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Old July 4th, 2024, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

31 moons || he/him || Atari Claw
grey classic tabby w/ flecks of tan, high white and moderate scaring; brown eyes

[ Merlin rolled: 9 ]

It seemed his opponent had seen him coming and managed to step out of the way just in time. Hm, frustrating. Even more so, was that as he swung around to face them, claws connected with his face, catching on his nose and on his upper lip. It wasn’t enough to tear his muzzle in two, but it was enough. The Claw takes the hit through gritted teeth as the part of his brain that’s used to thinking shut off - focused only on what’s in front of him right now.

He won’t waste time on dialogue, there’s no point to that when there’s nothing to talk about. Surging forward again, Merlin attempts to bat hard at his opponent’s shoulder, trying to know them over. He makes no attempts to stay in this cat’s blind side, he has no doubts the injury is old and the molly would have long since learned to work around it.

[ @Marigoldwhisper - owltalon ]
Old July 4th, 2024, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Bluebird - she/her - The Atari

No. An invasion?? An ambush?? Whatever it was, there was no way. 'all Claws, Trappers, and Initiates who know how to rip an ear off' Darn!! Her pelt bristled to the point she could be mistaken for a hedgehog. The mere idea of staying here stuck fear into her heart. Surely Saturn wouldn't mind if she followed along... Riiiiight? Plus, she could definitly rip an ear off if she put her mind to it. She was a teeny bit torn though. It was important for her to take her role seriously, but... There's enough keepers, whatever! Springing up to her paws, she chased after the group. Her brief spiral of worries had slowed her down, but no matter; She'd be there soon.

She tailed them, paws thundering against the ground. The chase was short lived. The group had... Stopped? She tip toed around the back, attempting to get a good look at what was happening, but there was no avail. A quiet sigh escaped her lips. Now to wait, she supposed. But it didn't take too long. Soon Saturn was questioning the strange group, who, by the way, absolutely stank. She couldn't quite place it, but it seemed like some weird kind of prey. She wanted to gag. She already hated these clowns. .. - Taking territory just to send a message?? They had to be crazy. There had to actually be something wrong, this - this couldn't even be real, surely?!? She hissed, eagerly awaiting a battle call. Brief worry crossed her face as she remembered how little she'd trained, but she brushed it off. This is Atari territory, the spirits would keep her covered.

When the call came, she was more than ready. She darted through the crowd - "c'mere, stink breaths!!" She yowled, "see what happens when you mess with The Atari!"
[open!! just please don't injure her too badly please (she's very weak in battle) <3 ]
Old July 4th, 2024, 02:19 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by stag View Post


The Claw was allowed to join the hunt. Claws clinging to the ground below her as she descended the hillside of The Crag and entered the battlefield completely. Pupils twist their rounded shape into thin slits. She would be the one would slaughter this one. “Cut the act, your words do nothing but make your group look worse. But before I tear out chunks of your throat one by one, do you also have two names like that “Fading Star” lad? I hope to make this interaction swift so do not bore me with the details” Sunset chuckles loudly, not waiting for a response before throwing herself at the cat with full force. Teeth aiming for their throat, but if that failed…a shoulder would be good enough. If she gets control of their leg she could shatter the bone like the prey she hunted before this battle. Words once more leaving her maw with a cheerful tone, “I’m normally not allowed to play with my foes but you aren’t even considered an enemy…you are simply prey…
"...M-My name? Crowglow- same two worded style.." Crowglow squeaked in response, ducking to avoid the attack. His ear got torn by the attack.
(Crowglow is just trying to be harmless, why you hurt him?!)
Skyfall had just arrived and quickly looked at his apprentice."get back to camp, Moonpaw. I've got to handle this." He meowed softly before rushing out into battle. "STARCLAN, GUIDE MY CLAWS!" He yowled as he attempted to pounce on the fleabag threatening his best friend.
Old July 4th, 2024, 02:22 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by sleepyyjax View Post
Bluebird - she/her - The Atari

No. An invasion?? An ambush?? Whatever it was, there was no way. 'all Claws, Trappers, and Initiates who know how to rip an ear off' Darn!! Her pelt bristled to the point she could be mistaken for a hedgehog. The mere idea of staying here stuck fear into her heart. Surely Saturn wouldn't mind if she followed along... Riiiiight? Plus, she could definitly rip an ear off if she put her mind to it. She was a teeny bit torn though. It was important for her to take her role seriously, but... There's enough keepers, whatever! Springing up to her paws, she chased after the group. Her brief spiral of worries had slowed her down, but no matter; She'd be there soon.

She tailed them, paws thundering against the ground. The chase was short lived. The group had... Stopped? She tip toed around the back, attempting to get a good look at what was happening, but there was no avail. A quiet sigh escaped her lips. Now to wait, she supposed. But it didn't take too long. Soon Saturn was questioning the strange group, who, by the way, absolutely stank. She couldn't quite place it, but it seemed like some weird kind of prey. She wanted to gag. She already hated these clowns. .. - Taking territory just to send a message?? They had to be crazy. There had to actually be something wrong, this - this couldn't even be real, surely?!? She hissed, eagerly awaiting a battle call. Brief worry crossed her face as she remembered how little she'd trained, but she brushed it off. This is Atari territory, the spirits would keep her covered.

When the call came, she was more than ready. She darted through the crowd - "c'mere, stink breaths!!" She yowled, "see what happens when you mess with The Atari!"
[open!! just please don't injure her too badly please (she's very weak in battle) <3 ]
Something small suddenly zipped past and tried to fling itself at Bluebird's head. A small apprentice, at least half her size, with a black and white night sky patterned pelt, stood confidently in front of her.
"I suggest you leave, ma'am. This may get very grisly and I do not want to be forced to hurt you." The apprentice calmly meowed, trying to show harmlessness. "However, if you attack me I will not hesitate to fight back." She then warned, eyes quickly becoming slits as she seemed to almost glare into the soul of the cat in front of her. But it wasn't that intimidating since her nose was literally constantly running like a river (ironically enough)
Old July 4th, 2024, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by Goopysharkboi View Post
"...M-My name? Crowglow- same two worded style.." Crowglow squeaked in response, ducking to avoid the attack. His ear got torn by the attack.
(Crowglow is just trying to be harmless, why you hurt him?!)
Skyfall had just arrived and quickly looked at his apprentice."get back to camp, Moonpaw. I've got to handle this." He meowed softly before rushing out into battle. "STARCLAN, GUIDE MY CLAWS!" He yowled as he attempted to pounce on the fleabag threatening his best friend.


The Claw was being rudely interrupted. She managed to fit the lad. So she was right…they had two names like their Crown. “Crow Glow was it….? I’ll be sure to remember that when I tear your legs from your body.” Sunset aims to sink her teeth into the cats front right leg, which she would’ve pursued further if another of the intruder’s didn’t scream in her ear. The Claw recoils, stopping her attack as she jumps back. Dodging the loud one’s attack. “Your group is too kind, you give and give…more for me to slaughter. You dare invade our territory and claim we are the aggressors?” She laughs once more.

Surging forwards to her new target, the one that tried to pounce onto her. Outstretched her claws, once again aiming for the cat. She would see if her claws dig into the cat’s right side flesh. If this landed, Sunset shoved her open maw on the back leg, she wished to shred it.

✰ [ hunting kat and dark in leafí’s basement ] ✰
secrets you bury deep within the sand
like truth trapped in the night
the fears behind your eyes

Old July 4th, 2024, 02:57 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by stag View Post


The Claw was being rudely interrupted. She managed to fit the lad. So she was right…they had two names like their Crown. “Crow Glow was it….? I’ll be sure to remember that when I tear your legs from your body.” Sunset aims to sink her teeth into the cats front right leg, which she would’ve pursued further if another of the intruder’s didn’t scream in her ear. The Claw recoils, stopping her attack as she jumps back. Dodging the loud one’s attack. “Your group is too kind, you give and give…more for me to slaughter. You dare invade our territory and claim we are the aggressors?” She laughs once more.

Surging forwards to her new target, the one that tried to pounce onto her. Outstretched her claws, once again aiming for the cat. She would see if her claws dig into the cat’s right side flesh. If this landed, Sunset shoved her open maw on the back leg, she wished to shred it.
Skyfall let out a sharp yowl of pain as the sharp fangs of his pal's assailant sank deep into his leg. "OKAY OKAY I GET IT! CALM DOWN, LADY!" He hissed at her, aiming his now-unsheathed claws at the cat's face. "I don't wanna lose a leg!" He then yowled.

"SKYFALL!!" Crowglow panicked and quickly aimed to claw at the flanks of Sunset to save his friend.
Old July 4th, 2024, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by Goopysharkboi View Post
Something small suddenly zipped past and tried to fling itself at Bluebird's head. A small apprentice, at least half her size, with a black and white night sky patterned pelt, stood confidently in front of her.
"I suggest you leave, ma'am. This may get very grisly and I do not want to be forced to hurt you." The apprentice calmly meowed, trying to show harmlessness. "However, if you attack me I will not hesitate to fight back." She then warned, eyes quickly becoming slits as she seemed to almost glare into the soul of the cat in front of her. But it wasn't that intimidating since her nose was literally constantly running like a river (ironically enough)

Bluebird - she/her - The Atari

Her darting around was quickly interupted as something flew straight past her - what on earth?! Blinking quickly, she flicked her head around, trying to spot the culprit - until she realised the cat was right infront of her. Spirits above! she could have mistaken her for a bee! That said, the cat had quite the glare...

She hissed, stepping backward. "FORCED to hurt me??" The she cat sniffed - "You're on our territory. I'm not sure why you think you're being forced to do anything." She crouched low to the floor, ready to pounce "but if it's a fight you're looking for..."

Last edited by sleepyyjax; July 4th, 2024 at 03:11 PM. Reason: forgot my header lol
Old July 4th, 2024, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by sleepyyjax View Post

Her darting around was quickly interupted as something flew straight past her - what on earth?! Blinking quickly, she flicked her head around, trying to spot the culprit - until she realised the cat was right infront of her. Spirits above! she could have mistaken her for a bee! That said, the cat had quite the glare...

She hissed, stepping backward. "FORCED to hurt me??" The she cat sniffed - "You're on our territory. I'm not sure why you think you're being forced to do anything." She crouched low to the floor, ready to pounce "but if it's a fight you're looking for..."
Moonpaw took a single step back, crouching low as well. Her claws slid smoothly out like crescents, a low rumbling growl starting to build up. "... I don't want a fight. But if you attack me I will take it as a sign of hostility. Oh, I should probably introduce myself so that if you do attack me you can come up with creative ways to insult me. I'm Moonpaw of RiverClan, apprentice to Skyfall and future warrior who will be as strong as can be in battle." She meowed gently, showing she didn't want to fight. Her tail swished as she kept her distance. "...I really don't want to fight. I haven't even had battle training and am disobeying my mentor by being here. Maybe if later you'd like to chat I can explain how the clans use names and their culture?" She offered with a small head tilt.
Old July 4th, 2024, 03:34 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by SeonghwaBerry View Post

Willowtail licked Berrypaw's ear gently and padded away to the warriors.


Willowtail saw her former mentors nod and gave a gentle, comforting (hopefully) smile. Willowtail placed her long tail along Stagheart's own tail, twining it for a moment and giving him a reassuring look, "Were going to be fine. Were Riverclan. If there not absolute frog-brains they'll leave us alone." Willowtail purred gently, her eyes filled with fear of the upcoming battle, fear for herself, fear for her clanmates. Fear for Stagheart.

Willowtail looked into Stagheart's eyes, sighing gently, placing her head on his shoulder to comfort herself as well as attempt to comfort him, her now normal gesture lasted a bit longer than usual. Willowtail tried her best to keep her whiskers from trembling in fear of the uncertain destiny ahead. Willowtail lifted her head and sat down, murmuring gently under her breath, "We'll come back... we have to.. Were Riverclan not these mangy rouges... try and stop us and they'll feel our claws. We can do it..." Willowtail growled, her blue hues showing determination which battled the fear. Turning to Stagheart she meowed, "Is it normal to be this freakin terrified? I feel like I'm going to shake out of my fur and my whiskers are gonna fall off.... holy crap my heart is racing." Willowtail admitted, "And... I'm afraid if we fight I'll end up hurting them way worse than needed.... I feel like if I get to mad then I'll take out my grief on them and......." Kill someone.

Willowtail didn't finish her words, hoping Stagheart got the message at her words. "I'm scared not only for us but for them.... and... and what if they have no heart? What if they hurt Berrypaw? Or come raid our camp once were weak and hurt Daisykit? Or Softkit? Sweetsap can't fight.... shes a new mother and injured from the previous battle."Taking a shaky deep breath Willowtail exclaimed. "Hell were all still hurt from the battle! I've got a healing wound and I didn't even fight in it!" Willowtail feared, her meows turning into mini wails of distress. All the memories of her mother's dead body and her uncles mangled and broken corpse rushed back into her mind. Willowtail's breathing got heavy and her fur fluffed up as she looked at the ground. "I don't want more cats to die what if this goes completely south?" Willowtail growled, her growl (which showed her fear as she was sure Stagheart had never heard anything but her meow and purrs.) showed her immense and deepining fear.

(<333333333333333 Had to add some angst bc we stan traumatized cats/j)

Originally Posted by SeonghwaBerry View Post

Willowtail's ears flicked upwards (Alright!) Dodging to the side and slashing out her claws at the cat flying past, hopefullyt they made there mark. Snarling furiously Willowtail stood her ground against the way larger cat. Baring her teeth she bushed her fur up, her lemur long tail flicked upwards. Willowtail hadn't realized until now, the cats claws had left a nasty mark in her shoulder, snarling Willowtail leapt, attempting to wring her tail around the cats neck as she attempted to cling onto his back and claw down his spine. With willowtail's small paws digging into the tom's spine, it should deal quick but deep blows.

@squidz u know what to do bestie

Originally Posted by poppy View Post

His claws met flesh, and he let out a soft grunt of confusion as the cat seemed to try to... wrap her tail around his neck? Uh. Kay. Letting out a primal hiss as her claws dug into his back, the royal reared back, attempting to throw her off and then twisted around, trying to slam his paws into her shoulders and pin her to the ground. Due to his large size and strength, if he got her pinned hopefully he'd be able to do some damage. As apart of the Crown family, he had a reputation to uphold and this cat wouldn't be the one to destroy that.


very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 2 | just a scratch

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 52 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

Stagheart tried to calm Willowtail down, eyes darting between the growing tensions as his former apprentice's voice rose. He was just about to respond to her when the Atari's leader waved her tail... and all chaos broke loose.

Stag was just about to lunge for that golden tabby he'd had his eyes on when he saw some Atari barrel into Willowtail. At one he whirled around, blue eyes igniting into a blaze when he watched the cat score their claws along his adoptive daughter.

"Y'picked the wrong fight, fish-brain," he hissed viciously, lunging for Mars and trying to barrel him over. The other tom was large too, he noticed — but he hoped to catch him by surprise, his rage building up, swiping his claws at the cat's face.

[ sorry for short post - short on time today hehe. lmk if i missed anything ]
[ @poppy - Mars | @SeonghwaBerry - Willowtail | @ophelia - feel free to have your kitty interrupt this and drag stag away if you want, anything like that hehe ]
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

Old July 4th, 2024, 03:49 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by poppy View Post

His claws met flesh, and he let out a soft grunt of confusion as the cat seemed to try to... wrap her tail around his neck? Uh. Kay. Letting out a primal hiss as her claws dug into his back, the royal reared back, attempting to throw her off and then twisted around, trying to slam his paws into her shoulders and pin her to the ground. Due to his large size and strength, if he got her pinned hopefully he'd be able to do some damage. As apart of the Crown family, he had a reputation to uphold and this cat wouldn't be the one to destroy that.
Willowtail felt the cat rearing backwards, digging her claws in harder she bit down harshly on the toms scruff in a sudden chance of imobilizing him, in her attempt she tried to start scoring her claws along his side while he was hopefully at least a little limp. Willowtail felt the Tom twist around and her claws get torn off, letting go she felt strong paws dig into her shoulders and pin her, Screeching, Willowtail went limp. Hopefully she felt the toms grip losen in his stage. If not then Willowtail would use her small body and limpness to suddenly shoot her body down from under her apponinet and into Stagheart's claws.


"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever"
- Park Seonghwa
lio lurked here
hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here

]@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN

Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3
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