast on him was vexing but expected. Her eyes flashed over to Embershadow when he asked a question instead of just giving her a look. Finally, someone with a working maw.

"I am not replacing Bouncepaw with Ebonyfang simply because he's still an apprentice. Ebonyfang never deemed him good enough to give him his full name. I don't care how much medical knowledge he has or experience, with some time and training Badgerscar will acquire the same. You're all acting like the clans have never swapped out a warrior to become a medicine cat before. Apprentices and warriors have learned to become medicine cats countless times before, Ebonyfang was the same once, and now you all rely on him to heal you. Badgerscar will learn just as Ebonyfang did. If he takes his duty as a medicine cat as seriously as he did becoming a warrior then ShadowClan will be more than lucky to have him." Normally Dawnstar wouldn't go this far for one of her cats, but this felt exactly the same when she had been placed as leader of ShadowClan. They still had their doubts about her, nothing she could or would do would ever be enough for them. They reminded her so much of Icestar sometimes. Even though Dawnstar didn't think she's done anything particularly bad to ShadowClan or its members. Although that would change later, if they wanted her to be the bad guy, she'll embrace it.

"He's hunt and fought just as hard for the clan as any of you, he is loyal and has never done anything to harm ShadowClan. Yet you all doubt him without giving him a chance to prove himself simply because he hasn't learned anything yet." She scoffed while shaking her head. She was done with this and them. If they wanted Ebonyfang back so badly or Bouncepaw instead of Badgerscar, both cats were free to speak up, yet neither of them did so that was that.

"Mumblekit, Silverkit, and..." She trailed off staring harshly at Buzzardkit. "You, I'm not sure I want to give you your ceremony, Buzzardkit, you continue to have very annoying outbursts and question me at every turn." It wasn't like she was doing it with respect, no, she was just plain being rude and it really needed to stop. "Wormkit." She meowed, calling to the last kit while giving Buzzardkit a chance to reply.


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Last edited by Undertaker; June 2nd, 2021 at 05:51 PM.
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Old June 2nd, 2021, 05:53 PM
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Default Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Undertaker View Post

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Aw, here she thought she was getting somewhere with her clanmates, yet so questioned her words. Dawnstar could not recall the last time she killed one of her clanmates, in all honesty, she felt like she's been pretty good about that. Threats, yes, threats that she'd happily make come true, but all she's done is threats as of late. Come now, no one was going to dispute her word? Not that she wanted them to, but she liked to think she was getting somewhere when they did.

Some looked upset and others simply went with it. Ugh, ShadowClan's been so boring as of late, no one causing much of a fuss. That meant whatever she was doing was working, but no one had much fire here. It was almost depressing. She barely glanced at Buzzardkit as she spoke up, but again not her concern. Badgerscar could deal with her. Dawnstar's already told that one she could do whatever she wanted, it didn't seem to be getting through her head.

"I don't see what the big fuss is about, if Ebonyfang actually wanted to be a medicine cat, he has a voice to back him up. He clearly doesn't want the rank anymore." Dawnstar explained, rolling her eyes after Ebonyfang spoke up. He didn't even look remotely remorseful about being returned to a warrior. They acted like she was exiling him or something. Not only that, but if the clan really needed the help, Ebonyfang still retained all his medical knowledge and could step up at any time to lend a paw. Dawnstar recalled a tom stepping with knowledge stepping in to help train the medicine cats before, he had been a warrior not a medicine cat in rank. She assumed Ebonyfang be helping Badgerscar learn, the doubt his clanmates cast on him was vexing but expected. Her eyes flashed over to Embershadow when he asked a question instead of just giving her a look. Finally, someone with a working maw.

"I am not replacing Bouncepaw with Ebonyfang simply because he's still an apprentice. Ebonyfang never deemed him good enough to give him his full name. I don't care how much medical knowledge he has or experience, with some time and training Badgerscar will acquire the same. You're all acting like the clans have never swapped out a warrior to become a medicine cat before. Apprentices and warriors have learned to become medicine cats countless times before, Ebonyfang was the same once, and now you all rely on him to heal you. Badgerscar will learn just as Ebonyfang did. If he takes his duty as a medicine cat as seriously as he did becoming a warrior then ShadowClan will be more than lucky to have him." Normally Dawnstar wouldn't go this far for one of her cats, but this felt exactly the same when she had been placed as leader of ShadowClan. They still had their doubts about her, nothing she could or would do would ever be enough for them. They reminded her so much of Icestar sometimes. Even though Dawnstar didn't think she's done anything particularly bad to ShadowClan or its members. Although that would change later, if they wanted her to be the bad guy, she'll embrace it.

"He's hunt and fought just as hard for the clan as any of you, he is loyal and has never done anything to harm ShadowClan. Yet you all doubt him without giving him a chance to prove himself simply because he hasn't learned anything yet." She scoffed while shaking her head. She was done with this and them. If they wanted Ebonyfang back so badly or Bouncepaw instead of Badgerscar, both cats were free to speak up, yet neither of them did so that was that.

"Mumblekit, Silverkit, and..." She trailed off staring harshly at Buzzardkit. "You, I'm not sure I want to give you your ceremony, Buzzardkit, you continue to have very annoying outbursts and question me at every turn." It wasn't like she was doing it with respect, no, she was just plain being rude and it really needed to stop. "Wormkit." She meowed, calling to the last kit while giving Buzzardkit a chance to reply.

Silverkit perked her ears slightly and stepped forward, a bit nervous. Dawnstar had always made her feel a bit uncomfortable, and now was no exception. She glanced at the others that were called up.
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Old June 2nd, 2021, 06:01 PM
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Default Re: The Shadowledge

Brackenpaw sat silently in the throng of hissing, whining and chattering cats. Honestly, as long as the Clan had a medicine cat, they were well off. She didn't understand why cats wanted the cranky badger-breath to continue being medicine cat! It wasn't like he was a total sweetheart and didn't act like he had better things to do than rub mashed up leaves onto bloody holes in cat's skin. Not that Badgerscar was any better. Obviously he wasn't expecting that. Eh, karma if she'd ever seen it. He was such a pain in the tail, now he was one of the most powerful cats in the Clan. If she didn't idolized Dawnstar so much, she would doubt the leader's judgment.

Everyone needed to shut up. "Do you question Dawnstar's judgment?" She snarled above the voices that were raised in protest. "Stop whining, it's not like Ebonyfang was the sweetest, most effective medicine cat ever! And he isn't even fighting for the position, just rolling over, showing his belly in defeat. It's what StarClan wants, what Dawnstar orders, and what the Clan needs! Badgerscar will be a fine medicine cat, once he recieves the education required, he won't be a total grump about it, instead of whining like SOME CATS, he'll get the job DONE! That's what you all want, right? Of course, Dawnstar didn't use the proper words, missing the part about StarClan's acceptance and blah blah blah. The ShadowClan leader never struck Brackenpaw as the religious type. But everyone else....

UGH, the morons in this Clan never ceased to piss her off. If Dawnstar thught it was best, then it was law. It was in the warrior code, after all. The leader's word is law. Obviously these cats needed a refresher, but Dawnstar would no doubt give it to them, she wasn't one to miss a good opportunity to make a fool out of some cat.

She glanced at the little kit that stepped forward- Silverkit, she believed. The kit looked like her head was about to be bitten off!

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Last edited by poppy; June 2nd, 2021 at 06:08 PM.
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Old June 2nd, 2021, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: The Shadowledge

Adderflower smirked. Serves the kit right, she didn’t give her a pass for questioning Dawnstar like that. Part of her hoped that Dawnstar would hold Buzzardkit back just so she could see the face he’d make. She chuckled to herself and turned her attention back to Dawnstar. It was quiet generous of her to do an apprentice ceremony after all that.

Finchpaw sat quiet listening to Dawnstar speak, his eyes emotionless.

Sootfeather sat excited. He didn’t care for clan politics but he loved apprentice ceremonies and the leaning chance to be a mentor. His tail swished exitedly and he waited for Dawnstar to continue.
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Last edited by Nostalgia; June 2nd, 2021 at 06:06 PM.
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Old June 2nd, 2021, 06:11 PM
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Eclipsepaw ☾ Open

Yes- yes! The cat he'd been looking for! He was obviously late to the meeting, but he didn't care as he saw Dawnstar perched upon her throne, his eyes barely glittering, but glittering nonetheless. He wanted to come to the front and yowl praise, but he bit back his yowl and dug his claws into the ground to keep him still as the Leader spoke about the Kits, and he sat, looking at Dawnstar still, ignoring the irritation that came from his torn ear.

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Old June 2nd, 2021, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: The Shadowledge

@Undertaker //

buzzardkits ear gave an acknowledging flicker at dawnstars words, turning her head just so she could roll her eyes without being seen. all this slandering ebonyfang! she hadn't talked to the tom, and if she had it was because she had gotten hurt somehow, but her annoyance was starting direct itself at him. an idiot was what he was for not speaking against this! (still very sour, her nose scrunched up in distaste.)

another dumb apprentice was snarling about something and the kit just decided to tune everyone out, until dawnstar spoke up again, feeling the leaders eyes land on her. her mouth fell open for a second, shooting a glare at the other dumb kits (especially wormkit, she did not like the demoted apprentice.)

it took a moment for this to really dawn on her, hurrying over to where the other kits that she did not care about were gathering. "wait! wait! waiiit!" sucking up was not something she would do, but she could not risk her ceremomy being delayed. "don't delay my ceremony! I'll...uhh, I'll never speak out against you again, I promise! I'll even drop off all the prey I hunt in your den, just for you...?" you know, she was getting a tiny bit desperate at this point.

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Old June 2nd, 2021, 08:08 PM
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Cloudheart looked up. He was ready to hear some cats becoming apprentices. That would be good.

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