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Old June 16th, 2024, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

Originally Posted by leopardheart00 View Post

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 20 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
pixelgif by @/SnowheartTC


Brokenstream padded wearily along with his Clanmates, grief clouding his thoughts. His ears twitched as he heard a kit complain about being to tired for the journey. The tom hadn't thought of that. This would be difficult for those too young or too old. Changing his direction towards Sweetsap and her kits, the warrior gave a respectful dip of his head. He didn't know the queen or the kits very well, but they were still Clanmates.

"Hello. My name is Brokenstream. It seems like you have your paws full here." He let out an amused purr. "Would you like some help?"

[ @Wingnettle | @SeonghwasBunnyEars | @Estelle ]
Sweetsap looked up. Her gentle green gaze resting on Brokenstream. "Hello Brokenstream" Sweetsap purred, "I'm Sweetsap, some help would be lovely, I'm a bit weary to lift up both kits, Starrykit here has got someone to carry her already, little Elderkit is bound to go with Starrykit so Softkit's all that's left. If you could carry her that would be a lot of help." Sweetsap purred gently, her tone was very gentle and soothing, a tiny bit a shyness in her tone as she hadn't been approached by many toms before. The only Tom she'd liked was her past mate, the father of little Softkit. "Softkit, this warrior is going to carry you ok? I'll be beside you the whole time, his name is Brokenstream and I promise you, you can trust him" Sweetsap purred gently, nuzzling her kit gently. Sweetsap's pure white pelt lightly flowed as she bent down to lick her kit.

Softkit blinked and looked up to Brokenstream. "Ok mama........ Hi Mr. Brokenstream" Softkit mewed shyly. Her small white paws padding to the warrior and looking up at him with a large tilt of her head. "Are you older than my mama? You look like the same age..." Softkit started to ask questions, but Sweetsap gave a wordless purr and Softkit caught her mothers warning glance.

"If this moment is our wave. Dont' be afraid, face it with more strength"
lio lurked here
hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here

@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN

I love Seonghwa to Mars and back. I love his smile, his laugh, his amazing genderless, sleek style. I love everything about this man and nobody can change my mind. Park Seonghwa my joy I love you <3
Old June 16th, 2024, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 20 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
pixelgif by @/SnowheartTC


Brokenstream's whiskers twitched in amusement at Sweetsap's shy but friendly tone, and the equally shy tone of her kit. For a moment, he felt his pelt grow hot with embarrassment as Softkit questioned him. 'Why should I be embarrassed?' He thought to himself. 'She's only asking my age.' The tom quickly dismissed the thought with a flick of his ear.

"I'm twenty moons old." The RiverClan warrior answered with a purr, casting an amused glance at Sweetsap. "Would you like a badger ride or to be carried by your scruff?"

[ @SeonghwasBunnyEars ]

pixelgifs by @/SnowheartTC
Old June 17th, 2024, 08:14 AM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

Originally Posted by leopardheart00 View Post

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 20 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
pixelgif by @/SnowheartTC


Brokenstream's whiskers twitched in amusement at Sweetsap's shy but friendly tone, and the equally shy tone of her kit. For a moment, he felt his pelt grow hot with embarrassment as Softkit questioned him. 'Why should I be embarrassed?' He thought to himself. 'She's only asking my age.' The tom quickly dismissed the thought with a flick of his ear.

"I'm twenty moons old." The RiverClan warrior answered with a purr, casting an amused glance at Sweetsap. "Would you like a badger ride or to be carried by your scruff?"

[ @SeonghwasBunnyEars ]
Sweetsap watched the interaction. Flicking her ears in embarssment as Softkit mewerd. " My mama's 23 moons old. I'm 3 moons old!" This caused Softkit to get a bit excited, but then shy down as she realized she was being loud. "Sorry... badger ride please." Softkit mewed, becoming shy once again. Sweetsap gave a gentle purr to her kit. "You can be yourself, no need to apologize. Trust me, I was way more hyper than you as a kit. My sister couldn't stand me!" Sweetsap purred, licking Softkit ear as she watched her little kit reach up her paws to try and get on the toms back. Sweetsap watched and made to attempt to help. Her soft white tail around her small paws as she watched. Looking a bit weary but speaking with a bright tone.

Speaking in a gentle tone, so Softkit couldn't hear. Sweetsap meowed. "She needs to learn to problem solve, she'll realize that other cats, - meaning you in this situation - can help her other than me." Sweetsap explained gently, hoping she didn't seem like a bad mom for not helping her kit. Sofftkit just needed to be more independent. Softkit pattered up to Sweetsap and gave a small whimper. "Mama! Help me get on his back please.... I'm to small" Softkit mewed, giving a small pout as Sweetsap shook her head. "Problem solve, what did I teach you yesterday?" Sweetsap meowed. Softkit grumbled something under her breath and shot her mother a glare, immedietly meowed. "Sorry mama..." As Sweetsap caught her glare and narrowed her eyes.

Softkit trotted back to the warrior and glanced once more back at her mother, "Can..... you help me.. get on your back... I'm to short." Softkit mewed, sounding akward and shy.

"If this moment is our wave. Dont' be afraid, face it with more strength"
lio lurked here
hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here

@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN

I love Seonghwa to Mars and back. I love his smile, his laugh, his amazing genderless, sleek style. I love everything about this man and nobody can change my mind. Park Seonghwa my joy I love you <3
Old June 17th, 2024, 10:46 AM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 20 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
pixelgif by @/SnowheartTC


The bengal tom watched quietly as the mother and daughter interacted, light green eyes glittering with interest at Softkit’s energetic personality. ’Her future mentor will certainly have their paws full.’ Brokenstream thought to himself, ears twitching in acknowledgment as the kit asked for a badger ride.

He let out a rumbling purr when she asked for his help, giving Sweetsap a nod of approval as the queen tried to teach her kit about problem solving skills. ”Sure, little lady.” He replied to Softkit, giving Sweetsap an amused wink. ”Climb aboard!” The warrior crouched down so Softkit could climb into his back and shoulders, glancing up at Sweetsap.

”Don’t worry, I’ll keep you all company for the journey. Let me know if you need to rest or are hungry.”

[ @SeonghwasBunnyEars ]

pixelgifs by @/SnowheartTC
Old June 17th, 2024, 11:11 AM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

Duckkit and Fishpaw
3 and 7 moons | she/her she/her | Kit and Apprentice
A journey for the history books

Day 0

Duckkit looked around as the leader said that we were leaving
again, duckkit liked where they were. She sighed. Why cant
we just stay in one place?
She thought to herself. her little
legs can walk. so she doesn't need anyone to carry her. She
follows the group, they walk all day.....

Day 1
The clan set up a spot where grass was to rest for a moment. Duckkit
stopped and rested on a bed of moss where some cats where around.
she didn't mind the cats being here. She just wanted to rest..She knew
they were going to the mountains. That's where they could hopefully
be safe....for now...

Day 2
Duckkit's paws were hurting. She still kept going. until the clan finally
set up another camp. This time she found a ball of moss lying around
that noone was near or playing with. So she played in peace by herself.
then they started walking again so she picked up the ball of moss to bring
with her on the journey as a memory.

Day 3
They walked to their final destination...the mountains, this sure was a journey
to tell to her kids or younger kits when she is older. She saw so much
stuff on this journey, she was proud of herself not having to be helped
any, she also didn't need anyone to stand by. and no one bothered her.
She dropped her ball of moss in her spot she made with some moss....

Day 0
Fishpaw was woken up by their leader announcing that they were
moving. "An adventure! YAY" She yelled being the happy kit
she is. she was excited to go on an adventure. she was the first to
walk out of the abandoned twoleg den to get going. She had her moss
with her at the moment for some emotional support.

Day 1
The kit went over to some kits after camp was set up so we could
rest, She played with the other kits, She made this trip better for
her. She was trying to keep everyone in good spirits! So everyone
could be happy!

Day 2
She walked to a place for herself this time when the camp was
set up. She fell asleep because she was so tired, her paws were
aching badly, but she knew some rest would do the trick for her
little self! She woke up as the clan started moving so she got up
and followed.

Day 3
Fishpaw went over to duckkit and fell asleep beside them because
the journey was fun and hard. She realized they were officially finished,
she was kinda disappointed that they cant keep going, but also relieved.
her little paws couldn't handle anymore....
Old June 17th, 2024, 11:13 AM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

Originally Posted by SeonghwasBunnyEars View Post

Willowpaw looked up at her mentor. Him sharing his thoughts and condolences after her speel of information. "I guess your right.... revenege isn't the way... but I just feel so angry right now I don't know what else to do..." Willowpaw admitted solemly. Giving a gentle sigh she leaned into Stagheart's warm fur. Feeling his tail around her shoulders made her feel safe, comforted. Giving a small mew, Willowpaw said. "It makes me even more saf that Weepingpaw barely feels anything about it... I thought he was just coping but no... he said. "Brightnight was going to die anyways why are you suprised." And it just made me so mad! Because she shouldn't have died! It's not her fault!" Willowpaw exclaimed, almost wailing but holding it in with a shaky sigh.

Willowpaw was about to speak but then suddenly leapt to her paws, alert. A weak but shrill wail came from the medicine den. "Daisykit." Willowpaw whispered, recongizing her sisters tone. Willowpaw looked at the area were Sweetsap, Starrykit, and Elderkit were. Seeing little Softkit go to join them Willowpaw stood rigid. Her eyes fixed on the area Daisykit was in. Within the past few days whenever Willowpaw heard a shreik from her sister, it just made the apprentice feel more and more protective and responsible for the little kit. Tunring ot her mentor she mewed. "Oh... right. Have you seen Daisykit yet? Her pattern is so cute. Shes a light grey like me but she has dark ginger rings along her pelt. You should visit her." Willowpaw mewed, her eyes brightening a small bit as she spoke fondly of her little sibling.

"Now that I think about it..... I'm the oldest sibling out of all the ones I have...." Willowpaw mewed, she seemed to be changing the subject meaningfully, to make herself feel better. "Theres me, then Weepingpaw, then my brother in Windclan Orangepaw, then my sister in Windclan Pumpkinkit, and now Daisykit... and would have been Rootkit but...... y'know" Willowpaw mewed, her brightness dying down a small bit as she mentioned her stillborn sibling. "Rootkit had the same pattern as my mother... he was a ginger-ish brown with a light grey belly... my mom was the same except she had a white belly and some lighter ginger rings along her back and face." Willowpaw mewed gently, she seemed to enjoy talking about her family and there unique features. "I'm a darker grey than the rest of my family. I get it from my father, hes a darker grey... well he was but then his fur started going more black as he got older. Mayhe that'll happen to me to." Willowpaw wondered, seemingly blabbing about her thoughts at this point.

Willowpaw looked to her mentor. Sitting down as she realized she was still standing. "Do you have any siblings? Or.... any family that you look like... or just in general wanna talk about? I feel like I'm talking about myself and ignoring you a little bit. Sorry" Willowpaw meowed gently, her eyes softening up as she looked at her mentor.


very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 2

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 51 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

(sorry for the delay!!)

Stagheart let the apprentice go on, nodding to her words. He could tell she was mainly rambling at this point, but it was endearing — especially considering the alternative was her drowning in despair at nearly all of her family being killed. Besides, he did note the interesting marks of her family's pelts; they certainly stood out, so she had a point there.

When his apprentice turned to him and asked him a direct question, he tilted his head a bit in surprise. Whiskers twitching, he huffed, "There's nothin' to apologize for. This ain't about me at all — you don't gotta worry 'bout it." But he hesitated; she seemed to genuinely want to know. He decided to keep it short and sweet, the best he could muster. Stag wasn't the best at talking about his past, particularly the sensitive parts.

"I, uh... I got no siblings. There weren't too many of us, but they all died durin' birth or shortly after. I'm the only one that made it... somehow," he added quietly. That survivor's guilt still hadn't quite left him entirely. "My Mama, Orchidmoon, died not too long after that from health problems, 'n my father, Wolfheart..." He trailed off, his gaze hardening as he remembered his father. A ruthless, bloodthirsty warrior who harbored trouble and would sometimes steal from other Clans; he was cold and mean to Stagheart during his formative moons, helping shape the warrior's personality.

After the pause, Stagheart muttered, "Well... he died too, when I was just 'round your age. Died fightin' for the Clan." And it wasn't soon enough, he added silently to himself, not wanting his apprentice to hear those dark words. Glancing back at her, he shrugged, wanting to lighten the mood slightly (stars, he wasn't good at this, was he?). "I look a lot like my father did — same markin's 'n all. Got my eyes from my Mama. I still remember her, too... but it's fuzzier than my father's. I was much younger when she passed. But... they're good memories, with her. That's nice to hold onto."

As he spoke, he habitually glanced at the darkening sky, wondering if both of them were really looking down from Silverpelt now. He could only imagine the hissing, spitting words his father would have for the other Clans... well, would he even be in StarClan anyway? Or the Dark Forest? It was hard to guess. Stagheart's eyes clouded a bit in thought, momentarily forgetting that Willowpaw was probably expecting him to talk as he gazed at the starry sky.


small & nimble dark brown she-cat with darker flecks and light, leafy-green eyes | the collector

[ riverclan mc apprentice | she-cat | 9 moons | timid, kind, hardworking ]

Originally Posted by taillow View Post
she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
[ Day 1 - Rest ]
It was obvious the stress on the young medicine cat's shoulders. "For what it's worth, you're doin' a good job." Dusklion wasn't the best when it came to comforting the younger cats. It felt awkward to do so, what with never really knowing what to say or even how to say it. "Not many have what it takes to go what you went through 'n come out the other side still movin'. If there's ever anythin' you need, 'n Mists isn't there, you come to me or Fades, okay? It's gonna take all of us to raise this Clan back up. You'll never be doin' that alone." Hopefully her words offered some comfort as she flashed a half-grin, tail brushing over Cobs side as she spoke.

[ Fadingstar - @occultation ] [ Cobwebpaw - @finley !! - for duskcob traveling together! ] [ Berrypaw - @squidz ]


Berrypaw was pleasantly surprised to hear the deputy's words, cutting through some of the fog in her head. The apprentice dipped her head, feeling her skin get a little warm at the praise. "That... that means a lot, thank you," she replied softly, her voice still shaky but a little stronger this time. It was nice not to be alone... even if she still felt like it inside. Plus, having the support of both the leader and deputy was enough to make Berry feel a little better. She glanced as Dusklion brushed her tail over Cobwebpaw, offering another small smile to her friend. This one was a bit better, the deputy's words actually taking away some of her overarching heaviness, even if just for the moment.

[ @finley !! - for cob mention & since we're talking right in front of her hehe ]
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

Last edited by squidz; June 17th, 2024 at 11:15 AM.
Old June 17th, 2024, 02:00 PM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

Originally Posted by leopardheart00 View Post

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 20 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
pixelgif by @/SnowheartTC


The bengal tom watched quietly as the mother and daughter interacted, light green eyes glittering with interest at Softkit’s energetic personality. ’Her future mentor will certainly have their paws full.’ Brokenstream thought to himself, ears twitching in acknowledgment as the kit asked for a badger ride.

He let out a rumbling purr when she asked for his help, giving Sweetsap a nod of approval as the queen tried to teach her kit about problem solving skills. ”Sure, little lady.” He replied to Softkit, giving Sweetsap an amused wink. ”Climb aboard!” The warrior crouched down so Softkit could climb into his back and shoulders, glancing up at Sweetsap.

”Don’t worry, I’ll keep you all company for the journey. Let me know if you need to rest or are hungry.”

[ @SeonghwasBunnyEars ]
Sweetsap gave a small glance at her kit then looked at the warrior. "If you feel her slip... don't be afraid to be stern and tell her to hang on." Sweetsap mewed gently, accepting his company with a small, grateful flick of her tail and happy gleam in her eye. Watching as Softkit gave a giant purr and climbed on with a small, "Yay!", Sweetsap couldn't help but purr.

"If this moment is our wave. Dont' be afraid, face it with more strength"
lio lurked here
hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here

@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN

I love Seonghwa to Mars and back. I love his smile, his laugh, his amazing genderless, sleek style. I love everything about this man and nobody can change my mind. Park Seonghwa my joy I love you <3
Old June 17th, 2024, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

Originally Posted by squidz View Post


very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 2

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 51 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

(sorry for the delay!!)

Stagheart let the apprentice go on, nodding to her words. He could tell she was mainly rambling at this point, but it was endearing — especially considering the alternative was her drowning in despair at nearly all of her family being killed. Besides, he did note the interesting marks of her family's pelts; they certainly stood out, so she had a point there.

When his apprentice turned to him and asked him a direct question, he tilted his head a bit in surprise. Whiskers twitching, he huffed, "There's nothin' to apologize for. This ain't about me at all — you don't gotta worry 'bout it." But he hesitated; she seemed to genuinely want to know. He decided to keep it short and sweet, the best he could muster. Stag wasn't the best at talking about his past, particularly the sensitive parts.

"I, uh... I got no siblings. There weren't too many of us, but they all died durin' birth or shortly after. I'm the only one that made it... somehow," he added quietly. That survivor's guilt still hadn't quite left him entirely. "My Mama, Orchidmoon, died not too long after that from health problems, 'n my father, Wolfheart..." He trailed off, his gaze hardening as he remembered his father. A ruthless, bloodthirsty warrior who harbored trouble and would sometimes steal from other Clans; he was cold and mean to Stagheart during his formative moons, helping shape the warrior's personality.

After the pause, Stagheart muttered, "Well... he died too, when I was just 'round your age. Died fightin' for the Clan." And it wasn't soon enough, he added silently to himself, not wanting his apprentice to hear those dark words. Glancing back at her, he shrugged, wanting to lighten the mood slightly (stars, he wasn't good at this, was he?). "I look a lot like my father did — same markin's 'n all. Got my eyes from my Mama. I still remember her, too... but it's fuzzier than my father's. I was much younger when she passed. But... they're good memories, with her. That's nice to hold onto."

As he spoke, he habitually glanced at the darkening sky, wondering if both of them were really looking down from Silverpelt now. He could only imagine the hissing, spitting words his father would have for the other Clans... well, would he even be in StarClan anyway? Or the Dark Forest? It was hard to guess. Stagheart's eyes clouded a bit in thought, momentarily forgetting that Willowpaw was probably expecting him to talk as he gazed at the starry sky.


small & nimble dark brown she-cat with darker flecks and light, leafy-green eyes | the collector

[ riverclan mc apprentice | she-cat | 9 moons | timid, kind, hardworking ]


Berrypaw was pleasantly surprised to hear the deputy's words, cutting through some of the fog in her head. The apprentice dipped her head, feeling her skin get a little warm at the praise. "That... that means a lot, thank you," she replied softly, her voice still shaky but a little stronger this time. It was nice not to be alone... even if she still felt like it inside. Plus, having the support of both the leader and deputy was enough to make Berry feel a little better. She glanced as Dusklion brushed her tail over Cobwebpaw, offering another small smile to her friend. This one was a bit better, the deputy's words actually taking away some of her overarching heaviness, even if just for the moment.

[ @finley !! - for cob mention & since we're talking right in front of her hehe ]
Willowpaw looked at her mentor as he spoke about his family, caught off guard by her mentors suddenly uncomfortable look. "I'm sorry." Willowpaw whispered, "I can't imagine losing my mom that young... I don't really know how to comfort you other than..... uhm... I'm sure she's watching you, proudly, from Starclan." Willowpaw mewed, "You are a great warrior.... not only are you my mentor your my role model." Willowpaw meowed gently, "I know it sounds cheesy but you really do a lot for me and I feel kinda bad for not being able to make it up.... but I do have a small.. request... actually it's not small at all, it's a big request.. but are you willing to listen?" Willowpaw asked, suddenly a bit nervous.

"If this moment is our wave. Dont' be afraid, face it with more strength"
lio lurked here
hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here

@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN

I love Seonghwa to Mars and back. I love his smile, his laugh, his amazing genderless, sleek style. I love everything about this man and nobody can change my mind. Park Seonghwa my joy I love you <3
Old June 17th, 2024, 02:14 PM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

It was day three and Adderpaw was at her wits end. It seemed like the other cats had forgotten about her but maybe that was just because she couldn't pull herself to speak at all. It seemed like it was words that you needed to use to remind cats that you existed. It had been three days and Adderpaw couldn't get any meaningful sleep as nightmares haunted the young cat. Her body was so tired, so very tired as she forced it to keep walking. She needed to be strong and always seem strong to everyone around her. She needed them not to worry about her. What would be the point of being the strongest warrior if everyone had to fret over you?

Then they were finally at location. Adderpaw couldn't process where they were very well but seeing now that everyone was calling this home for now, she collapsed. The young apprentice was using all her strength to not fall behind and have everyone worry over her, but she could give up now. Was this a good spot to try and get some sleep? She wasn't sure, only thing she knew was it didn't hurt to lay here and that was fine with her for now.

Old June 18th, 2024, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: A Journey for the History Books (RiverClan Journey to the Mountains)

Originally Posted by SeonghwasBunnyEars View Post

Willowpaw looked at her mentor as he spoke about his family, caught off guard by her mentors suddenly uncomfortable look. "I'm sorry." Willowpaw whispered, "I can't imagine losing my mom that young... I don't really know how to comfort you other than..... uhm... I'm sure she's watching you, proudly, from Starclan." Willowpaw mewed, "You are a great warrior.... not only are you my mentor your my role model." Willowpaw meowed gently, "I know it sounds cheesy but you really do a lot for me and I feel kinda bad for not being able to make it up.... but I do have a small.. request... actually it's not small at all, it's a big request.. but are you willing to listen?" Willowpaw asked, suddenly a bit nervous.


very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 2 | just a scratch

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 51 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

Stagheart was slightly amused by Willowpaw's attempt to comfort him while admitting not knowing how; he could certainly relate to that. "It's alright... it was a long time ago now. Wounds heal, even if they leave a scar, y'know?" He hoped that made sense. He shifted his paws, slightly uncomfortable with having to dwell on grief and condolences for too long. It wasn't often that he dwelled on the past, and for good reason, in his mind.

Hearing how much his apprentice looked up to him made Stagheart's ears perk up slightly. Role model...? "Huh... well, I ain't sure I'm fit to be somecat's role model," he admitted slowly, "but... that's nice to hear. I hope I can make a good impression for ya, kid. You're shapin' up just fine." Despite his humility, one could see the faint twinkle in his eye at the praise, even if he couldn't fully believe it.

Then she asked for a request. Slightly tilting his head in curiosity, the large tom shrugged. "Ya ain't gotta make up nothin' to me. But sure... let's hear it." As much as he was tired from all the struggles these past few days, he knew he had a hard time saying no to Willowpaw. Especially with what she'd just been through.
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

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